The Blueprint for Fatherhood - Pastor Emy Vazquez

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up everybody welcome to the life church online we're so glad that you are with us today listen it's going to be an incredible day in church and my name is caitlin and i'm adam and we're so excited that you're joining with us especially early on come on i love that i love the early people we're going to have a great day we're going to hang out for a few minutes before service right now uh just a little kind of like lobby time for the online campaign that's right we've got a new series that we're starting today called fatherhood going to be an amazing series and pastor emmy from our massachusetts location is going to be bringing the word today you're not going to want to miss it amazing worship pastor john is going to share some vision it's going to be an incredible day so thankful so glad that you are joining us this morning yeah that's right hey and something we ask you to do every single weekend is simply just to share the service because we really believe that it has a powerful impact when you click the share button and you let somebody know that church is happening and it's really never been easier to invite somebody to church than it is right now by clicking the share button that's all you got to do if you're on facebook there's literally a button that says share if you're on youtube you can copy the url right there the little link and you can send it out in the text you can send it in a email whatever you've got to do yeah uh to let somebody know that church is happening right now share the service somebody could be scrolling just on facebook or somebody could be open their phone and you send them a text and they see the church is happening they click on it their life could be changed so why don't you take a second do that right now let somebody know church is happening and share this service absolutely and another thing that you can do is always you can if you're on youtube you can you can like this stream right now and you can subscribe if you haven't subscribed to the life church online youtube channel make sure you do that subscribe that we would love it if you would take a second and do that that would be amazing and let us know where you're watching from if you're watching today just type a quick chat and just let us know hey i'm watching from this city this state this country maybe we would love to know where you're watching from and later on uh this morning we'll give you a little shout out yeah yeah definitely keep letting us know in the chat where you're watching from we've got things happening all around and listen we want to tell you about something if you're part of our online campus and maybe you don't live around a physical location well we want to talk about something really special called socials okay you might be wondering what is a social well a social is simply an in-person gathering of a really in a local community that maybe isn't around a physical location but they're gathering together and they're engaging in the life church online right here we've got socials that are happening and if you want to check out what socials we have you can actually click the link that's coming up in the chat right now to check out what socials or if you live in a and maybe a community where we don't have a social happening already or where we don't have a physical location well why don't you think about leading a social why don't you sign up to be a social leader we would love to have you it really is just such an awesome opportunity uh for you to be able to connect in and really be a part of a local community but through our online campus so check out socials at the link that's coming up in the chat yeah and speaking of leadership you know we love leadership here at the life church just part of our vision actually is developing leaders it's part of what god's called us to do as a church and we have an environment coming up it starts actually in eight days september the 13th leadership foundation it is the starting point of leadership at the life church and i just want to encourage you if you if you're a part of life church if you've been through discovery if you're serving if you say you know what life church is my home and i want to grow in my leadership i encourage you to sign up for leadership foundations it will make a difference in your life it will it will help you grow in your leadership you know biblical leadership principles really transcend all areas of leadership in our life we've heard these things from people that have completed leadership foundations it's helped me to be a better leader in church it's helped me be a better leader at home it's helped me be a better leader in my job at work so i encourage you make the investment in yourself there's a small cost involved invest in yourself grow in your leadership eight weeks and for our online campus our online family is completely virtual yeah entirely so we have it completely set up you can take this leadership course literally online and it'll make a huge difference in your life you will grow in your leadership and your life will be better i promise yeah listen we hear testimonies all the time from people like literally people are saying wow what a difference leadership foundation's made in my life and so listen that could be you you could say wow not only in my church life but in my work life like i'm saying my family very passionate about leadership so listen take the step don't wait jump in so many great things happen in church like one more thing i want to let you know about ladies specifically is that zoe knight is coming on the screen ladies if you haven't heard already we're having a zoe night happening on october 1st 7 p.m central standard time go ahead mark your calendars we've got pastor holly wagner that's going to be in the house with us and it's going to be an amazing time together okay if you aren't able to come join us in person at our houston levee location make sure that you're online with us we're going to have an amazing online experience as always for our online campus family and listen maybe you are interested in hosting a zoe social we're going to have socials that are going to be happening all around and we would love for you to host a zoe social you might be wondering what is that well if you don't live around maybe the houston levee campus you can't come in person why don't you consider inviting some people over to your house and having a zoe tuning in online but inviting some people over it's as simple as these three things you ready pastor adam i'm ready okay number one you just gotta invite some people simple as that invite some people secondly here's what you gotta do you gotta you gotta have food okay because everyone open your pantry up open your pantry up the tray outside chinese food whatever you got to do okay have some food and then have fun and we're providing the fun for you okay so it's super easy if you want to sign up to host a zoe social go ahead click the link that's coming up in the chat or if you simply just want to find out more about zoey knight what the deal is what's going on what the theme is all that stuff but so many fun things women care about those things go ahead click on the link that's coming up in the chat right now check it out yeah and pastor hawley's going to be amazing i love pastor holly wagner she's going to be sharing the words it's going to be incredible so make sure you do that well let's take about a about 30 seconds to do some shout outs i've got youtube uh pulled up let's see who we got look i got i got to shout somebody out real quick sorry i saw it right out the gate lillian's watching from brazil this morning brazil come on shout out to lillian from brazil sorry go ahead amazing no i took it from you i've got uh jeffrey white my man jeffrey i love that guy he's an amazing guy i've got uh deborah watching hey let's see who else we got i got a camel on i'm gonna say hopefully i said that right watch them from macon georgia all the way to georgia come on shout out i love that all the way and making georgia we got caitlyn on in collierville we got i got to shout out my dad he's uh he's on vacation right now in hot springs arkansas hey maybe taking a vacation but he's not taking a break from church shout out to the people that's what we say well awesome hey thanks for joining in and loving keeping yeah keep calm letting us know yeah keep letting us know where you're watching from and hey today in case you didn't know we've officially kicked off college football season here in the south it's a big deal to us okay so today we're going to have some fun based off of you know the kickoff of college football i don't know if you watched some games yesterday but it's happening we're excited about it and then today we are starting a series called fatherhood so we thought why don't we have some fun today let's bring some dads on and let's see how it goes can they do a quarterback throw so here's what's going to happen we're going to hop over to andreas here in just a second but first i want to know what is your favorite football team okay favorite football team and while you're commenting in the chat letting us know why don't we hop over with andreas for qb corner let's check this out what's going on guys we are so glad to have you with us we got we got a lot of fun going on today okay we have pastor emmy and we got dietrich here we're gonna see who has the best arm to maybe not make it to the nfl okay there's a reason why these guys are standing here with me right now and we're gonna see who has a better arm okay so what we're playing is a game called quarterback corner in 30 seconds they have four footballs laying in front of them we're gonna see who can make four footballs into the inflatables in 30 seconds and we might have a little prize for him at the end but real quick we have pastor emmy right here pastor