The Boys Truth or Hot Wings

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welcome back to the boys channel the first time we do hot wings together whoa whoa we've cooked up the worst questions we could think of and whoever doesn't want to answer the question has to spin the wheel of sauce last time uh certain incidents came out I nodded on the floor I was like mum get off me I have a hard we haven't seen any of the questions but we wrote them for each other a lot of stuff has happened since we've all been hanging out together a special shout out to merch that we're wearing posts this [ __ ] glows in the dark obviously you can't see it right now because the lights are on but if you want to get it go to the boys stop store wait wait oh sorry you guys missed this one you'll never be able to buy it that's you should have gotten a pack of Bowie this glows in the dark can we can we kill the light does it charge with normal light or sunlight it's UV light it has to be UV light so the rules of the game is if you haven't seen it already these all have a question for each of us individually and we can answer the question or we can spin the wheel of hot sauce truth or hot sauce truth or hot sauce we have a live audience yeah I guess so one thing about this challenge is that all of these questions are supposed to be fresh so no Make-a-Wish incident nope trying to dig know how much do you make some new boys Lord who wants to go first rock paper scissors let's go this way okay juices first oh wait wait yeah shake it up Chef Eddie in the kitchen oh oh there you go there it is right there what's it say who's it for this one is for Josh oh this question is for Josh why does this have to be the first one what is it Josh dub how many times this week [Laughter] how many times this week have you said the n-word [Laughter] okay hit me up we've been listening to a lot of rap lately sacred word okay I was just saying her how many times you're going to have to eat a hot wing in five four a dozen Joshua said the n-word a dozen times this week he answered the question answered the question okay Josh is safe okay and now for number 13. [Music] what do you got please don't say this one's from Molly who's it for foreign okay Molly yes name every drug you have ever done that's easy Panadol paracetamol ibuprofen marijuana that's not a drug I've done okay I wish I knew this before what no way [ __ ] wow I don't even know who you are I'm mind blowing honestly I really can't think of you the same anymore how is it that every time we do a VR record and you remember your lines but you don't forget them on the weekend huh all right this question is for narrator oh [ __ ] yeah what do we got you have to pick one two and one to kill oh [ __ ] your mom or your sister yeah go kill mom and sister go so give me that wheel personally I would [ __ ] your sister the question wasn't for you last dab last dab let me get you a little plate the Last Dance I knew what it looked like from behind let the man do his own stuff wait actually no we can't let him no you have to put he's only he's on he's only gonna put a little dab of you how much you got to do adjacent amount we're not expecting you to drown in it but look trust me when I tell you I eat this one on my eggs in the morning a little bit more a little bit more that's good that's good that's an app that's a good dab I'm proud of that dab oh we got chocolate okay then I'm good that's the key secret all right you know the boys rules outside down tongue side down leave it on for a second and then eat let's get clear out all my sinuses I can't wait for this today you ready oh you're welcome back Taco before I [ __ ] kill you is it pretty hot yeah how hot is it on a scale of one to five is that as hot as your mum laughs she busted dog someone help me please I was trying to he's panicking he's panicking how are you why are you moaning like that okay [Applause] all right good job nerida awesome the first dab whoa he drew one for himself I got one for myself can I pick it in front no no no no you have to read it read it read it read it read it if you could pick the next dog to go which would it be who wrote this one who wrote this one who did that R.I.P Bentley milky oh I'm sorry man she has a lot of Felix this is mine I I would agree like I love both my dogs but I've had Felix for seven years and milky she has so many Health she looks if you're watching this look out no no milky milky wait you put milk to go yeah oh yeah uh didn't I expect that I'll take her from you Felix is just a good boy you know Felix is a good boy can I just say that was a good question taken advantage of someone's like trauma like that fantastic this one this is for you Mexican man is it for me oh [ __ ] spin the wheel if you had to seriously kick someone out of the boys who would it be and why that's actually a good I know we've answered that we've had this question numerous times but it's never fully been answered so different things have happened though yeah different things have happened I would are you gonna wait let me ask you this really quickly you're gonna answer you're gonna no not my man juicy wait not me if I had to pick someone oh no no way you're gonna actually answer that it would actually have to be the hot wing oh yeah because you would never pick any of us right right or because I fear for my safety if I say it spin the wheel spin spin spin spins what'd you get pucker butt pucker butt what the [ __ ] is that what is that the [ __ ] is pucker butt I'm doing this because I can't pick any of my boys thanks man if only money had answered that way before but it would definitely