The Confession Game - Full Movie

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so hungry me too I'm actually really happy for DZ yeah the Lord had bigger plans so you're happy D this dead it's not what I said Chris and don't put your evil in my mouth in front of the Lord's House all I'm saying is now he can finally do God's work right right totally but who's to say that he wasn't doing God's work already he made games I mean I'm not sure how far up The Godly ladder that goes but I'm sure it doesn't get you a ticket into heaven bro see I don't know if I agree with that because fortnite changed a lot of lives I remember when Black Ops just came out ooh that changed the game up now they got cold war with zombies yo he made board games bro board games is that what he did yeah I knew something was off when he told me he didn't have a Twitch account oh no don't try to play Daz like that AR Daz made some awesome games man like what like what catch that ass was a family classic you guys catch that ass he is he Joker you guys never play catch that ass oh no this game was sick it was like mous trap but with donkeys it was honestly a brilliant game like yeah no it was so good and Daz made this Daz made it you catch the ass in the game it's awesome he knows nothing about ass that's the last dude no trust me trust me once you once you catch that ass you're not going to let go if you guys caught some ass you'd know what I mean but once oh I've caught mine right here let him know baby come on let him know yeah in this board game you know it is believ that the soul of the party remains wandering the Earth for up to 40 days after you die so that means we got at least another month with d where do you get all your random [ __ ] it's it's not [ __ ] it's facts well I hope so cuz I miss him me too me too hey man what are you doing Dad could be sitting right there yeah Lee don't sit on Dad they left me with Dumb and Dumber I'm just saying if it was your last 40 days on the earth I wouldn't sit on you I let you have all the space be free yep you're just selfish you're rude dad is dead Okay accept it he's not some ghost that just expires after 30 days and if he was he wouldn't be sitting in this spot let me ask you something if you had a month left would you be hanging outside of a church no you'd probably be on vacation halfway around the world I know you would well maybe he just wants to be with his friends yeah maybe he misses us too it's okay DZ he didn't mean it no one here there's no one here there's no one here there's no one sitting in the spot at least crushing DA's go there's no one there wait wait Daz is here I knew it his presence I felt it his Aura is so strong wait I brought my tarot cards if you guys want to talk oh no we good on that we good on those hello first of all I'm sorry for your loss dazinger was a special being I'm Miss Jackson and I've been put in charge of his estate estate I think you got the wrong Dash yeah uh we didn't have the Black Ops DH we had the uh cash that ass right apparently there's a lot you didn't know about your friend as the sole creator of hangman his estate closed very lucrative hold up Hangman Dash created hangman that's amazing well it's not so amazing a black man creating a game called hangman especially looking at our history uhhuh I agree like why could you make a game called protest or like Riot or something why is he glorifying the oppressor like Mal X oh or like a black panther board game it's a crossover excuse me how much is his estate actually worth currently his estate is worth 10 million1 million and as his power of attorney I was instructed to give you all of these his estate is to be rewarded evenly amongst his closest friends must have been really good friends Oh my Jesus are are you serious oh we B baby oh my are we I'm like Dr my next tape I get to pay off my student loans Vegas baby thanks bro I wouldn't celebrate just yet ladies and gentlemen here we go apparently you all confided in dazinger and told him some pretty wild stuff I mean yeah anybody could talk to Dad he was in Outcast like who is he going to tell facts well these are the rules hey Gamers hate it when he called us that I kind of miss it growing up all of you have come to me and told me some really messed up things of course I promis to take your dirty little secrets to the Grave well guess what I'm dead let's play one more game for the road my favorite game to date I like to call it the confession game inside each envelope there's a USB with a message I'll be requesting a personal confession from each of you you confess you get paid $1 million of course you can choose not to participate but you'll receive nothing I left a folder with all of the true answers with my power of attorney so you can't lie happy confessing well count me in because I don't have anything to hide saying bro yes only DZ I told him some [ __ ] up [ __ ] h asy s she keep looking at me bro and I'm just not comfortable so go ahead oh this is crazy that chest yo is this Marvel it is Hang Man B okay okay so he wants to go first uh it's not like I can't feel the tension in the air well to break the ice uh before you get into something so serious you know compromising friendships millions of dollars on the line here how about we play one of our favorite games from our friendz he had one game and it was questionably racist that's not true I have't have my very own Cofe of catch that ass right here oh wow what yo I love that game dad did catch that ass he's a legend wait hold up hold you you've actually heard of this game catch that ass yeah I used to play with my grandma after Bible study we're not catching any ass we're going to open up these envelopes play the confession game so I can get get my million what's wrong with you guys everyone here is broke uh stop speaking yourself brother I'm broke arz you're a masseuse with two clients okay and I'm working on my clientele baby talk to this man don't play my man andette you're an Uber driver who forces passengers to listen to your mixtape for your information some ass to listen is that why you have two and a half Stars huh did you ask listen who asked don't don't don't do that because my cousin wrote with me and she said that my mixtape was like in he Chris wow how much does a manager of four