74 Successful Niche Site Ideas

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the brother mfc l2710dw oh man that was pc mag's reader's choice from 2009 to 2019. this thing prints up to 32 pages per minute it's like a page every other second well it's a page every 1.875 seconds we need a huge list of stuff to print niche site ideas [Music] clearly [Music] [Applause] so here's the idea it's so valuable to see other websites that have actually worked when you're picking the niche for your website which is what you guys are doing you want to do something successful and once you get a good idea for what works and what doesn't it can dramatically increase your chances of picking a good niche for your website but the problem is nobody shares their niches you just can't find successful niche sites until now until now 88 of you guys in our youtube audience submitted your sites with the traffic and earnings you guys are going to get to see everything open curtain on these sites and they've allowed us to share them it's going to be cool nate is printing them out for us back here it's going to be a long video but we're going to get this moving so you just listen through and you're seeing what's working keep listening until you find an idea that you're like i'm good to go with this idea at that point feel free to leave but there's going to be so much good information here so let's guinea pigs 101.com yeah so this site is cool because they're getting 50 000 paid views on guinea pigs on a specific pet yeah when you pick something specific like that it creates a ceiling for you like how broad you can go but it also makes it really easy to rank right which is i think a good thing especially for your very first website to be pretty focused on something you just have to be careful that it's not too focused for example we made a batch of content about paramotors on outdoor troop it's just a little small right for getting that search volume well and that's the thing is uh you know paramore itself it might seem like oh this is a sport like i it's totally fine i could get enough traffic if i made a site just about paramotor but you don't know for sure how big it was and our content on paramotor did fine but not enough that i would have been happy making a whole side about it but it worked for guinea pigs so careful with that book reviews is kind of a cool topic i've heard several people suggest a site on this topic before and my major hesitation was monetization yeah book sells for 15 bucks and you know maybe you're making three percent of that yeah it's just small a couple ideas though are audible gives a healthy commission if somebody starts a an audible account and gets their free book so if on all these books you're linking to audible they give i think it's a 50 commission if somebody starts an audible account and gets that book free so that could be a cool monetization path and we're seeing this right here i mean this is still a relatively small site in terms of traffic but the monetization is very low even for the amount of traffic that it has and so that is something i'd want to start get a little bit more creative about if i'm if i'm in this kind of a space we're falling behind we are all right this next one smart home i mean that's that's a big topic um technology is always reasonably competitive but on top of that the content is never evergreen yeah so that's that's an interesting thing it's like a double-edged sword here because on one side it's not evergreen and your articles you write today are going to fall off on the other hand there's always something new to write about yeah so if you're going to maintain the site and just want to kind of get into that news and reviews and all that kind of stuff it's it's not a bad topic and we've you know we've interviewed people who are doing very well in technology space and speaking of doing very well five grand a month ka-boom this is a project 24 member um the provident prepper is a really cool website because we've seen a lot of people make sites in the prepping space and they struggle to quite get the right search analysis i think um and so a hundred thousand page views in this space that's more competitive than you might think um is really impressive to do um i wouldn't say that prepping in general is just too competitive i would say it's maybe not super beginner friendly unless you're good at the search analysis yes i'm kind of squishing you over there pushing me over all right this next one is about computer keyboards which at first glance i look at that and i say keyboards computer keyboards really but this this guy's making a lot of money off of keyboards yeah so i was wondering like is this like reviews of specific keyboards and it looks like he does have some of that on there but there are also like tutorials of how to set up your your keyboard a certain way things like that which i like yeah i like not just review review review even though you you do want some of that people are paying a lot of money for a mouse and keyboard now people are willing to pay for the premium stuff yeah absolutely i thought nate was falling behind back there but he had a pile for us he had a whole pile going this one before anime yeah um some people call it anime so i don't know which is correct i don't know tell us in the comments yeah it okay is it anime official so 14 000 page views 23 bucks a month that's ah and you can see why anime doesn't attract a high-end audience not that it isn't valuable but it's not a high-end audience it's a lot of teenagers a lot of really young people and it's something that people don't have to spend a lot of money on right um and so i can see why it could be difficult to monetize this but 14 000 page views and 23 bucks yikes we can do better they're on adsense if you're project 24 member hello go to ezoic you can start with the zoic at zero page views if you're a project 24 member they're they're doing a deal with this yeah and you're going to learn a lot more than adsense um other than that maybe it's linking to subscriptions of an anime magazine yeah that's kind of a tough one this next one is another rec recreation hotspot finder is the the niche right yeah but the uh i know why you're saying five dollars from a hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars and like normally people on adsense can earn more than that even so there's something wrong here with the monetization and they've said they're trying affiliate programs commission junction at amazon they've tried local ads they're trying everything and they can't make money if if you want to sell your website just come yeah let's talk we'd like to talk especially because we have a little strategic idea of what you could do with the database of cool places in nature yes we can do some seriously you should reach out to us we want to buy yourself yeah contact us this next one is about it's tutorials on site development okay um really i just think this is pretty early on the monetization is very low but i think it's just very early on we're at a point here i i think it can work but monetization could be an issue here as well unless you're going to put out an info product okay anxiety stress and depression so ymyl category something a lot of people have been afraid of recently not to be worried a hundred fifty thousand views hello um and earning only nine hundred dollars a month oh