Crazy Stories #4: Whopper Lies people have told to the CAR WIZARD!

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no guys that is not a real cat this is mrs wizard's cat away from home and we're not gonna put a real cat on here but today we're gonna do a video on some of the craziest lies that me and mrs wizard have had to put up with running a business starting a business changing locations some of the craziest stuff that we've had to deal with so let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] before we get started on the lies we'll start with a little truth if you guys are big pantera fans like i am i grew up with pantera click the link in the description below video bob is selling a lot of equipment that pantera used back in the day it's official true touring equipment you guys don't want to miss out on once in a lifetime chance this stuff's not going to go cheap you're not going to buy it for 10 bucks obviously but make sure to click that link below and also hit subscribe button on video bob's channel there's lots of really sweet footage on there as well now back to the lies the first one i'll start with is just a actually a customer lie and it's kind of the smallest lie it really didn't result in a whole lot of craziness so we'll start small and work our way up big there was a 1997 ford ranger that just showed up at our shop and it's the older shop that we started out with the the brick building you guys see in car issues one and it sat there for three or four days and me and crazy are like why is this truck here what's going on so i went rummaging through the glove box and normally don't do that but i kind of had to in this situation to figure out whose is it and i found registration got the name and it was a customer we've had before and i had crazyd call this person he got a hold of her and he's like hey your truck's here we're trying to figure out what's going on and she was like oh yeah it broke down on me um something's really really wrong with that truck it won't start something's broken and i need to get it fixed it's like why didn't you call us it's been sitting for four days she's like i forgot about it they're like okay well we'll take a look at it so i did some checking on the vehicle scan for codes look for any issues i finally turned the key on and i saw the gas gauge didn't move i was like hmm that's that can be something there so i knocked on the bottom of the tank and it sounded empty so we put five gallons in it and it started right up drop it drove perfectly fine crazy d called the lady and said hey we put some gas in your truck uh we just have half an hour to check this thing and the cost of the fuel it's ready to go and she wouldn't accept it she's like no that's not what it was crazy d is like yeah it was it was just out of gas it's ready to go the bill's not even that high and just the cost of gas and you can come get your truck she's like no something's wrong with that truck it wouldn't start so she finally accepted okay i'll uh i'll pay for it and come and get it a couple days later she called with credit card information we charged it it went through she said she'll be by to pick up the truck and she picked up the truck and she left a month later i'm going through the books making sure the numbers are good and everything and i see that the amount that we charged her originally had been pulled back out of my account so i called the credit card company up and i was like what's going on here that customer owes me that money we provided services and fuel we need to get paid and the credit card company was like no no no it's not that that's not the problem the problem is is the credit card that the lady used to pay you wasn't even hers it was stolen it was fraudulent and said unfortunately in this situation you're probably just not going to get paid i was like what ran out of fuel you refused to accept that as an answer then you pay with a car that you stole and here's the kicker guys this customer was a professor at a well-known college in the area let that sink in for a minute the next one involves you guys favorite truck a 2004 f-150 3-valve 5.4 triton actually i don't know if it's anyone's favorite truck it's definitely not mine a customer brought one to us that he just bought they've been driven so long with bad timing chain system that the entire driver side of the engine wasn't even working anymore it's just dead it was running on four cylinders he said i just bought this thing uh i need to i need it to move i need to be able to drive the thing it's like okay we looked into it and you guys know it's always a new engine especially in this in this scenario the engine was shot so according seven thousand dollars which is what it takes to do those and this would have been one of the fifteen i've replaced except for he went to get a loan from the bank that he bought this truck through which is only four blocks away from my shop at that time he told them the story and they they kind of felt sorry for him they're like okay we'll we'll tack it on to your current loan we'll give you the money you can go ahead and get a new engine put into your truck and that's not the crazy part guys are you ready so this customer is supposed to be giving us this money he told us go ahead and order the engine and i'm glad i didn't because the money never arrived and after a few days the bank called they're like we just gave this guy money to fix the engine why haven't you started on it yet it's like because i've not received any money i've not gotten a phone call a text message money i've got nothing from this guy i haven't heard from him they're like oh we gave him money to get that fixed i'm like well it's not