be narrator oh I wouldn't have said that I wouldn't have said that I would have said Josh so that uh Eddie's the biggest in the group that was a joke I actually wouldn't pick Josh by the way I'd pick narrator too I would pick narrator I'm the joke of every it's okay what oh [ __ ] what's wrong with you guys oh God this is the last video we're ever gonna do together holy [ __ ] dude I'm owning this what the [ __ ] it smells [ __ ] spicy oh smell that that smells horrendous all right go son foreign would you put that on your eggs yes a little bit though not that much that was a lot yeah I was about to say that was sad Eddie I would classify this up there with the bomb really and you still answered the question you had enough no you're gonna eat more no I mean yes I've had enough I thought that because it was a green sauce uh that I thought it would be not that bad I had to live up to its name later I can't even talk you're spend 11 the chicken I'm trying I'm sorry oh am I next your name give me the pot oh it's magic 100 congratulations I have the next question yep for Molly yeah let's just get through mine real quick hey Molly that's spicier than the sauce hey hold on let me take a break for a second I just need to have you ever slept with a fan before and if so did you stay in contact [Laughter] oh that's a spicy one isn't it oh God I did just spin spin the wheel the Phoenix Eddie I can't [ __ ] take you seriously I'm not putting it up now it's really hard to talk this one actually smells pretty good yeah that sounds familiar whoa whoa you gotta take a bite like Eddie but way more than that I'm gonna smell the Phoenix it actually smells you want to smell it smells good this one actually smells okay go ahead take it ah you guys did me so dirty today yeah it's not good enough unless you end up talking like Mike Tyson [Laughter] yeah good Wings good wing foreign [Laughter] [Music] oh what do we got Josh can you tell us everything you took at the house party I stole a lot of things from that party I took lots of stuff there no that's not what it means I'm not sure that's I'm not sure that's what the wording intends it means is listing substances I don't really interpret it as that but as to not incriminate myself spin the wheel Kevin spin the [ __ ] wheel yeah let's go ah poker butt poke her butt poke her butt give scorpions 13 angry scorpions oh man that smells potent you got it you gotta shake it you're gonna shake it juicy juicy ain't my chicken 18 naked cowboys solid rambling they're just eating the chicken bro I'm hungry we need them actually I don't have one too you want mom are we gonna have to order some more chicken no no no no no no that's the one that like put an Eddie dab on there bro now remember Josh this is the bullies Channel we all know the rule tongue first and you're going to show the camera like it like yeah yeah my man such a [ __ ] rule who the [ __ ] why do we have [Laughter] what does it taste good what's going through your mind right now talk to us it's spreading the deliciousness lasted for like eight seconds now it's pen is it going like this to each of your teeth it's crossing the blood brain barrier my neurons are shutting down oh is that hot yeah all right next question oh that one picked you this one is for juicy oh let's go now for context juicy is extremely hard to make him feel uncomfortable yes it's extremely hard to get him to not want to answer a question so we had to think in 4D here juicy Kevin is your best friend true can you explain the Olive Garden incident of 2022 please so Kevin told him the camera right now look at him just look at look at Kevin look at a juicy dude Juicy's considered it Kevin's saying [ __ ] off how how much do you value your friends this is the only way we could get to Juicy is to try and get to Kevin how much do you value this friendship will you sacrifice your most loved partner you each other he's about to start crying dude I would actually call this more of an incident slash accident yeah I agree it's not so bad juicy what is your answer my face hurts what's she gonna do brother oh oh spin the wheel he went from red to normal color pucker butt pucker butt all right give me a flat one oh it's a bad one oh this one's for you okay dog get [ __ ] in there homie did you pack your bags you're about to go on a trip whatever you do try not to lick your lips Bottoms Up you can still change your mind cares about you man oh wow oh my God is it that hot yeah oh holy grit I told you I wasn't just whoa oh you're washing it around your mouth oh give me some chocolate you gone for the truck it must be hot it must be hot it's it's pretty hot it looks so friendly why are you looking at me do you regret your decision a little bit would you say the answer next time no oh it must be bad then it must be really tweeted Kevin Hernandez on Twitter and harass him about it I'm shutting down away sorry Chef good luck brother it's for Eddie tell everyone what Narada and juicy found in your Amazon package a year ago [Laughter] so this one involves oh what is this Gabby are you really gonna tell it Gabby Gabby listen to this question tell everyone what narrator and juicy found in your Amazon package a year ago these sauces are pretty hot so are you really gonna answer nah so do you see a narrator come over to film at my old house and an Amazon package arrives yep and we thought or they thought that it was a package for our shoot and it was actually lewd stuff that like Gabby and I had ordered like what that's as far as I'll take it that's like being like it was an item it was okay it was it was an item that serves to restrain like