The Boys Overnight in a Haunted Hospital

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we are the boys and this is the Yorktown Memorial Hospital it is the most haunted place in the entire state of Texas and tonight is the perfect night to be here the perfect night to not only be here but lock ourselves in this is the one of the places where we get 100% free rain no little rules or Little D dayss we're going to spend the whole night here boys let's go check it out hello and welcome back we' probably got the biggest boys announcement we've ever made today you guys have loved that merchandise we've sold so much of it that we have decided to team up with Spencers and go retail and over 600 stores in America yeah the boys are now in stores juicy they they just bought a shirt there's a boy in the store yo show us where you got that shirt man come come over here way this way come on yo this at this a little boy section we got shirts we got more shirts more shirts hoodies socks pin stickers all of this at your local Spencer store and online on the Spencer website the boys at the store store boys at the at at the store shopping boys at the shopping mall boys at spenc go to your local Spencers just do that wo this is the place boys oh my oh it is hot in here boys yo the ceiling is dripping look at the hallway you see and we're locked in make yourself comfy boys um why you like this there's a piano welcome to the boys the inside literally says keep out oh it's too late for that welcome to the Yorktown hospital for some of us it's going to be the first time hearing the stories because it was me and Molly that met with the owner earlier his name was Eddie his name was Eddie he said there was over 2,000 deaths that happened in this very hospital and considering the size it's pretty tiny it's about 30,000 square ft compared to other hospitals there's a lot of heads here they would come in and it wasn't a surgery place they would just bandage people up heads would run out across the street and go strangle the people across the streets the guy at the gas station had a few things to say to me narrator about this place and uh he said to keep an eye out for one specific guy if you at any point hear the name Jerry this place is already pretty scary for the Australians because it's American Hospital and you know get some politics or anything you're going to get a bill when you leave and it's going to be huge why is those half naked it'sing hot hot oh my God it's a ghost boys if there's any crackheads in here I came prepared did you did you bring a crack pipe uh no nothing wins them over better than a little bit of crack yeah nothing wins them over like you know sucking on the tip of a barrel oh I'm kind of I don't think they're going strictly homosexual I've got a gun on me we're in the middle we're in the middle of no wearing texes I'm not going to take any chances Eddie's pack don't hide behind me bro also caretaker Eddie said as soon as we walked in he said huh you got tattoos they don't like that here she said if you get pushed and shoved for having tattoos then them you know if you get pushed and shoved in here cuz you have a tattoo them you guys deserve to be here I deserve to be here you Jerry that's no we're not talking about Jerry you Jerry there's nothing you can do about my tattoos uh you can St oh oh what the Josh Jerry Dr me off you you that was amazing Jerry just tucked my you're right he hates s any SC bro we've got the uh first hospital prescribed thingies EMF reader hopefully with fresh batteries yes I love how Molly just like disappeared he's going to try to scare us I know he's going to try scares I know this where' Molly go Molly just went down in the hallway by himself where could he be oh my God is he in here nope I wonder if he's in a bus room gentlemen step into my office all right hold on you kind of smell how many people stepped into this office and then guy was just like you you have 12 minutes to live this is the administration office where all the administration stuff happened no way yeah this is where the doctor looked after all the kids yeah and uh gave birth to puppies yeah he yeah he did do not move do not look behind you there is a huge wasp's nest oh that's a massive those are the angry ones too I dare you to stick your finger in one of those holes real quick that's not a wasp nest that's AAR I I'll show you how to play it God it ising creepy out here by yourself I think that's a good start for you to uh take the night vision camera and go for a little walk ah you know what I it's been a long day take the night vision camera point it at yourself and go to the end of the hallway and back a please do it we're 2 minutes in yeah please don't man what do I going to do this for ah funny oh this is soing creepy bro okay I'm really scared I'm like frozen stiff going no I don't I can't [Music] man God man I'm so stiff right now that's no me like cuz I'm I can't okay I'm at ENT I'm at the thing go in no yeah no someone come oh you see that wait what the okay n mm- there was aing Belling like a little ding ding ding ding go back down there no now you come not me juicy please come I'll go with you I'll go with you let's go there was a building let's take it slow cuz this is spooky okay yeah this bad this really bad I told you man I can't what the stop it I'm not doing bro look at the wait sh no JY don't leave me bro I can't see where I'm walking I am noing joking right now wait wait where did everyone go turn theing light on there's a I can't don't know if I can do this man this is scary bro okay I see you guys there all right you weird not to alarm anybody but I fing stop fellas yeah