boy i'm surprised how many of these are struggling on the monetization side really struggling especially because this is a big space right now and a lot of companies are putting money into mental health right now um you know just about every podcast i listen to the ad is for is it better help where it's like it's like meeting with the counselor but over zero zoom yeah i think it's called better help you should see them on an affiliate deal they're everywhere right now they're advertising like crazy um you need to do some work uh looking for affiliate deals because i feel like this is actually very monetizable absolutely plus you could do an online course on this definitely stay out of the medical stuff but just uh you know let's make ourselves better let's talk about positive things meet put you in a group that's not at all medical but just helping each other out a supportive community people would definitely pay for an info product i'm really encouraged by the traffic you've shown that it's doable the traffic in this space is the hard part so now we need to move on monetization this is an important space i lost a brother to suicide it's uh we don't talk about mental health enough at all it's just very taboo and so like just outside the monetization like that's a that's an important mission right there for sure very good oh my gosh this one here is about growing plants um i can't believe this many people like seriously it's so hard to even find anybody that'll reveal their niche there's 88 of them in no video that's crazy so this person's on growing plants again i think we're early on the monetization is low but at this stage in our website i i'm not hyper focused on monetization yet anyway so i think that's all right but you're off to a good start i don't have any other information i'm growing plants that's a perfectly good niche backyard birds this is great it is evergreen it's something people will spend money on binoculars on um bird feeders bird books all kinds of stuff they will spend money on it um so i think it's a very good niche to be in um 13 months old almost a hundred 000 page views and quitting his job this week air high five boom that's what it's about that's why you wake up at 5am and write blog posts that's why you're up until midnight working on getting your site there it's such a it takes so much confidence in yourself but look quitting job that's awesome 200 bucks from amazon 1600 from mediavine so i think that recipe happens when somebody listened to us um where they have low affiliate very high ad because we're really focused on just get the traffic get the traffic and you're gonna do well on ads but then the affiliate starts to lag right yeah and so this may be the time in your site's life you got the traffic now we need to work on monetization let's do some specific reviews of binoculars let's do reviews of a spotting scope of a they have bird feeders with cameras built in it's time to focus on monetization now a little bit more product focused etc now it's okay let's get there this one is all about ukuleles um which is a cool niche i think um there's probably a lot of different niches within the music space i think instrument playing um it's cool i i bought a ukulele like book and stuff recently just just because it was really cool from somebody online who's got a similar website to yours this guy's also doing youtube and i think for music i think you got to be on video i absolutely think that's that's key so a history focused website with famous people i think it's cool it's cool because it um it attracts a lot of searches i mean the person is famous after all um and it's very very evergreen as long as we're not talking about some star of the day that's going to be right and someone's going to i would be interested though in writing about kind of b level celebrities um even not just historical people like uh nathan pacheco the singer my wife loves that guy in fact last night she said who's the most famous guy you've ever met and i was like nobody yeah we met nathan pacheco but like that kind of person people are gonna search and there's gonna be very little competition for the reality is jim wants a wikipedia page written about him and so get on that come on this one's about living green this person's getting some traffic but their monetization is not there at all ten cents from adsense that's where we're at right now just don't use adsense anymore just stop just don't absolutely stop if your site is at a point where it can't get on a zoic which this site can then just don't have ads at all adsense is going to slow down your site and it's just not worth it they don't pay almost anything and again if you're a project 24 member you can start right off with these and they're a great other i we say zoe just because we're talking about early on they're the ones that will start but there are other great ads ads companies as well that's the first one we'd recommend exactly tens therapy um you know very similar to we talked about before you know therapy sites health medical stuff we were worried about ymyl before we're seeing a lot of people still succeeding go through the yml course the eat course in project 24 that will take you through 30 steps to really make sure we have all the about content and we're getting that authority established with google but you can absolutely succeed even in 2020 with medical topics this one is in the embroidery and textile art niche um all of that craft stuff um i i just i know this because my mom and sisters are heavy into quilting and stuff but all of that craft there are huge followings huge tribes of people going after i mean who are who are searching in these spaces and so this is a site that's been around for over a decade they know they have a good resource but they know that they just haven't tapped into the right thing yet i think search analysis is going to be key here to make sure that you're writing content that people are actually looking for and not just creating the content you want to create but i think this this whole industry is going to be a great space to be in so your girl knows is interesting because it's only a couple months old um it is three months old and getting 20 000 pages a month hello in a fashion lifestyle type blog right and it's like all from pinterest yeah um and so what i think is interesting here is go check out our pinterest profile that's i guess how you make a pinterest page that gets traffic now we have learned with pinterest you have to be in the right niche um if you're not in something that traditionally appeals to a large portion of a female audience you're probably not going to do well on pinterest and so i can see why this one does do well on pinterest but it's the what type of pins are actually getting traffic check out your girl knows because that's pretty cool this one's in the gardening space and again at this level of traffic over 30 000 page views to me the concept has been proven it works there are so many gardening niche sites out there that are able to get this level of traffic and well beyond cassidy who we interviewed quite a long time ago getting loads of traffic all about succulents this gardening space a lot like crafting there's just huge tribes of people that are into it the monetization's a little low on this right now but you're still early on i do think there's a lot of opportunity here tennis is