The Breaking Bad Timeline: The Fall of Walter White | Cinematica

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Didn’t realize until now that Skyler is selling their possessions online for more money in anticipation of the new baby. I thought she was just trading online as a hobby.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/WaddleD 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is a great overview.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/3cents 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
ever since Breaking Bad came to a close the tales of the Albuquerque criminal underworld have continued with better call Saul and El Camino but Walter White's timeline is done so I'm gonna take you through the whole original series somehow the entire story takes place in just two years so keeping track of what happens when is a little tricky thankfully using a compound of established dates and reference time skips we've cooked up a Breaking Bad timeline that is 99.1% perfect yes science 1980s through 1990s decades before Walter White enters the meth business he's in the science business after meeting his partner Elliott Schwartz during grad school at the California Institute of Technology Walt joins forces and last names with him to co-found gray matter technologies the enterprising company takes the scientific world by storm filing for patents and revolutionising the field with synchrotrons and the molecular switch and what have you Walt already has a pedigree as project leader of a Nobel Prize winning project from 1985 and much of the company's innovation center around his continued research he and Elliot are joined by Walt's other serious long-term partner his girlfriend Gretchen they're madly in love and looking forward to marriage but all that changes one fourth of July weekend in Newport when Walt meets her family Gretchen and her brothers come from a privileged background far different from Walt's own upbringing by an estranged single mother even though Walt's already on track for staggering success he less than an inferiority complex get the better of him that same weekend he packs his bags and leaves Newport Gretchen and gray matter behind taking a buyout of $5,000 one-third of the company's worth at the time at least that pays his rent for a few months and soon Walt finds a promising future in applications at Sandia National Laboratories he frequently takes his bike to the nearby restaurant where when Skyler Lambert is working a summer job as a hostess while notices that she secretly works on the daily crossword puzzles at her post so he begins to bring them in with him to spark conversation sure enough to end up falling in love and getting married 1993 to 2008 with plans for a baby Walt and Skyler go house-hunting in the suburbs of Albuquerque they find a great starter home at 308 negra arroyo Lane and doan optimistic Walt thinks they'll need more room for three eventual kids in a home office they decided to buy it parenthood is more complicated than they planned as Walter White jr. is born with cerebral palsy in 1993 now I don't know if Walt loses or leaves his job at Sandia National Laboratories but he ends up teaching chemistry at JP Wynn high one of his students is junior Jesse Pinkman a rowdy but otherwise bright kid who Walt thinks needs to apply himself better teaching doesn't pay enough to cover all the white family expenses especially after Skyler quits her accounting job at Beneke fabricators so in 2004 Walt applies himself by picking up a second job at a won a car wash he's had a bug up his butt about money ever since gray matter technologies hit it big on the back of his research heading towards a value of two billion dollars around April of 2008 Walton Skyler accidentally conceived a second child and they cannot afford that to get some extra cash Skyler starts selling off their old knickknacks it's a hard but honest living well at least now they've got nowhere to go but up September 2008 to circa November 2008 right after his fiftieth birthday on September 7 2008 Walt is diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer and given two years to live he realizes that his family won't have any cash flow after he bites it so he concocts a plan to cooking some meth for some big bucks to prepare for his business Walt goes on a ride-along with his DEA brother-in-law Hank where he spots none other than the rowdy bright Jesse Pinkman all grown up and slinging meth he confronts Jesse and propositions him about becoming partners and though jesse is unsure why mr. white would suddenly want to break bad he agrees he scrounges up an RV and the to cook their first batch in the middle of nowhere as they wait for the crystals to cool Walt phone Skyler with his first big lie but she doesn't even need to hear it because she trusts him instead she pitches the name Holly for their baby Walton Jesse's product comes out crystal clear but a crazy turn of events forces them to kill Jesse's usual distributor it's been about a month since Walt's cancer diagnosis and his family finally finds out about it but Walt is more concerned with making those fat stacks Jesse's Powell skinny Pete hooks them up with Tuco a maniac drug kingpin with deep cartel connections Walt whips up a batch of meth along with a new alias Heisenberg for Tuco only to get it stolen when Tuco kicks the [ __ ] out of Jesse when Jesse tries to negotiate a deal to get the money back Walt storms Tuco's hideout blows the whole place up with some fulminated mercury and earns Tuco's respect from here Tuco and Heisenberg agree to