The Breaking Bad Iceberg Explained

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so unless you've been living under a rock you know what breaking bad is it's widely considered as one of the greatest shows of all time and has also produced some of the greatest memes of all time so i've been re-watching the series again and while going through it i was recommended this post by a viewer of mine who founded on the breaking bad subreddit by the reddit user oh so you want to play huh all credit to this user for making this post they also provided brief descriptions of what each item on this iceberg means attached to the image if you don't know what an iceberg is it's essentially been a hit new trend here on youtube the higher entries on the iceberg are pretty well known facts about the series while the lower tier end of the iceberg is displayed as the most obscure aspects of the series or even theories about breaking bad today i will be explaining it all if you want to see more videos in which i analyze various things in armenia be sure to subscribe because stuff like this is a little discouraging i mean come on 91 of people who watch are not subscribed let's get that subscribed number up anyways since i have no idea what else to upload this week and i feel like talking about breaking bad let us explain this iceberg and warning a lot of breaking bad spoilers ahead [Music] better call saul is the spin-off prequel to breaking bad which follows the transformation of jimmy mcgill to the sleazy lawyer we all know and love honestly it's a fantastic show that deserves way more love the story so far is highly engaging and i'm anxious to see what happens to my favorite characters who do not appear in breaking bad as a side note i love lalo salamanca seriously i think lalo may be worth budgeting the entire show in itself because he's just that great and in my opinion potentially the most dangerous salamanca out of all of them it may be a slower paced show than breaking bad and that may turn some people off but if you really value characters rather than action-packed plot lines i would highly recommend it it may be a slow burn but it's also worth it el camino el camino was the 2019 movie created to commemorate the 10th anniversary of breaking bad and it took place immediately following the last episode and in my opinion it was okay yeah i might get hate for this but it was really whatever it wasn't astonishingly bad or anything but definitely not one of vince's best work do i believe it was really necessary and not really i feel as if jesse escaping the compound and screaming in joy about his escape left the viewer to imagine what greater things jesse had to look forward to i didn't really need a follow-up to imagine what jesse's future was going to be however it was pretty cool seeing skinny pete and badger once again so that's a plus and also although it was distracting seeing tata's fat was hilarious overall i'd give it like a 6.5 out of 10. breaking bad action figures banned from toys r us i actually didn't know about this one until now according to oh so you want to play hus reddit post in 2014 a mom who was shopping at toys r us got really mad that breaking bad figures were being sold at toys r us because they weren't child friendly she got so mad that she started a petition that amassed over 9 000 signatures following the backlash toys r us pulled the figures from their stores blue meth is rock candy this one's fairly simple the blue meth displayed in the show is actually hard blue rock candy yeah i'm surprised they didn't use the actual substance as well who would have thought real life walter white this refers to the multiple reports of chemistry teachers who have actually gone as far to cook math in fact one of the perpetrators was actually a man whose legal name was walter white and who in fact also cooked meth he stacked up thousands of dollars per day it all would have been eerily similar if it weren't for the fact that this dude lived in alabama instead of new mexico werner heisenberg walt's alias heisenberg comes from the german physicist werner heisenberg who created the uncertainty principle which was the position that the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly at the same time even in theory huh the more you know to expand on this in the show bretocal saw there is a character named werner who also ends up working for gus and shares some similarities with walter white i can't say anymore without spoiling better call saul just watch it [Music] the writer's strike occurred from 2007 to 2008 and was the protest of the writer's guild of america this protest led to breaking bad's first season being shortened from nine episodes to seven episodes without this strike breaking bad would have been drastically different which i'll get to in a moment real break in bad locations yes a lot of locations seen in the show can be visited in real life i plan on one day visiting all these locations in albuquerque to celebrate my favorite show of all time i may make it a vlog so if you want to one day see that be sure to subscribe speaking of which did you know that owners of walter white's house have had to build a fence around their home to prevent pizzas being thrown and pictures being taken right in front of the home i wonder what it's like living in the white house most people are respectful it's the few idiots that come that think they're entitled to do whatever the hell they want and it's not going to happen if you're going to be a jerk stay the hell away she is the sweetest lady in the world and if you were getting on her nerves you were doing something seriously wrong the pizza roof scene was taken in one take yep one of the greatest scenes ever displayed was done in one take brian cranston had some mad skills check out this quick behind the scenes clip scene starts there's a couple cameras rolling i have this pizza and i'm furious as walt goes to his car out of frustration he just heaves it what are the odds ten to one the thousand to one a million to one a billion to one he landed he stuck it brian cranston requested to wear the hat the iconic porcupine hat that walter white wears was not actually because the writers wanted him to but because brian cranston wanted to not because it looked badass but because cranston's head was cold while filming hey when it's chilly it's chilly the minisodes there are multiple breaking bad shorts that are called minisodes that you can find on youtube my favorite breaking bad minnesota is of hank and marie's wedding day one of the unsung clips in the entire series everybody goes through that i was just like this when skyler and i got married exactly like that jesse's teeth one of vince gilligan's regrets in terms of the series is not making jesse's teeth more realistic in terms of what a meth addict would have in the show aaron paul's white marbles were prominent oh well this didn't really take me out of the show at all i mean it's the same universe in which this happens [Music] bro who the hell can make a jump like that well i guess only lalo can [Music] the pizza on the roof was not sliced if you watch the scene back over again you will notice that the pizza throne is not caught into slices this was done because it made it easier for the pizza to be thrown on the roof the show writers played along with this idea of sliceless pizza later on in the show because there's actually a scene in which badger goes on a rant about a sliceless pizza location excuse the quality of this clip it was the only one i could find on youtube yo what's up with the pie man it ain't cut yeah great that's the gimmick what gimmick this place they don't got their pizza and they pass the savings on to you what savings how much can it be to cut a damn pizza