How to Create an LMS Educational Website like UCLA with WordPress & Moodle 2021 - Moodle Tutorial📖

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so today i have a special video for you unlike any other i have ever made my name is darryl wilson and today in this video i'll be showing you how to create a learning management system to power online universities with wordpress moodle and divi now most universities in the united states use wordpress because it's really simple to use and it's also free and top universities use wordpress like the official harvard blog boston university the university of berlin the university of melbourne uc berkeley penn state university and a whole lot more also in this video we will be using the divi theme the divi theme is the number one most popular wordpress theme for wordpress in the world divi is an easy to use drag and drop builder that allows you to customize every part of the website with no restrictions i've also created some free starter templates for you to help get your school up and running quickly now personally i'm a big fan of the divi theme i've used it on many websites during my web design career and i found that many businesses like pal station casinos in las vegas or universities like penn state university tend to use divi because after just a few minutes of using it you'll get the hang of it real quick so after we make your website with divvy i'll then show you how to use moodle to turn your website into a learning management system moodle is the most popular open source educational platform on the internet moodle powers more than 150 000 schools and many popular universities use moodle like ucla north carolina state university of minnesota iowa state uc irvine and all of the california state universities such as cal state la or cal state northridge with moodle you can easily create announcements lessons quizzes tests live classroom sessions with zoom and a whole lot more you'll be able to record attendance record participation grade quizzes grade assignments and the teachers will have full control over their classroom and students and if the teachers are feeling lucky they can always assign extra credit for students you'll also have various templates to choose from to pick a color scheme or design that fits your school or university now i realize people watching this video might want to price their university in a specific way so i'll be covering a few ways on how you can price your courses for your school or university number one you can let the students pick each individual course and charge for each course number two you can let the students select a package of courses number three you can let them enroll for free on their own or number four you can send an invoice for the courses ahead of time so i'll go over some of these ways on how you can accept payments for your courses and we'll also talk about how you can accept payments for your books or other accessories in the video to top things off you will also get a free mobile application in this video created by moodle that allows your students to download it on their iphones or androids to access their portal they can access all of their work or complete assignments at any time so moodle is really professional it's very convenient it's used by top universities in the world so in this video i'll teach you how to use wordpress and moodle to create your school or university so with that said let's get started with the video okay so we're gonna build your lms website in four simple steps so step one we'll get your hosting and we'll get your website set up so we'll get your website online and make sure people can visit your website step two we will go ahead and design your website so we're gonna make it look really professional we're gonna make it look like a real school university website step three i'm going to introduce you all to the moodle cloud so i'll show you how to set up moodle i'll show you all of the preferences and the basic settings on how to get started with moodle and step four we will talk about the moodle settings so for example preferences creating a course creating a category uploading syllabuses grade books and all of that good stuff all right party people so let me show you all the websites i'll show you all the drag and drop builder i'll also show you how students register for the courses how they pay for them and how they have access to their portal so this is the actual layout that you will receive in this video so this is just like a starter template to help get you started for your university or your school you'll see i have a page right here with you know just some courses we have the units we have the dollar amounts now there's various ways in how you can price everything so i'll cover more about that in the video but this is just something to help get you started with your university website i do also have a second free template for you all and that's on my website and i'll talk more about that in the video so first let's talk about the drag and drop features and how you would visually design the website so this is the actual builder so if you want to change anything you can just visually change everything this builder is extremely easy to use and that's why i find that most beginners tend to like divvy because it's just really simple if you want to add more space you can just drag and drop more space if you want to swap buttons you can just take this and say i want this over here and then take this button and then drag it over there and then we can even change the alignments by saying you know what i think this is a little bit too far to the right so in the settings tab i can just say all right i want the alignments to the left and then there you go and then of course you can just change anything you want so you can say instead of classrooms you can say office or something like that and then of course you can just go ahead and change any mistakes you might find so i spelled courses wrong there and i can move that down or i can move it up so it's a very easy drag and drop builder and you can easily see why a lot of people use this builder because it's just really simple to use and i'll go through more of this in the video and i'll show you all how to set it up so you'll see that it's just a very simple builder to use and that would be how you would build the website and you will also get the sale for free and you will also get a second layout that i have on my website for free as well to help get you started with your university website so let's say i'm a brand new student and i want to enroll in the course how do i do that well first i'll go to courses i can also click on view courses and it'll take me to the available courses now this page again is fully customizable you will have full control to customize every part of this website so here we have the available courses now there's a few different ways and i realize my viewers might have different ways on how to approach their university so we have a semester package so this could be something like where you enroll the student in various courses so maybe the semester package has like five courses inside of it and then we can manually enroll the students or send them a code to enroll in those courses and i'll talk about that in the next section but here we have english 101 english 200 we have the units we have the course description we have the availability so can they enroll in it is it available now or later you can adjust that and then we also have the course price so you can make as many courses as you want and you can change these in any ways you want so i just put subject course course description enrollments of course you can change this to anything that you want so this is a fully customizable table and you can add more um columns if you want to do that so that's just something to consider but let's just say all right so english 101 i suck at english so let's enroll in english 101 so i will click on add course so english 101 has been added to the cards okay cool so let's click on view the carts and now we're at our cart checkout so now you'll see the course and the price and let's click on proceed to checkout so this is the checkout page this is where they can enter in their billing information also if your school has a discount you can enter in a coupon code where they can get a discount on the course that's a great way to market your university and then here we have the billing address and everything so they can go ahead and fill all this information out and then once they are done they can go ahead and click on place order where they can go ahead and purchase the course okay so once your students purchase the course they will then get a purchase receipt and you will also get an automatic email notifying you that you have a new student that has purchased your course okay so now that the student has purchased the course you have a few options option one you can email them and say hey congratulations here's an enrollment key and they can enroll in the course with a specific key option two is you can manually enroll the students so when they go to login they will automatically be registered for that specific course so on the top right i will click on login and register so now i'm taken to this part right here where we have journalism university and you'll see we can log in with a username and a password also remember you can offer these courses for free and remember that we do have a free mobile application that students can access this portal as well but uh this is my first time obviously so i'm gonna go to create a new account and then this is the the the legal mumbo jumbo yada yada yada they have to look at the terms and service so you can add terms of service right here about uh your school and look at that you know but that's how it is today you know there's there's so many conditions and so many terms of services and policies that you have to go through so that's just uh part of the process so i will click on next and we have to agree to the policy so i will say i agree and i agree and then click on next all right so now the student will need to make a username and password and fill out some more information like his email his first name and last name and whatever other details you want to make the students submit so i will go ahead and fill all this out okay so i filled out my username and my password i put in my email my first name and my last name so i'll scroll down and click on create my new account alright so i registered for the school now it's saying i have to confirm it through my email so i need to go ahead and check my email so i'll click on continue okay so i checked my email and right here at the top we have joe wilson university account information so i need to go ahead and confirm by clicking on this link so i'll go ahead and click on the link and there you go so now i am enrolled in the university so i can click on continue so this would be my portal so we have the available courses we can see online users and this is again for first-time users now you can add a lot of different things on the right side so here i have latest badges but you can add you can add different blocks and i'll talk more about the blocks in the video but i'll click on the site home and now you'll see that we have a site announcement so it looks like the instructor is telling us not to wait for don't wait till the last minute so you as a teacher you can send announcements to all of your students and here we have the available courses so if i click on the darrell web design course we have a title of the course and you also see that we have some description now you can add as much description as you want you can have paragraphs of description and you'll also see that we need to have an enrollment key so you have a few options as a instructor so you can either send them an enrollment key or you can manually enroll the students from the back end so i have the enrollment key so i'll go ahead and right click and i'll paste my enrollment key in there that i was given to by the teacher or the school and i'll click on enroll me so this is it you are now officially enrolled in the course congratulations so you'll see the course title we have the instructor we have an email so you can put an email here we also have office in hours in the office and then below that we have a syllabus so your students can click on this and automatically download the course syllabus which is like you know the scoring system what they have to do then we have students lobby so students can all go in the lobby and participate and talk to each other we have quizzes we have assignments and then we have more lessons so we have a new chapter we have like the basics we have more pds for students to download and then we can assign quizzes so after they take your lessons we can go ahead and assign quizzes and then also we have more assignments and class discussion so what that means is students must participate in the school in order to get points if they decide to participate then they will get more points and then we just have some more lessons now the great part about this is that you can make your your courses as long as you want you can add as many lessons you can have 100 lessons 300 lessons as many lessons as you want you can also add as many quizzes and assignments so there's no limitations on this you can make this as long as you want because i know everyone out there might have a different need for their university but remember this is used by all top universities like ucla and other top-notch schools and also whenever the students log into their dashboard they will be greeted with their courses of course we can probably change this this is just like the default but you can add a picture of your course and it shows them the completion of that specific course so let's say i want to manually enroll students into the university instead of giving them a code so on the left side i'll just click on site administration it's a very easy interface once you get the hang of it so i'll just say users and i want to add a new user that's it so add a new user and then i'll go ahead and create a new user okay so i just created a new user called paddywhack and this is their email so now all they need to do is go to the course and add that specific student in the course so it's simple i'll click on the home tab i will go ahead and find the course that i created so there's various courses but i'll just grab one just for total purposes so i'll just grab this intro to web design and i'll click on the course and i'll say all right so i want to enroll the students that purchased on my website so i'll go to the settings i'll go to more and then i will just simply add the student in there so users and then i will click on enrolled users and i will enroll the user in the course and that's it so i just have to find the students it was a paddywhack right paddywhack and now i enroll the student in the course and that's it so now that student is enrolled in the course now they can participate in the course and do everything that you want to do so that's exactly how it would work out so i feel like those methods are practical for anyone getting started out with the university it's easy and i'll walk you through moodle it's actually really simple to use once you get the hang of it it did take me honestly like about a week but after i learned everything i'll make it really easy for you to understand well all right party people so if you're ready to learn how to create a learning management system for universities using the number one most popular platform the number one most popular wordpress theme and also the number one most popular learning management system called moodle i will show you all how to do all that today in this video so with that said let's get started today with this video okay so there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a website to purchase web hosting for your new university or school and welcome to now this company is one of the most affordable and also one of the fastest web hosting companies out there now again how do i know that how am i am i bsing you no they actually are i tested them for three months and i rank them number one because they were among one of the fastest companies with the best uptime and also they were extremely affordable so hosting here again is a really reputable company now if you are using companies like siteground or name hero that's fine those are also great companies but if you are using a company like hostgator or bluehost or godaddy please make the switch he will thank me later now one of the reasons why i chose hostingers because i realize many people might be watching this video from out of the country so if you speak a specific language you can go ahead and select your specific language so if you speak thai you can select the thai if you speak portuguese you can select the portuguese or if you speak you know spanish you can select the colombian or you know mexico it's the same language so oh yeah but yeah that would just help you you know navigate the website easier so once you get here you'll click on hosting and you'll click on wordpress hosting the wordpress hosting is actually the hosting that you should be using for university i would not recommend shared hosting for this specific website so it says everything you need for wordpress hosting i will click on start now so we have a few options you have the starter you have the wordpress pro and the wordpress enterprise now personally i would recommend the wordpress pro and i do have an exclusive discount for all of you that will save you a little bit more money the main reason why is because with these the wordpress starter you only get 20 gigs of disk space which is very small but uh just by paying like a few dollars more a month you get a hundred so you get five times more and personally i don't think that you need this but again remember you can always upgrade later so under the add to carts i will click on add to carts so look at that you're gonna have to spend all this money i'm just kidding that's not true so this is for the 48 month plan guys so i personally don't recommend 48 months i know i recommend the website but that's kind of a long contract and i just don't think that i would want to you know invest what is that four years it's like no that's too long for me that's still a very good price for four years so you can go ahead and sign up for that but i think something like 12 months is practical right now the main price is 155 however if you enter the coupon code darrell and click on this little purple plus icon you will save a good amount so you'll save around 10 off your plan so you'll get a year of hosting and everything set up for you for around 140 bucks which is a very good price so you'll scroll down and you'll notice that you get your free ssl you get your free cloud for protection you get free daily backups that's actually really helpful so if you wake up and your site's hacked one day don't worry about it you can always back it up from a previous date and we have a free domain and then here i'll put and see if that is available all right so it's available awesome now one thing i do recommend i strongly recommend putting the id protection so this will hide your personal information when people try to search your information they're gonna try to send you spam they're going to send you viagra pills they're going to send you all sorts of crazy nonsense so if you hide your information they will not be able to send that info so make sure you have that checked you know just just just do it just do it i strongly recommend it if you yeah just do it it's not an option it's recommended and then you'll click on checkout now so next you'll go ahead and make an account with hostinger so you'll sign up you'll put in your name your email your password and you'll create an account and go through the checkout process and on the next page you will choose a payment method so you can pay by credit card you can pay with paypal it looks like apparently bitcoin is still a thing out there so you can also pay with bitcoin if you want to do that so you'll just put in your country and your zip code and click on continue and then you'll put in all of your social you'll put in all of your really personal information i'm just kidding guys i'm just kidding no one asks for your social so don't panic you know just put in your credit card and your name your expiration dates and remember this company gives a 30 day money back guarantee and a 24 hour live support so that's always helpful so once you're done with all that just click on pay and save card and then i will meet you in my personal dashboard okay so i went ahead and i purchased hosting now it's telling me my payment is pending so i need to go check my email so you'll get an email from hostinger telling you to confirm your email so i'll click on verify email okay so once you click on verify email you'll then see this screen and you'll click on start now also if you have any problems with your website you can always contact their support and they will always help you with any problems or any errors that you might have so you'll see the domain that i purchased i will click on select and then i'll go ahead and fill out my personal information right here okay so i put in my information now it's asking me to build a new website so i will click on select next you'll need your email and your password and go ahead and write this information down because you're going to need this information for wordpress every time you want to log into your website and use the drag and drop builder and once you're done on the right side you'll see continue go ahead and click on continue next hosting is trying to offer us a beautiful templates for our websites but personally we just don't need that so i'll scroll to the bottom and say skip i don't need a template okay so now it's finishing the setup so you'll see i have my websites i have the location i'm in and you can always adjust this so for example if you are closer in europe or asia or if you're in latin america you can go ahead and select a location closest to you and then we have our admin email so i will click on finish setup so hostinger is now setting up our website for us so just give it a few minutes all right congratulations so our website is now live and it's ready for us to work on it so the first thing i'll do is under the wordpress dashboard i will click on manage wordpress alright so this is the hosting or dashboard this is where you can access all of your information you can go ahead and check all this stuff out like you're hosting your domains your ssl anything that you want to adjust within your website you can go ahead and talk to hostinger and they can do all the technical stuff for you so on the bottom right if you have an issue with anything like for example your setup or