I 100% heard somebody down there yeah bro wait what what do you mean what did you hear it literally sounded like clear's day someone just yeah all right are you doing a thing or you no no no bro seriously for a second was like how could it be one of them and it can't be that's Eddie I'm not joking man let's take the camera down there relax relax relax relax Josh relax ow that feels dude who's touching my it's not me dude I think it's your gun holy bro holy no lights turn it off and keep going all right touch that [Music] door look look bro that's a fing coffin that's aing Goffin dude yeah let's go get the other boys should we scare them and run back really fast no Mom is wait what happened that what happened what' you hear no did you hear him he came I got you oh okay you should have look seen the look on your stupid faces okay well you first things first I think we open the forever box wait Josh are you saying we do a boys unboxing [Music] video man this place is actually freaky who the said that what was was that you oh okay bro it's fr before you open this box just popping a squat oh my God's so dis you're probably angering some right now dude well you don't know if there's anybody in it all right listen to this open it up there like a guy for a second boys Eddie the caretaker said that the priest who ran this place in the late 1950s or so 1930s 1950s they also ran trains he said exactly it is said that the priest impregnated the nuns and the nuns were so ashamed that they committed self-abortion they performed abortions on themselves it was two of them and it is said that they threw their fetus into the incinerator down in the basement you think there's a little aborted fell in this box open that up juice we got a there has salt it's barbecue flavored you can smell it oh my god dude it smells horrible dude I wouldn't recommend anybody what it smell like it smells like death bro yeah that smells fing disgusting what the Nar there you go that's better it's nasty hot Cheetos can you imagine living in Texas here y smoking a ton of crack and locking yourself in this thing that'd be the best night of your life go to members content to see how it turned out welcome to the Church of the boys the Church of the boys hell yeah h let me read from the book of Yeet um and ye said hey hey hey no ye not he he she they the boys did descend upon a new Haunted location and many a yeet was said Ye Ye our balls are sweaty and our pie is flaccid flaccid mom spaghetti let us go in the name of jbus and also every Fus that we make may we delet us amen amen amen is this the part where you sprinkle us with holy water and give us a cracker I got it I got he caught it he caught it my brother what H is you son what a is you stand up stand up bring him to the front come here for the mind of Jus how Julia burn him burn him just you can't burn him just cuz he's bloody Browner than you mate what the f now my son what is your name Eduardo and speak it out to the Lord Eduardo and what H is you son uh what does that mean no what H you what's inside of you brother uh he's not inside me anymore but Bell I had a cheeseburg earlier a really big that I'm like trying to hold up there son I'm hearing something from the crowd ass Taco Bell you got Taco Bell inside you s yeah I had a crunch W su he wants to get out of you he wants to be steady Sky Daddy please not like last time you fainted on the p [Laughter] take it easy please oh sweet baby Eddie with the second Channel who is now his main going for that diamond BL on every day come out here brother come out e the boy is cured the boy is CED yeah fish your eyes on the young boy being CED by D Sky daddy Joshua thank you Sky daddy am in Praise Jesus H M we've got some words from the people the towns some changes that we're going to be making to the church our our first complaint here's where's [Laughter] Reid well you see here Pastor juicy Reid is no more he is remanned um make VR videos plus my mom loves you ye are you just reading comments off your phone what is this uh What's happen uh Pastor juicy Pastor juicy who my emf's going off it's actually maxing right now I think I'm yeah I'm standing wait it just did it four times sure it's not your pacemaker failing it could be my pacemaker I forgot to charge it that concludes our Sunday service Sky daddy parting words please come up and raise come up here we're going to of course father I'm here for you after you brother after you brother oh my God we're going to sing our final Hymn of the night before we continue with our Unholy death I'm Ready the boys up God damn it wait wait did you hear that someone just bought something from the boy store shut oh wa actually heard like a like a thud I to kick the desk like three times at the end of that oh okay well that must [Music] it buenos father what is your name my name is your my nickname or government name your what what do they call you son Juicy Fruit snakes I'm coming here today to confess uh something I need to get off my chest to be clean in the eyes of the Lord what do you want to confess son so I saw this thing on the internet internet uh-huh keep talking it was about um well was this dude who played a prank on his friends he M he would masterbate father and ejaculate in their shampoo bottles what the f yeah and I mean excuse me sorry um yeah son keep telling me the story well I saw it online and I thought it was really funny so I went over my friend Josh's house and I did it once do you want to come over to my room and um continue the story well that's the thing father I saw that article 3 years ago I've been coming in his shampoo bottles and has been walking around he thinks he has