The Coming Food Crisis: Prepare While you Can

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are the threats of near-term food shortage justified and could this food shortage lead to social instability the world over possibly culminating into a summer of rage let's talk about it [Music] so in light of this potential food shortage and i say potential because i'm going to give you 12 reasons why it may well actually come to that and a few reasons why we may be okay for the short term anyways but i myself am completely restructuring and reorganizing my preparedness pantry i've been inspired by channels like the urban prepper who meticulously organize their gear the power of organization cannot be understated because in times of emergency you're going to need to know what you have and where it is so stay tuned for a video about the complete restructuring of my preparedness pantry i also want to let you guys know at we're doing a spring sale 12 off your entire order that's one of the great things about having a store for preppers is that i don't need sponsorships i've turned down sponsorships left and right if you guys only knew i get three or four potential opportunities to pedal stuff that i would never use to you guys every day but instead i do the grunt work we ship direct we don't ship you know from an amazon remote warehouse somewhere it all comes through our hands into yours so definitely go and check that out and it's all premium high quality stuff that you can't find in a lot of places now let's talk about this food shortage business so 10 reasons why the price of food and why there may be actual food shortages in the not so distant too distant future but remember stick around to the end because we're going to talk about why this may be a little bit overblown right now now some of these things i've talked about before one depleting aquifers and water shortages causing agricultural problems this is something which is not going to happen necessarily in the immediate future but it's something which is ongoing we got rivers drying up we got glaciers that are melting and we got aquifers that are depleting around the world one of the world's biggest aquifers that supplies 30 percent of the agriculture in the united states the ogallala aquifer i believe it's called that is being depleted at a rapid rate and it's not being replenished nearly as fast as it's being used so this is just but one of the many challenges which may lead to a potential malthusian catastrophe that's a catastrophe in which the population of a species cannot be sustained by the food that it can cultivate another factor is top soil erosion in arable land 50 of the most productive soil in the world has been exhausted exhausted in the last 50 years in the usa alone cropland is disappearing 10 times faster than it can be replenished this is all the more reason why you need to start thinking about self-reliance we need to start thinking beyond the bunga bag okay yes it's cool to have a bug out bag it's cool to have a bug-out truck but we really gotta focus on getting back to basics that's why myself i'm really trying to dial in this property that i'm eyeing up i'm making sure that the next property i select is going to allow me to actually be self-reliant in all respects because this is something which is coming down the pike now you do have time to prepare for this i don't want you to think oh the food shortage is going to come by summer there's going to be definite increases in the price of food that's undoubtable and that brings me to the next point is dollar devaluation but i was going gonna say you still do have time guys so don't despair you have a lot of time to get your ducks in a row to start a garden okay to start filling up your pantry there's plenty of things you can do right now and i just also want to say that if you're focused on food you also got to focus on fitness nothing gets me more than to see people who are completely out of shape and wasting all their time and energy stockpiling food but they pay absolutely no attention to their health and they've completely let themself go that doesn't have to be the case you can take control of that aspect of your life and you absolutely have to if your goal is long-term survival the dollar devaluation that is something which is happening and that is going to be why the price of food increases you know all of this stimulus money has now made its way into the economy and as these bubbles deflate whether it's the crypto bubble or the market stock market bubble that money is going to be going out into hard assets and once that starts to happen that's when all of that stimulus all of that money which was stored that stored energy in the stock market once that bleeds out into the streets okay that's going to start raising the prices because demand is going to increase supply is going to decrease okay we got new double mutant variants coming out of india we all know that's not going anywhere the supply chains are going to continue to be disrupted as the world continues to restructure in an industrial sense in order to meet the needs of domestic populations because global trade is not going to get any better in the near term also you have things like economic instability okay so farmers because of these trade wars are relying on government subsidies in order to basically grow their crops or to stay afloat yes last year i believe was a bumper crop for corn the problem is that corn is not edible corn okay it's not the kind of corn you can just you know start eating off the cob that's the corn that they use for high fructose corn syrup in order to make all of that food that they condense into the inner aisles of the grocery store the stuff which is not healthy the stuff which probably isn't going to go up in price nearly as much as the fresh produce that surrounds the perimeter of the store okay so economic instability there's so many dimensions to that that are going to factor into the elevated cost of food now another one i know a lot of people don't like to hear this whatever you want to chalk it up to okay i really don't care the fact is is that there are changes to the climate whether you believe that's due to one thing or another the fact is there's there's more forest fires there's changes in the growing seasons there's droughts we're seeing massive floods we're seeing you know like we've seen in texas okay so these anomalies are going to pose agricultural challenges uh many of them are going to be unprecedented and as a result of that we could see elevated food prices and that could lead to shortages now i don't think that in the near term it's going to happen right away okay a lot of this stuff are things that are going to really start to become problematic within the next 10 years that's why