getting fixed until i get the money so they did a little digging and found out what happened the guy took that seven thousand dollars and went gambling with it and just blew it all it's all gone so now we have this dead truck the money that was supposed to fix it is gone and finally the guy abandons the truck and just dumps it on the bank so the bank calls and says okay we're going to come pick pick up that truck we're going to repossess it i said no you're not i have a bill you're going to pay my bill then you can have the truck just because you're a bank it doesn't scare me i own this truck until you pay the bill okay okay we'll pay the bill so they paid the bill they picked up the truck and i don't never heard from the guy again i never heard from the bank i don't know what happened in that situation it was probably scrapped who knows but at the end of it all i was like why do there have to be so many so many lies so much craziness it's just a broken engine get the money and fix it it turned into a huge fiasco guys was really crazy so this lie was told to me and this was when we shifted from the hosted location to our new shop in newton and you know how when you move you've got to change all your services and it can be just a nightmare this is the nightmare of nightmares of nightmares so we are changing our phone internet system and in kansas there's the first three is our area code which identifies the region that we're at in and then there's the next three numbers in the telephone number that identify the city so we weren't able to keep that same phone number we had in halsted we had to switch and that was fine because that identified that we are now a business in newton kansas which was fine so i call them up and they say yeah yeah and i was hoping to get a phone a good phone number something fun with you know numbers that were nice they said now that it was not very pleasant um but you can choose these four it's like okay wrote them down i said yeah this one it's a phone number we still have today but she just wasn't pleasant she's like yeah yeah we can transfer everything over yeah it'll be fine so we bought the building at the first week of june and we were still just starting out and so this was a big leap of faith to go to this bigger building and we couldn't be down because if we're not working we're not making money so we thought okay we're going to we got it june we want to be open july 1st and so we can do this their boys are still wrenching in hallstead i'm over in newton painting trying to clean things up and it was still just try and work as quickly as we all could because that last week in june was when everything shut down and everything got moved in and which would have been great because i said hey this is when we want our phone system turned on right before we open and the lady's like yeah that'll be fine this is your phone number yeah and i said this is our phone number she says yes yes that'll work just fine and i'm like so i can start marketing i can start getting new business cards made i can get other advertising done and say hey we've moved here's the new number i can put on our website it's great so we're getting everything is still processing along we're still getting ready to open the new shop and the guy comes out from the company and he looks at our system and he's talking to me a little bit he's like um what are you trying to do here like well we're gonna you know open our business we're gonna need some internet some you know credit card processing and phone yeah that he says that's not gonna be really possible did they not tell you this and i'm like no no the lady just made it sound like everything was going to be great and fine she he's like yeah if you go about a couple hundred feet down the road they don't even offer service i'm like what he's like yeah you guys are so far out from their transmission stations whatever that you really are not going to have good service i'm like what so i have to call them back and i said uh you guys lied to me this is not what we agreed on this is you didn't you didn't say my service was going to be so horrible out here oh well yeah i said this isn't going to work we need to stop this i've got to go with another company i need that phone number released so i can switch it to them oh well that's going to take some time time really well as i've already called a new company i've already got that ready to go they said yeah everything is good just get that number released and we'll go with it okay and so i call back the first company and they say well it's going to take time and i said we need to be open by july 1st yeah we won't have it by then uh maybe we could do like a forwarding system to that number okay um they say yeah yeah we got one thing we could do there's a couple options one yeah we can do all this and she's like yeah i would do this and this and this it sounds yeah yeah that'll be great well then she at the end after she started to do some of the paperwork on her end or the whatever clicks she has to do on her computer yeah that's like 20 a minute a minute 20 a minute are you kidding that's not why we paid cell phones back in the day when you know in the 80s are you kidding and i said no she's mad because i said no don't do that she's like well that's what you wanted ma'am i'm like not at 20 a minute so obviously not overly happy here trying not to go full karen on this lady at the phone company but i was almost there finally get it all switched around had to do a little bit of forwarding system through them to get it to the other number so they could finally get it done the new the second company we went with has been great uh you know we're not watching