dandr but it's just my dried C in his hair I've got a shampoo bottle that um you're more than welcome to come into it's um actually located on the back side of my pants okay would you like to come around son I would I would father ready for you son hey hey hello hello what brings you here today my child I just I feel really bad man what what happened I just today mhm my friend narator yeah got her bites and uh he ordered chicken and rice and when he wasn't looking I took a piece of chicken oh well I'm I'm sure he'd forgive you if you told him I can't tell him listen everything can be solved with a little forgiveness and a little humor do do you want to hear a joke yes maybe lighten the mood yes H how does Moses make his coffee that's a hard one Hebrews it okay Hebrews it it it's hot in there excuse me sir excuse sir I shall give you to the count of five one five that was some straight out turns to why did you break the door what are you talking about the door I didn't break I didn't break the door that door mlly it was already broken the ghost did it crackheads breaking your all the time Break Stuff right moly hey you got a new confessional brother get in there that was so funny I didn't think you would break it to be fair Eddie's making it worse was made out of 1800 year old bwood brother okay that scared me what is that damn get it get it oo kill him ooh ooh can I get the night vision [Music] [Applause] cam all right boys we've been goofing we've been gaffing having some fun we got silly we've been silly that's right now it's time to get serious it's always the part of the video that's funny and there's the part that's serious so I say since this is the creepiest part of the hospital so far that we sit in silence and we trying to uh see if anything happens no objections no objections uh I object that's going to be the first thing I say at your wedding Edie it's not going to be so funny when it happens is it is it five or 10 minutes five five f five or 10 just do five okay did you hear that oh did you hear that there's something in the hway there's something in the hallway wait sh shh do you guys feel it dropping temperature just then oh oh oh it's moving boys right when the temperature drops it's me it's me oh Jesus Christ the alarm just went off I'm scared yeah turn the lights back turn turn turn turn on that dude Grandma's pacemaker in there or something still working holy holy dude okay nah n n no mind is Juicy you good brother you're right my name is Juicy Fruit Snacks I walked in on my mom being banged by a ghost at the age AG of six ever since then I've wanted to find out the truth our ghost real thank you mly that's all I got all right let's keep let's get the out of this church this is weird because the place looks really small from the outside and then you get to like this even like down here it's we can pick to go left or pick to go right left is the adult Ward right is the children's Ward I say that we leave the children the creepy stuff for later we go check out the adult stuff first that being said adults are more hate filled Spirit wise who who me dude why do you need like iron gilded doors for a hospital you know exactly why they need these doors it's the top the top Corner stuck give it a good pull it's Rusty dude it's soing Rusty what you got molly just couple beds couple beds what kind of chair is this I feel ridiculous this chair is stupid are you scared bro a little bit I'm a little bit scared you know what's up how many people had literally like they met their end in here knowing they to help him all the family left him behind dying from something up like a simple cut oh goding hell keeping watch you scared the F out of me I'm making sure you're safe what are you doing up here I'm keeping watch oh my god dude we need batteries come on boys all right just you stay here the whole time yep give me the light juicy are you just staying there yeah I'm going just stay right here yeah you keep guard all right yep all right keeping guard with nothing but an Outlast camera so I literally got to use the C it's kind of up this is this sucks dude what [Music] the I scared myself boys yeah you're almost back almost we're coming we'll be there soon okay you just see a big old ghost with a 12in horse walking down the hallway like hey I'm horse they locked me up let me up for a maniac of a juy Molly what are you doing man I'm keeping watch was it scary oh yeah was pretty scary to be honest um I I was so scared that I couldn't even get down from the chair cuz I feel like something bad's going to happen at this point if I do so you guys can do the rest of the video without me I'm just going to stay stay right here you just stand here and yell out what color the EMF R goes okay green W look at this room dude green thank you you know you hear some noises in here and you never know green if it's just literally the ceiling shut the up you told me to yell at what it says tell us if it changes color okay hang oh look in here damn look that his light is hanging by a thread that's liver King's last tendon holding his liver together yeah do you remember nanan hanakosan a are you there hanakosan oh you [Laughter] motherucker oh that's up there like little kid up dude that's kid shoes it's still green thanks buddy you're doing good thanks oh look at the on the walls in here holy dude uh whoa no way that's real bro okay we need to get juicy we can't leave him alone in the hallway juicy juicy come here come here oh did you see that actually did you see that it fing spiked spiked spiked spiked spiked red red wo wo wo wo what what come here come here come here ah it went red Did It Go Red For Real yeah have