a great niche it's a lifetime sport i i think it's a great place to be in and to have 35 000 page views is great now the negative to tennis is you don't need a ton of products to play tennis and the rackets specifically there are some really well done review sites on tennis rackets but the monetization is lacking a little bit we usually like to see a thousand dollars per every 30 000 page views but not too bad at 550 the part that makes me nervous here is 300 posts wow to get 35 000 page views it's time to step way back and see okay what's working what's not working go through the battleship method course um in project 24 on that site we need to we need i mean 35 000 is great but not from 300 yep you probably have either too little traffic on each post which means your topics are too small or you have a whole lot of posts that are doing absolutely nothing for you this one here is so cool that we're getting i mean i don't i hope you guys are appreciating like this is so hard to get this kind of information on a site and you can look them all up it's so cool this one is on college class topics this one i think would i would have a hard time with monetization on especially because it's traffic from india yeah exactly and so yeah that's exactly right and so you've got a pretty good level of traffic here but very very low monetization um i i we have a large portion of our audience from india we love our indian audience but it is harder to monetize a site that's getting india traffic um yeah there are places you go but you just learn way less on ads and stuff unfortunately i wish it weren't that way i would strongly recommend if you live in india focus on a worldwide site um then you're going to reach the whole world a larger audience you're going to be earning you know from from ads and stuff you're going to be earning in u.s dollars and bringing it back to india you can make a boatload but i would focus on a worldwide audience i really think that that the fact that we can reach a worldwide audience from anywhere in the world is a tremendous opportunity for those of you who are watching from countries that are a little bit less than either less developed or where the currency rather is in your favor where you can bring in u.s dollars and i mean you need you need a site that for for us would be a little website and that's more than a full-time income for you yeah and i think that i always think about brazil i love we both love brazil i love the people there and man right now with the exchange rate five to one that's crazy crap if you earn you know a full-time income four thousand us dollars a month and bring that back to brazil you're doing good yep now recipes is a tough space to be in really tough and so you have to be smart about what you're doing to get there so check out this website because this is one that is actually winning it's a hundred sixty thousand page views but the income is low and that's very common on a recipe site it's so commoditized google has worked so hard to make sure that people go to your site get the content they want and leave they're trying to put as much of it on the serp as possible and vary which sites are on the serp so you don't fall too much in love with one they want you to be a commodity and so you have to find ways to uncommoditize yourself in the blog post with images of yourself you know doing something different in your recipes are they you know all you know low-fat it's all about healthy stuff so we can sell them on a course there something different because 160 000 page views is great 2200 a month is great um but i think we could do even more yeah this next one the psychology of song lyrics this is an interesting niche that i would not have thought of um you're killing it on traffic you're just absolutely killing it on traffic but your monetization i think you could do 10 times this on most sites but the problem is with the psychology of song lyrics like what are you selling right are we selling subscriptions to spotify yeah what what are we doing with this it's probably all or mostly ad revenue and even there i i don't know i don't know what ad broker you're on but i feel like you could do better but this isn't just this isn't a super high value audience it's a very very very broad audience so to me monetization's an issue here you're making good money this site's making a thousand dollars a month which i think is great um but with that level of traffic i i don't know you've done something right and i think monetization is going to continue to be an issue learnmechanical.com is cool it's very technical information the site is it's not looking the best yeah put acubato on this site like seriously i i'm not saying that as a selfish reason like seriously the site would just be better it would be cleaner easier to navigate it would just look more pretty the site will it's going to look let's just do it i think it will really improve the site now high page views very low monetization again um this seems like a place where an online course would work really great and online courses are huge it's a lot of effort to get it started it takes a couple months to dial in your marketing but it's the kind of thing that can turn this hundred thousand page views and all of a sudden it's life-changing amounts of money when you get the right course and the right marketing build an email list yeah this next one here is um on smart homes again um decent traffic you're off to a good start um i there's obviously room to grow from here but again i feel like the monetization is really low this is a space where you could do a lot with affiliate really a lot and even ads i think you've got a pretty good audience there of people who typically have some money to spend i'm really only going to be into smart homes if i have money to spend and so you should have a nice audience for ads and so that 30 000 page views still only gonna earn up to a certain amount it's not going to be a lot but you're off to a good start you've figured something out and it's working you've proven the concept um we can keep going on the traffic but i also think it's time to start dialing in on that monetization man you can do an awful lot with affiliate with smart home stuff this person i will not be talking about your site because the search analysis is stolen this is this is basically a site we made 90 of these articles our exact search analysis that we did stop doing it you can't steal success you just can't some we've seen it so many times we get into a niche and 40 other people are and they're all trying to hover around our search analysis and stuff some of you will even get a base hit and make a little bit of money why yeah why do you feel like you have to steal success they're we're literally talking about 80 different niches and all of them how varied are working at least 10 000 page views you don't need to do it yeah yeah it blows my mind we actually had this topic come up uh just the other just today actually where um a bunch of people all with sites kind of in the same industry found that there was this one website stealing from all of them basically scraping all of their content from across all the sites and sometimes beating them in the serps and now they have an army of people who all know each other by the way who are going to take them down and so sorry if you steal if you cheat it's going to blow up in your