The Broken Decks Tier List

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here's what we're going to do today I made this tier list to rate tier one decks of the past and I will start by saying this is not even close to all the meta Decks that were ever in the game I kind of just hand-picked somewhere between 15 and 20 I think there's like 17 decks here that I thought were like really prevalent and truly defined a meta or are just Decks that have been around for so long that you can't erase them from your memory like uh field rush I feel kind of bad because there are a lot of decks missing like there's no Grand Cat arena there's no Swain TF there there's the Jays decks I couldn't include all of them because this would take like three hours but if you guys like this concept make sure to let me know and I will do another one of these with different Decks at the top here we have always interesting to play against this is when a deck is tier one but you really don't mind queuing into it I'm happy facing this deck the match is always interesting even though their power level is probably higher minor frustrating aspects but cool a deck that is just powerful very powerful and they have a couple of card combinations or just single strong cards that would kind of make like ah I don't know about this so for example a minor frustrating aspect of a deck could be when Pharaoh's financier was very good I can imagine like there were Lux or J stacks and they were totally fair but then you had Ferris Financial they would sometimes just generate an atrocity and you would lose to that and that would be miserable annoying and broken but playable and the deck is strong and you don't like going into them but it's not like this this ruins the game for me surrender early to save mental that's when you run into one of those powerful decks and you think to yourself well they hit the perfect curve on turn one and two I didn't get my good hands I am just going to surrender right now move on so I don't get tilted and the last one made the game miserable play I mean it's pretty obvious this is when you don't even want to start up runetera because you know that as soon as you click play You're gonna be miserable so surrender early to save mental I think the perfect deck to describe this is Bart I always always enjoyed Bart I love maduly I love the whole portal gameplay I think he's implemented it quite well into runetera however if I played against Bart demacia and they would play a 2-5 broad wing on turn two I would surrender it would just be over I would be like okay yeah go next that's exactly you know I'm surrendering early to save mantle again I love Bard I love Bart Nora I love Bart in Decks that use Bart for more than just early High Rolls we had a meta that was Bart demacia it was Bart Ionia with zed it was all you small units after some of those small units and the martial got nerfed I believe it was when Broadway got nerfed we moved on to ilawy Bart and that was the worst because I really dislike allowing release Bart was miserable I agree because turn one Chimes sometimes it happens sometimes they don't but when they happen the game ends sucked and I think Bart is in a healthy spot right now if they buff Bart because right now he's not great I hope they do it by giving him like actual playable followers instead of changing anything about the Chimes one thing I will say off record they should make banana Blaster plant a chime on the bottom card of the deck you're never gonna see that chime but that just means that banana Blaster will now be playable with Bart and that's really that's all I want so the one card or one deck that is here that might be controversial is this one the whining light this wasn't necessarily a meta-defining card this deck was good during the time where we had kaisa we it was after the first time Kaiser got nerfed I believe it was when we had thralls at their Prime after the harp and your thralls was printed this is a personal favorite of mine and I really want to get a Victor deck in there a Victor affilios deck so I'm I'm putting this here because I just loved it love this deck to death sadly whining light got nerfed to no longer have overarm all those decks immediately died I had to get this one in there okay there was no way I'm going to make a list without Victor I don't think Victor has really I mean Victor has been good right but he's never been like the reason a deck is good we saw Victor seraphine miserable because that was just a seraphine deck that wanted Victor's discounts we had Victor Riven which was definitely a Victor deck but I think it was strong for such a short amount of time and there was around the time that Monastery was powerful so the entire Spotlight was stolen by Monash Rima at that point this was Victor affilios it had boomba Boons it had flame Choppers it had a bunch of discards you would just go super wide with all of your trash all your junk and then on turn six you would play The Dusk battle Dusk and you would play this card on Turn 6 and win the game early one of them I I got to master with this deck back in the in the day because I had like double dosebringer and I played this card on Turn 5 to get into master and it was still one of my favorite memories Ever So speaking of monetary man I'm going to put it here and