Her Coupons Feed 200 Parishioners! | Extreme Couponing

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just a coupon no but they're two for three no coupon it does it go in the bathroom [Music] manufacturers distributing coupons each year and more than 75% of shoppers cash in on those savings with at least some regularity but to Erie Pennsylvania is extreme couponer April sometimes isn't enough my name is April and people call me the coupon general because I basically take care of a small troupe of people boys tear carts and I tend to be a little militant with her husband Rick this stay-at-home mom is raising seven teenagers and that means couponing isn't just a hobby for April it's a way of life in less than a year and a half of couponing she's amassed a stockpile of supplies worth more than thirty thousand dollars people who have not been in the basement before usually the first words are oh my gosh welcome to the bunker [Music] people who think that I'm an hoarder let me just be very clear orders have dust on their stock packs I do not have best of my stockpile I am a couponer there is a fine line dust is the dividing factor even though she has 200 bottles of barbecue sauce 500 bottles of pasta sauce and a two-year supply of laundry soap April's most proud of a different section of the stockpile 1.so covenant she keeps it under lock and key the cookie jar [Music] my cookie jar is too large to fit on a shelf too large to fit on a counter my cookie jar is an entire room anything that you could possibly want for that sweet midnight snack candies and chocolates potato chips lots of pop is found in this room thank you so much I love you so much today I bet you do April spent 16 hours every week first targeting sales in-store circulars and then using regional clipping services to maximize your savings I geographically choose where I get my coupons from in California prices there are higher so coupons are gonna be higher today April needs all the savings she can get her hands on because she's not just shopping for a family of nine every Sunday we feed the people at Hermes which is about two hundred I'm not talking donuts and coffee I mean chicken Tetrazzini French Toast Casserole defeat her church as well as her family April's made a shopping list that retails over one thousand dollars but she's heading to the local supermarket with just one hundred dollars in her budget and six of her teenagers to help with the haul sign up guys youngest sold it let's go I definitely have to keep them in line and that's very helpful to be a little militant sir girls move forward boys grab those baskets both of you all right guys Lily burns my list first on that list is pasta the staple of April's weekly church efforts this is a dollar 69 a box regularly but it's on sale for five for five I have a 50 cent coupon which they're gonna allow me to double up so this box is gonna be totally free girls how many bucks do you think I'm gonna get under a hundred boxes of pasta I'm totally free everybody see how the name-brand products are here and the store products right next to you people read from left to right so when you eye moves this way it encourages you to buy the store products rather than buying the name-brand products but they don't have coupons on store brand products but they do on this so free always tastes better let's go to the left next Center lists his snack mix all right this is a great deal snack mix is regularly three dollars attack but right now it's on sale for five four five and I have a coupon that gives me $1 off of two so each one of these is 50 Cent's okay I need another basket with an empty cart primed for saving April then reaches a deal on bags of fresh salad she spots a pili sticker with even more potential savings but her excitement fades when April catches a hidden detail in the coupon this nine at the very beginning means it does not double a5 means that it does double but for right now we're gonna keep using the coupons that we have after two and a half hours of shopping and with coupons to match all 400 items April and her troops head to checkout if I have six full parts so you're gonna get your workouts all right [Music] all right let's go next one [Music] so where's my total right now troubles at 3:39 76 all right left let's see how I go certainiy have a little bit of anxiety my stomach is really notches I might have to borrow your trashcan your grand total before coupons is 590 for 33 with a retail total of over eleven hundred and forty dollars instant savings have drastically reduced April's total I tells you what the suggested retail is and then what you've saved already I saved $500 already excellent okay so are you ready yes for the holy grail of coupon yeah nervous the nervous anybody got liquor wine anything we sell a lot more to do yeah April's total continues to drop until the system hits a snag Oh maximum capacity reached I'm gonna first getting this one more time to see if it no could you fall in it yeah [Music] but I have to go to the office and try and get it to work okay all right I'll be one minute manager Jim discovers the combination of products and coupons has surpassed the system's 500 scan limit the changing the capacity isn't so simple it has to be one of these restrictions right here I'll have the security clearance to get into I was getting nervous because he was gone for quite a while and let me tell you waiting for a minute is like an hour we'll have to do it manually what have to hand key and the rest of the coupons are left on the order there's a lot of work take a long time after closing out the frozen transaction the cashier begins manually entering each coupon it feels like I want to pass out two hours gone and over 300 coupons entered by hand the cashier reaches the last of april's coupons so that took off fifty five dollars your total coupon savings 550 641 right which means your final total comes to thirty three dollars and 61 cents [Applause] I feel like Brad Pitt is just walked into the register and said he broke up with Angelina Jolie and he's into big women careful's Hall includes 32 bottles of sports drinks 60 bags of salad and 200 boxes of assorted pastas the retail value totals 1146 dollars 13 cents using coupons April paid just 33 dollars and 61 cents and 97% savings that will cover meals at her church fellowship for nearly two months [Applause] where are we gonna have today for fellowship well today we are having rigatoni and lo blessed be God that's the greatest thing Mary I need you to start opening up the salad bags speak up I need you to grab the meatballs for me couponing is the ability to help others and to do it in a way that I can financially because I wouldn't be able to help others at all if I didn't you [Music]
Channel: TLC
Views: 3,390,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes, extreme couponing, extreme couponing full episodes, coupons, deals, discounts, grocery shopping, grocery stores, sales, extreme cheapskates, cheap, saving money, extreme shopper, shopping, coupon carla
Id: iFW1fD7FCDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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