The COMPLETE Beginner's Guide to League of Legends!

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welcome to the only beginner's guide you need to get started in League of Legends we won't lie this game is super overwhelming to get into at the beginning but with this guide we've made things simple for all of you who just started playing or who are thinking about playing League of Legends after watching you'll have an excellent understanding of the following topics ranging from what type of game league is how laning and jungling work what trading is what is and how important vision is how to earn gold learning to itemize your Champion avoiding click bait on YouTube a list of strong beginner Champions how to actually learn those new characters tips for getting good at League quicker than everyone else how to actually win a game of League settings to get you started and some quick terminology you'll need to know to communicate better and before we get into it we are skill capped and our company's mission is to provide and simplify the absolute best strategies and tips so everyone in our community can seriously level up their gameplay with a fraction of the time spent compared to other players we're also the only service to provide skill and insurance if you don't significantly climb when actively using our service you can claim a full refund over on our website so consider checking us out after this alright with that out of the way let's get started [Music] to get into League you first need to understand that at its core it is a game about progressing your Champion's power through items and levels the more items and levels you have the stronger you will be allowing you to win any fight you take and so we'd like to introduce you to summoner's rift this is the main map where most games are played summoner's Rift is played as a 5 versus 5 where one team plays from the blue side on the bottom half of the map and the other team plays on the red side on the top half of the map in it you will find three different lanes that are constantly reinforced with minion waves that Spawn from both nexuses you'll also find a jungle filled with monsters ready to be slain since the main goal of the game is to earn gold and convert it into items the five players on each team will gravitate to one of these three lanes or the jungle so that they can kill the minions or Monsters there to progress their champion and of course since this is a PVP game you will also find your opponents there ready to contest the resources you so desperately crave your goal each game is to battle constantly with your opponent so that you will come out ahead on resources throughout the match the more gold you earn the more items you can buy from the shop in your base then you can convert your power into taking one of the many objectives around the map such as the baron Nasher or slaying dragons to earn permanent combat Buffs when you're strong enough you slowly work your way to the enemy Base by destroying their towers exposing their Nexus take it down and you win the game the five players on your team will divide fairly evenly amongst all three lanes in the jungle to know which lane you'll likely end up playing let's cover the type of champion you'll find in each one let's start with mid which is the most popular and often considered the most important role in the game this is because you will be in the exact center of the map where you have quick access to everywhere else if you enjoy playing typical Mages and casters or assassins who hunt for kills then this is likely the lane for you casters Thrive here as mid is the shortest Lane of them all compared to top and bottom Mages in League tend to be squishy and immobile so being able to play so close to offensive Tower at all times is a big reason for why they ended up primarily being played in mid as for Assassins they want to kill stuff right so it only makes sense that they thrive in the mid lane since that's where they'll have the easiest time to roam around the map and score kills moving on to Top Lane if you like constantly brawling one-on-one versus your opponent then this is your lane there's two major characteristics to top you need to know one it's relatively far from most of the action on the map this is why you'll often hear it being referred to as an island the second key part to it is how long the lane is unlike mid you won't be close to your Tower most of the time for these two reasons you need to be a self-sufficient Champion up here which is why fighter type Champions or tanks are mostly played in top you will constantly be face to face versus your opponent usually in a melee versus melee matchup so if you're confident in your dueling skills then this might be the lane for you lastly there's bot Lane if you like playing with a partner then this will be the lane for you the meta in bot Lane revolves around having one Martin type champion and One support playing together to win the lane 2v2 Marksman are basically required to play league most of the time the do a lot of consistent damage in fights and are typically the main carry in later game team fights however they are very weak during the early game which is why they have a more supportish character to keep them safe during those early levels down here these support characters typically consist of two different types of Champions you can either be an Engaged support who looks to set up their team with powerful crowd control abilities or you can be a support Champion that you're probably more used to from other types of games enchanters provide powerful heals or Shields and play a more defensive style to keep their teammates safe from harm keep in mind that in all of these Lanes these are just the general meta guidelines you can play almost anything anywhere such as range top laners tanks and mid or Mages and bottom these recommendations are just a guideline to get you started so you know where you're most likely to end up playing however as many of you know league is a 5v5 game so where does the last player go then that would be the Jungle jungle is definitely one of the most interesting and thought-provoking roles in the game you're not constrained to any Lane so during the early levels you can