British Warrior IFV Upgrades | 40mm CANNON!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back everyone it's me Matt smus thank you so much for joining me today we are discussing the beautiful warrior class of armored fighting vehicles from the British Army of course I have an extensive amount of mechanical background on these vehicles for sure and I've operated them on operational tour in Afghanistan and I do have to say they are pretty much one of my favourite armoured fighting vehicles out there in the world other than the Challenger 2 it is performed so well during its service life to every extent of what you can classify an armoured fighting vehicle especially an infantry fighting vehicle needs to do as you can see the Rema variant here that I use the 5:1 - just as capable and doing what it needs to do as any other tracked vehicle that the British Army has now the warrior has an extensive history since Bosnia Kosovo Iraq Afghanistan it is pretty much served in every major conflict since its service and has performed outstandingly and I can really attest to that it really has done very very well now you're seeing a lot of different footage here from all over the background of this vehicle whether it be you know with a different turret that was actually going to be somewhat being implemented with the Bradley systems but it got changed over to the rod and weapon system looking at now and that is what's tying us into our discussion today with the warrior is the new upgrade where I guess it's not really new it's been around for quite some time and that's why I want to discuss a little bit about it today the 40 millimeter main gun that the warrior has been I guess told it's going to get this update and we're gonna see this a huge improvement it's gonna be amazing and honestly I haven't seen enough of it it's it's an interesting thing to talk about because warrior is the staple infantry fighting vehicle of the British Army and when you don't give it this upgrade it's really lacking against other military vehicles out there around the world because the broaden cannon although an amazing weapon system the 30 millimeter is very primitive in its design it's a 30 millimeter 3 or 6 manually round loaded system I've used it myself it is a lot of fun to fire a very capable weapon system the munitions it fires both armor penetrating and hey Qi are definitely capable of most engagements but we are talking about the modern age now and the call is starting to hear some challenges now with going up against more sophisticated armored weapon systems out there today and warrior needs to catch up with the times and the British Army know that they've been looking at upgrading warriors extensively for a very long time and lots of different programs lots of different concepts ideas but one of the key features that always comes up is the beautiful 40 millimeter caseless or telescopic ammunition gun now we all will know of the system that's been coming out for some time they've been researching it and really doing some heavy testing on it and I found a rather interesting article recently from defense news about how the weapon system is after getting closer and closer to being actually produced for the future which I think it's time and it really it truly is time this weapon system has knocked the socks off many of the users of it that have been trialing and testing it and you know it definitely supersedes the you know 30 millimeter rod and 100% now the key attributes the 40 millimetres a few main things that really we need to take away as to why they're upgrading the the 40 millimeter from the 30 millimeter the Rawdon is as I said an exemplary weapon system however it has its faults it is a manually loaded system with it being manually loaded it does cause you know time in terms of you having to manually fix it and maintain it and load it yourself that is time you don't have as a gunner as an operator inside the turret of the warrior you don't have a separate loader you're doing everything yourself which is something you really don't want to be trying to do when you try to engage a vehicle you should be optics all the time looking and scanning and you don't want to be messing around with with the ammunition or the commander either or that's not what you want to be and this new weapon system is really focusing on stabilisation so the gun itself is they're all fully stabilized whereas Rawdon was not it was very manually Traverse elevate kind of thing there's a full turret upgrade as well there's a lot of things going on that are changing on the full I guess forty millimeter upgrade it's not just a simple change of the the barrel and the weapon system inside does there's a multitude of other things targeting systems there's some fancy upgrades and actually let's take a look at some of these fancy upgrades before we go any because I really want to kind of highlight the the key facts and the figures that are coming out for what the upgrades actually are for this vehicle so let's take a look at this vehicle then so Lockheed Martin are the primary contractor for the warrior capability sustainment program or w CSP now the warrior as I said doesn't just have its own turret upgrade there's other things that are going on Lockheed are working very close with the UK Ministry of Defence to upgrade this vehicle wholeheartedly it's not just a few little changes they really want to upgrade a full change to this vehicle and you know the warrior doesn't need much in my eyes it does exactly what it says on the tin but unfortunately there's some little tiny pieces here and there that need to give it up to the modern-day standard so as you're seeing this beautiful tower upgrade we are seeing a fire on the move capability with the stabilized CT 40 cannon and an automatic to nature ammunition handling system which basically