a look at this yeah come in here dude you yelled that just as we seen this W just as we seen that you yelled red we we also saw red um all right let me tell you the story okay the caretaker said that one of the nurses was cheating on her husband because this was living quarters for the nuns and the nurses the nuns were nurses or some like that and the husband found out so he came in and this was the caretaker's words he came in stabbed her blood sprayed all over the wall and then stabbed himself oh and he said to this day they haven't cleaned up the blood stains um what is that for somebody corrected them a meat grind somebody corrected the the spelling look actually it's there all dead actually it's there actually it's there I wonder what this red button doeses boys oh that looks like dangerous button I'm going to press it don't Eddie don't touch the button I'm going to press Eddie don't touch theou touch the button don't touch it did not fine wow all right we' made it to the end of the hall in the uh women's quarters adult quarters there's there's another room here we haven't made it all the way how you doing Eddie there I'm good man how are you yeah good how you feeling so far good you feeling any weird uh it feels very strange in this uh in this Hall a lot of bad happened here it's over 2,000 deaths there's a lot of suffering that happened in this place and as we pass by these rooms dude it is fing scary I hate walking down these Halls man especially like when I don't I can't see like 2 feet every fing time man all right now we're checking out the children's Ward the children's Ward the children's Ward yeah let's go to the children's Ward I'm here looking for booty uh it's the children's W narrative that's kind of weird I wonder how many kids piss their pants in here at least three every kid's W has a piss drawer damn you passing gas moly you really you really do part but oh look at that the baby crib bro is how did your w past this dude it's like a nursery look how creepy this is what the a mirror and a haunted Nursery is bad juju yes why don't you look into it all right and say something three times Jerry Jerry Jerry what's up did you see that what yes it turned red that's you it it turned red opening your pocket like that did it actually turn red that went straight to Red after the third one it did it did I seen that let's do it again little baby little baby little baby what the was that the turn the light on turn the light on oh my God you're a f but just kidding we like to have Goofs and gaps on the boy channel from time to time it wasn't a real baby it was me you fing what this is how it was sold who the buys this bro look at that old Deon mustard boys boys come look come look wa I will give you $100 in Cold Hard Cash if you can kickflip that Ste Steven Hawking me it's me Bo that goes to one of The Condemned rooms really yeah get in and have little film look holy what the was that the was that that was a baby crying bro wait go out there go wait what the no did you hear that I was literally looking at though did you hear that just then I was literally looking at do I heard footsteps did you I heard footsteps just then no no I just I was watching do play with the clock iing heard the baby cry I heard footsteps I just heard them clear as day I'm not even capping I was watching do play with the clock he couldn't have done it sh sh the shut up shut up wait wait wait that was extremely uncool it's also it's midnight by the way the it's midnight and a baby no bro that everyone heard that baby crying then I heard that baby somebody was doing it on their phone that that was that was a perfect baby sound we were all standing right here it also sounded like it came from out there though it sounded very far away that's 10 ls on I don't want to go anywhere with that l from now on uh true facts no that you know when the guy said you hear babies crying I was like yeah whatever but that was genuinely a baby making a noise yo what the who that leads to the back rooms like that that leads to the back rooms look at this the what was that did you hear that the rumble yeah there's something moving did someone move something a chair just moved in that room yeah a chair moved yes the all right all right now I'm I'm officially not having a good time putting that out there not having a good time all right well why is that guy so unhappy cold room okay there is some clear food and safety health hazards in here boys they don't have their cold room sorted correctly what is this huh you've got the bath gel next to the steak sauce it's steak sauce you fing peanuts this is CR contaminate everyone out oh oh Chef Josh done should yell at me for no reason what the was that was that what the where's juicy juy was that you was what what me I'm looking at the season a door just slammed no I'm looking I'm looking at the seasonings I'm not even capping shut up is there someone with us shut up sh kill the light Kill Light did a door just slam bro it looks like there's another light outside I heard a banging out there dude was something I heard it too guys wait I can I saw I can see another fcking flashlight like it's the it's a reflection dude you see that it's my reflection no it's it's not the reflection it was from outside there's no light turn it off so those are just from outside but there was a third one that slowly walked past there oh my God everyone okay that was legit was that everyone was here everyone was here in that room with that wait do is right there that was dude okay I don't want to is that you no no guys guys guys I the light came on there was noing Cuts we were all in the same room me and narator stole