Wednesday: Reinventing A Classic

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[Music] scared myself [Music] so I just watched Wednesday Netflix's latest big skill adaptation of a classic franchise and I liked it I liked it quite a lot actually I know I sound surprised when I say this and it's because I am surprised I'm surprised because I personally did not care about this show at all I was not excited for it one bit and that's for two main reasons the first reason is simply that I was never a big fan of The Addams Family I never really cared for it I know it might be Blasphemous for a lot of people but I don't know it was never really my thing it's not that I hate The Addams Family I definitely don't I've seen a few iterations of it over the years and I fairly enjoyed most of it but like I said I just wasn't ever a fan of it so when a show about Wednesday was announced I wasn't particularly excited for it I didn't really care and I honestly forgot about it pretty quickly but the second reason why I wasn't excited for it has less to do with The Addams Family itself and more about who was behind behind the show and that is where we need to talk about the fall of Tim Burton I think it's pretty hard to argue the fact that Tim Burton is one of the most influential filmmakers of all time he's made some legendary films that very much impacted an entire generation I myself grew up obsessed with Edward Scissorhands Corpse Bride Beetlejuice and obviously his legendary incarnation of Batman I want you to tell all your friends about me what are you I'm Batman I was obsessed with his work I went through a period of time where I watched Sleepy Hollow on repeat for weeks on end and I could not get enough of it I have since rewatched the movie as an adult and I've accepted that Sleepy Hollow is not the Masterpiece I thought it was when I was a kid but it still has a place in my heart that will never be touched but the point is as a creative Tim Burton is a very unique figure who very much put his stamp on Cinema and inspired thousands upon thousands of filmmakers that followed him he's a legend and for good reason however as undeniable as the status of Legend is it is also undeniable that in the last 10 to 15 years Tim Burton has kinda lost his magic after Sweeney Todd came out in 2007 things kinda got rough with Tim Burton's films it's like they became a pale shadow of what they used to be and they just got so so bad like it's kind of insane his live-action Alice in Wonderland was absolutely awful I don't care what anybody says this movie sucks as you can argue with the wall Dark Shadows was a complete train wreck I never even finished Miss Peregrine's house for [ __ ] up kids or whatever it's called I was two-thirds into this movie and I just decided to quit I was bored out of my mind big guys was whatever it's forgettable at best so much so that I'm pretty sure most people don't even know he made this movie and the last film he directed was his 2019 adaptation of Dumbo which is probably the most soulless movie he's made today do you get the gist his work just hasn't been the same my friend broy de Chanel made a video about that very topic a couple weeks ago where she breaks down his career and analyzes where that decline started and how it has evolved over time I highly recommend you check it out that video is [ __ ] incredible and she explains things way better than I ever could I'll leave you a link to it in the description but all of that to say over the last decade I have unfortunately fallen out of love with Tim Burton's work so much so that whenever I hear he is attached to an upcoming project nowadays I am not excited about it one bit for long story short given all of these reasons you can imagine that Tim Burton making a show about Wednesday Adams is not something I would be looking forward to in a million years I didn't even like the trailers the Aesthetics look nice which you have to expect from Tim Burton he has a signature look that I adore but it didn't seem more exciting than that however the show came out and I decided to just watch the pilot to see how it turned out I wasn't really expecting much I was pretty positive that I wouldn't watch anything past the pilot but lo and behold the first episode genuinely surprised me I really really liked it in fact I liked it so much that I ended up watching the whole season that same day this show is easily the biggest surprise of the Year for me I could have never imagined liking it so much it's kind of crazy actually now again I'm not a huge fan of The Adams Family originally so I don't really know if this show is like Blasphemous to fans of previous iterations and they're gonna hate it because it's not what they grew up with I guess that's gonna be for you guys so let me know in the comments I'm actually very curious to know the point is keep in mind that I am approaching this show from the lands of somebody who doesn't know that much about The Addams Family I'm a total Noob so I'm very much taking this show as it is and I can't really compare it to what The Addams Family was in the past and as it is I gotta say this show