The Unbelievable Story of Keemstar & DramaAlert

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why is trouble our nation I'm your host killer keemstar doubt everybody type of the chat Alps is a stupid idea hostile why am I still getting a high Ranger Joe now I'm gonna give it to ya like I gave it to your mom last night I'm sure that 90% of you watching right now already know who keemstar is on the surface at least you know keemstar to be the love to hate veteran known youtuber from dramaalert but perhaps you don't know the full story of keemstar and when I say full story I mean full story where he came from all the way up until where he is now how did King Star go from an upstate New York legal collections officer to one of the most influential drama reporters in YouTube history following hours and hours of extensive research I bring you the keemstar documentary [Music] let's go back to the very beginning before dramaalert before h3h3 before even black ops trolling how did Cain star even get into YouTube back in 2009 a very unknown to the world individual by the name of Daniel Keene was working at an attorney's office doing legal collections in upstate New York I always never plan to do YouTube right I worked in an attorney's office I did collections legal collections one night after getting a big bonus check from work mr. came of upstate New York got extremely intoxicated in a bar he came home and started trolling people and Xbox took everyone in the office out for drinks got completely wasted went home got on Xbox Live and just started talking to people because that's what I like to do and I was especially really drunk but it turns out someone was recording his trolling and uploaded it to YouTube and someone actually recorded me in that game and put it up on YouTube and I had no idea that I was on YouTube or anything but like the next day I get on Xbox Live and my messages are just filled I saw your YouTube video you're hilarious the person that uploaded came strolling then invited came to join their trolling group which at the time was known as FA G Federation of a whole gamers he goes dude you're the funniest dude like I've ever heard best trash talker he's like you should make videos with us we just formed this group or like you know messing with kids talking trash room in this game Daniel came accepted F AJ's offer and the first of many came star channels was then created on the 1st of October 2009 which was named xdj keemstar at the time came star had his own channel as well as a group for the FA G members hi guys my name is DJ keemstar whether you are an MLG trihard or just plain to have fun gamers have always laughed hysterically at the videos that the FA G has created the FI J channel absolutely blew up in the early days of YouTube reaching 250,000 subscribers in 2009 which came star believes to be the equivalent of about 10 million subscribers in recent times I mean we got 250,000 subscribers which back then as long but it's like in in 2009 that was like literally having like I don't know 210 million subs today right yeah the F IJ Channel blew up because they had such an unfiltered over-the-top hilarious trolling style that no one else had the courage to replicate at the time say cookie keemstar hey could you keep stop go girl go girl come on cupcake [Music] following came Stars block from the FA J channel on YouTube keeps tow began live-streaming on blogtv in late 2009 early 2010 where he would grow his trolling reputation further blog TV was one of if not the leading livestream site long before twitch was around the website had deals with people like Phillip DeFranco Shane Dawson and as noted teamster came stock claimed to beginning around two to three thousand viewers every single night while streaming and trolling on Halo 3 I was doing all my pranks and all my trolling and all my trash talking and all my different characters that I would do in Halo 3 in front of a live audience pulling anywhere between two and three thousand people every single night within three months of streaming on blogtv keemstar took over philip defranco to become the number one live stream on the site so you might even say that keemstar was the king of streaming in the early 2010's being the top stream on the top side i only do this show for money that's it alright I don't do it to entertain people that's just a scam however this would create complications of keemstar as Microsoft put a personal vendetta on keemstar in an attempt to stop the trolling believing it was giving the company a bad name so every single time that came Star would stream Microsoft will put a console ban on ken starr's Xbox which you would then return to wherever he bought it change the xbox stream again get banned again rinse and repeat I would stream for about one hour get banned console banned can't do anything with it it's a bricked it's literally banned from going online take that the next day to gamestop return it hey this didn't work get a new one then the next day would be Walmart and I would just switch places just so I could keep doing it that became so stressful and so much hell that I just I needed to find something else to do because Microsoft was trying to shut me down tapes also begin live streaming on a website called Battlecam which was launched in 2010 by billionaire al ki David the site was set up like this two people would have a verbal argument or conversation and the people watching would vote for who stays in and gets voted out keemstar would bring his army of 2,000 plus viewers from blogtv and have them consistently vote for him so whoever came up against keemstar had absolutely no hope of staying in the spotlight this is where the infamous alex is a stupid n-word clip came from a video that is absolutely haunted keep start to this day this is how