Encounter Night - 6:00p

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up everybody welcome to the life church online it is encounter night and we have an incredible night plan we're so glad that you are on we're going to hang out here in our pre-service for just a couple minutes before we jump in all together for service but my name is caitlin and my name is trey and guys welcome on behalf of the life church man we're so excited that you all are here with us it is encounter night come on we're closing out our 21 days of prayer and we've got so much planned for you tonight it's going to be an awesome night we hope that you come waiting and willing to experience something with god well we're going to be here in pre-service for a little bit longer we've got some things planned for you here and then we're going to get ready to jump into service while we're here hey we've got our online family watching with us but also we have our austin p location watching with us live right now what's up austin p come on shout out to austin pete come on come on let me hear y'all out there that's right throw some love in the chat look if you're watching with us shout out to our awesome p location live right now with us for encounter nights come on man we're so excited that you guys are here with us you could be anywhere else but guys you're here with us online campus we're so happy for you so hey we're going to be here a little bit longer then we're going to jump into service for uh worship great time of worship pastor john has an amazing and powerful message that you don't want to miss and then after that we're going to jump right back here into post service so hey right now just limit all distractions right get get ready get everything out of the way if you gotta if you gotta pull your car out of your driveway and put it in the street take everything out whatever you gotta do to get what god has for you tonight we're so excited for you and god's gonna move hey encounter night we're here what are you expecting that's right listen hey why don't you let somebody know that encounter night's happening right now why don't you take a second and share this service we ask you to do it every single week every time we have church because it's important to let somebody know that church is happening it's a simple way to invite somebody to join you for church right now so why don't you take a second click the share button if you're on facebook or maybe you're on youtube you can even grab the link right off of there you can send it in a group text you can hit the share button on facebook post it to your profile whatever you've got to do to invite somebody to let them know that encounter night is happening tonight it's going to be a great night and you don't want them to miss out you never know somebody could be scrolling we say this every weekend because somebody could be scrolling on their facebook tonight hopeless and lonely and doubting or whatever it might be and they click on it they see encounter night and god could meet them right there and their life could be completely changed because you took a second and you shared the service so why don't you take a second right now hit that share button invite somebody to encounter night don't let them miss out don't come to encounter night alone let somebody join you tonight come on do it right now go ahead and share and while you're sharing hey why don't you just go ahead and shout out where you are who you are where you're watching from who you're watching with we love shout outs here at the life church online campus we love to see where you all are watching from we've got several of our online campuses watching with us tonight and then hey we've got people from all over the world who end up watching with us so right now why don't you shout out where you're watching from who you're watching with and and your name we're going to have facebook and youtube pulled up here in a second and we're going to shout you guys out come on go ahead and start the conversations and everything we've got people tuning in from all over us all of our locations watching really all over the world and so we're excited so go ahead comment in the chat let us know maybe even what campus you're representing as a part of the life church tonight well hey if you haven't heard already right here with our online campus a couple weeks ago we launched something pretty cool called socials and if you don't know what a social is really it's a local in-person gathering of a community of people that live in a similar part of town or maybe a part of the country or a city and really they're gathering together and they're engaging in the life church online you might be thinking okay well that's pretty cool but what if i don't live around a physical location well there might be a social near you we've actually launched two socials one in nashville and then one in tipton county and if you're interested in being a part of a social or maybe even starting a social in a place where we don't have a physical location near you well all you have to do is click on the link that's coming up in the chat we would love for you to join in a social maybe that is near you or if you're interested in starting a social and being a social leader we would love to connect with you about that so go ahead click on the link that's coming up in the chat right now or even scan the qr code that's on the screen and you'll get connected about all things socials that's right let's go ahead and just jump into some shout outs let's do it filling it come on i've got facebook pulled up you've i got you two that's right who are some people who you want to shout out