The CAR WIZARD shows why it costs and arm and a leg for a Timing Belt replacement

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welcome back to the wizard shop today we're going to talk about timing belts and how a Honda is one of the most reliable cars on the road but that doesn't exempt it from scheduled maintenance right after this this is a 2013 Honda Accord EXL it has the 3.5 liter earth dreams v6 as they call it it says Earth dreams right on the engine cover it has roughly a hundred and twenty thousand miles on it and the customer brought it in their air conditioner isn't working and also they were curious what kind of scheduled maintenance is due right now and when I looked it all up pretty much valve adjustment timing belt water pump all these things are due all at once and so the customers said yeah let's go ahead and let's do that but that's pretty rare I have found that to be pretty rare with timing belts there is a common conception that whenever someone hears that their car is due for a timing belt service they confuse a serpentine belt with a true toothed timing belt so they call up and say how much is it going to cost to do my timing belt service and I look it up and figure it all up and I say it's gonna be $1,300 and I hear the phone hit the ground and they pick it back up and they're like you've got to be kidding me it's like no I'm not kidding you that's what a timing belt serves eight nine hundred on some cars some are twelve thirteen hundred dollars so this little serpentine belt is what they're thinking of it has little grooves in it and these are something is typically replaced at a fast loop type business so they're envisioning 40 bucks for the belt maybe 30 40 bucks to replace it and I should have it by the end of the day how did that turn into $1300 and it's going to be here for a few days we're going to talk about that today we're going to talk about what is a timing belt why so important to replace it and why it's not a $50 job as you can see on the front of this motor which is actually faces the passenger side of the car we have just installed a new timing belt pulleys and tensioner and water pump everything's back together but before we went any further I thought this is a time for a video to show you exactly what all had to come apart to get to this this isn't a quick simple undertaking and it's not for the faint of heart either if you're a do it yourself that doesn't have a lot of experience here I'm going to show you guys a picture right here this is what the timing belt looks like with its diagram there's timing marks and things that need to be lined up before you even remove the belt and then you put the belt on and do all the different work which we're going to talk about here in a minute and you make sure your your remarks are still lined up before you reassemble everything now the first thing you have to do you do have to remove the serpentine belt so you take that off the vehicle you usually replace it we're gonna go back with the old one and throw it aside there is a tremendous amount of things to take apart to get down to the timing belt and once you're there your car is immobile you can't say oh I got to hurry up and move this car out I got a once you get this thing apart your car is stuck there until it's done you need to keep that in mind it's not going to move until you get it back together and running and driving again you risk in and out of time or you risk dropping the engine as you can see you can see a handle of a jack sticking out of the bottom of the car that's holding the motor up the reason why is because to get to the timing belt the front motor mount physically has to be removed out of the vehicle leaving the engine with no way to hold itself up as far as the forward portion of the motor I've got a little box here and I'm gonna go through it and show you what all we had to do so as you can see the wheel has been removed and you have there's a liner that goes in the wheel well in here you once the wheels off you take that out and you can see that part of the motor down there where the main pulley goes and the bottom of the timing belt so once you get this Center bolt out you remove the main pulley it should pull out by hand these are fairly easy to come off and you set that aside then you can get to these three pieces which are the timing cover your main pulley is going to be right here where this center hole is and as you can see it's kind of a shape of an engine the vv6 you take this piece off then you take this piece off then you can take the center piece off and basically you'll be able to see what we just saw a minute ago of the timing belt pulley system and this sits directly over the water pump the water pump sits in this little hole if you don't take the motor mount off which is what this is this is the bracket for the motor mount you can't even get the belt off the vehicle so you have to jack up the motor and then you can remove this motor mount are you guys staying with me here you're starting to realize this isn't a hundred dollar job this is I'm not getting under the guys who know what they're doing I know there's a lot of you guys who watch this channel that you like I already know all this I wouldn't be doing this video if I didn't have 40 or 50 people a year call me and drop the phone on the ground when I tell them the cost for a timing belt they just don't get it they're like what well this is what this video is for us to show people this is not a simple undertaking once you've taken all those pieces off that I just showed you then you can see the timing belt that's when you get it lined up like in this picture here again I'll show you again you see the little marks there's one at the crankshaft and one on each camshaft once you get those lined up perfectly then you can remove the belt in the pulleys and the tensioner these are the little pulleys that you just saw down in there that the the belt rests on this is a tensioner pulley this is the tensioner it's spring-loaded and it pushes up against this and keeps constant tension