RANKING AMERICAN CEREAL ft. Ludwig & Abroad in Japan

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I think we're live can you guys all hear us trying cereal with British men yikes all caps can you hear guys real good yeah hell yeah hello hello hello hello I have a big screen on if you go to the other uh pop-up yeah it's using someone else's stream setup is makes you feel like 80 or 80 years old well you realize how [ __ ] your stream setup is and how barely held together what do you no no no no no it is right it's barely held together mine is a macular chat we all good can you hear us all right good I got the shirt I did I just did not I did not do this on purpose what do you mean you only have that shirt it's always on purpose I have three wore none of these shirts while I've been here the entire time you usually have that shirt that that one jacket that you always wear yeah that one hat that you always wear you get your three but we're going to be reviewing all of these American cereals I'm sure we'll talk about some of the boxing stuff as well uh I'm gonna be trying all of these because I haven't tried them and of course Chris hasn't tried most of these so Chris come on over Chris is coming on as well introducing boxing champion Chris Brown I'll give it up oh my God I'll slap him Chad I'll be nice though okay next to each other are you doing I only found out today that we could have burst each other's eardrums oh my God yeah I know yeah let me caressed me he caressed me okay no no no I could have I I I they hurt if you guys it did hurt a little bit it was worth it it was worse than anything PJ hit you with I'm telling you Mike's peaking a little bit I mean that's fine right yeah if we clap it'll peek it'll go nuts Yeah Christmas come early yeah um yeah I didn't find out until I watched Charlie's video he was like yo you could have perforated into your drum really easily and I was like oh yeah it makes sense right because if you just do this I mean how did yours get burst right it was just the water sports hitting the water at like 30 miles and this is this is the same thing it's just this is we went for here they do say my hand slab is a title wave your hand is not splash [ __ ] yeah he keeps telling me he's disappointed I didn't hit you harder you should have Chris's mic is not working why I can see oh that is the same issue he was afraid of why is it not working it's on right yeah it was is the mute button on imagine what are the numbers that it reads out it's really on here yeah what are the numbers that it says like the 547.200 uh-huh no yeah it's here oh it's it's receiving fine yeah it's receiving fine enough nothing hmm why is that maybe check the audience it should be coming from raw Mike right okay you know what I think I think I figured out how the audio wasn't working before yeah sorry again the two biggest bestest streamers in the world we're not using our setup it's that one right yeah three plus four right can you talk again Chris hello everyone hmm it that'll make some money yeah is it audio no you shouldn't have to do that yeah right maybe add another audio device in there yeah [ __ ] it we ball just do it certainly we'll get it to work we will chat if not I guess Chris can go in the middle and be picked up by the audio and he'll just talk really loudly hello maybe it's working there sure can you hear Chris talk oh yeah oh yeah it's your boy your boy if I have to say your boy one more time I'm gonna have to punch someone in the face it's working good we're good we're good yes let's go we did it looks like it's peaking massively but yes that's fine I'm a tech wizard he's a tech wizard it only took him 35 minutes to work this [ __ ] okay you know not bad not bad all right so um well Chris is making fun of me earlier because I haven't tried most of these uh we don't have most of these in the UK we have like 60 to 70 okay point out which ones you have which ones all right so we have Frosted Flakes right I'm pretty sure you can find Lucky Charms somewhere because I've had them import it's not that's not like we don't have that at everything okay it's got a staple in the US we have an aisle that's like foreign foods and it's usually like Ramen and like sauces do you guys have that lucky charms yeah this will be in like the foreign food but it's not like it's not like common like it's not in the cereal is it in a Tesco's no you wouldn't find this emotion wouldn't find a Tesco's what then it doesn't count we have graham crackers Golden Corrals no we don't have you don't have them in Wales mate food's not been invented there yet okay okay look I'm just saying the ones porridge we have we have we have all right we don't have this Oreo we don't have this but we don't have that we have Raisin Bran no we don't yes we do no we don't we don't have whatever crunch bollocks is we we have that because I had that as a kid I would lick the sugar off we don't have fruit bollocks again fruit Pebbles with Barney Rubble Pebbles we have corn flakes we don't have this we don't yes we do no we don't we do no we don't we have Cinnamon Toast Crunch what do you think do you have it guys we have that yeah we have that yeah this is you can import this this is an atrocity yeah he's in bed no I've never seen it yeah exactly tricks looks like an Abomination it doesn't even look like food at this point just like food coloring with a [ __ ] bunny rabbit's face it's healthy it's fruit cracking oat Brown that looks crap Romans with [ __ ] we don't have that and we don't have Fruit Loops but you get these they're Import Shop you see these everywhere you can import because obviously it travels well so these are like the main cereals in America there's a couple that maybe we're missing but it's not like we were I mean we were in the aisle there's 17 different versions of Cheerios there's pumpkin spice Cheerios this pumpkin spice everything wow also have you noticed look how small their cereal boxes can get um ours are always like this yeah always like this because we're healthy in America we have good portion size I do I think a lot of you say to me in the aisle he was like yeah because there's so much choice that maybe you want to have this much then come back and get it that's just the cereal companies want to make more money well that's when I was younger this was every size really and then I grew up and then they're like oh now we have family size and now they have mega size and huge size a giant sizes yeah giant size huge size it's like there's like four different sizes it's like the UK and America in Reverse for once right yeah because the UK portions are like a fuckles well I think is when you buy a box of cereal in the UK it lasts you like a month or two right it lasts a long time like this and then you get to the bottom of this one and it's all [ __ ] I mean I don't I've been eating cereals in like 10 years like protein bars omelettes I think cereals it's a balanced breakfast no no it's not what Cyril is not a good breakfast oh yeah should we have like what maybe like uh 30 ounces of beans on toast along with a sausage English muffin it's got raisins in it so it must be good it's 200 calories you guys are eating 3 000 calories before the this is this is not good but this is just like a dessert right this is just like desserts how much how much sugar would you guess is in this one and a normal bowl of 200 raisins are sugary raisin but they're fruit so it's good sugars 30 grams 20 is about 30 grams on the average portion size and 50 56 total grams of carbs Jesus Christ that's that's good energy that's good energy train like I should have had that before my five yeah well all right which one should we start with uh let's look let's begin because I think we should at the end what we're going to do is uh is we're going to place them in a list so this okay this is the uh the absolute worst and that will be the absolute best side okay and so you two will have to come to an agreement which side it should be on okay so I think it's it's safe that we start with where they think and we'll pull these out let's get them all on one side and then we'll put the one that we're tasting in the middle um I think we can start with a more uh safe one I think we start with Honey Nut Cheerios yeah we all like that right Honey Nut Cheerios all right this one I would argue actually somewhat of a healthy cereal it's a whole grain aren't they okay okay chat I know you're gonna freak out about this all right it's not nice um yeah it's for children yeah so like cereal in America is not only our breakfast it's also our introduction are you getting there yeah come on come on let me know when the chess boxing I did the quiz on the back of the [ __ ] Cheerio box you're gonna say yeah cereal for for kids is not just like breakfast it's also our first exposure to marketing so like every kids channel most of the ads are cereal so like uh if I ask anyone who's American in chat and I show them like cinnamon toast crunch all right Cinnamon Toast Crunch the taste do you guys know the end of that Cinnamon Toast Crunch The Taste real cinnamon the taste of real cinnamon oh I didn't know that no it's the taste you can see oh okay so everybody's spamming it and so it's like and Reese's puff Reese's Puff The Taste you can see finish that finish that Reese's puff Reese's Puff the [ __ ] it's wait for it peanut butter chocolate flavor the tasty you can see yeah um also also chat we are going to be doing no no milk rum this is just purely we're gonna we're gonna just well because we we don't we don't want to be [ __ ] around with a bowl I'd rather eat asbestos than have this without [ __ ] milk well the issue with milk is that you would have to change out the milk everywhere because it'll change the flavor of the milk which could change the flavor of the cereal well if it's flavor you can taste I can't believe that since you can see it oh for [ __ ] sake and then there's this one silly rabbit what do you think the end is silly rabbit what's a no no I think oh tricks are for kids yeah did you read that did you read that no I didn't that's just a phrase everyone knows right yeah yeah I definitely knew that I definitely knew that one so this is like for kids this is like it's not just our cereal breakfasts it's our uh it's our marketing what the [ __ ] is this it's not a maze I'll tell you that it's finish the race in seven moves or less to beat the rabbit and win a bowl of Fruity tricks to play pull a fruit shape from the box and move to that shape on the track wow so it's basically like eat the [ __ ] food and then the car moves yourself yeah so as we start with hot enough Cheerios let's start with Honey Nut cheers let's start let's start uh I guess you should rip it over yeah yeah get it open get up get it get in there oh oh he's full of testosterone he's just okay excellent fight they do look really [ __ ] when you take them out of the box huh they look really yeah yeah the box is colorful we chop up into a fine pound of snort it that's the true we were comfortable maybe you can see me no that's no this is oh this is just ah the only choice a buzzworthy what's that a buzzworthy choice real honey amazing I don't know that quote for this one these are good 100 shares are amazing these are good [ __ ] I think I would argue they're almost even better without the milk yeah it's just the milk dilutes how nice the honey is it's just pure sugar though yeah what's can I see the nutrition it's good for cholesterol or someone should see the nutritional information um no it's not as bad as the the raisin one really yeah look it's not that bad there you go 140 calories is not bad a healthy option you know some of them say no cholesterol which worries me that some of them have high cholesterol you know well I think even if they don't it's great for advertising yeah where's this guy and then in the yes okay yeah this is this is a yes this is yes also don't rip up the box because now we can't it doesn't look that is it's that good that you're feral for Oprah exactly I'm just too excited to get inside the Cheerios put them in my mouth okay in the yes pile for sure yes well I'll put this guy in there okay well we should we should move them all here okay so that we this wait wait yes pile it's not yes or no these apples guys this should be in the S pile look how [ __ ] shiny they are they look like Japanese fake fruit never heard the story do you like polish your apples when you get up no they wax them what they come with wax all apples in America come with wax on them so you have to rinse them off all right so they've just gone I wouldn't know that though I'll just munch into it and I'd be like but you never heard like the Snow White the pretty apples not the one you should trust right she got [ __ ] up right she got [ __ ] up wait wait so where do you put this like you can change it but you for now you're saying it's good it's good yeah we all agree so then the next cereal we have to say is it better or worse than that I don't like this character can I just say that I think this looks a little you know well I does that not look he's a fun joyful mini wheat it's like some of the people I met downtown LA okay now what do you mean can you elaborate on that he met white