TY STRAWHAT V | The Breathtaking World of One Piece Reaction

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we have a bit of a surprise we do I recently found out that one piece is getting a remake with that I also found out that there's been a really popular video that people have been watching and it's called the breathtaking world of One Piece it was my first real exposure to manga I think it was actually the very first manga I've ever read cuz I was in high school I think I was just looking for something new to read I had read some like comic books and I was just like yeah he's are good but I'm also curious about manga cuz I've heard so much about it so I just looked up what was like the big the biggest thing out right now in the manga world and one piece came up so I was just like yeah I'll check it out and then I saw that it was at the time like 600 anywhere from like 4 to 600 chapters maybe more that's still a lot it was a lot but yeah it's over it's at like 1,00 right now but and it still but it's I think it's going to end in the next end in the next couple of years but I saw that it had that many chapters and I was like o I don't know if I actually want to read through all this I wanted something maybe like maybe like two 300 Chapters at 4 600 sounds like a big commitment yeah so I'll just check this out for a few chapters see what it's all about and probably move on to something else I ended up binge reading one piece over the next couple months like every day until I was fully caugh all 600 yeah I mean I read it over the course of I think like honestly I don't even think it was a couple months I think it might have been a couple of weeks I don't remember it was a long it was it was over a decade ago at this point so I it's hard to remember but yeah one piece is the the story of the century for me I don't think there is a world that's bigger that's more that has all these like threads like intricately woven in and you don't even know about the different storylines that are going on in one piece until you've like gone through all like the different arcs like the different stories that go on in one piece and with this remake being announced I thought we're definitely going to react to We have to like I I refuse to not react to the one piece remake right now we're focused on jjk and solo loving and sunny there you good this is sunny Ashley's dog oh and by the way for anybody who's new here I'm Dennis and I'm Ashley and we're toota toi and we are yeah I heard about this video um from some other people and I thought it would be a perfect way to get Ashley introduced to the world of One Piece without actually spoiling anything or giving anything away so yeah we're gonna watch this and i' I don't know how Ashley's gonna react or how she's gonna see this see one piece but yeah I can already tell it's going to be really freaking good yeah well I mean I've heard good things and just from what you mentioned like I'm intrigued um Tia's brother loves one piece and just the general sentiment about one piece is always like just really like talked about in a very high regard so I'm very intrigued to see what you're about to show me and just introduce me to the world in general without further Ado we're going to jump right in and yeah hope you guys enjoy and if you are new here make sure to like comment subscribe we'd love to hear your thoughts on our reaction or just join in with us on this journey but regardless we love you all thanks for sticking with us and we'll see you in the [Music] reaction all right let's do [Music] this oh I like that just that plan words in [Music] general that's [Music] de I can't stop smiling [Applause] fore oh one piece is the treasure yeah the new world is is the one piece the new world is it's basically the I think they described it as the second half of the grand line [Music] okay oh wow this is such a good [Music] video was that a giant I think it was is that where alt got their inspiration [Music] from I thought that's said Elites Lobby it's not too far off [Music] that's [Music] beautiful oh my god there so much going on in like each World honestly some of these I don't even [Music] recognize like kind of overwhelmed right now by everything yeah it's like nostalgic but also there are definitely some things I I need to jog my memory for yeah it really is [Music] beautiful oh my [Music] god oh that's cool oh that's scary with all that water the scared of the [Music] ocean oh that's pretty watching this makes me want to live in this world [Music] wow that's your worst [Music] [Laughter] [Music] fear it's interesting to see um the animation of the characters against the animation of all the worlds like the characters seem a little more 2D while the world seems like it has so much more detail to it yeah the animation's been going on for over 20 years so it's like it's modern animation with mixed with some old school stuff yeah this is so well this video is so well made I don't know how long this must have taken never mind that's your worst nightmare that that would definitely terrify [Music] me doesn't this make you want to like explore like go on adventure [Music] does [Music] such a unique world I I have like I have questions I'm just like very taken a back like I'm trying to focus on what's in front of me cuz it's I mean it's beautiful you know what I mean yeah there's so many that they're showing at the same time [Music] yeah [Music] dude the chills on me right now I'm actually getting Goosebumps too whoever put this together it's amazing yeah [ __ ] that was so good is that it why why did it make me emotional are you crying I don't know if this is more emotional that the that ending are you actually crying yeah I don't know why that that little ending that people's dreams never end that part my God struck accorded me literally why am I crying in the club right now yeah I'm that struck a cord in me for some reason and just like the just the animation how they put it together the music the beauty yeah yeah that was beautiful just tell me everything tell me everything that you thought from the beginning what you're feeling right