FATHERHOOD - Part One // Pastor Johnny Hill

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well what's up life church new york family come on it's so good to be in the house so good to be here to get to be here with our family i love pastor wayne and classy and pastor jim and heather all the team that's here and all the team that's serving all around all our volunteers and just everybody involved at the life church come on i'm so thankful that we are one church in many locations come on why don't you thank god for all our church family all those watching online as well come on it's so good to be in the house of god and i love getting to be a part of our church actually this month i'll be celebrating personally 16 years as a part of the life church and uh like allison said i get to serve overseeing all of our worship for all of our locations and man i was blessed in worship this morning come on didn't the team do so good this morning i'm so thankful for all of our teams that lead us at all all our locations and andy's doing a great job in the team leading us in worship this morning well come on we're going to jump into god's word why don't you get your bibles out get your notebooks out we've got a saying around the life church we say note takers are history makers because we believe if you write it down you can remember it and you can pass it on to somebody else and help to make a difference and help to change their lives and this weekend we're starting a new series called fatherhood and our hope is really to help all of us tap into the father's heart for our world that is truly in truly in a crisis uh when it comes to fatherlessness and and the goal of this series is not to beat up on dads at all but really uh to highlight the magnitude and the significance of the role of fathers in our families in our neighborhoods and in our society as whole as a whole and you know we can't change the past no matter how much energy we dedicate toward it we can't change the past but we can sow seeds toward a better future can i get a good amen from the life church new york family because the reality is we can't stay here y'all god our heavenly father he's got so much better for us and i love that we can call him our heavenly father and it starts with all of us getting his heart getting the father's heart but also really calling men up to the standard of fatherhood that our god himself has set and so that they take their rightful place in our churches in our neighborhoods in our society as a whole and throughout every season of life and i know in talking about this subject i know it can be a very difficult subject for many of us and in fact if i pull the room and if i polled you that are watching online i'd probably get a varying degree of of experience that's shared when it comes to fatherhood in our own lives each of us has a story and maybe maybe you've been blessed to be able to talk about how amazing your dad is but yet you can look around and you can easily see that that's not everybody's story you look around and you can see the hurt you can see the pain you can see those that have been impacted you know by fatherlessness or impacted in a negative way by a father for many people our experience has been that our father was maybe absent for some of us maybe our father abandoned us or or maybe we never knew who he was for for some of us maybe he was physically present but he was disconnected emotionally mentally and spiritually or maybe he was indifferent or maybe he was too busy maybe he was unreasonable maybe he was a hard man maybe he was abusive and maybe there's some trauma associated to your life your past and your history when it comes to your father but i want you to know no matter where you are on the spectrum i want you to know that in god our heavenly father there's hope come on there is hope because we have a heavenly father who loves us and and if you've been hurt by your father or hurt by a father figure i want you to know that in no way do i minimize what you've walked through in no way do i minimize your experience but my prayer and my hope is that maybe you have found or maybe you can find the healing and the restoration that you need that only comes from god our father because he's the only perfect father right god's the only one that's perfect but also that you're able to live today without holding on to any resentment or any bitterness because the reality is all that does is put you in a prison but y'all we're in a critical state when it comes to father involvement it's very critical in fact the book of malachi paints a picture that i believe represents a lot of what we see today in malachi chapter 4 right at the end of the old testament the prophet malachi he was declaring what the lord says the lord said behold i will send you elisha the prophet he was talking about ultimately it was fulfilled in john the baptist but before the great and terrible day of the lord comes and look at this he talks about the spirit of elijah and the spirit of elijah says he shall turn and reconcile the hearts of the estranged fathers i love this how the amplified says i love the amplified bible because it's louder some of y'all will get that tomorrow in the car like oh but the hearts of the estranged fathers to the ungodly children and the hearts of the rebellious children to the piety of their fathers a reconciliation produced by repentance of the ungodly come on reconciliation only happens through repentance repentance what is that the turning away so we turn first away from our sin to god our father and then the lord says i want to turn the hearts of the fathers and the children back toward one another lest i come and smite the land with a curse and a ban of utter destruction and we might look out in our land and we see the effects of fatherlessness we see the effect of disconnected fathers we see the effect of absent fathers and i want to say again no shame on you if you find yourself in that position as a father in that position as someone with your father no shame on you but we find