look i'm gonna shout out right now deidra thompson is on with us on youtube we've got sherry thomas we've got tabitha green we've got reggie tate come on shout out to reggie watching from atlanta georgia tonight come on we love reggie we got deborah and ron jackson we've got titangamer type that's just a cool name that's just a cool name i don't know who you are titangamer but we're all with you listen who you got on facebook tonight okay i've got okay kristen smith over here you shared already i see you you got blair price watching from arlington we got belinda palmer from birmingham alabama and then we've got tamil sisney from houston texas come on i love it kimberly jordan watching from okay gt campus watching cordova we got downtown campus representing abigail cui is watching we just launched downtown so shout out to them we've got christa matheny on come on shout out to krista watching with us tonight so many people in the chat listen again shout out to our online campus family shout out to our austin p family that's joining in live right now for free service so if you're over at the austin pete location we are shouting you out tonight we're glad that you're here for encounter night you're getting ready getting pumped up we're going to join into worship just a minute but keep coming in the chat keep letting us know where you're watching from today and parents listen i want to let you know about something special that is happening okay something special that is uh happening tonight actually for encounter night encounter night's not just for you but it's actually for kids as well we have an entire service that is planned for your kids to be a part of okay so we want you to be able to check out uh all that kid's life has to offer you can actually click the link that's coming up in the chat you can follow our kids life youtube channel and you can see there all of the things uh that you can uh it's access there we've got a live service not a live service but we got a service have a worship and a message and all of that for your kids that you can check out right there and then also you can actually check out we have a really cool parent resource page that you can go on parents you can see all of the really cool resources we've got like activity pages and stuff for your kids to do so this is what i would encourage you parents listen up real quick we've got encounter night happening for you but we've got an encounter night happening for your kids okay so go ahead set aside get them in a different room get them set up on a laptop whatever you got to do pull up kids life youtube channel go ahead and subscribe to it if you haven't already and then get them ready to engage in service because i believe that god wants to meet with your kid not just with you tonight but i believe that god has a purpose and a plan to meet with your child as well and so why don't you go ahead get them set up right there get them plugged in whether it's on a laptop whether it's on a tv whatever you got to do set up kids life youtube get them plugged in for encounter night tonight and they get them their activity pages whatever you want to do and then hey real quick plug for the weekend kids life on the weekend we actually have live small groups so if your kids are online with us if your family is online part of our online campus we would love for them to join in every single weekend for our kids life live weekend of services and small groups that we've got right there so you can see all the information if you go to thelivechurch.com or simply like i said click on the link that's coming up in the chat you can see all of that info but tonight get them plugged in come on we got a great kid's life experience for them for a counter night so make sure that they don't miss out on that that's right guys kids life hey get your kids involved and that you're you're not gonna regret having them there right so many great things there well we're about to get ready to jump into service but before we do yeah we have a game that we want to play with you guys i hope that you're ready because this game is actually going to test how well you know some worship songs all right so if you're anything like me you know i like to you know when i'm listening on sundays or saturdays i get back i'm like man i wish i knew the songs that they were singing because i want to add them to my playlist you know i want to think that i'm in the choir while i'm in the car or in the shower or anything i just want to worship well we're going to give you guys a sneak peek right to some of the songs that they're sent that they're singing because we're bringing the worship tonight because i mean the worship is going to be on we are bringing the worship tonight hey listen we were joking earlier but for real whatever you got to do to get ready to worship because if that means you got to push the couch out of the way you got to move the coffee table you got to put the dogs in the kennel whatever you want to do like you even said what did you say earlier go ahead and move the car out the driveway you may want to just walk outside and just speak in the driveway around your house up and down the driveway okay okay okay let me give you these things give them a song here's the first one the first song is we the people by youth life we the people i can't sing so i'm not gonna okay here we go second song the second song is your love is taking over me by life worship all right your love is taking over me okay i can't dance or sing so you really put me on the spot here but it's okay third song third song is by elevation worship and maverick city music is called wait on you i'm gonna wait on yeah you