Flags make minimum wage $4.99 you couldn't work at Six Flags two extra Flags okay all right that first of all Nat I absolutely love your mixtape okay thanks Chris I actually have you a copy oh no that that's fine you don't have to do that aress what's up I got to tell you man if you need a new massaging client I'm your guy I happen to have this pain it's right below my lower back and it's right above my hamstring here my upper uh no stop it stop you you really get up in there and sorry I I we'll talk later I I get you patient doctor confidentiality you're a professional I'm very professional right right right yeah and Ali what is the problem with four flx man that's like it's been our spot for every summer I got I got Summers on locked that's true bro you got the Summers on locked you beg me for a season pass don't forget that look the point is we could all use the money it's lifechanging so let's just play the game you know what I'll go first you don't have to that was creepy oh let her talk Dez has already taken the liberty of expressing who he liked to start the game the 10 envelopes are labeled in chronological order if you choose not to open your envelope then you forfeit your opportunity and we move on to the next one in order wait you said there's 10 envelopes but according to my calculations there's only eight of us so yes I have two here they will be open when the time is right okay now that was creepy you want to be in a mystery movie so bad she just keeps looking into my soul bro so who has number one because I have four uh I got three 7 5 two I have it so ladies and gentlemen what's it going to be are you ready to play the game come on man come on bro come on bro come on all right you know what I'll play Hey Gamers got I hate I know I'll so you all decided to play the confession game well the rules are simple there are no rules what I'm sorry I'm sorry I've always wanted to say that there is one one rule you confess you get a million dollars that's just up sin I love you bro and since you're the oldest in the crew you go first so are you ready to confess bring it [ __ ] great sin I want you to tell Ares what really happened the night of prom and please don't spare any details happy confessing prom's fun yeah I love prom much F yeah I'm I'm going to have to pass on this one y'all it's a million dollars yeah we need to know yeah come on man I mean we're all friends like you should make the melee come on just do it like guys just just stop okay I'll tell you what happen since you guys are so nosy about my personal life look me and Jette had just started dating that year okay and that was the same year that I asked her to prom unfortunately we lost in the playoffs whatever I started drinking I got depressed and she gave me a ride home and then drop off sin End discussion you're welcome sin so can we move on so I can get my [ __ ] money mean that's it's partially true s please don't I'm sorry j it's money life changing don't what what can he not tell me yo so after we dropped you off jazette was really upset bro all right thanks for the rogette tonight was a disaster I wouldn't exactly say a disaster you got to wear a beautiful dress you got pictures for your Myspace page and you got to dance barely why does he always have to get so drunk tonight was supposed to be my night I mean he did lose the playoffs [ __ ] basketball One Nights in I asked for one night I saved myself for this night never gave my body to any man and he [ __ ] it up don't cry stop no don't cry who just said no I know you're hurting but that's my boy you you don't like me I mean if I recall both of y'all try to bag me at the same time yeah and Anna is one but did he shut up and kiss me [Music] act I mean y'all relationship was fresh you had hoes she knew you just stop Point God bro everybody knew yeah she was a virgin Ares look at me Ares I'm sorry look at me baby don't [ __ ] call me that and one word from you [ __ ] I'm ripping your head off bro AR get off him get get him hey come on B off of [ __ ] me man 12 years 12 years man and you suppos be my best man in my wedding [ __ ] and you I lost a decade of my life [ __ ] with your traing ass we were kids arette kids we were getting ready for college J that don't give me that kid [ __ ] I'm just saying it was a long time ago and how many times I K you cheating on me oh my God okay jet Parker Amanda Davis that dumb [ __ ] you worked in a library that you thought you got pregnant this wasn't a walk in AP par for me either on us I was an athlete [ __ ] love athletes oh so that's your excuse well I was a cheerleader and [ __ ] love cheerleaders oh don't act like any of them [ __ ] with your friends okay all and don't try to flip this [ __ ] on majorette we all just met sin was a substitute teacher you just use him to play hookie in his class anyway so don't act like y'all were Road dogs damn s he was [ __ ] the students player player that's nasty I was 20 and she was 18 still oh shut up don't act like you never liked any of your teachers you would have done it probably would have gave him a palm reading and everything Mr rhs was sexy see H shut up 12 years wasted was it even worth it I would to say it was wasted bro you know a million dollars according to my calculations that's like 80 grand a year you know it's a well paying government job I'm just saying mathematically right if y'all decide to work it out then y'all be y'all be good I'm going go ahead and stand over here now cuz You' been on your Ali [ __ ] all evening so okay so who has the next envelope oh I do good old number two great hey gang so knowing sin he took the money and knowing arz he whooped your ass yes you're up now I gave you envelope number two because you do your spiritual readings and I was wondering if you could predict this out welcome are you ready I don't know if I want to do this y'all what sis it's a million dollars just do it I mean it can't be as bad as what just happened to S [ __ ] you yes remember the time that mom caught Darnell right in your bedroom then her and dad put two bars of soap in between your legs and took you straight to church to get baptized all over again oh so your parents are psychos our Daddy's a pastor oh it definitely can't be as bad as the time that you stole underwear from JC Pennies I mean