The Boys Go Camping (USA EDITION)

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that's him that's him that's him that's him all right all right let's get him let's get him let's get get him this mother you're out here chilling with vultures you kidding me man oh c the on how' you find me we saw the vulture is literally circling you right you know you know you're come with us you think what the are you doing we're packaging you up what the are you doing oh God come here oh come on dude just let me sleep open the door put me down open the door shut the up dude we got to record we got to go do [Music] [ __ ] get get get come on God damn it we're camping we're we're camping we're camping I'm camping I guess welcome to the mid welcome to the men not doing your chat welcome to the men welcome to the men okay boys well you drugged me out to the campsite I brought my tent let me see yours I brought my tent too I brought my tent what the f is that are you are you living are you moving out here you said come prepared and get comfy I did that two sleeping bags so well this is the tent for protection right right and I don't want to sleep on the ground or an air mattress I bought a cot to remind me of the good old days I thought if you were in the Army you were supposed to be uncomfortable uncomfortable and fighting the element I did that for 4 years and suffered guess what I'm thinking smarter not harder this time I'm going to PE your army turned you soft because then you don't want to get little no the Army turned me hard destroyed me and then made me realize I need to use my noodle what little I have of it all right we got to pick a spot and set up our tense and we got to at least get shut up before nighttime hits and the creepy qualties come out losers I got everything I need dog I'm chilling here toilet paper Hot Cheetos look at these FS about to struggle since you're already done you should probably tie all the food up in a tree we really don't want Bears to get it as long as Yogi Bear isn't here he's smarter than the average bear we don't have any bears ining Texas that's not what I've read we got bobcats like Bears we'll get we'll get some mountain lions we'll get uh scorpions all right fine don't be mad at me when a giant grizzly bear comes out and eats all the food and kills you in your sleep oh and there's there's a spider behind you by the way m is with you for real yeah yeah no he's he's right he's huge he just went underground bro mind if I tent with you um I kind of picked this spot for me finger is stuck in the [Laughter] tent my toilet paper got dirty and it wasn't from my ass so if my toilet paper is dirty when I wipe does that mean I won't have a clean ass yeah all right I need to learn how to build a tent and thinking I'm going to be out here and not be comfortable Muchachos when it comes to surviving I'm your number one resource you see these two guys to my left and my right they broke the first rule of camping never set up your tent on the edges that way if a bear attacks guess who'll be First Choice probably him you don't know a single thing about bears now the first thing you want to do after you have made sure that you put your tent in between everybody else's is double check that the ground is clear then after you've cleared up your it's only us out here I'mma hug you when you don't least expect it bring it right now bring it then I'll hug you right now let's go you think I won't come no muchacho the next step in building your tent get it nice and tight there's a big ass SP spider right there whose idea was to come camping especially right in the smack middle of Texas summer 100 De I'm already sweating yeah I'm not I ain't in shape no more look how big my T is though what the how the do be girls do this [ __ ] dog there's no way how's your tank going Eddie all it's coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself kind of looks like [ __ ] if I do say so myself dude I'm going to piss in your tent you're not even going to be when it comes to strategy I've got mine on lock down you see he's building a fortress I've got a wall of cover I'm safe I'm glad you overs spent on aing five-bedroom apartment there's people in Brook whose like house and or apartment are smaller than that it's so good life's great should we hang up those little lanterns up there like on the tree and [ __ ] so we can see oh I got an idea Bo he's looking for some light we're fing camping dog what are you doing he need some light oh my God now that's using your head right there this is Texas what do you thinking hot it's full spiders and my balls hurt I think I almost got it I've never built a tent before but I think I think we're on the right track so I am taking all these little clippies right here right and I'm just putting them on like that so that way when I am done clipping hopefully I'll be done before everybody else I'm not really sure what I did wrong I think I might skipped a step where's the instructions yeah I think I up too what is happening oh don't worry narrator God gives his strongest Soldiers the hardest battles you got this big guy I believe in myself see when it comes to Camping being resourceful is key I came prepared just in case we got here a little bit late and as you can see these boys are