people okay okay all right okay this expression um I mean I like these as a kid but once you lift the sugar off as I would do the the sort of appeal goes out the window because you just got you just lick the sugar what's wrong with it well yeah but once you drink your [ __ ] coffee you're not going to be able to enjoy it what's the argument here you've eaten the part that's good from it your parents must have been so concerned that like Chris is just licking the cereal it's the taste you can see anyway you can't see the taste of video cinnamon toast crying I'm sorry Chad this is this is a trip down memory lane this is these are uh my favorite yeah I was gonna say because this is already open this is yours I bought this yeah this is just your stuff I don't so I don't eat cereal for breakfast but I eat cereal at night as a snack um a big bowl they're a couple weeks old no these are fine oh these are good yeah they got these are more fun than that that's a bit too much I feel like a mouthful of this stuff it's like oh God this you can eat all day um only 12 grams of sugar five grams of protein six grams of fiber that's pretty good um uh 20 milligrams this this is good this needs milk yeah but this will fill you up more than that it's got more fiber in right yeah it's a good digestion I'm kind of indifferent towards this one I prefer this to that one I prefer it but this is also your call this is the two Brits making a decision well much I'm your guide I'm your Sherpa so where do you where do you do you think honey nut cheers is better worry about it and you think this is better than honey I think you should put this one everywhere taste you can see these are like uh for Boomers so that's my maybe why you like it more and you like it less yeah in 10 years you're gonna like this morning sweetness it's like it's the sugar oh yes this is bright white glazed sugar yeah come off as unnatural to you it's extremely unnatural yeah not that I care about it being natural I don't want it to taste like it was made in like I don't know some kind of factory yeah I mean this it looks like a dusting of snow it's got me in the Christmas spirit look if it's 50 50 I'll make the call you're saying higher you're saying lower saying no I'm saying I will put this below Honey Nut cheers I was really making like an old one I'm respecting yeah yeah all right because then at the end of it you can see left to right yeah oh yeah boy Workshop clean I'll just shoot front back for now yeah I feel like that character freaks me out it feels oddly there's nothing wrong with the character it just feels like he would say a slow ly he would do in our chat this is a sweet man who would not even think about saying a slur he would no for sure what he was way too comfortable with it he would not be comfortable he's like he's not racist he just met you at the Christmas party and he's willing to say it right out and you're like oh my God he's a he what he is he's a joyful blast inside of the crown like an episode of the crown did you just say you know what Prince Harry and back of Diana's car oh my God all right let's go for we've also had this one before Frosted Flakes oh everyone's at this this is this is great now this one you certainly know the phrase for good no yeah that's it it's Tony because they're [ __ ] great all of that Tony the toy bird wait no this is this is sponsored by um Avatar as well this is the Pandora Edition yeah so this is like this is it it's like the you target children you they eat it and then they're like oh I gotta go see Avatar now dude I I feel like I want to see Avatar I actually want to see Avatar anyway yeah me too I'm excited I wasn't excited until um people saw the movies early reviews were like it's James [ __ ] Cameron and I was like it is isn't it he knows how to ramp it up yeah another level it's actually the reviews they're great good all right let's try it trying never had this before this yeah I love this one yeah these are great this is like my go-to if I really want a sugary cereal no I won't say I know the test there's no milk they take a big hit when they put in milk I think so yeah because they dissolve almost instantly yeah and uh because they're so thin the less soggy ones are so nasty too they're they're very good dry I think this is I think I like this molded Honey Nut Cheerios wow Mission tiger how you can help eat like a tiger that's what it says buy a box of Kellogg's and help support Tony's Mission so you'll see at the top of all these boxes uh did you still do this uh chat so you can see uh almost every cereal is dominated by two Brands it's post and it's Kellogg's yeah right and do that so far right General Mills as well General Mills these roads uh most of them will be Kellogg's or General Mills uh but uh the General Mills ones have these box tops and back in the day they've got rid of it but you used to cut them out you didn't collect you'd collect hundreds you'd bring them to school and they would give the school some money then you get bullied that's so genius because like Mom buy more cereal we are helping the school well now what have I got some shoes once by like collecting stamps until you've eaten all of them I need some Footwear all right it was bad gentlemen better or worse than Mini Wheats better worse what a lot many weeks better or worse in processes I like these these taste just as good as this but you feel less guilty because of the sugar okay this is just like well let's go with taste Let's ignore taste you can see yeah yeah exactly well no I do think that if it makes you feel awful sure that needs to be into consideration I suppose I I don't I feel guilty these are the worst ones you've eaten today well it robs me of any pleasure if I feel guilt right that's fair uh straight up it's like this but lighter more more of a crunch to it this one is like all wheat the moment you get into it better or worse than this one I think it's better as well wow yeah I think it's better than honey what do you think [ __ ] take I mean I think it's a pretty [ __ ] take and I think it's the worst we've had today well it's two versus one so you put it in the bin I see where this is going this is this is uh yeah I see where this is you have a 16 year old's palette boneless chicken boy you're a boneless chicken boy I'm a boneless chicken wow you like nuggies there's 16 000 people watching us eat this [ __ ] quite entertainment today all right okay not 8 000 miles for this to eat some [ __ ] grass no this is for this the fight was a secondary thing I've come here to eat some rabbit [ __ ] silly rabbit milk pink silly rabbit turn the milk pink it's a marketing gimmick then nowadays if you put tricks in cereal it'll turn your milk pink that's like concerning why would I want that because they put so much red dye in it that your milk contain change color oh [ __ ] that looks like Lego that should that shouldn't be edible if you want to do terrible things to your children just give them this this is delicious she doesn't know it's delicious ruining your body this is insane Chris what you're not considering is that these are fruit no it's yeah because look this is see this is this is a banana this is a watermelon qualified as fruit I would say if you ate like a couple of this it counts as much it's [ __ ] fruit Ludwig this is [ __ ] and with science they made the Apple into trick cereal there's a concerning amount of sodium in this really it's quite a lot but you're only having like one little bite and just smell it where's the salt oh crikey [ __ ] Jesus Christ that's what Trix is most known for is they're they're very fragrancy it's got more sodium than the salt mines of Ecuador I don't want this [ __ ] oh that's disgusting literally where's the bin get the bin open no come on it's good I want to try and get a variation of the fruits just as if they don't matter oh really no there's no difference that's really horrible oh it just tastes like artificial gentlemen if it's up to me I would put this maybe at the top right now no where are you guys feeling yeah get out of your own house this is the worst one I'm gonna tell you God it's not that bad you know when you eat a starburst it's like the first initial flavor of a starburst exactly but then you crunch into like cereal it's so bizarre I don't like it but I'm gonna have another bite okay see this is the thing tricks is is it's not the most popular tricks you into eating it yes you it's like you can't stop eating in a way no no not drugs you want another one you want another bite don't you okay let's rub it I want to punch him in the face before he's done to my mouth get out my side all right it's the worst one so far we're gonna have a cereal burning after this I'm wearing petrol and burn it in the [ __ ] video probably like are pretty good fuel I imagine with all the [ __ ] that's in there I'm like for cars I bet they're doing nice okay yeah you probably put this on a fire and it would probably last a while supposed to be good fuel for children's bodies it's like America hates kids like they genuinely just want their kids to be [ __ ] from the start is that right like we're like let's just not give them a chance to have any nutrition no it's just that you know we're trying to uh they like sugary cereals well okay I had a conversation with someone right the other day and so that argument was no no it's for kids it's in like adults are supposed to eat real food and kids don't get to have real food it's like no no they're kids they deserve to eat garbage the ingredients is a horror story it's like it's got something called trisodium phosphate I started using this [ __ ] space shopping all the taste of trisodium phosphate it's a taste you can [ __ ] see put it in the bin [ __ ] out of here that's the worst one it's very sodium phosphate what is that three three sodium times three so it's Americans good and strong you wanna try sodium phosphate this is potentially one of the you got to say that one you gotta save that one we're gonna save this one again hit us with a crave all right give me one that hasn't got trisodium phosphate in it does this one have transodium sauce so this is a lot more than that oh my God this is everything oh my Lord beta carotene for color uh oh that's your color reduced iron what is reduced by the way the back of that amazing this would be so fun as a kid yeah yeah this guy yeah the Museum of chocolate it's over Willy Wonka yeah I actually liked Crave in the UK did you crave it I'm gonna coffee there you go you get fun little games to play this one's a pretty popular in Europe I see this one in France yeah yeah we had this we had this one and I remember enjoying it because it's up to your left Center up Center up Center up on the window oh yeah all right there we go yeah I remember liking this one this one was nice all right you think he'll continue boxing yeah because I did so [ __ ] in the fight all right I I'm not happy with how I did even though you won even though I will I'm not happy with how I did you happy that you won yeah across the ball yeah it was I guess it was more so it wasn't as much as I was doing really well I was doing really well at chess and then I've got one step ahead when you've got all that pressure weighing down you though it's just like the board just becomes like nothing and you just yeah I mean there's a reason it happened twice yeah I also think it's so much different to play over the board than online yeah um well they set up my board wrong but it was like where the horse was I was like sexual American rules when I get a check in the mail from FaZe Clan all right I changed the board a little bit am I going to check in the mail from you all right you're gonna get some crazy yeah try it up I'm certainly not craving this again it's quite satisfying when he fighting in the chocolate bursts out yeah there's a texture difference I think on the picture it looks like the chocolate is way more intense and then inside I feel like it's actually way less I'm gonna rip it open yeah it's like a tiny dot of chocolate it's got seven vitamins and minerals it must be good food like the amount of chocolate actually inside chat is so tiny very good that was not not racist my mother's from Spain wasn't that Italian three miles from France well both but he showed me his 23 and me it was actually pretty detailed I'm mostly Spanish yeah I was really boring I'm actually not French at all really they moved to France when they were young but my mother's name is originally Paloma de la Soledad I started speaking French what's your dad's name um uh Anders London honors Swedish yeah that's very true it just sounds very very European you're the same [ __ ] now you smell weird yeah I'm smelling dog food well I think they taste good though I don't say I think these are these are quite good I think this is such a European Cake they're not frosted they're okay I don't like them that much because you're not being like destroyed by Sugar instantly like it's like there's some flavor let's not pretend that this doesn't have 15 grams of sugar in it that's less than most of these though this only has 12. well that has asbestos as well for me this is second only to the Frosted Mini Wheats okay yeah these are still number one better