you had six packs of underwear on like you think security you think no one was going to sin you should be receiving an alert confirming 1 million has been wired to your account so yes what's it going to be I'll do it let's begin I want you to tell your sister who Mr Tyrone really is Happy confessing no I'm not going to do that old man Tyrone from church what's the big deal with him so do you want to Forfeit oh oh oh no no no no no we're not going to back out now Yasmin go ahead and tell her because I want to know she want to know I'm pretty sure everyone here would like to know right I think I mean I'm definitely curious as to who to Old Man tyone a few times man tried to send me a fake ass Jordan rookie card yeah he had to hook up on all that fake [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up guys let's let's relax a second all right yasine why don't you give us the dirty on Old Man Tyrone okay now you know I love you right you're my baby sister I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you you're scaring me old man Tyrone is your dad he's not our dad he's not our dad Daddy's my dad Tyrone's your dad that I am so sorry what what are you talking about no that's not possible you were way too young to remember okay mommy had an affair and daddy didn't find out until after you were born he didn't want to mess up the family so he raised you like his own and you told DZ before me I knew you'd be crushed okay I mean dad's is so easy to talk to I didn't want to hold that burden if my sister we share everything everything as I mean I would expect this from Mom and Dad but you yes tell her the rest there's a mention of an AJ don't tell me you [ __ ] AJ is that why you didn't want us to date no then what about AJ hold up Anthony James that was the homie Anthony yeah Anthony oh that guy's so awesome if well um I'm unless he killed someone yeah cuz if he killed someone then we don't like Anthony at all what about AJ I mean you always hated that him and I were so close were you jealous that he liked me more than you my mom and dad won't be home for another hour oh yeah what we you trying to do I was thinking maybe you could help me with my chemistry homework think I could do that yeah hey guys what up to um AJ your mom called she's looking for you maybe you should head home uh yeah yeah [Music] yeah hi as later that hi AJ bye AJ he wasn't jealous Nat I didn't let you around AJ because old man Tyrone is his dad too what boom what AJ's your brother [Music] now now that was a secret just when you thought it couldn't get any worse leave it to Yasmin to ruin her entire family why would you say that it's true right chill bro this our life we've been friends for too long to let some game ruin us we should stop this now oh easy for you to say huh millionaire yeah you already got your money daddy why hey hey no we don't want to go over there yeah trust me look they say 73% of the people who give their friends family or significant other ample amount of space when they're upset tend to work things out in the long run so just give her some time Drew get off me yep that is my sister I'm going to go talk to her n please no leave me alone don't touch me [ __ ] hey yes I told you you just join a 27 percentile just give her some space you all right this is some heavy stuff man yeah how about we just keep the game moving okay all right I have number three and I'm opening it you're making my job all to easy please be my guest how do you keep doing that okay you were just there there now you here hey you know what I figured I'd give the old switcher this time I don't want to be too predictable you know what that might be worse so by now Natalie Pastor Rayman and Mr Tyrone are all at the park having ice cream and yes she feels tooo T lighter yasine I want to know did you predict this outcome cheer up the confession game is supposed to be fun Arie I've always liked the name Arie can I call you Arie no my fault the baby you and jazette lost was supposed to be named Arie let's get into it arnes I want you to look over Jette and I want you to tell her all about your clients in calabases clients and why they are so special and expensive happy confessing what is he talking about what clients you have two clients one in Glendale and one in Calabasas yeah yeah that's that's true do I look like a [ __ ] clown what is DZ talking about my client calabas is is not just my client and she don't pay me what is that supposed to mean she don't pay you what you train her for free no you're hustling backwards bro I never have any money because I pay her yeah he definitely Hing backwards mhm stop talking in [ __ ] circles arz just say what you got to say she has a baby all right I take care of the baby oh [ __ ] didn't see that one coming did y'all hear that that baby or your baby because it's a huge difference aress calm down jazette you screaming at me like you and sin didn't have a whole Affair is it your child what difference does it make if it's my child her child whoever child it is doesn't really matter is it your child yes [ __ ] yes yes it's my kid he wasn't hiding his baby from the world he was hiding the world from his baby this is not the time TRW you're right how old why you asking me questions that don't matter I confess I pay this [ __ ] all my money everything we're not together we're not dating and I hate [ __ ] driving down there just to give her money for the boy and that's why I'm always [ __ ] broke I hate this game yeah me too and I haven't even gone yet but like seriously why couldn't he just wire the money like use venmo where cash appers out that's what these things were made for instead of all this like [ __ ] that's right here like why I'm not even scared to go anymore I haven't done nothing worse than cheating infidelity or hitting kids so I'm good just give me my million so I could hit these tables oh let me know if or when you're going cuz I'm trying to work on my craps game actually so we can go together and be like a so you're broke so is that why you never have money is that why I'm always paying for the [ __ ] dinners I have a whole child I need to take care of what are you talking about how old you might as well just tell me cuz I'm going to find out he's 10 the boy is 10 you no good ass [ __ ] who's a [ __ ] you know