means the commander or gunner does not have to interchange between ammunition manually it does it automatically it's just a selector switch the chain gun is still implemented with the brass flying out the front there never been a big fan of the chain gun so it's you know it's a little disappointing they're keeping that machine gun on there but it looks like you can actually recede the gun into the weapons system platforms how do you fix it there's some other improvements including some armor some mind blast protection and some you know protection to the optics and the the weapons system itself pretty standard if you can upgrade weapons this pinyon upgrade the sights new environmental control system drivers night vision system which is I mean it is what it is network-enabled platform management system I'm not sure what that is it seems like it may have some communication between other vehicles with it being mechanically or you know fire systems a crew briefing system this is all digital stuff so this is all gonna be involved in the turret itself or you know the crew members in the back being able to see what the commander sees for the most part we're seeing a primary turret upgrade there are some other key features such as the digital situation awareness cameras we're always seeing cameras on modern-day armored fighting vehicles nowadays now they want to see visibility 360 they're putting cameras all over the damn thing never been a huge fan of putting cameras and relying upon cameras everywhere you can see they're putting video sources from mounted troops and crew member and more cameras look at all the dust you're seeing here guys k cameras will get coated and dirt instantaneously and you want to be the person every 10 minutes gets out and fluffs off the camera of dusty you you go ahead and do that but as I said the 40 millimeter is definitely the showstopper today for the changes to this vehicle now as I said negotiations have been underway for quite some time to upgrade this vehicle and the contract to update the British Army's fleet of War II vehicles has been according to the Ministry of Defense been looking at about a year's wait time now the two sides from both the emod and Lockheed have been pushing very hard to try and get the contract in as quickly as you can but the supply chain is struggling to actually get ready for the upgrade because there's a lot of worries and as I said you cannot get this wrong if you try and upgrade the fleet of warriors and it's not going to work correctly you're gonna have a really bad time the effort to progress the long-running warrior capability sustainment development programme into the manufacturing phase has come at the back of Lockheed Martin successfully achieving 20 battlefield mission assessments which is a key milestone in the reliability growth test program now underway the mo D said in March it would open negotiations from manufacturing contracts once the department is satisfied with the progress on reliability trials in late August Lockheed Martin achieved that milestone the company said that in cooperation with the British Army's armored trials and development unit it had fired thousands upon rounds from the new CTA I developed 40 millimeter cannon and had also driven more than 5,000 kilometres and achieved the battlefield mission assessment with flying colors Lockheed Martin's warrior program director Lee fellows expects the deal in the latter half of 2020 the company is keen to get production contracts signed and sealed but they still need to get it right so it will take as long as it needs to and mr. fellows said getting it done at a pace and quality are equally important quantities the mix of variants and affordability are among the items to be discussed you have to remember that there is so many of these vehicles in the British Army inventory that as I said it's not as simple as just doing a quick upgrade this is a major overhaul the turret infrastructure and systems that allow it to operate as a infantry fighting vehicle there have been discussions on how to overcome issues of design Authority ownership and it's also reportedly part of the build-up to a production contract BAE holds the design authority on the existing legacy warrior but Lockheed Martin holds the approval for the extensive upgrade particularly the new turret the expectation is there will be a collaboration with BAE and they are talking with them already as part of the negotiations neither the government officials or the industry executives with actually comment on the upgrades and the number of the British army wants of these upgrades roughly 740 vehicles were delivered to the British Army starting in 1988 but a number were destroyed in Iraq and Afghanistan and I can firsthand tell you I've seen some of those vehicles that were lost of course a number of these vehicles have been earmarked for battlefield support duties that don't require a new turret such as the vehicle I primarily uses the five one two or five one three repair and recovery variants at one time the number of holes to be updated was in the region around 380 but suppliers of the company briefing in March said as the British Army downsizes and budgets become more challenging the figure slipped around 265 or lower some people say that in the next 18 month or so it will bring further reliability growth Charles but their major risks have been removed and the testing for sure has not really unearthed any significant problems which is a good thing the update is considered one the Army's top priorities alongside other vehicle programs including the Challenger 2 main battle tank upgrades and the procurement of the beautiful boxer mechanized infantry vehicle which I have done a video on in the past from the German company our tech Lockheed Martin was awarded a development deal to upgrade warrior vehicles in 