The Complete Stranger Things Timeline (Seasons 1-3) | Cinematica

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stranger things season three's come and gone and we're left waiting for Netflix to announce if and when season four will be coming our way to stay busy in the meantime I've gone ahead and updated our timeline from a few weeks ago with all of the events of stranger things season 3 so for now this timeline is complete but to start the video I'm gonna need you to either tell me Planck's constant or just sing me a beloved movies theme song either or 1953 to 1982 welcome to Hawkins in 1953 MKULTRA the real actual CIA program to study mind control begins and operations kick off at Hawkins National Lab eventually Terry I've signs up for MKULTRA under the supervision of dr. Brenner once she becomes pregnant Brenner starts planning to keep the unborn child as a test subject when Terry gives birth to her daughter Jane in 1971 Brenner kidnaps the baby brings her back to the lab and gives her a new name eleven three years later Terry breaks into Hawkins lab to take Jane back but just as she finds Jane and Callie in the Rainbow Room Terry's caught and forced to undergo electroconvulsive therapy the scientists leave her in a catatonic state and then release her to her sister Becky from here Becky becomes her caretaker at some point over the next few years Callie escapes from Hawkins lab and begins taking revenge on those who worked there a little later 1979 is a bad year for Jim hopper his daughter Sara passes away from what's probably cancer he and his wife Diane split and he moves back to Hawkins from the big city to work as the chief of police fans speculate that the big city is New York based on boxes you can see in his grandfather's cabin in season two he's talking about a downgrade have you ever tried to get a bagel in Indiana no wonder he's depressed in 1982 Joyce and Lonnie Byers get a divorce Lonnie moves to Indianapolis and joy stays and Hawkins to raise their two sons Jonathan and well but at least Jonathan introduces well to his favorite song should I stay or should I go by the clash so that's something right personally I would have gone with something off of London Calling because combat rock is the clashes worst album but I'd I'm just spitballing here November 6 to December 12th 1983 season 1 and the demagogue Ian earlier that year 11 participates in an experiment in the sensory deprivation tank where she's ordered to spy on a Russian agent probably a member of the KGB at first the experiment is a success he talks about the possibility of Russian spies being exposed on American soil unaware that he is being spied on but when the conversation ends she sees the demagogue and pan and then everything kicks off on November 6th dr. brenner orders 11 back into the void to make contact with the monster unfortunately for literally everyone as soon as she touches the creature a rift is formed between the dimensions which is known as the gate the demagogue and enters our dimension and in the chaos of all the explosions and the bad times and whatnot 11 escapes from the lab sometime after that the monster pulls will who's biking home after a regular night of DMD with the boys into the other dimension henceforth called the upside down early the next morning Joyce realizes will is missing and ghosts the police at first hopper is dismissive thinking will might just be playing hooky on the other side of town 11:00 breaks into Betty's burgers and tries to steal some food for herself Benny feeds her though in later call social services hopper and his deputies search the woods for will and when he finds wills bike hopper begins to take the case seriously then this bad lady from Hawkins lab who the internet tells me is called Connie Fraser shows up and kills Benny staging it as a suicide which honestly is one of the most heartbreaking moments of the show he was a good dude and he just wanted to go fishing rest in peace Benny I hope you're catching macro in the stars at this point Will's friends Mike Lucas and Dustin decide to start searching the woods for him but instead they run into eleven they take her back to Mike's place and set her up in a pretty dope tent in the basement the next day a larger search party sites have to look for will Mike stays home with Elle and gets her hooked on Eggos she reveals that she's seen will and that bad men are after her when Lucas and Dustin come over after school she reveals her telekinetic powers by slamming a door closed while Hawkins lab agents are snooping around the buyers house Jonathon is hanging missing-person flyers at a school Stephen Co laugh at him but Nancy tries to be supportive Jonathon then leave school and drive to Indianapolis to see if Will's there with his dad when Hopper finds Benny's body he's not convinced it's a suicide and later that night when mr. Clark finds a scrap of fabric and a pipe that leads to Hawkins lab hoppers even more suspicious he starts to believe that Hawkins lab is involved in wills disappearance that same night Nancy and Barb go to a party at Steve's house what well it's more of a gathering there's only five people anyway while everyone is splashing around in Steve's pool poor barb cuts her hand on a beer can and then Nancy tells barb to go home before going upstairs with Steve to listen to Toto's Africa in the nude that's that's that's what sex is right you just take off your clothes and listen to Africa it sounds pretty good actually sneaking around in the trees Jonathan takes some creepy pictures of Nancy and Steve but also snags one of a very sad barb after he leaves the demagogue or gun pulls barb into the upside-down hashtag justice for barber back at the buyers house joyce gets a call and here's wills voice which starts her paranormal investigation the next morning Nancy doesn't see barb at school so see kids the lesson is if you have premarital sex your friends will be pulled into another dimension and eaten by a monster from an RPG that sounds like something that I would learn from scream rather than stranger things but whatever yes that's the moral Nancy goes poking around Steve's house and finds Barb's car but also the demagoguing she calls Barb's mom and finds out that barb hasn't been home all night once Steve learns about Jonathan's creepy ass photo shoot he confronts him