The COMPLETE Guide to Using ChatGPT for Beginners (Follow Along Tutorial)

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hey everyone this is gonna be a comprehensive follow-on tutorial on how you can use chat GPT chat GPT was released almost a year ago which has you know given the technology time to mature and settle and has given us a lot more insight into how to use it most effectively Now versus you know a year ago when it was super hyped up but we didn't really know too much about it yet once you've finished this video you'll be an expert at using chat gbt and you'll be able to leverage this very powerful tool in various aspects of your life in my experience the best way to learn is by doing so I would highly recommend both you know watching this video from start to finish and maybe even more importantly pulling out your laptop or computer and following along with the exact same steps that I'm going to be taking in this video we'll first start with creating an account then navigating through the various parts of the chat gbt interface then we'll move on to the various types of prompts you can sort of start with and then we'll move on to where chat EBT gets really powerful which is this concept known as personas let's dive in okay so the very first thing you're going to want to do is create an account if you've already done this you can skip to the next part of this video where we start explaining everything in the chat GPT interface but for those of you who haven't we'll start right at the beginning to create an account we're going to want to go to the chat gbt website so we'll open up any internet browser I use Google Chrome but you can use any other browser like Firefox Safari or Microsoft Edge as well chat gpt's website is so let's type that into the URL box and hit enter Okay so we've gone to the website and we have the option to either log in or sign up we're going to want to sign up so let's click on that we have a few different options for how to create an account you can either enter your email address or you can sign in with your Google Microsoft or apple accounts if you want to go down the email path you just type in your email address hit continue and you'll get a verification email sent to your email inbox you then open your email inbox which in my case is Gmail and the email you will get is it'll look something like this click on the button to verify your email address and you'll be ready to go if you're having any trouble accessing the dashboard at this point go just go to and this time click on log in instead of sign up and you can enter in whichever way you use to sign up whether that's your email like manually entering your email or using the Google Microsoft or apple accounts like you were able to do previously great so we do that and now we're at the dashboard let's walk through what all we see here on the left we have both the option to start a new chat as well as our history of chats that we've been that we've had on the website for those of you who are doing this for the first time there won't be anything here for now but as soon as we start our first conversation in chat GPT you'll have that conversation appear here and you can go back and read through it whenever you want to in the future if you used any sort of messaging app before like texting WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger for example you can think of each of these conversations like each of the conversations you have with different friends and family in your messaging app where each conversation in chatgpt is like having a conversation with a different person if that makes sense in the bottom left you have the option to adjust any settings for your account or add custom instructions for now we won't click on either of those because I think it's important to go through other parts of the application first but we'll get back to them later in this video at the very top you have the option to choose the model that chat gbt uses when you interact with it you can kind of think of this as different versions of chat gbt where a higher number means you have a more up-to-date and advanced version the default model is 3.5 which is the one we'll be using for this tutorial but you can also sign up for four if you'd like which requires you to sign up for 20 a month for a subscription and also limits you to 25 messages every three hours I think 3.5 is perfect for the vast majority of people myself included but you're definitely welcome to go ahead and get a Plus account to use gpt4 if you would like in this section at the bottom there are a few example prompts that chat GPT suggests if you're just getting started so you can ask it to for example explain the concept of nostalgia to a kindergartener and right below that we can send a new message which is where you'd be taken if you clicked on new chat in the upper left hand corner here before we dive in and start a new conversation I think there's some important information to be aware of the first is how chat apt uses your data by default chat GPT saves your chat history and uses those chats to improve chat GPT itself you can disable this by going to your settings clicking on data controls and then clicking on the toggle button next to data next to chat history and training but just know by doing so you won't be able to access your past conversations on any device whether that's the computer you're using right now or your phone or something else I'm personally going to leave this toggled on on my end but you're welcome to disable this if you would like the next thing to know is that not every answer that chat GPD gives is going to be correct if you look at the bottom of the screen it says chat GPT May produce inaccurate information about people places or facts this is just something to keep in mind that it's going to be important to not completely trust what Chad GPT says and to make sure to fact check any information if you want to rely on it kind of in the same way if you know like Google Maps for whatever reason tells you to go straight but the road is ended you would take a turn instead of just going straight the final bit of important information