than Frosted Flakes better than tricks Connor do you think it's better than tricks yeah for sure I better well I better than Frosted Flakes well well the list is kind of [ __ ] man hold on this is this is seven vitamins and minerals in it which monster has like one thousand percent of your like vitamin F's yeah there's no tricodium phosphate does it I know why my point is not that all vitamins are good all vitamins are good all right let's stay on them okay better or worse than Frosted Flakes Hunter make the call I oh yeah it's better all right fine so crave will go I think it's above the Mini Wheats for sure and you said it was above the you said it was only second to the Minimates the mini wheat is garbage I don't like them oh this is a tough conversation I think the crepe is better than many weeds right right what well mini weeks is his favorite funny look look at that high fiber that's what I want so I can't [ __ ] for the next four days after I've had this thing oh right no no if you have too much though no it doesn't way too hard yeah if you're like a [ __ ] cow well I eating grass I ate a whole box of brown flakes once in one sitting as a child yeah but that's not normal I found the consequences quite painful that's just because you're an idiot no it was it was rock salt it was like it was like I want to stop hearing about conversations especially with this horrible Crave in front of me all right well we got to make a decision this is so far in our lead the Honey Nut do you think it's better than anyone the question is two or three now he thinks number one number two number three number five everyone's clear on five four the question is one two three where does it go this is better than any reads for sure I don't think it's better than Honey Honey Cheerios but it's better than me what do you think are you both happy with this one two three there no you'd be happy you're switched all right let's do it I'm down so I guess it's just his side well no no because because at the end of the day Honey Nut Cheerios up front I'm like twice your age I've had twice the wisdom they're judging all the serial chat and uh Chris is on the opposite of me basically you guys are different I would assume all Brits have the same palette no no he's he likes he's from like what has crap it's different he likes artificial flavors [ __ ] off I like the one that's got the the [ __ ] fiber in excuse me how does that mean it's not artificial you know what it's mostly anything with fiber cannot be artificial it's mostly 90 fiber a little bit to be clear this is only six grams of fiber I think you're getting gotten by American marketers I'm not getting gone it's six grams Chris is the same kind of person who thinks Coke Zero is healthy because it has zero I [ __ ] hate cake zero it tastes like [ __ ] this is two grams of fiber this has six grams of fiber whoa two grams of fiber six grams yeah yeah good good feeling yeah but it's like yeah it's been nice look just because it has fiber it doesn't mean it's amazing I'm older let me just like double the calories he's older I'm older well yeah that is Factory correct what does that have to do with this next next all right let's do uh let's try this one oh the difference is this this is okay Nick uh on the podcast with me it's his favorite cereal Cracklin Oat Bran it's kind of a grandmother cereal I think I like this one I'm a really big fan of uh Brown flakes okay and that kind of taste the joy of delicious eating begins with kettled crackling oat Brown cereal so the cereal I was broken up to two categories it's for kids and then for like adult healthy cereals this isn't a healthy cereal section all right well it's nice I'm pretty healthy so it's a lot of calories still yeah I mean it still has a lot of sugar too take a look at the sugar what's the sugar on it we're talking uh yeah so the less sugars yeah lesser sugars uh total carbs uh 25 grams of sugar in a normal bowl smells like a rabbit's house wait wait with milk or without yeah oh sorry this with milk without milk smell that no I think it smells great it smells like a toilet that smells like that actually smells excellent no that smells amazing that smells really nice what's the fiber count what's the fiber count that'll turn Chris around all right Chris because I know you're a big fiber guy uh uh where the [ __ ] is oh seven grams oh more than uh mini frosted yeah but then we've got the nice dusting of sugar all right let's get involved this is Connor this is the same kind of mentality of well it's a salad it doesn't matter if I put an Abomination amount of dressing on it yeah okay these are [ __ ] terrible that's too sweet this is not what American cereal is meant for letters yeah I like this no this is there's no colors there's no cartoons it's not very sweet oh this is the best so far I think this is my favorite one it's sand in my mouth yeah this is nice I'm gonna choke you need a better palette mine they're like bricks nice okay this actually looks like asbestos so okay that's what it tastes like it looks like drywall filler this is it's a special so you can taste chat well it's asbestos looks like that's pretty good autofocus power I'm trying to it looks you know it looks very nice it looks like like um like sawdust compacted into like a brick shirt but it tastes like a drink I like that one a lot that's number one this could be dog food no number one this is if you really like your dog New York I like as well high fiber no what's your rank this is number one for me you're [ __ ] kidding me you both [ __ ] is number one yeah we agree on something for once no I hate the Brits this is good on the water actually bit the green yeah an excellent breakfast beans on toast 30 sausages an English muffin and then crackling oat bran you're an American Hotel yeah right and there's a breakfast section right there'll be the Continental Continental right I turned that down today I had a like an egg yeah well it's normally really bad and then one of the cereals that they normally offer the Continental so normally what they do is they'll do three cereals that it's like a giant chamber that you pull from and that and if it's those it'll be like Raisin Bran and then like corn flakes or they have there's this thing that exists it's like one size oh yeah portion of cereal I love those things if it's those it'll be Lucky Charms maybe like um uh like some of the sugary more more uh like tricks Fruity Pebbles that oat bear is really nice that's the future I could eat a lot of that's the feature of food it always is concerning though where is that coming from um because it's very sugary yeah they I can you can taste a lot of sugar in it this has this is this is so this is the most sugary cereal we have had well I mean it makes sense right because if you have traditional breakfast Lakes like the average ones they don't have they don't taste this sweet I kind of prefer the less sweetness yeah this is this is literally the most sugary cereal we have had it's 16 grams and everyone uh the highest outside of that's 15. isn't that insane that they'll market this is like healthy but they'll put that much [ __ ] in it I know and so it's no shock that you love it because it's so sugary and you're masking it because you think you're eating something good because it has so much fiber but it does taste good though it does taste good it does taste great yeah you throw 16 grams of sugar and something it's going to taste good this is uh honey bunches about is this a common cereal this is like starter healthy cereal people will get it this is like if you shop at Trader Joe's you're getting this this is like you've turned 17 to 23. you still like cereal yeah it's not bad actually this is compared to the other cereals this is one of those it's one of the least sugary yeah uh it's it's it's a very good cereal it's most people's goat cereals uh almonds Once you turn to a like young adult okay the only uh issue with this cereal and it's not applicable here is that when you put it in milk it sinks to the bottom and it's very hard to scoop up uh-huh it'll work for your food is that America yeah oh this looks good oh this looks really nice you're like a wine similier like get a snack what do you think fruity undertones shouldn't be no fruit oats and almonds what did you go for that wasn't you would need a bunch you need a clusters oh okay if you don't get the cluster that's like is that the best pop yeah yeah is that like mask or the other yeah because it's because it's just like it's basically Frosted Flakes of the frosting almonds and then the Clusters are what's delicious that smells really sugary very good I'm trying to get a bag of sugar there just so much sugar a little bit about everything there's not that much sugar nine grains of sugar is not that much we can agree pretty good though okay that's up there with the top for the best of the best number two for me yeah I think I'd give that number two as well you put this behind Cracklin Oat Bran yeah yeah actually maybe I don't know it's actually maybe it's a tough one yeah this is more like it's fun to eat because there's variety because that that could get boring with crackling right I could do that no this is number one whoa there we go there we go I'm whipping some boats I think I like this one why are you saying British palette chat all right what do you mean he agrees as well you know these are these are superior problems so it's like a lot of serious marketed as healthy I think this one's genuinely it's a healthier cereal yeah it's a healthy uh not healthy I don't think nine grams of sugar is that bad I think you're meant to have like what 35 in a day would you get it like if you you know eat a lot of natural stuff there's natural sugar in it like if you eat a lot of sugar it's a lot of added sugar I think it's like it's like where is the sugar coming from but like if you think about a soda phosphorus nice amount of phosphorus in there six percent of your daily phosphorus there's a lot of stuff in here like vitamin D calcium it's almonds right riboflavin niacin vitamin B Asic cyanide they got all the best yeah I'll put that number one yeah I think because well this is this is delicious what a great bite oh that see that's the best part you've got to be quick to get your honey bunch removed I think this is the best one okay number one number one great I'll put it number one gentlemen that was such a big juicy bit as well what are you gonna do a little cereal afterwards put in one big bowl ask these questions I ate all the cereals in one go we'll try to find a bunch of streamers homes yeah maybe I'll cancel enjoy it right yeah I'll give them 40 grams of sugar this is number two so Cracklin Oat Bran has moved down to number two okay we might just put this in the blender I mean let's just do it let's just do let's throw this we're just gonna do this is our updated list yeah so far this is where the List's at right now chat we're going this is the worst to best oh God there's so many cereal sticker yeah well we're gonna die oh you'll be all right all right yeah this is the current this is the current list so tricks we've rated as the worst then frosted I feel like it's a bit of that and crave mini Wheat really uh Cheerios crackling oat bran and then Honey Bunches of Oats you don't seem super in love with the list but you agree with the top three yeah this is where it's gonna get messy this is an indisputable top three list so far it's getting better what is that accident when he doesn't American it's a valley girl yeah a valley you don't even understand like I don't even understand see I can do it [Laughter] yeah that's why we're letting them know that they're not welcome okay well that's good to know I do are they welcome it sounded it sounded like Australian and Scottish sort of Blended together in a car crash I made a little bit of Tricks rabbit never hurt anybody you're doing good no it's no it's good I think it's Joey's good yeah but it does not sound like yes he does yes he does all right come on let's get that the big guns no no that's a big we should save that Reese's Reese's box no no let's do it let's do it let's do it we're on centered again run Center gentlemen left get 13 Off movie rewards to see the shittiest film ever made this was real have you seen it yeah no oh Dominion no no the Jurassic oh it's called Dominion yeah I didn't know it's really [ __ ] let's get all the original cast back and it'll still be rubbish and you can cut out you know little cardboard cutouts [ __ ] it out you're dying for all the cerebral so you can cut out the surround Source wrecks and put it in the bin okay when I think of peak unhealthy American cereal this is one of them that I picture it's not even cereal it's just this is a dessert like straight out this cereal was my introduction to rap music when I was I was just nine years old there was a commercial and it went Reese's Puck Reese's pup peanut butter chocolate flavor and it was a DJs I don't remember that two-pack song [ __ ] how they fill this up it looks like it looks like the bottom of a rabbit's Hutch look at that okay now this was my favorite cereal growing up bar none supposed to it does peanut butter chocolate flavor and here's the real deal this