that is probably controversial Mona shrima is the biggest Underdog Story in all of Legends of runetera this deck got buffed so many times and it was never enough so the one time it was enough all those Buffs suddenly came together to make a tier one day the minor frustrating aspect I am talking about izzarath and that hurts to say because I love zeref he's one of my favorite champions in this game sad to see him go rotated but not forgotten but yeah sometimes um you just get locked out of the game immediately when things were looking pretty good for you because they restore the sun disk zarat shoots his bolt removes your stuff to turn and shoots another bolt just keeps going keeps going keeps removing your stuff if you're playing viego you're miserable everything gets obliterated instead of just dying so you can't even bring it back but besides that love the concept absolutely amazing to see a just really all in on one concept deck like that go big and go really big it's like spectacular there's like fireworks going off we restored at some disc and I love that super cool but when it was too powerful you could definitely feel it and it started to get frustrating if you had to sit through five minutes of cinematics every single time you played this and everybody was playing this deck because it was awesome Let's uh let's get another obvious one out of the way play dance that nobody's nobody's guessing where this one might go nobody really thinks huh where would Sonny put blade dads on this list obviously this is what made the game so extremely miserable to play yeah this one should honestly get his own deer can I do that this is the worst of the worst that that is a tier on its own for aziralia and now that I'm looking at the lit at this list I actually think there is one more deck that would go here but yeah uh about this deck this was in a time where we had we had a triangle right watch your decks would lose to blade dance blade dance would lose to NASA's trash and NASA's trash would lose to watch her and then somewhere in the middle you had like tri-beam deck that was a triangle late dance was so miserable you would play decks like dragons with radiant Guardian just to counter them and it wasn't enough they would still just completely shatter you and what's funny is that when blade ends already had this reputation of being absolutely miserable and the single worst deck in card games ever an expansion later they released another card they released defiant dance defiant dance was released an expansion after blade dance came out so they were like doubling down giving them another tool to beat the Decks that they normally wouldn't beat if you thought you could beat blade dance with radiant Guardian with your shyvana that would just grow really big from Fury procs well too bad they now have to find dance to recall your big threat and play dance on top I can't comprehend what they were thinking but on the bright side it's like is the reason that I am a content creator right now I refuse to play ranked and I would just go in normals and play meme decks and all those decks suddenly just start doing extremely well on YouTube so I kind of have play dance to thank for that you know my career was based upon the foundations of blade dance being the worst deck in card game existence we were already talking about that triangle so let's uh let's do the Watcher I want to put this here I want to put Watcher in annoying and broken but playable and I know a lot of people are going to disagree with that they would probably put it lower because what this deck did is it removed your stuff permanently it just didn't care it removes all your stuff but they didn't remove your stuff in a noxious way where it's like oh you get stunned you can attack and then I flock you if your stuff is damaged you're dumb they had to pay pay like real Mana to remove your stuff because venues and stuff was seven Mana and then it played trundle and trundle was just there to die so you could play another Trumbull and get another ice pillar then you would play the Specter matern you would cheat out either the pillar or The Watcher and then you would get another watch or you would have fading memory you would just keep playing Watchers over and over and over it was frustrating at the time I played a lot of dragons I always found that the matchup between dragons and watch was pretty interesting because if they played Watcher you could Equinox you could obliterate it stun it with crescent strike anything like that you could install long enough that sometimes your Australian Soul would just win the game let's go to something a little more recent Fane aatrox I want to do the annoying and broken but playable or Surrender early to save mantle I'm going to put it here surrender early to say Menthol because I love aatrox's concept I really enjoy the inevitability of aatrox the fact that you assimilate the fact that you get like a really big board of darken and I love that but adrox was so turbo broken at the time together with vayne that I don't know sometimes you would just lose to um to like the harp being put on Valor and you didn't have a ping and it's just it's done and the one thing that annoyed me by far the most was the ranger Knight Defector that the healing from atrox the discounts on darken when he leveled