The Case of Adam Matos

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Matos on august 28 2014 did Nicolas léonard put his hands on your throat yes he did did he threaten your life with the guy yes he did did you get in a fight with him yes did you defend yourself yes I did did you kill him yes why he tried to kill me hey Gregory Brown threaten your life yes lion did he pulled the trigger yes did you get into a shootout with him yes I did did you defend yourself yes did you kill him yes I did why me hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this whole video we're looking at the case of Adam Matos he well this is a tough one what police found in a house in Florida in 2014 kind of the stuff nightmares are made of so happy Halloween I know it lead investigators to one of the most sick and disturbing killers I've covered I mean he's definitely up there among the ones I've covered top five at least in Hudson Florida in 2014 a retired father brought his family down from Pennsylvania in the hopes of a quiet peaceful life then a de Matos entered the picture I mean he was already in the picture but you know what I mean he murdered four people leaving only one survivor a young boy yeah let's get let's get knee-deep in this one [Music] the Brown family had a good life on a farm in Pennsylvania made up of dad Greg mom Maggie and their tree children including Megan their only daughter Greg was an architectural and engineering executive Maggie took care of the property including their tree children on all of the animals Meghan was a she's a real hit with her own family she was a track and field star who would eventually enroll in Pennsylvania State University smart on speedy when Meghan was 18 years old she met a man by the name of you guess that is the name this video a de Matos he was 19 at the time when they started dating they met true mutual friend in Pennsylvania autumn Matos was an aspiring avant-garde DJ don't ask me what that means and they had only been dating a few months before Adam got Megan of the Duff Megan was said to be trilled about expecting a child as was her family however she wasn't so trilled to be with Adam he was an avant-garde DJ so they broke up however after giving birth to a little baby boy named Tristan Meghan reunited with Adam for the sake of the child who needed extra care as he was autistic Adam even moved into the brown family house with Megan and Tristan to help raise the boy they welcomed him in they thought they'd have a nice little family going on now I think I should just point out at this time that's Adam he didn't exactly have a squeaky-clean record he had been arrested several times just outside of Philadelphia he'd faced charges that included marijuana possession auto theft and trespassing at an apartment of another ex-girlfriend and assaulting her male companion the jealous type I ran this time Greg decided to up sticks and move the entire family dental hora de Adam wasn't really invited which made it kind of awkward when he came anyway I guess the family he taught that due to him being an [ __ ] he might just piss off but he didn't one thing is for sure though Adam did love his son you would do anything for him not quite sure Tristan would ask for what Adam will do though and so the gang move down to the sunshine states but the relationships in that gang they kind of went the opposite of sonship they were they were cloudy and the relationship between Megan an Adam continued to deteriorate they began renting a waterfront house in Hudson about 20 miles north of Tampa while their tropical island dream home was being built now at this time all together was Greg Maggie Megan Kristin and baby daddy Adam all living together fun situation while in Hudson mom Maggie took on a job as a convenience store cashier and Megan started waitressing at a local bar Adam briefly worked in a restaurant kitchen until he was fired not helping the situation at this point between Adam and Megan they were even sleeping in separate bedrooms Megan had also begun going out with a new group of friends she'd met leaving Adam at home with Tristan as he can imagine this really grinded out of gears he started become very jealous staying at home wondering where Megan was who she was with what boy she was with until she would come home and the very early hours of the morning this would eventually lead to violence one very early morning when Megan came true just after dawn in 2014 here's the 9-1-1 call Megan made that morning what you come exactly what happened Megan yes son dad I just you know I said put a knife to my throat like waiting everywhere and my son freaking out I really don't want to do this in front of him okay bro where's he at she's off okay when did that occur how did this in my son's room my son woke up okay ma'am ma'am he he know your hand with the knife yes all that can't be where and that's the father of your son yes give me his time delay okay every when that happened when he caught you with the knife he just didn't change so okay ten minute yeah okay what is his name Adam itõs a da M & apos okay well how old is he he hit 28 okay it was it if you think he'll be violent law enforcement officers finally yes ma'am I have your insulin right gosh had some got an argument or what was going on we haven't been together for weeks now because it isn't to anything oh no it's my friends became booth like 5:00 in the morning he got all pissed off and he was drinking and he police arrived at the house and