Ranking all of the LoR EXCLUSIVE SKINS

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[Music] okay fellas had a bit of a a bit of bad news for L recently but it's been a popular request to go through and rank all of the L exclusive skins and there's been a lot of them a lot of them tied to specific events some of them got crossovered with TFT they're technically lir exclusive or they're wild Rift exclusive I don't know what but we're going to count them here make this list a little bit more substantial I don't know if they're going to make any more of these to be honest I don't know if L is going to get any more skins the riot layoffs have not imped this game very well which sucks because I love this game and we'll talk about one of the most interesting aspects about it which is the exclusive skins I find because unlike wild Rift where when they make an exclusive skin for a champion they still have to make it a skin for a champion and I'll use an example it's the very first one on this list which is arcade anava you see what I mean they don't have to limit themselves because this would never ever ever work in modern League it's in quotation marks anava but it's it's star Fox they turned her into a Star Fox they're not bound to the character model of a League of Legends model you cannot have this kind of character shape without it being completely unrecognizable but it works for a skin in a card game is just a PNG and so I'm going to just like start off this list and that's what I mean was just going to next year I don't love this one as much I'm not a big fan of this one what is arcade about this besides the pixel goggles the mega mode has a bit of that polygonal inspiration that Mah hard does there's not really anything arcadey about this I guess his his boomerang is a d-pad that's kind of funny but I think that means it gets put in D tier I am not fond of this one in the slightest arcade Quinn they're trying to pose her as a a Pokemon trainer which is a fun idea Valor is just kind of lame I think the idea of having her be a Pokemon trainer is a is a neat concept just I wish Valor looked significantly more interesting than he does for me that's just like that's a c so if I I'm being truthful this is Gallo in just normal Gallo in armor like this is just default Gallo in some gold armor it's cool looking conceptually it's just Gallo in a bit of gold I think bottom was C that sounds good B for Balo that's not how it works AR light seraphine that's good that's good man because they don't need to give her the stupid hoverboard and in the normal version of L seraphine she has a guitar so in this one she has a har yeah I don't think it's an S tier but I would 100% put that at the top of a at least um the dragon form looks kind of cool I feel nothing they whitewashed her again even the dragon form got whitewashed I'd say this is probably equal to Gallo right it's about the same tier the one Legend R ter exclusive battle Academia skin I forget how terrifying she looks that's channeling some old poppy energy right there here she looks okay but this one is just okay so it is just another battle Academia skin but for me at least it's memorable because of how creepy it is I kind of give it a b battle boss nocturn that's quite good I think nocturn is actually convincing in this regard there's a bit of a reference to vigar as well with the big eye and the cloak actually Fades out properly cuz it's all arcadey bits I think it's good I think that's an a I think that's good Carnage Dragon Jack so the level up on this one's pretty cool I he kind of makes sense to be a Dragon it's not too much of a leap and the big floating head is cool doesn't really look like Jack no it doesn't but again like I'm fine with that if they really take jassic departures for the L skins there's not really a world where I often would use this over base Jack better than the ark lights though and this one is really is just kind of Nami with a bit more dragony influence it's a cool water dragon I kind of forget this one even exists I like it better than Jack though you know it's better than the maners we just got for league right so it's fine but now we get to the the good ones because there's a lot of these and these ones are awesome cuz now we get to the corrupted skins so already we have a dark in air which is already sick but the thing about these skins is that they evolve with every level they become more corrupted so we have like a base corruption here where you can see some dark influence but still some azir but then you go he splits his scepter in two that is bad cuz again you couldn't do that in base League it's only something Runa could offer so not only does level two split the scepter in two and he's clearly becoming even more darken but then level three the scepter morphs into him and becomes these two snake heads this is awesome yeah air is an easy S easy s to your air skin then we have a bit of a weird one and I say it's a weird one because this is the level one art and this is level two which I think mixed it up by accident because she doesn't look as corrupted here and she's clearly falling from the sky and then lands and now her arm blade is melded into her arm I feel like they mixed it up by accident so this is the earlier version and then you get the final version here I do like the arm blade that's cool bit of nightmare trendir there the weird thing about Diana and Leona is they refuse to darken ify their face so it kind of just ends up pulling a kaisa a bit be grateful they have masks I don't think it's as good as a zir by any stretch of the imagination I think it's still an [Music] a maybe maybe hbe hbe feels more appropriate one thing I like about these corrupted skins is you can see her armor is kind of melding into her a bit they didn't change her face it's still normal face the crown is awesome though like look at her weapons I think she looks significantly better than Diana I think that's an a marasmus there still fighting each other but I guess that was like zi's idea was that they would destroy sharima in their battle I think it would have been cool that the dark and Corruption would actually have them team up it looks kind of cool here and then they said hey remember infernal nazus let's do that then he just goes full serverus and then it goes to boom just clobbering reeded I feel like the level three is so over detailed it becomes a little muddy am I crazy I