he just had everything going for him man he also had the the time where it was K and H rocks and the coldest cars were like crazy overtune as well yeah let's go for the next one and that's gonna be battle 3 Battle 3 is pretty interesting because I feel like like there's also a story here for me it has made the game miserable because it was an Exodia that had so many other wincons that no matter what you did they would find a way to win right this deck would play Battle City noxes it will play stuff like Flock it would swarm you with mayor who discounted everything so their head would be like one Mana there wasn't back in the day we didn't have like oh the first unit you play no everything permanently we also had Euro and arms around this time yeah I don't think that was played in battle 3 though it was it was like soft noxious control with battle 3 plus warm and Telescope exactly low pick telescope was a thing around that time too low big telescope would freaking give you like the perfect answer every time battle City I feel like really shifted the tone for runeterra Big Time Bell Temple see this one was also so ridiculously broken but I really liked it because I'm a targon fanboy I'm not gonna put it any higher than this style what this deck would do and what would make it so ridiculous is that the curve would sometimes be lunari dustbringer on one yeah you would skip turn two and then on Turn Turn three you would play the dust pedal does you would affilios you would take crescendum and he would cheat out a 3-4 Octopus from your deck and he would take over the game and a Val Temple would give an ally plus one plus one every turn like back in the day the power level is a lot lower and this was just impossible to deal with this was Mana cheating and constant unit buffing all the time yeah this is why affilios had to die for an entire year bubble fish was a 3-1 for six Mana this was also the time when TFS was a thing at this one I thought was a little more frustrating than Vel Temple because Val Temple slower and this deck it was very clear when you would have lost both of both decks were hard to play I feel but TF is in the hands of a good player was unbeatable this was literally tier zero yeah twist was made with level in one turn or they would play mind meld to end the game that would beat you with elusives this was also when rummage was still one Mana right one Mana fromage with stress testing was so freaking ridiculous one Mana rummage would literally level Twisted Fate in one single turn this was also when pick a cart was three mana and it would draw three so sometimes you had this like I played TF on four I have three bag Mana you can't remove my TF okay I'm going to use my pick a card I'm going to draw three and I'm going to rummage and literally level T having like two actions crazy deck man it had so many ways to win and it never ran out of steam for units to play this is when iterative Improvement was also in the game so you would like iterate if you're verbals surprisingly Shelly wasn't in the game back then I wonder how much stronger that would have made this deck I wonder if they'd even play it because the list was pretty tight field rush I find pretty hard to raid because I can't really find a good ERA for this deck I'm talking about the throttle trainer mirror deck but we also had like targon's Peak that had Fielder Rush honestly this deck has been around for so long that I am pretty burned out on it I never enjoyed playing it myself and I'm getting pretty tired of playing against it I thought this card was really boring because very often it would just be like okay nothing is happening in this game and then um you know when you have six or seven bad or something they would play this one card and the game would be over immediately and I think it's boring to win with like technically just one card obviously the deck does more than just use one card but it was never like you know you always knew it was coming I don't think I ever felt cheated out of a win when field Rush was played because they were playing their Ram cards who knew exactly what was coming this card and the deck that came with it was annoying and broken at certain times sometimes it was better than other times but I never felt like this was reason to surrender early quit the game it's funny that I say surrender early because with this deck he would usually Just Surrender you know when they play field Rush which isn't early I would put it in either one of these to be honest I feel I feel pairing this to battle 3 is much so I'm going to put it here and this was around the time when go hard and pack your bags were both one Mana it was pretty insane what this deck did for the game back in the day it was an aggro deck basically with just a ton of draw and then they would play a one-man a deal five to everything they had like a ton of fearsomes early they had like super efficient units with Jack Butcher and all that stuff and sometimes they would run like a one of LED Rose and atrocity I don't know man I've been blown out by this deck in so many different ways that I can't even remember all of them it was too good at everything pings board clears aggression draw and if they Hyrule too early yeah just surrender and move on okay I'm just gonna silently put that there because I know there