The Chris Watts Case - American Murder on Netflix

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have you guys heard of the watts family homicides I know of the name it's a guy that the guy at the serial killer in this is called Chris watts and he's from Colorado yeah and it's [ __ ] horrific it happened a half and last year it happened in August last year hear me out here yeah right so Bundy yeah terrific piece of scum yep you can never ever even begin to justify why did those things yes when you when a murderer goes round rapes women kills them we're not I'm not saying I can understand it right but there's a motive there yeah so he's getting sexual gratification you just leave him with women that he's clearly attracted to yeah then it's probably power play that he then kills them yeah he famously in his I think is on his last day or some [ __ ] set he blamed it all on pornography of other things yeah warp in his mind I mean he did also sleep with them once they were dead which doesn't often happen in play and cut one of the heads off with a hacksaw at work yeah so that's that's it but what I mean there is although we can't ever justify an or do we want to there's a motive there yeah yeah and as far as I know with this one I've looked into a few different things that doesn't really seem to be any any reasoning for this it's the most bizarre thing so there's a guy called Chris what's yeah and I'll just read you what it says on Wikipedia and feel free to jump in and ask questions the Watts family homicides occurred on the early morning of August the 13th 2018 in Frederick Colorado while being interviewed by police Christopher Lee Watts admitted to killing his pregnant wife Shannon in their home and then smothering their daughters Bella and Celeste at his job site shortly afterwards he then disposed of his daughters bodies in oil tanks and buried his wife in a shallow grave at the job site in which he worked at watts pleaded guilty on November the 6th to multiple counts of first-degree murder he was sentenced to five life sentences without the possibility of parole three to be concerned to be served consecutively and two to be served concurrently this guy right as I could get from YouTube from YouTube clips and stuff the reason why he made [ __ ] national news apart from the fact that he killed his [ __ ] family is because he seemingly lived the perfect life and police come to his house and you can watch this on youtube as fascinating a police officer wore a GoPro and Chris Wow I've seen that took isn't it yeah our footage took him around the house and the band was like yeah it's like gone go right he's like yeah my wife's gone my kids he doesn't let him in the house for like a minute and a half and [ __ ] it's really weird one of the neighbors basically reported Shannon missing because Shannon was meant that Shannon was professional she worked selling some product and I think she worked with the neighbor or the neighbor was quite close friends woman then the neighbor didn't receive any replies she didn't turn out to a business meeting which was one she was looking forward to for a long time so he's they've called the place please to come around wearing a GoPro Chris takes him in the house he's a good-looking lack of chap this guy like she was a good-looking they'd seemingly had the perfect family lovely how lovely she feels very lovely yeah apparently they went bankrupt in 2015 but since then it's been on a massive rebuild have really been smashing it to little kids two little girls and the wife was pregnant and they're about to have a boy and the police have come round with this body camera and you need to see the footage if you haven't seen it because Chris is taken around the house they find the wife's bag on the table in the kitchen with the person and and her car keys and everything it's like already that's why is she not got that yeah then they found our mobile and then they found her wedding ring so it's like what the [ __ ] is going on here it turns out that apparently Chris Watts had a had an affair going on how would you call it when you have a woman a mistress okay yeah yeah something like that but what what was mad have you seen when the police watched the security tape yeah the neighbor comes round even the neighbor picks up on it while the police is there and so Chris what's the way in which he disposed of the bodies as I just said he got the one he got the Shannon wrapped her in a carpet put her in the back of his van took her in the middle of the night I think was about 4 or 5 p.m. actually so it's more than morning a.m. yeah took took her to the the work to where he work yeah and and dispose of the bodies he's showing the police around his house go near no idea there's there's parts where he's even just just texting well the police are like we're trying to find your [ __ ] wife what about the sergeant because because you go into the neighborhood with the security just before that when he's sharing around the house and the police officer fakes dialing in it's sort of like as if to get back up but it's just pretending and that crisco I sort of like he'slooking his phone he's good yeah straight at the plate and it's all on the cameras yeah just looked up and shot yeah the guy to do that because straight away was a suspect because because the police officer obviously they're they're trained in body language and all the rest of and he said straight away or not straight away but very quickly it was clear this guy as a suspect because of