emmy who's your favorite college football team come on i was with pastor john last night so i have to say lsu okay you have to say lsu y'all took her y'all took a pretty bad loss last night i mean you think you guys are going to rebound we have to okay we have to okay they they have to and over there condolences to everybody who took a heartbreaking loss last night uh alabama should have been one of them my man dietrich here is a big alabama fan so so you think you guys are going to win it all are we playing yeah okay hey hey words are spoken enough okay so what we're gonna do guys on when i blow my whistle we're gonna we're gonna kick it off and we're gonna see who has the better arm okay all right three two one oh no oh no pastor emmy almost oh no oh no somebody okay okay well we don't have any winners this is this is very bad oh no okay all right we're gonna oh my gosh [Laughter] all right all right well nobody's gonna make it all right hey we got it pastor emmy's the winner hey we're going to kick it back to pastor adam how about that i'm glad we got a winner i thought the blow up dummies were going to win for a second but that looked pretty sad to be honest way to go past the emmy philippines hey it feels good to win before you're getting ready to preach god's word that's true you gotta you gotta have a win before you preach god's way hey speaking of pastor emmy is preaching god's word today yeah pastor he's bringing the word fatherhood series it's gonna be amazing amazing message last night well hey why don't you eliminate distractions right now take take a few minutes and eliminate distractions get some things together whatever you need to do get ready for god's word get ready for worship share the service let somebody else know you've got about three minutes till we really jump into worship so it's going to be incredible thanks for joining in this morning we love you guys let's get into church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] well welcome out to the life church good morning to everyone thank you for joining us come on wherever you are stand up on your feet put your hands together as we worship our god together come on let's go [Music] i was searching for something something i knew was there but couldn't see i remember the moment when the one i was searching for about me [Music] jesus you're more than enough for me come on swing this out i don't need anything else and i need your love i need your love i don't want anything else and i need your love i need your love yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for granted [Music] changed everything [Music] i don't need anything else come on let me hear you i need your love i need your love i don't want anything else yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put your hands together come on right where your eye online let me hear your head come on let's sing this all together cause there's just one thing one thing one thing i need cause there's just one thing one day one thing i need i don't need anything else i need your love i need your love i don't want anything else i need is [Music] [Applause] [Music] your blood it has my future written yes it us and your heart loves with no condition [Music] i [Music] [Applause] is [Music] that can't be broken [Music] burning your love has come to set me is find [Music] [Applause] yes it is holy is [Music] thank you god yes jesus [Music] [Music] i've been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh is [Music] you are know oh that i am [Applause] is is oh with my to life this see all my life you have been faithful he's a faithful father and all my life you have been so good [Music] come on help me [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] laid down [Music] oh i will see of your goodness [Music] [Music] i will come on come on let's thank god for his faithfulness today i love that song man that song just captures it perfect for me come on how many of you would uh say god's been good he's been faithful and through every season of my life wow so good to see everybody in church today a big welcome to all those uh locations that are joining us bunch of people watching online usually every weekend we take a moment uh in between uh songs and and kind of just give a little encouragement we call it our ministry time and and then we have another song and we we respond and i'll talk about that in just a moment but i was thinking um this weekend coming into church how powerful it is how powerful it is when we gather together and the bible says where two or three are gathered the presence of god is there jesus is there and how the presence of god has purpose just think about this for a moment [Music] as we come in and as we worship and truly we feel and we sense the presence of god and and and there's a there's a there's a purpose behind what we sense and that is god and his presence you know reaching out to us to meet whatever need we have in other words if you if you if if you need to be comforted um the presence of god comes to comfort you if if you need maybe your focus you know to be lifted and and to look forward to what god has for you then you know he he comes and he lifts right he nudges your chin he lifts up your countenance so you can see what god has for you and and and maybe it's healing in your body maybe it's healing in your physical body you know god is a healer or you need a word from god this is what i love you know so often i've been in worship just needing to hear from god and it's like this little seed was just dropped down in my heart right in the middle of that worship moment well that's what this is all about okay this that's what church is all about number one but that's what this moment is all about our teams are going to lead us at every location in another song and this is an opportunity for you to sort of um like take another step in your worship and and reach out to him in in in in another way and and lift your hands in worship you can you know press in in that way but we're also going to have some tangible steps that you can take we're going to open the front of our stage at every location we call it the altar and people if you're new to life church you'll see people will just walk down and pray and you know these are people that are like they're bringing their needs to the lord they're they're bringing their requests to him it's like this you know this kind of moment of like i'm so you know i'm i'm so desperate i'm so hungry i'm going to do whatever i need to do to press in and get to the altar we're also going to have people ready to pray for you on either side of the stage again jesus said where two or three agree concerning anything um and so these people are ready to agree with you in prayer they even have anointing oil if you need prayer over your body the bible talks about james if there's sickness in our body we're believing for healing uh come on god is able to do that as well and they're gonna have mass on and all that stuff but um and then and then uh communion is available as well another this is really powerful i know some of you may became ready to do that we set the table of the lord out with it with the cup and the bread and we're not going to do it all together as a church family in this service but you can on your own go and get the cup and remember the blood that was shed for you or the the take the bread and and remember jesus body broken for you and have your own moment all that we ask is that you make it a worship moment make it a divine moment where you uh where you think about your life and you kind of examine yourself as the bible says here's what i know in this moment as we move toward the lord another step he will move toward us the bible says draw near to me and i will draw near to you that's what god says and so that's what we're going to do right now and and i know the team has another song that they're going to lead us in that's powerful let me just encourage you if you're not moving to the altar or communion or prayer why don't you really kind of just push out all the distractions and really just connect with god right now and have that encounter with him in fact let's lift our hands right now everybody come on why don't we lift our hands why don't we close our eyes come on this is all about jesus right now we're not going to be distracted by what other people are doing but we're going to let his purpose uh his presence have its purpose fulfilled in our life right now father god we lift our hands to you we thank you for moving in our midst thank you for your presence that came with an agenda your presence has an agenda right now to move in our lives we want to encounter you we don't want to leave this service the same we thank you for moving in our lives right now in jesus name and everybody said amen amen come on let's press it [Music] [Applause] [Music] these whole ones [Music] surrender [Music] still signs and wonders [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] miracles [Music] my soul will rise [Music] victory my soul i'm dancers [Applause] we thank you for your grace [Music] is [Music] god in you i find my peace in you i have made free my souls it will rise again [Music] in you i'm comfortable [Music] [Music] is in you i'll find myself [Applause] [Music] awesome awesome fantastic well welcome to church everybody glad you're here at the 9 30 service uh church can we welcome all of our first time guests and appreciate them you can grab your seats everybody i want to take a moment just to welcome everybody that's here all of our locations connected in together right now in this moment for this uh amazing service that we have if you are a guest i hope somebody welcomed you and made you feel welcome gave you a good handshake at least a good smile or a fist bump or whatever um whatever uh you know they did to make you feel welcome i hope they did it and and we're glad that you're here today if if you if you want to you can