effectively be wherever you want to at all times your goal is to farm the monsters in the jungle to earn gold and experience you're also able to walk into lanes that you either need to help or where you feel like you can score a free kill however this is what makes it feel so inaccessible to newer players with so much to do where do you even begin trust us trying the jungle role is not that complicated especially with some really nice features that Riot has added into the game recently if you want to try jungling to see if it's for you then here's how you can get started easily first things first during Champion Select you'll want to take Smite you literally cannot do the jungle without this spell so make sure you take it then you'll want to pick up one of the Jungle pet items as your starter which one is not a big deal and you'll often find that guides will tell you which one your Champion prefers you don't really have to think about what they do so don't overthink it and pick whichever the very nice feature that Riot has added recently is showing you where to start each game as a jungler see the big icon over this camp this means that you will begin your game here killing this monster then you'll follow the route that's laid out in the the minimap killing the camps in order this route is made with data from the millions of junglers who play your Champion so you'll know it's always a decent choice to follow as for killing the camps you can for the most part just Auto attack and use your primary spells in the big monster then finish off the little ones that your jungle pet didn't take care of yet it's really that easy trust us after completing the route you can head into a lane to execute what's known as a gank hopefully you'll be able to score a kill for some extra gold or just alleviate some pressure from your teammates as a quick easy tip to make this more consistent head to Lanes where your opponents are the ones pushing into your teammate not the other way around this way you have way more time to chase down your opponent before they're able to make it back to the safety of their Tower anyways that's most of what jungling is you're just trying to balance out how often you farm camps to earn gold and how often you help your teammates by going to their Lanes your final goal as the jungler is securing objectives with Smite Smite is a big damage cooldown versus jungle camps and that goes for objectives as well we'll talk more about these objectives and what they do later but as a jungler all you need to do is check how much damage your Smite does as you and your team do an objective track the monster's HP and just Smite when it dips below that amount simple we've covered a lot about jungle here but we definitely needed to it is by far the role that most new players are put off from when it really shouldn't be it's now easy to get into and very rewarding when you become good at it if you find that you enjoy the role then we definitely got you covered for how to become even better at it too there's more you can learn such as how valuable each monster Camp is compared to the others for example the red and blue camps give you powerful Buffs that you should definitely be trying to secure all the time you can even learn when you should be invading the other side jungle to steal them from the enemy jungler or you'll eventually want to learn how to adapt your route every game to be even more efficient we cover all the basics that you need to win more games as jungler in our courses so if you enjoy the role and want to get good at it fast then check those out [Music] let's take a step back and talk about the four laners once again as we mentioned initially the main goal during the start of the game in your lane is to gain an advantage over your opponent if you can kill them or push them out of the lane you can acquire more minions than them leading to a gold lead you can spend that goal to become stronger and eventually use that advantage to win the game which means that when picking up League of Legends one of the best skills you can immediately work on is learning how to trade or how to fight your opponent so that you can get those gold advantages reliably now the fun part about Landing in league is all the different strategies and Concepts that go into trading depending on your matchup what level you are your items your spell sequences Etc a trade can vary greatly in how well it goes that might sound overwhelming but you don't need to worry about any of that yet that will all come through practice and time in a beginner guide we can't cover every little detail but will give you the most important tips that will work on any champ in any matchup to give you an edge over your opponent during the lane phase the first is to understand how minion aggro works when you attack your oppon it with an auto attack or a single Target ability near the enemy wave all the enemy minions will aggro Onto You therefore the most important trading tip in the game is to fight around big minion waves if you have more minions than your opponent this is generally a good time to take a fight because minion damage is so high during the early levels you will come out ahead very consistently fighting this way which makes the opposite also true so be careful if you're at a minion deficit then you'll definitely want to avoid trading in most cases another key trading concept to remember is the value of levels in League each time you level up you can either gain access to a new ability or to rank up an ability you already have which means that levels give a ton of power in league and will often outright win you a fight however some level spikes are more important than others so listen up if you hit Level 2 while your opponent is still Level 1 then you should immediately be thinking about a trade at level 1 your opponent still only has one ability whereas you'll have two that's literally double their power and makes this one of the best timings in the game to trade similar logic applies when you're level three to their level 2. you have one more ability than they do making it a good time to fight the final timing you should learn is for level six you see you can't actually put points into your ultimate ability before then