just how he was acting and even the neighbors like you again onto with the security footage they watched the security footage because the neighbor had CCTV didn't they and then then Chris went out and he's like the police officer I just needs to beat your neighbor for a minute and the neighbor straightaway was like he is acting [ __ ] weird yeah the neighbor said that for a while now chris has been acting weird but he comes around goes Chris doesn't think that there's any footage right because yeah he he had a security camera on his porch which wasn't in use conveniently yeah he's the neighbor the neighbours camera can can't see really interred and Chris's garden because there's a hedge separate in there but that hedged ends just at a certain part where you can see through into the garden yeah so the so the cat the neighbor comes round during the investigation it's all on this police camera goes I've got some some footage of last night trying to come see it you can see Chris is like okay sure I'll come watch he must be [ __ ] himself yes obviously and they whole demeanor awful that they stand there it's the police officer watching this day it's the neighbor watching the tape and Chris is stood right next to the screen now instantly it's red flags all over the place because during that it's a it's quite a long clip if nothing happening on this thing he's watching it in real time and Chris is like just text then and it's like if you're really looking for your [ __ ] wife yeah why are you on your phone texting and then you see Chris it's grainy footage but you see Chris putting something in the back of a van and then driving away a like half 4:00 in the morning and I could be wrong on this so don't quote me on it but I think Chris had already told the police that he was in during them times yeah so it's like it's at you and he's like oh yeah I must have like oh I've got I've got a bit fuzzy like that but you can see that the colour leave his face when I was [ __ ] when you can see him loading up the truck you can see Chris sort just stood there like that and and another thing which makes the which sort of thickens the plot was the next day he come out in the news report so is this all I've seen as the CCTs or the the police body cam that's all I know from this case right is the policeman going round is that the next day anyway or is that been a couple of days so she's gone in the morning he's killed her in the early hours of the morning taking her he's done a day's work he started early he took killed her dummy that went to work but it was already there yeah already there I come back and in the afternoon like three four something like that the police have come round okay then it's all unfolded where are the girls cuz you said that he said that they he smothered them at the work site as well so what he just asked them to get out their bedrooms wasn't know most of them what it was yeah when when he so he killed Shannon I think he suffocated her in the house yeah in the house again this is what I mean about I cut I may be getting these things wrong I'm pretty sure he sucked he suffocated them right then the mums in the what one rooms killed her then he's gone through to the daughter's rooms they share and and they yeah yeah so one saw the other one get get killed right and then I think it's the smallest the youngest girl see see she said is that now gonna happen to me and that's what he said in court what he said and I don't think it says whether he replied or not but then he killed her but yeah so so that's how and he's straight he's driven to work he's put them to put channel in a shallow grave and she was pregnant as well so I think that's why it was five counts or something but then then he's dumped the two bodies in oil tank with with one of the girls the bigger one her head was a bit too big to fit in the hull so he's had to squish it Oh [ __ ] hell and it's like is this is a guy this is a guy that right up until that point was a devote were not devoted husband but they're devoted family man there's text messages from Shannon and Facebook updates that she's per on the week before her death on Facebook about crispy and her rock about Chris late-- how much of a great daddy is about how she's been away and he's been looking after the children he hasn't done anything in that time like and apparently this all come down because when Shannon got Shannon's just been on a work trip she comes back he tells her I've been having an affair or she captures him which was probably the most likely outcome there and then and then he didn't know what to do she said she was going to leave him so he should kill all of them in there's a few more things to this story the next day he goes on national news and and basically a so gone girl because he basically says he wants his wife back like don't know where she's gone and they say how old are your daughters and he says I can't forgive me I don't know the ages are here he says Bella was four and Cece was three was what are you doing and and they I think the reporter and that cat like cats but he keeps going yeah because like Bella was gonna start kindergarten in the police room he's being interviewed the police officers leave and Chris's dad comes in mmm delicious dad seems like a normal American bloke large lad sits there and and Chris is all distraught because at the moment we need to talk it imported the question and he he's a suspect for sure but he doesn't know that he thinks he obviously knows he's been take him for