The Complete Futurama Timeline! | Channel Frederator

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good news everyone one of the best shows on the  smellovision is getting the timeline treatment   for a show that has everything from multiverses  to whatchamacallits to just a ton of time travel   this show does have butt loads of time  travel are we sure we want to do this   all right i mean as far as wacky sci-fi goes  futurama is really well put together and before   we dive in we're gonna go with the assumption  that you have at least a basic understanding   of who fry leela bender and the rest of the  planet express crew are because they're just   littered throughout human history before we  actually meet them for the first time whatever   i'm jacob with channel frederator and today we're  going on a fantastic voyage through the entire   futurama timeline paradoxes and all the big bang  in early history 10 billion bc to 274 bc believe   it or not futurama's history goes back to before  the creation of our universe yevo a planet-sized   alien from a different universe floats alone for  a trillion years in the vast emptiness of space   it's not until the big bang occurs that schlee  schler even realizes their solitude despite   the heckishly cute niblonian race predating the  big bang as well albeit only by about 17 years   in 10 billion bc the big bang occurs bringing  the entire physical universe as we know it into   existence mere milliseconds later the evil brain  spawn emerge a race of flying sentient brains   hell-bent on destroying the universe after all  knowledge has been collected the nimblonians take   up arms against the floating menace starting a  war that would rage on well into the 31st century   sometime during this period described in the show  as eons ago a life-giving aura known as the chi   begins to spread throughout the universe allowing  animals and plants to take form this kick starts   the evolutionary arms race a darwinistic cycle  between two predatory species endlessly adapting   to each other ultimately the evolutionary arms  race leads to the creation of both the dark ones   and the encyclopods eventually the life-giving qi  recedes for unknown reasons bringing both species   to the brink of extinction billions of years later  the sun earth and moon are created though it would   be another 4 billion years until the first earth  fish crawled onto land then in 65 million 500 000   bc the brain spawn invade earth presumably for  the first time wiping out all of the planet's   dinosaurs skipping forward millions of years  neanderthals in north america are wiped out over   the course of the next ten thousand years homo  sapiens drive all of the remaining neanderthals   from the neander valley where they eventually  settle inside a glacier along with several   other prehistoric creatures torn from tomorrow's  headlines 3 500 bc to 1775 a.d in 3500 bc the   first cats arrive on planet earth an alien species  hailing from thuben 9 these adorable kitties left   their home to steal earth's gravitational pull  after their own began to slow worshipped as   gods by the egyptians they eventually became lazy  and domesticated for getting their plants to save   their home world for centuries and they're not the  only ones to visit egypt 2 500 years later aliens   from osiris-4 visit ancient egypt to learn how to  build pyramids travel through space and prepare   their dead leonardo da vinci an alien from planet  vinci visits earth during the renaissance though   considered relatively stupid on his own planet  he is revered as a genius by earthican standards   tired of being ridiculed he decides to stay on  earth where he becomes a famous scientist painter   engineer and inventor a few hundred years later  minuteman yancey fry is blasting commies in the   american revolution at least according to fry's  dad i don't think he understands how uh how the   a number of males threw out the fry family tree  are subsequently named yancey to honor his legacy   on april 17 1775 the planet express crew travels  back in time to the american revolution to prove   david farnsworth one of american history's most  nefarious traders isn't related to the professor   hilarious time meddling antics ensue briefly  resulting in an alternate reality where great   britain wins the war oh yeah and new jersey  has officially declared the country's official   joke stage during a secret meeting held by the  continental congress but i i think we already knew   that the frye family 1920-1999 in 1920 professor  hubert j farnsworth's distant ancestor real world   inventor philo farnsworth invents the television  fun little easter egg the professor's name in   the show was actually inspired by the real life  inventor himself attributed here as his ancestor   the planet express crew travels back to 1947  causing the famed roswell ufo incident in an   emmy award-winning back to the future parody for  the ages philip j fry becomes his own grandfather   after accidentally killing his paternal  grandfather enos fry and sleeping with his   grandmother and fry will go on to casually refer  to this fling as doing the nasty in the pasty   gross dude sure enough nine months later fry's  father and son yancey fry senior is born aren't   time paradoxes fun moving forward philip's super  jealous older