ultimates are generally crazy powerful spells and are thus gated by levels and long cooldowns which means that if you get level 6 before your opponent you should always be looking to fight as you'll likely win the encounter in almost any circumstance tragically there is no bigger Downer in League than becoming good at trading and starting to win every fight versus your lane opponent but then you're met with the cruel reality of the enemy jungler coming to gank you as you push up destroying all the hard work you put into winning your lane this is very scary as summoner's Rift is clouded in fog of War which doesn't let you see what's going on inside of it so you can sometimes never know if jungler is lurking around your lane ready to pounce [Music] this is where the vision part of the game comes into play do you see this button down here by your items that's what's known as a trinket the default one you begin the game with is usually the one that gives you warts these handy sticks will light up the map giving you temporary vision of an area clouded by fog of War you'll definitely be thankful for having access to these for free throughout the lane phase as they might be the only thing standing between you and the enemy jungler however they're not just a thing during the lane phase all throughout the game vision is a dance that every player on the map participates in that can very often decide the outcome of a match the more information that your team has to work with the better decisions they can make and vice versa the less information your opponents have to work with the less optimal their gameplay will be so let's break down the most important parts you need to know about Vision so you can immediately apply it in your games first as we mentioned there's the trinket Wars everyone gets these at the start of the game so both teams will have limited access to Vision these are also invisible so your opponents won't be able to see them as they pass through an area quick note supports are the only players who can get more of these stealth Wards through their item we'll talk about items soon but basically they get a quest item if they complete it they can Bank three stealth boards every time they base for everyone else the only other way to get more vision is to buy the control warts in the shop these are slightly different than your trinket warts first they're visible to your opponent so don't place these randomly in the open where they're easy to see and kill the upside though is that they disable and reveal the basic stealth Wards since vision is so important being able to deny information of an area to your opponents can be game winning one final thing is that you can swap your beginner trinket Wards for either a sweeper or a farsight trinket the sweeper scans the area around you for a bit revealing all stealth rewards that you can now kill the farsight trinket allows you to place a Ward from really far away and that's basically it to understanding Vision if you have Wards available put them down in areas that you think are dangerous and if you know your opponent has Wards in an area then try to clear them and once you get comfortable to the game and you want to expand your vision control knowledge definitely check out our master and minutes guide where we teach you every Ward trick you need to know in bite size 60 second guides on our website which hugely popular with our subscribers but back and remember the main reason we started talking about trading in lane and vision in the first place to earn gold gold lets you buy items making you stronger eventually allowing you to win the game here's the four main methods you can use to earn gold in this game Lane minions jungle monsters kills and Towers minions and jungle camps will be the most consistent form of gold generation for laners and junglers as a newer player this will seem a bit weird once you get into a game you'll soon notice the huge chunk of money you get from scoring kills which is a 300 gold Baseline surely that's something to focus on rather than these Minions that give such little gold no trust us the most universal advice in this game that experienced players will give is to always focus on farming minions and monsters over kills that's because kills are inherently risky and inconsistent whereas you can always kill creeps a good way to look at it is like this for every 15 minions you kill you earn about one kill worth of gold therefore the fastest way you will improve at League of Legends is to focus on getting as many minions as possible if you do that then believe us the kills will come naturally later because you'll be stronger than your opponents by simply having more items than them as a final note the players who pick up the support role this will actually not apply to you because you will passively generate gold through your support item just buy one every single game at the start of the match it's pretty nice and something you barely have to think about [Music] ton of gold now how do you spend it you open up the shop and there's literally hundreds of items where do you even begin first let's cover the basics Champions often prioritize buying either physical or magic damage to know which stat your Champion prefers you can often hover over the tooltip of your abilities around the damage numbers if you see that your spell scales off of a number with brownish text this generally means that your Champion wants to buy attack damage as an example this Champion is Kiana almost all of her spells have brown text so you'd quickly know that she is definitely a physical damage dealer and wants to buy attack damage as a counter example now here's Ari hovering over her spells they all have a bluish text this means they scale off of ability power indicating that you should probably build items that have ability power on them but you don't even have to do that to get started it's actually really easy to itemize your Champion without having to think at all all you need to do is click this recommend tab up here in the shop this will provide you with the most common items that most of the player base Builds on your Champion you're basically getting real-time info on the most popular build builds the moment so you know it's