ourselves in these positions where we live in a world that all around us we see devastation that can be correct can be directly tied back to to fatherlessness or strained relationships with fathers in fact president obama in his famous father's day speech in 2008 he said this he said of all the rocks upon which we build our lives we are reminded today that family is the most important and we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation they are teachers and coaches they are mentors and role models they are examples of success and the men who constantly push us toward it but if we are honest with ourselves we'll admit that what too many fathers also are is missing missing from too many lives and too many homes they have abandoned their responsibility acting like boys instead of men and the foundation foundations of our families are weaker because of it you and i know how true this is in the african-american community he highlighted that community but we all know it's bigger than that it transcends race it transcends social economic status but we know that more than half of black children live in a single parent live in single-parent households a number that has doubled since we were children we know the statistics he said he said that children who grow up without a father listen to this children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit a crime nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison they're more likely to have behavioral problems or run away from home or become teenage parents themselves and the foundations of our community are weaker because of it yo we look around and we see all the devastation we see what looks like the curse of this absence of fathers and in fact today in the u.s one in three children grow up in a home without a father in fact 90 percent of children who run away from home have an absent father 71 percent of high school dropouts are fatherless men who grow up with absent fathers are more likely to become absent fathers themselves ladies who grow up with absent fathers are more likely to parent children with absent fathers even in the very beginning critical stages of life infant mortality for babies with absent fathers is four times more likely in the first 28 days of life y'all we got a problem it's a crisis and the list goes on and on and on and we can look around and see all these problems that we see in society far beyond what i could cover in just the time that i have and the reality is that in a perfect world the family structure would be completely intact however y'all that's not the world we live in we don't live in a perfect world we live in a broken and fallen world and even from the very very beginning the foundation of family and fathers has been under attack because the enemy understands the magnitude and the significant impact that fathers can make and so he wants to undermine the authority and undermine the influence that fathers can have but thank god there's hope even with all these problems thank god there's hope come on do you believe that church there's hope in our heavenly father in fact galatians chapter 4 verse 4-7 the apostle paul said this he said but when the right time came god sent his son born of a woman subject to the law god sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law so that he could adopt us as his very own children man i'm so thankful for that and because we are his children god has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts prompting us to call out abba father come on we can call on him our father now you are no longer a slave but god's own child and since you are his child god has made you his heir y'all we don't live in a perfect world but thank god we have a perfect heavenly father who has adopted us as his own children and that maybe we go through life and maybe we see people around us that grow up without a dad but they don't have to live a life fatherless because we have a heavenly father we have a heavenly father who says you are my child come on growing up we sing a song that says if anybody asks you who i am tell them i'm a child of god i'm god's own child and see we know that we don't live in a perfect world but the spirit of the father is really the essence of what a father should be and what he's calling us to be he's calling men to be fathers but he's really calling all of us to be carriers of the father's heart that can make a real difference in this world you see because what i understand is that that yes all along the way i experienced men pointing to my lives but even my mother had the father's heart you see because i'm not talking about this as somebody who doesn't know firsthand i'm not talking about this as somebody who heard about it or based on somebody else's story or what somebody else told me but about 10 days ago august 27 would have been my father's 65th birthday but when i was four years old my father he was struck by a car and after 10 days in a coma when he was declared brain dead my mom had to make the very difficult decision to let him go and i remember the times when she struggled because she was left to race four of us my oldest sister was eight my second sister was six i was four my brother was two she was struggled to raise us without her husband without our father in and i remember how sometimes we didn't have enough i remember how she put in effort to just try to make ends meet i remember how sometimes even personally i felt this void in my heart when i saw my friends with their dad and i remember those things that i walked around how difficult it was on my mom with four children but you know what also what else i remember i remember how all along the way god strategically placed people in my life he strategically placed men in my life that carried the father's heart all along the way and they made deposits in my life all along the way and so i was able to experience the father's heart i was able to experience a sense of being fathered all along the way because of the impact that people that carry god's heart poured into my