is it's almost almond um there we go so are there two flavors in this yeah each more disappointing than the last zero out of ten oh it's so good you put in your mouth it's like nothing it's like everything just dissolves and disappears it's just [ __ ] no no give it give it a give it a third the third one's gonna get you get stuck in your teeth you know that means you get more flavor later I feel like this one would benefit from milk a little bit yeah but I like it it's very unhealthy and I don't like it as a breakfast honestly this is this is at the bottom only above this [ __ ] [ __ ] shape you think it's second to last it's kind of lost no well is it better than frosting for like it's not bad on Frosted Flakes Tony the Tigers turning in his [ __ ] grave what did you do to Tony did you put him down he's my rug why did why did peanut butter never take off in the UK it's a very American thing right peanut butter because peanut butter and jelly I like peanut butter peanut butter is great it's a great flavor peanut butter is like one of my all-time favorite flavors it's better than uh Frosted Mini Wheats for me okay well ignore frosted we got to go to order is it better than the Frosted Flakes no better worse than many weeks better worse than Honey Nut Cheerios okay so we have to find a middle ground that because you think it should be here Connor you think it should be yeah yeah all the way up here what do you think I think if I'm being honest it has lost a plot I've lost it they've got mad I think it should be behind Frosted Mini Wheats for sure good and then I'm indifferent on the Crave okay behind crave no I'm craving [ __ ] Uber to get me out of this nightmare I'm gonna put it here because you'll go you guys will get more hate online from Americans if you have your bottom three cereals Reese's puff Frosted Flakes and tricks so this is good for me so I'm gonna put it back here the the middle of your two options I tried chat I tried I tried all right no matter how much they spend trying to promote this [ __ ] with Jurassic world it's awful huh no uh yeah yeah for sure yeah but it's good for kids though right like so they're like oh my God Jurassic Park dinosaurs well yeah but like they could argue that they could put anything so yeah the only good thing about this is you get to cut out a dinosaur and burn it hey did you know that it's it's not Reese's it's Reese's oh no [ __ ] that's the Americans I forgot you guys are British in America we always called it Reese's because like uh like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup but it's Reese's because it's Reese's Pieces well I think wait wait wait wait the cup is pronounced no to pronounce Reese's but Americans pronounce it Reese's no I don't here we do I've never heard anyone say Reese's Reese's no this is true you're making this up no I've never heard no we don't no we don't it's just so you're next year [ __ ] let's keep this wrong oh that's a good poll do you like peanut butter more or Nutella peanut butter I'm more of a Savory flavor going I'm peanut butter as well all those Rich Umami flavors Nutella is winning though I ah Natalie's a gift yeah I too like supporting the palm oil industry you freaks disgusting all right yeah I definitely don't like the Tylenol yeah peanut butter um let's go for this one what about this guy though what's that oh it's oh my God oh my God I'm gonna send this what the [ __ ] I love this scarf yeah Biscoff butter are you trying it first give it up give it a shot is it unopened oh you can squeeze a finger in there no I just spoon it's a spoon oh yeah all right oh yeah here we go Sarah you want a utensil Chris sure taking our Biscoff butter break I'll have a little bit yeah I wouldn't it's concentrated this feels like an atrocity eating this I'm supposed to be getting fit what's going on what is cookie butter it's Biscoff batter actually it's good I mean it's probably too concentrated it'd be good on something I'll be taking this home what would you have it on normally the toes I have it on a rice cracker how did Chris get get back to his old ways but six kilograms back on in one week he ate the bisque off with the spoon my goal for 2023 is to be the heaviest No One's Gonna punch me everywhere that's some good [ __ ] all right next cereal the goat this looks disgusting this one does look vile this looks worse than tricks this is less calories than most of them though Captain Crunch they said they couldn't be a cereal worse than tricks they were wrong there's this country isn't that great that's fantastic artwork on the back right why are you laughing at we should chat why are you laughing at that it was good artwork it's great let's get out of it look this is fantastic no expense spared on that artwork we can find this is done on Fiverr oh God this looks great uh so now they're they're known for a few different cereals as you can see they've marked it on the side here they have oops all berries which is oops as if it was a mistake yeah like that sorry there was a commercial once where they like they [ __ ] up and they're making the recipe and then somebody like flipped a like a lever and then all the berries end up in a cereal and they're like I guess we'll have to go along with it and make this cereal and that marketing campaign was really successful and then oops all berries is one of their higher selling uh the batteries typically the the best part uh the bear yeah because it's like it's like imagine Lucky Charms but you could only get the charms they look like kidney stones but okay what they've written on the Box in large to show texture so when I see the texture another question anyway this is this is I think like the the best one to try because it has the berries and it has the regular cats oh yeah the mixture it has both Classic this is not the classic the classic is just Captain Crunch oh which is like a Corn based cereal this is the corn with the berry get the bag out let's see what let's just show the viewers this oh my Lord this is not that bad does it not it looks like there's not a lot of money wait well it smells like a pirate's the amount of berries you get oops that's how it happened oh my God they're crunchy in a [ __ ] ton of way yeah they're known for um holy [ __ ] that tastes so sugary all right left it tastes so artificial in a very cardboard light that's the sweetened corn oh man yeah this isn't good this is I think this is like look at the bottom there's like no berries at the bottom okay why are you so mad about the berries get the oops all berries I just wish that like if it's you know it should be a one-to-one ratio surely no no no because the berries are a surprise you want like a two or three to one ratio they've got what the [ __ ] is that Perry doc sign hydrochloride if you taste that taste the hydrochloride is like a really good vitamin it's got molasses that's kind of like a malic acid oh wow oh it's got red 40 isn't it a carcinogenic all my favorites they got some dyes that aren't allowed in Europe reduced iron natural and artificial flavor that's such a non-statement they've got natural and artificial flavor that doesn't need to sort of Express that they got [ __ ] this is the worst by far I don't like the taste of hydrochloric a very dark side I think it's not as bad as tricks tricks is really bad if you tasted tricks again I think you'd say it was all right we are certainly at a race to the bottom between tricks and Captain Crunch which which one's worse Connor dude this is worse you agree yeah this is this is really bad this is just have another one have another one pure it's garbage make sure that it's worse yeah that's where you guys it's just so how like how fake the fruit tastes but ruins it if you eat a full cup of that it's worth one apple [ __ ] off what happened to your kid if they ate this every day for a year [Laughter] that's the difference oh I need to wash my mouth out bleach or something I think what you probably also did the test is the uh sweetened corn yes which is like so cereal comes from like rice corn the corn ones have this really weird artificial flavor to them uh that that a lot of cereals can't get past I mean I just don't really like a lot of sweet things in general yeah I mean I need Savory stuff all the time me too I don't know if I'm that's like a guy thing or something I don't know don't you think the guys no I think it's just like a human thing uh try Corn Flakes oh this is the goat all right good thank God something I can actually put in my mouth and enjoy for once we need something I will say it's not as healthy as Everyone likes to make it seem no because they put salad on the back and [ __ ] look at that fried chicken recipe yeah why wait what with fried chicken yeah because it's used as like panko really oh yeah right it is yeah yeah it's not as healthy as they want you to believe eight essential vitamins no artificial flavors or colors I really like cornflakes and you'll love the logo it's a classic yep there we go a lot of fiber I assume you don't know how to I know what I'm doing in Ludwig what are you doing that's what I was worried about worried about okay you managed to finally do it oh you ripped it that's the one thing you can do hold up take your family storage boxes all right all right now you're saying it's not as healthy as people want you to believe this has four grams of sugar well I mean yeah but it's just it's just like you can't really eat it on its own room it eats some milk before I like it out okay it doesn't it just doesn't have anything like it's particularly healthy it's just sustenance it's not necessarily right pure calories like that's it well you got some iron in there you get some vitamins you're gonna need sodium phosphate uh let's take a look here actually the ingredients are as simple as corn sugar malt flavor and peridoxide hydrochloride again I love it and a little bit of peridoxide hydrogen I love it when you eat it what's that it feels like a mush in your mouth and then that mush is so delicious yeah say that in Spanish just like the mush in your when you eat it oh I hate this it becomes like a gross ball of porridge in my mouth I love that I love that no you guys don't like that it it needs some flavor smoking crack I don't think I am I don't like it on its own that's like a in the middle it's just good I'd rather have crave than that this is number one for me no no no you're mocking you're mocking you're making a mockery I love this you don't love it more than the Almond one we had probably not actually okay so it's better than oak it's so quick to walk back to be clear this this like this is in here except the only difference is this also has almonds and then the clusters right yeah the Clusters are pretty high that's got clusters this is a cluster better than crackling it's better than this for sure genuinely no I want you to try crack one up I need you to back up yourself why don't you believe me I want you to back it up I like [ __ ] memory I think Corn Flakes tastes really good I don't know why it tastes good that's not what they're no they you just like a ball of mush in your mouth disgusting all right hold up all right well I think we have we had to find a middle ground we had to find a middle ground do we do we agree that it's definitely better than Reese's Puffs yes okay that's good though I think we should put it above I think we need to put it above crave I agree I think the question is above or below frosted many weights but Conor has it as number one I'll compromise with the first adminator behind it yeah it's fine I would put it there but it's like the general sure understood understood we're trying to find the average British man's taste so it's a little a little in between we're getting close okay give me the free [ __ ] which one Fruit Loops uh how much of this is fruit it's again eating a cup of this is like worth eating a full banana no it's not what is that Pelican mm-hmm sponsored by Avatar I think as well yep everything's [ __ ] James Cameron loved the taste of Fruit Loops there's something like if you see an advertisement 12 times it works or something the kids probably won't even born when Avatar one came out so why would they care because the advertising will make them care it's like this is the like the first episode of Mad Men so this has got some really dodgy [ __ ] it's got red 40 yellow five blue one and yellow six there's a there's a those are shards you get in Pokemon Ruby those are the those are the names no they're the names for food dogs yeah was that blue forces yeah so that's 40. and some of these abandoned in Europe I'm pretty sure okay none of them are banned in Europe these are all good they're all great for you zero option this is the worst one yet all they're better than tricks player it's hard to no they're great they're fruity in a way oh [ __ ] hell it's awful they're not too fragrant can you taste the food dying yeah no oh my God come on come on so bad you kid ding they abandoned LOL smell dead animals I think Chris is my dad red 40 is banned I think so oh yeah you're my this is my Dad yeah I got it it's the receiver all right we'll fix it chat it might be red 40. red 40 is banned in the UK it's a carcinogen yeah that's what I said bro that's speed