you know youtube videos which you know we do encourage you to do but we're not the guys aren't watching that they're doing some internet surfing to you know check diagnostic stuff on cars we're doing credit card processing and obviously we've got some phone we didn't need it to be super fast but we needed to be fast enough to work and we would have been dead in the water if we'd gone with that first company and their massive lie so the next crazy lie has nothing to do with the shop or even [Music] omega auto clank at all but it's kind of in the past when i was learning my wizard skills it has to do with the state of kansas the kansas army national guard after i'd finished my time as an active duty in the real army i was working at an aircraft company and i thought on the weekends i could earn a little extra money i'll join the national guard that'd be cool so i went down the recruiter and they were like oh yeah we can get you a ten thousand dollar bonus you get x amount of dollars a month we could use your experience you have a lot of uh real world like active duty experience we'd love to have you okay so i signed the paperwork and everything was looking good but it wasn't good so i'm supposed to go one week into month and in the paperwork i said after my first weekend i would get half of my ten thousand dollar bonus but on the second and a third and even a fourth weekend not only have i not gotten my bonus i've not even been paid at all i try to go through the chain command i don't get anywhere and finally i kind of break the rules i broke the chain of command and i called the headquarters in topeka i was like what is going on here why am i not getting my bonus i'm not even been paid and the guy looked at the paperwork he goes oh yeah the program that they signed you up for doesn't even exist anymore it hasn't been in operation for years so that means you're not getting a bonus and number two because of this we've frozen your pay so that we can do some shifting around and blah blah blah and i was like i need to get paid at least pay me my normal pay and they're like no we can't do that right now finally i contacted an attorney and paid for an hour of consultation and he looked over the paperwork he said you have in your document signed by an officer a recruiter and you stating a dollar amount when it's to be paid and how much a month you'll be paid he said the state of kansas doesn't have a leg to stand on you if you want to take them to court you can rake them over the coals i called this guy back in topeka the headquarters guy and told him this information and he got lippy with me got very pissed off he's like you want to take it to court go ahead i called the attorney again he said you know what if you want to go to court you can but the simplest thing that you can do is stop showing up he said they have no recourse this contract is not even valid it's null and void they have breached their own contract with you i was like okay that's what i'll do i don't really want to go to court i just want to be done with this anyways to make a long story short i left the first sergeant a really nasty nastygram said this wouldn't happen on active duty second of all i'm very disappointed with your unit the guys that are working there i'm an e4 i'm coming in there on the weekends showing e6's how to do their job how to work on humvees and tanks hemets all these different trucks and things they're like how how do you know how to work on this this is amazing i'm like guys this isn't amazing you you should know this stuff we had privates e3's doing this work and you and can't started realizing i've not been paid i've not got my bonus these people are pretty dumb and i just dropped it and it's really sad that what i thought would be a fun way to earn some extra cash turned into some of the biggest lies of my life the last one i have was when we were actually purchasing the current building we're in the big 13 000 square foot building i was actually looking to buy a different building and the guy who owned that owned multiple buildings in the area he said well no this one i'm not actually ready to sell yet but i do have another one i could sell you let's go over there so we went and looked at it me and mrs wizard looked around and like wow this might be too much building this thing is so huge this is way more than we were looking for but we now know that actually it's almost not enough room anymore but the owner of the building said the current renters who are renting this building will soon be leaving they're going to be moving out if you want to buy this building it's for sale they'll be gone at at the end of 30 days and you can move on in after we did some number crunching and looked at it it was going to be cheaper to buy that big huge giant building than it was to have one half the size built brand new so we're like okay yeah so we went to the bank we got approved everything is good to go the owner of the building told the renters look you guys you definitely need to stick to this 30 day thing you need to be out because now there's a new owner i've sold the building mrs wizard is boxing things up i'm still trying to work at the old shop and keep things rolling there and we're starting to get moved in and the company that's renting this building they're not even looking like they want to leave mrs wizard wanted to get some of the offices painted and get things cleaned up and i called the owners like hey we need this stuff out of here so we can start getting the office set up he's like well that's fine just go ahead and start boxing it up i said no you need to box it up it's your stuff the guy was like well we don't have time to do that right now