AOTU Camping Stove Buy or Not?

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hello my people should you buy this 20 backpacking camp stove the short answer is yes but let me give you some reasons before you buy it the first thing i want to comment on the value of this stove let's open it up it is a stove and it's beautiful in its value and its construction valued at twenty dollars it's less than half of its competitors and even less than other more expensive competitors the other thing that you will find is built with quality i've had this one for the last four years no problems of course you'll get some burning on the on the holders that hold your pots your pans for backpacking flame comes out very strong construction no issues there i am gentle with my items though but i'm sure if you were a little rough with this this would still hold up now the weight non-existent perfect it's not very heavy ounces and the carrying container it's three inches three inches inch three by one inch will fit perfectly into your backpack now this could be for a multi-day multi-day track or just a day hike and you just want some coffee at the lake wonderful and the time that i have been using this product it's been a total of six years uh two years into it i broke one but that was my fault that's not this thing but completely my fault so i had to buy another one because it was such a great value and had this one for four years other thing i would say that you want to buy this for is ease of use now it is very easy easy to use but please if you find this video helpful please comment like and subscribe to my channel and use the link in the comments so that way you can use my link to purchase this item that will support the channel and i would appreciate it but the ease of use you put your gas canister on when i'll show you this how to do it showing up a very easy to use user friendly high quality build you should definitely buy this camp stove now let's see how it performs with the isobutane and that's very important please use the isobute butane canister thank you and let's go look and see how it works now setting up your stove you want to make sure that it has this yellow or this yellow this brand this black gasket that's very important to make sure all the isobutane does not come out it's very flammable and you want to make sure that this little piece goes into that hole so insta well setting it up is very simple go ahead and twist that get it ready and then just twist always do this outside the fumes are bad for you tying it up you have the flame controller right here and then you have the stands stands are pretty sweet if you have a larger dish you can move these out see these guys kind of move in and out and then to get it started you open it up do you hear that now the ignition rarely works but it worked for you this first time so that's the flame at full and then you can make it bigger smaller however you want it or you can start to tone it down for a low now full low this is a cup of water the elevation that i'm at currently is let's move that more into the picture the elevation that i'm at currently is about 3 400 feet and it usually takes about a minute to well usually takes about three minutes to boil a cup of water but you can make it go all the way high see that see the flames coming around that's very bad especially if you're cooking at a campsite don't be doing that that's very dangerous you can cinch your pant legs just not good so always keep it below now it is a little bit windy so you'd want to keep this like a rock here something we're just doing on the table for demonstrations but this stove has been wonderful i have used this stove for the past six years on my backpacking and camping trips i cook all my food here when i go backpacking and i do bring this stove to well camping if i want to just make an individual cup of coffee again highly recommended that you buy it please follow the link down below so you can purchase this i will also put a link for the type of isobutane that i pur that i use and also the stainless steel cup again great stove way cheaper than what's out there great value
Channel: latinmilkboy
Views: 445
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: AOTU, Backpacking, Backpacking stove, best camping stove, review stove
Id: G-xuymuL_a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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