life and y'all that's who god has called us to be maybe you might not maybe you don't have biological children of your own but you're still required to carry the father's heart i think about my story and i think about the impact that was made in and i believe that from my story there are things i learned along the way things i experienced along the way that that i believe are really the ingredients of godly fatherhood and because i'm at the life church in new york in pastor wayne's territory i thought i'd throw out a little alliteration so all my points this week start with the letter p come on somebody shout out to pastor wayne the first one is this positivity everybody say positivity oh come on everybody say positivity you see in a negative world fathers can be a positive voice in a negative world fathers can be a positive voice see biblically we see that the blessing or the positivity the the uplifting of the father was so important and guess what y'all it's still important we've got to do everything we can to make sure that the blessing of the father is not absent in our world today the father's blessing was so important that jacob was willing to steal and cheat his brother out of his blessing because of how much it meant for the father to speak well the same way that the bible says this by the blessing of the upright a city is exalted well i believe that it's by the blessing of father's children are exalted children are lifted it's through our words it's through our positive words that we can bring a lift to our children as fathers the impact that we make i remember growing up one of my earliest memories i would always ask my dad to touch the ceiling i would always ask him to touch the ceiling i thought it was like the most amazing thing in the world that he could touch the ceiling you know my mind goes all the way back to even at four years old i would say can you touch the ceiling touch the ceiling but my favorite part was when he would pick me up so that i could touch the ceiling y'all that's the father's heart that's the father's heart that we would lift somebody else up and y'all that's what we do with our words that's what we do with our positivity we bring a lift come on somebody say lift who are you lifting up we see this present even in the way that god our father interacted with jesus in matthew chapter 3 verse 17 when jesus had gone down to the jordan to be baptized and john the baptist was even hesitant to baptize him but once he baptized when he came up out of the water the bible says that the holy spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove and it says in verse 17 and a voice from heaven said this is my son whom i love with him i am well pleased this is my son i love him and i am well pleased maybe you might feel like as a dad you haven't done the best job of speaking blessing over your children and speaking well of your children you might even say pastor johnny i don't even know what to say bro i don't even know what to say well i encourage you to say exactly the things that god says start right here you are mine i love you and i am well pleased y'all that's what people in our world need to hear they need to hear that sense of family that sense of connection that sense of identity they need to hear that somebody loves them and they need to hear hey i'm pleased with you right now before you've even performed i'm pleased with you that's the father's heart that's exactly what god our father did and that's where we can start but unfortunately so often instead of being positive we can provoke our children instead instead of being positive we can provoke people instead ephesians chapter chapter 6 says verse 4 fathers do not irritate and provoke your children to anger do not exasperate them to resent to resentment but rear them tenderly everybody say tenderly in the training and discipline and counsel and admonition of the lord tenderly what does that require that requires me to have self-control because sometimes i don't want to be tender you know sometimes people think when it comes to being a man and being a leader and being all those things that i have to be i got to be the man i got to show them the man i got to show it in my aggression i got to show it in my anger when the real real reality is a strong sign of being a godly father is having self-control because if i'm going to lead others i first lead myself well i first leave myself well and i have self-control and i model what god our heavenly father does in psalm 148 verse 8 when it says the lord is merciful and compassionate and slow to get angry filled and filled with unfailing love here's how we know when we've tapped into the father's heart we know that we've tapped into the father's heart when our hearts start to become full of his unfailing love when the love in our heart doesn't waver when our children don't make the decisions that they want us to make when the person we're pouring into the goes off the rails and doesn't do what we want them what we feel like they should do that our heart is full of unfailing love that we're full of mercy we're slow to get angry come on we want to have that first one that first step that first ingredient that we see is positivity come on somebody say positivity but the second one is protection the second one is protection you see in the natural if somebody was to kick in the door in my house at the middle of the night they would find out real quick who the protector of my home is y'all know what i'm talking about click click some of y'all i heard a comedian say one time some people hope and some people wish i know some of y'all will throw it off and like you wish like some people like i hope nobody breaks into our house some of y'all like man i wish somebody would try to break up in my house somebody are itching waiting for something to happen but hey protection goes beyond just that protection goes beyond just that in fact one of the things that we have to understand is what the enemy tries to do is bind up fathers and bind up people so that we can't protect