i'm saying you have time although some of them and you know this is all depending on how the current situation that we're all in plays out and whether or not there is a summer of rage in developing countries because that's another thing that usually happens you see when there is an increase in food price it's the developing countries around the world that get hit the hardest and that usually leads to civil conflict within those countries it usually leads to public dictatorships the emergence of extremist groups and that creates all kinds of instability and more often than not you get the big players going in there and trying to exploit those situations for whatever they can and that typically takes us into some sort of conflict okay so we can expect that that may be the case and as a result of that it's going to cause fluctuations in the prices of oil of course and oil is what's required let's remember that that our agricultural system as it stands absolutely requires oil it requires machines to do the work without those big machines out there cultivating all those see crops off the land we don't eat and we need that in order to feed 8 billion people right now we are not set up for massive horticultural societies where everybody is growing their own food our societies just simply aren't set up like that and 99 of people don't know how to couldn't grow their own food and and basically uh replenish their needs if they wanted to i unfortunately am one of those people but i'm learning so we're getting there guys we're getting there so like i said supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic there's going to be logistical issues continuing the price of shipping is skyrocketing there's delays there's it's just a complete disaster trying to get you guys stuff especially through my warehouse it's been a complete nightmare trying to get certain things we're going to see more regulation in the meat and poultry industries that's going to put more pressure on that that's why you're starting to see this frankin meat this beyond meat or whatever it is i know beyond meat is actually vegetarian but there's lots of different types of meat now which are being grown in labs and where they're talking about you know trying to introduce insects into the diets of north americans it'll take a while i'm sure they'll put like crickets in a chocolate bar or something like that and eventually eventually people will acquiesce to that as well so there's going to be more pressure put on livestock producers and people who have chicken farms and things of that nature because of the potential for pandemics remember a lot of these farms it's my understanding anyways and i could be wrong about this because of the fact that there's so much genetic homogeneity amongst these populations that i mean if you had a disease spread through there it would just spread like wildfire okay when we talk about bird flu things of that nature this is why these things catch on and spread so fast and have to be contained in the way they are by these massive culls because you have these monoculture populations not only with livestock but also with crops you know we're talking about crops that use terminator seeds now so without the genetic modification in some instances we won't be able to sustain you know continue to feed the population now i know that's i'm kind of really just getting all over the place here but what i'm basically saying is that mass agriculture big agriculture these super farms okay they're creating the potential i know a lot of people say well you know they're they're more regulated and you know it's not like everybody's doing their own thing in the wet markets and stuff like that but there is still a great potential for something some really bad can of worms to be opened up within these farms at some point especially when that wildlife which is now domesticated comes into contact with some invasive species like a murder hornet which is destroying all the bees okay or that's a little bit hyperbolic but we all know that the bee populations are in decline as a result of pesticides so that's another challenge which is applying pressure to the current agricultural system so these livestock producers are going to be under increased regulatory pressure to try to prevent the spread and the emergence of pathogens amidst their populations that is going to probably increase the price of food once again a monoculture in the united states this could potentially have disastrous effects remember it was the dirty 30s was caused by poor farm management practices okay i'm not sure if the exact circumstances but there was a mad scramble to basically compensate for the economy which was in the toilet at that time and as a result of this there was this mad dash to grow crops in ways which were unsustainable and so came the droughts something like that could very well happen again you're going to have issues of pestilence we had some of the worst locust swarms on the planet last year around the world this is something which is only likely going to intensify and this is a problem especially with monoculture now here in north america we have the means of inundating ourself with carcinogenic insecticides and let me just say that that's speculation i don't know that but i presume that it's probably not good for us to be ingesting all of that stuff okay i'm just going to go on on a limb here you may not agree with me i'm not saying that i got research papers to back that up but i'm just saying if i had a choice i probably would be drinking insecticide or letting my fruits and vegetables marinate in it if you catch my drift so the more monoculture the the higher the risk that you know there's going to be these uh insect outbursts okay and also invasive species not just insects so the more monoculture species that have been introduced from other ecosystems we're also talking about herbicides the overuse of herbicides mutant weeds which may just mutate one day and you know wipe out whole swaths of land okay we're talking about the potential for the complete breakdown of the agricultural system something which is going to continue to accumulate and accumulate and accumulate to the point where our ability to innovate is not going to be able to keep pace with the increasing amount of disaster which is unfolding you're also going to have antibiotic resistance that's going to be a problem within livestock as much as it's going to be a problem within humans unless there's new technological developments made in that area you're also looking at the potential unintended effects of genetically modified foods now personally i i'm not a huge like activist when it comes to anti-gmo or anything like that um i'm not sure if the exact science on it i know there's a a lot of uh corruption