Comparing TWO budget ultralight BACKPACKING STOVES!

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so I did a previous video where I went through an entire ultralight backpacking set up for quite a bit less than what ultralight typically costs and one of the things I mentioned on that video was my backpacking stove which I've been using for many many years now it's only ten dollars and it's pretty lightweight a lot of people commented on that video and said that their favourite backpacking stove was the BRS 3000 t so I looked it up and I saw that even though this is already pretty light that stove is a quarter of the weight of this one and it's still only 17 dollars so I decided to check it out for myself I just completed my first backpacking trip with this stove so I thought I would do a little comparison video go through some of the differences what I like and dislike about each one and then I'll place links in the description below so you can check them out for yourself so I'll start off by talking about Old Faithful this stove is pretty dirty and worn down because it's been well loved for many years now but still works like a charm the stove has four support legs that unfold by kind of swinging them around the outside of the stove and then at the top of each support leg it has these other four little legs that unfold to the outside the very top of the stove has a simple mesh pattern the bottom of the stove has a little rubber gasket and probably the biggest difference between these two stoves is that this one has a built in igniter in addition to the stove itself this one also comes with this hard plastic carrying case next is the BRS 3000 T the stove is almost entirely titanium and it has three longer folding legs instead of four shorter ones and the only weird thing about it is that if you fold out one of the legs completely the leg is so long that it will kind of prevent another leg from opening so you have to do this weird thing where you fold all three legs out about halfway and then fold them down the rest of the way not a big deal but it is a little bit annoying the top of this stove has these little slots that are designed to emit the fuel outward and at an angle and as you may be able to tell this stuff does not have a built-in igniter which means you will have to carry a lighter or matches or some type of ignition source also the BRS 3000 T comes with this little nylon drawstring carrying bag now both of these stoves use the blended fuel canisters which you can find in many different sizes and you can find them all over the place you can find them at Walmart just about any sporting goods store really easy to find both stoves have a little o-ring at the end of the threads on the inside so I haven't had an issue with either one of these with fuel leaking out once I have the stove entirely screwed onto the canister so getting into some of the differences between these two stoves this one has obviously stood the test of time for me so I would not expect it to break on you but with that said the build quality of this stove just feels a lot better it feels more solid now with both of these stoves unfolded you can see that the BRS 3000 is a little bit shorter and smaller but if you do put these upside down on top of a pot you can see that the unfolded legs make roughly the same diameter for both stoves with the two stoves folded up you can see that the BRS stove has a much smaller footprint and the handle is able to fold up and lock in place on that stove on the other one the handle is able to fold up but it's prevented from folding far enough to actually lock into place the ten-dollar stove weighs 110 point 1 grams with the case so the stove by itself weighs 93.1 grams the BRS 3000 T stove by itself weighs 25 point 2 grams with the little carrying bag it comes up to twenty seven point three grams and if you add in that required ignition source you're looking at closer to forty three grams now this would not be a proper stove comparison if I did not do a boil test of course the engineer in me wants to point out that it's not a perfect test because I don't have a way of knowing that I'm using the exact same gas flow rate for both stoves but I did try to get all of the other parameters matched up as closely as possible so I went outside where there was a beautiful ambient temperature of 63 degrees Fahrenheit I measured out two cups of water and confirmed that the water temp was roughly the same as the ambient temperature I then poured the water into my trusty tokes titanium pot and I set the pot on the stove starting with Old Faithful I did a boil test which took almost exactly four minutes to bring the water to a rolling boil I then repeated the exact same process with the BRS 3000 stove and guess what it took almost exactly four minutes to boil water so almost identical boiling times now I do want to mention that you could boil water even faster than that if you did things like put a lid on the pot if you turn the fuel up higher or if you even have a heat reflective windscreen to put around the stove I think that would help a lot so you could cut that boiling time down a little bit but I was primarily interested in just seeing if there was gonna be a major difference between the two stoves so if you want to know which one of these I would recommend personally I will be using the BRS 3000 T going forward just because it is smaller and it's lighter even with having to carry an extra ignition source but honestly I don't think you could go wrong with either one if you are trying to get your pack weigh as low as possible seven dollars more for this stove is a pretty cheap way to save a couple of ounces but on the other hand if you don't mind carrying an extra two or three ounces and you'd prefer the convenience of having a built-in igniter go with this one if you have any questions for me you can leave those in the comments section below if you found this video helpful you can leave it a like and subscribe for more videos like this coming soon and I will see you guys next time
Channel: GearTest Outdoors
Views: 10,387
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Gear, Test, GearTest,, Backpacking, Kayaking, Hiking, Hunting, Camping, Outdoor, Canoeing, Canoe, Kayak, Light, Ultralight, Food, DIY, Weight, Snacks, Camp, Low, AT, Appalachian, Trail, Overnight, Weekend, How, To, Review, Wilderness, tech, sony, wildlife, 4K, Survival, Backpack, ULTRALIGHT, ultra, UL, budget, cheap, hiking, stove, amazon, brs, 3000, 3000t, BRS3000t, BRS-3000t, fuel, canister, blended, stoves, comparison, titanium, gas, picnic, burner, thru, hike, thruhike, AOTU, Piezo, igniter, MSR, etekcity, ignition, jetboil, portable, low, Beginner
Id: xdm8xxjr--8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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