The Complete Story of Neon | Valorant Lore Explained

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hey everybody jeff beer and i'm so excited to share with you guys today's neon agent lore video i'm so pumped for the lore of valoran and the introduction of neon definitely adds fuel to the vast expanding valorent lore the plot is being taken in so many different ways and oddly enough it looks like neon is kind of in the center of a lot of it at the moment but before we get into all the facts theories and more information i have for you guys today let's talk about today's sponsor and a sponsor i actually plan on using with you guys a lot squad ov guys squad ov is a super cool platform that allows you to share your gameplay with your friends in a really interesting way it automatically records your gameplay and uploads it so your friends can see it but also organizes it with highlights it will show you and your friends whenever you do something important like gills deaths and more but most people use this as a way to critique gameplay together to point out what you're doing wrong what you're doing right and how to improve squad ov works with valerian league of legends teamfight tactics wow cs go and hearthstone remember when it's open it automatically records and uploads it so you don't even have to push any buttons and your friends can clip their favorite or important moments they want to point out to you i'll be using this to make a squad with you guys so you can view all my games i play at valor and you can share your games too and we can all work together to critique each other and get better the link to my squad will be in the description and the pinned comment thank you squad ov for sponsoring today's video okay so the way i'm going to structure this video is starting off with the earliest pieces of information we know about neon's past and there's actually quite a bit of it all the way to present day and even what will likely happen in the future for neon alright so the birth of neon well it's not as straightforward as you think in fact we don't even know if neon has any parents to be honest let me explain so in a promotional article with life interviewing the voice actress for neon uh vanilli velasquez i'm super sorry if i put your name if you're watching i do apologize i'm vanille velazquez they explained neon in a quick bio to the readers of the article saying where neon came from apparently she was found by filipino scientists and when they went to investigate a huge lightness strike in the tall mountains of mount pulag in the philippines but this lightning strike was nothing but ordinary as the scientists discovered that a rift opened up in the sky above the impact and right below it was a little baby girl that girl is neon but as if a baby being discovered by a lightning strike impact with a rift opening up in the sky wasn't crazy enough get this guys this happened 10 years bfl or 10 years before the first light which is freaking insane guys so that means that the first light actually wasn't the first occurrences of rifts opening up in the sky depositing rainy night or in neon's case giving birth to a whole new radiance that would really help explain why yoru's ancient samurai mask has radionite embedded in it even though it's centuries old maybe these riffs have been happening for quite some time but i'm getting ahead of myself we even know this to be true via neon's personal player card where we see neon feature with two people looking out over rift in the mountains with a lightning strike i think it's pretty sick to say that those two people are the scientists that i said earlier even with her unnatural childhood she would grow up in the city of manila in the philippines the only way we know this is in a voice line with chamber where he talks about viper about to leave to meet neon in person viper your suit is a little stifling no when you go meet the new agent maybe pack something light manila is quite warm this time of year but nier would grow up to be a spunky person expressing herself in many ways whether it's the clothes she wears the way she styles her hair or the things she buys to make herself feel comfortable just like how she decorates her room she was very athletic winning many championships with her school basketball team and really enjoys music she can also play music and enjoys listening to her favorite songs while jamming out to them and dancing but somehow along the way she would be picked up by the kingdom corporation as an employee there and one of the ways we know this is because chamber seems to have a history with neon that may have ended in a bad way here's what chambers said in a voice recording sent to brimstone bonjour brimstone i've sent you my intelligence for number 19. the file is quite comprehensive kingdom keeps far too much data on its employees as you'll see her abilities are uniquely suited to help with the special project she is a perfect fit i think unfortunately i cannot reach out to her directly there is a past misunderstanding that may make her less receptive but as a fellow kasich veteran i am sure she'll meet with you appeal to her sense of service she gets that from her family this is exciting though good progress so real quick guys the special projects chamber was talking about is the mission of the valerian protocol to use a teleporter to make contact with mirror earth it's rumored that this is the next big mission for valverde we'll find out later on that killjoy was talking about how they need a massive power source to hopefully run the teleporter they'll use to get to mirror earth then conveniently neon gets recruited into the valor protocol after she left the kingdom i'm guessing they'll need neon to power it as we know she actually has an insane amount of electricity running through her at really any given moment killjoy my suits got like a billion