the light he was talking about go across go through across the camera a third light in the back there was no light back there though I'm going to show you on this footage we got to get back to the front dude I'm not I'm not comfortable here anymore you can see it on theing camera good I got chills man I got shills we have to keep going man we have shh what the is going on this is very uncool man if there's anyone in here with us let us know now is a you this is seriously not cool sake bro that was like the classic stereotype scary yeah that was that was the classic if we heard a door slam before all these other doors were open it had to have been that one this one this was the one that closed did you hear that like a girl bro did you fing hear that like through there yeah it sound like a girl no no no hold up hold up I I actually don't know if I can do with this stress part let's just keep going man we come this far let's just keep going if anyone finds this footage please edit and upload it to the boys channel the baby crying still gets me stop walking fast holy oh man you guys are on edge yeah we're oning Edge there's people here they're going to kill us there's two options here like there's something up happening here or this is a horror movie and we're all going to die well lucky for us the minorities go first so we have a fighting chance I'm minority has a gun so I'm minority has a gun the other minority Kevin hey he's camera don't put me into this he's got a camera they never kill the cameraman all right everything was a little bit of like hey do you think you heard that you think you heard that by that door slamming the door slamming and theing baby when when I when I turned around and realized all of us was standing in the same room yeah the baby the the the door slam and the girl the girl in the corner is what I heard well inside or outside like when we were in the kitchen inside or outside inside where the drops were coming from inside or outside inside there was a girl inside there's a chance it could have been outside though right there could have been a chance that's outside just heard it you know this could doesn't has to be something lock in here with us are you telling us there something looked in here with us if you can think if you think that you could believe that it's outside it would be huge for me the plus side is we've conquered the ground floor yes it's also a negative because the downstairs is probably going to be worse you have to stick around to the end of the video to see that but um going to do the upstairs next I guess y yo can you guys it feels different up here yeah it actually feels different oh God it's so moldy up here oh man that's a doy let's go Selena was here wait I thought she was dead you know what makes me nervous when we're downstairs the roof is literally leaking and now we're standing on it oh yeah there's like there's like nothing here preventing us from falling through smell in here is crazy look at the mold it's prob not going to be mold I have 8 minutes to live what is these are the rooms that the nuns used to live in what a single chair what the is going on it's the cck chair where you can watch ghost what the what the oh hell no they got candles in this table's like set from 100 years ago what the who what the there's like crucifix cut into the face of this saint or some oh that's up I feel something weird in here man yeah I feel some really weird Vibes it's like a room pretending to be a room that's the worst thing you could have said cuz it makes total sense you know what exactly what I mean you know what's weird like every other room in here is with like one chair in it and you walk in here it's like something lives in here wait what the it's just a weird slat thing in the hallway are you that noise help me out of [Music] bro Eddie Eddie huh uhoh Han go son Han she calls you all right boys we're in Pitch Black yep second floor women's restroom you know the rules are you there hanos son run run holy run something grabbed mying foot bro yeah sorry bro I was taking don't be knocking on the you mother I fing can't stand this [Music] gu oh there's another floor up nuh-uh I thought there was only two floors I thought so too he said that there was only two did he really yeah okay this is uncool man all I'm saying is guys that other set of says did not have another one going on no it didn't we went in and out of that dude there's a whole floor up here why didn't he tell us about it it's a whole furnished room this is like the most sturdiest floor too uh the mirror says help does it oh oh it does that's fun this is a creepy ass room dude the bro it got really heavy in here you know for being such a Christian hospital they did some really up things according to the guy two caretakers ago was taking care of this abandoned Hospital M back when it was functioning his name was Mr Mr Williams Mr Williams you can look it up what he did was he was the caretaker when the hospital was still running and he was a whistleblower he was telling the authorities what was happening in this Hospital what the priest was doing because the the priest was going around making babies with the nuns he was going around doing things to the patients he wasn't supposed to be doing drugging them taking advantage of them you can kind I'll spare you the details but you can kind of get the gist of what the priest was doing and The Whistleblower caretaker would tell the authorities well the priest apparently had him killed MH and he gathered his staff to chop him up into little bits and throw them in the furnace room that is in the basement that's true all I'm saying Ed is you know if