Russian TOS-1 Heavy Flame Thrower Missile System

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello again everyone it's me Maximus I really appreciate you being here today thank you for stopping by you know as an artillery gunner myself there's one thing that terrifies me more than anything and that is counterbattery artillery fire basically if I was to punch rounds off my gun downrange what's gonna come towards me from the other direction you know there's a lot of technology out there nowadays that really allows the enemy to find me and fire straight back at me extremely quickly and the sum of all these fears is rocket artillery just looking at the awesome firepower display you see in front of you right now it really does send a shiver down my spine thinking hmm this could potentially be landing on top of me if it came down to it very scary stuff now countries aside rocket artillery is extremely impressive and you know Russia really does do an extremely good job of it most of the time you think of Russian artillery for me I think of these things absolutely millions of rockets launching into the sky absolutely annihilate in grid squares very impressive to watch a lot of people are very subjective to its effectiveness in terms of accuracy but you know technology is changing very very quickly and it really does scare the living bejesus out of me but other people when they think of Russian artery may think of other things other than this beautiful display of rocket artillery firepower they may think of the heavy guns that you're looking at right now which again look absolutely outstanding now when I think of utter in general I tend to think of guns because that's inherently what I tell used to be and still is today the core of artillery anyway is the guns and when you look at rocket artillery you think okay it's just a munition that's fired from a long distance and blows up either Cluster Munitions etc etc but if you know anything about the Russians they tend to do all sorts of fancy things with types of weapon systems and one of them is the tos-1 which is basically a gigantic flamethrower round that explodes midair turning everything beneath it into barbecue sauce absolutely insane piece of tech and we're going to talk about it today because honestly I had no idea this vehicle even existed until I started playing war game red dragon or the war game airline battle series which I'm sure many of you have seen me play on my channel before I love the game and if you want to come play with me on it go check out my discord Channel come hang out we can have some games but yes we are going to discuss this incredible piece of equipment and go over its features and kind of a little bit of my thoughts of it overall so let's get talking about it so when the Soviets were thinking about land war in the late 1970s they struck upon an idea how about strapping as many rockets as possible to the t-72 tank chassis and using it on the battlefield therefore the tos-1 heavy flamethrower system was conceived if you're a little confused by the flamethrower description of this vehicle you would be rightly so given that the fact it's not actually throwing any flames like the standard flamethrower that we used to however the two s one and it's more modern variant the TOS one alpha look nothing like traditional flamethrowers either handheld or tank mounted used in World War two and other conflicts instead the TOS one is designated a flamethrower because in addition to traditional incendiary rockets it can also fire thermobaric rockets thermobaric rockets are fuel air weapon systems once these terrifying weapon systems are launched they disperse a cloud of flammable liquid into the air or ground around the target and then ignite it the results are devastating not only is the explosion significantly longer and the shockwave significantly hotter and stronger than conventional warheads but all the oxygen in the near vicinity is also consumed creating a partial vacuum and of course this doesn't really suit too well for the human body because the vacuum inside of us our lungs require oxygen to breathe and therefore this makes them horrifying weapons to use against infantry and entrenched personnel such as in bunkers and caves which is exactly what the tos-1 was designed for knocking out entrenched positions to prevent them from Ashley digging in victims typically died either from the intense pressure of the initial blast or suffocate as their lungs rupture in the vacuum afterwards it's an incredibly unpleasant way to go with this kind of weapon system it was first used in the combat during Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1988 but didn't make its public debut until more than a decade later the second chechen war in 1999 later the Iraqi army has used it during its fight against Isis the downsides of the tos-1 there requires two support vehicles for carrying extra rockets and reloading and there has to get relatively close to its target before opening fire but once the 2s1 alpha is in range a full salvo of 24 rockets will make a rectangle at 200 meter by 400 meter almost eight city blocks a hell on earth for anyone caught inside it these terrifying vehicles have do really are only designed for close range engagements they don't need range because they're there to support infantry and made that battle tanks that are trying to engage heavy built up positions that the tanks can't quite punch through or bunkers that really can't be seen and they just want to literally annihilate a hillside you know the vehicle has a very very powerful rocket launcher but you could realize that it's also on top of a quiet powerful main battle tank the chassis of the t-72 is extremely well tested and versatile piece of equipment the fact that it's been placed on the t-72 