face dog breeds faq is uh there we are getting a lot of sights on uh specific animal breeds and a lot of them seem to be working there are a lot of pet breeds out there so i do like the the niche we're in sixteen thousand page views definitely proves a concept here we do need to figure out monetization let's go find somebody who has a dog training course and let's push that thing easy retriever training a project 24 member contact them get an affiliate dealer whoever else but this is a very monetizable niche because when you're looking at choosing a dog breed you're at the beginning yeah you're at the beginning of owning a dog that's when you're going to buy a course that's where you're going to buy everything and so get them on an email list because they may be looking for a dog breed today they may be a pet owner two weeks from now and that's going to be the right time for them to be hearing about a course awesome this next one is gre and gmat prep and this is exactly what we were talking about before the person who is building this website lives in pakistan right and they're creating a website that's geared toward this much much broader audience a much more valuable audience and with only fifteen thousand page views they're earning 120 a month that's not too bad and that's probably um pretty exciting for for this guy in pakistan uh 15 000 pages once again you've proven the concept gre and gmat prep you're you are up against some really big names kaplan's out there putting out courses the thing about those courses is they're very very expensive and so if you can put if again if you can give people good tips some good practice information i mean get people on an email list and sell them on some you know practice questions and stuff like that there are loads and loads of those out there you might be able to make some pretty good income off of that undies what a niche hey uh i've so i've been really intrigued by these kind of just weirdo niches lately um nathan got me excited about concrete we have is it concreteanswers.com concretequestions.com that we're building out right now um you know we we just barely bought a website about trash um and underwear just like these things are just weird things but people will have questions on it and you know what you pick a weirdo niche that involves a lot of people and you get a ton of search traffic and no competition so think of things that like you know everybody has a driveway um or drives on concrete right everyone wears underwear or most people right something that nobody else is making a site about but that everybody is going to google at some point yeah absolutely google md questions about three times a week just kidding really this one is a quotes website actually getting reasonable traffic but once again i mean if someone's coming here to get like inspiring quotes or whatever how are we making money off of them and they're all of their income up until now has been through ads and i just don't know where you take it from yeah i'm nervous about that also because that feels like something one serp feature that starts showing the quotes on the serp and you're done you're dead so i'm a little bit cautious there general tech topics now let's talk on this site about how big of a niche that you should really choose we've done it both ways we've done super broad everything outdoors everything pats we've also done things really specific we just bought it that site about disposals um just we've done and i would say for your first sight go specific enough where you're still positive you have plenty of search traffic um paramotors was a little small disposals everybody's got one in their house right and so it's something that is going to have a lot of search traffic um so general tech topics i think is good now how important it is that is it that you actually fill the topic with content not that important i mean it doesn't you're not going to lose seo points because you didn't cover every aspect of tech but you're not getting the benefit of being focused all in one area that google can say this whole site is extremely relevant to this topic this one's on tropical fish taking care of them i think it's reasonably well monetized you've done a great job getting good traffic i've seen several sites in fish as well as just one aspect of of pets and it seems to be a good space yeah there's just there are quite a few of them now this person got hit by the algorithm update and by amazon kind of around the same time and so their their traffic and income have come down but may was not a nice time no it was not for a lot of lots of websites but stick with it because you're you're on to something it's working random note on the may core algorithm update uh it was a big one had a lot of people um and i i heard an interesting little tidbit yesterday what they keep saying in these algorithm updates is they say um if we're reinterpreting how relevant your content is to the search query and it's like does it swing that much how relevant my site was to this exact question yeah i just um they're they're hiding um and they mentioned like for example we may determine that a page is more relevant if your review includes the specs and in this core update we're valuing sites that show specs and in this update we're you know so make sure your content is very complete yes um and that's usually what's getting people right now okay shopify and wordpress dev is a very hot space and it's going to continue to be a hot space weeklyhow.com is too broad of a name in my opinion um it doesn't tell me what the site is even about i don't know that i'm going to switch it right now at 14 000 page views when you move domains you are rolling the dice my friend sometimes google hates you sometimes nothing happens but we've definitely proven a concept here and so let's make a name for yourself this one is about guides for specific music software with 27 000 pages you've proven the concept you're not monetized yet seems like you ought to be getting an affiliate deal for this software that you keep talking about um but yeah i mean sure good niche i would have thought it was maybe a little bit too specific for one specific piece of music software but with 27 000 page views it may be that it's just fine it's time to monetize it you're dropping a few of these well like that guy said don't reveal my niche and i was like hold we talked to these people all of them said this was fine angularguides.com um very interesting uh we're talking about you know technology frameworks and things on this site and it's doing okay at fourteen thousand page views but we're not sure what to do on monetization yet i'm fine on that generally let's get to thirty thousand page views and then let's figure out monetization that's how we think of it but it depends on you some people you're just gonna be really excited to get your first fifty dollar check and even if it's not much it's just exciting and it's gonna get you motivated if so fine monetize early uh for us it's like uh whatever 30 000 page views maybe we'll start to look at it um just because we've done it before affiliate for different software companies is really good a lot of software products are offering even recurring affiliate so something to look at this one is in the recipe space but their domain name is the cookware geek and it's because they started off making a site about cookware