breaking his camera and tearing his pictures Nancy collects the torn pieces and discovers the photo that shows barb meanwhile hoppin coat check out the Hawkins National Lab hopper like the cool guy he is totally catches the scientists in a lie while doing some research he and his team discovered that dr. brenner was involved in MKULTRA and start to read about Terry Ives meanwhile Joyce is investigating - she hangs up the Christmas lights and will begins to communicate with her through the lights and it's going pretty well until the devil organ appears seems to always ruin stuff whatever it shows up 11 takes the kids on what seems to be a psychic wild-goose chase to the buyers house the kids don't know all about the parallel dimension and are frustrated just that a bunch of cop cars raised by the kids follow them and end up at the quarry just in time to see them fish out wills body Mike is understandably angry and calls L a liar back at Mike's house though she proves that will is still alive by making his voice come through Mike's radio the boys decided to bring Elle to school the next day so they can use the cool radio that mr. Clark got them to talk to will but not before giving Elle the makeover that sparked a million Halloween costumes before they can get to the radio mr. Clark makes them go to assembly for will standard eighties mouth-breather bullies Troy & Co have the gall to laugh during it so Mike picks a fight to stick up for his friend justice is served when 11 makes Troy pees pants in front of the whole school when they finally get the radio they hear will talking to Joyce but the radio catches fire before they can learn more later they finally understand that wil is in the upside down Nancy talks to the deputies about Barb's disappearance and learns that her car is missing anxious to do something Nancy puts together Jonathan's torn up photo and teams up with him together they enlarge the photo revealing the demagoguing even after seeing wills body Hopper has his doubts so after some cop punching detective work he discovers that wills body from the quarry is a fake Joyce sees will in the upside down and smashed as a hole in her house to reach him so and Hwanhee shows up a little later he thinks that she's crazy and tries to get Joyce to face reality popper meanwhile is still on a crime fighting spree out there breaking into Hawkins lab and finding the gate you know for a super secret government facility they are really susceptible to be in ease the guards knock out hopper but they let him go with a warning to mind his own business and apparently this is also the nicest super-secret government facility Oh people keep breaking in oh come on just a slap on the wrist get out of here you rapscallion on the day of wills funeral the kids ask mr. Clark how they could contact a parallel dimension and to make a long story short mr. Clark tells them that they would need a huge power source if only there was some sort of super secret government facility nearby Joyce finds that Lonnie is only there to try to get money from Will's death and kicks him out meanwhile hopper wakes up and realizes that his place is bugged he finds the bug and tells Joyce that she was right all along Dustin discovers that his compass is acting strangely and that they can use it to find the gate the kids set out but 11 manipulates the compass to lead them in a circle afraid to go back to Hawkins lab the kids get in a big fight and 11 uses her powers to push Lucas she runs off by herself and Lucas decides to go out on his own then Nancy and Jonathan go monster hunting nancy falls into the upside-down but Jonathan pulls her out and they go back to Nancy's house to spend the night unfortunately Toto's Africa did not play that night but Steve who's there to apologize sees them through the window and is very upset because apparently none of these teenagers have heard of curtains this sounds like a peeping toms dream a day later and it's time for a road trip Joyce and hub visit Terry Ives and her sister Becky tells them all about her time in MKULTRA and about Jay Terry's daughter meanwhile Nancy and Jonathon gear up for their next round of monster hunting with like a gun and everything good thing Nancy's a good shot in town they see what Steven has two goons have painted on the movie theater Steve and Jonathan get into a fight and Jonathan gets arrested Connie Fraser the nice guy eraser sorry I still can't believe that's her name visits mr. Clark to ask about the kids now who else felt a deep and visceral fear during this scene protect mr. Clark he is trying his best Lucas goes on a cool solo adventure with his dad's NAM gear his compass leads him to Hawkins lab where he sees a bunch of vans like the ones that have been parked around town Mike and Dustin are out in the woods looking for el but instead run into Troy the bully and his lackeys Troy makes Mike jump into the quarry but 11 shows up levitates Mike to safety and breaks Troy's arm as they get back to town lucas warns them that the bad men are coming time for the 80s bike chase seed the kids hide out at the junkyard until hopper contacts them and tells them that he can help they'll meet up at the buyers house on 11 tells them that she can find will with a sensory deprivation tank the kids call mr. Clark and find out just how much salt they're gonna need to make one and so the whole gang meets up at the middle school to make that sensory deprivation tank in the upside down eleven first locates Barb's body and then finds will in Kassel buyers he's still alive afterwards everyone splits up with Joyce and hop heading back to the gate to try to get well back I mean I know it's the 80s but you know there is a monster out there is splitting up really the best idea no of course it isn't Joyce and hopper break into lab and get caught yet again Nancy and Jonathan abandon the kids to go set a trap for the monster at the buyers house and Steve who realizes he's been a real asshat shows up to apologize to Jonathan just in time for the demagogue and to show up back at the school Mike and 11:00 sneak in a smooch before all hell breaks loose agents show up to get her but so does the devil Gorgon 11 straight up kills the agents destroys the demagogue and also disappears like she literally D materializes in front of everyone not to worry though she's