take your phone out and um just scan that qr code on the screen and that will take you to a place where you can let us know that you're a guest we sure would appreciate it if you would do that let us know that you're here for the very first time or there is a card in the back of the seat in front of you depending on the location that may have been on the seat and you could take that out as well if you want to fill that out even better yet if you fill that cart out and went to after the service went to what we call our next steps area to meet someone and say hello to someone that would be fantastic they could take you around show you the um the church or or just answer any questions you have we're just glad you're here aren't we church can we put our hands together one more time and thank god for all of our all of our guests yeah we're glad you're here on this special weekend we're going to take a moment right now to be generous and to bring what we call our tithe and uh it's also vision offering weekend i'm going to mention that in just a moment but the tithe you know something that we talk about in case you're unfamiliar with that we talk about it because the bible promises uh that if we give the first part of our income as christians which is called the tie the tenth the first 10 of our income we bring that into the house of god where we're planted the bible says that god opens the windows of heaven over our life and pours out such a blessing we don't even have room enough to receive it that sounds like a pretty good deal to me and i know many of you can say man i am a living testimony of that god has uh sustained me and blessed me and so we just encourage you you know to tithe that enables our church to do what it's called to do and then we also have um once a month what we call vision offering updates because many many of you have committed to give above the tithe so that the vision of the church can move forward and come on thank god we have vision as a church how many of you thankful for that that we celebrate the past and we stand on the foundation of the past but we talk about vision it's one of our values that we focus more on where we're going than where we've come from and so we're reaching forward into everything that god has and we're expanding and reaching new areas as a matter of fact pastor emmy is here this weekend he's preaching and he is from our yeah it's from massachusetts some of you may not know but we are kind of having a church merge in with us a life church massachusetts and that's going to happen on october 17th which is amazing and we also just launched our downtown memphis location which is doing fantastic what's up downtown everybody give a big welcome to our downtown location we've had over 30 fresh start salvation decisions in one month at our downtown location so think about that and that that difference that you're making and then we thought just to celebrate this weekend it's like the one year anniversary of our online campus all right so so a year ago we launched a campus and we have a full staff and and um everybody that's devoted to this and it's phenomenal really what god has done i got a couple of stats i got to pull them out and give them to you 47 different countries have been a part of our online campus this year this year 161 salvations just through our online campus which i think is amazing and 34 life groups are functioning right now these are small groups that are functioning uh connected to our online campus a bunch of people have completed discovery thousands of people watching every weekend as a matter of fact you know the way we sort of uh run all of our metrics our online campus would be our second largest campus in terms of attendance and participation and giving uh right now which is phenomenal i think and so big shout out to pastor caitlin mitchell who is leading the way there and the rest of the team doing such an amazing job if you haven't i encourage you to jump online especially before the service and watch the different things that they do the production quality is amazing and we're reaching all around the world literally so i want you to get your offering ready some of you are going to prepare to give and you're gonna give right now online i know and others of you are getting ready to give on your way out you put put a check in the boxes uh at your location and so while you're getting your offering ready i'm gonna pray for us in just a moment for our finances uh but we thought we'd just celebrate just one little short video a minute a minute long video celebrating our online campus one year anniversary let's check it out but it's a big weekend we are launching our online campus we got a birthday cake to celebrate our team's gonna actually bring it out look at this beautiful birthday cake right [Music] here hey everyone what is up everybody hey everyone welcome to the life church online send a hand to the screen or maybe the best people right here all right cecilia what is the capital of the united states the american law store the american girl adult service do you know what i'm on campus would not be possible without them so we're hanging out here with will and chris and chad chad's our audio guy will is [Music] boom how cool is that huh amazing i'm amazed i don't know about you you know most of the people on the video uh are volunteers some of our staff but i'm amazed at the incredible volunteers that we have that make church happen and i mean there's dozens and dozens of people behind the scenes and different areas studio areas and making making church happen across all of our locations but our online campus and and then here's what i'm amazed i'm amazed at the people that are so good and on camera right i mean like never had never done it before and then they're on camera hosting the service and it's phenomenal i mean really really really amazing and so uh thank god for our church thank god for our online team and our whole team in general i want to pray for us and pray for our giving and pray for our finances i like to do this every weekend come on if you believe in god just release your faith with me right now father god thank you for the opportunity that we have to give to bring our tithe and to bring our vision offering and we thank you for the vision of the life church and all that's happening and all the things that are moving forward we're so grateful for what you're doing um and i just pray for every person and i pray father god for our personal finances i pray for raises and bonuses and promotion i pray for new doors to open if there's anybody here believing for a job i pray in jesus name open the right door for the right job for them and father god i thank you for those that are tithing you promise to open the windows of heaven over our life and i thank you for an open heaven lord you're blessing our lives i thank you for this vision giving as as we we give it's moving the church forward father got it lord let us live that let us live that cup overflowing life uh that we have more than enough and we're able to provide and be a blessing to other people we thank you for it in jesus name come on and everybody said amen come on can we thank god one more time for his faithfulness to us man sometimes i pray those prayers that i pray my own self happy how about that so thankful for what god has done i'm thinking about all that god's doing even right now the teams that we have down south in louisiana serving and all the different things that are happening as an extension of you as an extension of this church as an extension of your giving so come on let's keep being generous and let's keep watching god do amazing things well we're starting a new series today pastor emmy uh vazquez is going to be up in just a moment he's phenomenal i encourage you to lean in man i heard this message last night i was blown away brand new series we're starting this weekend called fatherhood and uh wow it's really really powerful so get ready keep your hearts open your mind's open you're going to be encouraged and inspired but before he comes up before we get into the message just a quick video everybody of some things that are happening right now in church some things that are coming up so check it out pastor emmy will be right up welcome to the life church on behalf of our senior pastors john and leslie sibling we're so glad you're here with us today each weekend we have services at multiple locations around the mid-south new york santiago chile and online where you can be a part of worship hear an encouraging message and enter an environment that is welcoming and friendly we have fun and creative services specifically designed for kids on our kids life youtube channel kids ages 5 years through fifth grade can also participate in online small groups via zune every weekend these age-appropriate small groups help kids engage their faith while building life-giving relationships with other kids and leaders you can register your child for a small group online at we're all about helping people get connected and move forward in life and one of the best ways to get started is by taking your next step stay connected and build life-giving relationships by joining an online life group we have lots of different options to fit a variety of interests and schedules just visit life groups to find a group that's right for you if you would like to know more about the life church or get involved our discovery experience is the place for you through discovery you will hear from campus leaders learn how you can make a difference and get planted in church you can register for discovery at god has an incredible plan for your life and we love for you to be a part of all that's taking place here at the life church have you completed discovery and are actively serving on a team then leadership foundations may be your next step leadership foundations is for anyone who aspires to leadership at the life church or is simply