something went wrong you can always just go ahead and contact them and they can go ahead and give you support for your website so i will click on back and one thing i do recommend is forcing the https so this is an ssl and i do recommend forcing this so you'll see this little check box we can go ahead and click on it and click on activate so i want to activate the ssl so what the ssl is for those noobs out there who don't know anything it's just this little green padlock that's all it is it's just a green padlock so that'll be on your new website so i activated the ssl now let's go ahead and log into the website party people so over here under edit websites i will click on edit websites and this is how you're going to log in and make changes to your new wordpress website okay so remember the information i told you to write down you're gonna go ahead and put it in right here so you have your email and then go ahead and put in your password and then once that's all done i will click on remember me and login and congratulations you are now logged in into the back of your new wordpress website so your website is now live on the internet and if you want to see your website on the top left we will click on visit sites so this is your websites it looks ugly so we're going to make some few changes to it but notice at the top how the ssl is working so our connection is secure and the website is now live on the internet so you are making your first step onto making your first university website so congrats so the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna change browsers because i don't like working in google chrome anymore now that's my personal preference but i like to work under the firefox browser so congratulations you now have a new website so before we build the website let's go ahead and just make some small changes to the general settings so i switched browsers now whenever you want to log into your website and make changes you'll notice at the top how i can't really log in and i can't do anything so at the top we'll go over here and type in dash wp dash admin and press enter and this will bring you to the login page so that's how you would log into your website every time to make changes so i'll put in my email and the password that i sent and click on login also if you forgot your password you can click on lost your password and they can go ahead and send an additional password to the email that you sign up with so i'll click on login and there you go so now we're logged into the back of the website now there's a few things i want to change before i go on any further so i'm going to close this really annoying notice i think that's annoying so on the left side you'll see settings go ahead and go to general so this is the settings tab so for those of you who want to change your email or you want to change your specific language you can go ahead and change your language here because i know a lot of students watch me from you know ghana or whatever country out there lithuania or something so that's how you can change the site the language for your whole website so everything will be in your language and then once you're done you'll click on save changes alright next we'll go ahead and go to users and go to profile so whenever you want to change your password or you want to make this background look a little nicer so let's let's change let's get customizable here so uh that is ugly modern oh that's a new one actually i kind of like that you know i've always been a fan of midnight but you know what you know what i'm i'm going to take the risk here we're going with modern we're doing modern all right and then on the bottom we have our email so you can change your wordpress email at any time we can also change uh the password so generate password and you can put in a new password so that's that yeah and then uh once you're done with all that i will click on update profile because i do like this new color scheme we got i do like that it's it's friendly it's modern i do like it it's easier on the eye too so once that's done i want to go ahead and do two more things on the left side you'll see settings click on permalinks now for plumber links you want to make sure that this is under post name so for example your website would be your university dash about us right not this crap with all this stuff so you want to make sure it's on our post name it's a lot cleaner and it actually helps for seo so make sure it's under post name and then click on save changes so the last thing we're going to do before we install the page builder is i want to disable some plugins so here under plugins go to installed plugins so plugins are essentially applications so you know how on your iphone you have an application for this an application for that plugins are the same exact thing however i don't really need a lot of these plug-ins so right here it says all-in-one wp migration i don't need that plug-in this is a backup plug-in but i just don't really think we need this so i'm going to deactivate that i'm also going to deactivate jetpack by wordpress and also i'm going to deactivate wp forms so i'll deactivate that as well the only thing that we really need is a lightspeed cache because that will make our website a lot faster and once all that's done i will click on dashboard so just to summarize we just adjusted some general settings also when you're working on your website and people tell you hey clear your cache on the top right here you can just go to purge all and that will purge your cache so essentially it kind of refreshes your website it doesn't store all the information making it load a little bit faster that's why people like to use lightspeed servers and with hostinger they do offer light speed servers so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to download and purchase the divi theme so what you'll do is open up a new browser and i do have a discount code for that theme so you'll type in sorry i got all these other save stuff over here dash divi 20 and plus enter so with that specific link you guys will get 20 off the divi theme so congratulations so you'll go ahead and say yeah get this discount while it lasts and we have two options now personally guys i know this sounds a little aggressive but i do recommend the lifetime because no other page builder no other wordpress theme offers lifetime plans very few do like there's one or two themes i know that offer it but a majority of the wordpress themes do not offer a lifetime so what that means is once you pay for it once you don't have to pay for it ever again and since you're getting a 20 discounts i kind of recommend the lifetime access i personally have that and this company is one of my favorites they offer tons and tons of layouts they offer a lot of different really cool things for their customers so i do recommend lifetime but if you're really really really on a budget and you really can't afford it go with early access but you're gonna have to pay this every single year so i think you're better off at the lifetime you know so am i am i selling you a little bit a little bit just a little bit i think the lifetime's a really good deal so uh once you're done you'll click on sign up today and then you'll go ahead and go through the process by putting in your username your email your password all that good stuff one thing to note too is that you do get the bloom plug-in which is a really cool opt-in plug-in and also the monarch plug-in which is a really cool social sharing plug-in and then you get hundreds and hundreds of website packs so go through the process and once you're done i will meet you in your new portal all right so we are now in our portal congratulations you are now part of the divi community now remember the divi theme is the number one most popular wordpress theme in the world so you're using the most modern and up-to-date wordpress themes for your websites so this is where you'll see stuff like your billing your membership your api keys and all that good stuff but all we need to do is click on the product downloads and you'll see divi theme so just click on download the divi theme and click on ok so now it's downloading divi onto your computer you know one thing i want to show you guys just just to just to clarify here see under memberships see i i'm a lifetime member see i'm i'm not all talk i'm not a fake guru right i really do have a lifetime membership with this company so let's go back to our website so once you download the divi onto your computer what you'll do is upload it to your new wordpress website so you'll get a zip file and under appearance you'll click on themes so first i'll just give you a brief overview about this in case you're a total noob and you don't know anything so i'll just click on popular so essentially how wordpress works is there's a bunch of different themes and every theme has a different style and way to build your website a lot of these themes are extremely limited and they're looking for you to upgrade to their pro version so what they do is say oh this is a free theme right and then once you buy it they limit all the stuff like oh you want to change colors you got to upgrade you want to change the font you got to upgrade so it's just kind of a way on how developers make money so that's why they're free because they're very limited but what you'll do is under upload theme you'll click on browse and then you'll find the divi file so you'll see here how it says divi dot i just downloaded today so i will click on open and i will click on install now okay so i uploaded divi onto my website now i need to activate it so right here i will click on activate and ta-da we have now installed divi onto our new website so congratulations i'm gonna close all these annoying notices they just want to just keep telling us stuff but it's really annoying now let's just take a quick look at our website so on the top left i'll go to visit sites and you'll see right now how the website has changed so it looks very different though we have this white scheme and everything and uh yeah so now our website is slowly coming along so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to make some pages right so we have just no pages and we have just this ugly menu so what we'll do is go to dashboard under pages we'll first click on all pages now i want to delete all these pages these are pages that are just created by default and they have no real purpose so i'm going to click on this under bulk actions move to trash and apply all right cool so now let's make some pages so we had what a home page right so under add new we have this block editor now i'm going to close that that's the default editor with wordpress and we just don't need that so under add title i'll type in home click on publish and publish so congratulations we just made our first page let's make another page so i'll click on the w and go to again add pages and now i want to make the about us page right so about us publish and publish all right cool let's do it one more time we'll do the add new and for the page we'll do our instructors now this is optional you know but this is a free template that's given to you so you might as well use it right publish and publish and one more is the contact us so pages add new and you can do contact or contact us it's really you know that's really up to you now the contact page is important so if your students have questions then you can go ahead and add the contact form on your website and you'll get notified whenever there's someone emailing you so we made our pages right cool so let's click on the w now we have all the pages here now we need to add them to the menu so let's create a menu so on the left side under appearance you'll see menus click on menus and this is going to be my main menu so i'll put in main menu and click on create menu and on the left side you'll see our pages so under view all we have all of our pages now we have two homepages so don't panic don't worry about that we'll explain that in just a bit so the home page is a default page created for us so you see how it says custom link that means i'm going to delete it essentially what custom link is is you can just link this anywhere so you can just say you know you know go to you know go to daryl's website so essentially a custom link is just any link and it's just anything so it doesn't really have a real relation with the website it can be anything you want so it's just a link to any part of anywhere on the internet but i'm just going to remove that and we'll put home contact us i want to make this a primary menu so i'll click on primary menu and then click on save menu all right that sounds pretty cool so now let's take a look at our websites so under visit sites we now have the home the about us instructors and contact and we click on it you'll see the home the abouts instructors and contacts so these are actual real pages so one thing i want to do is i want to make the home page the default page that people visit when they come to my website so let's do that so what we're going to do is under this little menu we have theme customizer go ahead and click on theme customizer don't panic a theme customizer is essentially how you would customize other parts of the website that the page builder normally does not but all you need to know is that we're just going to assign the home page we'll talk about this later so under home page so what is your home page well under a static page i want to select my home page as the home page right so that means when they come to my website the first page they're going to visit is the actual home page makes sense so i will click on publish and i will click on close all right so now that we've got all that stuff out of the way now it's time to learn how to design the website and use the page builder okay so i think now we're ready to build the website with divi so in this section we're going to use the page builder to design the website also remember if i'm going too fast feel free to slow the video down also make sure to like this video and if you guys need a drink you know go get a drink of water or whatever it takes because now we're going to build your new wordpress website so are you guys ready let's do this so at the top you'll see this enable visual builder go ahead and click on enable visual builder so it's saying welcome to divi yeah sure i will start building now they have three options we have build from scratch we have choose a premium layout or clone an existing page so what we can do first is just go to build from scratch and i'm just going to show you how to quickly just give you a brief overview about the builder it's really really simple to use so for example how many columns do you want well i just want one column and now for every column there are specific modules so maybe here i want to add a you know i'll add in like a a call to action so for example we have the call to action and we can just design this so you can design it here or you can design it here so darrell wilson and then you can adjust this to whatever you want so that's just how you can edit stuff also we have a button but that does not display because we need to add a link so under a link i can put the button to you know's website and click on ok so that's it you know we just created a new call to action so there's a lot of different ways on how you can approach this you know you can even change the color everything you want so whenever you want to adjust a specific module you'll click on the gear icon and here we have just like the basic content but let's say you want to style it so under backgrounds we can add black or we can do purple or we can you know change that to something else also whenever you want to add an image i can actually click on this trash can and get rid of that color go to the image tab and i will click on add a background image so what you can do is upload your own image to your website and you can you know add an image to the background or whatever you want to do and also if you want to add in a gradient color you can add a gradient so now you'll see that we have a two color so we have this color and we also have this color so that's a you know a gradient and then you can adjust the gradients you can have it different colors and you can change the gradient type to radial and there's a lot of different options here on how you can customize and design every single part of your website including the image the background color and all that cool stuff now under the design tab this is where you can change the fonts so you can change the actual fonts you can change the color of the font and all that stuff so you'll see on the left side how we have these little pencils so for every module as we build the websites you're going to see we have these pencils and if you click on the pencil it'll take you to the editing section so i like poppins fonts you know i think poppins is a good font and we can make it bold right and then under this little pen i'll do the same thing i'll do pop-ins but i'll make it very thin you know no that's too thin you know ultralight there we go that's that's pretty cool right and then if i want to go ahead and change the button under design i can click on this and i want to use custom styles for button and what we can do is just change the button i can change the background color of the button to something like whites and so on and so forth so that's just a quick crash course on the builder now let's just say you want to add in a new section just click on this plus regular and i want a three column row this time so for a three column row maybe i want to add in let's just add in an image now if you need images for your websites i will give you a lot of images in the templates however if you want your own images you can go to a website called and this is a website where you can get a lot of images based off a certain criteria so for example i typed in education and now i can go ahead and download this image save the file click on ok and then i can go ahead and upload these images to my website so there's a lot of different ways on how you can get free images also you can go to a website called pixabay is a very good one and just type in something like education and then you can get some free uh images for your website so you can use these on your website you don't have to pay for them and you can use them uh without any license or and all that stuff so i'll put these websites in the description below so you'll just go ahead and just download one or two of them and then you can go ahead and upload them to your wordpress websites so back to my website i'll go ahead and upload one of those images i downloaded so i'm gonna trash this demo one go to add image and i'll click on select files and i'll go ahead and upload some images so now i'm uploading those images from pixabay onto my wordpress website okay cool so the images finished uploading personally i would recommend getting the images from pixabay i find the images from pixabay are a lot smaller and the images from unsplash are very large and it can slow down your website and unless you optimize them so what i'll do is just go to this one image and click on upload an image and that's it and then here i can do the same thing so i'll type in image and then i can go ahead and trash this and put in something else and so on and so forth so i think you guys are now getting it right so under here image again and i'll trash this and i will put in this one right here so there you go so now we have these images that are loaded onto the websites and then of course below that we can add in something like a text module like welcome to the school and then here again same thing text module you can put some content about your school and then same thing here so text and then below that maybe you can put a button so under the plus i'll put a button and then what i'll do here is say you know what i just want to duplicate this i'll duplicate it and i'll duplicate it and now i'll drag and drop it so i'll drag it under there and then the same thing here i'll drag and drop it under so you can visually see how it's a drag and drop builder and again we can adjust all this we can change the margin and the padding and then of course if you want to add a specific color to this whole background you'll actually use the blue section so the blue section controls the entire background so under the gear icon i'll go to backgrounds and then you can add a specific color so you can add red oh these are ugly colors ah that's a little bit more school orientated right or even a blue or purple or something like that so yeah that's just a crash course on the builder that's how you can adjust things and move things to your liking now in this video i'm not going to cover all the features with divi i'm not going to cover everything about the builder because i have already created a video on how to use divi how to use every specific feature so i will direct you to that video i don't want to talk about divvy this whole video because i don't want this video to be like five six hours long so i've already created another video on how to use divi step by step so if you want more practice and you want to really match your skills with web design and make it look really perfect then i recommend watching this video where it'll show you everything you need to know about how to use divi you'll see by looking at it a lot of people like it it has a lot of views and a lot of people find it very helpful especially for beginners so yeah that's that but i'm going to go ahead and move on to the next section i don't want to waste too much time with the builder so to speed up this website now that you know how to kind of adjust things let's go ahead now and upload a template and then we can adjust the template accordingly so i will click on delete i'll delete this section and also i will delete this section now if you want to use divi's templates i'll show you how to access those so over here we have this purple icon and we have this plus so click on this load from library next we have pre-made layouts now divi offers 1334 different layouts essentially there are 180 layout packs so for example we have education right here and they actually include the images they include everything so if you don't like my layout you can use one of their layouts so here they have 10 templates for education they have elementary school a yoga studio a learning management system a language school and a driving school and all these other ones here so you can kind of go through these and check these out if you want to use these now if you want to use these you will need to enter in your api key onto your website so for example i'll select the elementary school now every layout has all the pages for you it has the about us page it has the contact page uh the blog page just different pages like a school programs page or a staff page so for example i'll