is pretty good it's not a perfect fake show we're gonna talk about that in a minute but as far as I'm concerned Timmy Burton kind of redeemed himself in my eyes a little bit with this one but just a little bit let's not get crazy the show can be pretty basic in some aspects a couple of characters are kind of cringe others are a bit unnecessary but we'll get to all of that in due time okay let's break it down so Wednesday is the story of well Wednesday Adams I don't know if I really need to introduce the character she's iconic but long story short Wednesday is a bit odd and she's a bit of an outsider she's obsessed with the Macabre she barely feels any emotion and she scares people away quite easily the show starts when she gets expelled from her regular ass school after dropping a bunch of angry piranhas in a pool full of water polo jocks who bullied her little brother and trapped him in a locker fun times after this incident to Wednesday's parents Morticia and Gomez decide to send her to the school where they met decades ago Nevermore which is pretty much a bootleg Hogwarts for outcasts bizarre kids with supernatural abilities or conditions there are telepaths Sirens werewolves vampires and other cheeky people with different superpowers Wednesday herself has recently started to have strange Visions triggered by physical touch but she doesn't know what they are or how to control them Wednesday reluctantly has to go to the school and there she is assigned a roommate named Enid a young werewolf who has not had her first transformation yet Wednesday hates her along with everyone else because it's Wednesday and as she gets ready to execute her evil plan to cause trouble on purpose in order to get expelled as quickly as possible things take a Sinister turn when the brutal murder of a student becomes inexplicably tied to her and immediately I have to point out the best element event of this show by far and that is Wednesday herself Jenna Ortega just took this role and made it hers immediately she is [ __ ] unbelievable in this role there isn't a single scene where she's not at a hundred percent she carries the hell out of this show genuinely after a minute of seeing her on screen I was so on board even if the show had sucked I would have watched it just for her her line delivery is impeccable and it works perfectly with the amazing dialogue that's given to her her lines are so funny and Jenna portrays Wednesday's dry humor so well it's literally a perfect match I trust Enid has given you the old Nevermore welcome she's been smothering me with hospitality I hope to return the favor in her sleep that boy's family was going to file attempted murder charges how would that have looked on your record terrible everyone would know I failed to get the job done we have roof parties campouts the occasional midnight skinny dip and Yoko is an amateur mixologist she makes a killer virgin mojito can get pretty wild wow do you guys even have a bedtime aren't you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch there's even a DJ MC bloodsuckers I'd rather stick needles in my eyes I could probably do that anyway birthday yes happy never don't you like a day it's all about you every day is all about me this one just comes with cake in a bad song they nailed it sometimes her cold jokes are a bit overdone but never to the extent of it becoming annoying but overall it works so amazingly that I'm willing to let slide a couple of times where they missed the mark they really needed to get it right if Jenna Ortega had been bad in the role it wouldn't have worked and if Tim Burton and the writers have not given her the right dialogue it wouldn't have worked I don't use this word often but I have to give it to them the portrayal of Wednesday in this show both on an acting angle and on a riding angle is perfect it's impeccable and I don't think they could have done it better and honestly the entire pilot is kind of designed to show off how well they executed Wednesday it takes its sweet time to establish the status quo of the season and it really focuses on putting Wednesday in the front to convince you that they didn't half-ass it and you know what it really works the pilot is awesome I was so surprised at how much I liked it in fact it kind of filled a hole that had been there inside of me for a few years now because in just one episode I was hit with a thought that immediately made me smile Wednesday as a show is everything chilling Adventures of Sabrina should have been I would go even further and say that Wednesday is everything chilling Adventures of Sabrina was trying to be and fail the miserably at being because well Roberto aguir sakasa Wednesday is just yet another proof that TV shows by Roberto aguir sakasa could work and be great if he just wasn't involved in them because he's a terrible writer and an even worse showrunner just one episode of Wednesday hammered that point in and puts Sabrina in the rear view mirror anyways you get it despite all of my apprehension the pilot of Wednesday got me hooked instantly I wasn't on board with everything from the get-go though the show quickly falls into