looking to develop their leadership skills this leadership experience is designed for those who are looking to grow in their capacity to lead sharpen their people skills and cultivate a spirit of excellence classes are held on monday nights and include teaching and training from the life church leadership team to get more information and to sign up for this leadership experience check out [Music] people might look at you and see a mess but god does not god doesn't see you at the place you are now he sees you at the place he's destined you to be [Music] life church you start something like this and i'm just it's gonna get me going how you guys doing this morning yeah how you guys doing this morning like like let's talk back to me like goodness well listen i'm excited we are in a new series entitled fatherhood um and i like i'm excited about it and and the things that i said last night i don't know if they're going to be totally the same in essence like um but i got a lot in my heart that i believe is so i feel like really god is trying to communicate something and he's not just communicating it to the men but also to the women and um as we get into this i i have a tendency oh by the way hold on i just got right into it let me we i send you love ingredients from the massachusetts location we are launching and becoming life church mass october 17th so super excited and stoked about all of that um but as we get into this message today let me just say a few things i have three big ideas the name of my message this today is entitled the blueprint um whether you refer to it as the blueprint of the human family the blueprint of of the house is founded on fatherhood and and i'm going to show you that through the word of god but before i get there let me tell you what i do understand about this subject i do understand that because of sin and because of shame in the world in general no nobody's particularly at fault is that we have a tendency of hearing things that are not necessarily being said when you highlight the subject of fathers or mothers in other words let me say it this way i'll highlight and i'll say something like you know according to scripture fathers in the fatherhood spirit is the foundation of the human family and based on whether or not you had one there there was trauma drama with daddy you could hear fathers are better than mothers that's not what i'm saying so i like to say this all the time don't hear what i'm not saying okay don't hear what i'm not saying because often times depending on whenever there's a cavity or hole in your heart in some area sometimes you'll hear something that's not said because you need that spot to be filled um and so i i believe i do have something that's that's from the holy spirit so as we talk about fatherhood hear me out are you ready for today's work okay as we talk about it some of you are going to be like great because you remember the one who stayed and you could be potentially sitting right next to someone who says oh my goodness it has to remind me of the one who left i might talk about fatherhood and you might be so antithetical to the concept because there's pain in that aspect that just to touch the subject might bring up some feelings now hear me out the goal is not to suppress the feeling the goal is to allow it to come to the surface so we can begin to heal this because if god is going to change the paradigm of the family and the way we think about it we have to allow this stuff to come to the surface now for those of you who don't know my story my mama had me when she was 15 years old in in new britain connecticut before we went over to the bronx and and my dad has never been in my life now i know that mom you might be watching and i know that dad you might be watching because my dad has since september of 2020 been released from prison and so he did around 42 years and so we've been having conversations here and there and i know he knows what i do so so so even though i'm communicating to you at large i do have my own who are potentially watching so this is no indictment against you guys in any way we still need to be honest because because the goal is to heal yeah the goal is to help restore the the goal is to redeem and let me tell you something that that i'm challenged with when it comes to media when it comes to media and this is no disrespect to anybody who works in media in any capacity we know that when we're in media we tend to highlight things that seem to be on fire because we know that people like to watch accidents so we highlight what's broken and we highlight what's not working and it's easy to come at this message from an angle to say look at what we haven't done so that we can fix what we didn't do but but before i get started i do want to say that on a daily basis tens of thousands of planes land safely every single day but the camera is always on the one that crashed and so let's put our hands together for every man before we get into this who stayed in the home oh no no keep clapping because there were some people who you did not know came through hell in hot water and they fight for their families and they're still at the courthouse paying child support trying hard to put the family together even though you may not know about it they need to be celebrated because we're good at putting the camera on what's on fire as opposed to what's working on a day to day basis so we celebrate you for not leaving and for those of you who did leave we love you i don't believe in the shame methodology that feels if i shame them the death they'll change shame doesn't transform the human heart grace does grace does so once again are you prepared for today's work now don't don't are you going to hear me say periodically don't hear what i didn't say because as i say certain things i know as i sense it in me i'm probably going to project it and just say hey don't hear something that i didn't say we need so the goal what's the goal today the goal today is to highlight god's standard of fatherhood the goal today is to elevate what he says about fatherhood so that we have a bar to aspire to if we elevate god's standing above us it always gives us something to reach to the goal is never to take the principles of god and bring them so low that i feel better about me because if that's the case then i never change to reach the standard and this is the power of vision man when you have vision vision will always keep your feet moving yeah yeah he doesn't have a vision the bible says that if you don't have vision the people perish and so we need vision and the goal is to say what does god say about this and and how far see this is this is why it's important to have a value system it's important to have the value even if you don't keep the value young people hear me out it's important to have a code of ethics even when you're young because even if you don't always keep it like we don't at times at least we know how far away we are from what we have defined as holy in our lives so it gives us something to say whoa i'm too far away from the thing that i said was supposed to be a value in my life and so it's important to have it so the goal is to highlight god's standard and as we highlight god's standard yes there's going to be a gap between you and it and the goal is to say how do we close the gap because god is for me not against me how do we close the gap because he wants to see family healed and restored and delivered so that i can eventually give my children possibly was that was not given to me now listen i am a living witness that it is possible even though you didn't get it that you can still become it because god is your heavenly father the apostle paul said it this way my god i haven't even gotten into my message yet but but but the apostle paul said it this way in first corinthians he said you have had many teachers or guardians in christ but you haven't had many fathers and he said i became your father in the gospel this is what he said verse i think is verse 14. he said he said therefore imitate me so even though you may not have had him there for you god has a way of giving you a vitamin of a dad supplementation through the lives of other people you'll find a father image in somebody in your small group you'll find a father image on this stage from somebody like pastor john or pastor mundo or maybe even pastor emmy saying even though i didn't have it god supplemented through his word and supplemented through figures that i admired and sometimes you got mentors from afar and god will use all things to work together for the good of them that love the lord who are the called according to his purpose okay i'm ready to get into this word aye aye aye aye aye so let me give you some opening verses right now uh in malachi chapter four verse 6 this is what your bible says the bible closes closes the old testament this is the very last verse of the old testament in the very last chapter in the old testament and this is what it says and he will turn the hearts of the father some of you have the translation in niv nobody uses term parents he will turn the hearts of the parents it's not an accurate english definition because this is the word ab which technically means father so i think that's important he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers lest i come and strike the earth with a curse this is how the old testament ends now time when time would not allow me to really get into this but when you study the old covenant overall one of the things that you must understand about the gospel of jesus christ is that not only that jesus come to die for sin to give you salvation in essence that salvation is tied to the redemption of the look of a father jesus came to restore the image of fatherhood back into the lives of everybody how do i know this because when the first man adam was born by god himself and he sinned sinned is really a manifestation of fatherlessness because this one man through