The Chronicles Of Narnia: A Classic Left Behind

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hey guys um just wanted to give you a quick heads up getting this video up on YouTube has been an absolute nightmare because of copyright reasons I don't know what it is about Narnia that makes Disney so incredibly severe with that but just so you know if throughout the video you see a giant Disney logo appear over the footage um it's not my fault it's not a mistake either it's just the only way I had to get around that copyright [ __ ] that's it just wanted to let you know enjoy the video guys [Music] happy holidays everybody I hope you're having a good time I hope you're feeling happy and cozy I hope your hot chocolate didn't burn your tongue because that happened to me a couple weeks ago and that [ __ ] is not fun today I want to talk about a movie that always comes to my mind around the holidays a movie that I remember liking quite a lot but that I hadn't seen in years a movie that despite its big name has kind of been forgotten in a way mostly because the sequels have been subpar and the franchise just kind of fell off over time yeah you guessed it today we're going to revisit Home Alone The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion the Witch that title is too long but the first movie the good one see this movie came out in the year 2005. which means it just turned 17 years old Jesus Christ I'm A Relic this movie came out when I was 11 years old it came out the same year as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and that's significant because it was made at a time where every Film Studio was trying to have their own Harry Potter franchise Warner Brothers had created an absolute monster in 2001 that not only made insane amounts of money at the box office but also dominated pop culture almost every year it's the literal dream for a movie studio everybody was jealous of Warner Brothers so everybody was trying to adapt some fantasy novels that could appeal to a large audience hence the Chronicles of Narnia Narnia was very much Disney's answer to Harry Potter they wanted to compete and they made sure to throw all the money it needed to be great 180 million dollars that's how much the first movie costs nowadays we're used to seeing Studios dumb 200 million dollars in a blockbuster but back in 2005 it wasn't that common and they were taking a huge bet here and it paid off because this movie made a lot of money in fact it made close to 750 million dollars at the box office which is huge and it's not really difficult to see why this movie had all the right appeal it emulated the Aesthetics of the first two Harry Potter films they released it right before Christmas it was all incredibly well executed and fun fact because I didn't know that until a couple days ago did you know that Narnia was directed by the director of Shrek and Shrek 2 yes this is a completely useless fact but who knows it might come up at a dinner and then you'll thank me because you look like you know things you're welcome by the way I'm gonna be honest I was really nervous to revisit the film because I had not seen it in like 12 years or something like that and while I remembered loving it I didn't know if it would hit the same as when I was a kid and a teenager yeah I'm an old man now so I was afraid the magic would be ruined for me especially because unfortunately for me I remember the sequels they kind of [ __ ] the bed with those but I'm very glad to report the magic was not ruined I'm actually kind of surprised at how much the first Narnia movie holds up it's still really good I had forgotten so much of the movie and re-experiencing it after all this time brought back so many cozy memories I had a big stupid grin on my face the whole time we're gonna go through all that together but before we get into it I'm gonna take a quick moment to give a hug to the sponsor of this video thank you to Helix sleep for sponsoring the this video you know I like to sleep I like to sleep a lot actually but I don't get to do it as much as I'd like because I have been dealing with 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Helix sleep for sponsoring this video you guys are the best so The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion the Witch and the audacity of this [ __ ] is the story of Peter Susan Edmund and Lucy four siblings who are sent away from London by their mother to go live at the Country House of an eccentric professor in order to avoid the violence of World War II Peter is the older of the siblings and kind of the leader of the gang he's a good guy who likes to follow the rules Susan is the Hermione Granger of the group she likes to read books and is academic and everyone thinks she's really boring Lucy is the youngest she's adventurous and Sassy but sweet and incredibly generous and Edmund is the rebellious pre-teen of the family who never listens to anyone he's a little [ __ ] and everybody wants to slap him together the siblings try to find some footing in this new environment they don't really know what they're supposed to do but everything changes radically when one day they decide to play hide and seek and Lucy finds an abandoned wardrobe in an empty spare room of the house convinced she has found the perfect hiding place she decides to hide inside of it and that is when she makes an incredible Discovery the Wardrobe is a passageway to another world and right off the bat I am on board see I don't know why but stories of alternate Dimensions or other worlds existing somewhere hidden in our own world is something I really like but it's also very difficult to make it work and I think Narnia makes it