just in the upside down okay maybe a little worried at the gate Joyce in hot pursuit up like they're going on a field trip to Chernobyl they enter the upside down find will and bring him back to our world they rush will to the hospital where he later wakes up and is greeted by his friends eleven makes her way back from the upside down the next day and when she goes to Mike's house she sees agents there and realizes that she'll put him in danger if she returns popper goes off with some government agents who are therefore unknown but probably no farías purposes Mike starts trying to contact eleven via radio and keeps it up for three hundred and fifty two days that's dedication meanwhile Elevens been surviving in the woods living off of squirrels she even knocks out a hunter and takes his coat for the winter a few weeks later and Mike will Dustin and Lucas are back to playing D&D in Mike's basement Nancy and Steve are still together and they give Jonathan a new camera for Christmas when he comes to pick up will when they get home will coughs up a slug thing and sees the upside down briefly in the bathroom that same night hopper ghosts from the police Christmas party to leave some mangoes for 11:00 in the woods eleven finds them and the next day she sees that it's hopper leaving them for her and then they go to his grandfather's cabin and begin living there like a weird paranoid but surprisingly wholesome family so that wraps up the events of season 1 but before we head into season two there's a few details we have to cover to set the whole thing up between December of 1983 and October of 1984 Sam Owens replaces Brenner as the director of Hawkins lab after the whole upside-down ordeal starts going to the lab to be monitored and studied and a second gate to the upside down forms underneath the lab and tunnels from underneath Hawkins all while they're trying to burn the original gate closed in the lab but don't worry all of that work is about to be undone Alexi and a team of Russian scientists are trying to rip the gate to the upside down open again this time they're using a device called the key their attempt fails and boris and natasha here give him one year to figure it out also joyce begins dating local nerd bob newbie how where do you think it would have been for Sean ask them to be in a show that's an homage to his best-known movie The Goonies what is that not his best-known movie well what is oh yeah yep yep okay all right and at some point Billy and Max move to Hawkins from California which they aren't super hype about season 2 on the mine flare October 29th to December 15th 1984 ok so season 2 finally starts in Pittsburgh remember Kelly Elevens psychic roommate from Hawkins lab okay well she and a your version of the Suicide Squad are being chased by the cops and Kelly uses her mind powers to make the cops think that she blew up a tunnel back in Hawkins the boys go to the new palace arcade to play Dragon's Lair dustin finds that many of his high scores have been beaten by a mysterious gamer called mad max will seize the upside down again and mike finds him in the parking lot acting strange the next day is Max and Billy's first day at Hawkins middle and high and you know the boys find out that mad max's real identity is max will goes to the Hawkins lab for a checkup and dr. Owens tells Joyce and Hopper that things are gonna be harder for him around the anniversary of his disappearance also there's Murray Bauman the journalist private investigator local loon whatever he is he's looking into the mystery of what happened last year hopper investigates the spooky dying pumpkin mystery but doesn't think too much of it Nancy and Steve have dinner with Barb's parents turns out they're selling their house to pay Murray Bauman to investigate Barb's disappearance of course Nancy feels very guilty about it Mike is still trying to contact eleven but she's stuck in the cabin hoping to go out for Halloween but hopper says going outside would be stupid even in costume and promises to bring her candy tomorrow night will has another vision and sees the new monster the mine flare outside his house he later draws a picture of it the boys dressed as the Ghostbusters at school for Halloween but no one else dresses up so they just look cool all on their own Dustin and Lucas asked max to go trick-or-treating with them and it goes about as well as you would expect after school Billy picks up max and notices that she seems to like their new town and sets billy off and when he sees mike dustin and lucas on the road he tries to run them over hoppers still having a pumpkin adventure and learns that the crops are dying in other farms too he investigates all day marking all of the trees that the rod has spread to the kids go trick or treating taking bob's video camera with them max shows up and while Dustin and Lucas are thrilled mike is not will sees the mine flare again and Mike find some having an episode then Mike takes well back to his basement where they proceeded to talk about their shared trauma and that is what friendship is made of in the realm of teenagers Steve and Nancy go to a cool party with more than five people this time where Steve gets heckled by Billy the kegstand king and then Jonathan shows up and mistakes an obvious Siouxsie Sioux costume for kiss cuz Jonathan is secretly a poser I guess Steve and Nancy getting a very high school fight and Jonathan takes her home after she gets drunk Elevens Halloween is a lot quieter she's still stuck in the cabin getting impatient waiting for hopper to get home so she tries to contact Mike when he finally gets home late hopper and L have a heated argument Dustin gets home from trick-or-treating and finds a strange little pollywog creature in his trash he takes it inside and feeds it a 3 Musketeers bar and names a d'Artagnan dart for sure the next day hopper traces pumpkin death back to the Hawkins lab what shocked he gives dr. Owens a real dressing-down and oh it's decides to help investigate the pumpkin deaths Billy gets all up in Steve's business and basketball practice and then Steve and Nancy have another argument so it's bad day for Steve Dustin brings dart to school to impress max and mr. Clark which may not have been the best idea because dart escapes and the kids spent all afternoon looking for him although they still don't