if you want it moved right now you're going to have to box it up so we did we had to clean up their mess actually we had to clean up so much of their mess also in the description below will be a link to go see that process when we moved over to that building you can see some really crazy pictures but it just gets worse guys just wait so we're getting to about a week away from our opening day we're supposed to be open for business and this rent this company renting the building really hasn't done anything yet there's employees working there building frames but the higher ups the executives or the owners of the business are nowhere to be seen i don't even know where they're at i don't even know that they were ever around so i talked to the employees i was like hey do you guys know we're moving in we already got some stuff moved in you need to be leaving in a week and they're like yeah we know but the owner said we're supposed to just ignore that we need to start on the next frame which will take another four weeks to get done i said no no no no in a week we have to be open here you guys are supposed to be gone in a week so i called the owner of this company that's renting the building he was just lippy he was nasty with me he's like they kicked me out with no reason we don't have anywhere to go we don't know what we're going to do with our business how can we build these frames and we're supposed to do it in the middle of the street gave me a big sob story i'm supposed to feel sorry for him and let him stay in a little bit longer and i just told him i said hey i understand where you're coming from but ultimately i'm going to look out for my business i'm going to make sure my business succeeds whatever you're doing with yours i don't care you have to be out in a week so the next day i talked to the owner the old owner of the building i was like hey these people are leaving they have a week left do you have any suggestions said yeah before you even looked at buying the building they threatened me they said your rent is too high we're going to be looking for another building in fact we are looking for another building to rent we're going to be out of here pretty soon unless you lower the rent the owner of the building at the time said i tell you what i have someone interested in buying this building how about you got 30 days and get your stuff out that's what you want isn't it and then the guy starts backpacking we were just just bluffing here he said oh no i'm gonna call your bluff you guys got 30 days to get out they didn't have a whole lot of stuff it was very very large items they just need to get it out machinery and things so finally i call the owner of this company up and it's like look you have one week to be out of here and you guys know i'm pretty bold i'm a shrewd businessman ed bullion from vin wiki is a shrewd negotiator i'm a shrewd businessman and when somebody puts me in a corner i start putting the hammer down and i that's what i did at this point i said tell you what you got one week to get your stuff out and then i'll have the police come and escort you out and anything left in the building i will now own and i will cut it free from the building some of the cranes and stuff you have welded to the building i will have it cut down scrap metal and i will sell your forklift i will sell everything and keep the money finally they were out but it was on the very last day like the day before we opened a truck showed up they loaded it up they scrambled and got everything loaded back up and they were gone as i was talking to the workers that last day they said the boss already had a place figured out all along he was lying to you he was trying to call your bluff he tried to call two people's bluff the original owner of the building and me the new owner of the building real shady business real shady stuff going on there we had our lifts up everything ready to go but there was still some junk laying it took us another month or two to finish up what they didn't finish but that was the craziest thing i've ever been through as far as a purchase full of lies and even to this day i'm not even sure and all the finger pointing and all the i'm not even sure exactly what happened there i just know that i had to get those people out so i know you guys like these crazy stories if you want to hear some really crazy stories or really good stories actually make sure to head over to vin wiki there's a link in description below for that he's going to be releasing some car wizard car stories on his bin wiki car stories channel and there will be information revealed only on his channel that i have not told you guys on any other platform not hovie's garage car issues car track car wizard any of those only on that channel so if you wanted to hear those really sweet stories head on over to vinwicki this week it's going to be the first video out so don't miss out on that so make sure to check out the description below there's all kinds of links and things going on there's amazon affiliates there's the pantera stuff for sale there's been wiki and make sure to hit the subscribe button because we got many more cool stories projects customer lives all kinds of crazy things i could go on for days guys make sure to hit the subscribe button thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Car Wizard
Views: 358,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car wizard, david long, hoovies garage, tyler hoover, car issues with tyler hoover, omega auto clinic, car repair, car maintenance, Hoovie, mechanic, Car issues, BendPak, Car trek
Id: TT8gGf4NShw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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