I would take guesses but I'm pretty sure I know who the [ __ ] it is if you know the answer then why you asking me because you told me that ho from the library was not pregnant I never said she wasn't pregnant I said it wasn't mine semantics well she was pregnant and it's yours oh my God you can never keep your dick in your pants H who has age old Secrets now huh arz what's his favorite color oh God do you run in bedtime stories at night no no wait wait wait wait wait what's the boy's name what is it Saved by the Bell I'm on it what's the boy's name why are you like this I [ __ ] hate you I [ __ ] can't stand you you're disgusting 10 years years oh my God what's up man bro what's up I got a weird text message from a number I didn't recognize saying pull up immediately they said something about uh about a game and maybe I'm thinking it's a typo they meant to write gang so I don't know if I was coming to a party or to a shootout so I came straight over here I can't let my fan down Carlos I love you you're crazy I love you too y oh don't forget I'm pulling up on you and that this Sunday at church pastor be on me orz you s and Chris are going to the game this weekend right if you do let me know Count Me In bro [Music] yo so um yeah as in that they ain't really on talking terms right now right yeah it's cool yeah it just needs time to get back into the 73 percentile also um arz is sin yeah they need a little time too and that text message I probably came from Miss Jackson Miss who Miss Jackson [ __ ] you almost got shot you are a m M of the confession day what after DZ died apparently he had a bunch of money like millions of dollars and he pretty much wanted to split it up amongst all his friends DZ how made board games hangman that's me hangman yeah man damn that's pretty dope wait that's racist I I told uh-huh y what are we doing here you have your envelope there's a message from Dad's in it he's going to try to get you to snitch about a secret you told him you do it you get the money you don't you get nothing so what's it going to be bro Count Me In let's move on then right all right who has the next envelope cuz I'm I'm [ __ ] done with this no no you're not done you're not done until you tell me the boy's name you do not make the rules here okay Miss Jackson she'd like to know so tell [Music] her his name is Ary speak up his name is [Music] Arie oh this is serious yeah he may want roll right back out of here big [Music] dog yes and ares you both should be receiving a wire of $1 million to your bank accounts so shall we continue I am so ready to get mine over with oh [ __ ] there's a flight to Vegas out of Burbank in 2 hours I can make that I'm going to stay at the photian no no no no I'm going stay at the win I always went at the win yeah what I I thought I was going with cuz remember we were going to be like a team like a crafts team cuz I feel like I got this this lucky rolling hand that I could really utilize and we can win a bunch of games but well the only problem is though I I can't like pick it up in an hour cuz I have to go home and like feed my goldfish you know yeah yeah yeah your goldfish yeah absolutely yeah just go feed him and then I'll meet you there right after goldfish right yeah yo guys this is a lot of pressure you know if a person is forced into a contract against their free will they're considered a victim of durest and that contract is null and void in any court of law this is true if you wish to not participate you're more than welcome to hand over your envelope forfeit your opportunity and exit the premises I wasn't saying me per se right you know it's just according to my calculations there's the probability of people being you know pressure feeling the pressure well I got five anyway right so if anybody wants to go ahead and hurry up whoever's next y'all can go ahead and do that because I'm ready to go trust me I'm ready too poy I got number eight come on mat pick up well I have four and I'm going damn D has the two love birds going back to back some cold blooded [ __ ] right there and way to kick a man when he's down dad not cool bro not cool please stop please Jette door open all right what's wrong what's up y'all Mr Marky Mark hey man hey G nice how's the friendships kinships and sinship funny so we've reached envelope number four and jazette it looks like you're up to bed I figured you're already in the hole why not keep digging so are you ready for your confession jazette I want you to tell all our friends what really went down on indigenous people's day of 2018 I think it's safe to say you had a little more dessert than pumpkin pie happy confessing man I just love that DZ said indigenous people's day like what a Class Act yes DZ is woke he's like a modern day Lamor Morris let's get it players the envelopes expire at 12 a.m. what wait when were you going to tell us that you just leave out a critical piece of information what kind of host are you come on Jette SM rice some beans already I got to get mine Drew once I get this bread the first thing I'm going to do is buy one of those motorized chairs you know from the infomercial go like 25 mph bro them things be moving dog with the multiple gun compartment oh and I'mma get my boy a brand new pistol too no cap he's doing that by himself he's getting pistols by himself I don't buy pistols Tick Tock why did I know Dad's would have me talk about this very situation God I hate him for that so on Thanksgiving indigenous people's day on indigenous people's day thank you a lot of us ate up my parents house oh yeah I remember your pops could throw down that mac and cheese was crazy on his wings anyway after we made s'mores and everyone went to bed I uh I stayed up with someone for real [ __ ] y'all looking at me for [ __ ] again yo Them Wings was crazy would your pops cook them in holy water and Jesus tee you know my dad doesn't share secret recipes you colel Sanders you know what I'mma head out I'm taking this plate to go I love yall love you too bye sinere your dad is a great cook though yeah I think his cooking is what kept the family together tonight was fun you didn't have any s'mores though yeah that's not my favorite type of dessert so what do you like cake ice cream we can postmate something hm no none of those this is my favorite type of