his disobedience rejected his own father from that time forward there's been a gap between god who's really not just god he's father and in the old covenant you will notice you can count on your hands how many times the people of god called him father because they don't really see him as pastor that's my role but but but when i walk in the house my kids don't call me pastor first although they know i'm still pastor they call me dad they call me father they say hey dad good to see you what are you doing today do you got a busy schedule we would love to go on a skateboard and they know how to pull on my heart as a father but they still respect me as a pastor and recognize that authority and i am telling you as god is my witness many many people come to church and they see god not as father and this is what causes religion in the church because you were raised in some context where you think god is a police officer before he's the patcher patrick greek word it means father and agree he's not a cop now i don't hear what i'm not saying and i'm not knocking police officers because we need rules and we need order every home should have both grace and truth no god don't oh i felt that one that just went all through me like electricity right there yeah and i don't care which one imposes which one but you need rules because rules create order but you can't have rules without grace because then you have a military home and it's tough to be raised in that environment because the book says that mercy triumphs over judgment so we know we live in a body that is designed to fail so if you put up all these rules but i'm designed to fail i'm going to need a lot of love and grace and compassion until i can figure out what i did wrong and you can't just have a house full of grace with no truth because nothing everything is condoned and no one grows and no one gets challenged so it's not either or it's both good lord this puerto rican is preaching right now sometimes you got to encourage yourself in the lord so let me get back to the verse i got to get back to the verse he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers lest i come god in this text as he's trying to redeem the hearts of the land he does not blame the mother for the condition that falls on the earth he looks at every father and says there's a gap between your heart and your children's heart and if we can close the gap between fatherhood and all the children that run around we can heal potentially everything that we see i'm convinced of it so then you stumble into 400 years plus past and then you have the beginning of your new testament so from this very last verse fast forward 400 years there's a large gap of time and now we start hearing about this messiah named jesus who comes to restore the image of fatherhood in our lives because when jesus shows up on the scene i know that they didn't call him father a lot in the old testament but when jesus shows up bro he starts talking about his father all the time like i love mary mary was in my life i nursed from mary she gave me chocolate milk she was cleaning my diapers when i got lost in the temple who was looking for me mama was there when i died on the cross who was at the foot of the cross mama was there jesus had women that supported him mama was very important but jesus saw his father he talked about daddy all the time i'm about my father's business me and my father are one lord make them one like we are one lord the lord teach us to pray like john taught his disciples when you pray started like this our father who are in heaven not just our god we got to remind you that he's a patter he's a father and he wants to love on you like a heavenly father we're trying to restore the image of the father yeah somebody say fatherhood we're trying to restore that image because we need it you need it there are people right now i'm comfortable because i'm talking about fatherhood let me look luke chapter three let me let me get to this first my computer just shut off for me that's why you can't even trust technology that's why you got to have a word in your heart luke chapter 3 verse 23 we we get out of malachi chapter four we get into the new covenant right into the introduction there's this genealogy that goes down in luke chapter three it's also in matthew chapter 1 but i'm going to read luke now jesus himself was about 30 years old when he began his ministry he was the son so it was thought of joseph you do know that the people in the community struggled with his father isn't this his father jesus like that's my stepdad hold on stop let's acknowledge every stepdad that took care of a child that wasn't their own to every step guy who are watching me from a different location maybe you're at home right now or maybe you're here i salute you in jesus name and thank you for stepping up and and playing a road that biologically was not yours but you were there for the duration of that child i am so proud of you you are what the apostle paul talked about we got many fathers around us joseph raised jesus and he was there imagine dealing with that embarrassment it's not my baby but i got to be here like it's mine come on during that time there's a little bit more shame than it was today now we ain't got time to get into that verse 24. uh so it was start of joseph now look at this look at the son of joseph which was the son of heli the son of matat the son of levi the son of melchi he keeps mentioning sons because every son has a father and every father potentially has a daughter or son and every son though has the producity the the capacity to produce because he has seed in him so you start seeing this genealogy of fatherhood through the language of sonship and so the son of mel um verse 25 the son of matthias the son of amos the son of nahum the son of essli the son of naga and i'm not going to read the verse there's 11 more verses with like 55 more names but you get the point verse 37 the son of methuselah the son of enoch the son of jared the son of mahalalel the son of canaan the son of enoch the son of seth who was the son of adam who was the son of god notice that when you go through this genealogy that oftentimes is super boring to most people it's because we don't understand the power of fathering that everybody came from somebody that came from somebody that came from somebody because there was the power of seed in somebody called the male the father that allowed this genealogy to continue notice that when you go all the way back through time it doesn't say the son of animals and the son of gorillas and the son of apes it doesn't say anything like it didn't say the son of caesar like the planet of the ace oh it didn't say that it didn't say that you remember caesar from the planet of the apes nowhere from this genealogy that we go all the way back and stumble into the face of another animal you did not come from apes according to the book there is a father pathology of father genealogy that goes all the way back from the son of seth to the son of adam and adam turns around and says look at my father god so what is a father as we talk about this what is a father a father by definition in the old testament since it's written in hebrew it's the hebrew word ab the thing you desire under your shirt ab is tied to the word abba closest association to daddy that's why romans chapter 8 says that we we we haven't been given the spirit that makes us a slave against a fear but we've received the spirit of adoption and by him we cry abba father daddy it's so intimate the relationship is so intimate that i get to pull on his shirt like he's daddy i i'm tired pick me up that i know you're busy i'm tired and you know what you do i saw two three men on outside when i was outside throwing that football around had the he had the the baby right on the hip just right on the hip just walking and that's what we are all that's what god is designed to do in your life the relationship is that intimate that he wants to pick you up no matter how down low you may be because he is father over your life and so the word father is from the word ab abba daddy and that's the hebrew and since the new testament is written in greek when you look up the word father it is the greek word patter patter when you take both of these words it gives you tremendous insight on understanding fatherhood this is what it means when you look at those two words it means source it means originator it means progenitor pro genes genes genial dna he has what's in him to recreate it again it means nourisher it means sustainer in other words you're just not the source of the thing you created you now got to take care of what you created and oftentimes that's hard man when you've had people leave you repeatedly and so there's no model in front of you saying stay and when you get under pressure you have a temptation to bounce because every example before you bounced somebody say i'm gonna stay oh my god i'm gonna stay my daddy wasn't there for me but i'm a stay i didn't know how to love my wife well but i'ma stay yeah my children struggled with me when i didn't know what i now know now but i'ma stay i'ma figure it out i don't know have all the answers that's why we don't we don't run from repentance we can go before our children and say i did it wrong let me show you how to change when you don't know what to do parents hear me out it's a there's so much pressure on parents because the implication is just supposed to be perfect the devil is a lie we are human we don't have it all together we depend on our heavenly father and when you don't know what to do we say sorry and we change and when you teach your kids how to repent then it becomes normal to repent but when you hide repentance and they don't see it then they don't know how to change and this is why people hide sin and they hide struggles because they don't see anybody changing around them when they do fall into the web of whatever it is don't be afraid