what's valuable matthew 12 29 jesus said this or again how can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man then he can plunder his house y'all do you understand that we have an enemy the devil who goes to and fro like a roaring lion looking for whom he can devour he's looking for some houses to plunder he's looking for some lives to plunder he's looking for some people to plunder but we've got to have some people that have the heart of the father that say not on my watch that say i'm going to protect that say i'm going to be the one that's going to protect what's most valuable it's not just our physical possessions but come on we protect integrity we protect our beliefs we protect our values we protect our families young guys we want to protect young ladies from our lack of self-control come on somebody there's that protection that we have to carry in our hearts but another part of that is when it comes to protection is coming to the aid of those that are helpless here's what i like to say godly fathers don't ignore the cry of the helpless people with the father's heart they don't ignore they can't ignore the cry of the helpless i remember one time i was on a flight from l.a and it was probably about a i think it was about like a i don't know three hour flight four hour flight back to memphis and and we got down to like maybe the last hour and a half of the flight and there was this baby she started crying i mean like it was one of those like screaming like you could tell like man she is not liking this flight not enjoying this flight just like screaming crying and this was back when i was a single man i didn't have any kids i have a five-year-old and a three-year-old now and so my perspective is a lot different than it was back then because in that moment i did what any good christian would do i put my headphones in and i turned them up as loud as i could get them but it was in that moment that i felt a check in my heart and it was like i heard the lord say you know what johnny i never do that to you see we have a heavenly father who never ignores our cries he never puts his headphones in and turns the singing of the angels way up so he can't hear us we have a heavenly father who always inclines his ear to our cry and guess what y'all we know when we've got the father's heart but we can't ignore the cry of the helpless when we see a need and we got to go out and do something come on that's what i love about our church when we see a need when we see there's flooding in our city we're going to go out and make a difference we're going to go out and bring some water we're going to go out and bring some diapers we're going to go out and help people clean out their house why because we carry the heart of the father that's who god has called us to be we can't ignore their cry look at proverbs 21 13 says if a man shuts his ear to the cry of the poor he too will cry out and not be answered that's strong don't get mad at me i ain't right it's strong you know you have the father's heart when you can't ignore the cries of the poor the desperate the lonely those battling addictions as a father when we see our children in pain we take it on for ourselves just like god our father did he saw us in pain the pain of sin and he took it on himself come on there's protection but next come on i told you i got all p's third one provision somebody say provision provision and this is not just financial provision i think we live in a world that's so materialistic you know even the idea of child support only means money well that's not all the support that children need it's bigger than that somebody say it's bigger than that in fact proverbs 13 22 i love what it says in the apple of our flight i'm from louisiana y'all i can't get words right in the amplified version it says a good man leaves an inheritance of moral stability and goodness to his children's children and the wealth of a sinner finds its way eventually into the hands of the righteous for whom it is laid up notice that it's not just financial yes we you know i want to leave a financial inheritance to my children but even more i want to leave an inheritance of moral stability and goodness see good fathers provide a spiritual inheritance to their children because our god works generation to generation that's why he says i'm the god of abraham isaac and jacob and so that we want to make sure that our children and even those that god has placed around us to pour into to be spiritual sons and daughters those people that they have a spiritual inheritance because of our lives we're called to live a life of legacy that we do more through other people than we do on our own i love this verse in first chronicles chapter 22 it gives us this picture of how david king david he had it in his heart to build the temple but he wasn't able to build it look at what happened king david said my son he was talking to solomon i wanted to build a temple to honor the name of the lord my god david told him but the lord said to me you have killed many men in the battles you have fought david had a lot of blood on his hands and since you have shed much blood in my sight you will not be the one to build a temple to honor my name but you will have a son who will be a man of peace come on whatever god builds he builds him peace that's another sermon right there he says i will give him peace with his enemies in all the surrounding lands his name will be solomon and i will give peace and quiet to israel during his reign he is the one who will build the temple to honor my name he will be my son and i will be his father come on the lord says the same thing about you you will be my son you will be my darling i will be your father and i will secure the throne of his kingdom over israel forever he was talking about jesus now my son may the lord be with you and give you success as you follow his directions in building the temple of the lord your god and may the lord give you wisdom and understanding that you may obey the law of the lord your god as you rule over israel