click on home and i'll say i want to use this layout so i'll click on use this layout next you'll see it requires that you put your username and your api key now this can be found in your account when you purchase divi so if you go to the divided website and you go to my account this right here is your username so i can go ahead and copy this go back to the website and i'll paste it in there next it's asking for the api key so we'll just go back to our websites and you'll see api keys you will see the api keys at the bottom i'm not going to show mine but you'll see a key and you can go ahead and copy and paste that key so i'll go back to my website and i will paste the key in there and then i will click on submit all right so it recognized my credentials and now it's loading that page onto my website and it's almost finished it just takes about a minute to load and there you go now the website has been loaded onto this specific page so we have all the images we have the style we have the decor so you'll see it's very helpful how they have all these templates that you can use so even if you're like an amateur designer it doesn't matter because this company provides layouts and all you need to do now is just adjust it to your liking so you can say hey you know what i want to move this around and i want to say get in get in a touch touch with us and then you can change this information you can also change the colors of everything remember how i showed you to change the colors and you can go ahead and customize pretty much every part of the website so yeah i mean that's that so maybe you want to change like the actual style of this so under the gear icon we have the backgrounds and it looks like here they use an image so if you want to change images you can just say hey i want to get rid of this image and i want to put the one i had instead so under background image we can put in an image that we got like this one here put it in there and then we can kind of adjust this maybe we have to change the text to black you know so for example i'll say all right that's cool but maybe i want to um change this to maybe under this we'll do cover right and then what we can do is change this to a black font so we'll do is click on this and change this color to black actually no that wouldn't work so maybe blue something like that you guys get the idea here so you can kind of go through and you can change stuff and customize everything to your liking so if you want to go back so let's just say look i messed up this doesn't look good uh i i need to redo you know i need to retry daryl you know this is looking terrible what you'll do is go over here under this little clock and you'll see every step that you made so the layout was loaded here we edited the section here we edited the call to action and now you'll see how every step is recorded so it's truly amazing what this theme does so even if you screwed up and you made your site look terrible you can just go back and make it look great so that's just an example of how you can you know make it look good so what i'll do is i will click on save and congratulations this is your new page so if i click on exit visual builder you will now see that this is my new page so everything looks really nice it looks really clean and i just need to go and edit everything and just change it and make it look nice and you know and then we'll be all good to go now let's say for example you want to do the same thing for your about us page so just click on your bodice page and it's the same exact thing so you'll click on enable visual builder and this time we can go to choose a pre-made layout and we'll click on education and under the elementary school and now we'll select the about because we are editing the about us page right so they have created an about us page just for us so i will click on use this layout and now it's uploading that layout for our about us page and ta-da it has now uploaded our about us page so what i'll do is say you know what this section is blank so i don't really need it so now we have about our school and you can go ahead and adjust this and change this to your liking so you can change the colors the fonts with this visual builder and yeah so divvy does take some time to practice guys so if there's some things you don't understand or if there's things that you just aren't sure about be sure to check out my other video on how to fully learn how to use every single step of divi it is a two to three hour video but then again you are investing in a school website so i think that is definitely worth it just for a few hours of your time to go check out that video on and learn pretty much every single feature what divi has to offer so i will click on save and now that you guys know how to use the page bowler let's now talk about the theme customizer so i will click on exit visual builder and i will click on home so the theme customizer controls the actual menu and it actually controls the footer down here so you'll see how the footer looks a little strange and we can go ahead and edit and customize this any which way we want so what i'll do is go back over here and under the domain you'll see theme customizer go ahead and click on that so we have a few options here so now you'll see general settings personally i don't really think we need to mess with the general settings too much only thing we'll do is add our logo so under site identity you'll see that we can add a site icon so a site icon is this little icon at the top so you can actually add your company logo now if you need a logo or a site icon i recommend going to a website called so i personally use this website and if you just go to find services and go to logo you'll see a bunch of different people will make you a logo for really really cheap their prices here start at around five dollars and you can get a really professional logo for really really cheap so you can just get an idea of some of their work and yeah just go ahead and pay them out and you can get a logo i do not recommend getting a free logo those free logo maker websites they're they're scams they're stupid they're you want to do it the right way you don't want to just get some stick figure logo and say oh that's my new logo like no you want a professionally designed logo it's a representation of you and your business now i do have a discount code for this website so i'll leave that on the screen i think it's the code darrell10 or daryl 20 will save you a percent off your first logo so i'll go ahead and leave that in the description below but going back here once you have a logo you can select it okay so i uploaded my logo so this is it and if i click on select you'll see on this little browser icon so you'll see how the actual icon looks when someone visits my website so that looks really cool so i will click on crop image and then notice at the top left how my logo appears on the browser pretty cool so i'll scroll back here under this little arrow now there are some other settings here but personally i don't recommend doing this because a lot of these settings you can actually edit with the actual page builder like for example layout settings you can make this a box layout so now you'll see the website is boxed instead of full width so if you want to go with that approach you can do that and you can adjust the width of it and you can also adjust a lot of other parts about the width and how big it is but i'm just going to leave that unchecked because i just feel like that's just not necessary so i'll go back here and these i don't recommend because these are actually global but we can use the page builder to design the website so i'll click on back next we have header and navigation so we have header format so this is just different styles of how you can style the menu so we have it centered center inline logo a slide in or a full screen so that means if they click on it it'll be a full screen menu which is really cool so they do have a few options of what you can mess around with this and you know have fun you can also enable vertical navigation i have seen some universities use this you know i have seen them have this vertical menu so if you want to have that you can adjust that so what you'll do is just kind of go through these options and just kind of fiddle around with it so again for primary menu bar so this is the actual primary menu bar so you can change the text color to something you know like a you know like an orange see how it's orange or black also the active link color this is what page or what link is being active so we're at the home menu so if you want to change this to black as well you can just leave it as black you can change the background color you know to something else so you'll just kind of mess around with this and go through these settings i'm not going to go through every single one because again i've already made a whole video on that but you might want to change the fonts i'm a big fan of poppins guys let's find the poppins fonts so the great part about divi is that they have all these fonts here and you don't have to upload google fonts they have everything for you to make life a lot easier so thank you davey thank you guys for making life a lot easier see font poppins they have my fonts where is it we passed it we passed it poppins no no no no it's down more it's down it's down there it is poppins pop ins and i like bolds i just find it's a very friendly friendly font on the eye and the text color please i like it black a darker black like that there we go so now you see the dark black fonts alright so i'll click on publish so now you know what the theme customizer is so you can go ahead and fiddle with these options however i don't recommend these ones i recommend just the header the general settings and the footer so what the footer is it's the same thing so it's the same thing as the header except it's just the footer so we have a layout you can have a three column a two column or you know a one column so maybe you want a four column row and then under the back we have widgets so you can change the title you can change the fonts you can adjust all this stuff here i'll go back here and under footer elements we have social icons you know they really got to get rid of google plus you know we don't there's no google plus no more it's gone you know so we can take those out or we can add them so let's go back and i do want to kind of adjust this a little bit so under the we have the widgets section so we have footer areas and under footer area one we can go ahead and delete all this stuff so i don't really need all these footers like that so we'll just delete all this stuff so that's how you can kind of delete all those little icons on the footer and you can start from scratch so footer area one remember we have a four column row out of widgets so what do you want here maybe just some text right like a text module and this could be something like about us you know about us and then i'll just grab some dummy content here thanks divi thanks thanks there we go and this can be like about our school and you can talk about how you guys got started that's a little bit too long right how you guys got started what you guys offer and all that cool stuff so you know i'm done with that and under widget area 2 we can add another widgets maybe you want to add in you can add an image or you can add in a facebook like box you can add in something else uh i'll just do something like a image and then you can add in an image of your school or something like that i don't know you know the the sky's the limit here you know there's a lot of different ways on how you can design this personally i like to edit it the way i did on my demo website using the theme builder so going back to my website you'll notice how we have this header where we have this button now i'm going to go ahead and do all this for you but if we scroll to the bottom of the page you'll see how i have this custom header so what i did here is i'm actually using the page builder so this is part of the page builder it's not part of the theme so i'll show you how to do that in just a bit but going back to our demo websites we can add another widgets and if you want you can add a calendar or just something that you want you know the dates just to make your site look a little bit more you know friendly and stuff like that so that's just an example of the theme customizer so the theme customizer it's very straightforward it's pretty easy to understand this controls the general settings this controls the main menu and this controls the footer and then you can use these widgets in your footer so that's a crash course guys that is a lot to soak up i know that's probably not easy to understand as a beginner but that again is available all this information is available on my other video so if you do want practice with divi and if you do want to learn everything about divi and all the settings and all the options everything step by step i recommend watching that video so at this point you're becoming somewhat of a professional you now know how to use the builder you know how to make pages you know how to upload templates and you know now how to modify the templates as well the last thing i want to do before we move on to the next section i just want to show you how to embed the contact form so let's go to the contact page and enable the visual builder so i will choose a premade layout from scratch and under education i will select the elementary school and click on contacts and i will use this layout okay so i uploaded the layout i'm going to delete this so if we scroll down right here you'll see that we have this contact form so a contact form is essentially just a module so for example i'll click on the plus icon and this is the contact form so whenever you want to add a contact form to the website you just need to go ahead and click on it and then it'll submit a contact form it'll create a contact form so i'll go ahead and delete the contact form now this is a one that was made by divi so if you want to adjust this just click on the module settings and you'll see some specific settings so we have the name the email and the message now you can add another fields of maybe like a phone number right so here i'll do phone number and i'll type it in again phone number and uh i'll click on the check so now you'll see i have the name the email the message and the phone number and i can adjust this just like that so now you'll see how we have the phone number there you go so now we have a really nice contact form so they can put in their name their email their phone number and a message now where does this email go so under the email section we can go ahead and put in the specific email so i will put in the email and you can also redirect so let's say to fill this out you can redirect them to another url but i don't want to do that so we also have spam protection so this will protect you against bots and spammers if you want to use a captcha like the one down here and yeah so let's go ahead and test this out so i'll click on the check and i'll click on save i'll exit the visual builder and i will scroll down and we'll go ahead and fill out a message so so who am i today paddywhack and then we'll do my i'll just do dad at i don't know why guys that's just my thing i don't know and then here's some phone number and then hey what's up i want to enroll and then i will click on submit so this message has been sent to that specific email so now you'll see in my inbox i just got the email so if i click on it it'll actually show the sender it'll show all the information and then we can reply saying hey thanks got it thank you so much so that's how you can embed a contact form onto your website so users can send you information or send any questions they have about your school or anything else you'll go over here to your dashboard and you'll see divi and then you'll see theme options so with your logo you can just go ahead and upload your logo now there's some other options in here personally i don't think these are really even necessary except maybe getting rid of that google plus icon so if you want to embed your social profiles at the bottom of the page this is where you're going to put in your links for your social profiles and then i'll scroll down to the bottom and click on save changes and also i want to enable smooth scrolling i like that and the top button i like that one too back to top that one's nice save changes and then we'll click on visit sites all right cool so now we have the logo at the top and we also have smooth scroll enabled on the website so it's a lot smoother when users scroll throughout our website and we also have this back to top button where if they click on it it'll take them to the top of the website so that's pretty cool so now you know how to build the website with divi and you also know about the theme customizer so you're kind of already a professional but in this next section i'm going to introduce you all to the theme builder the theme builder allows you to have a custom header and a footer with the actual page builder it might be a little confusing at first but don't worry once you understand it'll be a breeze so let's go okay so now let's talk about the divi theme builder so the theme builder essentially changes your header and your footer so here we have this standard header and we also have this footer however it just really looks bland it doesn't really look good and i want to change that into something that looks like this where we have this really nice header with a button and also you'll see my footer at the bottom it's just very vibrant it looks really clean and colorful so i want to change that into my current website however the theme customizer does not allow you to do that so what i want to do is i want to use the page builder to design the header and the footer so let's go over here to dashboard now the reason why i'm showing you all the theme builder is because we're going to use it for the shop page later so i kind of want to give you like a crash course about it so over here we have divi and we have the theme builder now one thing i want you guys also to do is i want you guys to go to my website and i want you all to download the free layouts that i'm going to give you because it'll actually help me demonstrate how the theme builder works so we're here you'll click on view layouts you'll go to my website and then you'll go to view layouts once you've got view layouts you will then go to believe it's on page two here there's all these three layouts here you can download this is it right here so it's called the divi lms layouts so what you'll do is you'll add this to the cart and it says it has been added to your cart you'll click on view the cart and then you'll click on proceed to checkout this is actually the same platform that we're going to use for our current websites so then you'll put your name in your email and then you'll click on place order okay cool so once that's done you'll see you can download the divi lms layout so go ahead and click on this and you can download it so i will save it next you're going to open that so i have already opened it it's going to be a zip file so what you're going to do is you're just going to double click on the zip file and open the folder and once you do that let's go back to our websites so now that you've downloaded the actual layouts on the right side you'll see these two little arrows so i'll go ahead and click on these two arrows and now you'll see this import tab so click on the import tab and then here it says choose the file so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on this i'm going to go to the file that i downloaded so it's the dd lms zip now you'll see that we have inside of it you have a bunch of json files so you have the about us page the contact us page the home page and also the instructors page however we also have this divi theme builder settings so what we're going to do is we're going to open that and then we're going to import the divi theme builder templates all right awesome so now you'll notice how we have these green little icons and we have these different three boxes so this is going to be the default settings for our website so for example we have this global header and we also have a global footer what that means is i want this global header to apply on the entire website so if you want to edit that just click on this little edit pencil so now you'll see at the top how we have the the header so we have this button we have the menu and we also have our logo so essentially what i did here is i created a specific header just for the website using the actual builder so for example if i want to change the background i'll click on this section settings under backgrounds i can then change this to a different color so you'll see how this is going to be our new header so that's kind of how the theme builder works so essentially what you can do is you can create the actual menu with the actual builder so let's say for example you wanted to add to this so let's say i want to add a button or i want to add something you'll just click on the plus icon and then you can add any sort of module here and then you can just add that to your menu so for example maybe we can add some text and then right here we'll put something like um the best website ever and then i'll take this and just drag it maybe below the um maybe below here you know to kind of like add like a slogan or something you know like oh the best website ever and then this would be your new header so what i'm saying here is you can actually use the the builder to build your header instead of using the theme settings so there's a lot of different layouts that you can use to design your header but i like this because now we can add this button we can add different stuff like for example i can click on this gear icon and we can go ahead and change the design of everything and it just makes things a lot more easier to control but i'm going to delete this so this is now your new header so what i'll do is i'll click on save now the same thing goes for our footer so for example i can click on the global footer and now i'm going to edit the footer on a global basis so now we can change the color we can change the social icons i can move these around over here i can change this and this will now be applied throughout your entire website automatically so you don't have to do this for every single page it'll just work automatically for all of the pages so now you know how to kind of edit this you can kind of go through this and mess around but i'm just going to click on save i do cover the theme builder a lot more in detail in my other video i think we spend like 30 minutes or 40 minutes but ultimately it's pretty easy to understand so what i'll do is just click on save changes and take a look at our website now so you'll notice now we have