already know what it is you know what it is the last song is cece wanton's believe for it now oh hey this is the one if you haven't moved anything if you haven't used the couch out of the way get it out of the way before you get this out of the way and get ready to worship in this song we're about to get ready for a game pastor why don't you tell us what's going on yeah listen this is what's going to happen for the game okay look this is what we're going to do we're going to play a game called the emoji challenge all right we are going to speaking of worship songs we're going to see how well one of my good friends also one of the members of our worship team actually really know his worship songs okay so this is how it's gonna work we want you to play along with us so we're gonna have some emojis that are gonna come up on the tv behind me and we're gonna see if you can guess what worship song it is based off of the emojis okay so it's going to go in order it's going to be pretty fun so we want you to play along listen i've got the chat pulled up here but we've got ethan chute with us on what's up everybody we have got ethan and he is part of our worship team ethan you were actually leading worship this morning were you not i was what campus were you at austin peay you were at austin peay okay shout out to the awesome p location that is watching right now live and pre-service with us but we're going to play the emoji challenge are you ready to play the emoji challenge i need your help that's all i'm going to say i'm going to need your help okay he needs your help because we practiced we gave him just one try earlier and it was a little rough for him so here we go so come in the chat if you think you know what worship song this is i've got the answers actually right here on me so i'll give you some hints i've got the answers you're not gonna know what they are okay but we're gonna go ahead we're gonna try the first one are you ready to try the first time i'm ready i think i know the first one right here we go all right let's just see so i had i i got to play earlier this is cornerstone cornerstone he was really stumped but i didn't get it i didn't get it right this is a good example for all of you that are watching so you're going to take the example of what the emoji is and then you're going to actually put it together and you're going to say okay cornerstone got it there's a corner and then there's a stone all right so hopefully you can you kind of got the gist of how it's going gonna work now we're gonna really start the game are you ready ethan i'm ready are you sure no okay but i'll do my best let's go to the second one let's see what we've got here go to the second one all right here we go we've got two thumbs thumbs up thumbs up man bottle baby [Applause] it's got to be something about children uh i don't i got nothing okay so this one means good job great great you said the word good good good good father good good father hey there we go a baby bottle but that's okay all right here we go let's go to the next one let's see what the next uh slide is all right we've got a skull we've got an arrow and we've got a bouquet into gardens graves into garbage that was easy ding ding ding see you're doing better i got this yeah i can do this all right i better not get confident let's go to the next one let's go to the next one oh cross and like a little ghost emoji uh cross and a little holy spirit holy spirit that is correct holy spirit is the correct answer okay maybe i'm going to do i'm going to do better than you oh you're doing good all right here we go let's do another one let's see how well you got let's see who's playing along with us in the chat what is that in the lamp you can't get much more simple it's literally lying in the lamp right in the lamp all right keep going keep going we got a couple more oh if you don't get those oceans easy oceans i mean it could be waves we don't have a worship song called waves it could be oceans all right keep going we gotta think one more we have one more all right this one's gonna stop praise lift uh pray uh raise a hallelujah raise a hallelujah come on why don't you throw some love in the chat right now listen some people are helping you out ethan they're trying some people are commenting to shouting you out right now so i really needed that i needed a little hey what are you looking forward to for encounter night tonight oh as you guys have already talked about it worship worship worship is gonna be off the it's gonna be it's gonna be amazing yes it is so listen if you haven't already why don't you go ahead share this service let somebody know that encounter night is happening right now it's gonna be an incredible service get ready to worship we're gonna jump into a countdown and then we're gonna join in for worship all together let's go let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what's up everybody come on who's excited to worship tonight come on let's play [Music] by your grace it's stronger than the mountain fight and greater than the fear that strikes you along the hole in which we stand can we sing it together [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] nothing will stop us [Music] we will keep [Music] we will keep on singing [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] come on oh yeah come on who's excited to be an encounter night tonight oh come on church you can do a little bit better than that who's excited to be at encounter night tonight hey we've come to worship we've come to encounter god we've come to seek him welcome to the life church welcome to all those that have joined online we've got houston levy we've got a bunch