the story goes as Todd by keemstar battle camps was a site where anything could be said there was no being nice there was no being respectful like twitch these days keemstar as well as an african-american by the name of Alex were moderators on the site Alex began to make jokes about keemstar being Italian highlighting Italian stereotypes to throw keemstar in retaliation keemstar got every one from the chat achill alexei stupid well I'll just let the clip talk for itself I'm gonna find out everybody type of the chat Alps is a stupid just type of the chat even 11 years later this name still pops up all around the place and he's well known by most to follow key stuff but it wasn't until 2012 when it started to turn and it started being used against me like cuz the internet changed right like you like if you're a racist so let's do a little timeline check it's 2010 everything seems to be going well for cane stuff he's the protagonist on a huge youtube channel called FA G number one streamer on blogtv moderator on battle cams he clearly had a solid following in audience however Kim Starr's audience dynamic was quite strange there was a load of people who hated him because they believed he was brash and disrespectful but on the other hand people loved him because he had no filter and didn't care what anyone thought of him we can observe this dynamic as articulated with this screenshot of his original YouTube channel from November 2009 so with this in line keemstar began to build up a reputation as someone who was willing to say literally anything which people found it viable and it's safe to say that this is a tradies carried on to this day however having this trolling toxic audience where it came ster I had an army of people who hated him started to work against keemstar keemstar decided that he was going to join one of the YouTube networks as we covered in the machinima video turns out the network that he decided to join was run by hacker but keemstar was promoting the network meaning that people joining the network under came stars recommendation then being hacked by the owners this ultimately had came star banned from YouTube and blacklisted so he couldn't make any account on YouTube without it being deleted right so it became this big ordeal and they shut down my channel for it and I'm like what do I do now came star would continue to make various accounts but because came star creating an audience consisting of trolls and people who hated him the trolls would always just tell YouTube that came to had a new channel ultimately getting him banned because of who I was and the trolling and stuff like that there were a lot of people constantly notifying YouTube here's his new channels so I would build these channels that get thirty thousand subs get taken down on top of this the main FA G channel was then deleted keemstar claim that the f AG channel getting banned was a story in itself on The Misfits podcast channel got banned that's a whole nother story one of them how the channel got banned but I can't find any source for why it was deleted on the Internet so if you guys have the reason or the story feel free to post in the comments so keemstar went from the position of being the number one streamer on blogtv as well as being on one of the biggest channels on youtube to having every single youtube channel banned in every single console being blocked as soon as he would start streaming by 2011 it's safe to say that keemstar didn't have much opportunity to grow on the Internet given the boundaries put in place by third parties that wanted to put an end to his disruptive behavior the trying stuff was done in Opera with Wright didn't know what I was gonna do my career however 2011 would also be the year where multiple things would start to turn in the favor of keemstar keemstar made a realization that a lot of the big Call of Duty players began to play this strange indie game that appeared to be rising in popularity both socially and on YouTube big Call of Duty youtuber at that time starts playing this weird indie game what is this 8-bit weird indie game alright just makes no sense to anyone right a game that he believed to have the potential to take the spot as the number one game at the time this game was what we now know as minecraft oh my god oh my god oh my god however came Star noticed one main issue with his minecraft game he was only available on computer and there were hundreds of thousands of people wanting to play it on console minecraft on a console and that's that's an awesome idea and if someone could do it and do it right it would be it would be amazing I would play it pretty much every day it was around the same time that came star started to get notified of a Minecraft ripoff that was coming to Xbox by the name of fortresscraft the stars just seemed to align for King star here thousands of kids wanting to play Minecraft they all have consoles there was an amazing opportunity here and keemstar wanted to get in on it get me in contact with this dude so I got a contact with that dude keemstar then got in contact with the creator of the game and offered to promote the game in exchange for a cut of the company the owner of the game was reluctant at first so keemstar had to do something in order to show the owner that he could really make things work for this game I got okay I'm gonna promote this game for 24 hours I aired up and I'm just gonna prove to you what I can do keemstar had all of his fans spam every youtuber and gaming website in order to let everyone know that this minecraft for Xbox game was coming out like all this game is coming minecraft clone is coming da da da da within 24 hours this game has so much publicity every gaming website doesn't article on it this proved to the owners of the game that came star could be influential