the actual header that we built with the actual page builder so we have the button we have the menu and we also have our logo essentially what i did i just added in an image so that was just used for our logo and then if i go to the bottom of the websites you'll see now we have this beautiful footer it just looks a lot more vibrant it's easier to understand and we can link these to any part of our website so you can go through and link these to other parts of your website and so on and so forth so the divi theme builder allows you to be a lot more customizable with your website and it kind of just breaks any sort of restriction that might come your way so now let's go ahead and upload the templates that we got in the actual uh folder so what i'll do is i will click on enable visual builder and i want to delete all this stuff because i don't really need it you know you guys you're all fired you're all fired so i'm going to delete us oh my gosh so sad so now what i want to do is i want to go ahead and drag and drop that template onto our new website so i'm going to do is i'm just going to minimize this really small and now you'll see that i have this divi lms layouts so it's really simple here so i'll just double click on this you'll see i have these files and under the home i'm just going to drag it that's it just drag onto the website i'll replace my existing content if there is any and then import the divi builder layouts i mean the technology that that has gone into divi to make websites is just incredible and i mean for like less than a hundred dollars to get this technology it's it's pretty it's pretty crazy you know they spent years making this so now it's importing that entire layout onto the website the fonts the images everything and here we go and voila so now you have a fully functional website and you'll see that everything's there so we have the colors the fonts the images so now that you know how to edit the website now you can kind of go through and adjust this and change it accordingly i do also have an additional layout on my website if you want to go that route so these are all just layouts like this is a custom layout this is just another divi layout it's a really nice one actually it was created by a company called divi gear it's really nice and this is it right here so the divi theme online course free layout this is another layout that you can check out if you want to um you know use it you'll see how we have the header at the top how we add added that red bar and we use that to add the phone number and the social icon so the theme builder allows you to have a really nice custom header and you don't have any restrictions whatsoever so you can download this one for free as well if you want to do that and you would upload it the same exact way as we did this one so now that we have done this page what i'll do is i'll save it and then you'll go ahead and do it for the next page as well so you can do it for each specific page so what i'll do is actually the visual builder i'll save and exit and then of course i'll go to my contact page and then i'll do the same thing i'll enable the visual builder and we're going to delete all this stuff you know this stuff is it's served as purpose it's served its purpose but we are now going to use a different layout so same thing double click and then the contact us we can just drag and drop it look at that look at that so import replace existing content and import divi builder layout and ta-da now you have a beautiful contact us form and of course you can go ahead and edit this you can adjust this to your liking but make sure on the contact form you'll click on the gear icon and you go to your email and make sure you put your email here so you can accept emails from your website so i'll click on save and it looks like we are all done so at this point you guys know how to upload the templates you know how to design everything you know a little bit about the theme builder how you can have a custom header and also a custom footer so now let's go ahead and add courses to our website so we can start making money so congratulations your website is officially done so now your website looks great it's all ready to go the other thing we need to do now is add courses on your website so let's go ahead and add some courses on your new wordpress website okay so to add courses we're going to install a plugin so on the top left go to dashboard and under plugins you'll click on add new under search plugins you'll type in woocommerce woocommerce is a free plugin that allows you to turn your basic wordpress website into a fully functional ecommerce website so right here you'll see install now go ahead and click on install now so there's a lot of different plugins for woocommerce i mean there's a plugin for everything there's over 50 000 plugins in the wordpress repository so there's a plugin for you know invoices stripe uh mailchimp i mean the list goes on guys it's there's a lot to there's a lot to talk about with plugins i just i don't even know where to start there's just a lot of free ones so just you know go bonkers have fun so once you're done click on activate okay so now this is the new setup wizard and you don't have to do this but uh just for total purposes i will go through this with you so yes please so first step go ahead and enter in your location now if you don't have a location you can enter in your po box or your city or just enter as much information as you can so i'll just do something like a po box anyways so we have build a better woocommerce this is just for them collecting personal information if you want to you can help them improve their product if not click on next so what kind of store does this operate education and learning continue so what kind of products will be listed we're going to have download and physical products scroll to the bottom and click on continue how many products we'll just do one to ten are we selling anywhere else no and for these ones put no and also no and also no and i'll click on continue okay so it recognizes our theme so i'm just going to continue with my active theme okay so there is a plug-in that you can use and this plug-in will actually allow you to get automated sales tax so it'll calculate the tax and shipping for you if you want to do that now i i kind of recommend it it just makes life a lot easier so i will say yes please in fact shopify does offer this however it's 300 a month and woocommerce will give it to you for free so that is a pretty good offer so you'll go ahead and make a basic account here it's free to make an account it doesn't cost you anything i already have an account so i'll just go ahead and log in with my personal accounts all right so i entered in my credentials and now i am just authorizing my connection so i can get automated shipping and automated sales tax all right cool so this is the actual dashboard you might be brought to this page here where this just shows you a little bit about um they want you to do some extra steps they want to just show you your stats overview and they do also have notices on the left side however we don't need any of this stuff so we can just go ahead and skip all this now this plugin creates a page for us automatically so what i want to do is i want to add that page to the menu so this plugin created our shop page so over here under pages you'll see all pages now you'll see we have a shop page so if i click on view this is the current shop page and there's nothing on it because we have no products so first what i want to do is i want to add it to the menu so first let's go over here to appearance and menus so whenever you have a new page you can go ahead and add it to the menu so we have shop add to menu we can also add the my account that actually might be helpful because when students purchase something they'll have records of it so i'll add the my account as well and here i'll just put that uh we'll just put that under uh this one right there and then click on save menu and let's just go take a quick look at our shop page so what i'll do is click on visit sites and now you'll see that the shop page has been added to the menu i probably should have added it maybe over here but if i click on the shop page so we're going to turn this into a really nice display of your courses so first let's create a course so on the top right here we have plus new and we're going to click on product so our courses are going to be products so give your course a name so we're going to go ahead and just do a just kind of like a walkthrough of it and just explain how this all works but let's just say this is english 101 english wow wow there we go english 101 now how much does this course cost so this is a virtual course and we're going to say that this is a hundred dollars well it's really annoying i hate how woocommerce says that it's like get out of the way okay there we go we're gonna say this course is a hundred dollars um inventory we have no inventory because this is a virtual product link products we're not going to put anything here nothing here and also nothing here we don't really need to put nothing there however we might we might want to set a product image so we'll click on set product image so what i did for my school icons is i went to a website called and this is a paid website however these icons are really really really cheap and you get like a whole bundle for like two or three bucks so what i did was typed in something like math and then it'll give you icons for like your math topic so it's just like a modern way to display your topics also for english i did the same thing so i use this one here so you'll just go through these and you can download them i think some of these are free so you might want to check that out actually i think this one is free so this one is free for personal use and commercial purpose with attribution so just say hey because this guy helped me out or you know credit him in somewhere so i'll go back over here and i'll upload those specific files so here select files and i have the english and i have this flask okay so i'll select this english book and click on set product image and then here we have a description of the course so critical thinking for english course uh english for beginners and then also we can create a category so i'll say this is for english so this is the english course category so from now on whenever i have an english course i can add it to this specific category and then right here i will put in how many units it is so i'll put units 3.0 and i think that is all good to go so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and publish this so i will click on publish okay so the product has been created so i will go ahead and view the product so this is my actual english course however this looks really ugly and i don't think this would be suitable for your website also if you go to the shop page you'll see that the course is displayed right here however this is just a really ugly and bland way of displaying your products and i think that if you're running a university website i don't think your shop page should look like this because this is more geared for e-commerce so in order to make our website look a lot better like the one in the demo i showed you all earlier we need to purchase a plug-in but don't worry it's really really cheap so there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page to purchase the plugin that we need to make our shop page look something like this so these are available courses on our demo websites and as you can see this just looks a lot cleaner we have the subject with these nice icons we have this course showing the topic and the units we have the course description the enrollment the price and also the action which is adding it to the cart instead of something that looks like this where just does it really doesn't really make a lot of sense i mean this is geared more for e-commerce so this is the plug-in that you'll need it's called the wp woocommerce product table and don't worry this is the last thing you're gonna have to buy for your website to make it look good but i spent weeks looking for a suitable plug-in for this video and i came across this one now this is a brand new plug-in it just came out literally i want to say 10 days ago so i was messing around this plug-in for about a week and i found that this is suitable for displaying courses on your website so once you get to this page you will go ahead and click on buy now and you will go ahead and purchase it so this plugin is around twenty four dollars once you go ahead and you purchase the plugin you'll then download it and upload it to your wordpress website so i already have this plugin i purchased it so i'm going to go ahead and sign in so you'll see that i have already added this item to the cart i already own it so under my downloads you guys will see all the products i own i own a lot of products from this table or from this websites so this is the plugin and once you download it and you purchase it you'll click on download and click on all files and documentation and then you will save the file so once you purchase the plugin you will see the zip file you'll go ahead and double click on this and then now you'll see the folder i will double click on the folder and now you'll see this zip file within i think it's called see i don't even know you can't you can't really read it there it's like kind of cut off wp woocommerce pro so you'll take this zip file and you'll drag it out of the folder and this zip file is the one you're going to upload to your website so let's do that so let's go back to our website and under our plugins we'll go to add new go to upload plugins and browse now i see the actual folder so this is it the wp woocommerce and i will click on open then i will click on install now alright awesome so now it is installing the plugin and i will click on activate plugin all right so this plugin needs one other plugin for it to work called the codestar framework so you'll see this little yellow notice so go ahead and click on begin installing plugin and this is it right here so click on install all right and then go back to required plug-in installer and now we need just to activate it so just click on activate and that should all be set so right now go to return to the dashboard so now we can display our products in a more professional manner with that plugin so on the left side you'll see product tables now you'll see all product tables so go ahead and click on that so we don't have any products yet or any product tables so let's just make one so at the top you'll see add new so next go ahead and give this table a name just so you remember it so this will be our courses okay so this is going to be a little different but this is very easy to learn once you get the hang of it so right here we have a thumbnail right so we have the thumbnail being displayed which is the actual thumbnail of the actual course but maybe here i'll put something like topic or actually no we'll do this i'll leave it as course for now and then once you guys see how the table looks then you can adjust it to your liking so i'm just going to click on publish first okay now here i will double click on this this is the shortcode that we need so we can go ahead and paste this anywhere that we want however there's one thing i want to do before we actually go to our shop page so let's go back to the divi builder i'm sorry the divi theme builder remember that the divi theme builder let's go back over there so under divi we have the theme builder now you'll see this little unassigned so i bet you noticed last time this was unassigned so i want to make this our new shop page so what we can do is under this little gear icon you'll find the shop page so it says use this on what well i want to use this on the woocommerce shop page and click on save once that's done you'll see the custom body so i want to click on the custom body alright cool so now you'll see that we have this beautiful page and this is now going to be your new shop page however see how it says please provide a valid short code go ahead and click on this ear the gear icon and now you're going to paste your short code right there all right so i want to go ahead and overwrite it so i want to put my short code there you know i'm all mine there no not thirst and then once that's done i will click on this and i will click on save okay so now let's go ahead and take a look at our shop page so what i'll do is i'll go ahead and close this i'll save the changes so what i want to do now is i want to create a second tab because i don't want to have to keep going back and forth so what i'm going to do is i'm going to open up a second tab of this website so we can kind of work on the website and then also work on the backend at the same time so now let's go to our shop page and see what has been changed all right so look at that i mean this shop page looks amazing and these are actually our courses so maybe later we can actually change this shop page to courses so let's just go ahead and take a quick look at what we have done so far so now you'll notice it looks 10 times better however we still need to do some work because there are some options here that we don't need so for example i don't think we need the ratings that's not necessary the stock we don't need the stock actually we can change out the stock the quantity we're going to change this so people cannot add more than one course because they don't need to and also we have variations which we don't need either we don't need the variations for this and also we need to display the units so let's go ahead and adjust all that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave this tab open and then we're going to go to the other tab and we're going to adjust it so under product tables we'll click on all product tables and then under courses we will click on our product tables so now we can kind of work as we go so let's look at step one step one is course do we need the course yeah but you know what maybe you should say topic instead of course so under course i'll change that to topic product title that's not really professional so let's change that to something like course product title course all right and we can always update it you know if you just want to just be safe and update it right away you can do that so now let's go back here and refresh the page okay so now you'll see topic and then you'll see course also if you made changes and nothing worked click on this little i guess you want to say diamond or whatever and just go to purge all and that's going to clear your cache for you automatically so it'll force the website to clear everything so you'll see what was changed on your website so uh categories i don't think we need categories because we already have the topic right so for categories let's go ahead and turn that off now we also have short description let's go to turn on short description and we'll also turn on yeah there we go short description screw numbers we don't have any screw numbers so let's turn that off uh we'll keep going down here rating you know that's really up to you i mean do you want a rating on your course i don't think you need a rating because if it's a bad rating your students won't enroll in the course so personally i don't think you need a rating stock i don't think we need stock and price we'll leave that quantity we don't need the quantity either i don't feel like you need to go ahead and tell them how many you know they don't need to register 10 times so we'll take off that as well variations we don't need that and for the action uh we can just say something like um purchase and then we'll click on update all right so let's just take a quick look at what we have done so far so i'll refresh the page so now you'll notice how nothing changed so that's what we talked about so i'll click on this little diamond and click on purge all as a web designer you might have to do that a few times and that's really just how it works out so now you'll see we have the topic the course the short description the price and people can purchase it now they still can select a quantity so what we're going to do next is we're going to go in the utilities and conditions so we don't really need to select anything from conditions conditions are just basically like conditional logic but uh personally i don't think we need to adjust anything here however we might need to go to utilities and change some stuff so we have the table header on the heading sorting on description with title however i want the description with title with the long description so that will show the units that's why we have that selected title on click i'm going to say nothing i don't want them to go to our shop there's no reason for that thumbnail on click nothing so what that means is if they click on this what do you want to do but i don't want them to do anything i don't want them to go anywhere else so i'm just going to say nothing view product targets this will be on a new tab on this section here where it says quantity input with action changes to none also this one changes to none and this one changes to none as well we want the search ajax on we want to take this one and turn it off also i want to change the in stock to available so that means when the course is available i want it to display as available and when the course is out of stock i want to put not available so make sure you put available and also not available for this specific section scrolling down i think everything else looks good and what we'll do is i will go ahead and update this so now let's take a look at our courses so i'll go back over here and i'll refresh the page and voila so this looks a lot cleaner so we have the topic we have the course and notice if i click it doesn't take them to the actual product page which is good we don't want them to go to our product page for short description you'll see the short description about this and then the price now we're missing one thing so if you want to add availability you can then turn on availability in the product table tab so for the columns we'll go ahead and find availability so it's also called stock remember that so we'll turn on this and i'll turn on or i'll type in availability availability wow i need to go to school you know so now i'll update it so now what i'm saying is now the product should be displayed and it will also i'm sorry we'll get a new tab right here that will say available so i will click on refresh didn't show up so i'll purge it and there you go so now we have available availability it says available so now we have a beautiful way of presenting all of our courses right and then they can add it to the course or add the course and then there you go so it's been added to their cart so i just find that's a lot cleaner and a lot more professional than the actual way of presenting it before now there