2011 but the program really has been dog with program problems that have slowed progress overall towards a production deal by several years the update program includes the beautiful CTIA cannon but of course we see more architecture and modular protection systems also placed on there I can see this being a top priority for the British Army for the fact that the combat environments they're trying to put armoured fighting vehicles in today they're looking back at the sort of you know open prairie or open field cold war style battlefield techniques and stepping away from the more sort of insurgency Afghanistan based conflict which I was obviously involved with they want to have a bit more punch forty millimeters is giving a little bit more capacity than it is the 30 millimeter as much as as I said I love the rod on the 40 millimeter is really giving you a little bit more oomph and a little bit more reliability and a lot more you know agility to actually use the weapon system because the rounds can be changed very quickly there are 70 rounds in the ready racks which basically means you don't need to upload or reload the weapons system after 70 rounds which is quite a significant amount of rounds the vehicle itself is pre loaded which is almost as you're about to see in a video here kind of like an aircraft pre loaded before it sets out and then is only needed to be reloaded once it comes back off the battlefield into a resupply area so we'll take a quick look at what the British Army thinks of this upgrade package and what they're actually doing in the background we're conducting a lot of bitsy growth trials on the wari at CSP so what that means is that doing a number of battle runs and they're testing the vehicle by certain serial was firing main armament which is the 40 millimeter and the car accident injure the Keogh grace is basically the turrets the turret is completely changed so inside there you've got the 40 millimeter cannon and that is capability or firing a number of different ammunition natures including armor piercing Haiti and Haiti Airbus [Music] [Music] also inside sorry we've got a new sighting system for the commander to use screens and controllers rather than like legacy where we'd have to load manually three or six rounds in the gun at one time if you compare the two for the legacy in this one this is just absolute absolute GameChanger in what we've had before now with a stabilized platform can fire on the move as well keeping the image inside for the gunner absolutely still even though the vehicle was traveling speed over cross country and he can still engage targets with the main armor the physical burden has been sort of taken away because all the preparation is loading the weapon system is gone it's a bit like an aircraft so before the aircraft takes off all the ammunition and weapons get loaded that's what the Terra is like now so everything gets done before you leave camp and leaving the commander the ability to look through the sights and do what he's there to do so there you have it folks this is what's coming it looks like warriors getting that much needed upgrade it looks like the British Army is really taking this seriously when it comes to trials and development I'm really really glad to see that that they're taking the due diligence to ensure that this weapons system works well because we know the warrior performs so damn good and you wouldn't want to you know downgrade it with an upgrade that's not suitable for what you want it to do so it's amazing that they're actually putting some really good research and trials in there to ensure that it is impeccable when it comes out and I can assure you that with this upgrade and I'm gonna I'm gonna poise this it will be my favorite infantry fighting vehicle in the world currently the CV 1940 is pretty much up there warrior close second but with this new upgrade now because basically the warrior is going to get all the CV 94t has with the warrior chassis and an engine and capability of its cross country the warrior will be my most commendable infantry fighting vehicle out there hands down and I can attest to it because I know what the vehicle in Legacy is capable of right now if all these upgrades actually being implemented and they work and they succeed and do everything that we've asked them well the British Army's asked them to do it's gonna be a game-changer guys and girls this thing is going to be absolutely outstanding it's already outstanding so I'm really excited see this upgrade come out for this vehicle in the future guys I hope you enjoyed watching today's video if you did enjoy please please leave me a like it takes two seconds just hit that stupid little thumb it helps me a huge bunch here also if you're new to my channel I'd really really encourage you to click the little subscribe button be notified some upcoming military videos I'll do in the future I do a lot of review and sort of updates of military equipment on this channel and if you hit the little bell by the subscribe button you'll also be given a little heads up by email or message on YouTube that I've actually uploaded because YouTube you know they don't like military content channels and if you 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Channel: Matsimus
Views: 192,266
Rating: 4.9215832 out of 5
Keywords: British Warrior IFV, British Warrior, 40mm CANNON, MCV-80, FV510 Warrior, Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Rarden cannon, 30 mm Rarden, Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme, BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, WARRIOR, warrior APC, warrior tank, british army, british, army, UK army, warrior 510, warrior AFV, armoured fighting vehicle, tanks, tank, military
Id: 1Jo6yWCiK4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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