The Continued Decline of Overwatch 2 | Asmongold Reacts to The Act Man

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oh man what's up everybody this is the act man here and today is the day that's bright we have finally gotten a long-awaited update on OverWatch 2's PVE mode who's excited the most highly anticipated who's ready that unfortunately had to be delayed yeah yeah saw back in 2019 but it's coming more balls off Not only would OverWatch it's gonna be finally he's getting some story driven content but also a separate progression system and a talent tree for every single year there's so much creativity behind it oh my God abilities like May turning into a snowball or Soldier 76 being able to to move with the healing field and on top of this blizzard was boasting that they were making hundreds of missions endless replayability providing a high top tier level of quality that blizzard used to be known for yeah story the release of OverWatch 2 was very underwhelming I called it the laziest sequel ever but now that blizzard is and then you know what I defended it again I wanna I I I can't stop [ __ ] I can't stop talking about the fact that like I was so like on board with like blizzard wants to delay it it's okay it's okay because it's gonna be coming guys just relax just stay calm everything's gonna be fine guys everything's gonna be okay no no no they're not they're not no they're not gonna just you know cancel the game that's not gonna happen wiping their ass with the millions of Benjamin Franklin bills they earned from Diablo Immortal micro transactions oh I remember that Lee here an update on OverWatch 2's PVE OverWatch 2's PVE hero mode is being scrapped oh our expectations for you were low but holy [ __ ] what happened where's the [ __ ] game well what happened where's the [ __ ] camp that's a really good question isn't it there's no game here yeah what happened did the programmers pass out this pretty much confirms to me that the only reason OverWatch 2 was released at all was to change the business model get rid of loot boxes add in a shitty battle pass and sell Cosmetics for twenty dollars beyond that I can only imagine OverWatch 2 launched with three new Heroes but they had to take two pre-existing Heroes out because of new bugs that were introduced yeah they uh whenever the game came out I heard that OverWatch 2 uh locked Bastion and they wouldn't let me play them because they didn't want me to make everybody else quit the game because I was so good with them at lunch players noticed that several classic Maps had been removed for seemingly no reason yeah only to be added back later yeah why was OverWatch 2 not launching with a PVE mode why was it taking out pre-existing content then remember remember whenever I was like guys it doesn't matter it doesn't matter see that it doesn't matter like it's gonna come out soon it's just like it's early access bro it's gonna be so good man it's gonna be so fun had no issues the only thing that made OverWatch 2 worthy of being called OverWatch yeah yeah was the upcoming PVE mode which exactly like that's why like if they had re-released OverWatch 2 and it was just like we're re-releasing the same game and it's well okay so it's basically like this okay so it is the same game but okay all right all right let's go ahead and step back for a minute like if they had done that I probably wouldn't have even played it at all blade and is now completely canceled so what the hell was the point what was the point in any of this we are shifting our plan for OverWatch to to enable you to play it sooner this starts with us decoupling the PVP features of the game from the PVE systems so we can bring you PVP sooner God bro I probably should go and look at what my reaction to that announcement was because I was probably like oh dude thank God now we can play the game earlier that's gonna be great [ __ ] are you talking about why why do you want to get the game into my hands sooner can you maybe put a better game in my hands at a later date when it's ready this is what I don't get why was there a rush to release the PVP content you only added three new Heroes and all the other changes were so minimal hell back in 2022 Aaron Keller said a few years ago we made the call to focus our team's development efforts almost entirely on OverWatch 2 and as development of the sequel stretched on it meant that the live game received less Focus yeah he explained this meant that the company was no longer delivering on one of its core values to support the game by updating it and delivering content on a regular basis so they abandoned OverWatch one to work on the sequel something that they regret doing yeah they abandoned the game to work on the game that they abandoned it doesn't sound too good when you say it that way huh but obviously game development is hard and all that and sometimes yeah there's been a change of plans but come on man what have you guys been working on this entire time how could you advertise OverWatch 2 and make this mode one of the biggest focal points and then just abandon it it seems real it wasn't the biggest one of the biggest focal points it was the biggest focal point and the main selling point of the game it's like for example if World of Warcraft came out and in Mr Pandaria they announced like maybe a week before the expansion comes out guys look oh god look look all right making a game is hard and so whenever the expansion comes out you're you're not gonna go to Pandaria okay like you're still be able to level up to it's a 90s sure sure but like you're not gonna like there's not gonna be a new Zone like there's not gonna be a Pandaria like there's just gonna be like the expansion but there's no Panther yet part of it is this [ __ ] looked really fun everyone had their [ __ ] to talk about yeah OverWatch 2 not being a sequel but everybody for the PVE yeah to be fair they also announced a new road map which is kind of meant to soften the blow right so it looks like there's gonna be a ton of people this looks like a [ __ ] phone game like I'm gonna be real this [ __ ] looks like a straight up phone game OverWatch limited time events story missions like well I just I think that they just completely completely overshot this I would come back and play OverWatch for a big PVE update I would but like I'm not gonna come back and buy a battle pass to play a PVE mode that takes 15 minutes or an hour I'm just not gonna do it button so at the very least PVE is dying so that PVP can continue to thrive so let's talk about OverWatch 2 and the continued decline of Blizzard because uh some of the reasons why they canceled this mode are quite interesting obviously this is a huge blow and they say they're still working on hero and story missions which is you know it's gonna be something I don't expect it to be all that great to be honest you know they're working on story content stuff that people have been asking for since the game came out in like 2016. there's a guy named sir swag who is a pretty credible source and he talked to an anonymous blizzard employee about why the mode was canceled in what might be the most unsurprising I don't really put a lot of weight on this kind of stuff I remember I made a video about like the real reason why OverWatch was canceled and then somebody that used to work at blizzard that I trust is like yeah it's [ __ ] no that's not what happened so yeah I mean uh I think in the entire world the very first thing he said was that the cancellation was quote a one thousand percent upper management executive issue in the words of this employee the decision to scrap the PVE was very much a decision motivated by Blizzard's profit margins okay you don't say you don't say and that the success of Diablo on mobile reportedly making over two million dollars a day shifted the expectations of the higher-ups of the company so what we're saying here is that OverWatch mobile is coming out very soon it's a hero Auto Battle or a gotcha system dudes OverWatch 2's PVE mode wasn't going to OverWatch star rail long term and had become increasingly more irrelevant next to a live service business model mm-hmm did I call this or what live service has become the biggest killer of creativity in the industry by far game development seems to have shifted towards being results driven as opposed to fun driven I called this out in my video on live service games and why it's a graveyard for creativity Why Live service business models throttle creativity because every decision is now made with make more money make them I actually like I love live service games and I am a big live service games fan but I think that in terms of create of killing creativity I think that he's right and I think the same thing has happened with like movies and series like how many movies like series of movies or series it's like they're obvious they're just making another one for no reason like nobody asked for Zoolander too we didn't need that Fast and the Furious 10. I didn't know your money um we could really take the gloves off and do crazy things like junkrat can do wheeled great launchers and have mercy be able to area effect res their whole team at once at super long range through walls it's been a ton of fun kind of like mad scientists making all this stuff yeah well not anymore you're not if this is to be believed yes the reason the mode was canceled money because they saw how much money Diablo Immortal was making and they were continuing to pour resources and development time into this mode that probably would have kicked some serious ass but but Mighty but you need more money God oh God yeah uh Ludacris said they're gonna keep making Fast and Furious because they make hundreds of millions of dollars so why wouldn't they yep that's about right where's the money you like that that feels good even if OverWatch 2 didn't make two million dollars a day don't you think this big ass PVE mode would draw in a bunch of players new and old and if they yeah I think that that's one thing that blizzard doesn't really do as much that they used to a lot is that like blizzard used to have really really good games and because they had really really good games people would forgive a a [ __ ] up they wouldn't really care like Heroes of the Storm came out oh it wasn't good okay who cares and like they they even canceled like this canceled Starcraft ghost nobody cared about that who gives a [ __ ] because there were other good games but it's like you can't like it's like Square Enix does it the right way okay they've got these garbage [ __ ] cash grab nft trash games that have gambling mechanics and they [ __ ] suck but God damn it Final Fantasy 16 is looking really really good so Square Enix is great see because they know that you just you just have to win every once in a while and that's all it needs to be I believe Diablo 4 will bring in the money Diablo 4 could be their final fantasy 16 or Final Fantasy 14. I don't know I will say and I I've got to be honest guys blizzard has been very receptive to feedback with Diablo 4. really enjoyed it and they would spend more money on the game don't be fooled we'll see that's not how modern gaming what do I know all right so I'm gonna put my headphones on and uh we're gonna watch this this video uh tweeting about a road map saying it's coming mid-may uh it's been I've been on my timeline a lot I do have an update we're gonna run through the roadmap today uh we're gonna talk about what's coming in future Seasons uh we're