ChatGPT MEV Slippage Bot: How I Use AI to Make $1,000 Per Day in Passive Income

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hi guys Julia Dev here I decided to test the potential of chat GPT seeing if it can make me anything interesting or useful in decentralized finance basically I asked it to generate a trading bot that uses defy liquidity Paris to take advantage of certain Arbitrage opportunities for earning passive income what it generated was insane the bot allows you to automatically trade given tokens from the ethereum blockchain without needing to manually transact through traditional methods it takes advantage of decentralized Finance platforms such as uniswap to sandwich transactions for Arbitrage basically it sniffs mempools for transactions that are pending within a block allowing us to inject our transaction with a higher gas fee higher than the transaction which is trying to be entered this will allow us to process our transaction first then process a sell order right after in the same block essentially the pending transaction gets sandwiched between ours and we profit off slippage difference in the transaction if this sounds complicated don't worry it's really not I've been using this bot earning passive income for weeks and you don't need any coding experience whatsoever since the script was generated entirely by chat GPT let's get started so make sure you have the metamask browser extension installed and you're connected to the ethereum mainnet now head over to remix remix is a web 3 application that allows us to develop compile deploy and launch Smart contracts coded in the solidity language I'll put a link to remix in the description below for the first time on remix it may ask you to agree to their terms I've already done it move over to the sidebar on the left and create a new contract under the contracts folder name it but dot Sol in the description I've included a link to the bot's source code copy this code and paste it into the file bot.sol you've just created this is our bot a couple of things to look at after pasting the code lines 55 and 56 these should be the address for wrapped ether token feel free to check it on etherscan to make sure foreign looks good it's the official wrapped ether address always smart to check that back to remix now that our bot file is ready let's compile it click here if you look here it's built with the 066 version of solidity under compiler select the 066 version so that it matches our contract also make sure the language is set to solidity and the ebm version is set to default now click on the compilebot.sol button and wait for the bot to compile now we're going to deploy this from our wallet head over to deploy and run transactions on remix here You're Gonna Want to select injected provider as the environment metamask will pop up just connect it to deploy the contract on the blockchain you need to pay gas fees gas fees are commissioned on the ethereum network for smart contract deployment now the deployment utility is ready to go click deploy I always set gas fees to high there is usually not much of a difference and it puts the transaction through faster now we wait for the transaction to confirm sweet we can see here that it's confirmed meaning our smart contract is deployed now you can see the four actions for our smart contract start enables the bot to start sniffing the mempool withdraw stops the bot and transfers the funds back into your wallet token name and token symbol aren't particularly relevant for now so let's copy the smart contract address to make sure it's created I'm going to head over to etherscan and paste it in yup it was created successfully the next step is to fund the contract with some ethereum to snipe liquidity pools I'll copy the smart contract address once more and head over to metamask make sure you've got the right address in there you need to fund the contract with exactly 0.2 ethereum or more for the bot to function properly obviously the more you put in the larger transactions you'll be able to sandwich and the more profit you'll be able to accumulate over time so for instance say you're only depositing a few hundred dollars you won't be able to create as much slippage in the price compared to inserting something like ten thousand dollars um sweet there we go transaction confirmed now my contract should have some ethereum to work with perfect now the last step is to click Start this will enable the bot to start sniffing mempools to find different liquidity pairs in order for you to sandwich transactions let's set the gas fee to high and click confirm I'll let this run for around 12 hours and see how it's doing foreign guys it's been a little over 12 hours now it's time to check the profits so as you can see I have about 1.26 ethereum which is 26 profit already I'm gonna let my bot run for another 12 hours and withdraw the profits after all right let's see how much more we made nice it's a little over 1.85 ethereum that's pretty insane the bot will continue to run until you click the withdraw button when you click withdraw the bot will exit the liquidity pool and return the total amount of ethereum you entered initially including the profit back to your wallet so let's click it this will charge us a little bit of gas I'll set it to high again and then click confirm there we go transaction confirmed let's go to our meta mask and see what we have now as you can see the balance from the bot is now in my wallet this is only after running the bot for a little over a day unreal I've even had weeks where I've made eight to ten ethereum sometimes more the profits will fluctuate week to week if you have any questions feel free to ask me on telegram I've put my link below guys share your profits in the comments below drop a like and don't forget to subscribe for more profitable ways to make passive income using Ai and web3 tools
Channel: JuliaDev
Views: 687,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, chatgpt, ai, gpt, gpt4, mev bot, MEV, slippage bot, defi, artificial intelligence, trading bot, ai trading bot, liquidity bot, sandwich bot, arbitrage bot, crypto trading bot, cryptocurrency, crypto, bitcoin, btc, make money online, web3, juliadev, defi trading, altcoins, uniswap, sushiswap, pancakeswap, aave, metamask, passive income, ai bot, finance, financial freedom, stream of income, generate money passively, flashloan, investing, forex, blockchain, make money, arbitrage, crypto trading
Id: RpvyQCAwndA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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