do business during their next meet up strong out Tuco beats his own minion to death for speaking out of turn the DEA discovers the body and connects it back to Tuco then raids his headquarters Juuko escapes the scene and takes Walt and Jesse hostage at his uncle's house in the desert ready to ship them off to the cartel in Mexico back home Skyler and Marie worry about Walt's son disappearance so they hand out missing posters fortunately for walton Jesse Hank arrives at the shack and kills the kingpin in a shootout while Lutz his brother-in-law then feigns a fugue state as an alibi for his disappearance we later lies that the few state was a cover-up for the stress he's feeling at home in his confession he tells the doctor his wife is seven months pregnant which puts us in November circa December 2008 to February 2009 Walt story puts his family at ease for the time being but Skyler is still suspicious of his recent behavior now that things are sort of back to normal Walt and Jesse continue to peddle their blueSky meth only now they cut out the distributor and leave the sales to Jesse's cronies skinny Pete Badger and combo things are going well until two junkies Rob skinny Pete while Jesse's chasing the thieves one crushes the others head with an ATM everyone thinks Jesse did it so word spreads on the streets that Heisenberg is not to be messed with the Albuquerque Police Department gets the message too so they target an arrest badger for dealing Walt and Jesse are worried badger might snitch so they consult Saul Goodman a criminal lawyer with a whole entire messy spinoff timeline of his own that's totally worth covering in a separate video this all helps throw the DEA off their trail and he hooks them up with a big-time distributor who's starring he's the overly cautious owner of the fast-food chain those pious hermanos who also happens to run a massive meth Empire Walt and Jesse score an elusive meeting with him which Jesse watches by showing up high luckily Walt manages to buy them a second chance gus gives them one hour to deliver their product to a drop zone so Walt frantically phones Jesse who's keeping the meth at his apartment unfortunately Jesse's girlfriend Jane turned him on to heroin so he's onct out and misses the call Walt breaks into the apartment to collect the meth just as Skyler goes into labor he's forced to miss Holly's birth around mid January to complete the deal over the next two weeks Walt spitefully withholds Jesse's share of the gus deal waiting for him to get clean but wall has an operation on the horizon he's agitated that he can't even use his own share to fund it this all works out a way to launder the money if juniors donation site ww saved Walter White calm while Jane works out a way to get Jesse his cut by blackmailing Walt she calls his home and strong-arms him into bringing Jesse what he's owed well complies then hits up a bar where he coincidentally meets Jane's dad Donald they talk about their kids and Donald tells Walt not to give up on family and Walt is so moved that he returns to Jesse's apartment after letting himself in he finds Jesse and Jane doped up on heroin and watches as Jane chokes on her own vomit refusing to help her the following week he checks Jesse into a rehab facility and then goes in for a search circa March 2009 to May 2009 while Walt recovers from the surgery over the next four weeks Donald continues a five-week absence from work following Jane's death and Holly turns seven weeks old all the numbers track during Walt's recovery time Skyler makes calls to Gretchen Schwartz and Walt's mother to catch at the bottom of his lies a chance up with more questions than answers Walt returns home in March only to learn that Skyler is taking the kids and leaving him that same day Donald returns to his job as an air traffic controller and in his continued grief over Jane makes a fatal error that causes two airliners to crash over Albuquerque in the wake of the catastrophe Walt struggles to take responsibility for any of his actions until Skyler serves him with divorce papers he finally confesses to her about his meth business but she isn't so appreciative of the honesty and kicks him out anyway in an effort to make amends with Skyler by force Walt quits working for Gus switches focus back to his family and moves back into the house whether Skyler likes it or not and she does not reclaiming power the only way she can Skyler seduces Ted Beneke not to be outdone Walt tries to seduce his boss the principal at the high school but it doesn't work and it gets fired at least Gus successfully seduces Walt back to the dark side by flaunting his super lab and convincing him that a man must provide even when he's underappreciated that deep bro talk gets through the wall so he signs the divorce papers and moves out of the white house Skyler is concerned that his blood money child support payments will incriminate her but he reminds her that his blood money has been paying their bills for the past six months that's October through March Walt goes to work at the Super lab and meets Gus's newest employee Gayle bedecker Gayle is honored to partner with the second favorite WWE Walt doesn't return the sentiment Walt insist that Gus hired Jesse instead a move that Gus finds too reckless but ultimately allows by approximately April Jesse and Walt reunite but it's cut short when a shootout with a cartel hospitalizes Hank Walt lies to Gus and dips to visit his brother-in-law so he's alarmed when he gets word that Gus is coming to visit Hank - Gus and Hank had met at a fund Ranieri so Gus was very aware