I'm priest D if I'm like Father the dub and that that nun's down bad then I'm going to slip her the long hand of the Lord what I'm saying do probably down with none none is in her name cuz you ain't getting none nope nice one let's get the out of here it's hot as balls yeah yeah it's really onot there that leaves us uh with one floor to check yeah the basement no no the outside floor let's go home thanks for watching another Boys video we now I think we should send one lucky contestant down into the basement by himself no goes no goes do juicy was the last one no do was he's already got the night vision camera good luck brother good luck juice Jo L juice to the gun okay it's not going to do me no good is it the gun's not for what's down there the guns for you the guns for you it just so I feel better there's only one bullet in there oh so anything happens I can just pop myself yeah sweet I appreciate it fellas I hope that there is no oneing with us because this is going to go horribly wrong you're going to see this when it's subpoenaed in court thanks fellas thank you thank you so much um it's been an honor serving you at the boys Channel now going to descend into the basement thank you you're brave brave man we will meet again juicy we'll meet again that was the you guys got the craziest salutes I've ever seen how you guys and just like that the was [Laughter] dead they just lock the door they did they just locked theing door dude this place oh this is the basement is falling apart I can't see that smar on the door what the what is that dude actually what is that I have a Glock it's definitely loaded with giant bullets okay here we go there is a juice box down there and we need to go get our juice I love juw oh somebody just rolled up oh they did too yeah turn the lights off turn the lights off turn the lights off turn the lights off oh what the is that the cops keep filming keep filming that that just driving past they're going awfully slow I'm watching them what dude we're so far away from home this is I gave him mying gun yeah honestly you might want to grab that bag cuz if they Circle back turn the lights on turn the lights on I dude the moment juicy has my gun is the moment someone just rolls up to scout our cars right to the door that was creepy they pulled right up and stopped and then they drove up turned around went past slowly again and then drove off do you see why I brought this for this one yeah well yeah cuz we're in a weirding town keep on swimming swim what the f did youing hear that that was theing Bell dude no there's a corridor oh there's a giant drop here I just almost ate I'm not going on dude what is that what the is that nope nope NOP NOP nope nope oh the F he's running why why bro no Juicy's freaking the out what nope nope no NOP NOP nope nope nope nope nope what happened bro what happened ju don't don't go down the hallway dude you're going further into the hospital you're going back to where where the juicy oh what happened bro I went in the basement why why did you run like that who wants to go next what do you mean what happened I went through the whole big area and I was about halfway down the hallway and um I saw something at the end of it so you through that and I looked at it nonetheless the reason I ran is because after I went what the is that for about 5 seconds I heard straight down the hall in front of me which no one could have been in like literally like like like crunching like a shuffle yeah uhuh I'm not kidding I just got chills [Music] dog um so me and narator are going to go back down uh yep good luck one for you one for you good luck boys I got the I got the Imp meter all right you want to lead the way yeah here we go juicy we are going down the deep dark tunnel we are taking multiple steps down here oh it is a whole another level ofing spice down here in it yeah look down there oh the was that I heard that let's keep mov so this makes me nervous because if there were if there was ever a space for a snake to be for GI snake probably be the cold wet basement yeah what the what the is that you can kind of see it on this camera guys there's weird UV paintings that you it's like theing that Nick Cage movie look at all these names dude that was me sorry oh my fuing God all right you want to know something the wholeway it's a it's a crucifix the whole building is a crucifix wow I don't think anyone realized that the whole building right if you stand at Crossroads long enough you meet the devil that's what they say butes is there anything else about the layout of this building oh it's a cross it's a crucifix yeah right here oh wow that's weird no it's a perfect crucifix a perfect crucifix and at the head of it it's Jesus is a coffin and Jesus it's that's did you work that out I was like I said it looks like a cross I feeling uncomfortable now man wait until the other boys come up they're probably going to come up from there shine up there okay I thought I saw something the no that's breathing yeah go go wait wait don't run don't run don't run dude that was breathing that was fuing breathing that Wasing real I don't like that dude no no thanks what happened what happened no thanks after you Dam it just gets worse what happened it just get it gets progressively worse we went through a lot of the bottom and we got to the threshold of the door of the room at the cage yeah paused for like 10 seconds and right around the corner in the room you could hear like that clear you're going to hear it on the camera No No Cap yes we discovered something else as well this is going to blow youring mind come here come here apolog I was standing up here before right yeah and