Genius Inventions That Should Be Implemented Everywhere

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[Music] thank you [Music] this pedestrian bridge stands at the entrance of the Grand Union canal [Music] we've got bad news robots are gradually replacing gas station attendants the good news is that it looks awesome the station receives all the necessary data about your vehicle including the amount of fuel and the volume of your fuel tank the robot takes care of the entire process autonomously [Music] foreign [Music] take a look at this electric all-terrain skateboard [Music] here's another Gadget straight out of the James Bond Universe a handheld Backscatter imager it's priced at forty eight thousand dollars which is perfect for Die Hard agent 007 fans who also happen to be millionaires it's not just mobile devices and Home Appliances that are becoming smarter even clothing is joining the trend imagine a smart vest that anticipates your Falls and transforms into an airbag [Music] thank you have you ever rushed out of the house grabbed your laptop and then wondered where to put your mouse this won't happen again with this Wireless origami mouse you can simply tuck it into your pocket or wallet foreign ly press any button you attach it to allowing you to turn the lights on and off activate the washing machine or open and close doors [Music] speaking of devices that do all the work for you and that's because of this rotating wheel that makes contact with the strings creating completely unique rhythms [Music] firefighters worldwide use Tower ladders to put out fires up high but in Asia they've come up with a cool drone that can quickly handle small fires in just a few minutes [Music] picture a person who's tasked with exploring a semi-abandoned mine but here's the good news that was the last time this poor soul had to endure such a job now a remarkable drone takes care of it all foreign [Music] ERS seek Refugee under the air conditioner the lucky owner of this gadget gets to enjoy a cool breeze wherever they go [Music] [Music] check out this awesome new way to cool off okay [Music] that's right it helps you cool off because it's a fan it's not your ordinary fan though this one comes with built-in LEDs that create stunning three-dimensional images as it spins [Music] a huge Bowl spins at a speed of 10 miles per hour and generates waves that imitate the ones you'd find in the ocean [Music] can you guess what this device is for it is a shoe cleaner but as you can see it also works as an optical illusion [Music] this system allows cars to be accessed and retrieved from any level even up to 158 feet high [Music] here's an interesting idea for theaters transformable bleachers with foldable seats that can be adjusted as needed [Music] nowadays there's practically nothing you can't create using a 3D printer except for high-end jewelry surprisingly even the construction of an entire house can be completed in just a single day [Music] [Applause] [Music] undoubtedly robotics stands as one of the world's fastest growing technology sectors and here's the evidence [Music] [Music] by the way it's not just the land that Androids are conquering they're also delving into the depths of the ocean Stanford University scientists have developed an underwater archaeological robot designed to assist researchers [Music] well there is good news for curtain enthusiasts and people who work in similar positions an ingenious exoskeleton has been created just for you it reduces up to 40 percent of the pressure on your muscles and Joints supports your head with care and brings us closer to a future where we're almost bio robots as immense as virtual reality may seem when wearing a VR headset walking on the spot or having to move in an area of about 20 square feet is quite exhausting that's why some ingenious developers have come up with these virtual reality shoes that mimic the natural way of walking they give the wearer the sensation of walking without the risk of bumping into a wall or breaking the TV one more step towards the metaverse can someone learn to ride a motorcycle if they struggle with balancing on a bicycle well let's turn to the Honda designers who have come up with this solution thank you [Music] [Applause] built-in lighting a spacious 70-inch screen with a 4K projector and audio system and even a massager this is not the description of a hotel suite but some of the features of this bed the only problem is getting out of it in the morning especially when leaving a regular bed can already be a challenge if you don't like getting up then this smart mobile chair is just what you need [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've all tried wearing glasses that make screen images appear three-dimensional but have you ever wondered if it's possible to view 3D images without any device see for yourself you might think that this device belongs in an episode of Black Mirror but it's actually a real invention meet and we head a revolutionary Gadget that brings a presence effect to your video calls learning foreign languages is cool for your brain and all but what if you find yourself going on a business trip to China in just a week knowing only knee how we have the perfect solution for you this earbud recognizes the language of your conversation partner and translates it in real time let's take a look at how a