running trying to get rid of their kids in America is it actually is it actually banned in the UK yeah yeah red 40s bands wait actually yeah Chad's spamming that it's banned in Europe hold up hold on why would they serve as something that's banned in Europe they do the old time in America what do you mean like traditional Mountain Dew is banned in the UK why because the the green coloring thing is not allowed the die they use so all Mountain Dew looks like Sprite in the UK tastes like it's really bad as well it tastes awful I don't know why people like it red 40. okay red 40 also known as a lure red is one of the most commonly used flavoring agents in the United States it is banned in the UK and Switzerland due to health concern okay but you guys can have it in the U.S just [ __ ] along with your cannabis which is also legal what but what's wrong with it costs it's used to enhance products from Fruit Loops oh to nutri-grain bars oh my God so the nutrigame Boston and it's also used in paint strippers wait does it also have yellow five because it's also banned yeah it's called yellow foam [ __ ] it's got [ __ ] yellow five Mambo Number Five blue one [ __ ] this is everything because this is carcinogenic this probably should go right at the bottom because even tricks doesn't give you cash wait why is it bad what does it do I can't find what it does but it is banned oh never mind that's got red 14 as well and some 41 and it's [ __ ] awful wait how many of them have this blue one yellow six some scientific research indicated that these items could potentially be harmful to human health potentially I didn't need a scientist to tell me that this [ __ ] was potentially harmful for potentially drinking asbestos can cool it can do things like upset stomach migraines jitteriness nervousness inability to concentrate after a high intake of red 40. give it to your kids they'll love it but they don't talk about how delicious it is you know what else is bad for you um working too hard oh loving too much liver cancer has never tasted so delicious okay zero I'm chugging it back in it's not as bad as tricks though has a carcinogenic style yeah it does I think it's one above tricks but still can we continue the carcinogenic train and get that Fruity Pebbles over here yeah does it have it let's find out is it costing a dream I mean look at the colors red 40 yellow six yellow five it's got the best that's the hits baby nothing but it's like beetles I'm gonna have to go to hospital after this for the cancer from all the [ __ ] serious go to the hospital from Fruity Pebbles not from boxing there's no saving you now why is Freddie Flintstone on the front is that typical uh yeah oh it's like history it's his cereal he loves red 40. well yeah he smokes as well right and he used to do Marlboro ads yeah this looks like an atrocity this is a large size right but it's not actually large isn't that funny like a fit more cancer in the Box yeah it's all advertising um yeah so yeah what's wrong with that dinosaur why does he say purple wait here's the dinosaur from the show that's the one here but why does he like that they made them in the show you have too much [ __ ] red forties all right let's get this out look at this it looks like someone rubs some cornflakes in cancer and smashed them up [Laughter] disgusting it's like confetti it doesn't look edible that's what you throw at a party you don't eat that [ __ ] it does look like someone just stepped on tricks and then put them in a bag what's wrong with it now they're very popular because in milk it's like it's like kind of a it's like it gives like an appealing if you get like a big spoonful of it bite oh no oh this can't be that bad no smell that get ready oh my God that's horrible that tastes that tastes more sugary like smells more sugary than Starburst or like anything what if I told you it has one gram of protein and 10 grams of [ __ ] well smell that it's from all the cancer cells it smells like fruit do you think that smells nice it smells like a like a yeah like a van Gogh painting a fruit it just tastes oh no it gets worse the longer you sort of eat it I love the texture of this look at that artificial flavor and color soak in the smell is really bad okay flavor and smell aside it's not that bad it's a smell you can taste it's [ __ ] but I'm eating it and I can't stop smelling it in my own like dough and now I'm breathing it and it's horrible okay I don't know but question flavor aside smell aside does it taste good isn't that the flavor why are we putting the flavor aside it just it just tastes good you know the flavor of the cereal however does it taste Let Me freeze you like the texture of it no no it's like [ __ ] corn flakes yeah if you had to find one redeemable quality what would it be I could I could use this as confetti if I needed to I could use it to light the fire I don't know I think these do right well yeah turmeric Ollie resin it's not big blue one sodium acorbate reduced iron zinc oxide [ __ ] hydrochloric acid we're gonna burn the cereal your house is going to smell like disaster it's like nothing how does it light on fire that was crazy let's release that carcinogenic spot I should not have breathe red 40. oh that's a bomb yeah it broke it [ __ ] no man uh someone else cut out how is there an echo that was fine it went away pass me like who's gone wow that's weird wait so he so you can't see it she's so small um smells horrible he lit one of them on fire and it took and it was just on fire like one single thing give it to your kids better or worse than tricks worse I actually I'm actually impressed that something is worse than true this was my cousin's favorite cereal he's from France he would come back he'd grab these they had these 40 ounce bags and you just grab them like half a kilogram you'd get like three of them he'd come back with like a kilogram and a half of just three levels is he wrong uh he's doing better than ever um because he stopped eating them yeah yeah doing great so you'll have to eat that for breakfast I'm pretty sure they kick you out okay [Laughter] so I think the reason you see all the ads is because again there's like three or three big Brands it's post it's General Mills and the biggest ones Kellogg's so they probably sell across all their cereals James Cameron with what James Cameron think of this I'm gonna send it to him I think he's down for it the more people that watch the movie The happier we're gonna say hi I'm a big fan of bran flakes but I noticed that American brand plates are really uh I have a lot of sugar in them I think Americans would never just normally eat Brown flakes right yes so I mean the the good thing about Branford Raisin Bran is considered to be what is wrong with Dave what that's what I got off that's brand floors it's brand that's you soft Ware yeah they're not crunchy let me see oh they they change they don't taste like a respiration date that caught me normal that's right it expires October that's how your brown flakes taste it tastes way better that was a crunchy yeah this is like they've been left out in the rain for two weeks yeah they're like carbs yeah what do you mean this is fine no there's no that's not crunch the [ __ ] commander of crunch now I am come on the crunch expires the captain's gonna be nervous I didn't get any raisins where the [ __ ] are the raisins so I mean Raisin Bran I think was originally like when you're young you think it's a healthy cereal the older you get you realize they have added sugar on top of the already existing natural sugars from raisins so it has 17 grams of sugar which is the highest of any cereal you've had they do however also have really high fiber seven grams of fiber so healthy also the fact that they just taste awful it's generally not I mean it is it's also whole grain wheat what I like is the ingredients are simple though probably what's different is uh like um it's it's not fully brand because I think brand they might have switched it at some point in history I don't know but like brand flakes are just brand this is whole grain wheat mixed with brand because I think Brands very hard yeah I like brown flakes I like yeah I like but I don't like this I think this goes behind Frosty flights the logo is weird I don't like that character the sun yeah that's a weird because I think the idea is you rake up you wake up with a bowl of you break when you break up you wake up with a bowl of raisins you wake up wake up with a bowl of Raisin Brad I don't like this character chat I think two scoops of sunshine baby I don't like that character raisins are also dried in the sun think about it looks like when he's done with the photo shoot for the ad he just like gets a pack of cigarettes out he's like another day of the job it's [ __ ] raisin bread yeah [ __ ] reasons fill it with fire honestly this one would light off okay does it burn does how well can it heat me in an emergency uh where do you put it gentlemen it's it's not like better is it better than the the fruit one does it cause cancer well that's the first question better than Reese's Puffs worse than crave better than the recent post for some creative thoughts yeah probably yeah yeah it's not great but it's better than all right there's an agreement you agree as well I agree do you realize two to one I think this is a fine place for it to be yeah all right all right um Lucky Charms oh this is the very famous your favorite I like Lucky Charms what the [ __ ] is that magic gems yeah get those magic bags has it got some 40 watt it's got no red 40. it's funny it's such a long list oh God it's quite a long it's very long it's the starts to Spanish I know it doesn't wait what oh here we go yeah it's got everything red 40 yellow five and six blue number one and vitamin E and the trisodium phosphate are so yummy marshmallows but if it tastes good if it tastes like you gives a [ __ ] they put marshmallows in cereal it works it's the best bits the best part yeah that's a [ __ ] dessert that shouldn't be in a cereal box as a kid you get this and then you have these shitty [ __ ] rice or corn based uh things and then you pick around to get the the marshmallows what are the gems marshmallows the gems is like a marketed marshmallow that's like oh new marshmallow flavor I'll just kill the marshmallows in there got a good taste test oh that marshmallow is so good [ __ ] off no it's not the blue 40 tastes amazing blue four and five the chef the compliment to the chef and the blue forty all right there we go we've got two marshmallows that's not that much [ __ ] awful there's a kid growing up I used to eat all the cereal in the bowl and leave the marshmallow so I'd have like what 15 marshmallows at the end surprise yeah Jesus that tastes so sugary it is yeah I mean recently I thought it'd be a good idea to put the marshmallows in a coffee as a like a sweetener terrible [ __ ] idea what happened it absorbs the coffee oh and so then you just chew it it becomes very chewy because they're like weirdly preservative marshmallows oh God have them by itself oh [ __ ] although I don't like that I'll tell you who does like it oh my God what are you doing you're gonna die red voice red four red four he's never tasted so good you're just mocking tricks having the exact same ingredient list but it's in marshmallow formulas red 40 yellow five Mambo Number Five it's all [ __ ] no not anymore no I'm not all right well let's be honest where do you put it genocide 15 what is that like Bingo gone wrong [Laughter] modified corn starch salt gelatin sunflower try sodium phosphate number one red Fort yellow five six animal bones in this yeah they do every goddamn vitamin Under the Sun they're vitamin B vitamin B a vitamin b2a he loves it you still love it what is all this [ __ ] I want to cut it up and snort it just give me a direct IV uh what do you stop eating here this is Connor what do you think I think it's certainly better than the fruit ones I think you can agree I think it tastes better than Trix not as bad as oh my yeah is it better than the Captain Crunch the corn the sweetened corn no I'm shocked by that decision I thought you would put I think in between here yeah that's where I'd put it okay and then Chris where would you put this number one no you're [ __ ] oh no I can't stop eating this you can't say it's better than the Almond I'm taking it away all right this is number one it's number one we're not putting it no that's a joke I can't stop eating it it's so good no no he's becoming American this is how you get in doctors he wants he wants red 40 and some 41 apparently if I was being interrogated if they waterboarded me I'd give them nothing but if they were like we'll give you some Lucky Charms I'll tell you everything you need when it's gonna be hard to put because you guys have such polarizing opinions it's got to go in front of reason I think I have to just fully ignore Chris's opinion on this I think your opinion's too biased this is your childhood favorites it's so good man no more no more now but Mom no do they have this in Japan no oh thank God thank God we'd never see Chris again turn up to the party at the end of dodgeball where he's sitting on the couch with the pizzas who was in his office like pouring these yeah