T-14 Armata Russian Main Battle Tank - Tank Overview

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you [Music] welcome everyone its Maximus thank you so much for joining me on this video today I really do appreciate you stopping by and taking a look so in today's video we are talking about the one the only t14 armata main battle tank now this is a video that I'd put off the quite some time a couple of reasons this first of all there isn't really that much out there in regards to technology information about this vehicle a lot of it is quite classified we know the basics we know the main principles of the tank the systems that put in place but they're really in terms of you know the exact technicalities how they work are obviously going to be kept quite confidential to the Russian military and fair play to them so they should this is a you know major milestone for the Russian military its new tank system completely overhauled for the most part and a very new concept for their main battle tanks and a she is very very very interesting to me the second reason I've kind of been putting off this video for a little while is I really want to try and get the video to perfection and try and make it as good as I can for you guys because there is a lot of t14 armata footage out there a lot of t 414 are lots of videos that people have put out and obviously a lot of it it's going to either be in russian or it's in the robot voice that everybody for some reason turned their videos into and they want to talk like a robot and again I totally get it maybe they just don't want to put that voice on there but this is going to be a overview video of the tank itself now this is not a comparison video guys please please take it with a pinch of salt this video is not to say that the t14 is worse or better than any other vehicle or platform out there it is purely a video to kind of discuss the tank some of its key features and the new concepts that the Russian military have put in place on this tank which I find absolutely amazing and I really am highly impressed that being said I am going to put a couple of things in my own personal opinion into the video because I like to discuss about tanks and I like to put my own thoughts and opinions on the actual tank itself because the end of the day um I enjoy tanks I love them I'm very passionate about them I would like to give my thoughts on them that's not saying that that is fact or true it's 100% hearsay it's purely just my opinion so please take this video with a pinch of salt and don't come diving in on me both Western and Eastern world-beating up this video to death because something you don't agree with I totally get it I totally get that you may not side with what I'm saying but just take with a pinch of salt and I really hope you enjoy the video so let's quickly go on an overview of the main battle tank first the Armada is a new Russian main battle tank project however it has been going on concurrently for a few years it's also referred to obviously as the t14 it is a development commenced in about 2011 as to where it started and the amount of developed as a replacement to the cancelled t95 main battle tank the whole project was kept in high secrecy the first mod cut was revealed to the Russian military officials in 2013 trials commenced in around 2014 and the new main bath tank was first publicly revealed in 2015 the first batch of 12 to 32 pre-production tanks were also delivered to the Russian army in 2015 however soon after the 2015 Victory Day Parade these production tanks were returned to the manufacturer for improvements and further testing the Russian army trials are expected to begin this year and this tank will be fully adopted and in full-scale production beginning roughly 2017 to 2018 it is planned that the alotta will replace the aging t-72 t-80 and t90 tanks although the t90 really isn't that outdated the Amata is a new generation tank completely it's a clean sheet design and a number of heavy advanced features the tank has actually very little in common with the current t90 main battle tank that is serving with the Russian military and with other older Soviet tanks and actually it is the first Russian tank that's a truly new production tank since the t-72 as that was adopted back in the 1970s designed the armata now focuses on heavy armor and crew survivability the exact technical specifications of the new armata are quite classified and that's going to be quite obvious guys because the end of the day this tank is going to be there for front in armored battle groups now they're going to want to make sure that Western world's and any other kind of countries do not get the technical details of this vehicle obviously the Russians have put a lot of effort into making this tank a new and highly sophisticated weapon system and the last thing they want to do is release all this information to the public and out to you know forces around the world to potentially counteract and engage it back that makes complete sense it's such a shame because we aren't able to know you know the full specifications of this vehicle but completely expected now the new tank is much bigger than the t90 it's nearly as big as the leopard 2 a7 and that's just about all we know in terms of its specification in length and height and such weighs around 48 tons its length gun forward is ten point eight meters its hull length is about eight point seven meters it's about three point five meters wide and about three point three meters tall its armament is a hundred and twenty five millimeter smoothbore gun we're not too sure exactly if it can have anti-tank guided weapon systems placed on it it does have once in point six two machine gun and we're not sure of its elevation range obviously is Traverse ranges 360 degrees apparently the ammunition load that this can carry on its main gun is 40 rounds again we're not sure whether or not it can be capable fine anti-tank guided weapons it does have a machine gun a load of around 2,000 rounds but I mean that's just estimated it could probably have a lot more than that the t14 is operated by a crew of three men including commander gunner and Driver and this is in line with Russian tank building concepts of today that the tank should be operated by a smaller crew in order to reduce its dimensions and weight and improve crew protection with this being said guys please feel free to check out one of my previous videos in regards to Auto loaders and manual loaders and my opinions on that it's a really cool video and a lot of heated discussion in the comments section on there but the armata does lack its loader as the gun is auto loaded by its main Auto loading system it's worth noting though that most Western main battle tanks do have the crew of four and it does have its pros and cons and like I said before feel free to check out my other video the Amata might be one of the most protected main battle tanks in the world currently it does have highly new developed base armor made of steel ceramics and composite materials now this is quite common in most main battle tanks also the Armada has the new Malak heat addon explosive reactive armor that is claimed to be of a new generation for russian equipment as usual this main battle tank is fitted with nuclear biological and chemical protection systems and an automatic fire suppression system it has been reported that the Armada will be fitted the new