are a couple of seraphine apologists in the chat I'm specifically talking about Ezreal seraphine noxus this killed the game for me I think this meta I might have been more frustrated with the game than play dance and that's not to say that I think blade dance was more acceptable than seraphine or something I don't think that's the case but the fact that your stuff would constantly get removed they would constantly Generate random cards they would discount older cars and then you would die at burst speed was utterly unacceptable seraphim decks were known to do that for like a couple of months after her release too there were like eight different therapy decks all with positive win rate it was either Ezreal or Victor you'll get outgrinded or you died burst speed I have an entire video on it on the channel right now a lot of work went into it it's probably one of if not my favorite scripted video but man this one the noxus version was by far the biggest offender in my opinion it was it would play bar on 6 it would generate a ton of random cards through Millie through bar or the bar keep I guess through seraphine all of that stuff I just didn't like dying at burst speed I didn't like going about my day getting all my units removed finally stabilizing on like turn six or seven I don't know man and then dying at burst I really want to like seraphine and I do but he is paying for the sins of Barr and Ezreal at the time and uh the fan club president because he's just a face of that deck it is a seraphy deck everybody calls it a seraphine deck because asriel or Victor it's not certain which one you're picking so people just call it Seraph index and her track record in League of Legends just isn't great next up kaisa is made the game miserable to play God I hated Kaiser and I would almost put her down here but the meta had like a lot of redeeming aspects at the time but kais was clearly like the tier zero deck I made an entire video on this one as well so you know uh go check that one out when Kaiser was met up decks were played in a way that made it so that they just didn't care about what happened it was thralls where 12th player was like yeah you go do your own thing I'll do my own thing and we'll see who gets to do their thing first kaisa same thing you evolve you level Kaiser you give her Scouts you win trolls you pop your thrall as early as possible you win whining light you get your whining light online as soon as possible you win radington plus the papercraft Dragon same thing you play rather than you play papercraft Dragon you win the game almost immediately it was really frustrating to play around that time because it felt like creative and interesting deck building was not rewarded at all where if you were playing an off meta deck and you try to do your own thing your opponent would also be doing their own thing ignoring you and then beat you before you could play any real card I also want to say that I like Paisa I like her card I like the concept of having a mid-range supposedly unit even though she was played more as like a combo unit I like that idea of a mid-range unit that cares about keywords to become powerful I love that because that's literally Victor and then she has the best skin in the entire game in stagger amazing I won more of that but then it turned out it was just a stupid combo deck big big missed opportunity in my opinion Zoe Lee sin listen I know that I was the biggest leasing hater on the planet okay and at the time especially when leasing was for Mana it was overtuned it was miserable but I can't put it here because I don't think this was as bad or as fast as these two decks killed you I'm going to go with make the game miserable to play as time went on I think we got more frustrating things in the game the most frustrating thing about lease index it was Ophelia's weapon into eye of the dragon that was the worst a way to tutor eye of the dragon and activated immediately for the next turn absolutely ridiculous you just got numb to it kill I mean yeah maybe that's it maybe I just became numb and I can't see how frustrating this deck really was but I don't find it as frustrating as blade dance or this and next we have another Zoe deck that pains me to put here this was a pure elusive deck man who would enjoy playing a loser that's ridiculous absolutely vile disgusting criminal Gremlin Behavior deck this is when Shelley released and the play pattern for this deck was Pastor in one past turn two play double trouble and then the following turn you would have a level Nami that was it right you could level Nami on turn four I don't know if I remember right the first time where we got an elusive deck that wasn't about rallying actually no that's not true we had we had set in the beta right we had uh kinku elusives or kinku fralia or whatever where was that fraljord with obenhawk to buff your stuff and that deck was just about having overstated elusives and then we kind of moved on to having Ionia the Masha Decks that were about rallying and this this deck was just about big stats when you're elusives they just they just up and printed a deck at that time that everybody hated like the the keyword that everybody hated playing against tri-beam I think is probably the biggest winner of all time this deck is what runetara is all about this deck had