they always say that if you waited a crossroad long enough you meet the devil it's like this old thing that they say where are we standing on my neck right now the crossroad this place is shaped like a crucifix it's a perfect crucifix oh oh I don't like that oh I don't like that at all I'm still over that down there yeah I think it's time to whole group goes down there yeah yeah yeah shall we lead you to the cage yes this is from the first time I'm going to say a video I'm not super comfortable doing this not fun here you go no hang on hang on do you think that this is maybe the point where we should call it call it for the video dude there's a human cage down there no Josh we made it this far we got it nothing's going to get all of us that's true might get one of us holy it's like res what the this is crazy bro bro is that loaded now listen dude I'm just thinking right look if there's actually a person down there they charge at me I have to be ready to fire and see what and see what's coming down there I think for this part no one scare each other because that's do not scare me if you do this just please we'll lead you to the human cage yep bunch of a you Department of Justice this is wait this is 199 addressed to Mr William J storman iing told you man iing told you guys 10 1588 it's actually 88 dude this note is likeing 40 years old this is from ' 90 yeah this is like a court document a defendant uh the EMF is like hard which is just like literally holding right there like maybe I shouldn't be reading this check this out ready dim the light really quick whoa what the we saw that wa this is actually phasmophobia bro this is phasmophobia right now there's Clues on the wall there's notes and this is soing gay dude whoa what the was that you heard that too right yeah guys it's down here on the right so just be be quiet oh look at the wall wo that does not look safe look at the wall dude holy that looks super unsafe actually it's B it's B dude that looks crazy unsafe we are right here can he did you hear it breathing no I pointed that out yo anyone down there hello God I don't know it's going to be worse if there's no one here or if there's someone here cuz I heard someone talk dude either way it's the breathing I didn't hear anything it's you got what the was that the that was a baby bro we're all here there's no that was a baby crying let's go dude Rea man I don't I want to keep going but go down there I don't really want you to well go to together us no because I actually heard someone down there let's go together us I don't want to like walk through a door and some crackhead or something jumps out yeah you don't want to walk through that door especially if you hurt someone do you think there could be like a squatter in here yeah 100% a real one like a real person dude this is a human cage yeah it's a jail celf I thought it was just a cage dude it's a human cage oh Jesus me Kevin it just keeps going bro where the are we how what the oh dude this is the table the caretaker said someone broke into here and he came down here and found a pentagram under this table and there was a dead raccoon and they used its blood to to paint the pentagram it literally has all theing handprints and there was there was all these other dead animals here as well and that he had to come and bless this place and do a do a bless in ritual to to reverse whatever they opened up because it was up then let's un cleanse it that's okay I'm not I'm not touching that either that's enough for me dog not inviting that we all have to put our hands on it we have to okay the three of you keep your hand on the Luigi gun the Luigi board the Luigi board I'll keep my hand on the gun come boys we have we come down here together we all have to do this together me man come on get your hand on Luigi board it's from teenage dude is there anyone down here you got to open it first you got to you got to you got to greet him what yeah Spirits from Beyond the Grave Beyond this Mortal coil we are using this board as an act of communication to the other side if you would like to speak with us please use us in order to communicate hey I see you hover hand in the Ouija board anyone out there what the you hear that that sound like someone went yeah did you fing hear that who did that I I'm not with this no more that was that was a Josh noise you heard that that was a clear like yeah yeah all right let's get the out of here let's go let's go go go go go go go go we need to get the before this place keep it going move move everybody goes run run the is wait what's the Bel what the what what that Bro go be careful how the do we get out of here this way go go go go go motherucker dude I ain't done with this no more all right go all right go go go go go go go go go up the stairs up the stairs up the stairs up the stairs come on brother I'm not going to lie I was so scared I almost started crying I feel that dude I feel that no like when the bell started ringing and I screamed and Eddie screamed I almost started crying bro it's overwhelming man that Wasing scary bro we should go all right no no we're locked in we're going to spend the night here get I am not spending the night right yo what the is that open uh all right I don't even even if it's it's someone with us I don't want to be here anymore no whether it's that or whatever I don't give spooky or some locals let's go come on Molly get in the truck all right let's go I did legitimately almost [Music] cry
Channel: The Boys
Views: 6,985,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: d4mHAasIT0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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