found Megan distraught I'm bleeding from hand wounds she had suffered struggling to get the knife away from Adam Adam took off after Megan called 9-1-1 but she told the police when they arrived that she was afraid he might come back even angrier than ever yeah you know where this is going so after the incident days went by but seemingly no trouble from either Adam or Megan all was quite in the brown Mattos house it was all hunky-dory it really wasn't people said everything seemed calm coming from the house and they were right it was it was calm because within 24 hours of that 9-1-1 call Megan made everyone was dead the police were called again when a relative rang and reported that nobody had been able to reach any of the wrens by text or phone for six days and when the cops showed up to home it was empty now I've never smelled a dead body before but I hear it smells like just what you'd imagine rotten eggs rotten flesh rotting cabbage [ __ ] and like a sulfur garlicky smell mothballs that is what police got a whiff of when they wandered around the house the door of the home was also left open and the police entered the garage where they found the Brown family van on the ground behind the van they saw blankets covered and what appeared to be blood and about the same time as the responding officers discovered this another police officer who just happened to be driving nearby also began noticing a similar smell coming from a wooded area he called over the officers who were in the brown House for an L lucky C it was a pile of bodies decomposed beyond recognition it didn't take them long to put two and two together and realize who they were looking at while the medical examiner was having a go at trying to identify who exactly they had found the police launched into the house with forensic experts using good ol luminol they found that the red house was actually the red house there was a trail of blood stretching tread the house signs that the killer had tried to clean up some of it and in the van they could tell there were people dead and decaying left in the back of it including blurred admite although she's also in the van they found a shovel they determined that whoever did this wink-wink had tried to dig a big old hole in the backyard but in that area he couldn't dig more than a foot so he lashed the bodies into the van and dumped them down the road so it didn't take police long to have a person of interest a D'Amato's they knew he lived in the house they knew he had been having serious problems with the family an atom and fled the house when Megan made her 9-1-1 call less than 24 hours before she and her family are believed to have been murdered but this stage the detectives didn't know this the bodies were decomposed beyond recognition they didn't even know who Dee had found under a three tree down the road so they moved their immediate attention to another suspect Nicolas léonard a fella Megan had met after she moved at Florida detectives already suspected that Nick Leonard's relationship with Megan may have turned into a love triangle that could have sparked the murders Megan apparently hadn't told her friends and family about Nick a carpenter and landscaper but he had told his family all about Megan saying he was head-over-heels in love with her Nick told his parents that he and Megan were keeping their romance quiet until Adam had moved out of the house he told his parents that Adam had found out he was seeing Megan and was jealous Nick and Megan continued seeing each other however and detectives learned that Nick had actually been among the friends Megan had been out with the night she arrived and made that 9:00 call so detectives they went to speak with Nick but they couldn't find him he had disappeared then a few days later the medical examiner came back and said oh no yeah you you found Nick you also fend Gregg Maggie and Megan but thankfully they didn't find Tristan down the road under a tree they believed he was still alive but in a very dangerous situation they also now knew who was Adam who had done this but where was he they didn't know exactly a master fugitive the authorities asked her recovered bullets and bloody items from the canal behind the house they recovered two long rifles crossbows a 280 Cal Tech gun and a hammer a week after the gruesome scene was discovered the police traced Adam to a hotel where he had checked in under his own name [ __ ] hell he also had Tristan with him the four year old was said to be in a state of shock and was not talking to police Adam he came quietly and calmly along detectives didn't tell him that they had found the bodies instead detectives told him he was being arrested on domestic violence charges due to the 9-1-1 call from Megan they were hoping to trip him up on the murder charges and that he would confess while at the station detectives asked Adam who he would like to care for Tristan know that he couldn't he was arrested he said oh I don't know ask Megan and her parents right to have a look after him yeah there was a warrant out for your arrest for something that happened between you and issues your ex-girlfriend making like last week okay I don't know if you were where did that be either even called out to the house but we needed to come here and talk to you about some of the stuff that took place with that and that's basically why we're here and why would want to come talk to you okay so your son is in Gmail right Samaritan and now Ishmael's mother professed