now how does that CH shape how you view the show or what you think of it okay I think that the way they ended it made me cry because it seems my one question that I had for you was did the um author of this story has he like traveled the entire world I mean you can tell he definitely has a huge like crazy imagination to be able to come up with all these different crazy worlds and all these things that are going on in them so my question before I get a little ADHD and randomness of the point I'm trying to make like my first first question was did he travel the world and that's where he got all his inspiration or is he just such a big dreamer and a big imaginative that that's how he was able to like put this entire story together and just like a guy with Big Dreams you know so it yeah I I just it's hard for me to ex explain what I think I get what you're saying I think I know what you're asking I don't know personally I don't know if if so the author's name is a I might butcher his name but AO Oda AO people just call him Oda or OD Oda Oda Oda Sensei um he has a nickname which is Goda basically God a I like that yeah they just put it Oh I thought it was a play on Goat like the goat yeah it kind of is too um the reason for that is his phenomenal storytelling yeah like you like the way that you just got emotional just seeing like the world and just like the message that it's trying to convey with that last part right there yeah it's pretty much the essence of the show itself like I remember I didn't really cry reading the manga but there were definitely moments where I got emotional where I was just like so invested in the characters and the story like more so than anything else like it people hate on one piece for how long it is yeah but those are all the people that have never read or seen one piece like never really tried it out but the people who know they know how good it is they and they reason why it's it's like people who get hooked into one piece and just start it they never want it to stop and I'm the same way like when I heard the news that the manga is GNA finally end in the next like I think like maybe from here three to five maybe six years yeah I got I got really really sad like really emotional because this is I've been literally following the story for over a decade now and I've never wanted it to end like I even now to this day I go back and I read certain um arcs within the manga like because there's so many arcs that have taken place up to date and there are certain arcs that like hit ACC chord with me like I resonate with certain stories more than others yeah or there was just some epic moments that I just wanted to revisit and like that's just how good the story is and like you can even see from all the different worlds that they depicted it's a vast vast world like it's humongous yeah and I don't know if so sorry I like went on a tangent there but I don't know if oda's traveled I would say he's probably one of the most dedicated like they called him M mangakas I think mangakas I think that's the right word like people who draw manga um okay he I think he gets like close to like three hours of sleep a day oh my God he's constantly working on this like he's so dedicated to finishing this he's been doing this for over 20 years and it's still going on and there's like just such a wide Global like following for this entire thing like the one piece live action he had final say on pretty much everything and it became like the first real big quote unquote liveaction anime success and it's the I think it's one of the first times that it's a show like that's been um greenl for a season two and you know yeah it's just it's just phenomenal everything that's he's done with one piece that's not cool okay I was going to say that's pretty cool and I was like well not cool that he only sleeps three hours a day um but he has so much I mean just based off what you're telling me it seems like he has so much passion for this and um it almost makes you think like was his life's purpose on this Earth to develop the story and bring so many people happiness you know because I mean you said it's been around for so long and again I've just heard of when I see people talking about it like everybody I feel like the general sentiment is it's struck some kind of deep chord in them and you know just doesn't matter the topic just struck something so overall this show brings a lot of people happiness so maybe this is his purpose on Earth is to bring everybody happiness with this incredible story that he's like worked on his entire life you know I think he's already doing that and yeah I I would say this story is so so feel good is a good way to describe it but it's also so adventurous it's so daring it's also there's a lot of dark themes in there too it's like it's a story it's not I feel like anybody can read and enjoy one piece but I feel like to really fully appreciate like just the different context just the different themes just different all the all the nuances of One Piece you like I think it's really you have to kind of be an adult like you have to really like see all the different things that he's hinting at or that are being portrayed in the show but at the end of the day it's just it's a story of Adventure it's a story of dreamers who are all setting out to accomplish their dreams and it's a story of the main character Monkey D Luffy who I think I can say this cuz you're going to find out like pretty pretty very very quickly if you watch this um that he's going to become the pirate king that's his goal yeah yeah actually I didn't think I did hear that yeah he's Gathering his crew to set sail find the one piece it's just such a good [ __ ] story like I don't know how else to say other than it's just so fun and I I think um people complain about the anime being a bit slow like slow paced and I can definitely see that I I definitely prefer reading it in the Manga version which people might hate on me for that but that's just what I started off with and it's just what I'm more comfortable with but I think that's why it's an even better opportunity for us when the Remake does