work the scene where Lucy accidentally discovers Narnia for the first time is perfectly directed that shot of her backing away and backing away slowly making the audience realize that this wardrobe is much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside is such a simple effect but so well executed and then boom snow and trees and this movie moves really well it's impeccably paced it knows when to slow down and it knows when to get to the point Lucy discovers Narnia 12 minutes in and then the movie is allowed to do whatever the hell it wants in just 12 minutes they introduce and establish the characters they show you their bond you get to see why they need to go away because the movie opens with the scene of their home being attacked during the war they get to the new place Lucy discovers Narnia now the real plot kicks in and they do a great job at establishing these characters in a few minutes you get a sense of each of their individual personalities their individual relationships and their motivation the siblings are all fleshed out characters they all get a full Arc to themselves during the entire movie and all of those arcs while a bit cliche are really well executed they also have great chemistry they bounce off of each other incredibly well their banter and overall dialogue is really effective and it makes them feel like real siblings they're constantly bickering they get annoyed at each other but the movie also does a great job at showing how much they care for one another most of their disagreements stem from their desire to find the best way to protect themselves as a unit and everybody is able to make some solid points even if they're not always right except for Edmund but he gets his moment to shine later on I joke about him being a little [ __ ] but the truth is his Arc is probably the best out of all four of the kids he's like the Prince Zuko of Narnia but we'll talk about that more later anyways so Lucy discovers Narnia and there she meets James McAvoy aka Mr tumnus the friendly Fawn and his interaction with Lucy is cute as [ __ ] so Mr tumnus learns that Lucy is a daughter of Eve AKA a human being intrigued he invites her to come to his house for tea and cookies but little do we know it's a subterfuge tumnus is actually kidnapping Lucy because for the last hundred years Narnia has been under the control of an evil witch named Jadis who throws the entire land and proclaimed herself Queen but there is a prophecy that says that four human beings will come to Narnia to destroy the Witch and restore the land as the new kings and queens so Jadis has ordered the people of Narnia to bring any human that sets foot in Narnia to her so she can kill them and ensure the prophet he never comes to pass so when tumnus discovered Lucy was a human he decided to trick her into coming to his house so he could use his magic fire flute to put her to sleep and text the queen to come pick her up so she can kill her ass except tumnus is not really a bad guy he doesn't want to do that and he starts feeling way too guilty about sending Lucy to her death so he changes his mind and instead decides to help Lucy Escape so she can go back to her world safe and sound Lucy manages to get back and then she realizes that time does not work the same in Narnia she's been gone for hours but when she returns not a single second has passed literally Peter is still counting down to start the game of hide and seek completely baffled Lucy tells her siblings what just happened to her but when Peter Susan and Edmund go to the Wardrobe to see what she's talking about the portal is closed it's just a regular wardrobe now so Lucy looks real dumb and nobody believes her congratulations you played yourself naturally she's a said and she decides to check on the Wardrobe again the following night this time the portal is open so she knows she's not crazy and she goes back to Narnia to see her new favorite homeboy toughness what she doesn't know though is that Edmund followed her there and this time he sees Narnia too but instead of seeing toughness and some happy little creatures Edmund encounters Queen Shades the witch who by the way is played by Tilda Swinton who is absolutely awesome in the role Jadis quickly understands that Edmund is a human but unlike temna she also knows that he's just a child and so she figures instead of killing him now she can just manipulate him so he brings his three siblings to her and she can kill them all at once so she takes advantage of Edmund being disoriented and she pretends to be his friend she tells him she can make any food he wants and Edmund asked for Turkish delight which by the way ew Jadis gives him some and she starts telling him he's a great kid and has all the qualities to become king of Narnia she quickly figures out that Edmund doesn't really like his siblings so she tells him once he's King he can basically just enslave them and they'll know what's what and Edmund is excited about that because he's an [ __ ] he then asks for more Turkish Delights because he's a gritty little [ __ ] but Jadis tells him she will give him more if he returns to Narnia with all three of his siblings and he agrees this [ __ ] sold his family for the most mid candy in the realm at least do it for some Ferrero rochers my guy have some style I like this plot point because it really sets up a number of conflicts going forward one thing that I like about Narnia is that it's not a simple Battle of good against evil I mean yes that's what the main conflict is but a lot of internal conflicts are just about characters reevaluating their morals and that's pretty interesting by that point I was fully under the movie spell this movie