is that chatgpt only has knowledge of things that happened up until September of 2021 so it won't know about anything that has happened after that date like who won the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2023 for example you don't even have to take my word for it you can try it out for yourself as we start our first chat now so let's go to the bottom here and type who won the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2023 your answer will probably look similar if not exactly the same as mine uh where the answer says you know I'm sorry but I don't have access to real-time information as my knowledge only goes up until September 2021. to find out the winner here I recommend going elsewhere for the most up-to-date information great now let's get started with some more fun parts of this tutorial which is you know going through some of the different types of prompts we can start conversations with we'll start off with the most basic type of prompts and then dive deeper into more advanced topics the first we're going to do is ask chatgpt easy questions to get answers about specific facts this might be something you're familiar with doing through search engines like Google uh you know we'll start off with something like um what was the first movie that Christopher Nolan made chat GPT will give us an answer which tells us that Christopher Nolan's first movie was a movie called following which was released in 1998. before we read any further into the answer I think we can talk about part of what makes Chachi BT so interesting and how we can improve on what we've done here so far so like I said earlier we started with asking chat GPT effect right which is something we could have done with something like Google and gotten the answer fairly quickly but like the name you know chat GPT like that name suggests you're having a chat with what you can think of as an imaginary person so instead of you know making a search and clicking on different links to visit different websites and find your answer you're just having a conversation with that imaginary person reading through chat gbt's response I could see myself thinking oh shoot you know I actually really like going into movies without any information about the movie at all this answer is starting to feel a bit like a spoiler to me so I can go to chat gbt and respond and say I actually don't want to know anything about this movie besides its name could you give me an answer without all that extra information and chat CPT comes back to me and you know clearly respects my answer respects my concern here uh and gives me an answer with just the name of the movie It Takes a bit of getting used to but using chat CPT requires a pretty fundamental shift in your brain about how you think about technology we've been so trained to do things in certain ways like for Google you know thinking about keywords when you make a search or you know how I am now trained to right click in you know many different tools on a computer to bring up more options with Chachi PT it's kind of best to you know really think of it like another person this is a conversation I even used an exclamation mark you know in my second message here which I don't think I've ever done in all my years of using Google or really anything online you might have noticed as we went through this first conversation with chat GPT that a few things appeared on our screen as we were doing so first off is like we said what happened earlier this conversation is now now appears on the left hand side of our screen and is now part of our chat history if we want to we can log into chat gbt add some future date and come back to this old conversation and read it also tries to give the conversation a reasonable name so when we see it later we know what the conversation might be about without having to click on it in this case it came up with the title Nolan's first movie which I think is pretty good if we want to change it we can tap on this edit icon here and then write something else like Christopher Nolan's first film I also won't do this now but we could delete the conversation if we'd like by clicking on the trash icon here within the conversation itself for the answers that chatgpt gives you can essentially vote on the answer to give check apt information about whether the answer was good or not and they will use that answer or use that information to further train the technology to hopefully get better and better at giving answers in the future you can also copy the answer to your clipboard by clicking on this icon right here which does the same thing as if you'd highlighted all the text right clicked on your mouse and clicked on copy there's a couple other things on screen like this regenerate button in the bottom right hand part of my screen but let's actually talk about that after learning more about chat gbt and experimenting with more advanced props we're actually going to lean into that fundamental mind shift we were talking about earlier when we were talking about treating chat GPT like another person which is where things start getting you know more interesting and more exciting in this case let's think of chat apt like a friend of ours what's something I commonly go to my friends for well a pretty common one is recommendations like movies books places to visit or even ideas for different hobbies to try out and this is something chat gbt is quite good at so let's go ahead and start a new chat for this one because we're talking about something different than Christopher Nolan's first movie and let's try asking it for a recommendation let's say I have some vacation days saved up from work but I'm not quite sure where to go I also know that I want to go in December and I don't really like the cold so let's give all that information to chat GPT the same way I'd give it to a friend if I were talking to them let's see I'd like to go on a vacation in December but I'm not really sure where to go could you suggest some places that won't be too cold all right here it goes at generating an answer and it's come up with a lot of recommendations for vacation places that seem pretty solid if for whatever