is one or two more small settings that i need to show you just in case there is some sort of discrepancy in the future so we have the product everything looks great so if you need help go back and watch that section again to get it to look like this however we need to change a few things i want to make sure that this product no one can access it i don't want people to see that ugly shop page however it still does exist so what i want to do is i want to actually hide that product so what i'll do is go to my dashboard under products we'll go to all products and this is my current product this is my course i should say it's our course so i will click on edit now you'll see on the right side how this says shop and search results so what this means is saying this product is searchable in the shop and the search results but i don't want that so under edits i will click on edits and i will say hidden and i'll click on ok so what that means is this shop i'm sorry this product will not not be displayed in the shop if somehow they try to navigate the website and look for it and try to add it to the cart through the other previous way they will not be able to find it so they will only be able to find it through the actual um table that we made so again if you want to adjust anything you remember the units so we i kind of pre-positioned everything to make sense so this is going to be where you put your units your sale price this is a virtual product here is the description of the course we have an image and also we have the product categories if you want to display categories you can go ahead and display it however that's really up to you if you want to do that and also you can add product tags so what i'll do is i'll go to all products and a quick way to kind of create products guys is just duplicate this so what i'll do is click on duplicate so now i want to make math 101 so let's change this so this is math 101 it's going to be 5 units and i want the regular price to be 525 i'll add a new category and put math so now this is math and i want to take that out and then here we have critical thinking for math course math for beginners i don't know i'm just giving some whatever you guys get the point right so now i want to remove this product image and i want to put in the math icon so let's do this set product image i'll select the math actually what is that abc that's kind of weird it's both so it's like abc and then there's whatever you know whatever let's just look the other way while i do this all right and once that's done the product is hidden which i want it to be hidden because i don't want to display this on the actual shop page and then i'll click on publish all right and now let's go ahead and go back to our websites see if i click on view products it's going to take us back to this default one so we actually hid it from our viewers so i don't want them to see this so that's why it's hidden from the catalog however if they go to the shop it'll be displayed like that so you see that so we can see the hidden product however people that are visiting the website will not be able to find that page because it's really ugly so we want to navigate them and we want to like kind of tell them where to go so that's pretty much how you can create multiple courses now one thing i want to talk about before we go on to moodle is how to make this course not available so by default it's available right but uh let's just say all right well maybe this course is not available so let's go back to our product or you don't have to follow me here i'm just going to go ahead and show you so i'm going to do all products i just like to be very thorough in my tutorials guys i don't like people saying oh dear oh you didn't cover that you didn't cover that i'm going to down like the video you know i get those all day you know so but anyways i'll go to quick edit and for quick edit i can say this is out of stock so that means the course is not available and i'll go over here and click on update all right so now it's out of stock so if i go to my courses and i refresh the page you'll see that this is not available so people cannot add this course anymore so if i click on add to course you'll see it just doesn't allow me to add it to the course so you cannot add math 101 because this product is out of stock and uh yeah so that's basically how you can make your courses not available so that was pretty much the hardest part of the video but now you can display your products in a beautiful manner so congratulations next let's talk about the next page so when i clicked on add course or i'm sorry view cart you'll see that this page looks really ugly so what you can do is you can edit the visual builder and you can edit this page now when you click on enable visual builder it will take out the sidebar so that's just something that you might want to do so here i'll click on enable visual builder and i will click on use existing content so this way we can actually influence these these numbers and these fonts and everything so if i click on the gear icon we can then go ahead and change the design of this so design text and i can change this to our font right poppins and make this bold so cute and so pretty look at that maybe even make it dark you know now also i want to add in a specific section so i want to add in the section from the actual uh homepage that i had so what i also want to do is i want to add a cart page like the one in my demo so what i can do is i'll go ahead and save this and i'm going to exit the visual builder now you don't have to follow me here i'm just going to show you how to do this really quick so on the home page i had one section i want to carry over which was this section so what i'm going to do is i'm enable the visual builder and i'm going to add that to the library so this is how you can kind of add sections of your website and carry them to other parts instead of redesigning everything so you'll see i have this little download whatever that is yeah so this is going to be my header section for cart and checkout and then save that to the library all right cool so i will exit the visual builder i'll go to my shop page i'll just add something to the course now remember i can always add the cart and the checkout to the menu as well so if you want to do that you can do that as well but i don't think we need to for the students i just think we needed to do it for ourselves to edit the websites and then i will enable the visual builder all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to find the little plus icon here we go plus and add from library you'll see how it says header section for cart and checkout so there we go we got this section now i want to take this i'm going to hold it use my mouse and drag it up here so i want to go ahead and delete all this other stuff i don't really need it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to find the actual gear icon and i'm going to put cart and i'm going to get rid of these buttons i don't need it i'm going to get rid of all this text here i don't need it and then under the design tab i want the text to be larger so click on little pencil and i want to change it to pop-ins right pop-ins pop actually i don't know pop it looks good there i don't know you guys can let me know and then we'll just make this a lot bigger like 90 pixels and i can actually reduce the size of this by doing this was that too much guys let's see here there we go like that and then maybe i can reduce the padding there's too much space here like that look at that so now we have a beautiful cart page congratulations pat yourself on the back now you can do the same thing for the checkout page so i will exit the visual builder actually no we should probably save this because i don't want to have to redesign it again right so see how we see how we're working together here so we'll do this save module and i'll do cart i'll just do cart because i've already edited all this i don't want to do it again right all right i'll click on save i just click on save just in case i don't know if it really saves that library just make myself feel better you know and then i will exit the builder and then i will proceed to checkout and i will do the same thing here so enable the visual builder because i feel like this is just really boring and ugly it's just a really terrible checkout page you know it's it's like depressing you know it needs friends it needs something so i'll click on the plus icon full width i'm sorry yeah add to library and then do the cart all right so i'll take this scroll to the top i'll drop it there and there you go so i'll change this to checkouts and then again we can always influence this so i can change the text by going to design and text and we can influence this and change it to any fonts and any style and so on and so forth so just by making a few adjustments the site looks so much better it looks beautiful it looks really really professional so now that we did that we now have a fully functional website that we designed everything it looks great so now let's talk about probably one of the more important aspects which is how to get paid so payment gateways okay so now i'm going to walk you through on how to get paid so there's a few different ways on how to get paid and i'll give you the best solutions possible so first what we're going to do is go to dashboard and we're going to install one plug-in now this plug-in is pretty much for pretty much anyone in america south america and also europe so there's a payment gateway called stripe so what you'll need to do is download the free plugin called stripe and this is it it's called woocommerce stripe payment gateway so i'll click on install now and also activate okay so next we'll go to woocommerce and we'll go to settings so here are some general settings for your store so this is general your products your shipping i think for people like uh schools you don't use shipping too much you might use it for your books but um yeah that's pretty self-explanatory so i do have a woocommerce tutorial and i'll put that in the description below if you plan on shipping books it's very very simple you just click on add a shipping zone and you select a country and a price and that's pretty much it but i do have another video on that and i'll put that in the description below i don't want to cover too much time talking about every single option because i can make this video easily another two hours long so but you'll just click on payments now you'll see these different payment methods so we're going to activate stripe and paypal and also for those of you who are in south africa or the middle east i do have another payment gateway for you as well so first we have paypal standard i'll enable this and then click on setup so paypal is the easiest to set up so for example you'll go to and you'll make an account so you'll click on sign up now all you need to do is go ahead and make either a personal account or business accounts and you'll go through the process of signing up for paypal now once you sign up for paypal the email that you use to make your paypal account you're going to take that same email and just put it in there and that's it you're done so go through the process of creating a paypal accounts um you know it takes time you have to give them your your information and so on and so forth and then your users can check out with paypal which is one of the easiest methods out there so what i'll do is i'll put mine my email so just by putting my email in now i can officially take payments for paypal so all the money will go into my paypal account and then i can transfer it to my bank accounts so i'll go down here and click on save changes all right so i'm all set up for paypal next we'll do stripe so settings and then also we have i'm sorry payments and then we'll scroll down and you'll see stripe credit card so this is probably the most ideal one this allows people to use credit cards on your website to purchase your courses so what i'll do is i'll click on enable and click on setup all right so we have stripe enabled now what you'll do is you'll go to a website called so it'll look like this so this is the website that i recommend now the reason why i recommend it is because there's no credit check you can get started right away it's easy and they automatically transfer the money to your bank account and there's no monthly fee you will only pay a small percent if someone purchases something so i believe the standard rates i think in all of markets is like 2.9 and they also power a lot of other big websites like amazon zoom shopify instacart google it is probably the most popular platform for accepting payments because they're very easy to work with you know they don't really restrict your money a lot and i've used it in the past and i found that it was really really easy for people to get their ecommerce website up and running in fact i do recommend this same service in my e-commerce tutorials so what you'll do is you'll go ahead and make an account so you'll click on sign in and you'll make a free account for stripe now stripe is a hundred percent free and there are no credit checks because i know for there is a credit check and that sucks so yeah you don't have a credit check with a stripe so once you go through the process and you link up your bank account and you do all that information you will then be brought to your main dashboard and it's very very simple you'll click on developers and you'll click on api keys now right now i'm expecting real live money so at this point i can accept real credit cards on this websites but i'm going to change it into test mode so now we see these um these keys right here so this is our publishable key so it's very simple just go back to your websites and paste the publishable key in that section and then reveal the secret key and copy that and then go ahead and paste it in there like that now you are officially ready to accept real credit cards anywhere around the world it's that easy so i'll go down to the bottom and click on save changes all right and we are done so i'm going to make a quick coupon code for my courses and i'm going to go ahead and run you all through a test transaction and show you how your students will buy you or buy your courses so i'm going gonna go ahead and make a quick coupon code and then i'll show you the process of how your students will purchase courses on your website so i'm gonna go to my coupons really quick and just create a coupon now for the coupon code i'll just do daryl and i want to give this a 100 percent discount so what i mean what i mean is this will give me a 100 discount code on the courses so you can always change that and then give that coupon code out to people coupon codes are very easy to understand so just go through this and read it it's really really easy so let's go ahead and run a test transaction so i made brand new students coming to the website for the very first time and i want to go to the shop page under this i will click on i'll add this course english 101 i will view the cart now i've added that a few times obviously so i'm going to change that down to one oops there we go change it down to one and update the cart and i will click on proceed to checkouts and i have a coupon code which is daryl i will apply that code and then you'll see on the bottom how it is now zero so i don't pay anything so i'll just go ahead and put in some quick demo information all right so i put in some demo information and now i'll click on place order and congratulations so now your students have purchased the course and now you'll see the order confirmation and now they have all the information they need and they can always go to my account and they can always go ahead and take a look at the courses or whatever they have purchased for their own records so at this point you are now officially ready to sell courses on your website you can accept credit cards all around the world you can use paypal or stripe to accept credit cards and real payments on your new university websites so also for those of you who are in africa or also in the middle east and you want to accept payments on your website you guys can use a website called so this website supports a lot of countries it supports a lot of countries in europe africa latin america so you can just get an idea by just going to their website and you can see a list of all the countries that they support so for example i'll click on africa and middle east and you will see quite a few so you know israel morocco um somalia and so on and so forth so this is probably one of your best options if you want to accept credit card payments because stripe doesn't offer it in every single country but to check out is also a very big one also for those of you in india you guys can use razer pay razor pay is also a very popular one in india that you can use and these do have wordpress plugins that you can use to integrate it for your shopping cart so if you are in a specific country that stripe is not available go ahead and check out now whenever they purchase it something on your website they will get an email that looks something like this and you will also get the same email however i find that this is a little ugly in my opinion and i think that maybe you might want to change the style and the core of this you can do that with a free plug-in so before we go on to moodle let me just quickly show you how you can design that and make it look just a little better so you can use a template instead so under plugins you'll go to add new i just want to make sure that your website looks beautiful that's all you know i'm just i'm just looking out for you so you'll type in email customizer it's a free plugin it doesn't cost you anything and you can use all the templates so the one that i use was the cadence woocommerce email designer i will install now and then i'll click on activate alright so once we do that we can actually go to the woocommerce and go to email customizer so essentially what i want to do is this is just really bland and unprofessional and it just doesn't really look good so we can use a plugin to make it look a lot cleaner and more professional so you'll see that we have this email however we can go to pre-built templates and you can select a different templates that looks a lot cleaner they also have this new free fluid templates and if you want to download it you can click on download here and then it'll look something like this which is a lot more professional so if you want to go that route go for it but uh now that you've been exposed to the plugin you know what to do i'll just upload a templates and then go to load templates and click on ok all right awesome so now this is our new email it looks a lot nicer cleaner and you can go ahead and change each specific section so instead of thanks for your order you can say thank you for purchasing our course um under the header you can add your logo your school brand instead of this so you can go through each of these options and you can change the color the style you can completely design this any which way you want so that's why i kind of expose you to this one it's a really good plug-in you know and it's really fast really easy and it'll make your school look a lot nicer so guys congratulations at this point your website is pretty much done and i think we don't need to do anything more with the website so the actual website design is complete all the pages are complete you can accept payments from anywhere around the world you can also create courses and you have a beautiful email where it'll look really professional for them one thing to note that instead of shop you can always change this so i didn't really cover that but it's really simple so just go to your menus and you can manually type this in so instead of shop page you can say courses and then you can actually move this up like that like this change this to courses and then save the menu all right and then just go back to the websites and at this point you're all done so if there's anything that i missed or if there's anything about the website that you're not sure about please feel free to let me know in the comments below so at this point we're done with the website and now let's go ahead and jump into the moodle tutorial where we're going to integrate our learning management system for our new websites so now your website is 100 complete you now have a website and you have courses and you can now accept payments on your website so now let's integrate moodle where we can go ahead and add students and all that fun university stuff to our website so get your thinking caps on and let's go all right party people welcome to the moodle part of this video now during the creation of this specific video moodle cloud decided to change our whole interface so i had to redo everything so now i'm redoing everything just so we are on the same page now if this interface changes in the future guys this video is not outdated uh these websites just tend to update their homepage quite often and unfortunately it just that just happens so you'll see you have the customer sign in on the left side where you can log into your website and on the right side you will see the get started so on the get started button go ahead and click on that now we are using moodle cloud so this is moodle cloud and moodle cloud is a self-hosted platform so they're hosting it for us because we already have our website so we don't have to do all of the technical settings they will host everything for us and it's actually really affordable so when you click on to get started it'll take you to these four plans you'll see the starter the mini the small and the medium now there's actually a more detailed page they had but they're kind of hiding it so you'll see we have this detailed plan information i'll go ahead and click on this link here now this page is not available in the future i'm sorry but i'm just showing you the differences between the plans so we're going to use the free trial and the free trial pretty much gives you everything the only thing it doesn't give you is a few things like custom certificates backups and the advanced theme which i never even used the extra plug-in pack i never really use this these are additional plug-ins that i'm not really sure i haven't really used any of these like the chemistry editor uh the group up all this stuff so i don't think you'll actually need any of this stuff personally however if you do decide to upgrade or you want to go ahead and purchase whatever plan you want you can always go with the medium the small the mini or this actual starter now these are in australian dollars so if you are using american dollars this is actually a lot cheaper than it displays on the website so for example 80 is around i want to say 60 around 60 american dollars or something like that so if you are using american dollars you do get a discount