is so Charming Man it's so pretty it has great visuals it feels so Christmassy I feel like I'm right back back to being 11. so Jadis leaves Edmund and he is found by Lucy who is thrilled that Edmund is in Narnia because now they can go back and Edmund can tell Peter and Susan that Lucy is not insane so they go back Lucy tells Peter and Susan that she was in Narnia again this time with Edmund Peter asks Edmund if it's true but Edmund lies and says Lucy is still making the whole thing up you know what little children alive these days they just don't know when to stop pretending ah you little [ __ ] the next day though after Edmund accidentally shatters one of The house's Windows the four siblings try to hide from the mean housekeeper to avoid getting in serious trouble they run and run through the giant house to find a place to escape her so they decide to hide in the wardrobe but this time though the portal is still open and as they back up to try and hide they arrive in Narnia and this time there is no discussion to be had no questioning anything the four siblings are in Narnia at the same time I'm sorry that's all right some little children don't know when stop pretending to make it up to Lucy Peter tells her they will do whatever she decides despite Susan saying it would be safer to just go back to their world but Lucy says she wants to introduce them to her brother from another mother tumnus so Peter agrees and they go to his house however they found the place in shambles and they learned that tumnus was arrested by the Queen's police for fraternizing with a human being which is considered high treason Susan reiterates that they should leave immediately and go back to their world but Lucy disagree she thinks they should find a way to help her homie tumnus because he was arrested for being friends with her but before they can settle the beef though they are found by a Talking Beaver who is a friend of toughness how do we know we can trust him he's setting as the form he's a beaver he shouldn't be saying anything he says they need to get to safety now because the trees can listen to them so they follow him to his house where he tells them about the prophecy and about Aslan the Divine lion and creator of Narnia now pause we gotta talk about something I think nowadays it's a pretty well known fact that Narnia is an allegory for Christianity and the books are [ __ ] jam-packed with Biblical themes now I'll be honest and admit that I read the books when I was 12 and I don't remember much from them but I do remember a few things in the books it's explained that Narnia is not the only other world there are actually a lot of them which you can access to this place called the wood between the world that's how Aslan moves from his world to Narnia now like I said Aslan did create Narnia so he's basically it's God but through the different stories it's implied that Aslan actually exists in every single World in existence but people know him under a different name in each one of them and he appears in a different form in each one of them and so yes in our world we know Aslan as Jesus Christ I think that's a big distinction in here a lot of people assume that Aslan is like a metaphor or an allegory for Jesus Christ no the books are actually way more pretentious Aslan is Jesus Christ that's just one of his other forms and now all I have to say about that is I'm no religious person but I do think that if there is a God he probably sounds like Liam Neeson so great casting you guys nailed it anyways back to the movie Peter Susan and Lucy learn about the prophecy and meanwhile Edmund quietly leaves and makes his way to the witch's castle gets there and sees a bunch of statues lying around everything is made of ice and after wandering about for a minute he finally meets with Jadis again and because he's a greedy little [ __ ] he immediately asked for more Turkish Delights but this time things don't go the way he wants and when Jaden sees that Edmund failed to bring her his siblings she drops the act and shows him her true colors well I think so did I mention till the Swinton is amazing in this movie she's amazing in this movie Edmund is now terrified of jadas and out of self-preservation he immediately betrays his family and gives up their location this weekend is then locks him up with Mr tumnus and sends her Army of wolves to track the other kids but it fails and they managed to escape thanks to a fox who tricks the Wolves to buy some time oh and I'll just quickly say because I think it's worth mentioning the voice acting for the animals in this movie is really good the main wolf is especially menacing I don't know who voiced him but holy [ __ ] he's great [Music] foreign but still damn he sounds so cool and this is also where you realize this movie has some genuinely Sinister moments finding out that the statues of creatures around Narnia and in the witch's castle are not statues but are actually the people of Narnia that were frozen by the witch and displayed in her castle is like really messed up I had completely forgotten about that and damn shit's cold so after a bunch of Chase sequences Peter Susan and Lucy get some help from Santa Claus it's not a joke by the way they really get help from Santa and that's really funny to me I don't know why he gives them a bunch of weapons and sends them on their way to find Aslan so he can help them get Edmund back and the build up to Aslan is super effective I did not remember that we don't actually get to see him until way past the halfway point of the movie he shows up like an hour and a half in and he basically rocks for the rest of the movie Aslan is so [ __ ] rad anyway so Aslan is