The Cheapest Isobutane Stove on Amazon Tested! AOTU Stove VS Jetboil and Olicamp

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hi guys welcome back to the sideburn hunter my isobutane test video has done so well I decided to make another test today we're testing the cheapest isobutane camping stove available on Amazon when I purchased this it cost $9.97 today it's up to 10 dollars and 99 cents how does it compare to other isobutane stoves today we're gonna take it look at this new stove we're also gonna compare it to my Ola camp electron stove and to the Jetboil flash my first impression of this stove when I pulled it out of the box was its small and its light I was amazed I thought I'd be a much bigger unit for as cheap as it is taking a look at it you can tell that the build quality isn't amazing some of the arms you can still see flashing around them where they stamped them they're just cheap stamped steel parts I think my olih camp is something like titanium or stainless steel so I mean that's a knock on it let me open it up here once it's all opened up I mean it opens up okay and you get the arms will go reasonably even you can tell they're not they're not perfectly symmetrical and then these little standoffs they're not sitting down all at the same height and then this another thing I noticed is the diameter of these arms is very small compared to these other stoves my old camp sits out nice and wide this one's very narrow and obviously the Jetboil is more of a system and so that that's not so much of a concern I like that it does have a piezoelectric igniters so you don't have to worry about bringing your own lighter with you but as we look at these when they pack down you can see this is a very small stove compared to my old camp the old camp is a very small stove but this AO 2 packs down a lot smaller let's get a weight on these and see how this one compares the ao2 weighs 94 grams - Ola camp electron weighs 108 grams and just the stove portion of the Jetboil flash weighs a whopping 143 grams so the AO - did have a 14 gram weight benefit over the Ola camp and obviously the Jetboil is a lot heavier system so if you're taking these into the backcountry I consider going a different route other than the Jetboil as far as price is concerned 1099 for the AO - my Ola camp electron is worth $39.95 and the Jetboil flash can be had for right about 100 dollars but let's put some fuel in these and put them to the test I have three brand new bottles of Coleman stove fuel if you wonder why I chose the Coleman check out my other video on testing isobutane fuel canisters Coleman is readily available and works just as good at least at room temperature I have three bottles of water that have been sitting in my basement during the temperature controlled environment and they're at 70 degrees Fahrenheit I'm going to put a thermocouple under my pot and check the highest temperature that we get out of each of these stoves then we're gonna see how long it takes for a pot of water to reach a boil I'm going to consider 200 degrees Fahrenheit to be boiling at this altitude let's see how these do the ao2 stove reached a maximum temperature of eleven hundred and sixty degrees Fahrenheit boiling the water in 132 seconds the Jetboil flash reached a maximum temperature of one thousand ninety three degrees Fahrenheit much cooler than they owe to however it did beat the ao2 by two seconds boiling the water in one hundred and thirty seconds the Ola camp electron reached a maximum temperature of eleven hundred and nineteen degrees Fahrenheit boiling the water in a disappointing 157 seconds the flame did detach from the burner on the o2 however it did have good controllability and had the best simmer out of all of the stoves it also has a very high temperature the Jetboil flash the flame remained attached to the burner even at high settings however the controllability was very poor there's practically no simmer I guess they didn't come up with the term jet oil for nothing it certainly did have the fastest boil checking the flame controllability at the Ola camp electron the flame did detach from the burner at high temperature settings however did have an okay simmer so how did the cheapest stove on Amazon rate you know I think this is a pretty decent buy it's very small and compact that's part of the downsides of this stove is it the stability is not there obviously there's some quality that has to be sacrificed to make a stove at that price point but overall if you're willing to run a small pot it'd be hard to beat a $10 stove like this the flame controllability was quite good it blew the Jetboil out of the water and was comparable to the Ola camp electron the flame was very hot on this ao2 and it resulted in a fast boil he really couldn't beat this if you're willing to go super light and super small the most expensive stove on this test the Jetboil flash certainly lived up to its name it was the fastest boil at a hundred and thirty seconds just over two minutes not bad however don't plan on simmering any foods with this stove this is for boil only during the test I also noticed that the cosy is a liability I roasted my brother's a new one is already on the way what about the Ola camp stove well this has been my personal stove and I still like it out of all of the ones I tested I found this one to be the most versatile yes it had a slightly slower boil but it's very light compared to the Jetboil and you have good flame controllability so if you want a good all-around her I'd go with the Ola camp during this test I did experience some canister compatibility issues where this one wouldn't seat enough to allow gas to flow so I had to try a couple different canisters that's the first time I've had any issues with this stove but it's something to note when dealing with the Coleman I attached it to an MSR bottle and had no problems so what's my final answer the o2 is a good stove especially at the price point keep a small pot on it and it's a great Buy I like the Jetboil if you only need to boil some water and the Ola camp certainly is a versatile pick thank you for watching the side burn hunter if you liked this video hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't please check out my website at the side burn hunter com until next time you've been watching the sideburn hunter
Channel: The Sideburn Hunter
Views: 4,992
Rating: 4.8979592 out of 5
Keywords: isobutane, AOTU, Olicamp, Jetboil, Stove, backpack, backpacking, fuel, msr, electron, flash, hunting, hunt, propane, amazon
Id: sd49UesmyIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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