The Boy Who Became Haafiz in 1 Day

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Do we get to see the boy? no?

Then it's made up.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/IronShaikh 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2012 🗫︎ replies
and here's something that I've seen with my sort of own eyes like I've ever had with my own ears now we were in a madrasah in Nottingham in a in Flint I mean near Newark this was in the 90s when a mother said nothing I'm sure if you sit with mallanna he's gonna have some plenty of gin stories from his mother and every other person has been to some of these modalities they've got some kind of gin stories to tell you but this one I witnessed you know myself we were in a we came and we came to a building that was an old RAF building old are a building that had been deserted for 20 years so we're now going coming into this and we were going to start using this as a madrasah now when we came there one of our teachers my father Rahim and I still alive he said to as he said because we started out living in one corner and we go to slowly start using the rooms to the other side of Monza now this place had a hundred and twenty rooms yeah and he had about three different holds a massive we had an east week of West being a middle sort of block part and we were in the East Wing and we're just staying just in a few rooms we're talking about literal about seven or eight rooms and mono for ends have another teacher said they said don't go to the west side to the west side of the building I'm telling you we know you know as young people you dare yourselves right yeah so he said count less dead to go over there right so we were young and we went into the west side in broad daylight twelve o'clock I'm telling you spooky at 12 o clock forget 12 in the night we're walking and we were we were holding our arms and we're walking together about good seven or eight of us as we're walking we can hear those banging bang bang creaking things opening you know we just sensors run we were saying you know our columns loudly shouted loudly your viola viola lie lie lower - basically running yeah now you can imagine this place was really spooked up and they teach voters you know don't go over there now happen is one of these one of these sort of days now there's this young kid I'm not going to give you his name he's probably grown up nice probably got kids now or right side of embarrassing money and somebody might confront it but he was a he was from up north from sort of Amir's up north and he he was a kid at 13 years old let's say from Bangladesh he didn't know a word of English forget anything else right he just knew Bengali and he was the most quietest kid you can imagine just quiet - sticks to himself and that's it and he's tried to become a half of the Koran and he only has done one juice clay he's only done one juice so one day what is that he sort of strays off IRA he goes over to the other side and he comes back and no one sort of takes much notice of it but it comes back and the evening when we will see him together and we sort of reading I was in the hole I wasn't in the hole at that time but there were others who said it but then I went over to the hole to verify this so this is something that I have verified myself what happened is that he came with his Koran up to his teacher you can imagine a kid with lalu / - who doesn't know a thing single thing here he comes with with a Koran to his teacher crucified for that many says to him she tests me and doesn't say in English he says he in Arabic as kid suddenly knows Arabic right so he says testing and ichini and his teacher looks at him and thinks I didn't laugh and those days here on the beach for a common finger I think he should I just like shall I just make spaghetti out of him you know like yeah so this kid just use a not to test me test me any way you want yeah so the teachers is okay Quran clothes set up they read from the fifteenth juice subhanAllah DSRV our DNA and mrs. Harville imbecille absolutely bahala the teacher looks at everything always have to do this case so that so teacher teacher then testing for another place another place another place and this kid now know the Koran and the kid challenge is the teacher in speaking Arabic and if this kid has got really good Arabic all of sudden right and then we know when we heard this we came over and I specifically went you know met him and I start start talking and he started talking re weird so then we thought okay you know whatever has happened miracle of God you wait what happens is now this kid is acting really weird because he goes and he gets a hair clipper and he shaves half of his head and he leaves the other half as it is takes his hat off walks down the corridor with half of his hair on one side long and the other half is completely shaved now kids are freaking out says gingy did right so then we are the teachers grabs out of him and says well you gotta basically just just shade the other house of the shade yet the other half we've done that now he's acting all weird he's doing things that you know sort of abnormal so we then goes to bed and okay he's going to bed at about 2:00 in the night all these kids that is the six to a room and there's three bunk beds in every single room to the sort of two on every sort of buglet to in the night five of them from that room from his room come running down the corridor yeah banging on the principal's door yeah gggggg so that principal gets up I wasn't engine and frizzle company and I was only one kid sleeping is that one kid the one that shaved his head right the one that knows our people have said not yeah said it what's wrong thing so they go back go back go back put supporting bed come back and he says what's yeah after Leo I don't know what these kids are screaming back again down the corridor knocking on his door gingy's and say so what is it that was happening they go when we go into our bed places yep imagine this guy's name is Imran I'm just making I'm not saying his real name here imagine his name is Imran or something they said that we hear all across the walls something dragging its nails or Avedis and saying so the basically pages just just obviously left out their beds yeah came straight the principal now this we're not all like yeah him taking them to the beds then basically coming back so then the morning came and the main sort of a teacher mama for the rhymes that we called him over and I was there 7 breakfast now what's common is in exorcism is that you would recite something and when you recite it you were able to when you recite something you know some part of the Quran and the jinn gets affected because they can't stand the the Quran and then they would like to leave or they will beg to leave in this case this jinn was a believing jinn and this gene was a half of the Quran and this gene knew Arabic so when the teacher was reciting something on I'm not trying to recite something to blow on him the jinn inside this human being was reciting the adverse ayah to break the effect of that he was not any common gene that was in here and I'm sitting there watching this so the chef is reciting and this gene is undoing whatever recitation is doing and it was you know the same melody no Fatima moving on human let me to follow mother would you had number a mother Bihari and this other gene from inside we read recite something else so I'm doing whatever the Sheikh was saying so after a while when they when the students are left II left the room a share the share confirm that is what is doing and then the Sheikh said that the only way to actually get rid of the influence is to take this young boy back to his hometown and to leave him there for one month he said the reason why this has happened any of these guys I'm saying this that you won't believe in this unless you deal with this there's some things that you will not believe in unless you deal with it so if you got unbelief in anything I'm saying I'm saying to you that I'm making a live witness whatever I saw I'm just telling you you just need to start witnessing some of this yourself and new thoughts of living in so the shake the shake himself was able to witness some jinns and he witnessed a whole group and a family of jeans that had traveled from outside and stayed in that West Wing for a month and he he had this feeling that they were there only for one month so he said if this young boy goes to the home town then what I whatever jinn is he said there's a young Jin inside him who's a half of the Quran and if he stays if he stays in his hometown the boy stays in the home town then the jinn will automatically leave because his family are leaving this West Wing after a month so you know we took him who take we took him home and as we were taking him my god where I was sitting next to him on the on his left hand side in a car he was right in the middle he wanted to eat he was going to open the door when we were going 70 miles an hour he reached to open the back door in the car door and the teacher stopped him and the teacher gave him good shouting and then he basically stayed there until we got to the place we left him in his home for one month after one month he came back and he was the same dose al kid you knew looked down well he walked never knew a word of English Arabic and only knew one Jews of the Pratt
Channel: HikmahOnline
Views: 298,889
Rating: 4.86377 out of 5
Keywords: The, world, of, the, unseen, shaykh, hasan, ali,, online, boy, who, became, hafiz, haafiz, in, one, day, jinn, ghost, shaytaan, shaytan, jin, jins
Id: QaluBqwwZAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2011
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