happen that we definitely react to the anime because I so they're they're remaking the entire anime with just updated visuals um not just updated visuals I think they're also adjusting maybe the story slightly to fit their needs I'm not really sure what that's going to look like but I also heard that they're only um doing the remake for the first 50 episodes of One Piece which is like the intro Arc is where you get to meet like most of the main characters oh my God and the main characters backstory so many of them I just tear jerking and it's just so freaking good and I want you to I like want to watch all this with you right now and I wish you just knew about all this right now but yeah that'll be a whole other Endeavor in and of itself so we'll have to wait and see so you okay so question so you think just don't watch the original anime don't read the Manga um just wait until the the Remake the Remake comes out okay here's what we can do and this is just me spitballing right now I don't know when the remake's going to come out it may take a long time it's just it's still early in the process it may take a long time for it to come out so what we could do is react to one piece the original anime okay and get started with that but I know for a fact if we start that people are going to want us to finish it like that's it's a really long series it's a thousand episodes and I mean we can also um well what I've seen because it is long people will uh react to a batch you know um and then they'll be like oh reaction episodes 1 through 10 and then kind of do like intense I don't know I think it's something that we definitely think about I think because as much as I do want to do it I do want to get to these finish these other shows too yeah so honestly if you're watching this let us know do like because we I really do want because this I'm not joking this is literally one piece is in my opinion The Greatest Story Ever Told and there will be people who debate that people who disagree or say otherwise but if you're a one piece fan you know what I'm talking about yeah and I am like so tempted right now to just like ignore the workload that this might be on us and just react to one piece because or I can I can I mean also everybody who's watching this you know give your commentary too like on on what you think maybe I can watch up to a certain Arc um and then we we can react to you know what I mean like um I don't know to certain episodes and then certain episodes and then have you watch in the background or like just on the side too and then post certain episodes we could go about this so many different ways yeah um but I definitely think right now priority is still like the shows that we're watching oh for sure and then we see how we feel but I honestly I just I watch this and now I'm like I know ICT way like I I want to watch it right now actually patience though I have patience so you know I I can I can wait but but again we we don't know when when the remake's coming out well we'll see you know if you're watching this leave a comment let us know what your thoughts are like what you think we could do cuz we definitely do want to react to this at some point we just don't know know what would be the best way so pretty much if you have any ideas or if you have any thoughts about that let us know um in the comments but we're we're definitely going to react to it at some point I just don't know what form what way whether we do what Ashley suggested or if we just start it and just go through the entire thing like I don't I don't know what would be the best way to do this but I am 100% making sure Ashley watches one piece in some way or another so yeah well thank you for introducing me to this breathtaking world cuz I mean literally the scenes were I did not I didn't expect you to cry I didn't expect to cry either that's why I was like why am I cry yeah so if if a if um you know a fan put this together I can't even imagine what the freaking anime will will do to me you know yeah oh I I can definitely see you crying a lot in this anime I I mean I cried in aot you know the oh I almost cried in aot that finality was Crazy by the way we're going to have that finale reaction up for you guys we will hopefully the next couple weeks um that's a bit of another surprise that we wanted to put out there but we're big aot fans I think that was one of the first anime Ashley started watching actually so we had to watch the finale together oh third one yeah it was like H second or third like I can't remember if I watched Tokyo Ghoul or attack on Titan uh after uh my God why am I forget name death H yeah I can't remember yeah which order it was but it was it was one of the first ones so yeah yeah it was quite the finale and I'm still thinking about it makes me sad right now actually but um yeah that was that was such a good watch I'm actually thinking about just watching it again that was so good um anything else from you no nothing else for me I'm just I'm happy we saw this thank you for showing it to me yeah I'm really happy you saw that too I didn't realize how happy I would be watching that actually that was so fun to watch um but yeah thanks this was just a little special reaction that we wanted to throw out there um with the announcement of the Remake and yeah I'm just a huge one piece guy like I I don't know if you saw in some of our other videos I'm actually wearing a one piece hoodie and and toota Toki Channel profile picture I'm actually one of the characters in one piece so yeah you could just tell I'm a big fan so this this one was something we definitely had to react to yeah yeah thanks so much for watching I hope there a lot of One Piece fans out there that join us potentially for this jour Journey Down the Line once we eventually start it and yeah I hope you guys have a great day love you all and we'll catch you next time peace bye
Channel: tobototoki
Views: 52,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onepiece, strawhats, luffy, animereaction, anime
Id: qxtSxYzwWVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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