gonna talk a bit about uh PVE this is the reason why they have the road map it also coupled with this announcement that they're cutting PVE is specifically to soften the blow in case you were wondering it's a uh it's a little PR tactic so yeah it's like they don't want to just they don't want to just like come on and be like yeah guys nothing's gonna happen they want to say guys something different is going to happen of course we had a difficult choice to make we could continue working on our original vision for OverWatch too without a definitive end date or change our strategy and get something in front of players sooner we could continue making the game that we [ __ ] marketed or we could say screw it and just put out the laziest possible product yeah a pretty easy choice for old blizzard we chose the latter and we released OverWatch to last October with new Heroes new maps new modes and regular seasonal updates and also new glitches a great new feature that removed Bastion in May from the game for what like a [ __ ] month or three weeks it was like three weeks at the beginning of the game like it was pretty bad but I didn't like May so I didn't complain about it that much yeah I always thought that may sucked remember how she could freeze you in the first game I hated that [ __ ] [ __ ] so annoying more than that we shifted our values for how we want to develop the game you sure did shift your values by starting to charge people what 20 bucks for skins charging them like four times what the skin was previously worth in the original game what was that stat about like it would take you seven like I don't even like I'm gonna be real I don't give a [ __ ] about the skin prices like I just care about the content and I'm sad that we're not going to get the content like what do you think I can't give a [ __ ] like you make a skin a hundred dollars like who gives a [ __ ] to me like I it's like none of this [ __ ] matters it's just [ __ ] pay to win look cool oh wow I'm a special boy because I gave the company thirty dollars who actually cares about this but like we're not getting the game million or take no it's not a million or take I usually I have a bunch of these skins and it like oh we'll get my OverWatch like I I for I played fortnite since 2018 I've spent zero dollars on it I've got none I've got no skins in any of these [ __ ] games do you know why because I don't care 112 years to get the amount of credits necessary to unlock all the cosmetics in the game without paying for them it was some ridiculous stat like that yes your values did shifted you became more greedy and you became a shittier company yeah and I really can't say enough about how much we've learned over the past eight months or so and more importantly we've taken that I've learned a lot for them so it's really a season two I think you start seeing some some updates we've made based on your feedback and based on what we've learned um we've been changing all of our systems we've been adjusting hero balance way more frequently and these are good changes I'm not gonna lie these they have been making good changes to the PVP I think it's been getting a lot better and the game is still very much fun I still enjoy it I'd enjoy it more if there was a you know big PVE mode but that's just me but at the same time development on the PVE experience I feel like OverWatch is a game that you play for like eight hours every single day for five days and then you don't play it for three years like that's kind of that's like my vibe of the game because like you you play it a lot and then like it's it's it doesn't really feel dynamic in the same way that like war zone or like fortnite feels Dynamic to me I don't know what it is yeah fastest burn okay yeah because it's just like you're just doing the same thing over and over it's really hasn't made the progress that we would have hoped the team has created a bunch of amazing content so you know there's awesome missions that are really exciting there's brand new enemies that um are super fun to fight uh and some truly great uh and ridiculous hero talents but unfortunately the effort required to pull all of that together into a blizzard quality experience that we can ship to you is huge and there really is no end in sight this is probably the most confusing thing to me out of all of this there is no end date uh the amount of effort it would take to to create this mode that we advertised is massive you're [ __ ] candy you don't even know what it is Blizzard you have like 8 000 people working for your company what do you mean you're the company that made world of [ __ ] Warcraft in the Diablo series both games world renowned for their progression systems and their talent trees and World of Warcraft just hired a hundred people onto their team remember that whenever they acquired I think it was like spell break Studios or some [ __ ] like that yeah they are they acquired a hundred [ __ ] people and it shows like Warcraft gets content constantly and their deep customization it's you they made what okay what did you just lose all your talent would you just stop caring we don't have a good dating site we'll create one reel back those Ambitions you don't need hundreds of missions when the PVE mode comes out you don't need expansive talent trees for every champion at launch yeah true okay just give us something would it have been too hard to give us like 20 missions and like half the roster has has their talent trees all set up yes that would be too much but unfortunately the effort yeah they could have given us half of them and then waited till the other half and called that OverWatch three yeah they really missed a uh missed an opportunity here required to pull all of that together into a blizzard