and then decided actually what i really like is recipes it's cooking and i made it into a food blog that is an issue with picking a domain name that's maybe a little bit too specific they feel it feels kind of pigeon holed into cookware now this person has gone and moved outside of that and not changed domain and it's it's working they're getting pretty good traffic and pretty good income but 78 000 page views with 375 articles you're getting pretty good traffic but not nearly enough for the amount of content you're writing so now it's time to go battleship this it's again recipes google is trying very hard to commoditize you and so the niche is a tough one but you have some content at least that's working very well let's figure out how to improve upon that e-scooters and e-bikes we've looked at this space a few times interested in doing something here it's pretty packed a lot of sites are being done on e-scooters and e-bikes so i was really encouraged to see this person's getting thirty thousand page views and five grand that's awesome monetization really good and it must be pretty review heavy is my thought here or they're finding very good buyer intent kind of topics because that's very good monetization so awesome um very exciting and mentions that his son is going to byu idaho next year uh we are going to hire your son at the creator studio because we have our riders in rexburg idaho those of you don't know we have an office over there in eastern idaho where we have a team of people that just write content for our websites and um yeah if he's looking for a job writing articles you're hired reach out this next one is about beagles and unicorns nice okay first beagles though [Laughter] literally okay while he's looking that one up i'll talk about beagles once again there are a lot of sights going out today um about specific dog breeds and it seems to be working and beagles is a big enough breed it's kind of like poodles right it's a big enough common enough breed that you can probably build this up to a pretty good um substantial level of traffic not knowing the age of the site or anything i don't and how much contents on the site eleven thousand page views it might be great if you're early on and sixty dollars a month off of eleven thousand page views is fine because i'm not overly worried about monetization yet i do think there's plenty of opportunity for monetization here um let's you know look for other other bloggers who maybe do have a course in you know beagle training like jim talked about with easy retriever training they've got a course so reach out to other bloggers and see if maybe you can become an affiliate for them um as you start to get more traffic this could actually be really profitable all right unicorns so much i just did i love your little about picture here um in the upper right too oh it's just it's precious awesome awesome okay so we're doing decently well on page views what i'm nervous about here is the trend unicorns are hot right now like we were looking for my daughter's birthday she wanted to have a unicorn birthday really and like you're just walking into a walmart the party section is just unicorn everything i'm seeing unicorn pillows and every unicorns are in man don't you know unicorns are in okay um it's going to pass um so i am a little bit nervous about that um but what i would say i mean not that the unicorn is like a new thing yeah but just right now it's trendy it's particularly trendy right now it it will it'll continue to have some sort of baseline of a unicorn fandom yeah anyway so my thought on this website is i'm okay with the name unicorn yard making content that really isn't specific to unicorns on some things it could just be you know kids stuff whatever um and so i'd be interested in starting to make some more evergreen topics just in case we're in a little bit of a unibubble um just saying this is a forum for questions which is literally what every forum is a forum for questions they have a new q a platform that's in english hungarian and romanian it's not that old and they have a bunch of traffic over 130 000 paid views but only 57 a month how do you monetize other people's answers to other people's questions i think that's kind of the tough thing um probably just showing ads ads um and so this is a little bit different from what we would create um it's i mean it's clearly working to some extent for you but it's not making you a whole lot of money um it's very very broad not a high value audience because it's such a you could do something like uh what's the difference between product a and product b kind of questions and then there's some affiliate links in there but it's tough yep okay raspberry pi there's a computer chip that you can program to do cool stuff um so i i really like this niche i think it's excellent it's a hot spot it's not going this site has a ton of traffic for just thirteen hundred dollars a month now we're seeing that as a major theme here as high traffic low income i really do think in virtually every niche it's possible to hit the thousand dollars for every 30 000 page views now there there aren't silver bullet answers for very few of these are there some of them we've said oh you should really be doing an affiliate for this or that but very rarely usually it just takes some time you got to go to look at your big competition and see what are they pushing how are they making their money you know what is this what are their what is their homepage trying to get you to do uh to get ideas there you gotta try an online course you gotta try an ebook it can take a few months to really try it but a hundred forty thousand page views and thirteen hundred dollars a month man a site like this could be a full-time income by flipping a switch but it takes a few tries and info products and different things like that if you want to sell we're buying i like high high page view low monetization makes me want to buy this one is on learning algorithmic trading and python which is a coding language this person has a course they're getting 5000 page views a month to the course that don't count behind the paywall so that's like sales page and stuff and then a year ago they started the blog to go along with it and it's getting 24 000 page views a month it says he's earning 40 000 i don't know if that's monthly or annually most these have guessed it it might be a typo it might be an annual if that's monthly 40 000 if that's monthly you're killing it fantastic uh if it's annually still on that kind of traffic you're doing well but this is a course an online course that's been around for five years so this guy's probably also the course has been around longer than a lot longer than the blog so we're probably looking at some some ads pushing us out through i don't know maybe affiliate deals probably a lot of paid ads um is what's going on here and so good work keep it up it's an interesting it's an interesting topic learning algorithmic trading that's a bit ymyl because in the finance space but that's cool and people pay a lot of money to learn how to make money the mummybubble.co.uk so first of all it's probably not the approach i would recommend unless you really have a strategic reason for doing so to make this country specific being a mom is pretty much the same in the us and canada and the uk etc but it's working clearly we got some traffic and we're