struggling one of them's got their phone out in one hand while trying to build with the other the other ID's got his eyes wide open thinking he can get let more light in if he just increases his retina display real quick me I Rock a light oh but if I look at him I can't see down oh I got my [ __ ] on a swivel what's up the is this fing man build your goddamn tent bro man I've been preparing to build this tent for the last 20 minutes and I haven't made any progress oh I can't see where does my tent thing go I don't I know where my tent thing goes dog when it comes to building five-bedroom apartments in the wilderness you got one thing wrong you underestimated something what did he underestimate Eddie an extra pair of hands you ever seen a five-bedroom apartment be built by one person I'm listen here oh Muchachos what you got the Predator Vision bro I got Predator Vision in case any Skin Walkers try to come out here if we hear any of our voices come from Beyond those tree lines behind those empty tents over there do not respond why Skin Walkers bro what's a skin walker it it's a is that like scary Exorcist [ __ ] tell me no it's skin walker is a a person that walks on skin dude don't worry about it who are these trying to come interrupt our campsite I'm sorry who's this hey you get off my C ground boy don't worry guys as long as I'm here you're safe [ __ ] God damn it man what the looks like I'm the first one finished huh this a little baby ass t h wait a minute wait you're done you laugh laugh it up laugh it up until the Bears get you they're not going to get me not tonight I want to see you sleep on it yeah we'll get to that I'm going to be safe from Yogi and his Squad and you're going to be getting youring little ass eaten by a bear some bear is going to be munching on your [ __ ] tongue punching your fart box you know a bear is taller than that thing right no it doesn't matter just has to be off the ground you know what juicy you're pretty smart what is that supposed to do protects you from the seab bear seab bear Circle no you can't break the circle it's a it's a it's a rune older than time it transcends you infinitely I just broke your Circle Dude okay you's broke my circle bro he broke Circle Dude okay okay fine your gay little circle no no no no no no no no no stop bro I'm take JY wait no come back B what's wrong with you what's wrong with me you broke my seabar circle you just up my tent you know how hard I work for that it's really bright you know how hard I work for that okay yeah maybe maybe turn off that I'm going to eat hot cheetos wipe my ass and be cleaner than you while you're out here dirty as hanging from a tree up in the Tre getting getting picked at by them soapy lotes what's a soapy lotion figure it out so wait wait narator do bears fly huh what taking [ __ ] back to the Amazon warehouse get my $20 back that's what you if you didn't pay for it I own 5% of this company too give me my [ __ ] you want your take your damn T I'm going back to the campsite you know what I'll build a tent right here are you sure fine I don't want to be neighbors with you okay little noodle huh you little noodle oh you you P look at look at little little tray of Bak mustache little mushroom swiss Philly cheese steak [ __ ] ass head ass motherucker what you trying to get into then you trying to kiss yeah you trying to kiss CH dog CU there's a way hey can we call it truce oh we calling the truce I'm only doing this cuz I know you're not going to live till tomorrow so I'm only doing this because I know that once you die I can eat your meat hey I don't know what to say to that his Dad gives you his meat and you give Eddie your meat swap meat to swap me thought I had friends Eddie you have friends I'm your friend hey yo he's your friend where'd you get that drink from dog I found it I read a book about berries I knew what to look for do you have snacks I'm not hiding [ __ ] are you hiding drinks or did you get that funny little light box sun on your forehead huh okay while narrator is finishing up the tent we're going to go look for some firewood out here in the woods there is nothing out there you talking about this Tre there is so many oh my God you're getting attacked dude you're getting swarmed Kevin dude okay let's be quick oh dude they're following me bro yeah it's the light the is going [Laughter] on oh what's on me there's stuff on me there's stuff on me there's stuff on me dude okay the first step when it comes to firewood is to find wood that you can set on fire I cannot see a single piece of wood on the ground that's not even a joke well wood just doesn't fall from trees typically firewood you have to typically what firewood you have to you have to use an axe wait wait wait wait wait wait if you move around and you look at the ground you see all those little sparkly what what are you talking about you don't see if you look out in the distance there's a bunch of little sparkly can you see them in the camera no there is there is there are spiders all over right here is a little tiny spider how did I see that how did what how oh look there's another one yeah they're everywhere boys yeah nobody move okay this is this is an ambush oh [ __ ] there's like 80 pairs of eyes right there staring at me all right maybe um