The BMPT-72 "Terminator" Tank Support Vehicle - Overview/Opinions

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hello everyone it's madness welcome back to another armored vehicle video we're talking a little bit today about some more Russian armor and to be honest this vehicle just blows my mind I came across it recently on YouTube as Canada's rumbling around in the YouTube world as you do and you come across things just like moon that's interesting and I saw an on fighting vehicle which I've never really seen before and this one surely turned some heads in practicality terms I'm kind of skeptical about this vehicle but we're going to talk about that a little bit later but first of all let's talk about exactly what it is this is the BM PT Terminator now I'm going to go over the overview of this vehicle but let's put it this way it's basically the vehicle that is there to suppress and put as much firepower down as possible as quickly as possible and it looks badass and I love the name that's come with it and I'm going to tell you a little bit about the name that comes with anyway but guys this is part of my channel now I actually do reviews and kind of talks and overviews of military vehicles and I know a lot of you are really enjoying them so I thought I'd continue rolling them on there's a lot of people out there - they're disliking them and I could totally get it you know that I'm not exactly an armored vehicle Pro but I like to put my input in there now and then it's not it's just fun to talk about my love tanks so this one is definitely going to fulfill that armored bug that I have so the BMP T Terminator the name Terminator is not actually its official designation but used by designators and designers for publicity reasons is a support combat vehicle which is mainly meant to be used for urban areas it is quite obviously based off the t-72 without the iconic hemispherical turrets which is it can exchange for the unmanned platform with a single machine gun for anti-tank missiles and a dual 30 millimeter 1.1 8-inch auto gallons the hull has a superstructure built onto it which allows for more space for the crew since tanks aren't really suited for the use in urban areas this is a great alternative to the regular main battle tank because it possesses a rapid enough rate of fire to react to enemy vehicles in its surrounding area and the four missiles are excellent when fighting heavily armed Italians however this vehicle is not a tank substitute as it cannot perform as well in non-urban areas while it is still lethal against other soft target is unsuited to the extreme ranges that this battle tank has other advantages that the BMP T has is over its regular tank adversaries is the elevation and depression the gun is able to elevate and depress enough to hit any targets like building tops and other tall structures so it's kind of like a rolling anti-aircraft gun designed to take out infantry buildings aircraft just about anything really obviously not heavily on the vehicles so early developments then before the Terminator to earlier prototypes were placed in competition for the BMP T requirements these were the objects 781 and the object 782 both made by I'm not going to try and say this because I'm going to just embarrass myself I will try it shell uplinks it's probably brutalizing the Russian language I apologize my Russian viewers and lead the VL of the schinsky the main reason these two vehicles were ordered was the performance of the infantry fighting vehicles in the Soviet war in Afghanistan I have fee such as the BMP one and BMD series proved to a struggle against infantry when faced with portable anti-tank weapons such as the well-known RPG series another downfall of the BMP one was the lack of elevation the BMP to actually fix this problem but this allowed the enemy to take a major advantage when engaging it from above now in Afghanistan as you all know especially in the Russian conflicts they use mountainous areas quite a lot if elevation wasn't good they're not going to engage the enemy back the object seven eight one and the object seven eight two were based on the t-72 be with major modifications the object 71 was a dual turreted each turret having about thirty millimeter to a 72 basically a simpler 30 millimeter to a four two which is seen on the soviet russian helicopters and 90s with a pkt 7.62 millimeter machine gun as its companion and also mounted anti-tank missile system of an unknown type which i have no idea what it is most likely a 9m 133 conquers and tenth weapon system we're all very familiar with that missile system its competitor was the object 782 had an actual turret as opposed to two unmanned her of the object 781 with very similar hull the profile was smaller and it was armed with a hundred millimeter to a 7-0 low recoil gun and a thirty millimeter to a seven to auto cannon which were directly connected to each other similar systems of weapons on the BMP three it was also armed with 240 millimeter grenade launchers one on the hull and one on the other side of the turret the object seven eight one one it and was probably considered the mass production vehicle but with the breakup of the Soviet Union that ruined the prospects of continuing on that vehicle to be produced about five years later another prototype was made and built by the tri-state again shadow blinks this prototype was based off the t-72 av this tank was praised by many of us designers and some military officials unfortunately work on the project was cancelled because of being advertised on radio and on television everyone whose work on the project was accused of giving away Russia's secrets keeping in mind that Russia was in chaos unfortunately during the 90s we have they're all busy you know heavy things going on different politics and such while they weren't allowed to work on this vehicle in particular this