dessert could [Music] only to [Music] be Marcus Marcus Marcus don't go what the [ __ ] you call me over here for huh weird stay on [ __ ] man his family a bury him yet look at y'all over here having parties it's not even like that I can explain you can explain what can you explain hooking up with jazette I remember that night too I was blowing up your phone talking about you tipsy you can't drive home so you going to sleep with jazette I didn't know you was [ __ ] her it's not like we planned it we didn't mean for it to happen what it just happened huh all those times I asked for a threesome Valentine's Day New Year's my birthday funny how it didn't just happened oh he freaky freaky I like Marcus hell of a lot better now yeah damn Marcus definitely got some cool points in my book I'm out man Marcus Marcus please don't go we can talk about this talk to your [ __ ] tail C cars all right enjoy the freak Show freak Show okay well that's not as cool it's not nice I'm going just take my cool points back th again that boy dad is a piece of work I guess he said if he going go he taking all of us with him yeah Dam you sleeping with the guy homie the girl homie I thought I [ __ ] knew you I suppose none of us truly knew each other and Daz is making a point tonight yep lot of years and a lot of dirt guess dad's upstairs testing us to see how much our friendship really worth suppe none of us never open those zomos speak for yourselves cuz I'm still broke last I check all three of you got pay tell you what you feel bad you feel so guilty give me your money I'll spend it I'm just saying bro [ __ ] got complicated complicated why cuz everybody in here is [ __ ] each other and having babies that's not complicated does no one in this house know how to be loyal well Natalie's always been pretty loyal to her dudes so the [ __ ] I do where's N I don't know I think she was exactly not here like I said nobody in this house knows how to be loyal Drew you're up oh [ __ ] Andrew the good boy Fisher finally in the hot seat wonder what kind of dirt dad had on [Music] you hurry up man [ __ ] I'm going to miss my Millions I'm going to miss my flight cuz my friends are imbeciles can I go no you know the rules what you hesitating for I'm good bro going to go the game must be played in chronological order any player who breaks that rule will forfeit his or her opportunity to participate course true what you have to takeing for relax I'm [Music] [Applause] going this should be interesting hey Gamers I'm back oh and I noticed that we're on Andrew the Archangel of the group Drew you never really shared any secrets with me and I think that's very Noble of you sir yeah cuz I don't got no secrets man I'm an open book interestingly enough you and I share a secret together and I'm sorry this isn't even part of the game I just need to get this off of my chest so I'm just going to come right out and say it drew do you remember back in 2016 nope nope that's I I forfeit I for Miss Jackson here you can take this envelope I don't want to play this game anymore I forfeit my turn yes you can have my money very well now huh oh my god really true looks like I'm up cuz I'm number six so I'll go ahead and grab my flash drive let's roll this back real quick run it back yeah do you remember back in 2016 we all went paintballing and then Carlos fell from on top of the abandoned bus yo yo yo I said I don't want to play it who Miss Jackson I said I forfeit my turn what are you doing n you going to go ahead big dog hey come on guys you can't do that you already forfeited I'm up I'll go let's keep the game moving play it anybody stops the video we going to have some problems the ref called time but you and I thought it was so [ __ ] funny to keep shooting at his boots you literally soaked the top of the bus yeah yeah I know you remember that [ __ ] yeah baby I can't [ __ ] with us time time adre watch this nah better aim my boy time no shooting after the whistle guys one more time you get a warning my bad how many times did you say before it was a warning that's strike one yeah I no I just wasn't sure if it was this many or strike two [ __ ] strike two little [ __ ] [ __ ] bag strike two hey you saw that y'all want to go again next round on me come on [ __ ] hey you okay man yo you all right bro yeah I'm I'm good I'm good just get me up just help me up fellas [ __ ] what's wrong what's wrong oh man I can't feel my leg all right let me know when you feel this y want going to star from your ankles up all right all right let me know when you start yo D this is not good bro let me know yo we [ __ ] up guys y I don't know what happened I think I slipped I lost my balance you think I'm paralyzed yo don't even [ __ ] talk like that bro where the [ __ ] is they at they're on the phone okay nobody knew he was going to fall so it's not totally our fault I don't know D I feel like we should probably say something hey hey [Music] look what what if we just don't tell him I mean we will right but like now it's just not the time let's just get him to the hospital and make sure everything's okay yo lo you good bro that's actually that's actually a pretty good idea hey man hey bro so the very friends I stood for took my ability to stand stabb me in the back literally Carlos we we wanted to tell you but now it's not the time bro it's too late for all that sin I know but I feel like if we just talked about it right now then we could finally put all this behind us who put the gun away bro yeah yeah yeah sin is right there's nothing good that that can come out of this Carlos we love you love Carlos we have been friends for a very very long time it was a very long time ago right and and we made a mistake look at me Carlos look at me man this kid Drew your boy right your little brother I please bro just put the gun down and we can talk about this y'all put me in this chair you know that I got to Bo [Music] y everybody good is that you good yeah Chris yeah I'm good yes no yes thanks for listening Jason I had to get out of there I was seriously about to go off on her ass sounds like me every day at work I don't think you understand Yasmin tells me everything like even the embarrassing [ __ ] and the most important part of my life she decides to keep from me look everybody knows Yasmin has a great heart