maybe it's like democratic bro you know cut your own christmas tree cut your own pizza yeah it's democratic breaking bad is a malcolm in the middle prequel since brian cranston played the father hal and malcolm in the middle fans have toured with the idea that after breaking bad walt goes into witness protection and changes his name to hell life really is unfair jesse was supposed to die in season 1. before the writers strike jesse was originally going to be cut off in episode 9 of breaking bad thankfully he managed to stay on for the rest of the show to deliver brilliant moments screw skyler this is a nod to how many fans absolutely despise skyler white however i've recently seen a debate on whether or not skyler hate is just which i do wonder what you all think about that the training videos amc has a lot of training videos that promote better call saw that range from character to character such as gus fring mike and kim wexler in fact two of the web series have actually won emmys i imagine for the final season of better call saw they're going to use goodman himself walt isn't actually dead for years there were theories that at the end of breaking bad walt didn't actually die however el camino put those theories to a rest by confirming that the gunshot wound was indeed fatal to him the entire series is just jesse dreaming in mr white's chemistry class this theory is pretty funny essentially jesse is snoozing through mr white's chemistry class and that this entire crazy dream is a manifestation of jesse's drug addictions and poor achievement at school now that would have been a crazy way to end the show but personally i'm really glad they didn't do this breaking bad and the walking dead are in the same universe this has been another prominent fan theory i'm not a big walking dead fan but from what i can gather the walking dead makes references to its amc brother every now and then that suggests both shows are in the same world walt copies the people he's killed this one's pretty fascinating and definitely done on purpose crazy8 the first person walt ever kills in the show did not like the crust on his sandwiches later on walt goes on to cut the crust from his sandwiches in the show another example includes mike who liked ice in his drinks following mike's death by walt's hands walter proceeds to ask for ice in his drinks save this website was established by walter jr in order to raise money for his dad's treatment it's a real website it's actually pretty interesting i like how well junior chose comic sans to promote the website walter jr was going to be code off i'll delve more into this one later as it relates to another entry on this list gus is gay this has also remained a prominent theory in the show further emphasized by the likes of lalo and better call saul it suggests that the co-founder of los sporos de manos max was in a gay relationship with gus and that his murder at the hands of hector sparked his long game of revenge in fact gus's actor believed that the relationship between the two was to be a romantic one while vince gilligan has stated that the two were probably lovers breaking bad and death note similarities now my apologies but i do not know a lot about death note so i'm going to read oh so you want to play hus reddit post verbatim if that's all right with you all of course all credit to him once again quote there are several striking similarities between breaking bad and the anime death note that fans of both shows have noticed the main character is an overly prideful genius who commits a series of elaborate and heinous crimes for a noble cause and over time becomes corrupt with power the main character's name both rhymes with and can be described by the word bright white and light the main character has an alter ego and commits their crimes under an alias which comes to carry a lot of prestige the main character has a relative who is a member of law enforcement who is leading a task force dedicated to catching his alter ego the main character has a likable smart mouth comic relief sidekick who introduces him to his life of crime the sidekick shows the main character of the ropes at first but very quickly becomes a student to the master the sidekick suffers from addiction the main character becomes partners with someone committing to the same crimes as him and he ends up only causing him trouble the partner leads a double life as a friendly public figure motivated to turn to a life of crime after the murder of a loved one the partner seems harmless and nice at first but it's actually dangerous and psychotic there's an episode where the main character fixes memory loss in order to have an alibi the relative who is in law enforcement dies because of actions of the main character and finally the main character dies because of a gunshot wound huh 505-842-4205 the best quality vacuum phone number which appears in breaking bad el camino and better call saw essentially if you call this number with the right code it'll open up the repairman's actual line of business i don't know why this is on the list because this number is explained fairly thoroughly within the plot line of the show vince gilligan has a foot fetish it's time to embrace some quentin tarantino and talk about vince in his potential foot fetish according to this post the only thing that backs up this theory is that at times and better call saw there are various scenes in which bare feet are displayed yes i believe we need more scenes of jimmy showing off his bare feet riverside california it was known as the original location in which breaking bad was going to take place in fact it used to be the meth capital of america furthermore last october the feds announced the biggest meth bust in u.s history in that area i visited the area before actually and i can see how breaking bad could have taken place there there is a lot of desert the location was changed to albuquerque because of new mexico's 25 tax rebate for film and television production finally we have the tuko torture episode and let me just bring it back over to the creator of the icebricks post because i can't describe this any more horrifyingly than him as stated before jesse was originally going to be code off in an episode 9. the concept for this episode that vince gilligan pitched never made it to the writing stage jesse was going to be horrifically killed by some drug dealer presumably tuko and the drug deal gone wrong walter racked with rage and goat seeks revenge he kidnaps the drug dealer and ties him up in the crawlspace under his house he tortures him every day cutting off his toes one by one and categorizing the wounds with a blowtorch so he won't bleed out however walter gives the drug dealer an out he rigs a shotgun to a device with a tripwire all the drug dealer has to do to end the suffering is to trip the wire and kill himself but he never does it eventually walter jr finds him down there and tries to get him out the drug dealer realizes that walter junior's heisenberg's son and triggers the tripwire killing both walter jr and himself jesus how scary at that point in the plot i don't think walt would have gone this far plus for episode 9 it's a lot to take in for the viewer i'm so glad walter jr didn't have to go out that way if you enjoyed this video be sure to like comment and subscribe i'm going to need to think about this alternative breaking bad series and fear now zeb stirred out [Music]
Channel: Zeepsterd
Views: 2,301,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breaking bad explained, breaking bad worst to best, breaking bad moment, breaking bad essay, breaking bad iceberg, breaking bad best of
Id: dzhXmWwt7g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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