explain what's going on to max Bob tells Joyce he saw kids on the videotape from last night picking on will but when Joyce watches the tape she sees the outline of the mind flare and recognizes it from Will's picture meanwhile 11 who's still angry at hopper decides to leave the cabin to go see Mike she happens to see Mike and max together on her way and she gets jealous and it gets the best of her and she makes max fall off her skateboard which is probably a decent outcome we already know that 11 is capable of way worse Nancy and Jonathan start their plan to get hashtag justice for barb rollin by calling her parents knowing that the goons at Hawkins lab are going to be listening while looking for dart will seize the upside down again and after a motivational talk with poor well-meaning Bob will tries to confront the mind flare only to have it possess his body that's ed to big whoops Joyce finds him at school unable to move and take some home convinced something is happening Dustin finds dart and brings him home but doesn't tell the others who think that dart is a threat 11 gets back to the cabin and has a huge fight with hopper when he takes away her TV as punishment for leaving the house she even uses her powers on him Nancy and Jonathan are being stalked by Hawkins lab agents disguised as 80's suburban i'ts I mean it is the 80s so I guess they're just suburban Heights at that point they're taken to Hawkins lab and Owens tells them to not look into Barb's death anymore the lab henchmen don't search their bags at all though and Nancy records the whole thing did they learn nothing from all of the other times people broke into the lab last year it's like they want to get caught at school Steve finds out that Nancy and Jonathon are both skipping and has a weird shower scene with Billy Billy's got a real fixation with Steve we'll starts making drawings to explain the mine flare to Jason hopper and they connect the drawings to make a weird kind of map Mike realizing will isn't at school goes to his house to make sure he's okay only to be sucked into the insanity hopper seems to figure out what the drawings are of and goes off to investigate without explaining to anyone else or telling them where he's going he only says that they're vines which is super not helpful he climbs down the nightmare hole and then he immediately gets bored in the face back in the cabin 11 finds a box with information about Hawkins lab including a file about her mother Terry she tries to contact Terry and the void and Terry seems to see her Dustin gets home and finds that dart has eaten his cat at which point he finally figures out that dart is is a bad hey guys don't let it get to this point no the warning signs that the strange creature in your trash is actually a monster from another dimension sign one it doesn't look like any known species sign to you live in a town that's prone to monsters and weird things and three it likes Three Musketeers once the lab guys let them go Jonathan and Nancy check into a hotel for some reason they don't put on Toto's Africa so I'm not really sure why they don't just go home one day later will tells Joyce and Mike that he saw hopper having some kind of trouble with in the tunnels man if only hopper had told them what he was doing Bob Newby shows up and thinks they're having some sort of very intense orienteering adventure and figures out what the map is showing it's the town of Hawkins he uses his cool nerd skills to locate hopper and they all rush out to the pumpkin patch to try to find them at the arcade Lucas privately tells max about what happened last year 11 the upside-down the demagogue and the whole thing and of course max doesn't believe him Dustin gears up and traps dart in his cellar but when he radios the game they're all busy so he gets helped from Steve Harrington monster Slayer and hair icon unfortunately by the time Steve gets the Dustin's place dart has already burrowed through the cellar wall and escaped back in the lab the scientists test the soil sample and find out that the evil vines hate fire and it all reacts at once with some sort of hive mind 11 hitchhikes to her mom's house in sees Terry after suffering trauma at the hands of Hawkins lab Terry is only able to say a small selection of words but 11 and Terry connect in the void and elevenses what happened to her back in 1974 including getting her first glimpse of Callie with the information she needed in hand 11 steal some money and goes off to find her sister collie Bob Joyce Mike and will find the hole to the upside down tunnels and save hopper as they're pulling him out the lab techs show up in full hazmat gear and try to burn all the gross vines but as soon as the fire starts will starts convulsing and is rushed to the lab still determined a nancy and jonathan drive out to meet with Baumann they correct his messed-up timeline and tell him what really happened last year they all agree to send Nancy's recording to newspapers as evidence and they celebrate with some vodka and of course Nancy and Jonathan finally hook up it's another bad day for Steve eleven locates Callie in Chicago with the knock off Doom Patrol they show each other their lab tattoos and Callie recognizes her later that night will wakes up in the lab but it started to lose his memory forgetting dr. Owens Bob and hopper by that next morning dr. Owens tells Joyce and hopper that will is connected to the hive mind via the virus that infected him when the mine flare touched him Nancy and Jonathan have a very awkward breakfast with Baumann before heading back to the buyers house there they find wills drawings and an empty case for Polaroid film Polaroid is too mainstream for Jonathan so they know that someone else was in the house they head back for the Hawkins lab Dustin and Steve go out to try to catch Dart at which point Steve tells Dustin his hairspray secrets it's a very important bonding moment for everyone's favorite dad Steve and it's also a very important plot moment so it's a good thing I mentioned it back in Chicago Callie helps 11 train her powers using the void 11 locates one of the old workers from Hawkins lab who's responsible for her mother's shock treatment 11 gets another makeover but this one did not inspire nearly as many Halloween costumes can't win them all Lucas convinces max that he can prove