making good money on this website parenting family kind of websites usually do well with sponsored posts um so that may be an area you really want to start investigating in you have enough traffic that bigger companies are going to start paying attention so sponsored posts could be a great place to go i i like what we're doing just a quick note though since this is a niche site ideas video the mummybubble.co.uk so the word the in a domain name is scary because usually we put the in because mummybubble.co.uk is taken right and so it's probably still a trademark even if you're adding the if you register the incomeschool.com we're going to have a problem with it so just be careful with the domains yep this one is another one in recipes and cooking it's a very popular topic today getting 120 000 pages this is another blogger from india you're doing good work making 600 a month it's fantastic but 120 000 page views from 900 blog posts also 600 i feel like you could earn much more than that from that level of traffic on most blogs but um you know their content is recipes and then they're talking about menu prices of restaurants which is really kind of regional specific and so that one's that one's kind of interesting there but obviously again we're seeing how it is very doable to make money in the recipes and cooking space but a lot of these sites that are doing it are getting good traffic but only because they're putting out so much content it's probably time to go back through do the battleship method um and then and work on the content that's the most valuable for your website and in assessing the content that's most valuable hopefully you'll you'll pick up on what pieces of content are really valuable and what sort of areas of content you should probably just stay away from because it's not worth your time mktoolboxsuite.com uh is looks really neat uh so we're getting decent traffic but the problem that this uh site owner has is they made an ebook about advertising on linkedin and they haven't made a single sale perhaps it's because i'm on your website and for the last several minutes i've been trying to find said ebook and i can't find it um i'm i've i clicked in on a few different posts randomly um just haven't seen it yet um so i i don't know maybe that's oh here link ah social media linkedin yeah um it's hard to find this um you gotta push hard it's a nicely designed sales page i think we're doing okay one thing is this euros thing um when with pricing in euros it makes someone in another country not feel that it's for them i would love on our sales page really to move the currency to specific markets you can do it it's not something we've implemented yet um if this predominantly is to a european country that's probably a great idea um but um i might say that dollar is a little bit more prevalent online even people from from the uk and stuff you see dollar a lot well i'm in the uk people are buying in pounds so what's the deal with right that's true i mean if this is an english website and so i i'm not quite sure why euro would be the predominant fine point um yeah it's it's something to investigate at least not that everything has to be in dollar depending on your audience and stuff but i haven't made some sales i think it's got to be pushed everywhere and maybe work on on sales page a little bit this is another website on learning how to code with python pretty good traffic here over a hundred thousand pages a month but only six hundred fifty dollars and he mentions that or you know this person mentions that they're failing on affiliates um really struggling to make any money from affiliates and i and i think that's kind of tough like you know what do we get would we push a course do we push an ebook about learning and you know are you going to push somebody else's ebook maybe you could but um you know i'm not going to go buy much stuff on amazon for coding in python and so maybe there's some software maybe there's some tutorials that you can that you can push or maybe you can create your own info product weight loss um 136 000 page views is amazing here's why it's amazing one it's a competitive space so just congratulations that you're rising to the top but the other thing is when you can get that that many page views on a topic so important to people that you know they would chop off their right pinky uh right like there are a lot of people in this world that if you said hey you're going to be skinny the rest of your life we got to give me your pinky there's hey where's the hatchet right yeah when you can get something that's that central to someone's life you're going to make a lot of money um you know starting a business is one of them where people are like man if i can reduce financial stress throughout here you go here it is cut it off i don't want your pinky anyway my point is it's time to really look at monetization here let's get an online course and dominate this because 136 000 page views with the right monetization in this space could be 10 grand a month oh yeah this one is home electronics projects again i think it's a good space we've talked about tech before how it's hard for it to be evergreen but you always have things to write about this person's struggling a lot with monetization they say all their money comes from ads i don't i don't i don't see why it would be particularly difficult i think it's time to you know if if you're writing articles about home electronics projects there are absolutely products that you can recommend to people to buy and so what it may be is the approach you're taking to recommending those products so you don't want to just come across as somebody who's pushing a sale on people you're getting some traffic to your website um you know 25 000 page views is is a is a good place to be it's a good place to start to be for now i would want to grow it substantially from here but if it feels like again you're pushing a sale on people and not helping them through a project helping them through a decision making the way you might help a neighbor or even a family member make a decision about a product to buy to help them with their projects at home take that approach and you might do a better job of converting these people over to a sale nanny job finding site is a great niche i think it's a good spot to be now getting a lot of traffic but their goal is to create a job board i think where you're paying for listings um and any kind of of a business model that you're trying to get to the point that it's user driven you know created new listings buying that it's just very difficult even on improved photography with a heck a ton of traffic we tried to launch a forum multiple times uh so hard to develop a community or any kind of user driven content there and so you just need to know there's gonna be a slog and you gotta fight and scrape for each one but it's a lot like the real estate business the real estate business is all about you being the listing agent whoever has the most listings wins yeah um and so you've got to find the jobs go out on facebook marketplace craigslist and you've got to reach out to those people and say hey also go list here it may take years of that until you can be the place to go to if you're not ready for that what's audible let's forget that business model and let's make a certificate for somebody who wants to be a nanny um that they can complete an