you know firewood actually I'm not touching anything for the rest of my stay here wait I had a little pile of wood it's by the gate it I'm leaving it it's probably full of spiders they say that around these parts some people have gone missing and if you look at the map of Texas it's the same spots where spiders live spider population versus human population that have gone missing holy [ __ ] you finished the tent damn dude it looks nice in here yeah come on in dude there are just tents insane what the is that dude it's a whole fing house Welcome to My Crib bro come on step inside I got I got so much room for activities I got my sleeping bag right here I got my cot and then I got my my extra large Camp Pillow this right here this is awesome n can I come in yeah oh yeah man thanks you actually where's theing door on this thing it's on the side bro what oh oh okay yeah damn this are a real nice tent you got a door and everything when we first got here the boys made fun of me but now with my big tent you can see that I am super super comfy and I'll see you [ __ ] in the morning see when it comes to tent building there's a strategy you have to follow I've been misleading every single one of you that you have to build your tent in between everyone else that way he could believe that I was actually working on building my tent in reality the tent is not built that way I can do this hey narrator hi welcome to my tent um we're friends right on occasion you got a big ass tent I do can I sleep in it what are you willing to trade offer him some [ __ ] think you think he'll go for that yeah I don't know have any to give him what if I just pay him a compliment or something he likes compliment yeah he does like he's a [ __ ] for compliment go go say something really sweet to him see when it comes to Camping you have to keep your friends clothes and narrator closer because narrator I want to make sure there's no spiders in my drink because narrator will work really hard to have a really good good night's sleep versus the rest of us that can't afford nice tents like him yes hey narrator hi Eddie wait I was going to ask you something but your hair just struck me did you just get a haircut I'm waiting to get one but I've been using different moisturizer thanks for for noticing man I knew see I knew yeah it's the moisturizer yes conditioner it's got shine to it hey do you mind if I sleep in your tent I mean I think I have a little bit of room in here for you I got a sleeping bag you got a sleeping bag yeah you got a got blanket see I tried really hard with my tent and it didn't really work out I don't have a blanket either can I borrow yours as well uh I you can you can well I don't have a blanket but I have a sleeping bag uh you can you can get this side and then and then I can get on this side and then we'll have the center for activities chongon careful e tricky hey narrator what's up bro you're my favorite out of the boys I am I just hope I just wanted you to know that wa and that is how you get yourself a five-bedroom apartment without working hard later suckers we got to make a fire before the Bears come leave it to me what is that this is Magnesium oh that's magnesium I love that [ __ ] this is a whistle all right someone oh there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do we got firewood we we got a pit I've been Gathering rocks the am I supposed to do with rocks you light bro you just lighted on fire what the maybe it's just the leaf what I'm not from Texas I don't know how this [ __ ] Works Eddie explain do you see Texas rocks yeah it does [Laughter] bro all right how long do these bad boys burn do we got usually around like 30 minutes okay cool you guys want to tell some spooky stories and eat marshmallows wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if I fart on the fire do you think it'll make it go maybe nope damn it all right boys I think we should get some marshmallows and sit around the fire tell spooky stories now I think that that's a good idea that's a good idea all right boys we got this um really good fire going it's early let's stop that right now no all right boys this story starts with a fella and a little lady named Sarah and Jake Sarah and Jake like to frequent a spot in San Antonio Texas so Sarah and Jake thought they'd go out to this spot to do a little smooching oh no because Sarah was 32 years old but had Christian parents dear God Sarah and Jay got to the spot they noticed a couple funny tracks on the ground and then out of the woods came old man willikers he said you kids shouldn't be coming around these parts there's a bear on the loose this bear was genetically modified bear that escaped from the San Antonio Zoo and he found his way right over into to these very Woods where we're sitting right now boom there's no bears in San Antonio yeah well this there's with this one okay keep telling the story but I don't believe you so the two little Whipper Snappers laughed at him and said there's no bears and Sh to Antonio H and he said okay just make sure to hang up your food tonight and do not whatever you do sleep on the ground they got eaten and died and that's it the end no that wasn't even scary bro that's true story sorry sorry the Smoke's getting in my eyes once upon a time there