it was nothing but Lucky Charms yeah bumping his penis it goes uh I think in front of crave I guess it could be fair but I don't think it's true I don't think it should move that section down a bit yeah I don't think it should but it's going there I want to chat we'll show you the final list and we're done I'll take them home we have three more we're getting there oh [ __ ] off uh let's do Oreos these these look horrifying I do not like a look these uh these these this is what I got out of the game so these got added into the cereal lineup when I started realizing hey this isn't a great breakfast and they're cartoonishly sugary did anyone think they were good breakfast 17 grand this is tied for the most sugar we've seen it has no fiber to speak of no protein to speak of it has a third of a serving well hey can I can I finish though what no red 40. so maybe it's not red well these look awful Chris is going to drop dead so he puts one of those around where you go what are you doing well let's not pretend that he didn't love the Lucky Charms yeah but these look Lucky Charms Magic I'm pretty full now all right take away I did oh I didn't have breakfast I had a breakfast but oh Jesus he looks terrible oh God let me show you you couldn't dream it any better make your milk happy I always thought these were so different from real Oreos that have pissed me off it's the stuffed breakfast dreams are made of chocolate crunchy O's with a rich creamy coating combined to give you a bowl full of cookie milk that tastes so good you'll want to cut all right this [ __ ] that's awful that's not as bad as I remember all right all over the floor it's it's not as bad as the berries and Below but it does not taste good it doesn't taste like Oreos that's for sure I used to actually this is actually degenerate so I already have cereal As a treat every night as a snack and I would break up two Oreos into quarters and put them in like real Oreos because they soak up the milk really well and then I'd have a bite that would have like golden grams and Oreo in it you're such a degenerate that's the ingredients it's got titanium dioxide in it 71 blackbird that list that is such a long unbleached enriched wheat can I show them how long this list is this this is a list the longer the list the more healthy ingredients it could have look how long this list is Chad this is insane longer than [ __ ] Santa Claus's list naughty or nice look how long that is that's that's all the ingredients oh the unbleached titanium tastes delicious that's all you can taste all right where do you put it right at the bottom below Frosted Flakes for sure yeah well it's not as bad as all the fake well how carcagenic is it no red dyes it's not like a [ __ ] game show hell carcinogenic is the cereal calcium phosphate soy lithium unsweetened chocolate sweet and chocolate the germed corn oh yeah they got rid of the germs in it that's good deemed you want germ corn invert sugar what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] in this [ __ ] box it takes away the sugar for me awful why is Oreo so bad remember a few years ago those stupid influences by taking money from Oreos and like putting their videos controversy in the UK wait what so the advertising rules in the UK came a lot stricter because um yeah product promotion for Oreo and not saying anything it was a whole drama what was the what was the Oreo challenge that each morning they would just be like yeah like without any AD prompt or anything like ah I want to see how many Oreos I can eat double stuffed Oreos right now and then they did like an ad read weird weirdly and then they would eat Oreos who was it it was the UK uh Vlog crew that were mainly doing it they're all gone now excitement like like Dan and Phil like that era oh wow I think Dan and Phil did it I think I fell I don't know one of them did it uh you so behind Frosted Flakes correct yes in front of Captain Crunch yeah all the berry ones are really bad okay I think I think me and Chris have decided the berry ones they just taste too artificial right bring out the taste you can see it was James song apparently I'm saving my favorite cereal for Less wait this is your favorite that's my favorite cereal [ __ ] all right the taste you can see look he can see it you can see that tasty look at his Spanx all over the scenery at the front as well yeah that's a concerning Cinnamon Toast Crunch CTC a lot of people's favorite so I saw in the store there was Cinnamon Toast Crunch with real cinnamon rolls yeah what was that about they're like really thick versions of this with more cinnamon baked in between more fat and sugar as well uh I think probably oh God don't even want to look at the ingredients this is a lot of people's goated cereal a lot of people's favorite cereal sugar there's no titanium there's no titanium well that's so sneaky look at this they've said 12 grams of sugar and it added 12 grams of sugar no no it's not sneaky that's how you have to present it because it's at 24 if it said 12 grams of sugar without 12 grams added it'd be natural sugars I must have had like 150 of my daily [ __ ] and daily sugar like from this ridiculous well luckily you haven't had we haven't had a crazy hey hey but I want you to before you like eat it sniff it and then look at it okay because you can see the taste just let me sniff it yeah eat it yeah sniff it look at it it matters that much well you can't eat it then look at it so it smells like dog food and it tastes look at the flavors tastes right tastes like a dream I'm a big cinnamon fan can you guys see that wow that's a lot of flavor look at that cinnamon I'm a big fan of cinnamon I think cinnamon belongs in pretty much everything I like those okay oh yeah sorry okay anyway oh pretty good I mean I've had this before yeah no it's very sugary but good 12 grams it's about average for what we've seen today 17 is the high end four is the low end with a bit of a tastes too sugary I'm not a fan with a bit of milk though this would be rude with a bit of milk what happens is the milk becomes like the cinnamony milk and then the actual um pieces are a little less sugary I like this one yeah better than the Frosted Flakes yes or no a sex offender let me show you who Chris is accusing sex offender chat is it because of his tongue is it a little too intense you don't want to be in a room with him put it that way I want to be in a room with you him or Bill Cosby now mask on alone it's delicious Better or Worse better okay is this better worse than this better okay better better is it better or worse than raisin bread that's better okay is it better or worse Lucky Charms that's better okay is it better or worse than Honey Nut Cheerios wow wow wow wow too hard it's like eating like is it better and worse than crackling open Chris but uh no it's better worse than almonds okay so Connor or you think it's about fifth Chris you think it's about second I'm gonna put it I think uh I'll accept it all right and we are down to the wire oh a little bit rough after reading yeah it doesn't do everything certainly sit well in the summer I wasn't eating that man it's because you went to [ __ ] town you had 30 marshmallows and you're like I don't feel well oh I've had 500 of my daily red 40. a thousand percent dioxide it shouldn't have any rainforcement well as an American you need a bit to function this is my favorite cereal this is Golden Grahams it's the most snackable cereal um outside of milk these are the shreddings do you have Shreddies no no they're like shredders oh why do they sound like that they sound like guys they're delicious [Applause] why does it sound like that listen because they're good they're like flaky they're like glasses gets The Dominoes out it's like oh man contains bioengineered food ingredients why they sound so ominous when you read the ingredients don't be so worried about it yeah I just smell pretty far though it's honey it's honey and it's and it's it's the Golden Honey with a little grams bioengineers so they're trying to make the incredible [ __ ] hole 12 grams of sugar cereals it's about standard for the sugar amount you're so bad yeah right a bit cardboardy a bit dry yeah a bit dry the honey doesn't taste very uh real it tastes very like artificial it's real honey no I don't believe sugar brown sugar syrup canola somewhere at the bottom of the list it says it says honey the brown syrup is way more overpowering than the honey I can taste more of the syrup than the honey what about the tri-sodium phosphate a lot of context of that you taste the titanium I think it's mad but this is your favorite yeah it's definitely below crave oh you're refreshing get another bite yeah I'm craving to put this in the dust oh okay all right here I got an idea for you this will make it a lot better ready oh now how is it a single marshmallow marshmallows there we go um that's right in the middle okay well is it better is it better or worse than Frosted Flakes um [Music] the syrup is not very nice oh you know what Frosted Flakes tastes like I don't need to retry it retract oh we're trying our frosted flakes are better so you put golden grams above Oreos I imagine then yeah we spoke quite violy of Oreos but I also think that's better than like recent crave as well well I'm also do you wanna okay so how about it we'll do this we'll do this start lining them up oh this is the list so far yeah oh [ __ ] chat you're gonna see the list right now this is after 17 cereals where these two British men have ranked the most popular American series uh just layer them a bit later though yeah yeah let's do it like this as long as you can see the logo that corner's engineering degree paying off it's not really it's the best is it we kind of made it work we'll get it done we'll figure it out getting shot yeah the trees I think I can zoom out as well we can just do no I don't think yeah I zoomed up the tree is in the way the festive tree we have more room now we have more room to play with boys let's let's move them along your surprise should you should uh hold on hold on gotta make more so you can raise it show their little smug face ears so this is going like this oh I feel so awful yeah we should wrap them around can I just all right so we have decided can I use this as a sick bag all right so we have decided between all of us that the worst worst American cereal in the world is Fruity Pebbles do we agree with that still oh yeah yeah right oh yeah this is our number one worst cereal as I said earlier it's like someone smashed up some corn flakes smeared them in cancer and then colored them for fun people do [ __ ] more all the red 40 [ __ ] yellow five blue one all of them in there you know I can't even speak I'm so shocked all right well boy before we jump in before we jump in are there any changes you want to make like looking at this right now some frosting flight should be a little bit higher probably they should be above Reese's yeah can we can we bump it up maybe above this as well because this report can we bump these along so SWAP SWAP SWAP SWAP Frosted Flakes with Raisin Bran no I don't think we'll just move I guess move those three down then yeah and then and then put this yeah like that I don't think it's better than crave I think it's equal okay so I think this is the list this is the list all right so we'll go through it one by one right this is the [ __ ] one right that's like a shark so the worst one we have decided is the worst amount stop eating the Lucky Charms [ __ ] sake the worst American cereal as agreed upon by two British people and an American uh who's 30. I do not accept any part of your list I think your list is quite [ __ ] Fruity Pebbles number number one dog [ __ ] and frankly inedible I would argue okay I think these are uneditable it'd be good for confetti at a party though okay I would say this marriage was Chuck fruit Pebbles this is what the neighbor kid eats like this is what the neighbor kid uses as fuel all right yeah he burns it like we did and then he runs on it the worst one after that we decided the next worst one was tricks uh which is well I mean I think it's [ __ ] I can speak for itself it speaks first I think the biggest trick is that people eat this yeah um and people think this is food that's they've tricked the entirety of America uh this [ __ ] is awful it's also got the the character that annoys me the most that rabbit because he knows he's killing people Billy he's silly he's committed a war crime he's silly he's just a little goofy um Obama you're so silly with your drone all right next up we said Fruit Loops it's third worst I guess I'm gonna stop doing the third and fourth worst at some point yeah you can just keep going just say next Fruit Loops what do you think we agree this is still dog [ __ ] I think it's pretty clear you guys hate all fruit which is why there's berries which is partially fruit is your favorite of the fruit variety because it's the least fruit it has the least fruit which I think is fat so I think if we had oops all berries you'd be singing a different tune I think it would have bottom but that's that's that next up the Abomination that is Oreos O's wrong side it looks so cheap looks awful this looks like Oreos this looks like what everyone got