to repent my life has been on a public stage for a long time and i didn't like it but i've just learned to work with it and say god if you got to use me like a poster child i'll change i'll change in front of people i'll change in front of my kids i repent whenever i need to use me however you need to use me but i need my family more than anything not the church my which is the real church my family i need my wife and my children to know i'm not perfect but i will give up everything for them and try my hardest so it means sustainer it means supporter it means foundation the word patter in the greek abba in the hebrew it means foundation hear me out hear me out man you're the founder of the family now that don't hear what i didn't say women i didn't say you weren't important galatians chapter 3 and my soul right now says there's neither jew nor greek slave nor free male nor female for we are all one in christ jesus there's equality in the face of god between man and woman but there is divine order because god decided to build the family unit starting with the male there's a fatherhood spirit on him in which the family tree begins to grow so you are important and the children are important let me get to that point uh and then number my last one it means protector so this is what it looks like in your bible in your bible god is there he's about to create heaven and earth because god is a father and he is the source of all things before he created everything if you met god on the corner of nowhere and there was nothing around and you shook his hand you would be shaking hands with everything and not even know it because everything is in him because he is the source and the book says in hebrews that he sustains all things by the word of his power so then he looks down and he says i'm going to create a man in my image heaven and earth i'll be the reality in heaven and i need a shadow on the earth and i'm going to make man and the book says that the first person he made was adam he made this man named adam which means man and and and it technically means dark soul but yeah get out of that em i'm gonna rub you the wrong way right there cause never mind no uh sometimes you can't just say everything just because you've got this might there's a powerful thing right here you can't just say whatever you want to say and so uh uh uh uh discipline em and so he makes this man and then he he makes his man in his image and in his likeness now god must possess both qualities of feminine and masculinity because when he makes man his wife is still in him yeah yup and so he makes this man and and he and he's made in his images like his the book actually says that he made him both male and female and so he's standing there i don't really know what that looks like don't ask me i don't really it doesn't matter so he's standing there in his own species whatever it is and then he looks at this man and he says this man is so much like me he's walking around telling the garden uh preparing the garden in the garden of eden doing all of that and he says it's not good for this man to be alone the word all one he's so much like me there's so much in him like there's so much in me but but this is not good for isn't it interesting that he had god but god said it's still not good for this man to be alone please stop saying that all you have to do is have a relationship with god but you don't need god's people please stop saying that all i need is god according to god god said this man has me but he still needs community and i'm going to begin community by pulling the woman out of the man yeah we need the church we need the body because she incidentally is a representation of the bride of christ don't make me go there i'm sorry i'm feeling real comfortable right now last night i was a little nervous uh so so he pulls he posts a woman he pulls he pulls the woman out the woman comes out and she's there now she is also uh in the mankind industry she's man but she's woo man she's a man with a womb god has see adam was the he's so much the founder that he comes from the dirt the woman does not come from the dirt she came from his side which was the closest to his heart uh-huh that's how intimate the relationship should be that she should be able to lay on your heart and see inside your heart but she was made from the hand of god different word it means to shape it doesn't mean from the dirt to man poof he just that's the man but when it came to the woman he says i got to touch this man i got to put my hands on this that's why that's why they look the way they do all right all right so so he pulls that out people he's a male she's the the female she's the fetus male she's the one where the body has been wired to carry the fetus yeah yeah yeah she she's the incubator of life he's the source of life he he releases seed and she has to carry that seed and then now they begin the family unit the family now is an incubation for the family unit and we got to keep these kids warm enough where they can begin to grow because the goal is to have them imitate the patter the father the abba so so i'm saying that because adam is now formed by god suspended between heaven god and between wife and family he's the source that god is using to represent his face on the earth this is a heavy responsibility women i need your support and your encouragement and the men in and around your lives because if they get a revelation of what we're talking about today we can cause these men to rise up to a new level and because they're holding a lot of weight here help number one i got three points for you i'm gonna run through this really quick number one if you're taking our nose technically speaking fatherhood is the foundation of the family now don't get insecure you know when i didn't have a dad and people would talk about their dad i would get mad that they would talk about that dad cause i didn't have one because i'm insecure it doesn't give them doesn't mean that i have the right to stop them from talking about the good thing in their life i got to realize i gotta get healed from this otherwise i'm gonna be blaming everyone else you shouldn't be talking about that you know i gotta follow the wound no we gotta get healed and we gotta give them the freedom to celebrate what stayed in their life how you gonna make somebody else feel bad because they got something that they supposed to have that you know that you need but because you didn't get it you're gonna make them feel bad cause you ain't get it you've got to get healed sorry sorry you know i love you i love you i'm for you all right all right so people people okay so this is so important fatherhood is the foundation genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 the lord god took the man and put him in the garden of eden to work it and to take care of it and the lord commanded the man you are free to eat from any tree in the garden but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from when you eat of it you will certainly die is that what it says that's what it says verse 18 the lord god said it is not good this is verse 18. i didn't move verses around this exactly i it's not good for this man to be alone i'm going to make a helper suitable for him is the woman here at this moment in time no god gives this man the responsibility of running the the the home he gives them the commandment his wife is not even around when the commandment is issued so now when the serpent comes in and slithers in satan knows let me try to deceive the woman because the responsibility actually falls with the guy and i don't even want to talk to him if i could deceive her then maybe i can get into this home and so even though he did tell her because satan had a conversation with her she eventually took of it and ate it hear me out when sin entered in through her it technically wasn't even wrong but the book says that adam was standing right there and when she ate of it and had apple juice dripping off her lip he gave it to the husband and the husband ate it going into this eyes wide open and when god found out that they were in their shame and they had hid behind some leaves not one time that he say eve where are you he said adam where art thou because you are the founding member of this family and i put you in charge to have responsibility i don't want to go talk to her let's not blame her stop putting the weight on her she ain't got yes she participated but you were the responsible one because i put you as the abba over this home so so so when you look at all of this this is a point i want you to take down fathers must learn the difference between fault and responsibility him hit me real quick this is where it gets difficult to be a man so i'm for you man remember i'm a man i know who i am i so i'm not against you i'm for you i'm trying to help elevate god's standards so we can grab a hold of that but we got to know the difference as a fuc let's contextualize it to like church or business or something like that i started the church in massachusetts seven years ago because i'm the founder of that location if you will that came out of me i am the lead that's there if you come through and have a bad experience in the parking lot it doesn't mean that it was my fault it could be johnny's fault because of what he did but because i'm the lead and the founder it is still my responsibility i am responsible even though i'm not always at fault and so when it comes to this we have to understand the weight and the mandate that god has given fathers over the home it may not be your fault father that your son was smoking crack but it is your responsibility to chase your son down and love on him and provide compassion and sit in a a meetings with him or enemies and get your child the help that he needs you cannot abandon him he came out of you source and now you must sustain it's not your fault but as founder it is your responsibility front row i am preaching and spitting at