dialogue unfolds with the help of this incredible Gadget put it in here okay can you hear me in French [Music] is awesome but how you doing yeah it's translating it's translating [Music] amazing how oh [Music] wow that's really cool Believe It or Not these people aren't crazy they're actually testing out a smartwatch wristband that lets you take calls using your finger what can you do when your hands are full but you need to answer a call or capture an important moment smartphone case that transforms your device into a drone [Music] moreover a smartphone floating in the air looks eye-catching don't you agree a drone designed for aerial photography is impressive but imagine a drone that takes you soaring through the sky allowing you to witness the landscape first hand well such a drone already exists it can Ascend to Heights of up to 400 feet fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour and cover a range of approximately 10 miles which should be enough to fly to the grocery store [Music] here's a must-have product for weary Travelers tired of carrying heavy loads for miles [Music] good news for electric car owners charging your vehicle has become a breeze simply park it in a designated spot and let this Nifty Little Robot handle the rest [Music] you've seen cartoons on a fan talked on the phone through your finger and even arranged a meeting with a friend now it's time to shave with a vacuum cleaner but seriously this invention is fantastic we all know how annoying it can be to deal with hair in the sink and on the floor after cutting your hair or shaving well this device solves that problem by vacuuming them up instantly [Music] some in today's world devices keep getting smarter and now it's the computer Mouse's turn to shine [Music] imagine feeling like Magneto thanks to just one device this amazing invention replaces multiple gadgets instead you can simply use gestures to navigate computer programs take actions in games and virtual reality and even control machinery [Music] just picture this scenario you've got all the awesome gadgets from today's selection but now you need a convenient way to control them that's where these incredible glasses come in handy not only do they Shield your eyes from the Sun but they also seamlessly sync with nearly all Bluetooth devices blank once to make a left click blink twice to drag and [Music] have you ever wondered how much electricity your body could generate well it turns out it might be enough to charge your smartphone this compact device serves a dual purpose and enables you to train anytime anywhere while also functioning as a power bank [Music] introducing the groundbreaking contact lenses designed specifically for gamers now you can control the game simply by moving your eyes with an integrated eye tracker and a variety of colors and shapes it sounds too good to be true because it is this announcement was actually an April Fool's joke from Rog however the idea of contact lenses for gaming could very well be a concept for the future after all we've already seen the emergence of Apple's AR glasses foreign [Music] at first glance this device may seem like a way to listen to your favorite songs but it's actually designed to keep your ears Happy by providing a thorough cleaning experience [Music] this smart all-terrain wheelchair can handle it it can actually recognize stairs and lift you up to the next level without any trouble and you can even watch it happen thanks to the rear view camera augmented reality has evolved Beyond entertainment offering practical applications take for instance this smart display that projects essential information directly onto the windshield [Music] I don't know [Music] smart tint glass can help you out this robot dog becomes your loyal companion during soccer games and even learns to dribble by itself [Music] exciting advancements in the field of medicine have brought forth remarkable progress engineers in Japan have developed a myoelectric prosthesis that aims to restore sensation to a paralyzed arm [Music] introducing icy flow not only is it a portable air conditioner but it also functions as a speaker a power bank a wireless charging station a mosquito repellent and a flashlight this versatile device is a dream come true for hiking enthusiasts and adventurers alike this incredible device fills your room with soothing white noise or the sound of your choice be it bird song ocean waves or a calming lullaby the scarcity of drinking water poses a significant threat to Humanity's future not to mention the countless individuals already affected by a potential solution is this generator that extracts drinking water directly from the air this system can be conveniently installed on the rooftop of a building or even in a car [Music] thank you
Views: 4,505,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: braintime, brain time, brain, incredible, Genius Inventions, electric skateboard, robotic nanny, smartphone case, things, caught on camera, things caught on camera, moments caught on camera, incredible moments caught on camera, incredible moments, cctv, cctv camera, instant karma, instant karma caught on camera, ridiculous moments, ridiculous workers, satisfying video, most satisfying video, funny animals
Id: przcjMjI5wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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