fat off in Wally I just don't know what I mean this is the reason why I think no you don't agree no I agree I agree hold up hold up I'm Mike dead Connor oh it's on my bed yeah oh I turned off it's just out of battery don't worry I'll uh to have some Lucky Charms here oh that's just about the same way thank you all right [Applause] I'll just take care of the Lucky Charms stop Lucky Charms I've got dinner soon California something Chris please stop Chris stop stop eating the Lucky Charms no no no no these marshmallows are great all right Chad can you hear me now hello hello Chad can you hear me hello it's uh Chris all right good yeah all right yeah this is the worst one what it says is you couldn't dream it better you could this is a nightmare not a dream okay if we could if we could for a moment let's imagine this is a tier list okay I believe it's pretty safe to say that this is the f f wouldn't eat even if you had to eat something to live is Oreos in that tier yeah is there like an atrocity tear this is the atrocity too this is like like it is a nuclear disaster you go to a grocery store you're out of Tescos these are the five things there I'll eat I'll eat the rabbits and the ferrets [Laughter] and our next tier starts with golden grams D tier I imagine you would eat it no no you never do e so it was F to D yeah so I realize that one I don't know because it's American yeah [ __ ] let's realize it's the most used letter in the American language so we try to cut it out the American language of English thing can you [ __ ] we invented it years ago okay we're gonna have none left D tier I would say this is something that you would eat if you had to but you would never ever ever choose to eat this I would put these three I would sauna I would seem to saw off my fingers than they these ones here wait what is this point wait what was Mouse's opinion Mouse is an opinion what did she say why why is mouse sad Mouse your Captain Crunch is delicious well well that all right well awkward apparently so I overruled that decision the iron Mouse delegation these three are the D tier then in my mind do we agree with this yeah this is DTA yeah that's fair it cuts me deep that two of them were my favorite cereals which ones are the two Reese's Puffs and golden grams uh yeah well that yeah I mean you did leave Europe so that would explain why okay um you speak French right yeah that's why yeah that's why you don't like these plie I think these are pretty bad these are pretty bad stop so I think the seats here should Encompass not just uh the Frosted Flakes in the Crave which I think these are cereals that you would willingly eat if you went to someone's house it also includes no your favorite and no your parents yes so so this is Chris's favorite this is your favorite yeah but you both don't really like each other's this would be like number one this would be stn yes this is level one yeah I don't know what this is this is for cancer Tears for Fears this is awful this is c for Chris and Connor all right well fine because it's your guys's favorite tier along with craving Frosted Flakes which you guys seem to enjoy it [ __ ] off this is not MB listen I'm not putting this in B this is you don't put this in B if I can't have my beloved Lucky Charms up here you have to pick which one do you put in B let them have one fine oh all right so this is the sea tier okay we've done the seat here we've established this season is kind of hot to be honest it's a good tier you guys did these dirty broken tongue no and then we have this is the only one that goes B tier bi b means by you would buy this B for brilliant I think honestly cinnamon goes in b as well B yeah beer there's only one EST here out of these two well there's eight to yourself yeah sir I think crackling oat bran is eight oh yeah and Honey Bunch is s so this is B tier yeah brilliant not bad I need it you know whatever hey and then hey and finally the big guns the big boy we just shake the elements this is the only ATA cereal except for cornflakes which would be SSS and then of course the actual true best cereal as decided by two British men that is the best cereal America has oh yeah do you agree I agree so you you reckon even though you like this one yes you recognize that this is superior it's much healthier it has much less sugar overall it's more palatable for people of all ages it's a good cereal and it's got no colors in it's got no red forty or blue five the ingredient list is short I think we should import this to the UK I think this is a go I go back to London tomorrow I'll take it to the people well are you guys stick to eating 3 000 calories before noon with your beans and your toast on beans I feel really good really awful I'm going to be sick all over lovely's house okay well please don't do that because can I use the box for the [ __ ] tricks or something yeah find the tricks box sick back home it's all rubbish we'll feed that to the dog this made it worthwhile it's half empty at this point it feel great doing this after being very physical in boxing no why not because I want to keep getting fit I don't want to be like like a massive downturn now the event saver I want to keep up the fitness and this is a spectacular step in the wrong direction I had a great time drinking alcohol being very unhealthy watching Chris get punched that was that was something I didn't know I needed in my life entertainment you can't buy I was literally like if Chris is here I was sitting about this far away sipping my beer watching Chris get punched in the face when I lost the queen I went to Conor I went yeah I don't know if it got it on camera but Chris went like this to me he went he didn't see the commentary desk in the middle of the fight he walked over he's like oh really yeah I think you're supposed to be locked in you're supposed to be focused you're looking at me bro you did that right you weren't you looking at the world I thought he was looking at me he just goes like this when he threw his Queen how was the actual fight itself how do you feel the fight I uh I let myself down because he got a blow early on and it really threw me off guard I was like oh [ __ ] if he actually keeps so you had a plan going in but then when you got hit pretty much everybody has a plan until they get there the thing is that was my first fight I've done like definitely not his first fight the old opponent yeah but he seemed like a really nice guy he took it really well do you see that like combat block he did from like [ __ ] if you did something like this or MMA did this really weird walk and I was like I don't know how to attack that because most boxers do this or this and he was like yes it looked really weird I can't actually do we were talking about how he was walking around like a dark souls enemy because he was so slow and he had this arm always out ready to do an overhand he kept keeping because obviously his wings bigger than yours he's got keeping you at a distance like yeah you could never really I couldn't get to him because obviously at the moment you came in you probably just smacked you I do think you figured out within the second round his overhand and how to block that and so he tried it a few times and he blocked it every time I dodged a really big hook yeah one big massive one and I think I went under it or something and dodged it but yeah I would have liked to have hit him more in the face honestly that was my biggest regret and also losing the queen but it's kind of a Bittersweet thing if I actually checkmated him as I intended to there and then it would have cut the whole thing in half it would have been like oh he's won the end yeah so by going like right down to those last timer to the clock it made it so much more like edge of your seat and all the judges were like rigged they're in my favor they're all like come on Chris it was so everyone was so biased I felt so sorry for my opponent because everyone was like oh like the commentary I guess I was the other dog he was the favorite yeah because when he came out everyone was like Chris he's gonna die oh yeah the poll was I think 60 70 yeah in his favor so I think I mean actually never give up after that first round I was like oh my God I hope Chris wins in chess because I thought I thought you were [ __ ] I came out of it and I turned to Nick I went I've got to win in chess now there's 300 000 people watching and then you walk out and everyone's like yeah Chris ASO and then he walks out and they're like oh no what's happening to my favorite YouTuber yeah time for a broader body bag yeah never give up I was the underdog I pulled it off and it made it more fun for it I'm glad I got to finally hit the lobby and he did you hit the Lottie yeah I hit you oh you piece of [ __ ] you sounded so good you can't see his face you're right like you hit the like oh you hit the Lottie before I don't know how that is what the [ __ ] is that oh there's that silly dance you do or something it's an excellent that's not how you what is it what's the bloody dance it's it's like a really cool dance move it's taking over the nation should be all right you can't really you can't really see it properly My Lucky Charms it looks like having a strike and you need help quickly like that's okay we're talking about brownies or your defense in boxing all right come on no no you should try it they'll love it what is it you see you put your you put your feet out here yeah and you see this it looks like you need the toilet yeah that's great and then while you do that your arm goes like this he's not bad at it I feel like I'm gonna get arrested for doing something I'll just do this down Hollywood beetlevard later you don't get arrested you just get a straight shot Stop Dancing sir we're gonna have to open fire why does Chris look so rigid yeah I do feel very stiff he's stiff he boxed two days ago that's why but no I do I'm gonna carry on the boxing um you're gonna Spar or just for like training I'm I will like that was my first fight like I've been training with Nick and stuff I never had a fight before so I'd like to have a problem with fight all in would it feel [ __ ] if you trained that long then let's do one round I feel like would you what do you mean did you want to fight more than that I wanted to fight more yeah but I was also terrified of getting knocked out in front of yeah it was like 300 000 people watching I was like if I get knocked out this is the end of my career because they'll just be replayed over and over so the audiences are different you probably could have got away with it you could have gone forward and been like I won I feel like he should have been way more aggressively he had the advantage in the ring he should have pushed that more and punch him in I think it's possible but I also think that I did hold well I did hold him off I kept jabbing which many couldn't Advance forward you're a good defense you removed a lot and I think his one attack you caught on too quick and it didn't feel like he had a second attack yeah I think he also postured that he was better than he was in the ring because he keeps switching to Southpaw and I was like I don't think you oh that's a bad move to keep changing stuff I don't think he like knew how to use that I think he just knew how to switch the stance but I don't think he had like a overflow pretty candle on Chris losing his stamina faster you know what I will say he didn't tell me this it's a bit of a leak bit of a secret he thought that on the final round of Chess he would get 4 min minutes of time yeah no no in the chess game oh yeah but the time I was there the whole time I know but I don't know he thought there would be a magical extra four minutes for each person you don't watch any of the fights before we still did a staggering amount of illegal moves at the end yeah I checked him he just like just I was like yeah you discovered check was very smart yeah when you move the king for a discover check I was like oh he's [ __ ] it was fun seeing Chris Turner can we go twice in a row as well yeah no I yeah it's a really weird thing it's good I was proud I'm happy with how it turned out I was impressed you did good yeah I think everyone was impressed the best thing for me was the bit coming out at the start though you like that with the whole career why why the candy it's Christmas isn't it it's a time yeah Chris was going to do nothing he's just gonna walk out and I was like what no you should do something fun and then he was like all right I found the perfect idea I will say that had a better reason you can pretend this was your reason it was because this was your health Journey you were losing weight yeah and so this is you throwing away the candy walking into the ring that's exactly what it was I thought about that yeah we definitely love it they def like most people just did not want the candy because it was [ __ ] it was like dollar store we spent at least 12 bucks on that candy wasn't the Smashing of the Reese's bar what was that just to show with my opponent I'm breaking him that's him breaking but then I tried to drop kick it I missed and I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] it's him breaking his past habits and also I wanted and then I tore it up and I wanted