of people at austin peay bunch of people watching online all because we have gathered here to seek the name of jesus to lift up the name of jesus come on to encounter him we believe god's going to show up tonight and do some amazing things and so let's give god our best i just want to jump up here and say welcome and say go all in come on the bible says we had to love the lord our god with all of our heart so put your heart into this thing all your soul means get a little soul maybe you gotta have a little rhythm for that but you need some soul all your mind and all your strength it should take a little strength to give god your best you should take a little a little action it might might mean you need to clap your hands a little bit or lift your hands a little bit maybe even jump a little bit so come on on the count of three if you're ready to worship some more can you lift up a big shout of praise and let's go one two three let's go [Applause] [Music] [Music] i found a love crater reaching beyond the skies it's pulling me closer [Music] bringing me back to life [Music] his [Music] greater than all i know now your love is taking over me now this heart is running wild and free no this life will never be the same as your love [Music] [Music] and love is taking over [Music] is [Music] [Music] no matter what will come [Music] now this heart is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] is changing everything and i know [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we'll never be the same again thank you jesus [Music] i don't believe in fairy tales i guess i felt golden but there's a succeed and i don't believe that there's something bigger than me cause i've seen it in the hospital room with doctor says sorry there's nothing more we can't do well it wasn't true and i've never seen a particle at the end of the rainbow but i've got a promise i can hold in the middle of the struggle [Music] i'm gonna wait on you i've tasted your goodness i trust in your promise i'm gonna wait on you [Music] i'm gonna wait on you i've tasted your goodness i'll trust in your promise i'm gonna wait on you [Applause] [Music] yes i will [Music] and all the questions they come taken to the one i know is true yeah you've always been true and i'm gonna wait on you i'm i'm gonna [Music] [Music] i'm gonna wait on you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait on the is he will renew your strength so wait a second [Music] [Music] trust in him [Music] [Music] [Music] we don't know [Music] [Music] oh how good you are [Music] with all the love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shall renew their strength they shall round open links like an eagle and soon they shall walk and not get wary they shall [Music] shall renew their strength they shall mount up on wings like an eagle and so on they shall walk and not get weary they shall run and i think that's what happens [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's what happens when you wait wait wait [Music] that's what happens [Music] wait on the lord wait on the lord [Music] he will renew your strength [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll wait on your life god you got this what i am experiencing that so many have experienced is only a test i will trust in your promises as i go forth and help me lord to not get anxious about anything for i know that this is a teachable moment so show me your ways open my eyes so i may see clearly and let me hear your audible voice on december 23 2020 at the age of 37 i was diagnosed with breast cancer i was blindsided a month prior to my diagnosis i remember going to my general doctor to get checked out for a painful small bump and i remember sitting in the doctor's office and the holy spirit came over me in that moment and said you need to ask for a mammogram so i went in for a mammogram and i recall this little petite doctor came in the room looked over my report and she took my hands and she asked me very gently you know do you have any family history of breast cancer i told her in a moment to my knowledge that i didn't and she said you know when you're very young and i i want you to know that the bump that was of concern actually isn't what is a concern we found a mass in your breasts and abnormal lymph nodes so we're going to have to do a biopsy and i just remember the peace of god washing over me in that moment god told me said you know this battle is not yours but it is mine and so i carried that with me but i also remember a doctor telling me this cancer had likely been growing in your body for two years if i had not gone in to get checked out for that little bump my my situation could look a lot different so it was just another reminder of how god was working in my life so the start of the new year was filled with numerous tests but what was encouraging to me in that season was that god was ever present he showed me subtle and big reminders that he was sovereign and that he could move mountains on my behalf i was admitted into a cancer treatment center in houston texas that i was told that i wouldn't be able to get into nothing but god and at work i was able to smoothly transition into another role nothing but god was looking for a way to have some financial support for some medicine and again god came in and made a way and his faithfulness was so present it really kept me as i was you know going through this experience of trying to prepare for surgery and i just i remember how special it was to uh to realize that my life church leaders worship team family and congregation were just really rallying behind me in prayer and prayer works you know to have all of these fervent prayers