reason you don't like the answer that chatgpt is given you can hit the regenerate button which will make it go ahead and give you a new answer to the same question and that answer is most likely going to look you know different from the first answer that you were given as you can see when doing this there's this uh two out of two that appeared in the top left that's because this is now two Divergent conversations that started out at the same point so we started at that same initial question of you know warm vacation places and can toggle between the two different answers that chat GPT gave us and you know if we wanted to We could decide to take those two conversations those two different threads in different directions let's now go ahead and go through a different example for recommendations just to see more of what chat EBT is capable of so what's something else I'd ask a friend of mine for help with let's see it's pretty common when meeting up with friends to end up spending money whether that's going to a restaurant or a bar for food and drinks or going to a concert even okay let's see what are some less common activities I can do with a group of my friends without spending money all right let's uh let's see what it says here yeah okay some of these are pretty interesting I'm not sure if I would have thought of a photography scavenger hunt that's actually I think a pretty great idea that I might have to save in mind for later next we'll change gears from recommendations to long form writing you can think of these as things like emails articles or essays one example we could try out here is an email so let's go with uh write me an email that I could send to a professor named Miss Foster who studies the history of wine politely asking them if I could meet them to talk about their research all right looks like Chachi PT has given us a decent answer here but this is pretty long for an email so let's ask for this to be shorter this feels a bit long to me can you make it shorter great we could also go with something fun like write a message to someone named Vishal telling them how much you really enjoyed his tutorial on chat GPT okay hey uh chat apt by default really likes being a little on the little long the little vervo side but I probably still appreciate uh receiving a message like this regardless as a side note if you'd like to send something something like this you know my way please feel free we've touched on this a bit but chat GPT can also be used to edit writing we've asked chat GPT to edit its answers already like in that email example we asked it to make the email a little shorter but we can also Supply chat gbt with our own text and get it to change that so let's take an email that I've written that I want chat GPT to make better okay so here is an email that I've written uh hi Ashish thank you for the job offer I'm going to decline though thanks Vishal could you make this just a little bit longer and sound nicer okay honestly yeah this is pretty good I you know I was able to take an email that to me Felix you know maybe a little rude and made it I think much better one more subcategory within writing is summarizing writing I'm not sure if SparkNotes or her Cliffs notes are still popular today but these were both really popular resources when I was growing up for summarizing books we've read in English class the interesting thing with chat gbt is supplying your own custom text on demand and asking it to summarize that text for you so I can paste in this article here that I maybe don't have the time to spend reading and Chachi BT can give me a quick rundown could you summarize this article in just one paragraph cool uh let's see yeah I can read this in you know just a few seconds maybe a minute and know what the article is about for for what it's worth I think there's still definitely value in Reading articles in their full form but this is still a useful tool a useful technique to have in your belt for later usage the final type of prompt before we get into the idea of personas that I mentioned earlier is going to be instructions chat CPT is great at telling you step by step what to do for whatever you want whether that's coming up with a recipe or figuring out a workout for you Etc so let's start with recipes I have extra spinach in my fridge that I want to use up could you suggest a recipe for me that uses a lot of spinach okay it looks like it came up with a spinach chicken dish which definitely uses up a fair amount of spinach we could also try the workout example so let's go with could you give me a workout I could do at home the only equipment I have is resistance bands I could probably get Chad gbt to tweak this just a bit and maybe add a bit more specifics but this seems like a pretty solid start for what feels like a you know comprehensive full body workout so far we've been treating the imaginary person we're talking to as sort of this generic person who knows everything but if you think about any real person like you or me or your friends or your family members or celebrities or really anyone out there they have particular personality traits and communication Styles and strengths and areas of expertise as an example for myself I cook a lot and I think I'm particularly good at different techniques when it comes to cooking Indian food so if you ask me for really detailed instructions on how to cook a particular dish I could do that for you I also have certain friends who know a lot about wine for example and I turn to those people for suggestions about you know which wine to pair where certain types of food I also have other friends who are great at fishing and I would turn to them for suggestions about where to go what time I should go how well I could expect to do you know my first time going out Etc the point is Everyone's an expert at different skills and parts of life and when you're faced with a situation that someone you know is particularly well suited to help with you'd obviously turn to that person rather than someone with no experience right well we can apply some of that same sort of thinking to chat GPT and ask it to take on different personas which is what really helps