in the growth of fortresscraft the owners then gave keemstar 30% ownership of the game which was followed by 2 million sales once the game was released the guy gives me 30% ownership of the game and the game comes out and it sells 2 million copies so what he came to have at this point well he had a bunch of money but still not really any online presence he bought himself a new car and a new house but probably figured out having a lot of things and nothing to do is a pretty unfulfilling life keemstar wanted to get back into the internet world he wanted to start working again I needed a new stick because you know the the trolling in online games it just it wasn't it wasn't the the hit thing that it was before there were so many other people that were doing it at that point it was also around this time when another youtuber had recently blown up on the website a youtuber that these days is subject to much controversy but at the time was considered an absolute legend I'm talking about the one and only all these me blade team Stone blade began to form a friendship following Team Stone blade accidentally getting in contact with each other I was like dude can you give me a Skype call with this keemstar guy so getting this a call and Keim's like blade bro huge fan cuz Kim and I both kind of started at the same time blade then decided to move from Seattle to Buffalo to go only five minutes from came stock team has a girlfriend a daughter you can't move I had no restraints so I moved from Seattle to Buffalo and got a house about five minutes away from Keim's Blade and came star then began doing the bad kid podcast which was very popular and blew up however came stat was blacklisted from YouTube so the channels kept getting deleted over and over again start a podcast with one of my friends called the bad kid show that blew up but the channels kept getting deleted and shut down and shut down and shut down smooth make new channels and just keep doing the podcast right came star and only use me blade then began getting really addicted newsroom while leading close to each other in mid-2012 got addicted to this show called newsroom on HBO like like addicted like I was in that world newsroom was a political drama series on HBO that ran from 2012 to 2014 the show was based on a fictional newsroom covering politics keeps I got so into the show that he started to realize that an idea like this might actually be able to work on YouTube it was the occasional beef going on between people about very few people reporting on it or even mentioning it so keemstar would go on Twitter and jokingly report on the beef between youtubers doesn't mean when people started like fighting back and forth in the Cod community at the time on Twitter I would like shoutcast it IRA I would say you know so-and-so said this about so-and-so hashtag drama ler then you had your drummer loaded video format began to crystallized for keemstar and then one day beef broke out between a guy called white boy 7th Street and blamed truth and I said and I'm gonna make a video and I'm gonna read the tweets back and forth and make it in an organized manner where people can understand exactly what took place so that's when came some blade came up with the official idea of drumroll oh I remember being in Buffalo watching newsroom with Keane and that's where we I think it's we came up with the whole concept of dramaalert and then obviously it took off there the first drummer Lord video was then uploaded in what came says to be early 2012 what year would that have been early 2012 yeah however newsroom didn't get released until June 2012 and came star stated in the no jumper interview that it was actually 2013 so we'll go with 2013 what year was this this was like three 2013 I think the very first dramaalert video was based on some drama going on between two Call of Duty youtubers blame truth and white boi 7th Street and I decided to make a video once on these two youtubers that were fighting blamed truth and a guy called white boi 7th Street when that video took off the way it did on a channel that was just brand new that I just started that's what I knew that bully that was on to something and I went to create drama ler this video exploded getting a hundred thousand views in the first 24 hours on a brand new channel I got a hundred thousand views on a brand new channel geez ah 20 hours following this the channel birth 13,000 subscribers in the first 30 days with every single video having over a hundred thousand views this rare screenshot of dramaalert from the 4th of January 2013 approximately 16 days after the creation of the channel on the 19th of December 2012 shows the channel already having 593 thousand views and twenty four thousand five hundred subscribers there's very few channels that can boast that many views and subs only two weeks after starting however we can't forget keemstar was still blacklisted on YouTube he wasn't allowed to make a channel without it being banned so from late 2012 all the way up until early 2014 keemstar had four different drum roller channels that all got banned after hitting a hundred thousand subscribers I had in 2014 I had four channels get over a hundred thousand subscribers that they shut down it was only when King Stach created an now huge drama lore channel on the 15th of June 2014 the King's staff finally figured out a way to get around him getting banned every single time he started a new channel eventually I teamed up with freedom you guys know that I'm right yeah and they went to YouTube and figured out a solution where I could just be on the channel but technically not own it because it's not my name and so came star finally had the ability to grow a channel without the risk of being banned he was like a dog off a leash in an open field but giving keemstar