the same time i just saw all that dna just go out there like good lord 23 in me talking about dna and all that it may not be your fault that your wife came from all the trauma she came from and now 20 years into the relationship all of that trauma is coming up all of that childhood issue is coming up and now that it's coming out it may not be your fault but hear me out you married her which means you didn't just marry the destiny you married the history and now that it's coming up it may not be your fault but as the patter as the father of that house it is your responsibility to love your wife like christ love the church listen to me this is hard work i know it's hard being a mama but i don't have that point of reference but i do have a point of reference on being a father and i know when i look at god i'm like lord i need your anointing because all of this may not be my fault but i can't run from them because times are tough tough times don't last but tough fathers do tough fathers do oh oh so so this brings me to point number two are you getting anything out of this message today are you getting anything out of this oh number two number two if you're taking out notes husbands are designed to father their wives not just their children oh i was scared to put this down because i didn't think you could handle what i was about to say but i said i'm gonna give it to them because i don't live in memphis i get to go back to mass my flight is at 4 30. um uh husbands are designed to father their wives not just to remember this when god made adam the first woman came out of him he technically gave birth to her first corinthians says it this way look at this look at this first corinthians says this verse 11 chapter 11 verse 7 and 8 man ought not to cover his head since he is the image and the glory of god but woman is the glory of man for man did not come from one man but one man came from man he is abba the father out of him comes the woman and when she now comes out of him he is now responsible with a father spirit to make sure he fathers her heart not just romances her body i'm gonna show you another verse right quick before don't get to believe there's a better side to this story don't get a belief this is why the book says for this cause a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two shall become one flesh for this cause a man will leave the father and mother a man is going to bounce the woman is not because in essence when you literally go to a wedding there's going to be a couple this month right when you have what i do one next week when when when i go to the wedding next week and i perform this ceremony that's there the father is there his parents may be there but he's at the altar waiting even though he's a husband which technically means house bond if you're a husband that means god is putting a mandate on you to bond your house together that's what husbands mean so he's standing there at the altar with the spirit of fatherhood on his life and his bride is coming down the aisle with who her father and as he comes down with her he's like this is my little girl this is my baby that's my shirt and i'm about to release her into your care i know you're going to be her husband and i know you're going romance huh but i don't care about that i want to know if you're going to father her well are you going to pick up where i left off i'm handed her over to you protect her heart provide for her take care of her i'm giving her over to you hear me out husbands you are responsible to father your wife's heart not just your children so if your wife is over there crying and having a breakdown and you leave her alone because you're afraid to touch her you are in essence saying you are afraid to touch you let me prove it to you scripturally look at this verse ephesians chapter 5 verse 28 in this same way husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself after all no one ever hated his own body but they feed and care for it just as christ does the church he says that's my wife over there but if you remember adam when god took the wife out of him he says yo that's not just bone of my bone that's not just my wife that's my body my bot a piece of me is right there so yes that is the wife man and yes she's wifey to me but if she's hurting i can't just leave her independently in her own world i must run up and help her because her body is my body so if she's hurting i'm hurting i hope you hear what i'm saying to you i'm gonna move on point number three point number three fathers are the source and sustainers of their children my message today the blueprint next week at least from the massachusetts location i'll talk about qualities of a father but i'm just talking about the blueprint some big ideas about fatherhood and the spirit of fatherhood and what we need to rise up to and so this one we understand that we are the source and the sustainer you sourced it now sustain it it came out of you now provide for it i know this is tough but but we have to sustain of everything we created in ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 it says fathers do not exasperate your children instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the lord i think the culture has it backwards we put a lot of pressure on the women to train and the men will go out and provide there's nothing wrong with providing it's part of your job description but according to the book we're supposed to be doing a lot of the training because it provides identity did you know scientifically that the gender of the child is predicated on the sperm of the man this is a scientific fact you go back and fact-check me if you need to so therefore if the male sperm seed the father seed determines sexual identity how much more does the child's identity get developed by the father when the child is growing up and moving forward with life your child needs to hear from you see from you when jesus got ready to start his ministry the father spoke up mary was there for 30 years no indictment to her she did her part but when she he was about to start ministry god spoke from heaven this is my son i don't know if he sounds like that but this is my son whom i love and with him i am well pleased he had identity this is my son sometimes you need to grab your boy and say let me be weird for a moment and look him right in the face and say you are my son and i love you and i'm pleased with you you're not perfect and i ain't perfect either my love for you is not predicated on your performance because whether you go to jail or not i'm going to be here because i love you and you don't understand when a child hears that from their daddy their identity begins to evolve and they recognize that i got support from home and they are encouraging me to take on this world and do what god has called us to do [Applause] if you're taking now notice you can just write this down my final point children don't need perfect fathers but they do need present ones they just need you to be there hear me out hear me out i know that sometimes when i talk about this stuff it will provoke more questions than provide answers because the the the the variety of situations in this room could be vast blended families single moms husband over here remarried again there's so many different contexts so i know sometimes you may feel like man we didn't touch this and we didn't answer this i would pray that this would provoke you to explore more so that you can provide answers in the home to help your children out because they i'll say what i said last night listen to me you may have broken up in the relationship where you're no longer with him single mom and i don't know where that pain is but i need to tell you this you need to work that out privately either with him or in counseling but you cannot leverage your children and keep them away from him because something in the child will always want to know more about the parent that's gone my mama was there when my daddy wasn't it she used to tell me all the time i'm your dad and i believed that when my brain was small but when i got older i looked at mama and i said there's something about it that doesn't feel right because even though i know you were there and i applaud you and i throw confetti there's something in my heart that's yearning to know a little bit more about him and you know it whether you're an oh you come from an orphanage whether you're adopted you know that even though you love the people who were there as guardians you know there's something yearning for father [Music] father right now in the name of jesus we thank you lord for your spirit we thank you because you said that those who are led by the spirit of god are sons daughters of god and you said that you haven't given us a spirit that makes us a slave again to fear but you gave us the spirit of adoption and by that spirit we cry out abba father so we thank you for restoring the look of fatherhood that you're not an angry god a hanging no you are a loving compassionate father who tries to restore the gap of sin and shame so that we can see you in your rightful place because you love us more than our own parents love us heal what's going on in this place heal every location and everyone who's watching begin a new work in their lives a lot a work of redemption and restoration in jesus name now listen if you're here right now and you don't know jesus when i say this i don't mean figuratively i mean there are many people who go to church but are not in relationship with the abba do you know jesus as your lord and savior jesus came to set the motto provide sacrifice for sin to set you free if you don't know jesus as your personal lord and savior you say today is my day to start fresh with him i need him in my life if that's you whether you are at a different location whether you're online or you're here just say emmy pray for me because i need to hit reset in this area of my life and make jesus lord and restore the