brother and technically grandson   yancy fry jr is born in 1971 and three years later  in 1974 series protagonist philip j fry is born at   brooklyn pre-med hospital instead of flourishing  in school fry spends most of his formative years   playing video games and watching star trek which  explains a lot i think he also mentions in the   show that he used to drink a hundred cans of cola  a day and had three heart attacks in high school   in their teens yancey tries to steal philip's  seven-leaf clover which appears to grant just   unbelievable amounts of luck but to sway yancy  from finding it philip hides it in his ronco   record vault specifically inside the sleeve of the  soundtrack of the breakfast club later in his 20s   philip gets a job as a delivery boy at pannucci's  pizza and good thing he's got that gig because in   1994 fry flunks out of coney island community  college and while the show suggests that it   was actually just a carnival attraction the comic  new year's rockin evil reveals it to be quite the   legitimate institution albeit one with very low  standards three years later fry adopts his scampi   and ever loyal dog seymour big thanks to whoever  called in that pizza delivery to see more asses   then in 1999 fry accidentally knocks the series  finale of single female lawyer off the air   one thousand years later the omicronians would  invade earth demanding an ending to the show but   that's hardly the biggest mistake he makes that  year you can't prove it won't happen december 31   1999. hello pizza delivery for icy wiener ah  crud the series officially begins philip j   fry sent on yet another fake pizza delivery this  time to applied cryogenics mere seconds into the   new year fry slips into a cryotube and is frozen  for exactly 1 000 years except it isn't exactly   a thousand years because for some reason he's  unfrozen like a day before the new year in 29.99   none of this matters anyway turns out that nibbler  sent fry on the fake pizza delivery and pushed   him into the cryo tube and it's all because fry  was prophesized to be the only being dumb enough   literally to defeat the brain spawn once and for  all but we'll get to that when we come to it no   need to feel bad for the guy though before being  frozen fry's bank account was left with a balance   of 93 cents which after 1 000 years of gathering  interest became a whopping 4.3 billion dollars i   mean it was eventually stolen from him but that's  on him for telling random strangers what his pin   number is meanwhile about seven years in the  future that is to say 3007 using a paradox   correcting time code tattooed on his ass fry time  travels back to the year 2000 30 minutes after he   was frozen there's then just a butt load of wacky  time traveling antics that take place within like   five minutes but all we need to focus on for now  is that shortly after this future fry rents out   the upstairs storage room of panuchi's pizza where  he lives an alternate life for 12 years and yes he   takes care of seymour too during this time bender  is being controlled by alien scammers to travel   back in time and destroy both the time code and  fry terminator style but he quickly loses him   months later bender mistakenly attacks al gore's  manager philip joshua fry in florida he ends up   accidentally destroying all of gore's ballots  and all but assuring a victory for george w   bush that may sound familiar but the rest of the  millennium plays out a little differently than   you might expect the world of the 2000s 2000 to  2801 in the year 2000 once landlocked city atlanta   georgia decides to move offshore so it can attract  more tourists unfortunately gross overdevelopment   causes the city to sink to the bottom of the  atlantic ocean the city was seemingly lost   until the planet express crew stumbled across the  civilization of merfolk in the early 31st century   sometime during this year yancey's son and fry's  nephew philip j fry the second is born named for   his uncle to carry on his spirit and yancy who  eventually found his brother seven leaf clover   while rooting around in his basement looking for  terrible music to clear out his wedding reception   gifts the priceless heirloom to his son with the  help of the clover he grows into an entrepreneur   and philanthropist not to mention the first man to  walk on mars circa 2032. the following year 2001   fry's ex-girlfriend michelle abandons her husband  and family by freezing herself to the year 2266   however she doesn't wake up until the year 3001  due to lars fillmore adjusting the timer wow that   was rude of him whatever it's not like we'll ever  hear from him again it's also around this time   that the brain spawns start their thousand-year  quest to obtain all knowledge in the universe by   2002 new york's garbage problem is out of control  the city decides to create the world's largest   barge and send all of their trash adrift aimlessly  circling the ocean for the next 50 years lonely   and missing leela something fierce fry's future  duplicate gets job at an aquarium in 2003 working   with a narwhal named lilu which for a while seems  to help his lonely feeling in 2008 stop and drop   becomes america's preferred choice of suicide  booth suggesting they've been around for as long   as the 21st century fun fact the cost of suicide  is only 