some minor cliches the character of Enid made me cringe a little I really didn't like the way they immediately set up what is meant to be an awkward love triangle with two of the least exciting love interests I've seen in a very long time which why is it that teen shows always want to put romantic storylines at the Forefront I'm sorry but it feels weirdly out of character for Wednesday it doesn't make sense in my head that they force that on her to fit a genre Trove like if there is one character that doesn't need a love interest it's Wednesday Adams let alone some love interest as boring as these two the generic white guy TM and this whiny little [ __ ] and his ponytail but overall I was pleasantly surprised with this pilot the main mystery of the show is introduced at the end of that first episode when Rowan a boy from Nevermore went to like an italic telekinesis telekinesis Jesus Rowan a boy from Nevermore with telekinesis Powers tries to kill Wednesday in the woods and she is saved at the very last second by a very goofy looking creature that attacks an absolutely bodies Rowan but before getting murdered by the creature Rowan reveals to Wednesday that his mother was a powerful psychic and that 25 years ago she had a vision of Wednesday destroying Nevermore and burning it down killing everyone in it girl in the picture that's you he wanted to kill me because of some picture my mother to that picture 25 years ago and she was a student at Nevermore so when Rowan saw Wednesday arrive at Nevermore he knew he had to kill her to save the school and its people after hearing that Wednesday changes her mind and decides to stay and Nevermore to get to the bottom of it I'm gonna be honest I kind of like that as a setup the mystery is solid there's a whodunit murder mystery aspect around the identity of the monster killing people in the woods there's a conspiracy aspect when somebody tries to cover up Rowan's murder in a way that feels a way too convenient for Nevermore and there's a history aspect when it comes to Wednesday and the strange prophecy that seems to have her doomed to destroy Nevermore and the strange ways it seems to be tied to a secret society inside of the school now yes many people have pointed it out the mystery of the show is not as intricate as they seem to think it is it is quite predictable I think I solved it early into episode 4 which is about halfway into the show because some aspects of it were a little too obvious but there were still enough layers built into it that despite it being predictable it was still fun and engaging and I really enjoyed following Wednesday as she investigates I like that the writers didn't make her hyper competent in a way where as a character she is unable to experience failure yes she is very competent she has an easy time out performing people at pretty much everything but she's not too perfect to the point where she just wins all the time especially when it comes to the mystery like they didn't pull a pretty little Liar's original sin where she just kind of guesses everything out of nowhere and for no reason and she just always happens to be right because it makes the mystery Bland and unengaging but no on the contrary they really write her mission in a way that feels balanced and it makes her investigation in infinitely more compelling because through the season most of the mystery evolves and is carried by the fact that Wednesday is wrong a lot which makes a lot of mistakes and wrong assumptions that put people in danger and there are real consequences to that but she's also selfish and she goes about investigating in a way that is directly tied to her character art it changes who she is as a person almost every decision she makes puts her in a position where she has to put herself into question especially the more she becomes aware of how her decisions affect the people around her you are unbelievable it's nothing personal no it never is with you is it I mean do you even care about anyone or anything at all Wednesday the show hints that while Wednesday is very confident in herself she's not always happy with the way she is there's notably one scene where she admits she wishes she cared a bit more about what people think of her because she's realizing that she's making friends but because Wednesday is Wednesday and she's morbid and almost completely devoid of any emotions she realizes that she has no idea how to be someone's friend and to some extent she doesn't even understand that she's getting attached to these people that's so foreign to her I'm not sure why you're becoming upset yeah that's kind of the problem call me crazy Wednesday but you keep giving me these signals it's not my fault I can't interpret your emotional Morse code and watching her sabotaging the relationship she's forming by repeatedly putting people in danger to get what she wants is surprisingly sad to watch I really like that her character and her investigation mutually affect each other as the story unfolds that's just solid writing you will use anyone to get what you want even if it means putting them in danger I've tried really hard to be your friend