of Walt's DEA connections when he hired him one night in May Skyler invites Walt over for dinner then jr. seizes the opportunity to remind his parents that he'll need a car soon even though I won't be 16 for another two months on July 8th on the topic of money Skyler urges Walt to make sure he can pay Hanks medical bills without suspicion they decide to purchase the a1 a car wash as a front for their money laundering since Walt used to work there meanwhile things at Walt's second second job get complicated when Jesse rebels against Gus employ child soldiers on the street Walt barters with Gus for Jesse's safety and Gus complies but the only intents to keep the two around long enough for Gail to learn the cooking method to save their hides Jesse kills Gail making Walt and Jesse indispensable assets circa June 2009 to July 2009 the DEA finds Gail's lab notes at the scene of his murder and Hank uses them to trace Gail back to Heisenberg Walt confronts Jesse to make sure he didn't leave any other incriminating evidence at the apartment but and um Jesse refuses to comply with Walt's anymore even if it means sabotaging their budding empire when Jesse fails to show up for work one day Walters convinced that Gus's hitman Mike has taken him to be executed but once Walt finds that Mike has been taking Jesse along on secret missions he realizes that Gus is building Jesse up so he can play the two of them against each other and kill two birds with one stone wall reminds Jesse that last month in May Gus was trying to kill them both and show some Gus's manipulation by manipulating him they decided to poison Gus with ricin but unfortunately for Walt his self-centeredness is playing right in to Gus's hands jesse is in no rush to poison one of the few people who has faith in him and he and Walt have a full-on brawl Jesse totally kicks Walt's ass but time is of the essence well Hank's been recovering he's followed some major leads back to los Pollos hermanos on juniors birthday he visits his father's condo and finds him in a beaten-up sorry state Walt apologizes and urges his son not to remember him this way but junior finds comfort in the fact that Walt hasn't been that real since his cancer diagnosis Hank and Walt keep their eyes on those points hermanos while Jesse and Mike keep meeting up eventually Gus decides jesse is more valuable to him than Walt especially since Walt's brother-in-law is snooping around so Gus fires Walt and threatens worse action if he interferes with their handling of Hank no longer able to fight Walt chooses flight enlisting Saul's disappear to relocate his family as Walt tears apart the crawlspace looking for his money Skyler admits that she gave it all away to Ted Beneke Walt's desperate so he devises a harebrained scheme as a last Hail Mary he has Saul's guys pickpocket to ricin cigarette off Jesse but stealthily poisoned Jesse's girlfriend's son brougt with Lilly in the valley berries that way Jesse thinks it was ricin poisoning so that he'll think Walt was responsible and come after him then Walt can get back into Jesse's good graces by convincing him and it's a setup by Gus to trick Jesse into killing Walt from there Jesse will lure Gus out to the hospital or Brock is staying and then Walt complaints a pipe bomb and Gus's car and kill him once and for all anyway yeah that last part doesn't work so they get this cat it to it that's Hector Salamanca he's Tuco's uncle who used to run the cartel and you know what I don't have time to get into it let's just let's just move on to August circa August 2009 to October 2009 Gus is dead waltz recovered from his beatdown Jesse's on the hunt for the ricin cigarette to prove once and for all that he didn't poison Brock Walt plants a fake ricin cigarette in Jesse's rumba the two let bygones be bygones and join forces with Mike Saul and the high-strung businesswoman Lydia to establish a new method for meth peddling they start cooking inside houses under fumigation with a vamonos pest company as their front it's an effective system but they sell to pay off some of their old cronies who are in jail so Walt's net income goes way down in September the night before Walt's 51st birthday he hits Skyler with some new cash to launder even though he be Gus he's still in the drug game so Skyler is shaken and wants to send their children away for their protection but Walt pushes back he asks her where they'll send their eight-month-old anyway to get some leverage Skyler waits for Walt's birthday party then fakes a suicide attempt by walking into the pool in front of Hank and Marie which persuades them to take custody of jr. and Holly for the next three months Walt calls her act short-sighted but she tells him that her real long con is waiting for Walt to just die already until that day comes Walt has an enterprise to run DEA is putting more pressure on Mike so he and Jesse opt out of the business entirely they want to sell their supply of methylamine to one of Gus's old competitors Declan but they can't seal the deal without Walt share thing is Walt's learned a lot since the gray matter days he's unwilling to settle for a buyout so he comes up with a new strategy Declan can buy out Mike share and become the distribution network they all meet in the desert the deal is done faster than you can say Heisenberg Mike takes his cut and leaves but the DEA moves against him forcing him to abandoned his granddaughter at the park and a few key belongings in a second car he has Walt bring his items to him and Walt takes the opportunity to press Mike for the names of his jailed henchmen but when Mike