25 cents that's not a fun fact at all i've   been lied to according to professor farnsworth  2008 also marks the year the svalbard global   seed vault in norway began preserving the seeds  of every known plant species on earth and for the   record that's true in our real world timeline  as well no one knows exactly when it's poorly   located and contains sister site the germ warfare  repository was erected though after seven years of   bonding future duplicate fry's new aquatic friend  lilu was released into the wild to make room for   the aquarium's new star attraction a giant log  with a halloween mask made to look like the loch   ness monster not ready to let her go fry spends  the next two years searching for her with the aid   of mr panucci's cousin leroy he also grows a beard  that's a wildly different color from his trademark   red hair and i'm not okay with that detail  duplicate fry finally locates lilu but decides   to set her free when he sees she's in love with  another narwhal his closure on the matter is she   needs what'll make her happy not what'll make me  happy god we're what like nine minutes into this   timeline and i've already talked about what two or  three things about this show that have made me cry   this isn't going to get any easier is it sad and  yet humbled fry returns to his new york apartment   above panucci's bender finally catches up with  the sad sack and blasts the place to kingdom come   fortunately the explosion doesn't kill fry  instead burning away his hair singeing his beard   and damaging his larynx revealing him to be lars  that might not be super shocking right now but he   becomes way important later he then rushes to the  applied cryogenics lab gets in a cryotube with his   old girlfriend michelle and readjusts the time to  3002. once a week he gets a job at the head museum   where he eagerly awaits the day leela arrives 2019  to 2031. starting in 2019 the military initiates   project satan a 12-year attempt at creating the  world's most evil automobile which included parts   like hitler's steering wheel and charles manson's  turn signal calculon working as a mindless   construction robot arm at the time is subsequently  infected with the where car occurs according to   lila all of earth's petroleum reserves run out  by the end of 2038 alternative fuels are now the   norm including the wonders of whale oil over the  next few decades the city of new york solves their   biggest environmental issues by launching the  garbage barge into space and dropping giant blocks   of ice into the ocean to combat global warming a  great idea with no chance of backfiring whatsoever   thus solving the problem of global warming once  and for all but once and for all 2079-2099 the   first robot uprising in history occurs in 2079 and  cyborgs totally enslave humanity 20 years later   the origins are unclear but are likely motivated  by prejudice between humans and half humans   an alien species of giant carrots also enslave  humanity sometime during this period according   to a defrosty fry man at the logitorium comfort  dome inn a world without carrot rule takes some   getting used to in 2159 the central bureaucracy  is established to handle the financial legal and   all other business matters throughout new new york  the building itself is a windowless labyrinth and   simply finding a bathroom drives its inhabitants  to the brink of insanity the 2200s are a big   century for earth to start things off the first  decapodeans arrive and feverishly devour anchovies   to the point of extinction star trek becomes  a major religion after the cast of star trek   the original series performs some musical reunion  specials worried about its influence on the global   populace world leaders ban both its practice as  well as the show kicking off the star trek wars   not to be confused with the star wars trek and  unspecified mass migration of star wars fans   the fairness in hell act is passed in 2275 stating  that anyone who can defeat the robot devil in a   fiddle contest wins a solid gold fiddle and may  leave robot hell no strings attached other than   that you now own a solid gold fiddle that would  weigh hundreds of pounds and sound crummy the   first destruction of earth also occurs around this  time originally believed to be the work of aliens   while fry was frozen turns out though it was  bender's doing while he was escaping the swedish   air force whilst undergoing a massive time heist  while under the control of the aforementioned   scammer aliens many workers are trapped in the  underground sewers of old new york following   earth's destruction add a smidge of feces and  a dab of radioactive waste and you've got the   origins of the first sewer mutants sometime in  the 2600s new new yorkers elect a supervillain   governor who steals many world monuments and  relocates them to monument beach and as if that   isn't villainous enough he carves his own face  onto mount rushmore you know it doesn't look half   bad by 2620 scientists are so tired of immature  jokes about the planet uranus that they rename   it urectum which to be fair is much less funny  but in another stupider way is much more funny   less than 200 years later mom's friendly robot  company constructs robot santa claus unfortunately   a glitch in his circuitry leads him to go berserk  and judge