online course and they're now a certified nanny um that they can put in their jobs and then you'll send it to your email list of everybody uh looking for a nanny um maybe you're you're trying to monetize the listing of a job maybe we go the other direction now where they complete a course and then you just blast out an email list of these are approved people now you know nice this one is in the news space um they say they're wanting money they want to increase their traffic but they also want to figure out how to earn more from their traffic news i think is can be a little bit tough people the news industry makes a lot of money but they make their money from advertising how do you push an affiliate product through news and so usually what you've got is sponsors of a news channel and and advertisers on that news channel that's kind of the what you've got in the space that you're in so if you're going to go into news just know that you just you need traffic and you need a lot of it and you need good information going out very frequently probably multiple times same here general finance and news uh this one because it's finance they're going to make a ton of money linking to credit cards and home loans and stuff like that randomfax.com apparently you can get good traffic but it is tough to monetize tutorials in tech topics man back to that this whoa two million page views a month hello okay so they teach different courses in vernacular languages over two million page views through word of mouth how's that happening word of mouth well you got a lot of people in your courses that are talking about your courses and they're earning seven thousand dollars a month i think you could be doing a lot more than that with two million page views um and unless these page views are just people who are clicking through maybe it's a course where it's like less and less and less and less and so each person's clicking through 20 pages either way you're doing a really really good job so there you go it's another proof that courses is a great place to be alternative diets again extremely monetizable it's going to be a fight to get there get good at search analysis yes um and write incredible content slow down fewer great posts on really good monetization don't just go with volume or else you'll just be making posts for nothing health beauty and lifestyle this site got hit by the algorithm update it's going to be again it's going to be tough to to gain that following if it's lifestyle you really are relying on people that to kind of follow you now the health and beauty and stuff maybe you can do a good job of search analysis and get that uh organic traffic but it's it's gonna be it's gonna be a slog to try to get anything substantial out of that wallpapers i think is cool this is one like concrete just weirdo niches and i like those low competition um great traffic not great monetization again man go buy and go buy like 10 wallpapers really research them out find 10 that are really hot patterns and stuff and make your 10 favorite wallpapers of all time with a post that shows you putting them on everything a video with them just an incredible resource of the 10 best wallpapers there and then every single post says you know if you're using my favorite wallpapers and these ones are durable easy to apply they look seamless etc you could make really good money here um you just have to actually go do some of this stuff to sell people on it this one's natural hairstyles and beauty this is a 10 year old website that's now earning 11 000 a month it's it sounds like this person wrote a bunch of content left came back your content might just be really outdated um so it might be time again to kind of battleship it figure out what content worked maybe in the past and then figure out how to update modernize that content or create new content based upon what was working really well in the past it is tough there's a lot of opinion out there about this kind of stuff and so everyone just kind of picks whose style they like best when it comes to beauty and so you're gonna have to just kind of have your thing um and maybe you can talk about trends and things like that but um you really have to stay on top of it and on top of the trends it makes this content not very evergreen you can absolutely do very well with it and so just keep at it throwing axes no that's a nick i like it a lot my guess is he said he's seeing a decline since the pandemic my guess is a lot of this is it's very in vogue right now these throwing axe places that like girls go on dates and stuff like every city seems to have one popping up right now um and a lot of those places were closed during the pandemic now understanding that that may be driving some of the interest here um can help you to make your content and to make it profitable you know how to set up your own yeah tomahawk throwing i've wanted to do one in our backyard i want one um i think they're cool my kids run around with like they see a snake or something in the backyard they run in and they're like i'm getting my sword and they have all kinds of knives and stuff they would love that this one's in guitars they're starting to get some pretty good traffic but then they said they were making more before the pandemic i would think more people being stuck at home would maybe have there'd be more interest in guitars and so i i don't know what that did to traffic but their earnings have gone down um and so maybe just think about like what's going on with these people that are at home now the being stuck at home part is kind of we're kind of moving out of that and so i wouldn't go creating a whole bunch of new content geared toward that again kind of like the ukuleles there's plenty of room to to create good content there powershell another programming language website um good space to be in getting decent traffic build that email list because we're going to want to launch a course yep educators and parents um 30 000 page views only making 500 a month i know this site uh this project 24 member um yeah i i think there's a ton of opportunity here this is a lot of it's focused on um kind of the gifted and talented kind of program and maybe because it's so focused on that you're you've you've kind of narrowed down that audience but it could be a very very valuable audience and so um and they do have a youtube channel along with that i it might just be we're still in the content creation phase and we just need to keep creating more content um and then look at just opportunities how to how to guide people what resources and tools can we create for people what courses can we give them um to be able to monetize that better 30 000 page views a month on business ideas and he feels like it was a failure what in the world maybe the monetization isn't there now but this is a right pinky kind of website right this is something important enough that they will pay for this you're getting good traffic let's build the email list and then online course time this one is on working from home and finance that they've been working on for three years and we're a little bit shy of 15 000 page views i think this is um possibly a search analysis issue maybe if you've been working on this for three years it could be a amount of content kind of issue i think um the working from home piece especially there's it's a huge trend right now so i would take a look