Afghani active protection system it also has new countermeasure systems that reduce the chance of being hit by anti-tank guided weapon systems with the semi-automatic guidance this new Russian tank also utilizes new smoke grenade discharges of a brand new design all crew members are seated in a well protected armored cell and this is a new concept for Russian Armour is a separated from the automatic loader and turret system and ammunition with that being said the tank does have high end resistance to damage it can operate even with penetrated armor so long as it does not hit the crew cell it is the first production main battle tank with such a crew layout with the three-man team in the cell the Amata is also the world's first production main battle tank with a completely unmanned turret it is armed with a 2a 80 to 125 millimeter smoothbore gun this new gun has improved ballistics comparing with the 2a 46m gun of the t90 main battle tank the gun is completed with a fully automated auto loader system which can manage up to 40 rounds into the gun the tank is capable of firing the gun orange anti-tank guided missiles in the same manner as ordinary rounds these missiles do have a range of up to about 5 kilometers and can also target low-flying helicopters which is clearly very very important and something I was quite interested to learning more of but unfortunately there isn't much information there's also a remotely crude weapon stationed on top of the vehicle armed with a 7.62 millimeter machine gun but probably would be upgraded to a 12.7 this weapon station also functions as the commander's independent thermal sight and gives the tank a hunter-killer capability again very standard with most tanks nowadays the Amato main battle tank is also fitted with a new fire control system very modernized and very updated for its day it's also equipped with a buff field management system pretty much kind of like a laptop slash GPS all combined into one for the commander and Gunners workstation and they are both identical it has been reported that this new main battle tank is powered by a 82 - turbocharged diesel engine developing around 12 100 horsepower it is a new generation engine that is much more compact than previous Russian tank engines the engine is located at the rear and the arm art has about seven road wheels on each side it also has built in self entrenching blade and can briefly prepare itself for a firing position from the earliest stages the Armada was designed to be versatile platform for the whole host of armored vehicles a number of specialized vehicles such as self-propelled artillery systems heavy infantry fighting vehicles armoured recovery vehicles heavy flamethrower systems engineering vehicle self-propelled air defense vehicle and other support machines are planned to be based upon this platform some of the variants that we know about are the heavy infantry fighting vehicle also referred to as the t15 it was first publicly revealed in 2015 and this vehicle can carry up to six to eight fully equipped troops it is one of the most protected if not the most protected IFE claimed in the world as of right now the amounts tank has a rear power pack arrangement exactly the same as the t15 and this became an issue for some designers in order to make troop compartments for the rear of the vehicle so the Amada infantry fighting vehicle was swapped front end with the rear it's driving backwards comparing with the original Amata main battle tank there's also the armored recovery vehicle and it is referred to as the t16 and there was a prototype of it completed in 2013 it has been reported that these batches of other vehicles and models will be concurrently produced in the background until later dates just as some added information in the background here in regards the t14 combat capabilities this is just a small video demonstrating some of the features that will be available for the t14 Amata obviously now has a 12 kilometer engagement range and this is all kind of subjective information this video kind of describes the certain features that could potentially have and how these features work a lot of its in Russian it's been translated in English as best as possible so obviously we know the main gun and the machine guns obviously quite similar to the other vehicles apart from the 125 millimeter gun we have the obvious three crew with the driver gunner commander and a separated turret in the bigger capsule which is gonna be really nice to protect against that frontal sloped attack moroni penetrators which is really interesting to have it does have the malachite and Afghani defensive system which is going to protect 360 degrees around the tank from any incoming projectiles inclusive that there is an infrared cloak to prevent from potential lazing and such and an automatic detection and target locking system to prevent any kind of projectiles actually coming within range of the tank which is really pretty you know very very interesting considering recently attitude to video on the brimstone missile and how it could potentially knock out armored fighting vehicles seems nowadays that things are starting to come into place that are deterring these particular projectiles actually hitting the tank before they even get there which is really interesting to see clearly then the fighting range of this tank is increasing with the new missile systems that they're trying to put in place in the main gun which is really cool to see also kind of worrying though for NATO members I'm sure seeing this kind of technology coming out because they're being counteracted each and every time you know someone's bringing something else Sall and something's bring something else sounds kind of you know an ongoing battle with the technology right now but still very interesting to see so there you have it the t14 armata and in my eyes quite an impressive main battle tank for the modern world very interesting to see the Russian military have stepped away from the old-school Soviet bloc main battle tanks now they've actually gone from scratch it's really impressive to see I'm kind of intrigued at the different systems of input in place unfortunately though I can't give you much more information because as I said before it's kind of classified and not been released to the public so on that end I'm going to add this video and I once again really do appreciate you guys stopping by and watching please if there are any mistakes or misinformation in this video please feel free to leave it in the comment section below and I will annotate that in the descriptions box for this video I appreciate you stopping by and watching I hope you enjoyed seeing this tank in all its glory thank you so much again all the rest and have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: Matsimus
Views: 598,072
Rating: 4.8292336 out of 5
Keywords: T-14 Armata, T-14, T-14 Armata Russian Main Battle Tank, Russian main battle tank, T-95 MBT, T-14 Main Battle Tank, Russian T-14 tank, T-14 Tank, T-15 IFV, russian t-14 tank, t14 tank, t14 armata, Armata tank, T-90, 125-mm smoothbore gun, Armata MBT, matsimus gaming, t-14 vs M1 Abrams, top ten tanks 2016, T-14 tank overview, T-14 tank review, matsimus, Armata Universal Combat Platform, Afghanit, 2015 Moscow Victory Day Parade, T-15 Armata
Id: 9AOn1uxjlzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2016
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