Which is the Best Breaking Bad Season? - WORST TO BEST

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Breaking Bad is by all accounts magnificent this is common knowledge I'm no filmmaker nor an expert on cinematography but you don't need me to lecture you about what makes the series so great it's universally acclaimed as one of the best shows of the 21st century if not the best show of all time I didn't go as far to say that there is not a single bad episode of Breaking Bad period without Kamino releasing I decided to read watch Breaking Bad for the fourth time in my life in order to truly appreciate what come in callbacks the film I present to its ever so curious audience spoiler alert the show is still fantastic my question for you all however has to do with which season of the show is truly the strongest and that's what I'm going to do today here is in my opinion the worst the best seasons of Breaking Bad and when I say worst I mean my least favorite season of Breaking Bad is there's no real bad one and of course spoilers ahead [Music] we tried to poison you we tried to poison you because you're an insane the generate piece of filth and you deserve to die in season two the show commences with the haunting imagery that alludes to the finale making the viewer incredibly invested on how exactly the pending events will lead to a destroyed pink teddy bear throughout it all season two manages to guide the viewer through an array of emotions but in retrospect ends up becoming quite filler centric and in some ways the least consequential of the series don't get me wrong a lot is presented in this season introductions of the characters Gus fring Mike Ehrmantraut and my favorite character of the entire show Saul Goodman is done well each episode indeed serves a purpose but at times feels dragged out in order to meet the 48 minute runtime this is the first season in which Breaking Bad consisted of over 10 episodes and you can really tell that Vince Gilligan and the crew were trying real hard to provide us with enough meat to continue watching however it ended up producing some excessive fluff like credit watch episodes 9 through 13 again the two cool stuff is nerve inducing n is fantastic but I start snoozing whenever Skyler brings up the whole issue with Maurice given the tiara it just seems unnecessary along with other scenes like whoa Jr being taught how to drive yeah please shouldn't use both of your feet buddy and there's nothing wrong with providing scenes of character growth just as long as it's interesting character growth that is you know growth that provides great backstory or you know actual purpose and that's really it that's right the complaints I have with the show mostly stem from how boring season 2 can get but other than that the season is great the various intros that allude to the pending plane crash are absolutely devastating but done so well one of my favorite symbols from the show stem from the season and that is of course the burnt pink teddy bear it's so cool in this season you can really see Bryan Cranston really get into the flesh of Walter White / Heisenberg with his acting skills at first watch I was surprised to see how they killed off to go so early in the series I thought that he was going to be the main baddie for much of the show but my expectations were separated I was curious on who was going to be the next villain whenever I rewatched the series I get a kick whenever I see Gus for the first time he season 2 knowing exactly what lies behind that disingenuous smile the death of Jane also gets me every time as a behind the scenes fact Bryan Cranston was singing on his own daughter while filming the scene season 2 is explosive the idea of Heisenberg invading Walt's personality is amped up overawed given an 8 out of 10 I first watched Breaking Bad when I was in eighth grade way back in 2012 recommended to me by my brother I began watching the show on Netflix almost immediately I was hooked coming in at a total of only seven episodes season one of Breaking Bad is the shortest of the series and holy [ __ ] does it not waste its time I'm in the minority when I say that season one of Breaking Bad is better than season two let me explain myself the show doesn't waste your time in the beginning it gets straight to the point a chemistry teacher gets cancer and begins creating and selling meth with a former classmate in order to leave behind money for his family following his death some really stellar moments include the opening where Walt is pointing the gun to the unknown such an iconic shot one of the first things that popped into my head when I think of Breaking Bad well it's heartbreaking murder of Crazy Eights the first incredibly emotional moment of the show the long conversation between Crazy eight and Walt is exactly what was missing at points during season two the conversation doesn't feel like filler at all in fact it feels necessary not forced almost cried watching it the first time seeing how the drug dealing game first begins to change Walt is saturnine and is the beginning of a tragedy that he can't look away from the scene in which Walt confronts to go it's so good the show establishes itself here is not being predictable you never really know what's going to happen next or who's going to be killed next Breaking Bad's unpredictability is a powerful tool to keep the viewer engaged I wouldn't say season 1 is underrated but I would say it's quickly glanced over compared to what comes next overall I'd give the season an 8.5 out of 10 [Music] at this point I'd like to say that it's going to be difficult to try and rank the seasons as seasons three through five are really next level TV season three takes Breaking Bad to new heights with almost every episode ending on a cliffhanger that will force you to binge watch an entire season in one night seriously that's what I did the cousins are incredibly underrated in terms of villains introduced within the show personally I think they're more threatening an interest in and took or even the neo-nazis later on in the show especially in the episode one minute which is probably my top 10 favorite episodes an absolute thrill ride that's bone-chilling props hoody Norrises acting Hanks tough macho guy personas tested through a series of trials that almost breaks him other key moments include gusts becoming more of a threat the RV getting crushed what throwing a pizza on the roof Hank getting a [ __ ] and Walt's saving Jesse from the jaws of death this season is also the home to one of the most controversial episodes of the series fly an episode created due to budgetary restrictions essentially they needed to film an episode in one location an episode in which Walter White and Jesse penguin are explode thoroughly alone with their motives and regrets in life I like it as a side note this season is also home to my favorite Kota win of the series the montage in which the Lowe spoils and Manos commercial transitions into the classic sparkling blue crystals and then in to Gus's clockwork Empire of business ooh why no of course I can't talk about the third season without