thought of your feelings told people I know she gives off serial killer Vibes but she's really just shy I never asked you to do that you didn't have to because that's what friends do anyways episode 2 has some serious Harry Potter Vibes not only with getting to know never more of it better but also with the PO cup competition that has moments that feel right out of the tri-wizard tournament I actually like Bianca as a short-term antagonist and a rival to Wednesday she's very much introduced as a cliche one-dimensional mean girl but I like that she doesn't stay that past the first couple of episodes by the end of the season she actually becomes a strong Ally to Wednesday even if they don't always see eye to eye she's also given her own storyline involving her mother and a cult that seems like it's gonna have a much larger role in season two and I'm very excited about that and honestly I just watched Bianca and Wednesday throw shots at each other all day what do we have here the runs of the litter for the record I don't believe I'm better than everyone else [Music] just that I'm better than you most of the other characters are fine like I said I wasn't a big fan of Enid as a character she felt a little bit too cartoony and her presence and scenes clashed with the tone of the show a little too much reacting from Emma Myers felt right out of a Disney Channel movie for eight-year-olds it was a little cringe and a little out of place Yoko come on flare those whiskers the pokeup droops for No One what is the Poke up anyway only my entire reason for living right now show some teeth nobody likes a desperate little furball so don't get out of my head that's nice Courtney well thanks for coming over but surprisingly she ended up growing on me a little and by the finale I was kind of attached to Enid her feeling like an outsider among the werewolves because she hasn't been able to transform on a full moon yet it was an interesting theme for her character there's also a whole thing when it comes to the relationship she has with her mother who's like kind of not proud that her daughter has not walked out yet and she actually became one of my first suspects because I thought it would have been interesting for Wednesday to find out that the only friend she's ever made is secretly the beast from the woods without knowing it I mean I would have taken that over a contrived love interest all in all there's some massive improvements to be made with that character but Enid is cute and I think she's actually important to the direction the writers are taking with Wednesday's Arc so I'm hoping she just gets better next season thing was one of my favorite parts of the entire show I absolutely love that he's Wednesday little sidekicky [ __ ] rocks I like how Sassy they made him they managed to make him funny and also really attaching like seriously I was surprised at how attached I got to thing it's kind of wild when you really think about it I mean come on there's a scene in episode 7 that has Uncle Fester attempt to revive thing after he's stabbed by a mysterious killer and that scene is really emotional like way more emotional than it has any right to be and I just I I wasn't expecting that oh come on [Music] like take a step back for a second this is literally a scene where a weird man uses his hands as defibrillator to revive a sentient severed hand that has been attacked it's so silly but the show does such a solid job at making you care about these characters that even if it is silly you still feel the stakes in that sequence and it works thing if you can hear me if you die I will kill you also Uncle Fester was pretty alright I liked him he made me chuckle a couple times I didn't care for Tyler at all he's such a boring character and an even more boring love interest and the choice with him was so obvious and also a bit strange towards the end I don't know I don't care about him whatever Xavier was impossibly annoying to me he's not the worst character ever like I don't hate him or anything but damn if he's here to stay fix him a little bit next season being whiny shouldn't be the only character trait he gets to have he obviously wasn't going to be the Creature from the woods the show tries way too hard to convince you it's him with the most egregiously obvious misdirects being thrown at him I do wish the show had found a more creative use of his powers though because it's pretty unique he can bring his drawings to life and that could make for some intricately well thought out moments especially in fight sequences but yeah they never really do anything with that I was surprised about how little of The Adams Family we get to see in this show I mean that said the writers of the show have promised there will be more of them in season two that's good enough for me I like them a lot Catherine Zeta Jones is surprisingly fun as Morticia and I like that the Show puts a real emphasis on Wednesday's complicated relationship with her mother I also like Wednesday's little brother he was cute Pugsley you're soft and weak you'll never survive without me I give you two months tops set it and forget it from what