at that search analysis and just maybe see where it might be lacking listen and learn english.com is only a few months old three months old but is getting 56 000 page views a month because they also have a youtube channel a great mix right now to do youtube and a blog men's hygiene tips 14 000 page views i mean i think that's a perfectly good niche i don't have a whole lot more to say about that they say the bounce rate is high i'm not surprised i mean i go i get the information i specifically search for and i leave i think that's perfectly okay the reloadersnetwork.com we just bought a ton of reloading gear and we need to figure this out this is a recipe for a collab with our youtube channel you need to contact brad hunt on instagram and say you want to do a collab with us because we could do something cool a great great niche you can monetize guns and firearm content with google ads now on youtube they're squirrelly about ammo manufacturing so just something to be aware of but there are several channels successful on it home painting 30 000 page views um the site's about a year and a half old 216 articles published though that's a lot of content for the amount of traffic but it might just be that it's the age that said you're at a year and a half now it's probably time to go back and battleship some of that older content because i think home painting is again a perfectly a really good niche there's a lot of products there's a lot of headache and frustration when people are trying to paint their own home so you know let's go let's just get after that and figure out what worked well and what content isn't working as well old glasgow pubs again i don't love region specific websites not that they can't work it's just not my favorite way to go after this um three thousand pages three thousand pages and 13 000 page views a month that's why that's why i'm questioning um local region based websites not that they can't work but again it's not my favorite way to do it once i don't even drink but once i went to an irish pub with an irish man in china gaming and tech reviews um earning two thousand dollars a month um that's pretty good for fifty four thousand page views and he's worried about uh monetization i think you're doing pretty good mostly from amazon affiliates so if you're looking in gaming and tech niche go look how they're earning money that's good two thousand dollars a month for 54 000 paid views great this next one is a blog about marketing they started when they were in mba they're getting almost 100 000 page views that kind of traffic in again a business focused niche i think that's a recipe for success i do think that the monetization is a bit low and so now it's time to look at how can we monetize this a little bit better because um and they do say only 10 to 15 of their pages are ranking number one which i think i mean that's pretty good 10 to 15 consistently ranking number one bringing in 93 000 page views now it's time to look at monetization dropshippingblog.dsmtool.com is earning a 100k um with 50 000 page views and why because it's an actual company that is using this as lead gen for that company yeah i just i like this one because i think a lot of people ignore that you know they have a small a small business or they could take it to whatever you know their work for a company that's open to it say hey i got this skill i know how to drive traffic and we could do a cool thing suddenly you're very valuable at work this one's on kitchen appliances a pretty good amount of traffic so once again i think that's kind of the hard part for a lot of people is getting that early traffic if you're reviewing kitchen appliances and stuff and just talking about kitchen appliances you could be seen as a commodity but the fact is you've broken you've broken the system you've figured out how to get traffic um i would i would think you could get more income than this though from that kind of a website because it's so product focused so let's figure out how to again do a better job of being helpful in um you know it's taking that approach of helping your neighbor as opposed to trying to sell somebody on a product and i think you'll probably include in improve the monetization there free emulator.com so this is like software on a computer that you can use to run roms or like old games like you can play nothing and stuff like that um so the way they're doing it uh is probably legal but we do have a lot of trade work trademark and copyright and patent kind of issues on this site and so they got booted from monetization from google adsense which also means they're going to have trouble with any of the premium networks because they also have to be approved for google adsense so 370 000 page views 42 bucks a month oh ouch um i'm gonna want to be an affiliate for a lot of games let's get some email addresses and let's start selling other games to that email address maybe we get companies that do have online games and stuff and we're emailing out a flash deal on different games and stuff as you're kind of your email content of whatever game is hot right there kind of take a flash deal approach to it i think could work really well you know reach out to a company that makes a product in a related space a cool mouse whatever and say hey i think we could sell a lot of these let's do a flash deal on my website and we'll sell this gaming mouse or whatever with that kind of traffic i think you could do something pretty cool there it's a little bit more manual but this could easily be a full-time income and right now it's buying dinner for two yeah this one here is on lifestyle health and finances it feels like very very broad everything lifestyle but they're getting 28 000 page views which i think is a great start um for this kind of a website again it's it's kind of a tough space to break into they've written only 54 articles and they're getting that kind of traffic so they're getting about 500-ish page views per article which again isn't isn't bad we shoot for a little higher than that on average but you're doing a good job at this point next steps it might just be a matter of figuring out which content is working which sort of categories of content are working and doing a little bit more search analysis and creating more content along those lines and now starting to look at the monetization a little bit more 700 is not bad but i think you could do again with this amount of traffic you should be able to earn more like three times that and so um i'd love to see you work on that monetization but then you know figure out what has worked for you because it's working the sportsnews.i in it's the iron that i'm concerned with it's india based again we recommend that you work on something that can work in other markets if you're in india just because you'll be able to monetize it so much easier other than ads i just don't know what you're going to do here maybe link into some fantasy sports or something but only fifty dollars a month and news websites are a lot of work so i do have questions about sustainability here [Applause] [Music] laughs it's so stupid [Music]
Channel: Income School
Views: 157,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: internet marketing, passive income, website, seo, content marketing, affiliate marketing, wordpress, youtube creators
Id: nepKtFf2MJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.