for your plan so that's always good to know so uh right here you'll click on get started also on this page here you can click on the moodle cloud free trial and it'll bring you to the same exact page so you'll be listed with a few options you can take a look at the live demo you can create a new account or for those of you who already have an account you can log in but i think for most of us we're going to create a new account so i will click on create a new account and then we have their privacy policy and their terms and conditions so if you are under 18 sorry guys you can't use it but if you're over 18 then you're in the you're in the cool club so i'll go ahead and agree to these and i'm sure you're all going to go ahead and read through all those right so yeah go ahead and read through all those and once you read through all those you will click on next all right so step one you're going to enter in your details so your first name your last name and all of this good info i'm gonna go ahead and fill out all this info and once i'm done i will meet you on step two all right so now that we have signed up now it's going to ask us for our site name so with moodle we are going to use their domain so it's going to be your and that's only for the portal okay so when they log in on the mobile app or they log in on the actual website to do their homework they will use this specific site name so i'm going to do something like uh daryl wilson.moodlecloud oh looks like someone took it i think it's daryl wilson university darrell wilson university dot moodle cloud and then we'll go ahead and answer all these questions where will your site be hosted so united states for me and uh yeah i'm just trying it out just trying it out so i'll click on next okay so when you enter in your information it might ask you for verification to make sure you're not a computer so go ahead and put in your verification code all right and step four is just making a password so just make a password so congratulations at this point your university is now getting ready so they are propagating your new university so you'll just see some information about your portal and support and some documentation and some facts and all this other stuff so it says right here sit tight your moodle cloud site is almost ready so just give it a few minutes go get a drink and come back okay so for my school to get propagated that took me around 30 to 40 minutes so just wait about an hour or so and your school should be fully propagated after you wait maybe 30 minutes to somewhere of an hour also if you click on the moodle cloud portal it'll take you to this section and this will also tell you that your school is now live so what we can do is after you wait for your school to propagate you can click on thanks take me to my moodle site now and congratulations so this is now your new official university login now whenever you want to visit your school what you'll do is you'll take this permalink copy this you can open up a new tab and then paste it in there and then press enter so that is basically the login link to your new school university website so uh you have some options here and this is the interface so here they have a demo course so they have an available course introduction to moodle and if you click on it they will give you some instructions on moodle and everything else which is really really helpful and this is exactly how your courses will be displayed so they are using moodle to give you a presentation of moodle but this is also how your courses will be displayed so first let's go ahead and click on my new moodle sites okay so let me go ahead and cover what we're going to learn in this moodle section of this tutorial so step one i'll talk about preferences and your basic account settings like how to change passwords and different preferences within the site administration tab step two i'm going to show you all how to create a course i'll show you all how to create assignments how to create quizzes and also how to create tests step three we'll talk about the gradebook so i'll show you all how to grade your assignments how to grade your quizzes and your tests step four we'll talk about the enrollment keys so if you want your students to enroll with a specific key i'll show you how to set that up if you want to self enroll someone i'll also show you how to set that up in the enrollment section and step five is the wrap up so i'll show you all some moodle settings that you might want to know about and i'll also show you how to integrate it back to your wordpress website okay so first things first let's just go ahead and go to your profile so on the top right you will see your name click on the icon and then click on profile so again this is where you can edit everything so this is where you can edit your user details and everything else so i just want you all to know that this is where you can access your you know your profile and change anything that you want on the right side you will see this little gear icon so you can change the password you can change your preferred language and all these other settings here so at any time you can go ahead and click on these things and you can change your preferred language or anything that you want to do for your moodle account so that's just talking about your profile also at the top right you'll see this preferences tab so click on preferences so again here you'll see other options you will see that you can edit your profile and anything else that you want to do within your moodle account so whenever you want to go back to your dashboard you can just click on my new moodle site so first let's go ahead and change some of the interface so on the right side you'll see this gear icon and we can actually edit the settings here so instead of saying like my new moodle site you can put your university or something else and you can also put a short name for the site so this will be daryl wilson's university and then easy to learn and then here we can go ahead and put in some demo text so i'll just put in some demo text i got from some websites i'll just put what is darryl wilson and then on the front page we can also have some other options so on the front page we can have a list of courses we can also have announcements which we might want to have maybe we want announcements first and then we can have list of courses below that we have a list of categories a combo list and a course search box so i just want the announcements and the list of courses on the front page now when a front page items when the user is logged in we can also display that as well so uh for example i will put in the announcements the announcements here and list of courses and i'll also throw in the combo list and then here we have some maximum category def we have some other options number of courses include a topic section sure the number of announcements which is three by defaults and then you can change that to whatever you want so once you have these settings um you know you adjust these settings to your liking we can click on save changes all right cool so now you'll see that darrell wilson's university is displayed and the button has now changed to easy to learn so let's go ahead and take a look at our home page all right so now you'll see our university we have easy to learn now we can make a announcement for all of our students so what i'll do is click on add a new topic and now you can send announcements to your students this way so in the future if you want to let them know something like um welcome to the course and then we can just display some demo text here so you know welcome welcome to university and they will also receive this in their email if they are logged in or registered to the course so i'll click on post the form all right and then we can go ahead and go back to home and there you go so now when someone logs in they will see this as their first uh announcement below that we have available courses and we also have courses as well so the site is coming along pretty well all right so next let's talk about blocks so in your websites in your moodle you can also add blocks and you can also add additional announcements in case you don't want to have announcements but you want to notify students about something so on the top you'll see this gear icon so what we can do is click on turn editing on so now we can go ahead and add in some more information on our school so you'll see we have add an activity and we also have add a block so what you can do is you can add in more blocks on the left side and you can also add in more activities on the home page so first let's just keep it basic i'll just click on add an activity or resource and now you'll see several different icons that you can add to your home page or whatever whatever else you want to do personally i don't really use a lot of these in the home page because i feel that lessons and quizzes should be inside of the course not necessarily on the home page so we'll go ahead and talk more about all these when we create courses but i just want to just kind of just show you what this is and just get you familiar with it now also if you want to add something on the top but not necessarily an announcements you can click on this gear icon and you can just put in something custom so we can also say you know welcome to the course and then here i'll put in some demo text like um you know whatever here and then i'll go ahead and save the changes so instead of the basic site announcements you can just you know hey guys welcome to the course maybe you can put something about university here or just something to you know welcome them so when they log in they will see this instead of the announcements only now also on the left side we see add a block so i'm going to click on add a block so you can add different things on the sides so for example latest badges logged in users so essentially this is like widgets for wordpress so with wordpress you can add widgets on the on your website and this is the same exact thing so you can show online users you can show um just pretty much anything so earlier i put some course description and here i'll put in the course site summary remember earlier how i put in all that description i'll go ahead and add that block so now i'll see this block show up on the right side which is pretty cool and then we can add in more blocks so if i want to click on add a block i can say you know what i want to show the logged in users so now you'll see logged in users and then you can go ahead and drag and drop this you can move this up or whatever else you want to do so um yeah add a block and you can even display your courses you can show a calendar just letting students know when something might be due or just helping them remind them saying hey you know don't forget you know etc so uh once you're done with that what we can do is turn off editing so right now we are in editing mode but if i want to turn off editing i will click on the gear icon and now i will turn editing off so now you'll see this university looks a lot more cleaner we have this welcome message we also have some widgets on the right side like logged in users the calendar and what is darrell wilson and then you can go ahead and talk about anything maybe an announcement or something a reminder for students so you can keep adding blocks to your interface so next let's talk about the site administration so on the left side you will see this tab called site administration so go ahead and click on that so on this tab you can go ahead and register your site so i will click on register your site so you'll notice at the top here how it says register your site so you can go ahead and register your site you can actually display it on moodle or you can not display it on moodle depending on you know your privacy so what i'll do is just say sure i'll go ahead and use it here we can sign up for any notifications or we can use a different email and i will just go ahead and agree to their terms and then click on register your sites alright cool so our site was registered and now let's click on confirm and then let's go back to the site administration tab so before we make courses i just want to get you familiar with the site administration because you might end up coming back here to create enrollment keys you might come back here to add students or whatever so there's different tabs so for example we have the site administration this is where you can go ahead and modify settings like your badges or anything else like your languages and vice versa on the next tie we have users so this is where you can add a new user and you might want to do this if you want to manually add students to the course so you can click on add a new user and here you can go ahead and create a user for your university or your school so you'll give that person a username and then you can put their first name their last name and their email and any other information that they might need and then once you're done with that you can go to create user and that will create a new user for your website but we will do that after we make courses and i'll show you how to auto enroll them so yeah just go ahead and just check these out you might want to go through some of these settings like uploading user pictures or however detailed you want everything to be next we have the courses tab so here you'll be able to create a category you can create a new course and all of this stuff you can do a activity chooser and then also you'll have access to backups here then we this is your grades so we'll talk more about grades a little later this is plugins so there are some free plugins available personally i didn't really use a lot of them when i was learning moodle so i'm not really going to be big on plug-ins this video so next we have appearance and appearance is how you can kind of change the interface of everything so if you click on the theme selector you will then see you can change your university into various different styles so we have moodle cloud we have classic and we also have boost now if you are using the pro version of moodle like you want to upgrade you will get access to a little bit more templates so that's just something to consider if you want to upgrade you'll get access to more themes however do not change your theme in this video because the options will actually move around and i don't want you all to get confused once you actually understand moodle 100 then i recommend changing the theme but i actually changed the theme and everything kind of moved around and it confused me a little bit so i don't recommend changing your theme but that's how you can have a different style and look for your interface and your moodle so i'll go back and then we also have server we have reports and also developments so what i want you to do is i want to go to courses now i want you to create a new category so click on add a category so here i'll put in something like uh you know web design and then we can give a course id and a description about this specific category so this is all about web design so essentially what you're doing here is that you can create specific categories for your courses so for example if you are an english teacher and you have seven english classes then you might want to make a category to put all those english classes in one specific category so what i'll do is say okay this is my web design category so i can talk about hc you know css html javascript and have different courses all for my web design course so i will click on create a category all right so you'll see that we have a course category and you can have as many categories as you want and you'll see also how we can create a course in web design so you see that but we can go ahead and create courses on other parts of the website this is just one way on how to do it but yeah so that's what you would want to do you'd want to create specific categories for your courses so let's go ahead and click on the easy to learn or go back to the dashboard so also what i want to show you is as you're building your moodle and you're organizing everything you might want to see how it looks like from a student's perspective so to do that you can click on the gear icon and click switch roll 2 and then you can go ahead and switch the role as you are editing stuff so for example i want to see how my moodle looks like for students so i'll click on student and this is it so now you'll see that this is the actual interface for students it looks pretty much the same right as the actual uh as the teacher so it is pretty much the same also we can go ahead and say all right so this is the students i want to return to my normal rule you do get some options like now you'll see that we can add a new topic but if i change that to the actual student they lose that option so they can't add stuff they can't do anything all they can do is really subscribe okay so at this point i think we're ready now to make our first course so to make a course what you can do is you can always go back to the web design category that we made and you can add a course so this is the course category and we can actually add a course within that specific category or what you can do is go to site administration and then go to courses and then go to add a new course essentially it's the same thing and you can also assign this course to be any category that you want so go ahead and give your first course a name so this will be web design 101 and then we can also give this course a short name so web design and the course category we can assign it to web design so that's why you'd want to create course categories and the course visibility should we show this or should we hide it i'll show it when does this course start and when does this course end so this course starts september 15th and it ends november 15th right and then again you can always assign a course id number if you want to do that and then go ahead and give some description about your course so i'll just go ahead and take some demo text and paste that in there so what is web design then also you can give your course an image so what i'll do is i'll just go ahead and click on this and i can upload an image all right so i added in my logo okay so next we have the course formats now by default it's selected to topics format which i think makes the most sense so for example i'm in web design making a web design course the first topic might be what colors to use topic two might be about css topic three might be about html within the course so that's what the topics format is and i think that's kind of standard for most courses however if you want to change that you can click on this little question mark and it'll show you different formats for your specific course but uh for if you're just getting started out i'd recommend doing topics formats so you also have number of sections so you can change this to as many as you want so i can do something like i don't know six and then we have hidden sections course layout show all sections on one page or you can show one section per page but i think all sections on one page is ideal and that was the demo i gave you earlier when i showed you about the moodle and everything so next we have appearance so we have a force language number of announcements show gradebook to students show activity reports so i think a lot of these are default correct so i would leave them as default however if you want to have more announcements you can put more announcements file uploads so this is just saying what is the upload limits personally i would have something around five megabytes i don't think you want students uploading things that are a hundred megabytes maybe even two megabytes because so that will force students to optimize whatever they're trying to send you so they don't flood the server we have completion tracking i would actually enable this so this will actually let students know about their completion and just showing them their progress here we also have groups so you can enable groups or have groups visible or separate groups personally i'm not going to use groups too much because what we can do is we can actually just give students a link to a zoom group instead of using moodles and then we also have role renaming so you can go ahead and rename course creator to this teacher to that and student for this and then we also have tags where you can enable tags so i will click on save and display and congratulations we have just made our first course we don't have any students in the course but we have a new course that we created so if you want to see your course what you can do is click on the easy to learn or just click on like the dashboard and you'll scroll down and now you'll see available courses and here is the course that we created so here is the course name the logo and the description of the course so go ahead and click on the course and now you'll see that we have different topics so remember earlier how we listed the number of topics we can go ahead and put specific topics in those specific topics so also on the left side you'll see we have grades in general so i'll be covering grades a little bit later i'll have a whole section about grading but for now let's just focus on the general course and just the course creation so next i'll click on general so here's a list of all the topics now what do you want within the topics so if you want to edit your course you'll have to go click on turn editing on and here you'll have your announcements and you can add an activity or resource now within your topics again you can add activities or resources so for example topic one will be called something like intro to colors because this is a web design course right so maybe i want to display like what colors mean in web design and then we can add an activity so what i'll do is i'll click on add an activity and now we have some activities here so i'll click on activities so you can add an assignment you can add a chat you can add pretty much everything you want right here so let's just start from the basic let's just say okay i want to assign an assignment so i'll go ahead and click on assignments so for this assignment we can assign something like reading or we can assign them to do something so this will be like a you know read chapter one two three on colors and then here we can add some description about what we want exactly so um you know be able to give us some information about reading on chapter one and three something like that and also here we can add additional files so what you can also do is you can give them study guides you can give them some sort of file that they can download so what i'll do is i'll go ahead and give them a pdf file so i will click on the upload a file and i have a pdf file here and i'll click on open and i will upload this file so now basically i'm saying maybe you can read chapters one and three and here's a study