Megan what's her last name bro Brown okay and what's her monthly target Margaret okay and this Margaret Mary's just who she married it pretty from Craig okay did you did you know that she called the police no didn't know okay do you remember that is it where you guys got into an argument about her going out with a friend or something do you know if she was seeing anybody else what not okay what happened with that that night I guess there was an argument or something I talked about what happened argument tell me when you mean talk about laughs they tried coming home where yeah you know she came home late we just talked about it we had an argument okay and during the argument that either one of you guys to physical each other any kind of physical did she start new in any way that anybody in the family ever threatening here's what we know a little bit about that ordinate okay she's alleging that you threatened her or they even kill her and threatened her with a knife that's not true okay Stuart any way you can make sure that my son goes with my mom or my brother the caning any promises right now she later said to me they have ruled with that you know obviously you know we would like to him to go back to Megan you know that's going to be possible but no okay tell me his parents okay you can go on that okay I'm soon learned the police had found the bunnies however he denied killing anyone he actually pointed his finger at a ex-girlfriend of Nick who he said was jealous that Nick was dating Megan and oh she seems like the jealous killer type that's what Adam said it's funny however Nick Leonard's ex she had an airtight alibi Kristen Adam and Megan's young son then began to open up about what he saw that night and told them everything and that daddy killed mommy using this and what they could discover at the scene the police were able to construct a timeline of what happened after that 9-1-1 call Adams stormed out of the house but he then began to absolutely bombard Megan with more than a hundred threatening calls and text messages into twelve or so errors that followed threatening to come back and finish her off he wasn't just training Megan called her new boyfriend Nick who rushed over to her home with a gun to protect her in case Adam came back he did but he staked out the place first and was watching them Greg Nick Megan and Tristan inside the house but he was waiting for Maggie the mom to come home she arrived back around midnight when she pulled into the garage inside the van he pounced he bashed her multiple times with a hammer zip tied her hands put a plastic bag around her head and duct taped it shut he then hit her again in the head with a hammer after that you entered at a house proper with a hammer he went into the bedroom were Megan and Nick where an attacked Nick the medical examiner indicated that he had hit Nick 21 times in the head Adam then got Nick's gun off he chased Megan through house who ran to the master bedroom with Tristan Greg was already in there trying to get his rifle out of the closet but he was shot before he could load Adams shot him twice and then turned to Megan he then shot her in the face detectives learned that after he murdered these four people he just settled back into the house while the four buddies were still lying there he put up ads on Craigslist selling their [ __ ] even selling puppies that Maggie was breeding for 50 bucks a dog he ordered pizzas to the house he told the neighbors the family had gone hunting in West Virginia and he would then go over and hang out with the neighbors some nights just chillin while four bodies lay like right there and when the police came knocking on the door after the brands had been reported missing Adam was actually in the house he lagged it with his so intruder neighbors backyards and stole a canoe paddled to the other side of the canal at the back of the house jumped in a taxi and went to Tampa Adam was then charged with the first-degree murder of the Brown family and Nick Leonard he faced four counts of murder on the death penalty at trial he took the stand in his defense now get this when the jury was being selected one juror said she probably wouldn't do a good job because she would be distracted during the trial the reason Adam was too pretty the judge released a statement regarding the jurors ability to adequately weigh any potential punishment by saying I'm more concerned about what she said yesterday about the defendant being attractive and the causing her to be distracted and that might cause bias well I'm sure the lads in prison will find him real pretty and I mean I got is up to ask this question like super blonde because it you know that the reason that your cells like to see you come those four people you know you would have had to have gone to the house of like stumble along let's see all right can you talk about you talk about that what you saw I really can't tell you tell you much that's someone did you ever meet Nick Leonard we can tell me anything about the domestic domestic violence she said they put a nice little heart the room I mean floats yours out of that that's we just had a disagreement about something and pretty much told me to leave and I left she makes you don't know what do you do you think about that is it it's already had a little bit sort of relief you know I can't believe it you know I'm hearing what I'm hearing from people it just doesn't make sense he then told quite a story that he killed Megan her parents uh Nick