free speech would also come with its own set of problems and controversies as might be predicted from his line of reporting keep still remain relatively low profile from any 2014 creating his drama light episodes and growing steadily in size keemstar had a burst of a hundred and six thousand subscribers in the month of december 2014 so you can say that keemstar was well and truly established as a drama youtuber by 2015 which happens to be the same year as team stars first big drama low controversy specifically the bosch averse controversy of april 2015 now keemstar states that he thinks the best story he believes to have ever covered is the bash of her story as it was never ending and became so elaborate and ended up having a global reach i would say that the the best story that I ever covered was the bash of her story because it was it was never-ending the story just kept going and going and going and going it became so elaborate however many people in the YouTube community criticized keemstar for belittling bash off destroying his YouTube career and basically driving him off the internet you've got to make videos every day for the last six months you have a dungeon you just gave up you let Jarrett or Garrett or whoever calling you a pedo win you'd let them win and you can't do that however it creates the age-old argument that basha shouldn't have been doing the things that got him on drummer load in the first place so it's hard to blame came but it's just another stupid thing to endlessly argue about I'll let you draw your own conclusion and kingships freaking is this constant barrage like all my videos I like I've been up for so long and I'm so stressed however this controversy was only minor compared to what keemstar would do on the 8 months later in January 2016 on the 9th of January 2016 King star would make what he called the biggest mistake of his youtube career the biggest one is probably you know getting this story wrong and that was the 65 year old guy Tony the runescape player team star accused 62 year old runescape twitch streamer RS glory and gold of being John Phillips a convicted felon who was in jail for being interested in children one of the people in the drum roller team had created the story for keemstar to read out which came studied without double-checking whether the information was accurate well it turns out the information was very much not accurate at all come to find out completely wrong I'm like how did this get in here I start tearing up my manager I'm like how the hell did this get in here the person who put the story in four came start a raid only verify the story by simply saying that the twitch streamer and the person in jail looked similar and he goes yeah we verified it by matching the faces they were looking at the picture of this guy that was arrested for being a puddle and looking at this dude's stream and they're like yep looks like the same guy good enough to hire a fortune obviously this 62 year old runescape stream was devastated by the allegations as people were coming into his stream accusing him of something that he clearly didn't do I know who and what I am and my real friends know what I know baby's dogmatic thank you very much for everything team start tried to make up for the allegations by offering the stream at twenty thousand dollars cash but the streamer refused to take the money and just wanted his stream to be shouted out they're like look we just want you to be Tony's friend and then I quickly started to understand that by being Tony's friend it meant that you have to shout out his stream however months after the incident after all the hype had died down the streamer expected came started continued to shout him out and came Stoll was in a tough position because it was hard to refuse considering came and put him in such a bad position to begin with so then he starts hitting me up right and it's like a lot of guilt trip like a man can you shout me out and how am I supposed to say now I can't say no so I start shouting mouth after shouting the streamer out over 50 times kingster got very sick of shouting him out and stopped at which point the 62 year old stream has started saying that keemstar had ruined his life and career from the initial allegations eventually as you might guess keemstar got pretty sick of having to be a crutch for the streamer who was accidentally accused as even one year later the stream was still talking about how keemstar ruined things for him to this day there's been continual beef between the stream our RS glory and gold and keemstar ironically keemstar was then removed off the youtube blacklist only one month later in February 2016 kind of interesting that this would be the month to be removed off the blacklist considering the massive mistake one month previously the infamous keemstar content caught by dubs was then created on the 5th of May 2016 where items criticized the actions of King star in various different ways both past and present on his Twitter he will constantly allude to people being guilty or innocent or not guilty depending on whether they go on to his show or not this video absolutely exploded having 30 million views at the present time Kings are excited that he thought the video was funny and he's also said that it's been an advantage over time as he lost subs when it first came out but then started gaining subs after I sweat it for that first hour cuz I was losing subs but then when I started gaining subs of yeah whatever we're gonna fast forward a little bit here to 2018 because most of the stuff that happened between 2016 and 2018 is just standard kind of keemstar doing things in early 2018 hello that came style had another brilliant gaming business idea similar in style to his original fortresscraft deal keemstar discovered there was a