guide on chapters one and three so next we have the availability and this would be something like if you wanted the students to give you an assignment then they can go ahead and submit it and we have a submission date and we also have a cut off date so after the cut off date they will no longer get credit for the assignments and they will lose points or whatever you want to do so you can go ahead and select those dates and here we have the submission types so you can either have the students do online text which is basically they will type in something on moodle or they will have to submit their own file so you can have either or so for example online text we will say i want you to do something below you know ten thousand words about chapter one and three or you can submit a file and just tell me what you think about chapter one and three as well and then we have the maximum submission size and yeah there we go and then choose file types we can go ahead and choose a specific file type so i'll just say you know what's all file types and then click on save changes and then again we have feedback types so there are some options for each assignment so you can give feedback you can do offline grading worksheets submission settings require students to click the submit button sure why not and then we also have some other things like group submissions and notifications so these are kind of settings that you might want to go through and that you might want to figure out yourself now i'm going to leave all these grades as defaults i find that we will do more about grading when we talk about grading but i'm going to leave all these grades as default for now i'm going to close that and then you'll have to go through some of these options and just check them out like restrict access common module settings activity completion and these settings are kind of optional so this would be something that you might want to add or not have on your education website so what i'm going to do is click on save and display all right awesome so we made the course now you'll see read chapters one and three this can be some instructions on one and three and also students can go ahead and download the pdf so if you want to offer a study guide or something else and then we can see we can view all submissions and we can also grade the assignments so that's just a quick summary on how you can create a lesson for your specific course so what i'll do is go back to general now you can add as many assignments as you want in each specific section so here we have sections one and three right but maybe if they read chapter one and three maybe you want to have a quiz on chapter one and three right so let's just add a quiz so add an activity and then we'll click on activities and then i will select quiz so this is going to be quiz on chapter one and three right that makes sense and the description i'm just gonna say this is a this is a quiz on chapter one and three you could also display this description on the course page but i'm not going to do that here we have timing so we can see we can open the quiz at this specific time we can close the quiz at this specific time and then we can also offer a time limit so if you want to offer a specific time limit for the quiz you can go ahead and do that so i'm going to say that this quiz is available between the 14th and it closes on the 18th and i want to have only 30 minutes to finish this quiz because i don't want them trying to look up the answers on the internet which is what i used to do so that's why i'm enabling a time limit for the actual quiz and then when time expires you have a few options here so you have attempts must be submitted before the time expires or it's not counted there is a grace period or just only attempts are submitted automatically so that's they only get one shot basically all right so i'm going to leave timing there so next we have grades and i'm going to leave the grade category as and categories however for specific quizzes the score goes up to only ten so it's ten points so the grade to pass would be either a six or a seven so i'm basically saying they need to get at least seven questions correct in the quiz in order to pass and here we have attempts allowed i'm just going to say only one so only one attempt to pass because i don't want them to keep taking the quiz to get like a better score next we have layout so how many questions do you want on each specific page well i'm going to say five questions on every page and you can go ahead and click on show more and you can take a look at other options like navigation methods but i'm going to leave that blank question behavior so shuffle within questions so do you want your questions shuffled within the actual quiz right that makes sense i would say yes so i'm going to leave all these checked so the review options are simply these controls what information students can see when they review a quiz attempt or look at the quiz reports so you can kind of get an idea of what you want there by just clicking on this and checking what you want for the quiz options so i will go ahead and leave this as standard and then we also have appearance show the user's picture we can have no image or a small image whatever you want to do decimal places in the grades i will leave that as 2. that makes sense and then we have other options like you know safe browser exam browser so these things you might want to go through and then just you know if you want to add them you can add them like availability show on the course page so a lot of these are just kind of you know tedious but you don't have to select every single one so what i'm going to do is say all right look i made the quiz so i want to go ahead and save and display the quiz now all right so we created the quiz now we need to go ahead and add some questions inside of the quiz so what i'll do is say all right we got a quiz let's click on edit quiz so here's the quiz and we need to go ahead and add some questions and you can see the maximum grade is 10 so what i'll do is click on add and we can add a new question so here are some questions that you can ask your students so there's a lot of different things on what you can do so you can have something like a short answer a true and false now i'm not going to go through every single one obviously but i'll just do something very basic that's in a lot of universities like true and false and i will click on add so we have the question name so the name of the question so my question here will be does red mean power in web design next for the actual default mark i will put five the reason why i'm doing five is because i have two questions and the quiz is worth a total of ten points so all my default mark to be five next for the general feedback i have colors are very important for web design so basically saying once they've finished the selected question we want to give them some general feedback about the topic so next we have the correct answer so basically i'm saying is read the correct color and if they say yes it is that's true if they say false that's incorrect so if they enter in true it'll say you are right and if they enter false it'll say that's not right okay so now that we have one question you can see the question is worth five points for a total of ten points so next let's go ahead and make in one more question for a total of five points so that we can have a total of ten now you can add up to ten questions but if you to add more you can add more just make them worth a little less per question so i'll click on add add a new question and i will do a short answer you know just give me a short answer so i'll click on add so here what is the question name so so i'll do something like uh which makes see what makes websites animates and the question text so for the question i'll put does javascript create animations and then the default mark would be five and i'm not going to select any one of these so here we have the answer one so for answer one i will put in javascript and this is worth a hundred percent because this is the correct answer now if there's like somewhat of a semi-correct answer you can do like 70 because technically css creates animations as well but javascript is like the primary method of making animations on websites so i'll put correct and then this i'll put css and i'll say sort of and then here under the last one i'll do something like widgets and that has no correct answer so i'm just going to say no it doesn't so after that i will click on save changes and there you go so now our quiz is complete so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on save and now i'm going to take this quiz so if i want to take the quiz i'll go to quiz on chapter one and three and now you'll see that the student is brought to a page where they can attempt the quiz so let's go ahead and attempt the quiz now you can see we only have 30 minutes and i will say yes let's go for it so we have the first question does red mean power in web design true which creates animations for websites so i'm going to say javascript now we could also done multiple choice maybe multiple choice would have been a better style for this but you you understand here so javascript or css so let's just see what happens here so i'm going to click on finish attempt the answers were saved now i have to submit it submit all and finish they're saying are you sure once you do this you will no longer be allowed to change anything so i'll say sure let's do it and congratulations we got a hundred percent so let's go and take a look at the first one it says true and it says colors our forum design are very important and then we have the next one javascript and you can see the correct answer is javascript so congratulations you guys have now created a successful quiz so let's go back to general now so congratulations you know how to make quizzes now also for here the announcements this is probably where you want to add the course syllabus you want to give some instructions about the school you want to talk about the professor and everything else so you can actually change announcements to anything that you want also here you can treat this as a specific topic so we're just using this as an introduction so what i can do is click on edits click on edit settings and then you can say like uh welcome to the course or something like that and then here you can list the teacher and then you know office hours something like that office hours so hours oh i am off today so here i'll put uh daryl wilson and then for the office hours i can put like uh eights a.m to 5 p.m so the reason why everyone prefers moodle is because moodle's open source so you can use this any which way you want to achieve it it doesn't have to be the right way it doesn't have to be the wrong way as long as you can use this open source platform to get what you want that's what makes open source great so we have the teacher the office hours and maybe like the phone number you know and i want to display this description on the course page and then just click on save and display so if i click on general you will see welcome to the course we have teacher office hours or you can even add an assignment so so let's say for example you wanted to add a syllabus to the course so add an activity resource and a file so now you can give a course syllabus for your students course syllabus and then you can give some description on the syllabus and i will upload a file and this is my new course syllabus so i'll just save and display it alright so go back to general and there you go so now welcome to the course we have the teacher course syllabus and so on and so forth so at this point i think you know enough about how to add activities and resources so what i can do is mix and match this stuff so for example topic two can be intro to css this would be intro to html intro to java and then maybe intro to ruby on i don't even know ruby on rails you know i don't know and intro to wordpress and then you can go ahead and have an assignment for each specific course and that would be the end of it so so let me run you through also on having a digital classroom so click on add an activity and we have a bunch of different activities so i'm going to select chat right here so let's say you want to have some sort of classroom where students can participate or speak to each other so what we can do is click on add an activity or resource click on activities and then you can select chats or even a workshop and so on and so forth or you can even use a forum and a form is actually a good way to have people participate in the school discussion so let's just say you want to chat right let's just keep it basic i'll say chatterbox discuss topics and i'll just save and display so now if i click on enter the chat now what we can do is students can now enter the chats and then like hey guys hey hey guys and this would be something good for office hours so what you want to do maybe is even take that specific uh specific box and you can go ahead and put it on office hours so for example for the chatterbox maybe you want to put that over here and label it like office hours office hour questions so the whole point of this open source again is to manipulate this and use this any which way you want so you can have this as a discussion board or you can have it as a place where students can ask questions to the teacher or so on and so forth so let's go ahead and do one more let's just do one more activity because i think at this point you guys understand what to do so resources are just files for the students like a url activities this is where basically people can do some sort of activity or assignment or something else so i'm just i'm just going to select forums now and then here we have like a discussion discussion on chapter one and three right and then this can be tell me tell me about the topic right and then for the forum type we can choose question and answers a simple discussion and and this is like very diverse guys so i'm not going to go through all of these i'm just trying to explain that you know you can have it in a different forum type like question and answers or whatever on you know so uh availability you can see when this is available so now that you guys kind of understand this you guys can you know mess around with this and have all that fun stuff so i will click on save and display so what you can also do is use this for some sort of digital classroom with zoom so for example you can say add a new discussion topic we can say classroom classroom time at you know 12 p.m and then here you can put like a zoom link so this would be like the link to the actual zoom meeting so if you want to add in a specific zoom meeting where students can see the time and then you know they can click on the zoom link you know this would be zoom link to the actual course and then you can post that to the form or something like that so so now they can see the actual link and they can click on that and if they click on the zoom link that will take them to the zoom course session so it's very diverse there's a lot of different ways on how you can use moodle but that's just a good overview on how you can have assignments quizzes discussions uh whatever you want the sky's the limit here okay so let me go ahead and cover one more activity before we go on to the gradebook section which is participation so maybe you want your students to participate in the weekly assignments or the just the weekly discussion so let's do that so i'll go over here and click on add an activity or resource and i'll click on forum so this will be something like weekly discussion right or you know whatever you want to talk about like weekly overview or something like that and this will be like uh what what do you think about um i don't know light green on websites and the whole purpose of this is just to discuss you know we just want people to be engaged in the class and we don't want them to just you know disappear on us so um here we have availability or actually the form type's important so this is saying okay look how do you want this to to be presented a single simple discussion each person posts one discussion questions and answers a standard form with a blog flight formats or just a standard form but you can go ahead and just experiment and just use any one of these because this is your university so i'll just do each person post one discussion so now we have the due dates and this is where people might get confused so this is the due date and the cut off date so this is not the this is not the date it's available this is the time it ends and this is when they can no longer just they can no longer try to participate so right now the date is for me the 27th so i'll say look this is gonna be available until the third until the first of october and the cutoff date so at this point the cutoff date we can just say look the cutoff date could be the due date as well if you want to do that or if you want to give them a grace period of like you know a day or two saying you know you only have one more day after the due date before you know we just cut it off completely or you can just say look the due date is the cut off date so if you missed the due dates that's it you can no longer get points for this you can no longer engage in it and that's just you know how it goes so you can go ahead and go that route if you want attachments and word counts so you can have a word count or you can have them you know do a file attachment and then you just have some other ones here so you can go through some of these settings and check all these out i'm not going to go through these because you know these are just preference at this point so i'll go to the bottom and go to save and display so you'll see the weekly discussion what do you think about like green on websites and you'll see that this is available until october 1st and this form allows each person to participate you know in one discussion so here i'll click on add a discussion and then i'll say green is great and then i'll just put like uh because it's colored like money you know i i don't know it's whatever just you guys get it you guys get the point right just some demo text and i'll post a form great now also what you can do is you can require a specific amount of keywords so you're saying look this has to be a minimum of 1 000 words and so on and so forth so let's just go back to the actual the actual course and you'll see weekly discussion i'll click on it and now you'll see what you think about like green on websites and now you'll see that each person has to engage and people can actually reply to that specific response so you can also say to people you must respond at least to three other people in order to get credit for the weekly discussion so that's how you can sort of have our participation and attendance sort of in your course so we will be able to grade this later because we can uh we can weigh this a specific amount of grade and we'll talk about that in the next section but i just want to cover that just in case you wanted to have discussions or attendance in your university course so at this point i think you guys know how to create courses i went through a lot of the options i went through assignments quizzes i went through the forums also the other one so at this point it's kind of up to you to explore and mess around with everything because i can't go through every single option because this tutorial can easily be 10 hours so what i'm going to do is turn editing off next we're going to talk about the more complicated aspect which is grading so we have a quiz here we have two quizzes so we need to assign some certain grading to our courses because we have the default course i was created and we have the web design 101 course and we also have these other courses here so what we want to do is we need to now add a grading system to our courses all right party people welcome to the grading section so in this section i'm going to talk all about grading and show you how to set up your grade book for your courses and your assignments and whatever else now what i recommend to do after this section is you can go to websites like upwork and freelancer or you can hire moodle experts that can do the grading for you or you can tell them what you want and they can help you with it however i'm going to give you a very ideal example and i'll run you through the options and i'll show you how to do grading so in this example i'm only going to give you guys one example of grading however it is the most ideal and most universities and schools use this method so i'm going to give you the weighted means of all grades methods so what this means is that you can have a different score based off a different assignment so for example you'll see that i have the assignments were 30 points i have the quizzes worth 10 points and then i have a discussion worth 20 points for a total of 100. so in this way you can basically make every assignment a different grade because i realize maybe some assignments are worth more than others like for example a final project or a midterm might be worth more so i'm gonna show you all how to set all this up for your website so the first thing you'll do is you'll go to site administration and you'll go to grades so first you have a bunch of different options you have letters so if you want to edit the letter grades you can do that so for example 100 to a 93 is an a and 92.99 to 90 is an a minus so if you want to adjust these grade letters you can click on edit grade letters and you can edit these letters according to what you want to do so i'll go back here oops and then we have scales so we are not going to use scales in this scales are a little advanced and we're just not going to cover it because i'm just not going to cover it so sorry so sorry guys and then we have grade item settings so this is something that you might want to consider so i have my my display set as percentage real and what that's going to do it's going to display the scores in a percent and then here we have the overall decimal places i have set two for that and then i'll click on save changes so where this is going to take effect the grade item settings i'll go ahead and show you so i'll go back to my demo website and i'll go to view so now you'll see how we have a percentage so students can actually see the actual percentage and the actual grade so that's what i want for my school and you can do that for years and you can go through those options and change it based off what you want to do so then we have the general settings for grades so i'll click on general settings now i would just go ahead and leave all this as default so i would leave the general students for grading roles for students the grade scales and aggregation i will leave that checked to yes and i'm just going to go ahead and leave all this other stuff blank this is a little bit more dynamic however if