handcuffs and what's the big one it was a big one what do you mean what are you talking about the big one there was no sex swing yes no it wasn't yes there was what was there there was not a sex swing there most definitely was definitely no it wasn't a scene what was that what was it oh my God they're married well she said it there it is okay no way it's a hand in the ankles for what what do they do can you draw me a picture yes can you make sure you clearly label who Gabby is okay so there was these shackles right like this okay cool and then there's a thing okay it's a bar chains chains chains uh-huh hands go here and feet okay I think without you see the rest of members who goes in it six Bravo and that was the uh that was the Amazon package incident of 2022. did you see your turn all right Juicy you ready for juicy who is someone you never want to collaborate with again and why [Laughter] what did PrestonPlayz do to you I remember when me and Joe were making YouTube videos there was this guy named Kyle and and that guy kind of stuck a Chuck donkey dick man yeah Kyle what did he do well one time we were playing this soccer game and me and Joe kept waiting and he was like gosh guys but we're all like adults and he just did [ __ ] like that all the time you suck you're stinky his name's Kyle [ __ ] you Kyle yeah that's real who's next juicy oh do you know where you are right now oh my God what grab a [ __ ] thing my hand's falling off I have no mouth but I must scream this one's for juicy [Laughter] it details the audience wants to know I'm taking so much [ __ ] for you spin the wheel just spin the [ __ ] whale my dog what is it Los Calientes heat level high heat level high bring me up what's this what's it smell like sunflowers you look crazy right smell the sauce oh that smells that's really good on every I ain't living long like this Kevin yomi's the nastiest neck later and cheers [Laughter] how is it where are we at oh that's not a good sign it's so good oh is that oh is it really all right they're so good [Applause] yes you deserve that I can't wait for it to come out again something spicy carefully gonna burn your hand oh juicy what is the Olive Garden no I'm just narrator all right oh my God what is Eddie's home address now technically didn't say which one no can I just throw it out here that we know so much about each other that we're just going after the people we love most at this stage we're literally going through our friends to hurt each other which is fine answer the question just say it man it's easy now he's contemplating this [ __ ] me and Eddie Butthead sometimes but in a fun way at the end of the day I love this man he did say that he would kick you out of the boys that was a joke I still even if he did I can't do that to him all right spin the [ __ ] whale there's no way that's my man right there I can't do it that was my question by the way mango please Coco ghost Coco ghost what the [ __ ] is that dude that sounds friendly as [ __ ] okay dead ass that smells really smells like chocolate oh my God I like that all right it's not chocolate sauce bro it's not that hot I don't think oh damn okay you threw a little bit like oh like there's more there look see give me a sec I think he likes it it's just good it's got a little bit of spice like on the on the back end but you like to take good for you yeah uh hold up before we drill the next one um can I sit next to someone else why this guy's freaking me out let's draw the thing I'll eat you this is for Josh when we were in the casino last night this is a why the [ __ ] did you add me to this I walked into the bathroom why were you locked in a stall with Molly no lies they go in the stall together a lot oh Joe was there too why why there's so many cameras pointed at me right now we were helping each other I'll answer we were just helping each other piercings that just not your [ __ ] question and there's no lies if you lie I can smell it there was no pissing sounds coming from the stone chocolate sauces spin the wheel s make them try pucker butt make them try pucker butt the wheel that will never lies I think that was the yummy one that was the yummy one yeah that's just delicious yeah it's really good yeah that's awesome I want Los Calientes yes you guys oh they're almost done dude look they turn into little balls whose is it for not me Eddie thank you congratulations on buying your new house exactly how much did you spend to furnish it foreign spin the wheel oh okay spin the wheel spin the wheel colorio that sounds like an STD is that a new one a hot sauce this is my the wheels folk the wheels the wheels the wheel spoke for you guys I would recommend you have wing with me because this is good as [ __ ] hey pull your bill there did that Wing dab I'll pass all right guys I like that one you've been through the Journey of a lifetime we're all just like this is [ __ ] awesome who wrote that one yeah that [ __ ] was good that's narrative narrator can you please repeat what you said on a video clip that was so offensive it had to be cut out oh and this one won't be getting cut out okay so in spin the wheel in in honest spin the [ __ ] wheel dude don't do it do you want to apologize on Twitter again yeah spin the wheel plays for the second one there is there is no there is no kidding around this question it's your career too [ __ ] spin the wheel foreign so the word I said what damn it well it um I could I could just say and get it over with you then you have to cut it out again just say it just say it so I did [ __ ] [Laughter] all right I'll spin it it's yours no what the [ __ ] thing he's fighting for