unleash Chachi BT's true potential let's go through you know a bunch of different examples here okay let's see you are a movie critic could you give me a passionate argument for why Nicholas Cage is the best actor of the past 50 years okay now this answer that church ABT is giving isn't just some sort of generic writing that I think maybe someone like me who is not a movie critic would write instead I think it most closely mirrors what I would expect to see from an article or an interview from a real person who you know has this type of job as a Critic uh let's take this example a little further and see what our movie critic can do with let's see how does Michael Caine compare to him him you know being Nicholas Cage uh nice you know I think I'm already pretty convinced by the first sentence in this paragraph you know I think this you know sounds pretty close to the real deal we're already talking about actors so we can use an acting analogy to describe what chat gbt is doing here an actor really immerses themselves in a role right and convinces you that they are that person you see on screen as opposed to you know what that actor or actress is actually like in real life so we can see a movie like The Dark Knight where Heath Ledger is very much convincing you know terrifyingly so as as the character Joker in a very similar way we're giving chat GPT that training and preparation that an actor gets so it could convince him convincingly play whatever role we tell it to play Let's go through a few more examples here you are a retired professional basketball player could you give me some advice on how I should work on drop steps so with this question I'm getting pretty highly specific I want advice for uh more nuanced part of the sport which in this case is generally a move you would use to get passive Defender and get a more wide open shot on the basket of course this isn't a perfect replacement for if I was you know able to get a true retired MBA player in front of me giving advice but I think some of the stuff in here is pretty good especially if I'm someone who wants to improve but doesn't necessarily have some of the normal resources to make that happen let's see one more example we can go through here you are a wedding planner what are some of the more unnecessary expenses that I might be able to avoid weddings are super expensive I've definitely heard horror stories from friends about going you know tens of thousands of dollars over budget so this advice is pretty nice to hear like avoiding special Linens for decoration as an example the point is you can get chat gbt to adapt to whatever task you're trying to get accomplished and you can get yourself a much more finely tuned answer by giving chat gbt the identity of someone who is qualified to answer your question the makers of chat gbt themselves recognize the importance of personas and have actually made that concept easier to work with through a feature called custom instructions which you might remember us mentioning briefly at the start of this video to get to custom instructions you go to the bottom left of your screen click on the three dots and click on the item in the pop-up menu that says custom instructions you're then presented with two questions what would you like chat GPT to know about you to provide better responses and how would you like chat GPT to respond your answers to these questions will then apply to every chat you have with chat GPT so you don't have to start every chat in a potentially similar way let's go through an example of how we could use this for the first question I could say I'm a software engineer and all the code I write is in Java for the second question I could say uh you know I care more about the reasoning behind the code than the code itself please give me long explanations every time I ask questions that have code in the answer with this we've pushed chat GPT to put itself in this you know in this Frame of Mind for all questions relating to software so fairly similar to what we were doing with personas earlier once we hit save this will apply to every question going forward unless we come back to you know this setting and delete our answers we can also change this setting if we'd like so I could come back and give an entirely new framing so for that first question I could say for example I am vegetarian and for the second I could say when I ask for help with food please ensure that any suggestions are vegetarian I also like having lots of leftovers so I prefer recipes that are easy to cook in bulk let's hit save and then ask a question to test this out let's try to throw it you know a bit of a curveball so we'll ask it a question about sushi which normally has fish but we'll see if we're able to get vegetarian suggestions instead okay so I want to make sushi for lunch I have all the equip kitchen equipment needed what should I get from the store nice okay we see right from the beginning Chad gbt knows to suggest vegetarian sushi which is pretty cool uh I might follow up and ask it for instructions to make specific kind of rolls like a cucumber roll or something but otherwise this is clearly on the right track all right that about brings us to the end here hopefully you found this video helpful and now you're much more able to take advantage of chat gbt moving forward it's clearly you know a powerful tool and we're still in the early stages as a society uh figuring out how best to use it hopefully you know this video gets you at least one step ahead in that Discovery Journey if any of this is unclear or if you have any questions please feel free to drop a comment down below and I'll do my best to provide any clarification or help that I can last but not least you know if you enjoyed this video and are feeling generous go ahead and give it a like and if you would like to see more things from me please feel free to go ahead and subscribe to this channel see you on the next one
Channel: Vishal Yadav
Views: 8,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to use ChatGPT, Chat GPT, Chat-GPT
Id: 4NwZg3aDSbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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