okay she's a tree hugger besides she was just looking out for her little sis you're the wild card I wish everyone would stop looking out for L sis and I'm not a wild card I'm just passionate passionate Matt you wrote a 12 song album about your ex every great artist raps about the relationships you said that [ __ ] name about 51 times in every single song you never heard car Tyrone Valerie you right and Mike S did diss the hell out of Billy Jean wasn't claiming that baby for nothing look all I'm saying is I wouldn't be surprised if you had a disc record called [ __ ] yasine [ __ ] yasine and the click she claim we might be related but we not the same use your sister's name you put your family to shame but I do respect that you need somebody to blame I'm a and lioness Cannot Be Tamed pitch show me up for the confession game the what some stupid ass game everyone's inside playing right now after dad's funeral we all came back oh yeah the funeral I was going to pull up but I don't really know Dad's like that you okay yeah this just a long day anyways dad left a fortune behind for his friends if we all decided to come back and start snitching on each other damn I should have gotten no DH how much thing they making right now Jason I'm just I'm not a snitch I'm just saying like I'm curious how much your fake friends are selling each other out for that's all they're not fake how much a million dollar the [ __ ] where did Dad's work all a playing come on let's go we got to find out right now no I'm not going back in there that [ __ ] is dead to me [Music] what happened yes what's going on no stop it what what is happening what did you do hey I'm calling for help I tell them what huh that you and one of your best friends just put another one of your best friends in a wheelchair then that best friend just shot another one of your best friends now y' ain't friends no more yeah all right it's going to be a lot of [ __ ] in jail tonight [ __ ] it man make the call uh yes 555 um Brenson Brenson Avenue she's literally on the ground can you is there any way that you can get here a little bit quicker please wait you're leaving I didn't even go well due to the events that have recently transpired legally officially and indefinitely my time is up um jazette Drew Chris $1 million has been wired to your accounts good evening no yes yes please please I need you yes please wake up I need you you're all I have please it's going to be okay we're going to get through this ambulance is on its way oh my God oh my God yes yes I love you are are you okay where were you shot I feel like I was hit by a bus and I fell in hit my head wow the bullet did even go through damn ter car saved your life after all yes yes listen I'm I'm sorry I I just blacked out M me would be local I'm sorry yes thank God we can't lose [Music] you look she's fine let's just finish the game unfortunately the time has expired I'll give you 2% of a million that's 20,000 who's going to know 10% you want 100 band for an hour 5% 15% you're raising what kind of negotiation is this all right let's do the 10 now it's 20 % for every confession moving forward we'll take [Music] it yes some water for you yo next time you go to Vegas bro stick to the slot machines whatever oh we was in the car and all that could talk about was you she even made a song about you too really not that's so sweet who's the garbage man with the jokes Jason the sanitation specialist name is Jason he's also an MC wait oh Nat told me about you you're the uh your Ali right that's your name you [ __ ] old white [ __ ] hey man there's nothing wrong with a cougar Ali you should bring her around sometime so we can meet her yeah why don't you bring her around why don't you bring her around 60s is the new 30 so relax oh you're you're the you're the Gambler right straight shooter The Negotiator yeah it's a lot more money in throwing dice than throwing trash bags buddy and for your information I'm an excellent negotiator judging by your last negotiation with the intense chick over there you might want to hang that up you're not good bro well it's good to finally meet you Jay do do you mind if we call you Jay whatever okay yeah Nat's just always talking about a rapper buddies and we never get to meet any of them so I was starting to think that you were like a myth heard that I'm a myth you heard the man he specializes in garbage so his raps are probably trash hold up whoa whoa whoa yo you Wilding trash man make big bang s like 70 lady I'm a sanitation specialist the new countdown began when the deal was struck you now have 28 minutes to complete the remaining confessions wait hold up we agreed on the hour no no you mentioned an hour not me see that you're no good bro shut up make me Nat would you like to read your confession or forfeit I don't know what do you think everything's just so [ __ ] up it's up to you just whatever you choose don't let it come between us again look judging by everybody's face in here is a lot of millionaires Nat get your paper La I ain't cominging for all this I'm out [ __ ] you LLY I forgot to cancel the cops bro it's not Postmates you can't just cancel the cops you need to get the door Chris what did you tell him nothing really I just gave him an update on what was happening okay yeah your white ass is definitely getting the door all right what do I tell him now get rid of him it's very unhelpful but okay door open hi everything okay in here yes we we got a call about a domestic disturbance yeah one of my friends uh they fell over but we're all good now fell huh this [ __ ] just let him in the house why don't you bring that friend that fell to the front door yeah bring him up here okay all right uh Hey s could you come here for a minute the [ __ ] you say my name Chris out there snitching what up hey good evening sir uh how you feeling yeah everything good one of our friends just slipped y have a good night oh hold so you didn't fall your buddy here told me that you fell now you're saying that you didn't so I'm I'm confused yeah which one is it you seem nervous oh yeah um we was playing twister and then two of us bumped heads and then you know we fell on the ground so my boy here decided to call y'all and you know y'all came out so everything's good we good no no we're not good so you think I had