was a do was a was a doctor he made a brand new drug he was going to be rich everything was going great until the board got a hold of it they had boes like like a boar like a wild boar they're like a type of pig yeah but these pigs were the ones that ran the hospital what and they didn't like this new doctor's drug it was supposed to be healthy and make people laugh oo that's scary the boobs can make you feel better call it ibuprofen he said oh my God the smoke sorry oh my God that's that ass could cure all the pain call that [ __ ] aspirin he said and finally them legs them thighs be so curvy he called that [ __ ] Tylenol what do you have at the edge of my seat right now tell me what did they do they fired him like that do it again do it again do it again like that one more time do it one more time that ever since that terrible day no one has ever heard of the doctor again but some say that his medicine still lives to this day hidden buried where right behind you where hi all right enough story I'm going to have nightmares an extremely epic story for a very [ __ ] delivery I got to say yeah that was good what the yo look at the Mellow yo who said we didn't have any Pillows to Sleep on tonight pudgy bunny just one oh yeah look at you my turn my turn my [Laughter] turn three two that's actually actually as far as I could press okay say it say it yeah wait wait wait I have an idea what's that what if we dig a little hole and stick a chocolate inside of it so that the chocolate melts inside the marshmallow I think you overcooked yours a little bit what no that's perfect that's the perfect consistency yeah what are you talking about that's perfect what the dude I'm peeling the shell off the marshmallow yes yes taste ow ow hot hot oh yeah oh yeah oh hell to theing yeah this is going to go so hard I'm making a hole in my marshmallow that's what good [ __ ] sounds like yeah just like that oh thank you thank you look at that that's a sloppy that's a little marshmallow sandwich right there look how good that boy is good enough to eat I put mine in sideways dude marshmallow gyration how the is it doing that no idea check this out this is a s'more sandwich when does the bear come and eat you guys already how when did I [ __ ] myself I don't remember doing that I feel how sticky my hands are why would you do that what's your problem huh well do that dog huh I kill you I will shine this SL that's it dude I'm done away from this guy all right sorry BR don't even start again dude yeah you know what you go away at least I got the fire I'm diving out the marshmallows those ones are yours cuz you're never going to see me again after tonight that's why youring marshmallows this one's yours take it I'm done come with me come on put this tent here dog god damn it and never come back the you say to me just leave you were already on your way out what' you say just leave dude fiberglass don't breede this all right you want me gone fine but I'm taking theing tent all right I earned it no hey the I bought that tent I built it fair and square juicy no Eddie let go the tent T Eddie give me the tent hey juicy one second I'm fighting Eddie over your tent hey Eddie you want you want some help yes cool allow me let him have it I'll sleep in my tent this right here this is all I need baby [Applause] [ __ ] I think I forgot to tie it good luck with the Bears stupid I think I forgot to tie it oh I wonder why my hands are sticky get your sticky head off I'm still a very nice considerate person whoa you have anger issues about your tent I I have anger issues yeah Mr to walk away with the whole house in my hand you just took moving to a whole new level you know what I'm done yeah yeah yeah I'm done juicy juicy get out of that tree I'm not getting out of get out of the tree I'm sleeping up here I'm going to sleep right here yeah just like this safe and sound while I'm listening to that bear and eat your little cocking balls Good Night Eddie good night Juicy let me get some good night Kevin quit poking me dog poking me get the out of here let me sleep oh I made you a little toasted marshmallow man give me that marshmallow no no no you got open your say ah say ah just kidding just kidding just kidding oh why are your hands so sticky are we doing any other fun stuff before we go to bed we got a cook dinner we haven't eaten I ate a s'mores re that's not juicy that's not dinner that's dessert I know what'll get him down from that tree what's that I brought steaks for camping oh hell yeah man what is you doing what are you doing a I'm building a grill why why so I can cook steaks are those flaming hot funions I don't know I can trust you give me a kiss or I'm going to ca a seed I'm just want to funny in can I have you're going to China I live off a diet of Wawa subs and flaming hot funions you need to give me the run thr of how to cook a good steak First Step m is to know your grill oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's going to be perfect that's that's that's too easy now the grill is not even over the whole fire dude it's fine all right you just got to queue up a steak and get her going man you know you seem nervous quit Lolly gagging you get to it the the coals aren't hot enough yet don't be shy what put some more there you go hey