votes don't touch it also killjoy noticed that neon's radiant electricity powers are strangely linked to earth brim hi neon and i started our work on rebooting the portal so far so good she seems nervous but i like her and her power is more than i could have hoped for the bio-electricity inside her body is literally enlaced with earth's radionite mesh do you know how crazy that is it shouldn't even be possible also i wanted to share something cute i found real quick while watching the warm-up cinematic if you zoom in close here on kiljoy's monitor it looks like she is buying a new sad squid charm for neon somehow killjoy heard that neon loves these and got a little charm for her that neon calls squish squish and you can actually see it on neon at all times just thought that was pretty cute moving on let's talk about another way that neon is being used to further the plot in valorance lore while she is helping to build and potentially power the replication of alpha and omega kingdom's teleporter to get to mirror earth she is also being played by reina at the same time with a very different approach you see reina has been subtly hinting for quite a while now that she is tired of humans and all the crazy technology and wants radiance to rule the world this is almost exactly the same thing that happened in ko's timeline where he fought in the radiant wars and actually killed queen reina ending the near apocalyptic carnage but now we are seeing reina's plans slowly starting to come into action over on the official valerian twitter account they posted a picture of what looks like reina trying to plant seeds of distrust and doubt with the valor protocol 2 neon i'll read it now neon i know what you can do your suit has its uses but controlling your powers does not mean wearing a muzzle let's chat one radiant to another from reyna now i don't know about you guys but that definitely looks like reina is trying to get into neon's head and paint a picture that she's being used and they are keeping a lid on her powers full potential hopefully we'll get to see more about their meeting together and see what else reyna has to say to try and convince neon in not trusting the protocol and really humans as a whole but more importantly i want to see what neon's going to do after she hears what reyna has to say will she agree with her and start working with reina or will she realize she's being used by her and shut out all she has to say what do you guys think neon will do but now let's get into some amazing voice lines and interactions with neon and others on the valor protocol i know this video has painted a dark cloud over the vp but trust me neon is most likely going to get along very very very well with almost everyone we already know kiljoy bought her a gift with squish squish and we also know that neon and sage are already off on a really good relationship too uh you okay in there come in i see you've made a few changes yeah i i just it's beautiful hey the team's waiting race you there here are also a few voice signs with neon getting to know the other agents and trying to learn more about them oyastra how would i hypothetically go to other worlds or whatever save a jet i'm not racing you you'd only embarrass yourself i know sage don't hurt myself but it's a gunfight so no promises but then we have the two agents neon so far either does not trust like chamber or thinks is just straight up weird like cipher chamber i'm here to fight whatever you're scheming leave me out of it don't listen to that chamber what he wants is not what he says cipher i am not kidding if you take my picture i will fry that thing just try me enough cameras their ciphers gotta go nosy weirdo yeah guys like i said she thinks cipher is a weirdo for all his spying and stuff so besides chambers straight up telling brim that neon used to work for the kingdom she also just told brim herself in a voice sign where she jokes that they both used to work there let's go brim x kingdom represent she also comments on reyna's recklessness quite a lot actually it's pretty funny so raise you got a plan or are you gonna you know do what you always do raise the plan is never mind just keep blowing them up so we already know that skye loves to exercise and she does it all the time with other agents her main workout buddy is breach but it also looks like that she's trying to reach out to neon as well to start working out with her too sky i like morning runs but morning implies sunlight no more 4 am wake ups you maniac sky if your beds find them tell me i don't speak wolf or tiger whatever oh yeah and i also thought that this voiceline was hilarious too that yoru looks pissed all the time honestly it's impressive so guys what do you think about neon do you think she'll be strong enough to power the teleporter or do you think she'll join forces with rayna when the time is right let me know in the comments below also make sure to follow me on twitter and check out the discord server the invite link for the discord server is in the description below and it's a super cool place to meet new friends leave a like and subscribe notifications if you're new now with all that being said japanese
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 227,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant lore, valorant agent lore, valorant story, sir jeppy, lore valorant, valorant lore story, valorant lore explained, valorant highlights, valorant storyline, valorant character lore, complete valorant story, valorant new agent, valorant agents, valorant agent, valorant lore video, agent lore, valorant origin, valorant trailer, valorant lore origin, valorant storyline explained, The Complete Story of Neon | Valorant Lore Explained, neon valorant, neon valorant lore
Id: FdYkZzPZzko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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