at the corporate level everybody knows about all the monsanto type fiascos from many years ago and i'm not sure if that's still an ongoing thing but when we start messing with mother nature in the ways that we are we don't know what the ultimate outcome of all of this is going to be you know i'm not going to sit here and speculate on what sort of potential side effects might arise from our micro engineering of our food supply but we don't know yet is all i'm saying so you know even if we are able to feed the planet are we going to be feeding ourselves something that is good remember our bodies are finely tuned to the natural environment which has evolved with us in tandem over the last thousands and thousands going back millions of years and to top it all off we have the ongoing stockpiling of the seed vault which i'm not sure if it's underwater yet but there was some talk of it flooding a couple years ago anyways we have record low arctic sea ice levels still at a record low for the last couple months i'm guessing that it's going to be a wild wild summer okay so we need to just prepare we got bill gates buying up land we got seed vaults popping up all over the place and we got a bunch of people who are out of shape who are entitled and i think that we're just you know to be brutally honest i think we're a stone's throw away from terminus people think that we're all just civilized and we're being pessimistic and that food is just in great abundance and technology is going to save us and it very well may okay i'm actually 80 leaning towards there's probably not going to be a food shortage per se at least for people in north america but we are definitely going to see an increase in food prices for healthy foods maybe not for the garbage okay mcdonald's is probably not going to change their prices everything else the stuff that's going to keep you alive and keep you healthy and keep your brain functioning so you can think better that stuff is likely going to go up in price so it's time to not only stockpile your pantry with just canned foods and junk but try to stockpile your pantry with healthy foods that's why i personally have a freeze dryer so i can control the stuff that i'm going to eat i can take those fresh foods i can freeze dry them then they're going to be in a form which is going to last up to 25 years actually i should say 25 years and up some cans of mountain house after 40 50 years are still edible freeze-dried really is the way to go much better than cans but if that's all you can currently afford if all you can currently afford is the beans and rice thing hey that is the staple you do beans and rice first and then you progress up from there that was my approach to it beans and rice you're always going to be able to use that do you have to cycle it out all the time if you don't want to no because it's going to last up to 30 years rice and mylar bags beans and mylar bags that can last up to 30 years if not longer is it going to retain 100 of its nutritional value probably not but it's there as a safeguard then you can start building out a more replenishable workable pantry that you can actually utilize on a continuous basis now if you want to can fresh foods you can do that yourself that's another way to do it get a garden learn how to can stuff it's going to take a bit of machinery and it's going to take an upfront investment as well but it doesn't have to be that high there are plenty of different ways to do that as well i believe the angry prepper has done several videos on that canning is something i haven't really gotten into namely because i have a freeze dryer they are a big ticket item but it might be worth it if you have the time and you have the dime i'm going to conclude with this i think that there's still a lot of food out there okay we're growing a lot more food than we need right now unfortunately a lot of the stuff that we're growing as i previously mentioned whether it's you know the high fructose corn syrup corn i can't remember exactly what it's called but the corn which is not edible unfortunately we're growing things maybe for the wrong reasons we're wasting a lot of food there's still a lot of wiggle room for this but what i'm more concerned about is the food prices for healthy food going up and the instability caused in the developing world which is inevitably going to have repercussions back home over here and it's unfortunate you know i mean our problems in comparison to that are not real problems when you think about it yes it's going to suck if your food bill goes up 20 30 even 50 but that beats living in a war-torn country so we all still have to keep that in perspective i'm not saying that you know we want to compare ourselves to that low of a standard i'm just saying that as much as there is a potential for this to go really badly it could be worse okay it really could be worse and it doesn't have to be worse brad over at full spectrum survival is always providing insights on you know how you can grow your own garden how you can raise chickens raise rabbits raise what is he not gross um quail that's what it is quail okay so there's a lot of great channels out there who are providing that sort of information and you can eat better by doing that personally i just haven't had the time because i've been so busy just trying to catch up and i'm still in the process of looking for my little slice of paradise but the market right now at least in my area and for rural properties it's not very good it's slim pickings because everybody's doing it and i should probably quit talking about it then i would have less competition out there anyways let me know what you guys think in the comment section below do you think that there is going to be a food shortage do you think it's just going to be a rise in price in the cost of food or you know is it going to be mad max soon or is nothing going to happen and price is going to go down is there going to be you know a deflationary aspect to all this let me know in the comment section below thanks for watching don't forget use coupon code march 2021 for 12 off 12 off check it out thanks for watching guys take care the best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up at your one stop shop for premium high quality brand name products that have been tried and tested by 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Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 165,652
Rating: 4.9068141 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, end of the world TEOTWAKI, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse, food shortage, food price, food shortages march 2021, food price cpi, consumer price index
Id: jvEqbDpqxRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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