nothing better to do than come across town to be on some [ __ ] sounds like some [ __ ] to me suppos I came to your job on that same [ __ ] you got any ID drugs paraphernalia what you got a warrant you guys can see my ID if you want let me see your ID sir show me your [ __ ] hands yo get your man hey you heard my partner and don't you think about trying to resist either cuz I'll beat your [ __ ] ass to the ground is that ke hey Hees Fisher man come heyy Parker this that's a good friend of mine what's a good friend of mine from joaby come on man it's good to see you man but what happened I thought you were going into the league when you start working for the the the the the popo the five the the enemy [ __ ] when did you start working for the enemy man I tore my ACL bro join the academy after that man it's good to see you hey are they are they giving you any trouble no you bothering us oh no these are just these are my friends yeah we were we were um we were playing twister that's what we were playing twister yep and then you one a couple of us fell that was one of the ones who did that's why I didn't know what was happening here so I I was the one who fell you was also someone who fell too though I was like oh CTE and [ __ ] you were an athlete you get it it makes perfect sense it makes perfect sense man you know what we're going to head out of here I'm sorry for bothering you guys uh you know sorry for my partner just getting his feet weet come on yeah don't take it personal I was just [ __ ] with you guys laying down the law go ahead and lay it down you just lay that low down play hey man what the [ __ ] was that about that was definitely an unhealthy dose of Injustice if I've ever seen that before I mean I step away for 2 seconds and y'all got the cops in this [ __ ] Christ trying to tell y'all horrible you heard Jason I'm going to make my money 20 minutes remaining hey [Music] Gamers did you miss me wow we've made it to envelope number seven that my favorite friend here he goes buttering you up just to let you down you must have really [ __ ] up I just have one question are you ready for your confession what's the point of it never mind not I want you to tell sin why he will forever have sand in his apartment s [ __ ] everyone takes off their shoes when they come to his house he never goes to the beach so why so much sand Nat why so much sand happy confessing you had a floor I know it's going to be something [ __ ] up so just say it promise you won't hate me depends on what you're about to tell me to be honest I don't think anyone can ha you n yeah that's true it was an accident what was an accident last year on your birthday when me Daz and yasine came to drop off your cake you know sin hates surprises yeah but it's a really big birthday 18's a big birthday 21's a big birthday 30's a big birthday 32 is more like a filler birthday I mean once you H 30 you have to wait every 10 years for a special one every day that we're blessed enough to be on God's Great Earth is special does you sound just like Dad so why don't we give him a cake and balloons every day surprise yeah you like your cake do you like your balloon says congratulations oh well I'm so excited you so much fun let's I'm going to go get some pants told you he hates surprises stop guys he loves it okay I'm going to run to the restroom that you grabbed silverware plates DZ you can start setting up the cake wow you just going to put us [Music] work yo hurry up before sing gets back what are you [Music] doing know what happened you all right yeah I I just cut my finger but it's fine all right cool don't mess around and cut yourself at sin's place he might mess around and sue you happy birthday toy [Music] birth happy birthday happy birthday to you make woo yeah wooo what's up L hey S I think I left my necklace yesterday when I was prepping the cake I mean I didn't see it but you go check oh [Music] thanks $45 and lies1 $410 there are the four bids the actual retail price is that's so guilty knocking over the ear I came back the next day and replaced your grandmother's ashes what's s it's not a car it's a brand new [Music] Maser found it it was behind the soap dispenser so you're good yeah I'll let myself out all right bye s [Music] later now what did you do [ __ ] disgusting I wake up every morning at 5:00 a.m. to pay respect to my grandmother's Shrine to pray to meditate and for a year her asses haven't been in her ear I didn't know how to tell you so you cover your own ass [ __ ] you n it was an accident [ __ ] you n [ __ ] you I'm out this [ __ ] the [ __ ] off me where you going sin pull a sand out my grandmother's ear I'm not going to even lie to you that was pretty [ __ ] evil and I don't even [ __ ] with him I mean now where' you get the sand oh so y'all just going to act like I was the only one thinking it okay Splendid Nat $800,000 has been wired to your account you now have 15 minutes all right let's keep this moving I'm after you Los B go ahead in there for me hey Gamers wow you guys have made it through eight envelopes and I got to be honest I thought Carlos was going to shoot someone my friends truly do amaze me but I digress Carlos l my gangsta buddy Europe let's get it you remember when Ali was like a super nice guy and then after his fiance left him he became angry bitter and impatient he started smoking weed gambling and even dating cougars it was like a whole new person yeah you have been in the slump for a minute bro yeah I knew you changed when you stopped coming with us to four Flags Angie and Angie and Rox my everything Carlos I want you to tell Ali who Let The Dogs Out happy confessing you're just going to sit there or you're going to start talking cuz you were the only one that came by the house that day I I know that was a day I kept calling you I called you at least three times to come outside and help me in but I didn't get an answer from you Ali Ali man I've been out here for 20 minutes [ __ ] it what's up what's up Roxy yo Carlos good girl where's everybody at huh they that way all right Carlos oh [ __ ] yo my bad bro I'm sorry I had to go through the back but I've been out there for like 20 minutes man you know I can't get up them steps man my bad man my my brain has just literally been like all over the place more wedding planning