Why Some Cars Have a Timing Chain Instead of a Timing Belt

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rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about timing belts versus timing chains inside your car's engine, now for most internal combustion engines the crankshaft which the Pistons are connected to spins around and that's connected to the camshaft which opens and closes the valves, and there's various ways you can connect it, now a long time ago in my grandfather's day the early engines they didn't even use timing belts or timing chains, they had timing gears, the bottom crank had a gear and then gears went to the camshaft which spun the camshaft and then push rods open and closed the valves, now that was a solid reliable system, you had gears connecting them, but that two main disadvantages, one it costs a lot of money to make good gears to put that together and the gears themselves had a tendency of making whiny noises that people didn't like, so then instead of having gear on gear to spin it they decided to use a timing chain and these engine designs the crankshaft sprocket teeth on it, then a timing chain, then another sprocket with teeth that ran the camshaft all the old American v8 engines were made that way and some of them are still that way, you can see these are thick hardy change this one came off a 350 Chevrolet they're really strong they lasted off a long time but of course it costs money to make hard steel sprockets and expensive chains so they gave the idea of the timing belt instead of a timing chain, the pulley on the bottom of the crank and the pulley on a camshaft was connected using a rubber base timing belt and contrary to what people might try to tell you, the only reason they went to tiny belts it's cuz it's cheaper to make them when you have a sprocket that uses a timing chain it has to be really strong steel, but the sprockets that run these rubber base timing belts they can be a lot softer because they're just pulling rubber they're not steel, so most of the manufacturers switched over the timing belt, now with a car like this Toyota that's well designed a 94 Celica, those rubber timing belt sometimes could last hundreds of thousands of miles they'd tell you to change them every one thousand or 90 or so, they were pretty reliable in the Toyota engine and there's one big advantage of this design almost every Toyota engine ever made is a non-interference engine, so off the timing belt breaks the Pistons don't hit the valve and do any damage, but when you take cars like many of the Nissans, they were a faster engine racing design, so the Pistons went higher and the valves came lower, so if those rubber belts ever broke when you're driving on the highway the Pistons hit the valves they break the engine and destroy the engine, I've seen many people in the past few decades with these timing belt Nissan's have the belt brake ruined the engine and they said, you're telling me that this $30.00 belt broke made out of rubber and it destroyed my engine, I'll never buy another Nissan, well then respond to this Nissan was one of the early companies to go from timing chains on their cars, to timing belts and then back to timing chains, so that they wouldn't have this problem and unfortunately for Nissan and the people who bought them, a lot of those early switchover that went from timing belts to timing chains had problems with the timing chains cuz Nissan made them kind of poorly, but the idea was correct and now many manufacturers have switched back to timing chains and the main reason for that is the higher design capacity of smaller engines, they're making smaller engines put out more horsepower, putting variable valve timing and other things inside and that strains the timing belt so much that the rubber timing belts would have a tendency of breaking too often and to get added horsepower to these smaller engines, a lot of the manufacturers had used to make non-interference engines are now making an interference engine but since they have a sturdy steel chain that's driving it, they don't have the problems of a rubber belt snapping, take this matrix it's twelve years old, it's got a timing chain inside the engine never had a problem, as quiet as can be, and runs just as good as it did when it was brand new, because really steel chains, they beat the heck out of a rubber base timing belt any day of the week if the chains are made correctly, and I know some guys maybe motorcycle guys are gonna say, but Scotty chains need lubrication well guess what timing chain is inside the engine, it's coated with the engine motor oil it is inside the engine, so as long as you change your engine oil regularly this chain is lubricated with nice clean engine oil and it can last a really long time, rubber hey it falls apart it's over time, it's going to stretch over time and yeah a chain stretches a little over time but it takes a lot more time and mileage to stretch solid steel than it does rubber and sure costs a lot more money to manufacture a chain and build an engine that way but hey, they're not giving away modern car so you're paying enough money you really want one that's got a solid timing chain in it, because I doubt they'll ever go back to making gear driven cams, that just costs way too much money and as I said earlier it does make a reasonable amount of whining noise and people want quieter cars, they don't want louder ones, now of course the rubber base timing belts were really quiet, but in a modern engine they just wouldn't hold up, with all those extra cams and variable valve timing and GDI direct injection, there's a lot more pressure, a rubber belt can't take it but a chain can, so if you're shopping around for a new car hey, I'd make sure it had an engine with a timing chain and not one of these flimsy rubber base timing belts, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 2,122,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timing chain, timing belt (invention), timing belts, timing, timing chain vs timing belt, how timing belt works, how timing chain works, how to check timing belt, how to check timing chain, why some cars have a timing chain instead of a timing belt, everything you need to know about timing belts, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, repair, scotty kilmer, why some cars, why cars use timing chains, why cars use timing belts, timing belt inspection, timing chain inspection, chain, belt
Id: 8tWF4QCR8U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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