on the belt and keeps it nice and tight this is an idler pulley that just the belt just rests on these are replaced they come in the kit when you buy a kit it's called a timing belt with water pump kit you don't want to put a new timing belt on and use these old pulleys and a year from now one of these seizes up and throws your belt off and then you ruin your motor if you've gone this far it makes sense to do all the pulleys the tensioner the water pump the bell now we're adding up cost cost cost and here's our water pump is there anything wrong with this water pump nope it's a perfectly working water pump and guess what I'm going to do with it and we'll pitch it in the recycle bin and recycle it as scrap metal say Corran wizard why would you do that because if this goes out this is driven by the timing belt if this goes out and starts leaking out of the little weep hole here we have to do this what I just showed you all over again do you want to pay a second time because we didn't do this while we headed apart and it's at 120,000 miles how much longer is left in this water pump six months a year two years I'm not gonna play guessing games with this type of stuff so he's getting a new water pump you have to take this off put the new one on then you start reassembly of the timing belt there's another question that I get what is a timing belt what does it even do on modern cars the camshafts which will operate your valves sit up on top of the cylinder heads and the crankshaft is down below is actually doing the turning that's where the power work comes from out of the motor you have to have something some kind of motive power to operate your camshafts something has to operate them well you use a belt to transfer the power from the crankshaft around the camshafts and back around again so as the crankshaft turns so does the camshafts what's really important here is it has to be perfectly in time with one another as you can see here this is the old timing belt it has teeth this this keeps everything in time a normal belt could slip or get out of time but these teeth keep everything lined up perfectly so the purpose is not only to provide power to operate your camshafts but also to do so in perfect timing constantly over and over and over again that's something that's why we do this scheduled maintenance and it's done at a certain amount of miles because if you wait until it breaks to do the job you could destroy your engine when these camshafts get out of time the valve will be open when it should be closed and here comes the piston and it impacts and and hits it it can break the the head of the valve off then it's in there's banging around smashing your Pistons scoring up your cylinder walls it will literally destroy the entire engine destroyed unruhe buildable no this is called an interference engine their arms like the 42.3 or there's various many other engines out there there are non-interference engines are usually engines that are not high compression and they're going to be where the timing belt can break and there's there's never a time when the valves can hit the Pistons there's always room there I suppose if you wanted to you could wait on one of those two your timing belt broke but it's horribly inconvenient that on this particular engine you do not want to wait till it breaks you can damage your engine without breaking the timing belt if you attempt to do this yourself and you not paying attention and you get them off three teeth or four teeth or if you don't get the tensioner right or something goes wrong it can get out of time quite a bit to where the Pistons hit the valves sometimes it just bends the valves and it doesn't run right and that's about as far as it goes but you can brake the valves off and it just trashes like I said it destroys your engine it's completely ruined no some cars have timing chains back in the old days they actually had timing gears they would have the crankshaft gear and a camshaft gear and really I wish they could do that for every car if they went two timing gears on every single car and lubricated with oil they would outlast the engine itself you would never have to do timing service ever but that's not cost-effective I don't really like timing belts I think the reason why we have them is because they're cheap they can get the car out the door you do have to maintain it but if something is cheap that they can pump the engines out and get them out to the public sell the cars and the maintenance is your problem car where do you have to make these repairs with timing chains as well no timing chains are not going to have the timing system exposed like we just seen here a minute ago when you look down in the engine they're going to be enclosed in a timing case and they're lubricated with engine oil those do have issues from time to time that the chain gets stretched or the guides break or different things as far as replacing the chain every so many miles no there's really no maintenance schedule for something like that back to the timing belt whenever you get everything timed up and you got your new belt on and you've got the tension or set and everything's just right you rotate the crankshaft twice which rotates the camshafts once it's a two-to-one ratio that's because it's a four-stroke engine and if you rotate it twice and all your timing marks lying perfectly up again you know you've got it you it's good to go you can put it back together and give it back to the customer timing belts is not like I said it's not for the faint of heart if you don't know what you're doing you can make a small mistake that can cost you grin for a new motor alternators power steering pumps a do-it-yourself guy if they did something wrong it's not going to destroy the motor this is a job for a trained technician to do there are home garage mechanics or do-it-yourself mechanics that can do timing belts I know several of them and if you're good at it great you can save a lot of money by doing it but I'm just bringing this out for two reasons I'm doing this video number one is to let people