always up to date and reliable and if you want extra details you can always just Google a build for the champion you're playing tons of sites will pop up so don't worry about having to learn every item in the game [Music] before moving on we should make it clear that in the league scene a lot of really good players often make fun or silly content especially on YouTube they'll play a champion in an unorthodox role with terrible items but still make it seem overpowered simply because of how much better they are than their opponents these channels are often entertaining and can even be educational for you but never copy an item build you see on a random YouTube video more often than not you'll be baited into terrible builds that don't work and you'll end up having a miserable experience we suggest sticking to the stats sites while you're figuring stuff out [Music] okay so you know how to set up your Champion but who do you actually play what Champions you eventually decide to main will take time to find there's no way around it with over 150 distinct characters in the game but we can give you two super simple to pick up champions for every role that you can immediately have success with while you slowly find what you actually want to play for Mid the go-to recommended pick will always be Annie she is very easy to do well with you just drop Tibbers your pet bear on someone and then spam the rest of your damage abilities on them to score a kill it's often that easy the other one we'd recommend would be Lux most of her spells are skill shots abilities that you have to aim and land however she is still very basic you just have to land your long range root on a Target and that guarantees that all your other spells land often resulting in a kill again she's super easy and rewarding to play as a new player for top a tank that we'd recommend you play would be cho'gath his passive rewards you with free health and Mana every time you kill a minion making him one of the safest and most consistent laning champions in the game plus he's got a ton of CC and super high damage making him a very well-rounded Champion as for a Bruiser you should definitely look into Jax top is all about dueling and Jax is one of if not the best 1v1 champion in the game you just press your e which Dodges all your opponents Auto attacks leap on them and then whack them to death it's very satisfying and easy to pull off for the ADC roll we'd first recommend Ash she's about as basic of an auto attack Champion as it gets but she also brings a ton of utility to her team by permanently slowing enemies with her autos and having one of the most powerful engage tools in the game her ultimate Arrow next up is Miss Fortune she's a bit more spell focused and how she deals damage than most other marksmen and will quickly teach you how to balance dealing damage with auto attacks as well as your spells she also moves around the map very quickly with her passive strut making her great for beginners trying to pick up as many minions around as possible and her ultimate is one of the strongest team fighting spells in the game you just aim it in the direction of the enemy team and watch as it shreds everyone's health bars now to partner up with the Marksman and bottom here's our two support picks first up for those of you who like setting up plays being a beefy frontliner and locking enemies down then we'd recommend Leona she is some of the highest crowd control potential in the game as almost all of her spells keep your opponents locked down plus she's insanely durable allowing her to stay in the thick of things with not much effort the best part is that she's really easy to pull off and get a lot of value with now for those of you who like staying back and keeping your teammates safe then we'd recommend Jonna she is one of if not the best champion in the game for peeling your teammates and keeping him alive Jonah is super obnoxious to play against as she can deny a lot of plays the enemy team tries to make so if you're the type of player who likes shutting people down then you'll definitely love playing her finally for junglers a simple Champion to pick up is shinzao for this role playing Champions that can come into a lane and easily score kills is one of the easiest ways of carrying games and shin has some of the best ganks in the game you just Dash on top of someone knock them up and deal a ton of damage not only are you really good early game but his ultimate makes team fighting super simple too while active you take literally zero damage from anyone who isn't inside your R versus other newer players like yourself it's absurdly strong and will win you games very easily and our final recommendation will be amumu the sad mummy amumu much like shinzao is pretty decent ganks by being able to stun someone up to two times setting up their teammate during a gank however the real reason we're recommending amumu is because he's one of the best tanks in the game to carry games with when you begin his ultimate is a massive AOE stun that deals a ton of damage too it's very hard to mess up on a Mumu compared to how much value he'll bring to your team regardless of what Champion you end up choosing here's what we'd recommend you do before heading into a game go here and your client to the practice tool and start again each Champion has four abilities and they're passive to work with your abilities usually synergize in some way and it'll be a good idea to use them in a particular order for maximum Effectiveness so that's what the training tool is for it's a lot easier to figure this out in a custom game by yourself rather than when you're under pressure in a real game your goal is to understand the simple logic behind your abilities and how to use them we'll be doing a quick example of how this process should go it may sound confusing but that's the point it'll take a bit of effort to get started but this will be very good for you to do in the long run here we have Leona one of the most popular support champions in the game you'll want to read through your spells first to see what they do you can read through the training tool options you have here but here's where you can quickly find out how to spawn a dummy for Leona her passive applies a mark