I've seen around though it seems like a lot of people were not big fans of this version of Gomez though a lot of people seem to dislike him because they wanted him to be more conventionally attractive and like okay whatever that sounds like a you problem but I don't know guys I because we still have all his fingers relax I haven't snapped any of his digits yet the show does start losing its base a little bit in the middle in episode 5 and the first half of episode 6 and admittedly the entire flashback storyline with Gomez and Morticia is kind of the reason for that they completely overtake the show for an entire episode to give us a storyline that is completely unnecessary I mean finding out that Morticia killed her stalker as a teenager and Gomez took the fall to protect her was just oh okay why it doesn't ruin the show or anything but I just don't understand why they put that there it was not needed and it took a lot of time and it didn't bring anything to the characters so yeah I don't know man Gwendolyn Christy as the headmistress was a bit to one note but I really liked her in the role because she looks like she's having so much fun that said I did enjoy the moral dilemma of that character who is ready to do anything to protect the school even if it means letting people die or covering up murders like for most of the Season you can't really tell which side she's on or what she's involved in but in the end she's not really a villain but also definitely not a hero I'm not sure if the reveal that she's jealous of Morticia because she used to be in love with Gomez as a teenager does much for her as a character but okay I guess the end of her story is weirdly tragic for her I actually kind of felt bad when she died partly because she finally got the confirmation that Wednesday was right this whole time and she should have listened but also because I I don't want Gwendoline Christie to leave the show she's an nice presence to have I'd like to keep her please and obviously I really like Mrs Thornhill as well it's really fun that they got Christina Ricci to play her main character in this yes it was blatantly obvious that she was going to be the twist villain of the story they clearly weren't going to put Christina Ricci in the show just as a cheeky Legacy casting choice but even if you smell it from a mile away there's something really endearing and fun about watching the old Wednesday Addams going Toe to Toe with the new one it's like a really sweet passing of the torch type thing and a great way to bring two generations together on screen it's honestly awesome I love that they did that overall the characters are fine I feel like there's some solid groundwork put on most of them and honestly Jenna Ortega in the lead role as Wednesday is just incredible and let's never forget that she gave us what will probably go down as one of the most iconic dance sequences is in television history [Music] [Music] I don't even like dance sequences but this one got my heart however I do have to talk about the part of the show that I didn't really like and that part is the ending the final episode of Wednesday is where the show really started to lose me narratively I didn't hate it but it also didn't sit with me too well it got a little too silly for me in some parts and there is some really convenient lore that kind of comes out of nowhere to tie up loose ends and solve problems that make it seem like the Riders kind of back themselves into a corner when it comes to certain plot points I'll explain what I mean but first let's go back a bit in episode 6 we find out the person behind all of the murders is the last daughter of the gates family now the gates family are descendants of Joseph crackstone A colonizer and the founder of Jericho the town where Nevermore is he was a horrible man who despised supernatural beings commonly referred to as outcasts and back in the 1600s he was in an all-out war with them over land he eventually claimed to his followers that a younger girl named goodie was a witch and he had them lock her into a [ __ ] with her entire people to burn them and we find out early on in the show that goody the young girl Joseph crackstone was at war with is Wednesday's ancestor and also her doppelganger I don't know what that's about though I'm pretty sure that's never explained it's long story short Joseph's values and hatred and bigotry were passed down from generation to generation leading down to the gates the gates family was trying to destroy Nevermore and everyone in it until their Elder son was killed by Morticia decades prior leading the rest of the family to go crazy and die by suicides and murders so a few years later the gates family and therefore Joseph crackstone's lineage was believed to be extinct but the big twist is that the youngest daughter Laurel Gates who was believed to have drowned and as a child had actually faked her death and changed her identity swearing to get revenge on Nevermore in the name of her family and in the finale Laurel is finally revealed to be none other than Miss Thornhill Miss Thornhill is the one who has been controlling the hide the ugly