doesn't cooperate an insulted Walter shoots him dead even though he could have just got the names from Lydia with both Mike and Jesse out of the picture Walt charges onward paying Lydia to give him the henchmans names then hiring a gang of white supremacists to whack them all in jail it's a success and the Golden Age of Heisenberg's empire begins circa november to february 2010 for the next couple months Walton is new Lackey Todd cook meth under the guise of fumigators Lydia distributes the product to the Czech Republic and Skyler Lauder is the money through the carwash it's a seamless operation raking in over 80 million dollars Walt's cancer has been better for some time but now it returns with a vengeance in December skyler visits her kids at the Schrader house and Marie notes that it may be time to bring them home since it's been about three months Skyler concurs so she takes Walter the storage container full of cash and insists he gets out of the biz after a month things have calmed down for January Walt's out of the meth trade jr. and Holly come home and the whites and traders have a backyard reunion like the good old days the worst seems to be behind them until Hank pops open the copy of leaves of grass in Walt's bathroom with a message from Gale bedecker inside he realizes that for over a year Heisenberg has been close enough to check him for ernia so he NAB's the book and bales later Walt notices that his Walt Whitman book has gone missing paranoid that Hank has finally caught him he visits his brother-in-law who has connected all the dots and now demands Walt surrender his family Walt refuses advises Hank to tread lightly despite the tough face Walt is shaken by Hanks discovery so he smuggles his fortune out of storage and buries it in the middle of nowhere he and Skyler figured that Hank doesn't have enough evidence for an arrest until Saul tells them the Hank has already tried to interrogate Jesse eager to tie up that loose end while pushes Jesse to higher Saul's disappear and move to Alaska it almost works but Jesse realizes that he's being manipulated again so he teams up with Hank and the DEA well once again Walt hires the white supremacist to do his dirty business and murder Jesse but before they have the chance to learn out Jesse sends Walt a fake photo of the Buried stash and threatens to burn it the trick works at Walt Rockets to the reserve leading Hank straight there by the time Walt realizes that it's a trap it's too late he's unaware that Jesse is colluding with Hank so he summons the skinheads to come attack Jesse just as Hank bused Walt they arrive on the scene and execute the DEA agents the skinheads commandeer most of Walt's fortune and enslaved Jesse as their meth cook so Walt employs his family to leave ABQ with him but once they learn of Hanks death all bets are off so while briefly kidnaps Holly with Walt's true identity revealed and his family against him he calls on Saul's disappear and vanishes into the snowy wilderness of New Hampshire the disappear tells Walt that he should be able to last out the winter so we're probably around February or so February to September 2010 Walt is itching to get revenge on the neo-nazis but his failing health gets the better of him as he starts a slow decay in the cabin creator Vince Gilligan and writer Peter Gould have said that while it spends four to six months of the cab so let's say he was there from February through August and the final visit before Walt leaves the disappear tells him he'll see him on the African in of the 15th so it's about halfway through the month while it hangs on for a few weeks longer with the window to get money to his family is shrinking when a desperate call to jr. ends in a screaming match Walt finally caves calls the authorities on himself but as he's waiting for them to pick him up he catches a Charlie Rose interview with Gretchen and Elliott Schwartz with a discredit Walt and distance themselves from his legacy well it's not having it so he sets off on a farewell tour visiting his dilapidated house coercing Gretchen and Elliott to give jr. money for his 18th birthday checking in on Skyler and Holly and of course poisoning Lydia he also takes time to enjoy some bacon and eggs on his birthday with just one debt left to settle Walt swings by the neo-nazi compound and mows them all down with a mounted machine gun in his trunk using his own body to protect Jesse from the bullets the two part ways with one final head nod to acknowledge all they've been through Jesse hits the road and Walt dies in the same place he lived a meth lab that wraps up Walt's story but if you've seen the show you know there's plenty more to cover Jesse Gus saw so many characters with their own stories to explore let me know if you want to see them and remember to subscribe to cinematic uh for more timelines like this one I've been your host Marcus we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Cinematica
Views: 2,403,596
Rating: 4.935185 out of 5
Keywords: cinematica, breaking bad, el camino, breaking bad timeline, breaking bad movie trailer, the complete breaking bad timeline, el camino new trailer, breaking bad storyline, better call saul, breaking bad movie, amc, the timeline of breaking bad, netflix, walter white, breaking bad ending, jesse pinkman, neftlix, los pollos hermanos, el camino breaking bad, el camino trailer, breaking bad el camino, el camino movie, aaron paul, breaking bad trailer, Aaron Paul Recaps Breaking Bad
Id: JoUAA1gXGr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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