after they attacked him in self-defense I just wanted to get my things just got her to stuff I had he said and they attacked me hey I'm the real victim here Adam testified that it was Nick armed with a pistol who'd attacked him after he entered the house I just wanted to get my things just gather the stuff that I had when you had left I know were you able to do that get your thing No did you see Megan interested yes as I entered the room they were just coming out yes where did you come from it came from the closet area he just came out of nowhere did he grabbed it anywhere he grabbed me by the throat and II forgot he reached into his right pocket and he pulled out a gun and he pointed it at my chest did you grab his gun yes I got him I grabbed his hand and I pointed it towards the ground away from me so I went to shoot me did he seem like he was trying to raise the gun toward you yes did you struggle to stop him from getting the gun when today we didn't we struggle tell us what happened there was a lot of wrestling going on we were going around the room we ended up in the corner by the dresser and I saw a knife on top of the dresser that I used to defend myself and I stabbed him in the arm a few times and he released his grip on my throat and I dropped the knife and we continued to wrestle Brown I was trying to get the gun out of his hands and we wind up falling on the bed he said he told me I'm gonna rip your face off yeah Megan come back Megan a grape stepped into the room yes and tell us what happened as you guys were struggling on the bed and Megan Greg come back Megan she screamed out dad shoot him shoot him dead if he had anything Sam talked about ready a rifle when his in where was it going at my chest I asked Gregg I said please Gregg don't shoot me Gregg don't do this Gregg pull the trigger Jessie did what happen it misfired what was going on after that good misfire he was trying to get it to work again and he repeated the steps of trying to shoot me again Gregg it ever shoot again a second time yes he pulled the trigger again and what happened it was a misfire again as Gregg was continuing to try to shoot the gun again Nicolas loosened his grip on his gun and I was able to get it out of his hands what happened was they ran back to his bedroom the master bedroom did you know he had a bunch of weapons and it's causing did you chase after oh yes why I felt that he was gonna get another weapon try to kill me when you got the master bedroom closet he was attempting to load another weapon what did he do I shot him in his lower back as he was trying to turn around with his weapon did he go down bed or he turn around no he had the weapon in his hand and I shot him again did he go down there yes as you leave the master bedroom closet tell us what happens next as I was leaving the closet I could see someone in my peripheral and it was Megan and I thought she had something in her hand and I just reacted in that shot and did she have something her hand yes what was later found it to be a cell phone how many times did you shoot her one time as you can imagine the court they found this just [Music] a little bit unbelievable after all he could never convincingly explain why he hadn't called the police if it was a case of self-defense he said and I quote I believe my phone was dead at the time [ __ ] no battery well better go on the run believe my phone was somewhere must have had it in my pocket right I believe my phone was dead at that time he also struggled to explain why he true the murder weapons into the canal at the rear of the house where they were retrieved by police divers also moving the bodies that's a tricky one so Tristan wouldn't be exposed to them he said as you can expect Adam was found guilty in the murders of Greg Brown Maggie brown Megan Brown and Nicolas léonard only 11 of the 12 jurors voted for execution so no death penalty but the the judge she wasn't happy she wanted the death penalty she wanted him gone from existence if there was a case that death was appropriate this is probably it the judge said he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole after the murders Tristan was adopted into a new home part of the deal that was made requires that Tristan's adopted mutter send a picture of the boy to Adam in prison until Tristan turns 12 and that's the case of a Tomatoes pretty darn disturbing jealousy leading to death it's similar to the case of the stage recently of Jodi arias accept more death but yeah it's very disturbing like I said I think he should be near the top of most disturbing people I've covered maybe not quite what's his name Luka Magnotta or Todd coal hemp or Israel Keyes they're probably the worst ones but he's still up there thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it let me know your thoughts on this case in the usual place it's crazy as hell if you'd like to watch some more of my videos you can and also you can subscribe if you want to feel free I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves Mike you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 2,453,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mystery, adam matos, case of adam matos, adam matos florida, adam matos megan brown, nick leonard adam matos, adam matos hudson florida, florida's adam matos case, adam matos trial, adam matos interview, adam matos interrogation
Id: zit8Xxo2COM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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