absolutely no reason to be a deck at all it was just random cards thrown together and somehow it worked I don't even know what the concept behind this car was supposed to be I think Riot may try being improvulator as like a Heimer card where it was like oh yeah hyperdex they like to play flasher brilliant so maybe we give them like a removal spell they can power up right and then I don't know who made this deck I know that Alum played it a ton back in the day and it was just about playing like three Mana cards that were good at removing stuff you had like the arachno sensory you had to sum dredger to cycle he had scorched Earth all that stuff and that was also when we had 3-3 Draven one Mana rummage you guys remember how frustrating that was though actually you would play drape you would get an ax drave would attack would get another ax and then for one Mana they would cycle these two axes into real cards they also play chump whomp they just have like a ton of junk that they would discard and draw real cards from and I just love that angle this is also the only deck in my opinion where Ezreal wasn't frustrating Ezreal was a cool card in this deck because it wasn't insane this might have been when Ezreal was like in a Nerf state or something but he was still like the card that made the most sense because he was three Mana because he was like kind of a wink on but he usually did like I don't know on a good day he would do like four to six damage in one turn and they would kind of have to like set it up again and then do more damage because you still didn't want to throw out your removal for no reason unless Ezra was literally winning the game on the spot I found this memory is just playing games against try beam and trying to outwit them like trying to go move around their removal because the removal was conditional the deck played fair for the most part where their strongest turns were usually setting up a stun or removal where they would develop a unit at the same time while removing one of yours and they did that through tri-beam they did that through a ragnoid Sentry and I think that was it those are like the two powerful cards where they would develop a blocker to deal damage that he wouldn't expect while getting your stuff semi-removed or just straight up removed I I love the way I had to interact with this deck and again my Fonda's memory is when they would play their pharaon and I would play my Victor zoidex and I would iterative improve with their pharaon so my pharaon will be a 99 and theirs would be an 8 8 and then I'd also get access to that bird this is one of my most favorite matchups to go against with some of my own favorite decks super super cool and then we have Ari Cannon so I was really close to putting Ken and Ezreal but that deck only lived for a single week until it got nerfed it got hot fixed nerve and it really had to because Ezreal Cannon was disgusting I would put it here if we had to play with that deck around for more than a week I would have probably just like I would have been the BBG like right BBG quit because they hot fixed this deck which it had to if they didn't do that I would have been the one to quit dude it was insane it just stunned you it recalled you it wouldn't let you play anything it would cheat out infinite units through the four Mana Allegiance card and then once Cannon was leveled it would play Ezreal and insta kill you so ridiculous man this deck was absolutely miserable but this is kananari and I think Canon Ari was was a bit more I could forgive it so I'm probably putting it here I'm I'm close to putting it here because this is just elusives I'm putting I'm putting it surrender early to save Menthol because sometimes they played like they're more they're already their droplets well I should say they played droplet into Ari and you didn't have a good way to do it and the game would be over I think that's um that's how I should look at this you would surrender early so he didn't have to deal with like a swarm of elusives well they had like insane value while doing Ionia Shenanigans where they denied you from playing a recall and stunned your stuff the fact that this was like a spawn from what Ezreal Cannon was made it a little better but still not great this is my list I'd love to hear if you guys enjoyed this let me know because I will do this again with different decks because there there have been hundreds of meta tier one decks and I can't get around to all of them in one stream I just made this selection because they really stood out to me let me know in the comments what you want to see next time and I'll make another one of these lists [Music] foreign
Channel: Snnuy
Views: 86,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Runeterra, Master, Ranked, legends of runeterra, sunny, snnuy, sunny lor, snnuy lor, LoR, mogwai, grapplr, runeterra deck guide, deck list, sunny deck, snnuy deck, marvel snap, hearthstone, runeterra decks, legends of runeterra decks, league of legends, runeterra tier list, broken decks in legends of runeterra, best deck lor, strongest runeterra decks, tier list league of legends, best league of legends champions, kai'sa, bard, lore, nickyboi, tiermaker, best deck
Id: yw48wyomfy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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