was crazy on but it's still it's still good I like this one cut a lot I think that's an a as well cooler in a FY Pantheon winning the world record for being corrupted this is what his third time I really like that they're making so his helmet is melding into his head again have the armor become a part of their body that's how the corruption works and this one's pretty cool too I think the helmet design here looks better than this this one looks a bit too crazy was the speedo yeah the speedo is a little little little weird on that one I think it's an a still this is a skin I have wanted to exist for so long darken Renekton is so obvious I like how you can see the corruption underneath his skin like it's bursting out from under him but then you get the split jaw and not just split jaw like split down his entire body this is one of the coolest artworks I think that has ever come out of Runa you can still see parts of normal Renekton with his green skin but it's like the dark and corrupt should basically burst from the center of him and split him open that's so cool this is the one I would love to become an actual skin and League the most that's an easy s for oh this one's sad you can see the corruption starting to take hold of him but it's the this one dude he's crying cuz he he is the aspect of protection and he can't stop himself the fact that he can't stop himself that is something out of the worst nightmare for a character like Tar this is such a twisted evil concept like you have to Beed up to think this is of this for tar and uh that's why it's s TI let me get a weird one I think zaro might be the weak I think that's a c tier for me however this one corrupted Zoe the thing is if this happened in lore it's it's it's done Runa is over like that's Zoe can do this she don't need no darkened powers to do that she could just do this if she wanted to for the fun for me this this is also this is an easy S I think actually conceptually it's better than his year the idea of turning her hair into this crazy Cosmic destru Ive being is insane I think that's awesome this was one of the very first skins added to the game but it is just another Cosmic skin there's nothing to distinguish that this is Riven at all if you removed her sword could you tell this was Riven so I that's a d and then we get cosmic Zephyr Yasuo I think it looks a bit better than Riven cuz at least you can tell immediately that it is Yasuo this one's more like a low C for me though then we get a really good one I mean it already looks pretty cool oh that's pretty sick again another example where they could not do this with base J cuz their model's so clunky and awful the level one is fine with the level two this is some owl Beast ancient primordial creature this is awesome that's an S tier another shyvana one I like the black hole in the center the thing that gets me about this one is the dragon not a fan of this Dragon not a fan that is way too human shaped for my liking it's it's it's better than Riven though see I think this is the rare exception where the skin line that actually works for zed zed has kind of a problem where most of the skin lines they put him in he just doesn't feel like he fits kind of feels like he fits here the planet size shuriken is a little goofy but you had to give him shurikens I guess I think that's a be though it's a be apparently this is an L exclusive which I completely forgot about and this was a skin you'd get if you bought coins during Christmas and there's the funny troll it's whol what you know I like this one fck it I hey I like this one this one is weird and to me this is just normal Diana slightly different armor I think it's weird cuz they did the eclipse Knight stuff but then you have just targon you just have Solari Soldiers the eclipse Knights are supposed to be a completely separate Universe I mean the armor looks cooler than base Diana I'll give them that but conceptually yeah this is just Diana Diana Fizz fidden Slayer this was part of the dndd skins and it's it's fine Fizz and some armor basically it's cute you don't get to see the scar in the first start you get to see in the second one though but it's not not that big of a deal it's like a B I think it's okay these skins were released around Arcane I'm pretty sure these supposed to be like High Society pilt over is the idea behind these yeah pilt over Caitlyn yeah I think it works nice as an alternate outfit for her I don't mind this actually I kind of enjoy it I've put that in a be high society pilt over Echo feels wrong this don't sit right with me this this really weird I don't like this one I'm all for region swap skins but something about Hilt over Echo feels morally incorrect not a fan uh no no no the thing is at least jinx's personality is coming across here she's still being a rambunctious Troublemaker even if she isn't pilt over I have a robot arm now it's not bad it's it's okay I would put this up there with Caitlyn let me get VI uh it kind of is just Deon air 2.0 isn't it I feel very oh H painting I it's a b I'm not a fan of this one this one is is half and half they launched in TFT and L at the same time but I'm going to count it it's kind of so ugly it reverts back around to being good again it's ugly and it owns it I I I it it yeah I that's a good Zig skin ill beats Ila as for that's by I think it beats his an S as well fits her really really well yeah that that's such a good pose this just works FAL kennon's not even exclusive why have I put this in here this isn't exclusive at all this one is though thematically for me I think it looks cool is it very interesting no it's kind of just another infernal skin at the end of the day I like it more than these but it's better than this yikes this is so lame it's just Swain on fire this sucks man bada bing oh my God God Jazz B do I put it above these cor I I feel like conceptually these corrupted Skins are better it lunar eclipse Nila and this is kind of cool cuz there's coven Nila and I I was so confused when this happened because wait why are you doing this so this and coven n are the same person but the L is in normal League she has ashlash bottled up under her control in this one it's the old God she was serving she bottled up the old God and distance herself from the coven order and join the eclipse nights to fight the witches that's really creative I think visually it doesn't distinguish itself Too Much from the other Eclipse Knights