everyone as more naughty than nice the   penalty capital punishment can you hear the  slay bells ringing do you get it slays spelled   s-l-a-y cause santa kills people the professor  and the planet express crew 2841-2999 on april 9   2841 super genius and lover of good news professor  hubert farnsworth is born notable accomplishments   in his early life include joining the academy  of adventures in his late teens and early 20s   and attending graduate school for 14 years by  2 900 farnsworth is teaching at mars university   there he gains his most promising student ogden  woodstrom an a-minus kickstarting a rivalry that   would last a lifetime eventually farnsworth lands  a gig designing robots for mom's friendly robot   company where he stays for the next 50 years his  most notable invention was the fuel inefficient   sport utility robot that would become the gold  standard for all robots well into the 31st   century the professor meets zoidberg on triton who  subsequently saves his life while trying to kill   a tritonian yeti after catching hyper malaria the  professor makes a pact with zoidberg asking to be   killed at the first sign of symptoms a few years  later professor farnsworth leaves mom's friendly   robot company after breaking up with mom he was  dating her by the way we didn't mention that but   yeah they were a couple and it's exactly as  horrifying as the mental image you currently   have to fund his independent research professor  farnsworth founds a delivery company planet   express the first delivery crew consists of  zoidberg lando tucker candy and lifter all but   zoidberg are lost during their first delivery  after getting lost in the bermuda tetrahedron   farnsworth later discovers a method of turning  dark matter into fuel just two years later   the democratic order of planets or dupe starts  fracking vergon 6 for every last drop mom captures   scores of niblonians for her dark matter farm in  alaska sometime after this event as nablonians are   natural producers of dark matter hermes conrad  competes in the limbo event for earth at the   2980 olympics though after a child imitating him  fatally injures his back hermes swears to never   limbo again nine years later professor farnsworth  begins culturing his clone cubert farnsworth from   cells scraped off his back coincidentally hermes  son dwight conrad is born that very same week   bender bending rodriguez is built in tijuana  mexico in 2996 deemed defective by mom's   friendly robot company for lacking a backup unit  hermes now working assembly at the robot company   authorizes bender's approval before resigning  from the company another two years pass and   amy wong begins interning for planet express as  part of her physics curriculum at mars university   2999 the previous planet express crew was killed  by space bees while collecting space honey the   adventure begins december 31st 29.99 welcome back  to episode one fry's unfrozen after one thousand   years of slumber and oddly cool with never seeing  his family or friends again i mean he was saying   he hated his life and what probably felt like  a few minutes ago to him and i'd say to think   of seymour but future fries taking care of him  it's all good thus ensues an adrenaline-fueled   chase through new new york between fry and  applied cryogenics employee leela and some   nihilistic robot fry just met named bender  basically it's lila's responsibility to outfit   fry with a career chip which essentially brands  someone with their qualifications fry not wanting   to be saddled with being a delivery boy again  for the rest of his life in the distant future   takes off and when leela finally tracks him down  he actually convinces her to quit her own job the   next day fry and leela tracked down his closest  living relative his great great great great just   great 30 times nephew professor farnsworth who  then quickly hires fry leela and bender as the new   planet express crew and fry is given the job of  delivery boy the rest of the new year is full of   quirky misadventures for the planet express crew  fry quits mooching off the professor and moves   into an apartment with his new roommate bender  who is great he briefly becomes a billionaire   like we mentioned gets crowned emperor of trisole  after drinking the previous monarch attends and   subsequently drops out of mars university and  learns the horrifying yet delicious truth behind   his favorite drink slurm's secret ingredient  i tell slurms mckenzie to party on but i feel   like he's all partied out bender finds his one  true calling on chapek 9 and gets chummy with   some human hating robots he sends his way into  the bowels of robot health flushes the dreaded   el chupanibre down the subsewer and forcibly  learns to feel real human emotions lilo rescues   nibbler from a collapsing vergon 6 regrettably  sleeps with the self-important spaceship captain   zapp brannigan and almost gets sucked into a black  hole while aboard the cruise spaceship titanic   though everyone was also involved in that  last thing earth also gets its fair share   of action in the new millennium not only  is it invaded by omicronians seeking a   proper conclusion to single female lawyer and  nearly decimated by the return of the garbage   ball launched back in 2052 but earth also  elects richard nixon as its next