questioning but he doesn't know to what extent yeah this is gone so he's cut he's constantly denying the whole thing and the dad comes in and I think the dad's clocked on a bit quicker than Chris has and the dads like asking him what's happened what's happened but just tell me that we'll sort this we'll sort this and then and then I think something along the lines of Chris basically inadvertently admits that he's killed Shannon to the dad and then the dad kind of get you'll have to watch it yourself guys but that kind of goes that looks at the cameras as if you say there's cameras in here Chris like what you tell are what are you telling me right now mate like that and then Chris realizes because he's goes oh yeah dad I killed or whatever he kind of gives him some kind of like look or nudge as if to say think about what you say him right now mate and then he goes why okay why did you kill her why did you kill him and then Chris goes I caught I caught caught a smother in one of my daughters so I killed her or she killed the to both the daughter so I killed her but it's so so we're they're so [ __ ] just yeah just quickly what I think will be helpful is will link the the videos yeah you know that the police footage the you know in in the description for the YouTube down below yeah and then in the in the in the court videos once he's cuz he later on goes to plead guilty to all the murders yeah and that's why we know all the little details of what the girl said when they're in their bed because he's come out and said it when she got sentenced to five life sentences he's kind of like he just says everything yeah he's he shows no emotion either which is mad because he doesn't seem like your typical serial killer psychopath because he was a good dad up until that point so it's like how do you possess the the abilities in his mind like not only to be able to Smurf for him and then when he got to the point of trying to put her in the oil tank like he's having to squeeze his daughter yes it's not just a random body it's it's horrible because I could well I think everyone here and everyone listens this couldn't even do it to a random body that was already killed then you add the element of [ __ ] being relate yes Matt but in the court in the court case once you get sentenced the families of both Shannon and Chris are allowed to give some some words to it yeah and talk and Shannon's dad is there a very Christian family so so they're like they say look I can't remember what they say but is it's very it [ __ ] breaks your heart to say it because they kind of like saying will never forgive you but we we we don't hate you kind of thing and it's like horrible how can you be that sort of reasonable yeah I mean it doesn't make sense but what question I want to ask is because Chris is dad he's back in the courtroom the mum's back in the courtroom they're like we never raised him like this but but but they go but you always have our love and you'll always have our support and stuff like that and it's like that's it give me a bad feelin because it's like he's literally killed his entire family so what I wanted to know is where do you think you'd stand if your sister or your brother or your mom or your dad did something like this obviously you'd have to disown them obviously but do you think you would visit them do you think you'd ever be able to speak to them again they're behind bars for the rest of their life you'll never go in and be able to do you know what I would go and visit them and I tell you exactly why and I think it's the whole reason that we sat here is that when when you're talking about this Chris guy and stuff and it's like why on earth did he do it you know there's a fascination there and just said like him just that question one earth did he did it if my sister murdered her whole family I would be destroyed I think there's a key element here as well which is why I'm surprised what the grandparent said obviously is their son but he murdered their grandchildren yeah you know just as awful as it would be for for your your sister to murder a boyfriend there's no blood connection there no obviously with the ground she would NASA whole nother dynamic but and a hot another element but with yeah the reason I would go visit them is because I would like to think over time I'd want to understand why they did it and I feel like if you have that connection that the sibling connection maybe you're the one that could get out of them that's the only reason off the top of my head if because it obviously in this case would be my sister murdering my the rest of yeah yeah I just don't think I'd be able to answer it I can't think of her like in my mind I just couldn't even imagine it happening but even if it did I'd be a bit like it's all well and good finding out why but what does that achieve in the long run other than pure interest no why it's your mind exactly but they go on it up but like think from the grandparents point of view they've lost their grandkids but I've also technically lost their son yeah like that's of course he's essentially killed himself off to them if they're to someone in this case if they're saying they'll always have their support which is weird weird thing to support do you do you think there's any case for the fact that obviously he if we if for a second we remove all the murders and all the horrible [ __ ] here right cheating is bad enough yeah he's cheated on his wife she's pregnant like he's obviously quite kunti yeah yeah I think I think that's if