that everything he said yesterday is true they meet up with Dustin and Steve to captured art who's grown into a full-blown Demidov they all end up at the junkyard again and a whole bunch of other demo dogs show up and attack them at this point max finally believes Lucas I mean they nearly got eaten thankfully the mine flare calls the damage but the mind flayer wasn't just showing them mercy after using will to get the lab guys into the tunnels it six all the demo dogs on them from there the demo dogs attack the lab mike realizes that the mind flare has completely possessed will so he tells joyce to drug him so they can escape to a safe location hopper joyce will Mike Bob and dr. Owens hide in the surveillance room but the lab loses power for reasons eleven and the Superfriends go to confront the retired Hawkins lab employee ray Carroll when they get to Ray's house Callie tries to convince eleven to kill him for what he did to her mother but Ray's got kids so eleven feels bad about getting revenge she even stops Callie from killing him which Callie's not cool with max and Billy's parents come home to find Billy getting ready for a date with max nowhere to be found Billy's dad forces him to cancel the date and go find max so you know Billy Billy mad the rest of the gang meets up with Jonathan and Nancy at the gates of the lab and realized that the others are trapped inside back in Chicago the secret six are ambushed by the cops they managed to escape but eleven decides to go back to Hawkins to help Mike and hopper in the control room Bob's cool nerd skills mean he has to be the one to go down to the basement and reset the breakers and restore power to the lab and that is why I never learned to code and not because I'm super lazy once Bob clears a path everyone escapes except dr. Owens who remains in the control room and Bob gets so close to making it but he gets mauled by a demo dog can we pour one out for Bob new be gone too soon everyone else head back to the buyers house and comes up with a plan they hide their location from the will flare by disguising the buyers shed and questioning him while the real will can't talk to them directly he taps out a message in Morse code and tells them to close gate but just then the phone rings and the will flare figures out where they are everyone prepares for an all-out demo dog attack but before the dogs can wreak their 11 shows up and wrecks them first after a tearful reunion it's decided that 11 will close the gate and hopper will go with her Jonathan Nancy and Joyce take a sedated will to hoppers cabin so they can force the mine flare out of him meanwhile bill tries to pick up Nancy's mom way to go Karen dust and Mike Lukas and Max decide to go to the tunnels under the pumpkin patch and set them on fire to draw the demo dogs away from the lab but before they can Billy shows up to take max home they have a big gnarly fight and Billy pretty much kicked Steve's ass okay I'm starting to think that Steve doesn't just have bad days it just sucks to be him max finally sedates Billy and they steal his car and head off to the tunnels with Anne conscious Steve in the back seat in hoppers cabin joyce jonathan and nancy forced the mind flare from well just full exorcist style back in the tunnels team steve set fire to the vines and managed to draw the demo dog's attention and who comes to their rescue but dart yeah i guess he wasn't all bad in the lab eleven basically goes full super saiyan she uses colleagues training unleashes her anger and finally closes the gate hopefully for good this time but you know there is a season three so at some point over the next few weeks bobbins evidence is released and hawkins lab closes in the following media frenzy barb finally gets her funeral and Bauman goes on to investigate chemtrails or something popper gets a birth certificate from doctor owens and now eleven is officially jane hopper and finally the moment we've all been waiting for the snowball dance mike and eleven dance together max and lucas dance together well dances with some random girl and dustin dances with nancy isn't that sweet oh wait not so fast because the mine flower is still over hawkins middle school in the upside down at some point after that the russians discovered that the secret to opening the gate is location location location they start secret operations in hawkins buying up land and opening the star court mall with the help of mayor wesley from the Princess Bride season three June 28th to July 4th 1985 and then October much later season three begins and we get a nice update on all of our friends Mike and eleven are now dating and spend all of their time making out much to hoppers chagrin Billy is working as a lifeguard at the public pool much to the delight of mrs. wheeler and all of the other Cougars in town Nancy and Jonathan have a job at the Hawkins post where all the men unfortunately treat Nancy like trash stay strong Nancy hopper and Joyce have grown closer after bonding over how hard it is the parent teenagers who won't stop making out and of course the star Court mall is the talk of the town will Lucas Max and Mike all head to the brand new joys of capitalism Center I mean the the mall they they go to the mall while watching Day of the Dead wills Flair sense starts tingling moments later a massive power outage sweeps Hawkins this is probably due to the Russians in the basement testing the key outside of town we see the abandoned brim born steelworks and a plagues worth of rats fun fact a group of rats is called a mischief however these rats aren't so much mischievious as nightmare inducing the next day Dustin comes back from science camp and everyone decides to surprise him earning Lucas of face full of pepper spray after calming down it's had dustin shows the gang his coolest invention from camp a radio he calls cerebro the gang ventures out to one of the highest points in town and tries to use cerebro to call Dustin's new gorgeous genius girlfriend Suzy but she doesn't answer also she might not be real after everyone else is left to make out her in wills case contemplate the existential dread of your friends changing and growing apart mood I feel that food Dustin picks up a Russian transmission meanwhile Hopper continues to act like a sweaty angry dad and complaints to Joyce about Mike and eleven Joyce