image of the father over my life come on let's pray for all these people who are raising their hands and who are online as well say this with me everyone say heavenly father i thank you for jesus and the restoration of humanity i repent of my sin and i surrender my life i make you lord over my life use me fill me with your holy spirit in jesus name amen come on guys let's put our hands together [Music] wow wow what a such a good message from this unbelievable unbelievable uh day in church yeah man i love church man so thankful for a church like ours and to be a part and uh congratulations if you just prayed that prayer with pastor emmy at the very end right there to make that decision to to to make make jesus the lord of your life to give your life to surrender to him congratulations we are so excited for you we really are and we would love to come alongside of you now that you've made that decision not only to celebrate you but really to help resource you in your relationship with god there's a link that's coming up in the chat we would love to know if you made a fresh start today so go ahead click on that link let us know so we can celebrate you and then we want to get you a resource it's actually a book called fresh start with god our senior pastor pastor john wrote it with you and mine all about what your next steps are it's seven short chapters that you can read easily it's a quick read but it really will give you some practical steps on really what steps you can take in your relationship with god now that you've made that decision you might be thinking what do i do now well check out this book we've got it for you we want to give it to you for free just to again help resource you and then really just to celebrate you because it is the best decision you could ever make yeah man what a great decision and let somebody know in your world i encourage you to tell somebody write it in the chat say hey i made it fresh started and there'll be uh tens of hundreds of people that'll congratulate you right away so i encourage you to do that it's it's powerful to let somebody else know hey you know what i made a decision to give my life to jesus it kind of seals it in your heart and then grab that resource it'll help encourage you like pastor caitlin said amazing amazing hey if you're with us for the first time if you join the online service if you just tuned in uh for any length of time for the first time to the life church service online we want to say welcome first off and we're so glad that you are here but we also want you to let us know we want us we want you to click the link and and let us know that you were with us today hey you know what i was new here today i enjoyed service and uh we would love just to welcome you one and we would love to give you a gift for being a part of our service today we're so thankful that you are here we love having new people in god's house it's actually one of our values is that is that we make room for new people hospitality we we're so we're making room for you today there's a place for you to get connected in and be a part of our church even even if it's just online we have a whole campus it's just online and so we would love for you to be a part of that and so congratulations for being here for the first time is exciting and thank you for letting us know yeah listen we are so excited like pastor adam said that you are here and there really is a place for everybody one of the one of my favorite things about our church is whether you're in person or whether you're online there is a place for you and one of the best ways to figure out where your place is is discovery okay discovery is your best really next step to get it connected in the online campus and in the life church and really you'll learn all about who we are as a church our vision and our values but not only that you'll learn about yourself and how god has gifted you and really just created you with talents to really impact your world and impact his kingdom and so there's a link that's coming up if you want to get plugged into the online campus we would love to have you click on that link let us know we've got a team that's just excited and ready to help you take that next step and really help you grow and help you get planted in god's house so many people always ask me like man how do i get plugged into the life church online like i've been watching for a little while and i'd love to i'd love to do more than just watch well this is it discovery is it click on that link let us know that you want to be a part of discovery it's super easy it's all virtual and it's really quick so jump in learn about our church learn about how god has gifted you really learn how you can make a difference through our online campus we would love to have you be a part of our team part of our online family so jump into discovery today discovery plant your life in god's house the bible says that those who are planted in the house of the lord will flourish in the courts and it's so true so true jump in uh how do you plant yourself in god's house well then you go through discovery yes and you start coming to church and you start watching every single week online and you come to it maybe come to a physical location you're a part of the social like we talked about earlier and just keep going yeah we have another great step for you as well say you know what hey i am planted in god's house i am a part of the online campus and i want i want to take another step i want to keep going in and taking a step into what god has for me leadership foundations is for you if you have completed discovery if you're a part of our church if you're serving leadership foundations is your next step here at the life church we call leadership foundations the starting point for leadership so if you want to get started in leadership if you want to grow in leadership check out leadership foundations it's an eight-week course and it's uh for our online campus it's completely virtual completely online that we have the whole course set up where you can you can take it all online and it's really an amazing course our team has been working over the past few weeks of refreshing the curriculum and making sure you know it's relevant for where we are right now as a church and let me just tell you it's amazing amazing course it will make a difference in your leadership i believe this the biblical leadership which is what you learn in leadership foundations transcends just church it goes beyond that it goes into your personal life it goes into your home life if you want to be a better mom dad husband wife uh whatever it may be that where you are in life i encourage you to sign up for leadership foundations it'll make you a better employee a better boss all of those things and so it's for those that are uh either a senior in high school or even to a senior in life you can you can always take a step in leadership so i encourage you make the investment in yourself sign up online today and do leadership foundations it'll make a difference in your life yeah it will and so many people really we have so many people that come to us after being a part of leadership foundations even with our online campus i love hearing so many people's stories about how it really made a difference not only in their church world but also in their workplace in their family in all these different environments and they're like even personally how it's just challenged them to stretch and grow as a leader so again we're passionate about leadership i know i remember last semester peeking in on some of the online classes some of the zoom calls that you did with our leadership foundations class it was pretty cool it was amazing so yeah really good yeah it was good well hey one more thing i want to tell you about before we go is zoe knight ladies listen up it is an amazing night we have planned for you guys october 1st go ahead and mark your calendars 7 p.m central standard time we've got pastor holly wagner in with us we're going to have an amazing night we've got an amazing online experience created for our online family but listen i would encourage you if you are around our houston levee location if you live around our houston levee area join us in person if not make sure you're online with us because we're going to have a really fun night for you and we would love to have you host a zoe social if maybe you're not around one of our physical locations you want to invite some friends over host to zoe social you just gotta do three quick things i'm gonna tell you about it real quick number one invite some people right invite some people to come over number two have food and then number three have fun okay we're providing the fun for you so invite some friends family members it's a great night to invite somebody to be a part of of the life church be a part of zoey night it's a great opportunity to invite somebody to church but then really listen regardless whether you're having a zoe social or whether you just want to be a part of zoe knight online we would love to have you mark your calendars there's a link that's coming up in the chat if you do want to host a social or just learn really more about uh zoey night in general you can click on that link and find out all those details awesome zoey night well hey it's good been a great day in god's house i'm gonna pray and let you go god we just thank you for this amazing day lord i thank you for all those that tuned in online god i pray that you bless them let your favor rest upon them and that they have a great week and i pray all these things in jesus name amen god bless you have a great day [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Life Church
Views: 2,329
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Id: HR55EHamApE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 33sec (6153 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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