creature that spends the whole show murdering people we find out that Tyler Wednesday's incredibly underwhelming love interest was the creature this whole time and he saved Wednesday from Rowan in episode 1 because of Miss Thornhill needed her alive faking your death securing a job at Nevermore unlocking a hide typically I have great admiration for well-executed prevention plots but yours was a bit extreme even for my high standards all right up to now I'm okay with everything that's going on but this is where it gets really dumb now through the season Wednesday is often visited by her ancestor goody she gives her vague directions to to help her figure things out and we learn a bit of history about the show through visions and flashbacks we notably learned that goody ended up killing Joseph crackstone before he could eradicate outcasts and so in the finale it's revealed that this entire time Miss Thornhill has been using the creature to murder people and collect their body parts in order to revive her ancestor Joseph her plan is to have him return and exterminate the outcasts once and for all but to revive him she needs Wednesday's blood because goody Adams killed Joseph crackstone back in the 1600s and see his soul inside of his sarcophagus and she locked it with some kind of blood magic which means it can only be undone by one of her living descendants yeah I know it's convoluted but bear with me so thornhill's plan is to use Wednesday's blood to revive Joseph crackstone and unleash him and the Beast on Nevermore to exterminate the outcasts in Jericho okay so first question how does Joseph crackstone have super powers now when he comes back to life in the finale Joseph crackstone is no longer a muggle who wants to destroy the wizard now he has a magic staff that can pretty much do anything he wants like guys basically Gandalf he can send [ __ ] evil force fields he can just blow up a building if he feels like it he has telekinesis but like how I'm pretty sure that back in the 1600s Joseph was like just a dude didn't have super powers so where is that coming from also somebody is gonna have to explain this guy's values to me because Gandalf over here hates magic he thinks it's evil it's like the spawn of Satan in his mind or whatever so tell me how when he woke up he didn't immediately kill Miss Thornhill even if she is his descendant he should have killed her for using dark magic to revive him that's literally everything he stands against listen Joseph I'm gonna need you to be a bit more consistent oh and also the one thing that really rubbed me the wrong way a very weak riding Cop Out is when Joseph comes back to life see the first thing he does when he returns to the living world is stab Wednesday and she falls to the ground she's bleeding out on the floor and dying me [Music] like that's a pretty big deal that's that's a big thing to do you know what I mean and I'm gonna be honest I was kind of surprised by that I was like Wow ballsy move I wonder how she's gonna get out of that one and uh yeah I got my answer pretty quickly and it's not it's not a good answer cause then out of nowhere her ancestor goody shows up and she's like yo [ __ ] I kind of need you to go kill crack Stone like now listen crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart it's the only way he will be vanquished now and forever is your spectral vision impaired I'm dying so yeah Wednesday explains that uh yeah she's dying she can't really move to go do that and then in the most coincidental kapow goody explains in like three seconds that the necklace Wednesday wears around her neck is not just made to help her with visions it's also a quote powerful Talisman made to conjure spirits and she says that thanks to the necklace she can pass through Wednesday and heal her from dying oh well that's convenient listen there's a lot of [ __ ] that I can kind of let slide with this show but I have to say that last minute lore that comes out of nowhere and that just happens to solve the very specific unsolvable problem we're facing is one of my biggest narrative pet peeves it's so lazy and for a show that puts so much effort into setting things up in very detailed ways that particularly stood out to me and obviously that's what happens Wednesday is just healed out of nowhere in three seconds and she goes back to the school to fight Voldemort or whatever and it's I don't know man I just don't like how that finale plays out there are some elements that I liked Enid finally turning into a werewolf for the first time and fighting the beast in the woods is pretty sweet for her Arc and it made her character matter more to the plot which was nice the fight itself was kind of dumb both of the creatures look really bad mostly the hide though I honestly have no clue what that design Choice was it looks right out of the live-action Scooby-Doo movies but at least it did a lot for the character Arc so I'll give it that Wednesday fights crack Stone their do goal is short but actually fun and then she manages to kill him with the help of Bianca then miss Thornhill comes back and tries to shoot Wednesday with a gun but she