president after a year earth just can't catch a break  mother's day goes south after mom programs all her   robots to revolt making her supreme overlord of  the earth it's short-lived though after she gets   a little snooze new from the professor if you know  what i mean and if you don't you're smart you'll   figure it out shortly after earth is invaded  again by omicronians only this time for an actual   good reason earthicans are consuming omicronian  babies as part of their latest fast food sensation   popplers elsewhere yearning for intergalactic  conquest and very inspired by the movie starship   troopers earth successfully invades spheron1 it's  not all doom and gloom though cubert farnsworth   gets removed from his cloning tank the sunken city  of atlanta is rediscovered the what-if machine   is invented and the where car curse gets lifted  3002 the universe is threatened on more than one   occasion the brain spawn begin their assault on  earth but fry a temporarily stupid leela and the   niblonians defeat them thanks to fry's lack of the  delta brainwave basically fry's actions where he   became his own grandfather created a genetic  anomaly that made him literally too stupid to   function however his superior yet inferior mind  grants him immunity against the brain spawn's   power to render everyone they come into contact  with super dumb not long after the professor   destabilizes the space-time continuum by misusing  chronotons causing time to skip forward at an   accelerated rate but without retaining any of the  memories of the events that transpired during time   skips farnsworth enlists help from the greatest  scientific minds of the generation the harlem   globetrotters and together they create a black  hole that implodes the nebula releasing the time   altering space dust during these time skips though  fry and leela are briefly married and divorced   even quicker and while fry eventually learns how  he got leela to love him it forever remains a   mystery to leela on a much more lighthearted note  dr zoidberg and acting legend harold zoid make   a movie together native martians get some much  deserved reparations and a star trek convention is   held on the forbidden planet omega-3 heck bender  even organizes an entire concert dedicated to   broken robots everywhere don't believe us look  it up in the dictionary actually i don't think   a bectionary would have all that information but  it would tell you what odellae means this is also   the year that the planet express crew travels back  in time to roswell new mexico 1947. upon returning   they dig up bender's head which was buried in 1947  where it remained for the last 1055 years though   perhaps most importantly the professor fine-tunes  his what-if machine and we learn the answer to the   most important question in the universe what would  happen if bender was human the answer of which is   equal parts sad and horrifying 3003 earth catches  a small break on the invasion front oh wait   uh after zoidberg is sentenced to death for  eating the earth flag the decapodeans retaliate   by briefly enslaving the planet never mind bender  has a romantic fling with the planet express ships   newly installed ai causing many many planets to  be destroyed including two gangster planets in a   cowboy world apparently the combination of candy  hearts and quasars while a powerful aphrodisiac   doesn't sit well with life in other galaxies  on the bright side global warming is no longer   a problem thanks to the professor's ingenious  plan to move the earth further away from the sun   using gaseous emissions from robots you know  robot farts years are now one week longer as a   result so president nixon declares the extra week  robot party week this is also the year that lila   reunites with her parents and discovers that  she's not an alien as she previously thought   but a mutant one who passes enough for  a normal human that she can live on the   surface without persecution from the locals or  the government and of course it wouldn't be a   futurama video without mentioning that fry finds  the fossilized remains of his best friend seymour   luck of the friarish is a sadder episode than  jurassic park fight me 3004 the brain spawn are   back in the infosphere is nearly complete spelling  certain doom for the universe thankfully fry and   the nablonians defeat the brain spawn once and for  all by banishing them to an alternate dimension   from which there is no return it's at this point  fry learns from the brain spawn the truth about   nibbler sending fry to the future with the help  of the spawn fry travels back in time to confront   nibbler but instead accepts his role in the  universe and becomes the very person that condemns   himself to life in the 31st century earth conquers  the spidery ends of tarantula on 6 resulting in   everyone on earth getting a 300 refund and nobody  spends it wisely with the possible exception of   fry who briefly transcends space-time after  drinking 100 cups of coffee hermes conrad works   up the courage to compete in the 3004 olympics but  is ultimately disqualified for cheating meanwhile   bender successfully cheats his way to the top  in various fembot bending events under the alias   coilette from robonia a land she didn't make up  fry makes a deal with the robot devil to learn   the notoriously