like hey you're the kids from the prophecy but there's only three of you where the [ __ ] is the fourth one so Peter and the others have to explain that Edmund betrayed them but they're still trying to save him from Jadis so Aslan promises you'll do what he can to save him and later on he actually succeeds in freeing him in stealth mode and bringing him back to his side of Narnia but now Jadis is really pissed off because earlier Edmund Smith on Aslan and told her he had an army and was planning to take back Narnia so she's like oh you [ __ ] okay all right I'm putting cases on all and she decides to pay a visit to Aslan to put some pressure on him she tells him she wants Edmund back because of some old magic law that says traitors are hers for the taking so basically Edmund belongs to her now but Aslan being a good Jesus lion plays the selfless card and makes a secret deal with Jadis if she promises not to harm Edmund he will give himself over as replacement Jadis obviously agrees because it's her occasion to kill her greatest threat and she leaves so the following night Aslan keeps his promise and gives himself over to Jadis who executes him in front of her minions and in front of Susan and Lucy who are hiding in the woods foreign is now dead and Jadis obviously breaks her end of the deal and decides to kill everyone anyway thankfully though the spirit of the forest saw everything happen and she goes back to the other side of Narnia to warn Peter about the death of Aslan and the imminent arrival of the witch and her Army so now is really the moment where those character arcs are in full effect Peter is learning the True Values of being a leader and making difficult choices which makes him change his perspective on the situation at first he just wants to protect his brothers and his sisters he doesn't care one bit about Narnia But as time goes he learns to stand up to fight for the right reasons the right cause and to not be so severe with the people around him he goes from just wanting to save his ass and his family's ass to wanting to stay to protect Narnia Edmund is obviously learning to stop being a selfish little [ __ ] literally every single decision he makes up to a certain point he makes thinking only about himself and whatever it is that he wants in the moment even if it means putting everyone around him in literal danger he doesn't care about anyone Edmund only ever thinks about Edmund and he will betray anyone if it gets him candy as a character he's literally the embodiment of greed and he's kind of a coward but as The Story Goes he slowly learns to muster up some courage and he makes some decisions that are not always great but that are more and more aiming at protecting others and he eventually becomes the Ultimate Ally to Aslan in his army Susan learns to trust others a bit more and to not always assume that she knows better yeah her issue is that she's very intelligent but she knows she's intelligent so it makes her a bit of a smart ass and she's a bit overconfident at some point she's trying to be realistic no you're trying to be smart as usual I'd say that out of everybody her Arc is the thinnest and her character is the least developed it's mainly because she has a bigger role in the sequel but yeah she still has somew of an Arc is just not the best and Lucy's Arc is way more about her growing up and figuring out what her values are even though it's way more fleeting but she has some pretty good moments where she gets to really assert her values and is pretty cool so now Avengers end game is leaving the chat because the great battle begins Peter is now the leader of Narnia's Army effectively fulfilling the prophecy and he made a plan to try and fight jadus's Army which is much larger and I just gotta take a beat because bro the music is popping the [ __ ] off right now foreign anyways meanwhile Susan and Lucy are about to make their way back when suddenly they hear a big noise behind them and when they turn around surprise surprise the Jesus lion comes back to life he explains that he came back because Jadis didn't realize that he couldn't be executed as a traitor on the magic table because he's pure of heart and innocent like he's not actually a traitor so the table broke and reversed his death okay sure that's kind of flimsy lore if you ask me but whatever Jesus is back I just want to say thank you so much not only to God but to Jesus so he takes Susan and Lucy with him and they go to jadus's Castle to rescue all the people that were turned into statues by Jadis including homeboy tumnus who's finally reunited with Lucy back at The Avengers endgame battle Peter and the narnians are getting their asses [ __ ] handed to him homies are losing bad Jadis is like out here [ __ ] kicking ass and doing some sick witch karate I mean they can't keep up she's on that real [ __ ] Edmund suddenly gets hit by some severe main character syndrome and he thinks he can 1v1 Jadis but um oh yeah that didn't work out for him but Peter sees this and he goes oh [ __ ] not today so he goes in and he takes Jadis 1v1 but again nah Jadis is on that witch ninja [ __ ] he can't compete he gives her a good run for her money but she ends up putting him on his ass rather quickly but right when she's about to kill him Aslan arrives and [ __ ] destroys Jadis right on the spot finally ending the war after a hundred years it is finished honestly it's a really good climax like the end of the second act kind of drags a little despite the movie being generally extremely well paced but the third act picks up so [ __ ] well I honestly love it it's exciting it's epic it's a much larger scale than the first Harry Potter movie and while