did not stop the urge for an armored fighting vehicle with missiles Auto pounds and lots of armor in the early 2000s work started on a new project called object 199 with the named rancor attached to it object 199 is the tank that came to be known as the BM PT Terminator it was shown to the public in 2001 as a mock-up and the real project was unveiled to the masses in 2002 the early design was on with a single thirty millimeter to a four two and four 9 m one through three Kornet empty tank guided missiles with to a g17 grenade launchers and one 7.62 p KTM as a secondary armament further development accompanied the third millimeter secondary autocannon with another autocannon and replace the nine m113 cornet atgms with nine m12 tacker atgms so for its armament then it was designed to instead have the 30 millimeter to a 72 seen on the first three prototypes the BM PT was equipped with a more complex 30 millimeter to a 42 autocannon effective range around 4,000 meters this autocannon is stabilized on two planes and has a rate of probably ranging between 200 rounds per minute to 800 rounds per minute which is pretty damn impressive the BMP T's secondary primary arm is the 130 millimeter 9m 120 Ataka T anti-tank missile industrial code B 0 s sorry 0 7 s1 with claims for the manufacture that it can penetrate up to 800 millimetres of homogeneous Armour with explosive reactive armor with its heat ammunition that's pretty good for most modern tanks therefore a penetration there an engagement ranging very impressive to be honest there are four of these anti-tank missiles with two of them being placed vertically on both sides of the 30 millimeter autocannons this anti-tank missile is guided by semi-automatic laser beam with flexible elevation angles the missile has a fly boss around 550 meters a second with a maximum range of 5,800 meters it is controlled by the V I am ground controlled equipment inside the DMP t since this is not the 9mm 120 F variant anti-personnel variant it does not have the ability to carry anti-personnel missiles vehicles second secretary armed are 230 millimeter AG 17 D grenade launchers these grenade launchers are placed at the front of the tank on the far side of each other they have the ability to fire around 400 rounds per minute with a low muzzle velocity of 185 meters a second and are able to kill infantry up to around 7 to 8 meter radiuses from around 1700 meters away now that is impressive and I can almost guarantee this give me a rack and ammunition side there the vehicle is truly let me put it this way guys it's a killing machine this thing is designed to knock out infantry with nine weapons in total four different weapon platforms at its disposal that is impressive as I said before this thing is packed to the nines with kit like movement is just oozing firepower it's highly impressive but in terms of mobility then the BMP T is powered by a 2000 rpm rate v12 four-stroke multi fuel liquid cooling turbocharged engine that churns out about a thousand horsepower combined with the weight of around 48 tons of the VM PT it has a power-to-weight ratio of 20 to 21 horsepower per per ton and with a range of 550 kilometers and a speed of 60 kilometers on hard roads the gearbox has seven four gears and one reverse gear in terms of protection then since the armor is based off the t-72 it's most likely that the same armor has as the t90 or the modernized t-72s now the vehicle is equipped with explosive reactive armor which is very common and the side skirts are covered with a soft material armor or a cage kind of like buy armor at the rear and hard panels made of different materials within each component we're not sure exactly what those components are because most the armor is restricted I don't know the technicalities of it I'm not going to really do too much research into it the crew is NBC protected from nuclear biological and chemical weapons which is pretty standard and again with most vehicles in the modern armored world it also has automatic fire extinguisher systems and smoke grenade launchers to conceal itself when spotted by the enemy or against guided weapons using infrared now the mode of variant of this vehicle is known as the BMP t-72 Terminator 2 and we're not exactly sure where it is in service we know that Azerbaijan held on arms exponent 8x in 2014 and they did put some interest in there and they stated their interest in the KA 50 to attack scout helicopter and this vehicle a new move some of the weapons in 2013 know various unspecified Persian Gulf nations also expressed interest in the Terminator 2 during the Russian arms Expo the Russian Federation has however refused the second iteration of the BMP T as well the reasoning is that that since the T 14 and T 15 arm r2 exists there is no reason to adopt the Terminator 2 with the possibility of less armor and no infantry carrying capability and so what do I think of this vehicle well first of all it's it's impressive it's got firepower coming out of every orifice which is cool and to me though it seems like it's little dated we're talking about a lot of conventional weapon systems here we're talking about autocannons we're talking about you know 7.62 machining under me most of these kind of things are kind of substandard nor all four vehicles out there most ifes will have an autocannon and some sort of coaxial machine gun this vehicle does have some impressive anti-tank guided missile system which is of course very handy to have but I think it's something that you know Bradley's and all the other infantry fire vehicles could easily imply just as much now if this vehicle had something like 1280 GM's stacked up on it that would kind of make more sense because it's literally something you can park in to hide or into a firing position and just launch salvos of ATGMs out and out into the battlefield now I don't know how long it takes to