mentioning the genuineness of Gael I love the little moments between Walton him but the coffee scene it's just so adorable hehe they make drugs gales death is heartbreaking when you first realize it's about to happen your heart begins to sink not knowing whether or not Jessie will actually do it in 2011 creator of Breaking Bad Vince Gilligan needed more time to write the final episodes of the show so at his request AMC split the season two parts the reason why I'm not ranking season 5 has its own individual section as a whole is only due to the fact that I viewed both parts different in terms of their arcs and aired it's season five A's waltzes eNOS as hasn't burg well season 5 V is his downfall in 5a what becomes a kingpin of the method the street following the death of Gus his ego is the highest it's ever been and it's so fun to watch I love the code open in which he gets a Chrysler 300 for himself in a Dodge Challenger for junior it's so ridiculous bonfire got stuck in my head for days following that in terms of other favorite moments the crystal-blue persuasion montage and gliding overall is another beautiful one Mike's death is ironic in a sense as throughout the course of the show we've seen brutal murderers but when it comes to the Hitman his demise is peaceful and aesthetically pleasing other important events include the confirmation of Walt poisoning Brock with ricin Jesse leaving the cooking business Lydia and Todd being introduced Todd shooting the kid and of course the big one Hank finding out that Walt is Heisenberg only in Breaking Bad with one of the main protagonists of the show would find out about something so significant on the goddamn toilet I got into the shower on this time so the whit between this episode in the second half of season 5 was agonizing but it was oh so worth it [Applause] this was a tough one via the process of elimination you can already figure out which is number one however my love for season 4 almost topped that spot by a hair if Breaking Bad ended at season 4 I honestly would have been pretty satisfied the entire season is like the building tension you get when you're on a roller coaster for the first time who's that slight essence of fear that continues to linger while in line and is amplified even more when you're strapped into the ride the start of the season is a gory mess Gus's true colors are fully exposed with him killing Victor Jesus Christ it's horrifying even Mike is caught off guard I love the little touch to the ad with him pointing his gun agust with fear the dialog is stopped here Walt's egos once again a joy to watch it never becomes too over-the-top Cranston pulls off a perfect balance that prevents himself from overacting Gus's past is further explored such an interesting figure before a better call Saul was announced people were demanding a guest prequel a series instead personally I think his appearance in saw was suffice enough but that would have been cool the way he exacts revenge on the cartel was unexpected in classy at the same time guess his character so neat and tidy the writers did a terrific job show enough as carefulness the crossface scene excellent I don't need to linger on it for too long as I'm pretty sure you know how great it is already and finally the scene in which Gus dies is so stellar throughout the series who seems calm barely yelling but never screaming that split-second of panic god dude it's so satisfying love the sound editing for Breaking Bad fantastic original soundtrack when they burned down the super lab the timing to it all Wow I've gushed way too much on season 4 but it's so amazing can you blame me I don't know how many more words I can use to describe just how complete the season is Bravo Vince [Music] it is nearly impossible to describe my sheer love for Breaking Bad the show transcends poetry music and various other art forms to expose a timeless modern Western in season 5 B the show comes to a conclusion that leaves if you are complete and satisfied at least for me that is something a few other shows have managed to pull off the confrontation between Hank and waltz somehow feels long overdue Dean Norse is angered and the transition into sadness is heartbreaking and Walt's line here is absolutely spine-chilling that's true if you don't know maybe your best course would be to tread lightly Jesse figures out about the ricin and beats the [ __ ] out of Saul he tries to burn Walt's house down in a thrilling cliffhanger back when this episode first released I thought for sure he was going to do it and someone like Walt Jr was going to be in the house which would lead to Walt hunting down Jesse himself what we got instead was Jesse working with Hank to bring Walt down which was as good the shootout scene oh man Jesus when Jack's gang comes in and starts firing my first thoughts were man these guys are terrible shots Ozymandias is the greatest episode of Breaking Bad hands down Hank's death although cut short is heroic and crushing my favorite scene of the episode is the family fights the climax of the series in my opinion into her family aspect the reason why won't did this is finished at this point everything what has worked for is forever damaged when Walt says we're a family he himself realized that there's nothing left for him life has crumbled the ending to Granite State few things in my life have meant to send such massive chills like when the main theme first hit at the end of the episode when Walt realizes that he still has work left to do my favorite scene in the entirety of the series Lily knows without a doubt a perfect way to do it for now plenty of loose ends are tied Walt is on a mission that will only certainly lead him to his demise the final look Walt gives jr. as he walked into his home and underrated seemed to say the least although jr. may hate his father what wishes nothing but happiness for the reason why he did all of this for what kills Jack's gang an array of gunfire saving Jesse after realizing what they've done to him deep down proving that he still loved his partner and then shoots Jack in revenge for Hank Jesse who had suffered so much in the series is finally set free and as for Walt well let's just say he does in the place or his potential was truly met Breaking Bad is incredible to see the absolute least without it I wouldn't be the person who I am today and hopefully some of you can relate enjoy El Camino everyone I'm done gushing about the show for today [Music] you
Channel: Zeepsterd
Views: 1,084,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking Bad, Best Season, Best Episode, El Camino, Worst to Best, Breaking Bad Season?, Review, Explained, Key Moments, Best Moments, Walt Dies, Walter White, This Is Not Meth, Analyses, breaking bad clip, hank finds out, gale dies, behind the scenes, gus dies, hank dies, plane crash breaking bad, breaking bad shootout, better call saul clip, better call saul review, better call saul lalo, better call saul season 5, better call saul talked about scene
Id: gYJBolabtzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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