brings a little tear to my eye because I absolutely love the t-72 variant the main element of the tos-1 alpha system is the BM one launch vehicle comparing with the original ts1 a number of launching tubes was reduced from 30 to 24 arranging in three rows of eight tubes each new launching tubes are longer in comparison with the previous heaviest flamethrower system there are at least two types of the 220 millimeter rockets these are 3.3 of 3.7 meters long and weigh about 173 to 217 kilograms roughly respectively the tos-1 alpha uses longer rockets and has a longer range than its predecessor maximum range of fire was increased to 6,000 meters and the minimum range for arming was 400 meters if you're launching this at 400 meters my god I don't want to be the crew inside of that vehicle the bm1 launching vehicle is operated by a crew of three including commander gunner and Driver it is fitted with a modern fire control system and all guidance and firing procedures are made from inside the vehicle without exposing the crew to enemy fire the launch vehicle can stop and fire divisible target within 90 seconds from traveling which is a fairly quick deployment time the tos-1 alpha launcher is mounted upon the TSM - Alfred main battle tank chassis the vehicle is powered by a VAD for MS diesel engine developing 840 horsepower and is fitted with a sailfin trenching blade to allow it to well dig itself in from launching that massive salvo of doom our protection of this system is similar to that of the t-72 alpha main battle tank and there was at least one prototype of the tos-1 based on the t-80u main pal tank chassis this heavy flamethrower is supported by the new TZ MT reloading vehicle which is used to transport and reload the Rockets it carries a full set of reloaded rockets in two pods for 12 Rockets each a crane is mounted between these units and the reloading vehicle normally carries around 400 litres of fuel allowing it to follow the main launching vehicle for quite long distances and well beyond his extended range that it can actually reach this allows the vehicle to return back to the supply lines and back again without having to refuel the average reloading time for a crew on this vehicle is about 10 to 15 minutes from zero salvo to full salvo deployed that's pretty impressive considering these Rockets are 220 millimeters in size that's a fairly substantial round to be putting into the tubes of this thing considering of how many there are you wouldn't want to be making mistakes of loading them in there though considering that it's basically a gigantic gas station placed into a tube and but overall folks let's let's just be very clear here I would not want to be the receiving end of this kind of weapon system it's insane the firepower it can produce you know standardized ammunition with shrapnel for shet whatever else you may call it very impressive stuff and very scary stuff but when you think of flames and you know fuel being ignited into the air it's it's kind of terrifying I really do think in terms of knocking out bunkers trenches fortifications buildings this is the way to go close range you know setting up artillery pieces mortars is you know it's gonna be effective but just look at the salvo of that I mean you could literally knock out half a village with two or three of these vehicles within almost 10 to 15 minutes that's that's crazy and reload again and off you go so this is the kind of thing that as a gunner you you just I mean I'm just scared to death of it it's something I don't ever want to come across or come against let's hope I never have to but what do you guys think what do you think of the TOS you know is it one of those sort of meme Russian artillery vehicles that you kind of like yeah okay it's cool but is it really that effective at six kilometers that's the only thing I kind of side towards it is six kilometers is very short-range you really have to get within you know almost touching distance of some of the more high-tech you know tank systems and anti-tank systems out there now but still just just beyond that formidable range it's most modern anti-tank weapon system six KS is a little bit beyond some of the capabilities of of most anti-tank systems but still I think this is a very good you know bad all changing piece of equipment when it comes to knocking out fortifications I don't know if it's really going to be as effective at taking on entire battle groups or preventing tanks slash troops advancing because these things is are not gonna be able to pull out quick enough but they are going to be good for holding all fixed positions you know heavy fortifications hillsides bunkers all that sort of stuff but that's it for today folks talking about the beautiful tos-1 I would love to hear your opinions on this weapons platform in the comments section below if you want to be notified of any upcoming videos please hit the little bell button by the subscribe button if you want to support my channel please go check out my patreon page I really can't thank everyone who has been supporting me on that page enough it means so so much to me and I hope you all have a wonderful day all the best folks 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Channel: Matsimus
Views: 504,467
Rating: 4.9087849 out of 5
Keywords: TOS-1, Russian TOS-1, тяжёлая огнемётная система, ТОС-1, Heavy Flamethrower System, Flamethrower, thermobaric, multiple rocket launcher, thermobaric weapon, TOS-1A, Solntesepek, Russian Army, TOS-1 flamethrower, flamethrowing tank, flame tank, russian artillery, russia, artillery, T-72, TOS-1 Buratino, MLRS, multiple rocket launcher system, fuel-air explosive, matsimus, heavy flame thrower
Id: NXYqpM6W_Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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