cameraman come here let me show you something where are we going look at that do you see him o you don't see that it's you hey we should get back to the others they're probably getting worried hey are you good yeah I'm fine how's the steaks going steaks are going along just fine going oo that has some meaty ribe eyes my goodness Eduardo oh man yes wait I want to do like a googa Foods experiment with mine would you be able to roll mine and crushed up fling hot funions yo wait a minute okay yeah I'm going to use mine with the white cheddar Cheetos over here I think that's going to be good you guys are about to ruin some amazing Prime ribe eyes I watched googa Foods I'm just saying take an entire ribeye and dip it in pepperoni oil and guess what he said it was delicious r this shit's going to be nuts oh my god dude like firm it down stop getting Cheeto on mine do who's your daddy don't talk to the steak like that please that's how I get excited get all of that in there all around the riy All Around Me are familiar faces now please yeah welcome back to master cooking class with Ste o with the sizzle look at that how do you like your steak cooked Kevin medium rare not like an idiot well done yeah nice that be up nice nice NOP no let's go hit that hit that like button hey question sometimes I just do that feel alive how are we going to flip these things hey yo that's a great question um that is the flimsiest looking plate I've ever seen they're kind of really on there though well you know about the best part of cooking right what's that what's that waiting for it to cook true hey juicy you want a cool little glow stick brother yes please come on man don't do that can I please have that glow stick it look I got you bro that's just feed in the fire pristine cow flesh how can you how can you actually look at this and actually decide voluntarily to be vegan kows are pretty cute yeah but I'm sure Kevin smell prettying good if I threw him on there too the right season is you never know but if he's gone no one will be able to save his Clash of Clans account hey who's that oh my god dude watch this watch this oh my God that's insane that Char a that's so hard to get dude that is hot as [ __ ] don't worry I got it think I'm not prepared yo move oh I got it oh dude that was almost it yeah look at that Char bro damn you with Mother guy over there it broke off the string watch this B put him in the hot seat put that fat in the hot seat like that nice ooh it might look a little crusty but this one you know what we'll save this one for Kevin as you can see we care about our our camera crew isn't that right Kevin isn't that right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good get this ready look at this God look at that [ __ ] Bingo babying Bingo never put aestus on his steak dude fiberglass looking ass you look you going to insulate that steak I'm going to get so much heat with this steak brother please bets in the comment down below which type of cancer AIDS I'm going to get from this turbo steak guess what trick question all of them cut that bitch's head off she got oh got they got a tower right there let's go over here so Tower can't hit them okay want see that's a Canon right there though it's your only goal is he my whole [ __ ] [ __ ] he really good yeah man y psych yo who lift the cooler open what the that's actually a really good question going to download the steak my [ __ ] in the wise words of the of the food critic on rat toot toot if I don't like it I don't swallow so Molly is a huge fan of hasbullah and somehow he gets to go to hb's pizza party that's soing cool him and Josh are going to the airport and Molly has been talking about this for months I mean he has been so excited to go meet his Idol hasbullah until today when he arrives at the airport and he misses this flight oh my God what a goofball I mean he's over there what a goober you're at the airport while I'm over here eating this steak brother oh take a look at that why is it pink hot how's your insulation crust it tastes straight up like cheddar cheese oh yeah just just a little s God God damn son that whole slap yeah you can taste it you can taste theing funions all right here we go ready taste test go [Music] ahead you can taste the hot funions in that it's different is tastes like burnt chips that's what I've been saying the whole time good job oh baby you want to buy a chip steak you know what they said back in the Army was the best way to use a multi-tool is by using it the best way you can actually dead ass that's that's really close to what they were telling us how do we use it efficiently you can use it correctly all right boys well that was a successful night of camping but I really should get going back to my tree I am what are you doing with that toilet paper huh good hey who ordered this who brought this I didn't bring that I didn't bring that you think that's funny they're going to smell these it's literally got a bear on the cover I'm getting this foot I'm getting this food up to my tree and I'm going to bed I am not taking any chances give me my I've got my full body wipes I'm going to the tent Eddie I'll see you in a bit oh yeah I'm right behind you baby I just had to come back and get me some stop it oh nice and comfy oh my God good