after every spell that makes allies deal extra damage her Q makes her next Auto attack stun W is a huge burst of resistances that eventually explodes to deal damage e is an extending sword that lets her Dash to the Target she hits and her ultimate calls down a beam of solar energy to stun all Targets in its center now try and get a feel for some simple ways that your spells can synergize together for example you can prepare your W in advance readying the explosion then Dash to the Target stun it with Q which will keep them in place for the ultimate to also stun that's a bread and butter combo for Leona to land a ton of crowd control to set up her teammates you should definitely fiddle around and try to find every order that your abilities can work in each Champion can have a variety of Combos and it's easy to figure them out in the training tool this is also a good time to quickly go over what Summoner spells do you'll quickly realize that in Champion Select you can take a variety of extra spells for your character these have long cooldowns and can be very strong so during this step make sure to read through all the Summoner spells and see how they work foreign now everyone starts playing league for a different reason some of you just want to join so you could play with your friend group others want to satisfy your competitive drive with the most popular esport in the world at the moment regardless of the reason most players have one thing in common they want to get decent quick so they can queue with their friends or play ranked here's the best way of improving quickly you need to keep in mind that league is a strategy game with a lot of quick execution requirements it can seem overwhelming to get into but it's actually not that hard to learn the problem most new players face is that they try to learn both their champion and the strategy part of the game at the same time doing so makes it impossible to learn quickly you'll never be sure whether your mistakes were because you're not good at your Champion or because you had poor overall strategy so when you get into the game find characters you like we suggest sticking to two and Max 3 Champions that you're going to want to play then don't Focus too much on strategy yet just learn to play your Champions look up guides combos item builds Etc just get really comfortable playing your main Champions once you feel confident in your skills and your main Champions you can start trying to learn the strategy part of the game now you'll know exactly what's going wrong in every play that doesn't work out and it'll make learning a breeze and way more enjoyable do this properly and we promise you'll improve at least five times faster than everyone else who's over complicating the learning process for themselves and much like everything else we make the strategy part of the game super simple to learn with our courses at skill capped so once you feel like you're ready to tackle that part of the game be sure to check us out okay so you should now have an okay understanding of where to begin and what Champions to play but how do you actually win a game of League of Legends well you just have to destroy the enemy Nexus of course to do so as the game moves forward you'll want to focus on getting as many objectives as possible and we should begin with the most important objective of them all Towers or turrets you literally cannot end the game unless you take down the towers defending the enemy Nexus only then can you actually hit it to win league is a progressive game you need to slowly work your way to the enemy Nexus by taking all their towers you start with the outer turrets then the inner turrets then the inhibitor turrets and so on it is worth noting that you don't actually have to take every single tower for example you could push the enemy's base through top without ever taking a bot Lane Tower so what are these towers why are they so important and what do they do well a turret is a defensive structure that deals damage if an enemy is stronger than you what's stopping them from just running you over and over again towers of course they deal massive damage to enemy units that come within their range the most important thing to know about turrets is that you can approach them if you have a minion wave there first the tower will focus the wave and only once it's cleared will it begin firing on you however if you damage an enemy Champion while in range of a tower it will change its aggro and begin immediately hitting you instead the final thing to know about the objectives in the lanes themselves is that after the inhibitor Tower you will be able to destroy what is known as an inhibitor when you kill an enemy inhibitor you will now get super minions in that lane that Spawn from your Nexus these are very strong Minions that will constantly push that lane and help you end the game if you're on the losing side if you manage to fend off these pushes the inhibitor will eventually respawn so you do have a chance if you put up a legendary defense outside of taking Towers there are three other objectives that will help you win the game starting with the simple one here's Rift Herald if you kill the herald it will spawn an eye that someone on your team can pick up you then have a few minutes to place the eye in a lane by using your trinket keybind this will spawn the herald in the lane and it will immediately begin pushing the Lane's Tower dealing massive damage after 20 minutes The Herald will despawn on and will be replaced with Baron Nasher Baron is by far the hardest objective to take in the game it can do a lot of damage so you should be careful and confident that you can take it before starting the objective it's usually best to start when you've killed everyone on the enemy team however the Buffett grants definitely warrants the difficulty Baron will give you some attack damage and ability power but the main reason to take it is the minion buff that comes with it when you're around the wave with the buff it will empower the minions making them deal more damage and take way less damage on top of that it makes it very difficult to defend Towers versus and you're bound to take two to three enemy Towers every time you manage to get the baron buff a