quality experience that we can ship to you is huge I also love the statement blizzard quality because Diablo Immortal exists that's a blizzard quality game isn't it yes slot machine simulator that's a blizzard quality game OverWatch 2 at launch was a blizzard quality game God damn it do we continue to I think that Diablo Immortal didn't play that badly but it just wasn't very good like as a PC Gamer I just can't see a a world where I would play this game regularly the game is broken for me yeah well it's not even about it being paid to win like I stopped playing Diablo Immortal because it was bad the I remember I did a boss fight and I got hit by something that I wasn't in and I just quit the game like I just okay this is stupid like I don't want to play this it's this is dumb but other than that like the campaign and everything for Diablo Immortal was was quite well designed I mean I guess for a phone game it's good I don't know I don't play a lot of fun I don't have any phone the only phone game I have is Twitter okay or all that effort into PVE um uh hoping that we can land it at some point the future um yes yes yes with this set of values that we've aligned on and and focus on the live game and focus on serving all of you also focus on the live game this is the Crux here okay and it kind of Falls in line with what sir swag said a PVE mode is it's not part of the live service necessarily at least that's what I'm gathering what that means is that we won't be delivering that dedicated hero mode metallic trees that long-term power progression uh those things just aren't in our plans anymore [ __ ] that oh man it would have been so awesome dude because there are so few good co-op shooter games like I always go back to Left 4 Dead 2 back for blood kind of sucked ass redfall has sucked ass and maybe Borderlands I could play that but as far as like games you play with your buddies and you all like rank up and level up and continue to attack yeah people love this game man a lot of people want me to start playing this game a couple harder challenges like that's why I love vermintide too I still need to play Dark Knight but I'm just oh God damn this would have been so awesome for OverWatch and I would have played the [ __ ] out of this with my buddies man instead if I want to play OverWatch 2 with my buddies I have to convince them play the same mode in the same game that came out in like 2016. you know what I mean and I just don't really see like I don't feel like a desire like a there's never a point where it's like I need to play OverWatch right now like I'm missing out I need to start playing OverWatch now that this is going to be disappointing to many of you you don't say which is why we wanted to bring it up before we talked about the roadmap and this is why we brought it up before the road man so so we can just get it on we have something to soften the blow to be perfectly honest which is like that's fine like I I think that that's you know really I mean like I could be I I think that it's just in my perspective the OverWatch thing it's just sad you know like it it's just I don't know it just just sucks right I mean I thought it was going to be fun and you know like I I don't have like a like I think blizzard did the best that they really could have done announcing that it wasn't gonna happen but that doesn't make me feel any better about it not happening it's been really difficult for for many of us and a lot of folks on the team who've poured their heart and soul into that into that stuff I also feel bad for the teams that essentially are having their work the race because of corporate greed and this continuous desire to always monetize the [ __ ] out of everything and focus on only that and and not so much the quality of a of a video game or how expansive and Innovative it can be and like I said man live service games is where creativity goes to die we're planning to make co-op gameplay and Co-op experiences just part of our live road map so we we want you to be able to experience it more often just part of it well this is what OverWatch has been doing the whole time these little limited time events that people would only play for like an hour or two at most yeah on some random weekend it's you know yeah I just I just there's never been an OverWatch event that's come out that's made me think man I'm missing out by not playing this it was fun but this we wanted a much more dedicated mode this comes across as yeah we're just gonna keep doing those same limited time events hardly exciting for me let's bring out that road map uh that Jared was talking about because Jared there is a ton uh coming to OverWatch too soon and again like I said the roadmap looks pretty expansive and I imagine most if not all of this content is going to be great except maybe the roadhog rework I'm not sure how that's going to work out but maybe roadhog will just work you know it's the PVE mode would have done so much good for this game and for its community and it is such a shame you also notice how they don't apologize to the fans it's like oh yeah we're cutting this feature uh yeah we're canceling the main thing about the game but you know listen here's the other thing is we have a new battle pass coming out it's like I get it I get it I get it but man it sucks it kind of sucks we couldn't fit our vision anyways look at all this other new content that we're working on forget about the PVE stuff you were looking forward to and it's which again is the smartest thing for blizzard to do like realistically this is the smartest thing for them to do to announce this going to come with like new story features for the game like a lore database that players can unlock over time I'm gonna make a real quick prediction