you are an English major yeah you're such an English major find the emotion in literature the dressing gown symbolized uh an unleashing of oneself I also wanted to hit all the executives in the front row with the Reese's sweets those are my bosses yeah can you resign me still don't worry about it so I'm actually on Twitch [ __ ] yeah you're on Twitch right now how many views do we have 25 is that 22. every time he was referring to YouTube not yet let's just blaze Pat so gentlemen cereal fensley I've never paid for this one yeah I don't want to eat silicone ever again man why not because it's [ __ ] I mean give me an omelette give me some salad give me uh some granola not this would you give our list oh your list sucked you're always [ __ ] what would you okay what was the the two biggest diss Services we did like the wrong the Cracklin oprin being at the top this mess it was terrible here's the top five coming in at number one this is your top five this this is the best cereal in front of us today according to it uh the number two best cereal in front of us today is probably mini frosted Meats oh yeah actually yeah good number three is Honey Nut Cheerios that's the rest of the numbers four is Cinnamon Toast Crunch which is what testosterone and number five is um [Music] no certainly not Golden Grahams and these are the best five cereals this is a good lineup I agree with this one this one and this one you don't like the Honey Nut I like Honey Nut it's like there's Frosted Mini weeds this is a based in American list this is not based chat it's buying based he's literally just get the [ __ ] with the most sugar in it and called it no no no no no this is only nine grams this is only 12 grams this is only 12 grams this is like cereals though because it just makes if you ate all this every day for like a week or two you'd get fat very fast and pulling a lot away I ate all this for 18 years [ __ ] out all right this is like speed run to diabetes yeah you get bloated so you want it like Ludwig's stomach just eat all this I do get bloated I'm bloody right now I get blood I think it's gluten I've never seen in La I've never seen like so many adverts for diabetes and how to avoid it if you don't know so much people are pretty like thin comparatively here right because other U.S states yeah of course you've clearly not been to other users not recently no no L.A has like the most in-shaped people anywhere in the US it's because it's all about image right it's all about I've never seen anyone walking around drinking like Mountain Dew or a Coke half the people want to be yeah they're drinking kombucha or coffee really fancy stuff kombucha that's the Hollywood yeah because it's all about that in La you gotta you gotta be thin or you're like you just don't get to live what they do is instead they snort cocaine and then they eat healthier yeah right oh man I there's something else I would love it here okay what is the what the [ __ ] what do you think is the worst to cocaine addiction all right I'm not that British um isn't it like in in like I think out of all London toilets it's like 99 of them have choices of cocaine holy [ __ ] uh I believe that well public I went to London once and my uh Uber driver instantly started talking to me about cocaine what first Uber I had and then I ubered back also talking about coaches really yeah you must have been it's because it looks like you've rubbed it in your hair [Music] Trix is terrible okay this is the worst Oreos I mean we literally burnt this we we set it on fire oh yeah um and then I would say the last would be for me the crunch no so where you think the Pebbles the flammable Pebbles I like the texture next tier list which one is the most flammable we could do this again at some point God knows when and we do the pumpkin spice [ __ ] [ __ ] ass they have like you didn't see it there's 40 varieties that's what's pumpkin spice [ __ ] house it's every single cereal that we did not bring today it sounds like happens if you don't eat today I'm rich American you don't even like bidets try okay yeah don't pretend can you do you want to see love books bidet by the way he has his own bidet company on Instagram although the one in my room bidet is silly it's nonsense it's not installed correctly it's like yeah okay don't leak don't leak I did install like [ __ ] though and I never fixed so why okay so does swipe heat the water or not that one doesn't that one's the attachment model but I have the nicer you have to get the goated one chat don't get the non because the last thing you want is a burst of cold water in your ass juice look how many different Frosted Flakes what the [ __ ] they got like a Honey Nut cinnamon that is your three favorite mouse or something is that what you like oh [ __ ] yeah I need a water I want a coffee again actually yeah me too coffee yeah let's do another coffee it's gonna be sick over here top three I gotta pee I gotta pee it's just me now what are the top three I gotta know I got a judge come on where is it what is that this I love how well hey guys it's uh me Henry the hippo would you like to subscribe to the abroad in Japan Channel of course she would I saw I saw Cinnamon Toast Crunch Captain Crunch and something else what was the other one did you see it so you like mouse's favorite is Captain Crunch Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Reese's bro you're literally a five-year-old I swear to God this is what are you doing with the hippo what do you think of Mouse's top three Chris these three I think she's got poor taste buds why is the hippo American well gee Glory gosh Connor I just want to talk like this is my real voice oh I think she's got pretty [ __ ] bad tasting serious oh Reese is what happens when you eating cereals he become a weird American hippo what's happening it's all about red 40 it's gone to your brain your brain is rotted this is this is good this is like the after credits scene of a movie subscribe do it not Ludwig doesn't know what he's missing so uh let everybody have fun on this stream what do you think of iron Mouse's top three corner [ __ ] yeah this is what I expect the average five-year-old American to love absolutely really bad taste really [ __ ] bad accent whoa this accent's terrible where did you learn this all of the comments absolutely agree but you're an [ __ ] what's wrong with you it's good it's good no it doesn't okay this is the future of CWA it looks Connor and the hippo if I I can't be Avicii but this is the next best thing this is me being a hippo would you describe yourself as a hippo is it [ __ ] off I'm just saying you said it okay you should described yourself as a hippo what is the animal that you closely relate to then lime a lion absolutely a lion that what is out of shape this looks like a really [ __ ] children's TV show the real question is when is Chris going to donate the 300 was it or 500 500 to charity because he didn't get I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it when he's gonna he's putting an offer a long time I've got a video coming out I've got a video coming out about the fight about the BET okay don't you worry okay pay the money it was 500 right yeah well it's you can we put that in your tank so what kind of currency exchange rates are we doing with so we're doing it like dollar five years ago or no today's dollar bollocks dollars got strong it's very strong right now I'd be happy we got a nice amount of dollars what the hell's loud do we got it's just yeah you went to the toilet or something he's probably watching this guy this is my car you can just hear him then you just hear this from the day I'm gonna go over here New Zealand dollar no no we use real currencies yeah all right were you happy that you came to La what do you think about trying to burn all the cereal I think this one Burns really well if my memory serves me well like this one let's burn this place down again do you see these photos of you me or him hi Richard yeah oh that's good the ones the photographer took when do I get this it's already in there it's in the Discord I supposed to do yesterday holy [ __ ] you've got there's one when I was like flopped over the ring looking dead and I saw the look at that yeah is your fire alarm sensitive oh yeah you just missed you just missed the hippo with a hippo yeah yeah what's the hippo What's the hippo wow isn't that concerning look at that no oh that's like black smoke too oh my God holy [ __ ] man you're gonna burn the whole place down you're [ __ ] insane I hope you're a fire alarm is a girl yeah I made it this is probably getting off this is nothing worse than a [ __ ] Welsh pyromaniac you know do you want to eat it no I don't want it it'll kill me I'll eat it no it's a half and half grocery do you know this game try the cursed the cursed [ __ ] it up do you know the game what are the odds it's an American game yeah where you're like oh don't I'll do it yeah yeah you say like what are the odds what are the odds you eat that I don't know what are the odds for you it's your stream here that would be really bouncy wouldn't it yeah of course when you burn things it creates acrylamide which is carcinogenic fun facts for the Broadway wait okay you know that but you don't know that eating the marshmallows is bad for you well that's good for you guys are a good sauce how does this open you press the open button that's so [ __ ] why do you he used to plug in his his trash can into a wall it's the future man it's the bin for the one percent okay all right look at this all right hand this over this what a ship in it doesn't respond to your hand look [ __ ] you know why oh why why not do this and you'd pay we open our bins ourselves you guys are in Japan where you're like everything's automated no own depends on automators they don't have that technology yet it doesn't even work it might have died to be honest I have an app as well no well I don't like them anymore you're gonna get sick keeping this it's a Mercedes-Benz is it a Mercedes-Benz all right well then chat I guess that'll be it for today it was a short stream but a good stream I'd say a very successful one we managed to uh raid every single American material let us know down below if you agree with our taste or disagree and which one should be the top maybe you want at the bottom and uh go check out these guys they're always streaming doing stuff you're streaming a lot uh and hopefully you subscribe to the current YouTube channel if you haven't already and watch our love Hotel video they've got demonetized because reasons we don't understand and check out Connor slapping me in the face that was good we did yeah that was great good connect really I hope nearly versus eardrum I tries you actually were close I didn't actually not try to do I was trying to be nice let's do it you deserve another slot no oh you get it no you deserve a slap you know if you slap me I slap you the [ __ ] off I've already been beating around enough I'm sore this is all the toy raised actually yeah oh you've got a scar here yeah I know I'm telling you oh [ __ ] you should show the camera did this happen today you've got a bruise yeah I'm telling you guys it's also Fair Connor was allowed to hit Ludwig but Ludwig didn't really get a shot he's being nice he was being nice abusive friendship so the way that we do because we weren't actually trying to hurt each other um we oh it's all coming out now well yeah of course we won't try it I'm just trying to [ __ ] I'm just going to have some fun event the [ __ ] out of each other why did you hurt me you were supposed to hurt me was it not fun was it not entertaining it was right entertained it was good right Connor's the school bus great my favorite time was when I raised my hand and everyone yeah yes they're all Roman emperors trying to get me killed that's how I imagined it in my head I thought I pictured it was that scene no mercy the viewers are going my name is Maxwell the generals of the armies of the north father's wife the chalk is Big Brain the chalk was the when the talk that you hit yeah the clouds oh so good that was the best part all right chat thank you so much for joining hope you enjoyed it I'm sure we'll do more stuff again in the future we didn't have much time this trip because I'm kind of just in and out doing stuff but we're doing a stream right have you told anyone about it yeah tomorrow we're doing a stream uh and we are going to train with a Michelin star sushi chef holy [ __ ] that's amazing I'm gonna be on a plane why did you start with the American yeah that confused me too that's when I hear Ludwig I feel like speaking American it's the same when I look at you and I yeah it's kind of good huh oh my god let's get out of here all right all right thank you so much for joining guys uh I'll see you guys soon uh Lily's gonna press end stream now hopefully and not bye guys bye
Channel: CDawgVODs
Views: 479,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, connor, connordawg, vod, stream, vods, cdawgva vods, cdawgva streams, cdawgvod, abroad in japan, ludwig, chris broad, cereal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 3sec (6723 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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