for you will be successful if you carefully follow if you carefully obey the decrees and regulations that the lord gave to israel through moses be strong and courageous do not be afraid or lose heart this is my favorite part verse 14 david tells his son this i have worked hard to provide miracles for the building of the temple here's the father's heart david was saying he gave him all this great advice about building and he spoke well he spoke that fatherly blessing you're going to be successful he gave him wisdom follow the decrees of the lord with everything you've got to do hold on to the decrees of the lord but here's what a good father does he said i've worked hard to provide so that you can build that's the father's heart that i'm more committed what's going to be built on my shoulders than what i'm doing right now i'm gonna do the hard work i'm gonna make sure i overcome the things in my life i'm gonna make sure that i do everything i can to position you to go on to do even greater for the name of the lord everything he was doing it wasn't to make solomon's name great it wasn't to make david's name great but it was for the name of the lord and y'all that's the kind of legacy that you build when you've got the heart of the father come on somebody that's what you build see godly fathers people that have the father's heart they leave a provision of wisdom a provision of guidance a provision of stability consistency leadership emotional support a provision of wise counsel come on not just money but our presence and how we live a selfless life that's about more than what we can do but what others can do standing on our shoulders how about this one so not just provision but passion can you tell i'm passionate today i got my sweat towel this service i didn't have it last service but passion passion here's what i say godly fathers are not our godly fathers are passionate not passive that means when you've got the father's heart you set the tone with passion that means when you've got the father's heart you don't just sit by and sit back and wait that means when you've got the father's heart you don't hesitate you initiate when i've got the father's heart i'm not a thermometer i'm a i'm a thermostat i'm setting the temperature see we've got to make a choice that we're not going to pass the buck to somebody else you see while everybody else is looking for somebody to blame people with the father's heart are already taking responsibility just because it's not my fault doesn't mean it can't be my responsibility man that's a good approach to life to have right there that i'm not looking for somebody to blame but i'm looking for ways that i can take responsibility joshua 24 i love joshua he had this passionate heart he says but if you refuse to serve the lord then choose today whom you will serve would you prefer the gods of your ancestors the gods your ancestors serve beyond the euphrates or will it be the gods of the amorites in whose land you now live but as for me and my family we will serve the lord see we've got to have that same kind of conviction as for me and my family as for me and the people that god has made me responsible for as for me and the people that god has put in my world another version says as for me and my house my household everything that touches me every person that comes into my atmosphere every person that comes into my life i'm gonna make sure that i'm not passive but i'm gonna be passionate and make sure that they are impacted by the presence of god they will serve the lord come on we got to be passionate passionate about the things of god you know it's going to take some people that say come on i'm not just going to sit back but i'm going to make a difference every time we invite somebody to church we're showing our passion every time we worship with all our heart we show on our passion every time we love somebody and we're generous towards somebody we're showing our passion every time we show somebody grace when they really don't deserve it we're showing our passion come on indifference is a dangerous mindset we got enough people that have it we don't need you to be one of them god's calling us to have the father's heart a heart of passion the god god who loved us so much that he sent jesus to save us a god who took action he wasn't passive god didn't wait aren't you glad that god didn't wait i'm so glad god didn't wait he didn't say wait till you get your act together but the bible says while we were yet sinners when we were lost and y'all we have to have that same perspective when we see people around us see when the father's heart is on the inside of you you see people differently and you don't hesitate you take action how about this last one purpose everybody say purpose purpose purpose many are the plans in a man's heart but it's the lord's purpose that will prevail it's his purpose the lord wants to awaken purpose on the inside of us but he wants us to be the kind of people that help to bring out purpose in people and the impact that fathers can make in this area when it comes to their children and the impact especially that men you know god's talking to all of us but man there's something powerful when godly men get the father's heart and they speak purpose they don't leave things to happenstance but they father on purpose you know our children's purpose is to fulfill god's call and so we have to stew with them well you know one of the i think one of the most underrated fathers in the bible is joseph the earthly father of jesus can you imagine being joseph man talk about an assignment like so wait i gotta raise god's son yo he wouldn't have picked me because i would have messed the whole thing up y'all wouldn't even know jesus if it was up to me it's like but i have to race like you can't get this one wrong i can't mess up with jesus like god's son but one of the amazing things i see about joseph i think there's some moments in joseph's life that give us a glimpse as to why the lord chose him because of what he understood about purpose matthew chapter 1 