The Carbonaro Effect - Craft Turtle

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what's he doing oh yeah he was doing these little paintings yeah it's a crack turtle yeah he doesn't paintings there's a little box nothing he has to eat why you confused because you said he doesn't own oh it's a it's a craft turtle that's what I'm saying is a craft turtle these little oh no here there's an Bruce's that's that's what that's what that's this out yeah it's just pieces oh I was wondering I thought you were being silly early you were like yeah when it's together it's really real because it's it's made of a deep sediment class so it warms up in the Sun that's how we get it to work you wet it you waiter with a sponge yeah and then you let that clay absorb sunlight yes cuz he's like stiff right now but when he absorbs the sunlight then it gets it gets more doughy no no battery some clay dries by Sun and somebody have a baked in the oven night so these three prongs go on here like that right and then he'll go off and yeah yeah he starts to warm up a little motion if there's no battery is it the stored heat yeah it's the condensed heat that it kind of wavers through the clay yeah so the clay piece has got some sort of organic property and it's mimicking what the turtles are doing cuz it's Peruvian turtle clay you know the Turtle Bay in Peru yeah yeah this is turtle clay by turtle bag because you know how turtle will go into its shell debris yes okay the clay not real how does he note that he needs to protect as if it's a blob of clay I've got to get one we used to my kids oh my god yeah moisten it with a sponge and then it just put a little paint on his feet and let them make art you know something is really really wrong
Channel: truTV
Views: 1,063,804
Rating: 4.9027395 out of 5
Keywords: CBE205 The Carbonaro Effect, truTV, the carbonaro effect, sticker speakers, magican tv shows effect, michael carbonaro, magician carbonaro, carbonaro effect full episodes, carbanaro effect full episodes, the carbonaro affect, carbonaro effect, carbonaro, carbanaro effect, michael carbonaro effect, Craft Turtle
Id: 7AooppGSU1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2015
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