stopped by the kid with the bees oh yeah um there's a kid with bees I don't care about him though whatever Wednesday finally accepting Enid as her friend was also pretty sweet and a really good conclusion for her character Arc this season like some stuff works I definitely don't want to make it sound like the finale was garbage it wasn't it just had a lot of narrative choices that felt cheap and that felt like cop-outs but a lot of it was actually impactful and after the resolution we are left with a pretty effective Cliffhanger when Wednesday is offered her first phone and she receives an anonymous text from someone who has been taking pictures of her and she is told that she's being watched and by the end Tyler is in captivity but it looks like he's escaping and we don't know what happens to miss Thornhill so she's probably gonna be back for season two overall for a show that flows so well throughout its entire build up I found the finale of Wednesday to be needlessly convoluted and mess see the show is usually really good at introducing you to things but the final episode is full of very lazy Exposition because they have to throw way too much information at you so you can follow what's going on plot wise it's just kind of lost me there but the character arcs are still well handled in the end and the finale does a pretty solid job at setting up a season two but yeah despite my gripes with the ending I think Wednesday is really fun it's obviously not perfect but in my humble opinion this show is a successful experiment I think it's a great way to reinvent a classic The Addams Family as legendary as it is is very much a product of its time yes it's had several incarnations throughout the decades but having a take on it that is so modernized could have been a literal disaster and I think they actually made it work pretty [ __ ] well I could use a bit less references to tick tock in season two but I think this show does a great job at bringing this iconic franchise into the modern world again I don't really know how this show will land with Die Hard fans of The Adams Family I have no concept of that I'm guessing it's gonna be a bit divisive but honestly I think Wednesday is the show that made me a fan like I genuinely super excited for season two to come out and it kind of made me want to revisit the older Adams family stuff so I don't know I'm just one guy but I'd like to think that if I had this experience it was probably the case for a lot of other people so it has to count for something right if you're watching this and you're a big fan of The Addams Family uh please let me know your thoughts in the comments did you like the show did it land for you why or why not like what worked for you and what didn't I'm very curious and I think it's going to be fascinating for me to go through your opinions for me though Wednesday was a super entertaining mystery with some bumps in the road and I already cannot wait to go back to nevermind also this show made me realize that Roberto aguiro sakasa is just a wannabe Tim Burton and he's really bad at it unpopular opinion The Big Bang Theory is actually fun to watch and they fixed a lot of their issues in the last seasons I [ __ ] hate this show every time I come home and like supper's ready and I just see my girlfriend on the iPad watching Big Bang and I'm like [ __ ] this again it's that kind of night is it I mean bless you if you've gotten to the later Seasons a great quit watching it my parents watched through the whole thing yeah I think I watched till season nine I think Which is far longer than I wouldn't be willing to yeah I got like early on got like the DVDs and like really enjoyed it when it first was coming out yeah well I think to be fair like uh I think the first three to four seasons is like Comfort TV for a lot of people yeah yeah and then you notice like you know you know some of the issues in the moment but I think I had like a huge realization was all like you know what they always complain about people being like rude and bullying them and treating them backs their nerves but like no one treats them worse and they treat each other yeah yeah and then I hated that they gave me like Howard a girlfriend and I'm like he's This creepy little weirdo and he gets his girlfriend she's so dope nice and like he keeps pulling [ __ ] like their whole marriage so then she has to seem like the nagging one with her like yeah and boys I'm sorry like Leonard's not always that nice or Leonard's actually kind of mean he's kind of mean he's not the meanest of all of them but no but it gets worse it does get worse as time goes and then like it like even like Sheldon stops being like weird and because he's just because he's dealing like he's autistic coded and he stops being just that he he behaves that way because he doesn't get social things because we're just gonna let him be mean yeah it's just like it's Justified because it's just Sheldon Sheldon bazinga [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Friendly Space Ninja
Views: 581,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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