about the story missions I hope I'm wrong I imagine for each season that they launch new story missions they're gonna have one cinematic kind of like how Call of Duty does it they're gonna have one cinematic and then the missions are gonna basically play out with someone talking over a radio the whole time telling you what to do and saying that what you're doing is great or whatever it's going to be very very [ __ ] basic that's my prediction come back to this video uh when season oh God I really don't want to oh God six launches and let me know if I was right that's what this road map is about it's about about showing you all of the work that we're putting into this game no it isn't no it isn't no I don't think it is Mr Keller call me call me a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist but I think this is just your guys's way of softening the blow for something you decided to cut because of money because you want to make more money and that's it you want to put in the list I I think it's because they couldn't get it right I don't even think that money was the only reason I think it probably could have been the main reason but I feel like another big reason is that they probably couldn't get it right they couldn't get it right with Titan either they they like they [ __ ] they [ __ ] this up they've literally spent 10 years [ __ ] this up if you include Titan 15 years and years of [ __ ] up I think they probably just [ __ ] up again money probably was a huge Factor too but it wasn't the only Factor just amount of effort for the biggest return on investment and what you're showing us here is to satiate players and fans that are upset that's just my theory at the end of the day I'm just a big [ __ ] nerd like all of you and the reason I get so upset is because I care is because I loved blizzard and I still love OverWatch and you know it just it doesn't seem like this this is the best decision seems like corporate greed once again in the world I feel like they could have just announced that OverWatch 2 was canceled and they were shutting down the servers and I would have felt the same about it like that's that's really the way I yeah I feel like like in in my mind like that my excitement for the game that that's the way I feel I feel like OverWatch I feel the same way about OverWatch too now that I feel about Diablo 3. where it was like I played it in season like you know the first like you know single digit Seasons like season like I remember I played like season like one two three four five and I think six and then I stopped after six and it's like season 15 comes out and it's like they added a new set of gear and it makes you do like sixteen thousand percent damage on charge oh wow all right well I hope they have fun that sounds cool I I guess I mean I just never like there was never anything that even moved the needle slightly for me to come back to Diablo 3 and the reason why is because I knew that I would be coming back and playing the exact same game level up do Rifts do greater Rifts do bounties quit it just like that's it summer fun and Poe oh I liked Poe a lot more and I didn't play every Poe season either how's Diablo 4 any different because I haven't gone through six seasons of it yet that's why and like again maybe I'll hit this point with Diablo 4 too that's a seasonal game brother no it's not because like so for example the way that you would play Path of Exile in I don't know Harbinger League is totally [ __ ] different than the way you played it in Metamorphosis League which was totally [ __ ] different than the way you played it in ritual League or harvest league and yes obviously it's not whenever I say totally [ __ ] different that's probably not accurate ultimately you're kind of blowing up screens and and that's kind of the same gameplay but it was changed so much especially as a serious player it was changed so much in the way that you could progress your character and the way that characters were redesigned and the depth of customization that it did actually feel like a new game every few weeks and I didn't play every single League I played like maybe every oh I don't know like every two or three or four leaks because yeah sometimes like you know I just played Poe I know what it's going to be because I just got done playing it there hasn't been enough changes and so I'm just like okay well I'll just skip this one and come back whenever they add a new patch or whenever I feel like playing it again the modern gaming let's see what Twitter has to say they've probably been working on the two looking as good as possible on the logo foreign Community keeping OverWatch alive after all these years that's about right oh my back they've been working on OverWatch Immortal don't you guys have phones it seems so clear to me now this clip truly aged like fine wine it would be really funny if they announce OverWatch 3 and it's just honkai star Rail and instead of japard it's Reinhardt instead of uh seal it is uh Genji instead of uh uh brania it's symmetra instead of uh Tracer it would be hmm March 7th uh or or Hanzo yeah there you go uh Diva yeah Diva could be March 7th uh who could be road dog all right it's a it's it's a Chinese game so there's no fat people they are fat people they're the enemies but uh let's see um yeah that's actually about it yeah Mercy you know you've got uh Natasha yeah that's all they need to do problem solved Diva would be Clara oh that's a good one I like that blizzard competing with Halo infinite and disappointment let's see this oh no I think uh what is it Clara would be that I've smelled it before Oh my god dude I was I was [ __ ] on fire I called that man that's insane all right so now let's take a look at the Gamespot article and