know why this isn't a hundred dollar job and number two for those of you who or maybe semi do-it-yourself mechanics and you think you want to push yourself to that next level and tackle a job like this I'm just letting you know how important it is to make sure you know what you're doing you research you ask some friends who know how to do these before you could possibly ruin your motor another thing for you do-it-yourself guys that really makes professional mechanics angry is if you have it torn down to this level and you're like oh man I'm gonna have to throw in the towel here I can't I'm scared I'm gonna tear up my car I'm gonna put this on a tow truck and tow it to my buddy up up the road or whatever at the mechanic shop and let him finish it up you will very likely pay more than a normal timing belt service because the mechanic didn't take it apart he's like where is this boat where is this what did you do where's the parts did you put this on did you do this did you do that and meanwhile the clock is ticking time is being eaten up who's gonna pay for that time you are and if it's if the marks are out of sync he's gonna have to take it back apart and re-time everything back up it can actually take more time to fix a half-done motor as far as timing belts go then it does just to start from scratch with a trained technician who can get in there and whiz right through it real fast and be done so if you think you're going to get halfway done and you're gonna have to throw in the towel just don't even start guys it's the wise decision take it to your mechanic pay them the bill and let them do the job for you this isn't a job that you teach yourself to do unless you've got some years of mechanical experience the first you that I did I had my mentor walk me through it step by step and he watched me and he was double-checking my steps all along the way making sure I was doing it right and since then I can honestly say I've probably done three or four hundred timing belt jobs I can do almost doing in my sleep that it takes many many timing belt jobs to get to that level Junior meant was able to tear this down but once he gets down to the timing belt he is not allowed to go any further that's where I come over I put the belt on I do all the time I'd take care of all that and once I'm satisfied that the timing is correct everything is torqued properly the tension on the belt is correct then I will allow Junior meant to reassemble and go back together he's done several of these is getting pretty good at it but he's not there yet he's not to the level that I could turn him loose on the timing components that takes years so while we've been sitting here talking you might have seen this blue moving blanket laying on top of the engine the reason why is because we have the intake off and the valve covers off now that I have the timing belt on and everything's timed up the next step is the customer would like a valve adjustment so I'm going to go through and do all that and then have junior Matt put the rest back together but while I am getting to that point these are perfect as engine covers you can lay it over the top of the engine it keeps bolts and tools and dirt and dust from getting down into the engine while it's opened up I had junior main go ahead and tear this all apart so that once I come over to do the timing belt I can jump right into the valve adjustments and do a kind of a two-for-one knock this out and knock that out then I can turn it back over to him and I can continue on working on juvies Lambo or something else he can finish up the rest so I'm glad you guys could follow along and watch what a timing belt does and how it's replaced I just wanted to do this video to clear up some questions if I had only gotten these questions once or twice it probably wouldn't be worth a video but I've gotten so many of them people are upset when they see how much it costs to do timing belt and this video is out there to explain why is it cost so much so now you're at home some of you guys might be furloughed or going through these rough times or going through and you think well I've got much time on my hands I might just tackle this myself this is probably not a job to tackle for a beginner you might want to go ahead and wait till you can get it to a mechanic if we've got some valve cover leaks or a battery or starter or something yeah go ahead and jump jump in but like I said this is not a job to jump in if you don't have experience timing your motor up and with social distancing going on if you have a mentor buddy sitting there you can't stand right next to each other and work I mean I guess you could but then you're not following social distancing so maybe just time to wait a little bit until this is all over with so if you guys are bored and you want to check out what kind of tools I use you can check out my Amazon affiliate page and the link below and write your self up a wish list some of the things you might want to buy here in the future you can head on over to auto trader oversteer I've got articles and videos I do there you can check that out there's things going on there that are not on my youtube channel and if you haven't hit the subscribe button you might want to do that right now because we got many projects in the shop things are going on they're gonna be video after video after video a lot of cool videos guys so and thanks for watching catch you guys the next time around [Music]
Channel: Car Wizard
Views: 650,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car wizard, david long, hoovies garage, tyler hoover, car issues with tyler hoover, chrisfix, omega auto clinic, scotty kilmer, car repair, car maintenance, tavarish, Doug DeMuro, vehicle virgins, watchjrgo, jalopnik, smoking tire, samcrac, vinwiki, Hoovie, mechanic, Car issues, Autotrader, Oversteer, BendPak, honda, timing belt, timing chain, scheduled maintenance, V6, major service, water pump, timing, belt, serpentine
Id: g8n5XLi0yLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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