difficult musical instrument the  holophoner and win leelah's heart and it doesn't   backfire at all nope definitely not even a little  bit you know i say that jokingly but it kinda   didn't backfire i mean a bunch of horrible things  happened not the least of which was leela going   deaf but it makes for a very sweet series finale  well first series finale at least a year later the   brainless drones running the box network shut down  planet express canceling their license to make   deliveries and all hope is lost it just won't stay  dead 3007 good news everyone those asinine morons   at the box network are fired for incompetence and  then beaten up most die from their injuries and   are ground into a fine pink powder planet express  is back baby and not a moment too soon as nudist   alien scammers take control of both planet  express and earth eventually sending bender   back in time to steal all of earth's treasures  bender under the control of the scammers thanks   to a virus implanted in him gladly does this and  upon completion is ordered to kill fry to prevent   anyone from using the time travel code tattooed on  his ass fearful for his life and a bit jealous of   leela's fling with her new boy toy lars fillmore  fry travels back in time to new york in the year   2000 where he reunites with seymour see this video  like a bunch of minutes ago we need a timeline for   our timeline this is the fry that turns into lars  by the way he makes another duplicate of himself   when he travels back in time for the first time  and then that fry becomes the fry that we follow   throughout the rest of the series yes i know it's  confusing that's why we're doing this timeline to   begin with back in 3007 though the scammers evict  the people of earth with the help of robot santa   hanukkah zombie and kwanzabot the earthquakes  fight back and ultimately win the battle for earth   3008 a time paradox of numerous duplicate benders  left unresolved during the time heist creates a   massive rift in time and space meanwhile yevo's  universe is dwelling on the other side of the rift   due to unrelenting loneliness and an extreme lack  of social skills the genderless planet-sized being   pushes tentacles through the rift and forcibly  mates with everyone in our universe things are   nice for a bit but once yevo finds out that fry  sent a letter to bender schlerhart is broken   devastated that fry could have feelings for anyone  butchcler evo ends the relationship sends everyone   back to earth and closes the anomaly behind shkler  forever shortly after the evo incident dark matter   prices inexplicably tripled turns out that mom  bill perpetuated an artificial supply shortage to   increase profits to ruin mom's dark matter empire  professor farnsworth infiltrates mom's dark matter   mine in alaska also he was probably still butthurt  about her dumping him using his anti-backwards   crystal the professor renders dark matter useless  forcing all future spacecraft to run on whale oil   3009 the universal life-giving aura known as  the chi begins to reform resonating from the   black dwarf system where it once proceeded to  the legion of mad fellows explains how all life   originated from the qi and an asteroid in the  violet dwarf system will usher in a new green age   unfortunately that's exactly where amy's father  leo wong plans to build the 18th hole of his   interstellar mini golf course lila leads a radical  group of eco-feminists to stop the implosion of   the violet dwarf star the star itself is revealed  to be an encyclopod egg the egg hatches and the   encyclopod defeats the last of the evil dark ones  this ends the evolutionary arms race kicking off a   new green age so the legend foretold unfortunately  the entire planet express crew gets sucked into   a wormhole shortly after but just before they do  lila finally confesses her love for fry making for   a very sweet well-earned series finale and then  rebirth 3010 everybody comes out of the wormhole   and crash lands on earth in one piece well most  of the crew died in a horrible explosion but the   professor puts them all back together using adult  stem cells of course 3010's a big year for hubert   he discovers the fossilized skull of a missing  link in humanity's evolution but not before he   invents a forward time machine this time machine  teaches us about the cyclical nature of the   universe among many other things but we'll get to  that the gang gets more political than usual this   year bender and amy push proposition infinity for  the legalization of robosexual marriage between   humans and robots while lila fights for mutant  rights to live on the surface and both win for   their noble causes after thousands of years the  cats of earth decide to finally get off their lazy   butts and revolts stealing the planet's rotational  energy for their cuddly brethren on thuban 9. oh   and the omicronians invade earth again only this  time it's more of a ploy for lure ruler of the   planet omicron persei eight's wife and dunda  to think earth was invaded so that she'd find   him attractive with the help of orson welle's head  lure rekindles the fire of his marriage the things   we do for love wait wrong show 3011. it's been  50 years since losing the first planet express   crew in the bermuda tetrahedron during a mission  to retrieve