Angie had me picking out the colors of the napkins the tablecloths there's actually more colorways than you think that prissy [ __ ] girls will be girls women will be women hi caros what's up Angie I'm just messing with you and for your information my baby loves the prissy [ __ ] no I put up with the prissy [ __ ] cuz I love you oh man y'all need a room yeah we got plenty cuz we just got a house soon to be at home just you me and Roxy feel like you love Roxy more than me sometimes H honey don't be jealous you know you're my number one roxxy's just my baby I've had her for 16 years oh [ __ ] what happened get [Music] out [Music] Roxy never ran out the front door um she wasn't even in the [Music] house I left the side gate open and Roxy ran through there Carlos that's [ __ ] up I was Haden I had a future Angie left me cuz she thought I was irresponsible I thought I was irresponsible I [ __ ] up we sold that house now I live in a [ __ ] [ __ ] hole all because you killed my relationship you killed my [ __ ] s hey man get [ __ ] off you're a real piece of [ __ ] work she going to let me take the fall for that that girl still hates me to this day all this time I thought I was a piece of [ __ ] and you're the piece of [ __ ] all of a sudden I don't feel so bad about what you and Chris did to you Ali don't bother let's keep this circus going hey game we're almost down to our final envelope dang it's go by so fast Al number n n n that crazy number nine times any number you can find it all comes back to nine where do I know that from Sesame Street that's it there it is Count Dracula dude he's the man more like a vampire B but he know he had legs so close that explains a lot yeah 3 minutes remaining are you ready for your confession I'll leave I really think we should have hung out more we were like Batman and Robin of course I was Batman anyways I want you to tell everyone about the woman who helped you get over Angie you know the new Leading Lady in your life happy confessing oh the cougar oh this will be good we were just talking to Jay about this [ __ ] I can't do it what are you serious bro yes Chris I'm serious Miss Jackson I forfeit no you don't get to Forfeit you've been rushing us this entire game and now you want to stop because you don't want to tell us about your new girlfriend yeah Ali we're all friends we don't care who you date yeah I know I don't you're a grown ass man dog and you cost me $200,000 with your poor ass negotiating so speak up olly 1 minute remaining bro why don't you just tell us about your lady friend like can't be that bad right she's not like super ugly you're like 75 right or a trump supporter or can't be more shocking than that though right trust me it can't be 10 seconds it's Chris's [Music] mom [Music] what Chris I'm sleeping with your [Music] mom you was [ __ ] Chris mom [Music] wow Ali that's slow bro you're a piece of [ __ ] Chris you okay I can't explain it just stop we didn't plan stop what's wrong with you how long have you been with his mother all these [ __ ] and you choose to be with your friend's mother sick I didn't mean for it to get to this point Chris sick I love her hey come on Chris what I miss hey chrisy what's wrong Ali [ __ ] you do now Ali he smashing Chris's mom dead ass yes dead ass I would say I wouldn't believe it but at this point Carlos and Ali your $800,000 has been wired to your account well it seems like my time here is up mine too I got my money I'm out hold on hold on but what about the 10th envelope yeah who was it for I'm actually estatic that you asked I'm the 10th envelope I'm sorry you said the envelopes work for his friends how do you know D hey Gamers we have reached the final [Music] envelope Miss Jackson I'd like you to tell all my wonderful friends the story of King dtj happy confessing there once was a boy who lived in a village no one respected the boy they just used him he wasn't like the privileged royalty who lived in the Kingdom at top the hill but he had high expectations for himself he was destined to be king in order to do so he had to First Infiltrate The Kingdom so he hired a spy the Spy was cunning and clever her mission was to remove the nine pillars of the Kingdom on the hill the Spy begin with the old wise one without history and wisdom a kingdom has no Foundation she pegged the most powerful warrior in the land against him she knew compassion and emotion could ruin her plan so she went straight for the heart of the Kingdom so the kingdom could not retaliate she then wiped out their big Fearless Warrior then his beautiful intelligent wife this way the warrior could never breed new Warriors the kingdom was proud and filled with High Spirits her next task at hand was to kill the morale so she extracted the laughter and the happiness from the kingdom and slayed the Healer and the comedian armed with only a bag of greed this spy was Unstoppable $1 million $1 million $1 million has been wired to your account the spine moved in a haste to remove any Talent from the Kingdom ah knowing that Joy is achieved through music and entertainment she assassinated the musician every Kingdom has its allies who rule neighboring kingdoms these Warriors show up when battles are being lost the Spy tricked the new Warrior to visit the kingdom then use the Kingdom's own Darkness to knock him from his Chariot her final mission was to push out that Darkness so she murdered the sorcerer with these nine High pillars of the Kingdom removed the boy can now rule as king dtj dazinger Terell Jackson my first and only child she us playing this this whole time yeah it was all a game the confession [Music] game well at least we got our money yeah yo what the [ __ ] all my money just disappeared yeah mine too no it's not just the money that I won all my accounts are [Music] cleared bro all my money just vanished that [ __ ] played me yeah I know that she got us too she ruined our friendships for nothing then Rob us f wow y'all was letting her teleport all around this [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: DeStorm Power
Views: 240,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AItl8vVhws4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 7sec (4507 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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