offers some advice to hopper that he should maybe I don't know who sit down and actually talk to the kids but he's not gonna follow that because season fold sweaty angry dad mode Nancy is working late at the Hawkins post and takes a call from mrs. Driscoll about her rat problem it sounds suspicious and gross and Nancy's interest is piqued later hopper decides to have his talk with Mike and Elle but instead of following Joyce's script he submits to toxic masculinity and gives Mike the hold stay away from my daughter song and dance and as we all know that strategy always works actually in Mike's case I kind of does later that night Billy drives out to meet mrs. wheeler and something hits his car he stumbles into brimm born steelworks and the mind flare possesses him was the mind flare waiting for Billy or did it just grab the first person to drive by we may never know the next day Harper awkwardly asks Joyce on a date and then says it's not a date which I mean yeah we all saw through that one dude Joyce is kind of preoccupied though she notices that the magnets at the store are demagnetized just like she noticed her own magnets at home recently she goes to see mr. Clark who honestly could have used more screen time this season because he's seriously turning a look in that garage and listening to Weird Al and he's my favorite but whatever he explains what kind of machine could cause the magnets to stop working and in short a really really big one later hopper goes to Town Hall after getting a call from the mayor about people protesting the mall popper arrests the protesters just as his secretary shows up with a JCPenney bag so I guess we know which side he's on hopper puts on his special cutting edge shirt and heads to his not date date with Joyce side note that shirt is giving me some serious Rocko's Modern Life vibes and I'm okay with that sadly the powers of the shirt are trumped by the powers of magnets how do they work and joy Stan's hopper up but love isn't dead in Hawkins Nancy and than intrepid reporters go to get the scoop on mrs. Driscoll she shows them the fertilizer that's been eaten and also one of the rats she's caught that's been acting strange and here's a little PSA for you all if you think a rat has rabies don't catch it and keep it in your house Jonathan tries to convince Nancy that rabies is a legit explanation for a tumorous fertilizer guard rat but she doesn't buy it meanwhile we see Billy again and he's looking row bad disoriented he attacks his coworker Heather and brings her to the steelworks where she also becomes flayed Dustin abandoned biased party visits everyone's favorite hair god steve at his new ice-cream job at scoops ahoy and tells him about the secret Russian transmission Steve's co-worker Robin overhears them and being a polyglot and band geek herself offers to help translate she cracks him before their shift is over and while leaving Steve realizes that the music in the background of the recording came from inside the mall Mike still hasn't recovered from the talk that Hopper gave him so he lies to eleven about why they're not hanging out he pulls the classic my grandma's super sick excuse but Ella's suspicious she goes to find Max who consults her with the time-honored tradition of a trip to the mall QA Dee's dressing-room montage after running into Mike at the mall and catching him in his lie 11 dumps his ass Max spends the night at Al's house to hoppers delight you know since it's not Mike and all they use Elevens powers to spy on people which I guess is their version of making prank calls or whatever but with an uncanny psychic connection doesn't seem like a great idea if you ask me sure enough L sees Billy and a tied-up Heather but more upsetting Li Billy sees Elle on July 1st max on 11 go back to the Hargrove house to confront Billy they find a bathtub full of ice which considering it's summer is the weirdest thing but they do find Heather's fanny pack and a bloody whistle they go to the pool and learn Heather's identity and the fact that she hasn't come to work today L finds her address in the void and Heather cries for help Joyce tells a dismissive hopper about the magnets and her research with mr. Clark Hopper initially acts like a jerk but finally sees reason and agrees to go with her to break in noggins lab you know for old times sake will tries to distract Mike and Lukas Lukas is kind of constantly walking a tightrope with Max's girlfriend from their troubles with Dungeons and Dragons but neither one is into it will gets upset and leaves and Mike yells at his friend for being gay which is cool dude in what is genuinely one of the most gut-wrenching moments of the series will destroys castle buyers in a fit of anger after getting a delivery from the Linx company Robin figures out that the secret Russian code is referring to locations in the mall and a time after work Robin Dustin and Steve head up to the roof where at 9:45 a bunch of Russians with machine guns deliver packages into a secret storage room also can I go on a tangent and say that the transmission kind doesn't make sense the Russians clearly own the mall and they're not really being sneaky with their weapons so why have a secret code about where to drop off the supplies wouldn't the delivery guys just know seems like a good way have your whole operation blown wide open by a bunch of children but maybe I'm just watching too much of the Americans Max and L stopped by Heather's house where she's having dinner with Billy and her parents they're acting strange but Max and L leave anyway after they leave it's revealed that Heather poisoned her mother and she and Billy attack her father who's the editor in chief of the Hawkins post both parents are brought to brim Warren and are also flayed kind of divine justice after Heather's dad was a dick to Nancy at the lab which is just as easy to break into as ever but this time it makes sense since it's pretty much abandoned Joyce and hopper go on a wacky journey through the lab and it's all fun and games until they encounter this knockoff of somehow both Schwarzenegger and Robert Patrick in the Terminator movies all rolled into one package who was apparently called grigory record kicks hoppers ass and escapes on his motorcycle but not before Joyce gets his license plate number well kind of Joyce leaves the lab presumably