a monument for the memorial party we   discover the original crew is still alive gobbled  up by a four-dimensional space whale bender gains   the ability to exponentially self-replicate thanks  to the professor's recent invention the banach   tarski dupla shrinker his mini-me's multiply so  quickly that they're likely to overrun earth but   willingly leave once they decide that conquering  earth would be too annoying the symptoms of the   professor's hyper malaria start to flare prompting  zoidberg to fulfill his promise made all those   years ago to kill the professor fortunately it  was just your typical case of yetiism which is   far easier to treat no mercy killing required lila  wins a slurmy a peabody junior and two training   emmys for her work on rumble the hump despite  plagiarizing the show entirely from the lives   of real aliens fry finds a bone vampire egg from  a local farmer's market which eventually hatches   into mr pepe bone vampires are an endangered  species so the crew returns mr peppy to its   homeworld on duhan 6 where it helps thin out the  planet's population of sheep fry bender leela and   the professor travel back to 1775 in an ill-fated  attempt to salvage hubert's family reputation more   on that way at the beginning of this video the  common cold was eradicated back in the 2500s but   of course fry reintroduces it to the 31st century  causing a devastating outbreak that merely wipes   out the population of new new york and i think the  most unbelievable thing about this entire show so   far is that fry somehow went 11 years without  ever having a cold meanwhile i'm sitting here   and i've had a cold for 11 years 3012 bender's son  ben vending rodriguez is born after a one-night   stand with planet express's vending machine he  eventually enrolls in bending state university in   santa cruz sometime after having his memory banks  wiped as stated in an ancient martian prophecy   3012 is supposed to be the earth's doomsday much  to everyone's disbelief the prophecy was actually   foretelling mars's destruction which shot out  of orbit and nearly collided with earth other   random events include richard nixon's head winning  the 3012 earth presidential election and calculon   dying after he drinks a vial of food coloring  to beat langdon cobb in an acting competition   a year later fry and lila spend a lifetime  together frozen in time due to a malfunction with   the professor's latest invention in time travel  eventually time is reset and both fry and lila   agree to go around again making for a perfectly  satisfying series finale actually for real this   time except we're still not done because futurama  still showed other future events crazy how that   works later in 3028 the economy collapses and  another robot uprising occurs to overthrow nixon   politician chris travers born in 3012 travels  back in time to run against nixon and stop him   from winning which works but his job complete  and the robot uprising having never occurred   he fades out of existence and then nixon is  declared the winner huh the end of the universe   from here we only know earth's history in spots  intelligent apes birds cows and slugs each take   a turn ruling over the planet each erecting their  own version of the statue of liberty there's like   two different medieval eras one of which is ruled  by giraffes the planet goes from an ice age to a   scorched wasteland to being totally covered in  water at one point humans split into two species   one is smart and sophisticated and the other the  dumb locks are primitive and brutish and naturally   the dumb locks take over cause violence by the  year 50 million earth is a veritable paradise   blessed with beautiful intelligent women and  technology for creating backwards time machines   men are nearly extinct so even old and stupid  ones like the professor at fryer valued but the   earth like all good things must come to an end  in the year 1 billion all life in the universe   is extinct all that remains of planet earth  is a vast empty desert and lila's heartfelt   message to fry written out in billion-year-old  stalagmites 10 duodecillion that's a one with   40 zeros y'all i feel sorry for the guy  that's got to put this graphic together   the last protons decay completely ending the  current universe seconds later another big bang   occurs and forms an entirely new universe totally  identical to the last one give or take a few feet   and round and round she goes so if you want to  find out what happens next just watch this video   all over again and also be sure to subscribe to  the hypnotoad all glory to the hypno toad [Music]
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 2,933,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: futurama, futurama timeline, complete futurama timeline, the complete futurama timline, futurama story, futurama storyline, planet express, complete futurama story, futurama bender, zoidberg, timline, fry, philip j fry, matt groening, fry futurama, nibbler, futurama worlds of tomorrow, futurama comic, professor farnsworth, complete timeline, syfy, good news everyone, syfy network, hermes, futurama meme, channel frederator, farnsworth, bender futurama, cartoon, tv series
Id: p2MOku6wK74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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