you want to copy the settings on my screen you are more than welcome to but to be honest a lot of this stuff in here it's just i don't really think it applies to a lot of us it's for very very dynamic grading and i'm just going to skip this section because i'm just not going to use it so i'll go back here okay so i'm back here and i'll go to grade category settings now this is where this is very important so you need to have the check to yes and for the aggregation you need to select this as natural but make sure force is unchecked and make sure advance is unchecked the reason why we do that is because i want to have multiple grading systems so you'll see down here how there is just like maybe i think maybe by default you have like one or two what you're gonna do here is you're gonna hold shift and press the arrow button now what that's basically saying is i want to have all of these grading systems available for my school so you can choose to have all of them or you can pick one or two or whatever you want to do but just make sure you have all them selected because i'm going to explain where you can access these later and then for the exclude empty grade exclude empty grades i'll put yes for include outcomes in aggregation i'm just going to put no i'm going to leave a lot of these as default so drop the lowest i'm going to put none if you want to do that you are more than welcome to drop the lowest grade i do believe some professors do that in schools but if you don't want to do that you can put none if you do you can go ahead and just put you know one or whatever with the lowest grade to be excluded from the aggregation so i will click on check but the most important is please make sure you have all of these selected okay so now that that's done let's go ahead and go to a course so i'll go to my dashboard or my home and i'll go ahead and select a course so here i have web design 101 so i will click on this course so you'll see that we have the courses that the assignments that we made obviously so what i'll do is click on this little gear icon and go to gradebook setup okay so we're going to use my other university as a way of showing you how to use the grading system so you'll see how i have quiz 1 with a weight of 10 and a max grade of 10. you'll see i have quiz 2 as 10 and 10. i have assignment 1 as 30 and then we have 10. now the reason why we have this weight system is because these weights will equal up to 100. so we have 60 eighty ninety one hundred so this equals up to one hundred percent however assignment one the max grade they can get on it is a hundred however it is only worth thirty percent of the actual total score so that's why i have my assignments worth more so for example you can have a test that is worth 30 percent a test number two that's worth 30 percent and a quiz that's worth 10 percent you understand here so in order to change your grading system you're going to go over here to the actions under your course where it says edits and click on edit settings so now you'll see aggregation and you want to make sure this is selected under weighted mean of grades now there are a lot of other different ways on how you can grade your university like the mean of grades or these other ways however i'm not going to cover those because personally i am not a moodle expert you know i studied moodle for about a few weeks and i felt i had the you know i knew enough about it to give you a video on it and then for the grade type i want to select to value maximum grade is 100 and then put this as zero and then click on save changes alright so once you do that i'll go ahead and just go back to our other school you'll see that we have the chapter one and i think by default it'll look like this right here where it'll just say one and one and then you'll see how it looks but that is not correct so let's say for example we have the um the chapter one and three i'll say okay so reading chapter one and three that is worth twenty percent of the of the overall grading system and the quiz on chapter one and three is worth eighty percent and i'll click on save oops eighty percent so by using this method you can actually apply the percentage for each specific course so that is pretty much it for this system so this is an example of how you can have different weights for different assignments and i felt this was the most relevant for all of you so this is the grading system i chose now let's say for example you want to add something in there manually or you want to add some maybe even some extra credit right so go ahead and click on add a grading item so right here i'll put in something like extra credit and then for the item weights i'll put two so i'm basically saying this is worth two percent and i can click on save changes so maybe for example you want to assign some sort of extra credit where you can make an announcement and maybe if they fill out the you know they fill it out and they give it to you you can give them extra credit of two percent now that will be a total of a hundred and two percent so that means if your students score perfect on everything they will have a total amount of a hundred and two percent which is like above an a so that's just an example of how you can assign extra credits for your students if you want to do that now once a student actually does something and they go through the actual grading system it'll be available in your grade book so what i'll do is go to view so i'll switch to my other school and i'll go to view so here's the other demo university that i have and you'll see that we have students their email and you'll see the assignments and then under the assignments you will see what they scored on that specific assignment so you'll see quiz one it is an f and you can even click on the little great analysis and you can see what they did wrong here so if they said hey professor that was right and that was wrong blah blah blah blah then you can go ahead and say let me go ahead and check the you know check the records and make sure that everything was working so you'll see that for tasks wilson we have a zero percent 100 and so on and so forth for these assignments now if you want to see the actual grade of the students you can click on these little uh grades for tas wilson and then you'll see the the general overview of the student so the student actually has a 90 in the course so we scored a zero percent here and then so on and so forth now you might be saying well darrell how is it a 90 if there's five assignments right well these are all weighted differently so this was only worth 10 percent so the other ones were worth a lot more so that's how the student has an a minus right now in the course so that's just an example of how you can add a really nice grading system how you can kind of you know change it to you know whatever you want to do you can also add extra credits for your assignments as well so go ahead and make a bunch of different assignments and everything and then once you're done you can come back and you can weigh them properly saying huh you know the midterm is worth 50 this is worth 30 percent and uh what the hell the extra credits is worth 20. so just a reminder make sure that this equals up to 100 so you can have as many assignments as you want just make sure that they only go up to 100 so that is it for the grading system now if you want to have a scoring system just based off of points you can do the same thing so for example you can make everything worth like you know five you know you can make a bunch of different assignments all worth five quote points and realistically it's the same thing so you can have like 20 assignments all worth five points and that'll equal up to 100 anyways so you can use with mean of grades for pretty much any style of grading let's go ahead now and show you all how to assign enrollment keys for your courses so when students purchase them you can go ahead and send them and they will have access to the course i'll also show you how you can enroll students manually [Music] okay so now let's say you want to enroll students in this course so maybe they bought it on your website and they want access to web design 101 right so there's a few ways on how you can do this you can send them an enrollment key or you can auto enroll them in the course so first i'll show you how to auto enroll students so what you'll do is go to site administration and you'll go to users then you will add a new user so i want to go ahead and just give this a username we're going to do daryl wilson darryl wilson88 and then we're going to create a password so i'll just do darryl wilson and then just go ahead and put in some information here so daryl wilson now also right here you can go ahead and put whatever info you want for the students but that's up to you you can add a picture and once you're done you'll click on create user okay that email address was already in use guys so i'm going to go ahead and put another one my bad my bad again they're all wilson's the password okay so i now created this student and this is the student i created uh i used this one i had to edit the video i've already used this one for my admin so i'm using daryl porto as a new user i created okay just to be clear so this is the one i'm using for the new students so now that i have created the students now i can go ahead and add them to the course so what i'll do is i'll go over here to my dashboard i'll find the course and click on the course and then i will click on the more option right so once that's done i will click on users so here we'll see enrolled users groups other users i'll click on enroll users so this is going to display all the enrolled users in the course now we don't have any so let's go ahead and add a user to the course so i will click on enroll users and i'll go ahead and search for that student so it was a darrell wilson right daryl there we go daryl there it is and i want to use the porto the daryl portal and then you can enroll a bunch of different users then you can assign the role and you can give them an enrollment duration if you want to do that but i'm just going to say all right enroll the users so now this student is enrolled in the course so there is no longer any action that student needs to take all you need to do is tell him that hey you're now enrolled in the course and that's it they're done so at this point all you need to do is email the student with their login credentials and say hey we have now enrolled you in the course so this is your username and this is your password and you can go ahead and log in to the course so that's how you can enroll students manually so now let's say okay well maybe i don't want to enroll them manually maybe i want to send them a code that they can use to enroll in the course so let's go ahead and use an enrollment key instead okay so first what you'll do is you'll go to site administration then you'll go to your plugins and you'll scroll down to plugins just like that just keeps growing just keep scrolling and you're gonna find enrollments under enrollments click on manage enroll plugins so you'll see the self enrollment go ahead and click on or make sure this is enabled and click on the settings tab next for the self enrollment you will need to make sure that this is checked so require an enrollment key so what that means is this is going to prevent students from registering and they must have a key you can also use a specific password if you want to do that as well but i feel like the key is a little bit more professional so once you have this checked you'll go ahead and scroll down to the bottom and click on save changes so now what i'm saying is my courses now require an enrollment key for people to enroll so now we need to assign the enrollment key for that specific course so what you'll do is we'll go back to our dashboard and we'll find the course so this is web design 101 next i'll go ahead and go to the check mark or the gear icon i should say click on more next we'll click on the users and then we'll see enrollment methods so click on enrollment methods now we also have the self enrollment for the students so what i want to do is i want to go ahead and click on this gear icon so this is going to be a custom instance name so this would be something like web design right allow existing enrollments so do you want to allow existing enrollments you can put yes or no this is where you're going to put the enrollment key so what you can do is put in something like uh you know daryl wilson 702 and then you can go ahead and view that just to make sure it's correct so i'll say all right that's cool and we also have the other settings like where you can have the start date and end date and all this other information you can add i'm not gonna do this because you know this is just preference and then i'll scroll down and click on save changes alright so at this point the student now has the ability to enroll in the course with the enrollment key so i'll tell you what let's go ahead and log into the website with a brand new user and i'll show you how the enrollment key works okay so first i'm going to log into the website using the student that we created earlier remember remember we had daryl porto with so that's his username and that's his password and i'll click on login all right cool so this is the exact process of a new student rolling in the course so i need to go ahead and agree to the terms of service all the way down here i'll click on next and i'll click on next so i need to agree to these terms of service and awesome now we are logged in to the course so you'll see that we have this course available we have some private files and all these other things that we added by the other admin so what i can do is i'll go ahead and see the course and i'll click on it so now you'll see i have access to the course now the reason why i have access to the course is because we auto enrolled myself earlier so that's why i don't need to have an enrollment key because i manually enroll myself in the course now i'm going to delete myself from the course and now i'll be forced to enter an enrollment key okay so now i'm going to unenroll from the course and now when i try to log in again it's going to ask me for an enrollment key so i'll just go ahead and go back alright i hope you guys are still with me so i enrolled as a student and now i see them in the course see 37 seconds ago so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to kick them out of the course so i'm going to say i'm going to unenroll darrell wilson from the course so now i'm the student again and i'm now going to say okay so i unenroll from the course now let's just say okay i'm a new student i just got the the key code and here's the web design course awesome let's go ahead and click on it so now when i try to enroll in the course you'll see at the bottom it says enrollment key and now i must enter an enrollment key so going back to the admin portal i just want to make you sure that you understand this so this is my course and i'll click on the gear icon and this is the enrollment key so daryl wilson 702 so they must enter that in order to enroll in the course also make sure that you have the start date and end date on or else it will not let anybody enroll in the course so you need to have a start date and an end date for your course so what i'll do is go back to the student alright so i'm the student and i'm entering darrell wilson 702 and click on enroll me and awesome now i have access to the course so that's how you can have an enrollment key for your course so your students will have to get it in order to enroll the course [Music] so guys i think that's about it for the video so i've showed you all how to do pretty much everything now so uh some strategies i do recommend i do recommend the key and again remember that when they go to your website and they go to the courses and they purchase the actual course you can then send them an enrollment key of the actual course and they can just go to your website and enter it once they register and make an account so now that we've known how to do moodle and we know how to make a wordpress website there's only one thing left to do we need to integrate this and it's very very simple you just go ahead and copy this link and then go ahead and add it to your website so i want to add the registration on this login and register button so what i'll do is i'll go ahead and log into wordpress and i will put in my admin and my password and click on login lastly all i need to do is i need to go to the divi and the theme builder next i want to go to the global header and i want to edit this under the global header alright and once you're here i want to put that link right here under the login and register so i'm going to click on the gear icon and for the link i want to paste my school there and then click on the check mark and then click on save and congratulations you are finished guys i think that's pretty much it so now let's go ahead and just run a quick demo of the website i'll click on all changes saved and go back to the sites so once the student purchases courses and they get the key from you now they can just go to the website and go to the login and register if they click on that button it'll then take them to their accounts where they can start working on their course and the great part is that it's hosted on another server so it doesn't require a lot of bandwidth so you won't have to worry about your site going down all the time and don't forget moodle has an application that you can use so you can tell your students that they can go ahead and download this and they can go ahead and have access to their course so you'll see how it looks and it looks pretty cool i myself logged in it's virtually the same thing so now you have an application for your university so you are ahead of the game now this is free and it's totally supported by moodle which is amazing that's why moodle's the number one most recommended lms out there so go ahead and tell your students they can go ahead and download moodle and they can use their username and password to log in and have access to the courses okay so now let's talk about how you can send an invoice to students now this way is i don't really recommend it i don't think it's a good idea to send invoices to students because they might lose it they might say oh never got to my inbox you can have a lot of problems however if you want to go that route i'll show you how to do it so you'll go to your dashboard and you'll go to users and you will first add a user so what you're going to do first is you're going to have to create a specific user for your student so for example i'll go ahead and put a username okay so now you'll see that i'm creating a username so we have greg smith and then we have all this information you need to make sure that they have an email so i'll just you know at or something so you would go ahead and ask them for their email and then you can go ahead and put it in here and then you will go ahead and add this new user to your website so you'll see i have a few users i have myself i have this one i just made and i also have this one called jenny that i just made and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and send jenny an invoice so once you create a specific user you can then send them invoices so to do that you'll go to woocommerce and click on orders and i will add a new order so now we're going to go ahead and add in the item that we want to invoice so on the left right here you'll see add item i'll click on this and add a product so for example i want them to enroll in my semester course right so i'm gonna put semester it'll find it and i'll add that so now you'll see the invoice is eighteen hundred dollars and this school number don't pay attention to it guys i was just messing around with stuff earlier so yeah trial and error stuff so anyway so after that's done it's like okay so you want to build this but who do you want to bill it to well i want to bill it to we can build it to greg you know greg smith right it's a greg smith i'll actually do the other person because i actually already got that ready and set for my other email i think it was yeah gen mc and then you can go ahead and put in their billing information or shipping information if you have it and uh yeah so after that's done on the right side you'll see order actions what you'll do is you will email this invoice to that customer and then you'll go ahead and create it so i will click on create so after the order was updated and sent the user will go ahead and check their email and now you'll see that we have this email here your latest your latest invoice so where it says my invoice that would actually be your school so once you actually put a title for the specific school it'll say your invoice for you know john's university and then here's the invoice number and then they can click here to actually pay for the order so that's just a way on how you can send invoices to your students preferably i would recommend having the students just register on your website because again sending invoices like this it could get lost also sometimes this link if they're not logged in i believe you might have issues if they're not logged into the website it won't automatically do it for them but i'm just giving you an alternative way on how you can invoice for your courses on your university website so i just want to say congratulations you guys now know how to build a university website and this is a very valuable skill so now you can pretty much work with other universities you can show them how to use moodle and you know how to build a wordpress website so congratulations also feel free to let me know how i did in the comments below guys i spent a lot of time making these videos i spend weeks just making sure everything's perfect and everything's good so let me know how this video was if you guys have any questions feel free to let me know in the comments below make sure to like this video and share it and tell your mom and tell your brother and sister uh but yeah congrats on your new website my name is darrell wilson and i will see all of you party people in the next video guys take it easy you
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 124,805
Rating: 4.8994641 out of 5
Keywords: moodle, lms, learning management system, how to make online course educational website, how to make education website, how to make LMS website in wordpress, wordpress lms, moodle tutorial, wordpress website, wordpress, moodle tutorial for administrator, moodle lms, lms learning management system, how to make a lms website, how to create an online course wordpress, wordpress tutorial, how to make an online course website, how to make an online course website with wordpress
Id: df5hfVID5mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 29sec (11009 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.