his life out here and pucker butt eat the pucker butt where is he yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah how much did he put on it I didn't see was it a lot how does it feel big game I was sick before it was recording oh no oh there it is yeah get a bag oh on the yoga what did you say I want yogurt I want to Gogo hey that makes it worth you're not making any sense right now narrator wait so how does it taste water please oh all right next I made a little house out of money what the [ __ ] dude please let me please please help me please juicy out of all the boys who do you think has helped you out the most that's a narrated question that's not me who wrote that I didn't write that I didn't write it it was Molly look oh don't you say me yeah well probably Molly Molly's the spawn point I would have met anybody if it wasn't for Molly so I mean yeah technically yes there you go Molly you feel good you wasted a question to stroke your ego I didn't waste the question in my head it was like gonna be a hey all right that's it I hope this is Molly [Laughter] are these why are you going in on May 4 I feel like I've had the worst ones if you could choose anyone to make love to your mother from the boys or Joe who would it be damn narrator why him over us because I feel like he would take care of her the most not during oh thanks Dad we can go play ball after this juicy where do you live [ __ ] what the [ __ ] question that is not my question who wrote that was that you you live in the United States just spit in the [ __ ] wheel spin the [ __ ] wheel I know what you meant come on please the Phoenix what the [ __ ] is that you get the good one that's good it smells good yeah right narrator I would have died [Laughter] ripping dripping is that good yeah yeah okay the two [ __ ] Molly's mom hell yeah is that good yeah so all right next I saw the name Eddie in your you lose you Tweet videos have you ever refused a tweet and what was it all I have to do is just say the Tweet yeah yeah that you refuse to do at the time you guys really wanted me to tell everyone how much I spent on a watch if that's the toy and yeah spin the [ __ ] wheel I'm I'm Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie and the classic oh all right all right get the pre-cum it actually smells like pre-cum what the [ __ ] what does your pre-cum smell like you need to lay off the hot sauce dude oh sorry man this is my new Halloween mode oh yeah it's covered in chili flakes oh did you make a mistake no he's fine it tastes like vinegar hot sauce yeah it [ __ ] sucks oh all right next question keep them moving why are you coming at me can you explain in detail how and why you broke up with your last girlfriend no why because I want to all right easy spin the wheel It's the Most Wonderful Time of Your Body oh and just like that you didn't lick the meat moly.exe has not responded that one's really [ __ ] bad what's your butt doing right now dog is it fuckering is the booty Puck oh no oh no oh oh oh see I told that's what happened to me I'm drooling man uh I told you [ __ ] I wonder what the next one is gonna be the last one narrator uh-huh [Laughter] biggest back rooms incident of 2022 . what happened in the Las Vegas back rooms narrator I don't know if I can physically handle another hot sauce oh are you gonna tell the audience I am the live audience right now at the table what happened in the back rooms in Las Vegas spin the wheel spin the wheel I don't think I can handle another hot sauce I don't think that the audience can bear to know what happened think about your current girlfriend would she would she want to hear you say this on video it's probably not very good for your image so oh me and Kevin were there I know you were we can validate the story I know you're not your fault not your fault spin the wheel maybe you'll get um the Phoenix or I don't know man I wanted to answer a truthful question but this these all suck I do you could go out in the roughest how long we've ever done so me Nye and Molly and Kevin no went out to where so if you go say say it with your chest If I Was Your Girlfriend yeah I would want you to eat the [ __ ] chicken well either way I'm gonna have to explain it to her but no one would be there to validate whether it's true or not exactly exactly so you can lie to her I can't I care for her too much so I'm gonna spin the wheel oh okay [ __ ] gargle water there's no [ __ ] way he's got poker butt they're ready I already did it this is round two I hope you all like that new Spicy piece of lore that you guys can't wait to hear all your theories in the comic session about what I possibly did into Vegas was it in the Vlog oh God oh he oh yeah he's going in yes narrator yes narrator yes I'm very proud of you I heard this film up are you okay no my taste buds are currently undergoing a state of metamorphosis never forget who you are that's another uh boys hot wings video I think my brain's shaking I really enjoyed it you ever like can you do the outro and tell him to go to the boys I better not [ __ ] camera over here zoom in though thank you for watching another boy's video hopefully you like it Go the boys not store and buy all this super sick merch that's come out for Halloween if you don't I'm glad your parents don't love me as much as they tell you I'm going to show you something really gay ready yeah that's why you're an apex predator how'd he do that the boys dot store
Channel: The Boys
Views: 6,203,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: OPWdU1gZuLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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