he and no matter what he thought of his wife at the time he's probably got a different kind of love for his daughters yeah yeah do you think the moment that he found out the game's up like she's known you've tricked your cheat your tea and in a court of law you're cheating you're breaking the bond right yeah do you think he and again this is such a hard podcast to tackle right but yeah so I'm not trying to justify I'm trying to get in the mindset they never came back honest no I do you think he couldn't bear losing his daughters so but then he would have killed himself wouldn't yes yeah it's [ __ ] if there's no there's no he's not all there for to begin with in my opinion he can't because you can't jump you can't jump from my wife found out I've been cheating so I'm gonna murder my whole family yeah that's just [ __ ] there's no there's no there's something underlying there and just taking it back to to Ted Bundy for a second he had a family so that there's clue I obviously a lot of people you think of serial killer you think of a monster you think like they can't be normal Ted Bundy had that as hair quote normal element to him so but so perhaps this guy for all we know he could have killed other people and it's just never been been found and he just had a breaking point and just [ __ ] murdered his whole family that's true you know that's true but then yeah yeah I get like that with with Bundy what why didn't he kill his wife exactly exactly have you seen the new Zac Efron yeah yeah but they even show obviously it's a film so you don't know if you know cuz obviously they jazz things happen all the rest of it but there's moments spoilers where you can see Ted when he's having sex with his wife has those moments where he's clearly tempted yeah there was a scene go into that there was a scene in the bundy film site called uh genuine I think it might be called Bundy or Ted because that was the whole thing that his name was constant in the papers for it yeah but in that film I remember a scene so vividly which is weird cuz I watched it fairly young because I was brought up on horror films with my brother and sister loved him where he's sleeping with her or he's about to when he asks her to play dead look as part of it so whether that's a true thing or not but like it was obviously in his mind but yeah it looked like it was just pure love for her that stopped her from ever doing it yeah even in that like when she goes to visit him she says did you ever consider doing it to my daughter yes he was always never yes and there was something in his mind that just flipped constantly but it was one person for a while yeah and that's that's that's my point like that clearly these people is [ __ ] in the head as they clearly are they can still either have that normality for a while at least with this Chris guy or they're just they just become extremely good at hiding in plain sight and it's more of a cover mmm you know I think it's two really weird people to kind of compare because what he's done is just I get bundi did a lot worse in if you can if you can't even compare that but I'm just finally always like yeah but they're all just as bad yeah yeah without comparing Butler Bundy went for specifically people he had no connection to all he felt nothing for that medicine other than obviously a sexual desire and the monster in him to want to kill but he's gone out of his way for whatever reason to kill his family and it's obviously to protect himself in the long run which is [ __ ] obviously but if it was if it was over the cheating then he's done it look as you said like if if he fought my whole [ __ ] family because you've Cheers you've changed your P's you [ __ ] get it all you've been caught out all your food admitted it you don't kill your family that they just don't add up to me it might have been stupidity like in his mind it might clicked as you said like he's cheated he knows going to court in America he's probably gonna go I've lost my kids now anyway if I can't have a have him neither can she but then you gotta be a warped [ __ ] well he clearly is yeah without a doubt but you know this guy's not normal what if he accidentally killed one of the kids the wife seen it yeah he knows he's far has he admitted to the exact situation that happened but he said what surely the coroner's report whoever is the autopsy yeah same thing you know at that point why do you want me to so it's to tell you the the plea deal and the sentence yes yeah go Chris what's pleaded guilty to the murders on November the eighth the death penalty was not put forward by the district attorney on the request of Shannon's family who did not wish for any further deaths Wow so it was her foul yeah they were supportive of the decision to accept the plea deal on November the nineteen what Watts was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole you
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 845,677
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Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, CHRIS WATTS, chris watts homocide, chris watts murder case, chris watts, chris watts podcast, happy hour chris watts, happy hour murderer, true crime, crime investigation, casefile, american murder, chris watts netflix, happy hour murder, happy hour true crime, chris watts doc, chris watts footage, american murder netflix, american murder the family next door
Id: uO2_yXT_AKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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