but conceptually I think that's really clever another fantastic one turning his gun into a violin yep yep it's such an obvious thing to do but they pulled it off oh this art dude leas in leas in I found this one funny because do you guys remember when they had set N9 of TFT and they had the uh the Legends option where you could pick uh a champion it's just Le in a different clothes it pretty much is I find this one really lame but this there's just nothing special about this I think that's like a d this is a good one I think the Nami one's definitely my favorite cuz she's supposed to be the the Healer right I know D rules it's this face looks she she's so surprised like did I win it's a very different look for Nami as well I I really like this one I like this one a lot that one's like a high a for me okay this one might be heresy but I feel like the old God aesthetic has kind of run its course I personally would never ever use this over normal Elder Dragon I think normal Elder Dragon defin has a lot more storytelling in his own design this one I don't really get anything beyond this is just another version of Mal fight I put it next to Pantheon it's in the same boat for me I'm not usually a fan of these skins I mainly like this one because they include the other reckoners you got shazza and K over there you got the minitar reckoner it's just buff Draven in a speedo it's a negative design almost yeah the splash art is is what makes it fun as a design it's just Draven in a spedo so it's like a c we have pulse fire shut up man pulse fires another skine that I feel has definitely run its course as well too many colors on this one a bit messy though I do think aan works in this universe I don't think the design is fantastic but aan going on time heists that fits him I think that's probably here about right and then we got a felios he also works for the skid line making all the Cyber guns Robo aloon it's kind of cool his actual get up is a bit strange though he looks a lot more different from the other pulse fires skin so I kind of give it credit I'm bottom of B oh I forgot Jin can do no wrong how could I forget Jin can do no wrong correct me if I'm wrong in this skin line Darius is the dungeon master that's the idea is that he is the dungeon master that he's trying to get everyone to play by the rules and then he gets fed up and he's actually the final boss as well if you zoom this out it kind of do just look like normal Darius like the concept is fun I I like theide idea of dungeon master darus it just doesn't feel distinct enough from his Basse version it's fine I conceptually I like it so I'll do it a Be the One exclusive Soul fighter and this one looks pretty cool but then you get to the pah form looks pretty sick and she fits the soul fighter Universe very well I mean the newer version I don't know about the classic M but yeah that's a a that's good Star Eater aelian soul and again another example of not being bound to a Soul's proportion it is weirdly a bit redundant it is another cosmic space Dragon but he looks so different to Bas aelion still has the opening St I quite like this one a lot like it's not up here but I think it's still an S tier that one this is awesome oh the Gwen Ms were not happy about this one the gwed mains were very very upset about star Guardian Gwen it's an example of where this character fits into this universe really well but the aesthetic has been done to death that she doesn't feel the Sting from the rest of them uh I think it's a be though it's fine Winter Queen Ari I kind of feel empty on this one these ice spikes do not look like they're a part of her at all these look like like an accessory she just strapped around like all right just got to put the ice spikes on there we go you could have done like a cool actual ice version of Ari where she's made of ice feels very restrictive World breaker Elise I quite like this one this is a neat idea to have one of the world Breakers have a more humany form and then turn into one of the world Breakers Aztec Mecca kind of yeah spider form looks cool it's a big aztech looking spider but the human form looks really really nice I really like the bright glowing red hair mixing in with the tattoos on contrast with the blue skin really not the spider form brings it down cuz it's just like it's a big Aztec spider it's just fine though but I think that's that's an A world breaker Mal fight yeah I it doesn't go hard enough I'm the Aztec it's just they turned malite from a big brown rock to a big blue Rock they just kind of changed the color of what malite is and put a little bit of armor on him yeah H yeah this one is easily one of my favorites too this is great just the old man and then he boom Oh Baby Druid wizard zillian it's something I never knew I needed in my life and then there it is that is awesome like imagine if zillian had this actual skin in Le I say that like it wouldn't look horrific on his model give him a ASU first this is an easy easy s for me there's like an even split of skins that are just kind of fine but some that are really great I think L again can really take the opportunity to not be restricted to what the character model in League of Legends is and they can go beyond that they can really go crazy in some these and I hope they do more like that in the future if there are any more of them the future of Runa is uncertain at this point I've loved these exclusive skins if they have to remain L exclusive then so be it I think they deserve it perhaps next time we do the the wild drift skins perhaps there's a lot more of those and those ones I'm not as familiar with so that would be more like gut reaction stuff but we could do that sometime but [Music] yep [Music] e
Channel: NickyBoi
Views: 143,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, gaming, League of Legends, LOL, Riot Games, lor, skins, legends of runeterra, exclusive skin, ziggs, ahri, yasuo, pantheon, azir, seraphine, galio, jayce, vi, jinz, caitlyn, ekko, nasus, renekton, nilah, swain, malphite, lee sin, jhin, taric, janna, fizz, shyvana, nami, illaoi, nidalee, diana, leona, bard, zed, zoe, draven, akshan, gnar, quinn, gwen, aphelios, lulu, anivia, poppy, riven, kennen, elder dragon, nocturne, jack, aurelion sol, elise, tft, tft skin, maestro jhin, jazz bard, hyperpop, set 10, set 11
Id: dvZtuWhaVNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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