quick tip with Baron is to not stack your team and go down one lane as five players the main point of the buff is to empower minions as we said therefore you'll want to spread your team through two to three lanes so you can really abuse these buffed up minions okay now we have to talk about dragons they'll maybe sound confusing here but trust us they're not once you play a few games you'll very quickly understand how they work so Elemental Drake spawn here every 5 minutes the type of dragon that spawn is random and each one will give a different permanent Buff when you take them for example if you take a mountain dragon it will give your team bonus armor and Magic resist after two dragons have been slain Summoner Rift will evolve this is based on the third Elemental Dragon that spawns so if an infernal Dragon spawn third the map will erupt into flames and many walls will go down by the way don't overthink these map changes they matter but not really you don't have to think about it at all as it's mostly just a neat thing to make each game feel slightly different the important bit is that the third Elemental Dragon is the only dragon that can respawn from now on and once your team has taken four total dragons you will get the soul of this Elemental Drake these Soul Buffs are very powerful and permanent combat stats the power of each individual soul buff varies but they are all very strong and will typically be your main Wing condition every game to put it simply get four dragons become very strong that's it don't make it more complicated than that after one team gets four dragons and the Soul buff now the Elder Dragon will begin spawning this Dragon Rivals the might of Baron Nasher in terms of power you'll definitely like getting this Dragon buff with it you will burn your opponents whenever you damage them but the real kicker is that if they fall below this HP threshold while burning then they will instantly be executed with a fun animation on top of that our best tip for appropriately using this elder buff Dragon just take every fight you can it's so strong that you'll usually auto win any encounter begin wrapping this guide up let's get you started with the most important settings that will help you out immediately as you get into the game first things first the most important setting normally to cast spells in League you have to click the spell once then the cast indicator comes up then you click again for the spell to go off this is way too slow and clunky go into your settings and enable quickcast all quick casting turns that two-click process into just one click making your spells come out much faster than before league is a really fast-paced game once you get into it so saving any bit of time in your combos is crucial for Success however you'll also want to go into the normal cast section of your keybinds and bind all your spells again most people use a shift modifier for this such as shift q w e r and so on this way you can still pull out a normal cast ability whenever you need to if you're not sure whether you're in range to hit a spell this is where having these normal cast spines will come in handy so we definitely recommend having both versions of your Spell bound the same goes for items having both quick and normal cast will be nice in the long run for you next you'll want to enable Champions names above health bars Lee league as a lot and we mean a lot of skins it can often be hard to tell what Champion is what especially when you're new this way you'll be able to know what you're up against at a glance now enable show spell costs here this will show exactly how much Mana you need to cast a spell this information is valuable so you know whether you have enough Mana for a full combo with some quick math then enable show neutral camps this will show all the jungle camps that are up or down on the map it's especially important to see whether objectives are up or not finally you'll find some chat settings here newer players can often experience a lot of toxicity when picking up this game if you don't want to deal with any of it you can disable all chat to never hear the enemy team and even Ally chat if you find that your own teammates are giving in trouble these should be more than enough to get you started but you can also check out our dedicated settings guide for even more in-depth tips for the last thing to discuss you need to learn how to communicate to play better so let's rapid fire the most common League terminology you'll hear in the game a gank is when a jungler comes into a lane and tries to score a kill a roam is when a laner leaves their Lane to gank another Lane invading is when you or multiple teammates go into the enemy jungle to kill someone or take enemy jungle camps a counter gank is where your jungler predicts where the enemy jungler will gank and is prepared to counter the play pushing is just getting your own wave into the enemy Tower by killing the enemy wave priority is typically when you push the wave into the enemy's Tower this just means that you're free to move from your lane while your opponent is stuck clearing the wave that you just pushed into their Tower CS is creep score this refers to how many minions you've last hit freezing is when you try to maintain the wave closer to your own Tower this is only possible when the enemy wave is bigger than yours because your own minions will die faster this is typically done to play closer to your own Tower or to force your opponent to overextend in the lane resetting basing or recalling all just mean pressing B this keybind begins a channeled ability that lets you return to your base after 8 seconds to restore resources and buy items thanks for watching we hope you come to love League Legends as much as we do and we'll catch you next time
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 631,726
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 13, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends beginner guide, lol beginners guide, lol beginners guide 2023, how to play league of legends for beginners, challenger guide, lol guide, how to play league of legends
Id: tQbo2X2Qysc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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