hole in the market for a competitive scene on the incredibly popular game for nine keemstar like his mind frame with fortresscraft saw that there was millions of kids wanting to watch competitive fortnight but no one actually hosting it so for this reason keen star began hosting what he called fortnight Friday in May 2000 18 the best fortnight players would go up against each other to see who and get the most kills over the space of a few games with the winners getting $20,000 usually split between two people this was hosted every single Friday for 10 weeks in the beginning getting around 600,000 views per stream however thought no Friday would begin to become controversial for keemstar as the developers of fortnight wanted to host their own competition team start was only offering $20,000 per competition while the developers of Portland were offering over 500,000 per competition with much more professional production so keen star took a bit of a backseat in a fortnight eSport scene however this wouldn't be the end of keen star working on eSports during the fortnight Friday period King star Joe King Lee dropped a tweet about a fake event minecraft Monday it was a joke but a load of content creators began petitioning for keemstar to make minecraft Monday a real event so keemstar tweeted that if he gets 5000 retweets on a Twitter post he would make minecraft Monday a reality as you can probably guess he got the retweets the first minecraft Monday was played on the 24th of June 2019 and the rest is history team's reputation and name grew larger and louder through these events which only led into the year 2020 now it's safe to say that 2020 has been a pretty crazy year for keemstar already on the 13th of March 2020 tattoo artists Romeo Lacoste filed a lawsuit against keemstar for 3.5 million dollars over the defamation of character back in March 2019 romeo Lacoste was accused of sending inappropriate videos to underage fans which was then covered on drama were the biggest tattoo artists in the space on YouTube all around the internet his career is finished I mean this is bad this is so bad we're talking about Romeo lacrosse Romeo and then filed the lawsuit against keemstar for defamation the case is yet to settle as it's so new so I'll be interesting to see the outcome of the case in the future maybe if you're watching this video in the future you might already know the outcome then more recently in May 2020 the h3 h3 keemstar drama began with keemstar and h3 getting into a heated argument on Twitter the content credit has already had an unstable relationship dating back several years which is interesting considering keemstar was one of the first few guests to go on the h3 h3 podcast when I first began we are here with the legend the super villain the villain of YouTube you know him you might love him you might hate him but you know for sure his name is killer keemstar h3 h3 then uploaded the first content nuke on the 19th of May 2020 which basically outlined the entirety of King stars controversies of which as you can guess there were many the controversy between a judge during keemstar has caused dramaalert to slowly lose subscribers since the upload losing 90,000 subscribers over the last 1 month as at June 2020 keemstar also lost his longtime G fuel sponsorship following the controversy keemstar claims have walked away from the sponsorship but I'll let you do your own research on that one a lot of people on Twitter claimed this to be the end of Kim stars career however if there's anything that came stars past has taught us this little hage 383 drama is not gonna be nearly enough for keemstar to give up making his content if it happened to me I would I wouldn't destroy me I mean so much you know there's a video of me saying that goddamn n-word seven years ago people make videos every day saying expose keemstar he's a racist and that didn't make me just give up I didn't go in my hole and say oh everyone thinks I'm a racist I'm done and I'm it's that's it you know you gotta go to work every day you got to make videos every day faster I've been shut down like 15 times had to rebuild I just never gave up so we can sit here and highlight all the terrible things that came Star has done over the years like hates buried in false accusations racial remarks general scumbag gory but I think sometimes we're so busy hating him that we forget about some of the good things he's done as well think about all the awareness he might have raised for domestic violence as well as other ways that he's helped the YouTube community which one talks about you can either love him or hate him but I think we all have to unbiased ly admit that keemstar has had a very impressive career on YouTube over the last 11 years he's maintained relevancy and continues to grow despite waves and waves of hay a feed that's not often achieved by others on YouTube [Music] that's going to be all for this video though guys if you guys could like and subscribe but appreciating the hell out of that but other than that I'll see you guys in the next one take it easy [Music]
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 4,804,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where are they now?, a brief history, documentary, gamerfrommars, dantdm, youtube documentary, documentaries, rise and fall, where is, biography, from vanity to insanity, narration, video essay, twitch, youtube, entertainment, education, joon the king, fredrik knudsen, down the rabbit hole, family friendly, Keemstar, keemstar documentary, the story of keemstar, no swearing, jake paul, h3h3, h3h3 leafy, dramaalert, drama alert, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, downfall, sunnyv2
Id: AdtpejdmoYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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