verse 20 you have this story where joseph he had just found out that mary they were engaged to be married and he finds out that barry's pregnant and it's for the lord it's like the lord like okay but joseph he was a good man and the bible says that he wanted to put her away quietly joseph was like hey mary i'm not going to put your business in the streets we're just going to end this thing we're going to move on and act like nothing ever happened but the bible says in matthew 1 verse 20 it says but after he had considered this an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream and said joseph son of david i love that jesus is called the son of david do not be afraid to take mary home as your wife because what is conceived in her is from the holy spirit come on what god's conceiving in our children what god's conceiving and those that we're pouring our lives into it's not of us but it's from the holy spirit she will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name jesus because he will save his people from their sins verse 24 it says when joseph woke up he did what the angel of the lord had commanded him when joseph was awakened when he became aware his heart was to do what god was commanding and that's our prayer that even through this series that we would wake up to the heart of the father and that we would follow through and do what the lord is commanding us and he took mary home as his wife but he did not consummate the marriage until she gave birth to a son that's a whole another message right there he wasn't trying to take credit for what god was doing and he gave him the name jesus that name jesus that was directly tied to his purpose joseph understood that the purpose that was in jesus was bigger than his life bigger than his embarrassment bigger than his reputation bigger than his desires bigger than him and mary it was bigger than that because when jesus walked into his ministry joseph was already dead but there was a time that came in jesus life when he went back home and people were like isn't that just the carpenter's son that lets me know that joseph had done a great job of fully embracing jesus as his son fully important fully pouring into jesus as his son that even other people identified him as the son of joseph and y'all we've got to have that same kind of heart i don't have to get credit for what god's doing but i'm going to pour into this person i'm going to pour into my children and i'm going to release them into god's purpose come on we got to have positivity we've got to have a harder protection a harder provision a harder passion and a heart that's fully yielded to god's purpose come on do you receive that this weekend come on let's really thank god for his word why don't we do this let's all bow our heads and close our eyes and i want to take a moment to talk to you about the spiritual condition of your life the reality is we were all born sinners we were all born with this tendency to miss god's mark to miss his standard and the penalty for that sin is eternal separation from god our loving father and his death but god loved us so much that he didn't want us to experience that in fact jesus is called the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world why because he was slain for our sins that was god's plan that jesus would die in our place he would take our place he would take on our punishment so that we could receive life just like a loving father does he took on the pain so his children didn't have to but how do we receive the forgiveness that jesus provided when he died on the cross the bible says that when we confess with our mouth that jesus is lord and we believe in our hearts that god raised him from the dead we will be saved that word saved literally means to be rescued and maybe that's what you need my friend you need to be rescued from your sin rescued from living a life outside the purpose and the plan of god and rescue to now now to walk in relationship with him so we're about to pray a prayer we call it a fresh start prayer or a prayer of salvation to give you the chance to confess with your mouth as maybe you're believing in your heart for the very first time you might even be here and say you know what johnny i prayed a prayer like that a long time ago but i've walked away from the lord well my friend today is the day to get things right once and for all so with every head bowed and every eye closed even if you're watching online if you would say i need to be included in this prayer i'm just going to ask you to do one thing with some boldness i'm not going to embarrass you in any way i'll call you down front there's nothing wrong with that but for our purposes today i just want you to lift a hand right now if you would say i need to pray this prayer for the first time or i need to pray as an act of renewal come on lift it up high don't be afraid don't be ashamed there's people praying for you right now there's been people praying for you all sin all week this is your way of showing me and showing god that i want to be included in this room i see a couple hands here in the auditorium i see another hand anyone else would join those that have their hands up awesome even if you're online you can lift a hand there and later on click that link let somebody on our team know you made this decision awesome come on church why don't we pray this prayer out loud in support of those that are praying it for the very first time or as an actor renewal say this with me father god come on say it strong father god thank you for sending jesus to down the cross of me and to rise again so i could have a new life i asked you to forgive me fill me with your holy spirit and help me to live for you for the rest of my life in jesus name amen amen come on church oh come on let's really thank god for all those who prayed that prayer
Channel: The Life Church New York
Views: 168
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 7CPo87rwFkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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