reload one on these bad boys probably quite a bit of time and four different tubes especially with a crew of three or five however many are in that particular variant but it's gonna take time to reload those missiles and this kind of vehicle seems like a support role it's kind of like that fireteam you leave behind a dis let it open up on the battlefield and I think that's what they were going for but it just seems like they've relied a lot too much on the autocannon side now I know it's primarily aiming for infantry but this vehicle seems to be missing just that I don't know this is something about it it's missing something it would be really cool if they could have converted this to carry infantry so now I know it's a t-72 hole and it's going to be quite complicated to try and do so but they could make this vehicle if they could take the turret platform and the grenade launcher kind of systems off this vehicle and put it into a chassis that would be able to keep be capable of utilizing these systems more now I know the t15 has its own weapon systems and such but it'd be cool if they could actually get this kind of turret system beefed it up some more maybe put a heavy order Cameron cellar the 30 millimeter try not great to a Bofur system may be more 80 GM's I'm kind of skeptical as well with the grenade launchers it doesn't make much sense and once you've got those all accountants firing away I mean the grenade Allah seem kind of redundant the only thing I can think the grenade launcher to be very useful for though would be if the grenades actually had smoke in them so you can actually create a huge smoke screen in front of an advancing infantry section slash Mateusz even company at that fire rate they were put in down there I think of something crazy like four hundred rounds a minute if you could put smoke grenades out at that rate you could literally make smoke screens covering half the idle filled from long range I mean they're firing from up to around 1700 meters away they're saying these things can you fight on how effective the smoke would be at that range I do not know how long it would take them to get there and such but that's kind of where I was looking at with the grenade which is so overall then I am really impressed with this bit when I kinda would like to see them being in sort of more training and see kind of more footage of this vehicle and see how it performs being it's a t-72 shot see we know it's pretty a pretty effective being mobile fast and getting across the battlefield pretty effectively and in firepower it's got plenty of it and we know those under tank guided missiles are going to do quite a bit of damage quite a bit of penetration rate they were describing there um so yeah I can just boggle though that these vehicles were even produced because it just seems like it's kind of this off cold war-era set up and they're still rolling with it you know I mean even sim that said that this vehicle was primarily designed the Cold War for urban environments and just knock out infantry and get that elevation traversing up now it seems like more that it's been put into kind of a fire support role for the infantry it's just parked behind summer on hillsides and just sprays the battlefield with atgms coax and autocannon which is just fantastic it's like that's cool look at Ghul you imagine ten of these things blasting all the cams across the battlefield just insane and it isn't saying it but it's cool insane I really like its cool concept maybe it's something the western wall should look out just pure firepower again let's talk in more technical here let's start putting lead downrange suppressing the enemy you know all the cannons like this I mean you chew through ammo pretty quick but with a t-72 chassis like this just pack and rounds into the back you could probably feed those things all day of course with some extra lubrication of course because those guns would probably work the guts off on that many bullets um anyway guys let me know what you think about this vehicle do you think it's something that you know should be incorporated more into the Russian military do you think it's something that NATO should maybe invest into looking more of kind of a standalone heavy weapons platform that is able to dis press the enemy and just put rounds downrange no Kiki enemies head down and no technicalities too much I mean we got the anti-tank guided missiles we know that we have systems already in place with what if make something like this with more you know like I said for maybe me not enough maybe we could push out 1012 missiles and on a rack and just you know faraway autoloading system you know maybe a autoloading anti-tank tube system could plug a tube back on the side I don't know let me think your feedback on this one see in the comments section what do you think of this vehicle the Terminator 2 it's clearly not the the real Terminator focus if it was that would be amazing if Russia could invent robot Terminator cyborg destructor anyway guys I really appreciate you stopping like today and watching please leave me a like and a comment if you're new to my channel please subscribe and I hope you all have a wonderful day all the best and bye bye you
Channel: Matsimus
Views: 351,991
Rating: 4.8963294 out of 5
Keywords: BMPT-72 Terminator 2, BMPT-72, Terminator 2 Tank Support Fighting Vehicle, Terminator 2 Tank, BMPT-72 Terminator 2 Tank, BMPT, BMPT Terminator, Terminator Tank, Russian Terminator tank, Uralvagonzavod, T-72 main battle tank, 9M120 Ataka missile, bmpt terminator tank, Russian tanks, BMPT Terminator tank, T-15 IFV, explosive reactive armor, AG-17D grenade launcher, Matsimus Gaming, BMPT-72 Terminator 2 Tank Support Fighting Vehicle, Object 199 Ramka, BMPT-72 Terminator
Id: rEb8lHl1T3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2016
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