see if there's anything worth discussing this is what's kind of crazy though he was talking about back in 2019 it's been maybe two and a half years since the last hero that we launched and we don't want to be back at the point where it's another three and a half years since launching a PvP map it'd take three and a half years to make a PvP map it seems like you could have done all of the work that you did on the base game of OverWatch and that game would be in a much better State than OverWatch 2 is maybe that's just my theory I don't know I we keep hearing them talk about how the scope of the hero missions was really really large and what I don't understand is like why don't you just reel that back right 40 to 50 talents per hero for over 35 Plus Heroes you're looking at thousands of talents to make everything just to get the game out the door I would be fine yeah it's like imagine if blizzard was like yeah so like I mean the thing is like we've got to make all these [ __ ] Quests for the new expansion it's like there's gonna be like hundreds of quests we've got to have voice actors for the quests and then the quests have to be rewards and then you have to have like text for the quests like people feel like it's a real thing and then like oh God uh you've then you've got to have the zones and like the zones we gotta have like uh new uh creatures in them and it's like oh my God and then don't even get me started on the Dungeons and then to top it all off you've got the [ __ ] raid I mean guys there's no way we can do this how can we ever do this possible you didn't have all of that completed when you launched a PVE mode I think most people would right why why couldn't this mode also be part of the live service you know what I mean oh yeah I mean this is a long interview you could probably read it if you want to yourself but I feel like at this point I'm kind of just reiterating everything I've already said before so in conclusion the cancellation of this long-awaited highly anticipated PVE mode uh is awful blizzard shows no signs of stopping their continued decline as a company and it's it's just one thing after another you know obviously this isn't worse as some of the other stunts they've pulled no it's it I don't think this one's like really that bad which is kind of why it's bad it's like I'm not like super outraged about this I'm just like oh [ __ ] that sucks that's sad what I mean is like I'm yeah it's it's nothing new yeah it's more it's like it's it's like I feel like it's bad because it's like oh wow so they're just it's just gonna be bad now okay all right that's that's good enough but I should not have enough material to keep making these blizzard bad videos yeah why do I have so much material stop giving me material not only is Blizzard focusing on games that people don't want they're cutting features out that players desperately want you know and OverWatch is still a fun video game and I like many of the changes but ah damn man if this is not a sequel It's not a sequel that too means nothing God damn it blizzard please do better thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed the video leave a like if you did and subscribe to the act man for more awesome content let me know your thoughts and opinions on OverWatch 2 in the canceled PVE mode alright everyone that's all I got for today this is the act man signing out peace what a day what a [ __ ] day man if this is it's not so weird yeah it's just it's just so weird I can't believe they did this I really can't it's like well yeah what a [ __ ] up day oh man like nothing different yeah [ __ ] despair there you go man what'd you think of honkai star rail yeah I mean mihoyo doesn't come out and say hey guys listen it's gonna be really hard for us to make new content for Hong Kai star rail like look who's you know you've got to have like a new character and you've got to like rebalance the game it's like oh God and then there's a new light cone and it's like oh [ __ ] okay so now we have to figure out like how the light cones gonna work and then all people want new campaign stuff it's like oh man bro like this [ __ ] is oh God yeah we're just not gonna do any of that uh we're just gonna bro like we'll just add in like uh you know we'll add in like a new color of a of a weapon and then you can have that instead yeah it's nuts man it's interesting how the talent stuff is such a talking point for blizzard meanwhile we have grinding gear games doing their fourth talent tree passive tree for the year yeah I know I I just ah it's just it just sucks it just sucks I mean as I said in my mind I feel like blizzard could have announced that they're shutting down the OverWatch servers and I would have felt pretty much the exact same way that's the way that I felt out of this announcement that they just they're they're basically giving up throwing in the towel the game is dead that's it there's a lot of Esports for OverWatch there was how many people do you think give a [ __ ] about OverWatch nowadays three yeah maybe three people OverWatch league needs OverWatch to support it and this is the problem with like Esports is that like Esports if the game dies the esport dies and that's what happens a lot is it a game will come out and the uh you know like it'll be popular and then people will lose interest in the game and then the esport dies off too because there aren't the the viewers or the players for the game yeah OverWatch 2 porn is gonna carry OverWatch Duty Sports ah it's just sad it is it's sad
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 612,469
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: vJh3zMyuH2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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