all the plot is going on it also does a fantastic job at bringing all of the character arcs to a satisfying end so yeah Narnia is now saved and Peter Susan Edmund and Lucy are Crown kings and queens of Narnia something that I had completely forgotten though is that they don't actually go back to their world immediately they actually live an entire life in Narnia there's a Time Skip and we see them as adults years and years later still living in Narnia as kings and queens they wander around in the woods and they encounter a place that feels all too familiar they start walking through the trees everything becomes very narrow and as they push forward forward and push forward they fall out of the Wardrobe back in the spare room where they entered Narnia for the first time years prior except just like last time not a single second has gone by and they are back to being kids the professor comes in and has a complicit little exchange with them that kind of signals he knows where they were and then roll credits so quick question are they now adults in kids bodies because like they remember everything that happened in Narnia if they were there for like 15 years Peter would be like in his 30s now and he's just back to being a teenager isn't that weird like I would I wouldn't be okay with that I wouldn't be okay with that at all actually I would go right back to Narnia [ __ ] that I don't care so yeah that's how Narnia ends I'm honestly really happy that I love this movie just as much as I did as a kid it's really fun it's really effective it's cozy it's a perfect movie to watch over the holidays the characters are fun and cute to the music it's [ __ ] beautiful it just has a charm to it that's really unique so unique in fact that the sequels couldn't recapture that ugh the sequels maybe I'll revisit those next Christmas I just wish Narnia still had somewhat of a place in pop culture a few years ago Netflix announced they were rebooting Narnia as a big budget TV show which got me really excited but I think that project has been stuck in development hell for like five years or something so I doubt it's ever gonna happen but I do hope we get some new Narnia soon I like this world it's very rich and lore and there's a lot to explore even beyond the books there's so much there to create new stories that are just as cute as this one so I hope somebody does it justice one day thank you for revisiting this movie with me I know it's a bit of a different format for my videos but I thought it was fun let me know what your favorite holiday movies are what gets you into the spirit let me know if you enjoy Turkish delight so I know to never ever talk to you and let me know if you want me to revisit the sequels in future videos that could be fun I don't know you guys let me know ah okay I'm gonna go make some hot chocolate now bye unpopular opinion I like that Ted got back with Robin they were never good together they were like cute middle on when they're dating before they like really stop and think about the fact that like Robin doesn't want kids and that's all Ted wants there's literally two seasons worth of their story where the point of it is they don't work yeah it's literally just driving home to the audience to themselves that no matter how hard Ted tries they don't work Robin doesn't want it to work she's like no it's not you yeah to just have it be like actually that's maybe kind of what I wanted the whole time yeah George kids are teenagers yeah yeah but it's because they had a planned ending and they had shot those scenes years ago and then felt they had to stick to it but no they shot the ending in 2006 yeah yeah just no change it change it yeah it just didn't it didn't work and like the problem is that they had a plant ending that could have been good by the way but they could have but the issue is that by the time they got to that ending the identity of the show had complete greatly change yeah and in that they had they had managed to give us like season eight has an episode that is literally meant to wrap up the the Ted and Robin storyline with the perfect little bow yeah so that everybody feels comfortable with the fact that they didn't work she's gonna be with Barney and that actually makes sense and that actually makes sense yeah and then the entire final season takes place um during the wedding weekend the weekend of their wedding which was another choice to make like 20 episodes to place in three days it was rough but I still like yeah a lot of it but they make jokes of it too though like yeah they're like well there's a lot that happened this weekend strange a lot like yeah if they had pulled like a CW where like this season was like 15 episodes instead of the usual 20-ish I think it would have been much better yeah but um yeah so the entire last season is the wedding of uh Robin and Barney and then they get married and the finale starts and they're like actually they got divorced a year later yeah like off-screen instantly yeah because it's just like she's been traveling for work and he's traveling with her and then is like super unhappy and I'm like but no that would make sense Barney would love just getting to like bounce around and like sleep with his hot wife while she's doing work and stuff like none of it makes any sense like he was down that's frustrating yeah because like Ted's certainly not gonna be okay with her traveling around being a travel journalist yeah yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Friendly Space Ninja
Views: 379,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fZ1rfJ_toMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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