dragging hopper with her meanwhile Jonathan and Nancy go back to mrs. Driscoll's house again they find here eating fertilizer in her basement and call the police who take her to the hospital hopper wakes up naked which sounds more like something I'd read in a fanfiction but just roll with it Joyce tells him about the motorcycle and hopper remembers a man he saw a town hall at town hall hopper does some big crime and tortures the mayor for information naturally he finds out that this Ivan Drago type dude works for the Russians and their whole mall scheme is revealed Nancy and Jonathan are fired by Heather's father Tom who is now one of the mine flares minions for pursuing the rats story on the drive home Nancy and Jonathan get into a fight Jonathan's angry that Nancy doesn't understand what it's like to be poor and Nancy is frustrated that Jonathan doesn't understand how hard it is to be a working woman at home Nancy actually talks to her mom about what happened unlike in previous seasons and the two have a really nice moment when mrs. wheeler encourages her daughter to get back out there and prove her haters wrong Ellen Mack shared their Discovery about Billy & Co with Mike Lucas and will will tells them all about his flare sense tingling and he thinks that the mind flare was trapped in their world when L closed the gate they decide to test if Billy's possessed by trapping him in the sauna at the pool unfortunately for them possessed Billy uses sad brother and it's super effective he escapes and nearly kills Elle before she fights him off at scoops ahoy Robyn is the second most competent character on the show and bribes someone to get the blueprints to the star Court mall she finds out there's an air duct that conveniently leads right from their back room to the secret storage room they're all too big though so they enlist Erika Lucas's capitalism loving younger sister and the first most competent person on the show for the job Erika makes it through and lets the others into the storeroom where they discover a strange green substance that looks like one of those gel hourglasses or like the ooze from the Ninja Turtles movies I don't know they push the wrong button though and are trapped in the room which is actually an elevator and it then descends into the depths of the mall meanwhile Nancy goes to the hospital to get more information about mrs. Driscoll but the old lady starts to convulse and shout and the staff at this hospital are definitely too chill about all this while the kids are getting up to their own high jinks Joyce and hopper try to bring a Russian operative they found Alexi to Illinois so Murray Bauman can translate for them since neither Joyce nor hopper can speak Russian hoppers car explodes so he does more crime and steals a car from a guy to 7-eleven which is a yellow convertible nice after placating Alexi with product placement he tells them that the Russians want to open the gate and Hawkins is the best place to do it at the wheelers Nancy and Jonathan meet up with the kids they realize Tom Holloway's also possessed by the mind flare and as a group go to the Holloway's house to check it out there's just a lot of kids standing around in these scenes they find a bunch of empty chemical bottles and realized that the mind flare is transforming its human host into something new Nancy tells everyone about what happened with mrs. Driscoll in the hospital and they decided to go see her hoping the old woman will lead them to the mind flare at the hospital which is about as secure as the Hawkins lab Nancy and Jonathan find out that mrs. Driscoll is missing the mind flare sends Tom and Busey no way I'd wait the other busey to stop Jonathan and Nancy the two flayed reporters melt into puddles of human slime and reform as a monster the jeans get their asses kicked before L yet again say the day but the slime escapes through the sewers meanwhile the scoops troop sneaks out of the wonkavator and see the Russians using the key to try to open the upside-down Robin and Steve are captured by the Russians while Erica and Dustin escape on the 4th of July hopper calls the FBI and uses his connections with dr. Owens to demand backup much to Marie's dismay while hoppers calling for backup Grigory meets mayor Westley at the Hawkins Fun Fair and tells him that he has one day to find hopper in the lab under star court mall the Russians are not endeared by Steve Saylor outfit which as far as I'm concerned makes little robots because what the hell who doesn't think this is adorable they beat up Steve and then inject him and Robin with truth serum thinking the kids are spies the gaggle of other children head back to hoppers cabin to try to find Billy mike is very angry and protective about overusing l's powers but only because he's scared of losing her again looking for Billy turns out to be a mistake though as Billy can still see L and now knows where she is but L is also able to see into Billy's memories just like with her mother and sees the trauma that drove him to be a bully Billy tell Zelda mind flayer is going to take over Hawkins and that is assembling an army to fight her at the steelworks the meat mine flare the or the meat flare I guess absorbs all of its hosts and becomes huge it heads to hoppers cabin to attack the kids who hold themselves up instead of running after being bitten the leg L again saves the day and the group escapes hiding a supermarket Dustin tells Erica about what's happened over the last two years and discovers that she's also a nerd as well as delivering a treatise on my little pony they save Steve and Robin from the Russians and Dustin tasers the evil doctor kills the doctor whatever they escaped back into the mall and plop these still drug to teens down to watch some time-travel movies starring Alex peak eating from family ties while Dustin makes a distress call to the party Joyce hopper Murray and Alexey head to the Hawkins fair to find their children Joyce and hopper run off looking for them while Murray shows Alexi the glory of American culture what a fantastic blossoming friendship that isn't at all dude Alexi has a wonderful time at the fair winning a Woody Woodpecker toy when he's shot by grigory in the second most heartbreaking moment of the season well you were taken too soon you trashed food-loving Soviet Prince after a John wick