night Juicy good night Good Night Eddie good night Juicy good night narrator Good Night Eddie good night narrator good night Kevin Hey narrator yeah can you scratch my back for me please yeah man wait what's I got a little bit of an itch you know what I'm saying like where's the spot oh right there yeah yeah good good oh hell yeah F that feels good as [ __ ] who's that [ __ ] what me I want to go to bed too I don't know where to go maybe I can just go over here yeah yeah that'll work good night everybody what the was that what the was that what the I'm going to follow him what's he going to do what [Music] the he's actually eating her food is he using our bug spray is he lighting a [Music] fire what the no one's going to believe this what [Music] the Kevin Kevin wake up wake up Kevin wake up what I've been running all night the Camp's destroyed what happened it came come on get up get up I haven't slept all night long we heard noises the tent started shaking narrator said some pretty manly things at it and I ran away and I've been running all night long I was hiding inside a bush with my flashlight and I would click and I would see things and I would unclick I would turn it off and breathe really heavy good morning how was your night obviously not good he came for you didn't he yeah it was you you planned this you should have listened you planned this I didn't plan [ __ ] [ __ ] fcking touch my foot Dude where's narrator wait that's a good question where is narrator I haven't seen narrator all night I don't know dude what I do know is I got to take a [ __ ] all right you go take a [ __ ] I'm going to go look for a snack you know what I might be doing this for a skit but I didn't do that that's legit look they even used the toilet paper I did not do this all right I'm taking a [ __ ] can you not can can you not film this I sat on a stick that poed me in the [ __ ] what what what what look at his ass look at his ass no no don't don't don't look at my ass you spell my coffee where's narrator come on we got to go find them is that a clue does narrator leave a little blue tap behind when you kidnap him you know he hates working for his battle pass rewards yeah he always buys yeah he's that guy who always buys every item in the item shop Naro buy a free game play it for 10 minutes and buy $100 worth of stuff yeah pay to win there's RVs would he buy an RV to sleep in maybe yeah yeah yeah it probably would it's also tense too I bet you he's over there somewhere oh have you met the bathrooms the Porta poot spider this guy's watched me piss four times in the last day we're coming in there he is he keeps his bathroom safe for anyone who wants to drink the blue juice okay fun fact everybody at home narrator can only go to sleep if he's listening to rain noises or like Chinese meditation music singing bowls Tibetan singing bows that kind of [ __ ] that's it you could be sleeping in a room with narrator and six other dudes after a party and You' be like all right and start blasting that [ __ ] to everybody juicy it's not the music's not coming from there hello he's in this one you can hear the music in this one if he's actually in there is it might just be like a monk or something do you have monks in Texas yes could be a monk well there's no chance we'd catch them naked though is that the is that if they're naked they can bend you in half with their mind probably okay that's mother Doritos a whole fing apartment are you are those M chips how's it going a couch so this is where Kevin's Rick Ross sweet chili lemon pepper flavored potato chips went what happened what happened to your tent well all of a sudden when we were going to bed I realized looked at 8ie and I went this [ __ ] ain't got no roof what did you tear the tent down before you left yeah it was you yeah go back to your glamour I will bro I'll even tuck you in KCK in go to sleep narrator all right go to sleep can get you later just just wake me up when you guys are done guci Gucci Fe I'll even close the door for you how about that I kind of like the little breeze though if you could just leave it cracked a little y we'll do don't worry about it can't wait to see him fit through this thing actually I got to pee really quick so I got got to get out of here I got to pee what the hell you also underestimated the fact that you got a little hole right here that's the pee hole that's where I fart from from [ __ ] take this [ __ ] oh my God got his car keys too all right catch you later Eduardo wait how did he get out go go go go go go go where you going my car baby I'm flooring it it's not moving see you later motherucker did you just physically stop the car we're going to go get ice cream you want anything can I get a ride uh no maybe call Eddie he has room we're on a we're out a room hey I think that's going to be a problem cuz I took his phone don't try calling him Kev we're going to go buy ice cream with Eddie's with Eddy's money all right let me know uh when you get home safe later all right bye Kevin later bu drop you something love you bye going back to bed good [ __ ]
Channel: The Boys
Views: 6,235,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: n68kJduXIUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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