fight scene in a funhouse hopper Joyce and Murray managed to escape the fair but not before Joyce pops the mayor right in the Humperdinck saw The Princess Bride references getting to be a bit too much that should be fine they pick up a Russian message about children at the food court and head to the mall on the way there Marie does his weird sexual tension thing again Robin and Steve still drugged leave the movie and have a heart-to-heart in the cleanest movie theater bathroom known to man Steve tells Robin about his feelings for her and Robin comes out to Steve who is extremely cool about it which makes Steve the hare Harrington a better friend than Mike in my book at the supermarket Lucas has the genius idea of using fireworks to fight the monster Mike tries to have a heart-to-heart with Elle while tending to her wound but is interrupted by Dustin's distress call using the void again L finds the scoops troupe at the mall and the gang head there arriving just in time for Elvis save the scoops troupe from the Russians after the fight L finds a growth in her leg and we go straight into John Carpenter body horror territory when Jonathan tries to remove it L finally removes it herself because she can do that with her powers but unfortunately she has to use the last of them to make the extraction the adults arrive at the mall and amid the absolute chaos of all of the characters piecing together the entire season with everybody else in like 20 seconds everyone forms a plan popper Joyce and Marie will go into the base the scoops troop drive off to act as their radio guides while the other kids will take L to safety at Marie's but before they can get away the meet flare shows up with Billy the meet flare is distracted by Lucas a slingshot and Max Mike and L make a break for it Lucas will Nancy and Jonathan make it outside and are saved from Billy bye Robin and Steve who had just booked it from their previous location the kids pile in the car and drive off luring the meet flare away from L Mike and Max Hopper and Joyce need Planck's constant to get into the lab as a password but no one remembers it and I was gonna try to explain what Planck's constant is but I have no idea it's something about electromagnetism and photons and I don't know I just read these things Dustin tries calling Susy again who not only turns out to be real but comes in with the clutch save by rattling off the number but only after bringing the plot to a grinding halt while they sing the theme to have a neverending story which I don't even know I I liked it I hated it I've made my peace with it at this point Billy corners the kids at the mall and knocks out max and Mike the mine flare comes back to possess Al and the others returned and Pelt it with fireworks but can't destroy it before they run out Al manages to get through to Billy and remind him who he is he sacrifices himself to the mine to save her popper and Joyce make it to the lab but are attacked by grigory Joyce is in the position to shut down the key but hopper is close to the machine close enough that he'll be killed in the explosion when the portal is forced closed he nods and tells her it's okay today is a good day to die the key explodes it vaporizes all the Russians in the vicinity and presumably hopper by the way Suzie demanding Dustin sing the theme to the neverending story took way too long and hopper probably would have been saved if she had just said the number Suzy kill hopper hashtag Suzie killed hopper in the food court the mind flare has finally been destroyed cut off from the upside-down dr. Owens arrives with the cavalry at Star Court and takes over the Russian base with ease so mission accomplished in the parking lot will is reunited with Joyce but xi realizes that hopper didn't make it which is Susie's fault over the next few months the Battle of Star Court is covered up as a fire that killed hopper and many others mayor Klein is arrested for his connection with the incident which is his actual name I realize I haven't said it throughout this entire video an extremely factual TV news program called the cutting edge releases a preview for a program that covers all those strange events and Hawkins over the past few years in Kamchatka Russia a prisoner is fed to a demagogue in but more importantly the guards refer to another unseen prisoner as the American who could it be I'm guessing it's Bauman but I'm usually wrong about these things by October things seem to be back to normal in Hawkins or as normal as they can ever get for example Steve and Robin get jobs at a video rental store well Robin gets the job she kind of has to convince them to hire Steve eleven still doesn't have her powers back but Mike is sure they'll return Mike finally tells al he loves her and she tells him that she loves him too Joyce and her boys are moving understandably and L being without a guardian is going with them while packing though Joyce finds hoppers letter from before he had the heart-to-heart with Mike you know the letter he never read anyway she gives it to L who reads it and it's very emotional and if you didn't cry at this part you're either a monster or have probably been possessed by one the kids make plans to see each other at Thanksgiving and the buyer's family drives away and that's everything that's happened in all three seasons of stranger things so far am i wrong is Hopper the American is Murray Bauman the next to go we know how this show feels about the letter B will L get her powers back Netflix hasn't even officially renewed the series for a fourth season yet so we've got long way to go before we'll know for sure I've been Jacob with cinematic ax and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Cinematica
Views: 2,808,884
Rating: 4.9166169 out of 5
Keywords: stranger things, cinematica, netflix, complete stranger things timeline, stranger things season 3, stranger things timeline, stranger things season 1 and 2 recap, stranger things season timeline, stranger things recap, stranger things season 2 timeline, stranger things netflix, stranger things 3, stranger things season 2, stranger things breakdown, stranger things season 3 explained, stranger things season 4, stranger things season 3 bloopers
Id: I7Y0wTL-Z7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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