going up on my behalf so fast forward to surgery um in late february and i had a two-week window before i would get my results back about if cancer cells were still in my body and what my next steps would be treatment-wise and within that period my mom we were on the road back and forth between memphis and houston and my mom asked she said jana have you heard the song believe her by cece winans and on that same road trip a friend called and said janna you really got to hear this song believe for it so i went on to listen to it and as i was listening to the song the part that really got me was you said it i believe it you said it it is done and that became my declaration over over my life in that period of waiting i thought about god's promises that he would never leave me nor forsake me and that i did not have to fear but that i could be encouraged through what i was going through so if god says it we have to believe that he is going to do what he said he's going to do the defining moment for me is when the doctor called me a few weeks later and she said jenna i have some good news cancer is no more in your body i just in that moment was filled with so much joy because god did what he said he would do and and i believe with my whole heart that he used the prayers of others to to show up for me and today god gets the glory because i stand here healed and victorious over cancer [Music] [Applause] [Music] they say this matching can be [Music] but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name we've heard that there is [Music] they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your [Music] heartbreak about god we believe god we believe for it from the impossible we'll see a mirror [Music] [Music] we know that hope is never lost [Music] god we believe no matter what [Music] so much [Music] [Music] impossible we'll see [Music] [Applause] see you on the way when there seems to be [Music] oh yes you are [Music] i put my trust in you [Applause] around god we believe god we believe foreign [Music] yes [Music] now tonight i want you to set your faith on it i need you to declare this part that when god says it you got to believe that he will do it when he says it it is so hallelujah you said it i believe it's [Music] i believe it you said it's it is [Music] [Music] [Music] you said it is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh god we believe [Music] tonight we believe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me yeah [Music] we believe you right now [Music] come on let's give god some good praise tonight everybody come on he's worthy of our praise wow [Music] what a fantastic story come on can we give god some praise for what god has done for jana and in her life and welcome out to encounter night such a powerful presence here you you just can kind of feel it you can kind of feel it in jesus name and uh i'm going to um have you seated in just a moment the worship team is going to stay up because we're going to kind of go into one more song but i want to pray for anybody um that would say tonight at uh austin p you're watching online even here at houston levy and you would say you know i'm i'm believing for a healing in my body um i'm facing this situation or that situation it doesn't matter what it is how many of you know god is greater than it all and is bigger than it all and and so i would love i'm going to pray a prayer of faith i would love you just lift a hand and say i'm believing for some healing in my body there's something that i'm facing physically and i just need god's intervention and i need god's healing power we're going to pray right now we're going to believe right now in jesus name that the power of the lord can come down right now and fix whatever it is that we that we need to see fixed in our life father i pray in jesus name for your healing power your word says that the power of the lord was present to heal them and we just believe in your healing power right now i pray for every person who has a hand raised i pray father god for your power to come right on their life right now right right on their body right now from the top of their head to the soles of their feet to the tips of their fingers wherever it is and whatever it is you are more than enough and you have all the power and we pray for it and we ask for it in the mighty name of jesus come on and everybody said amen and amen amen amen means so be it so we're declaring it in jesus name that god is healing us come on how many of you glad you came tonight encounter and i didn't it great [Applause] welcome everybody you can grab your seat worship team's going to stay up on the stage but i want to just give a big welcome especially if you're a guest with us or uh if this is your first encounter night uh at the life church big wednesday encounter night we've had mega prayer night we've had all kind of different names over the years but uh we're ending our 21 days i'm going to share a message in just a moment but we have a great video just to give you some updates on some things that are happening in church life my wife's going gonna pop up at the end of the video then we're gonna go back into another song and then i'm gonna share a short message let's check this out everybody check it out welcome to the life church on behalf of our senior pastors john and leslie sibling we're so glad you're here with us today each weekend we have services at multiple locations around the mid-south new york santiago chile and online where you can be a part of worship hear an encouraging message and enter an environment that is welcoming and friendly at each service we have fun and safe classes that are age specific to kids six weeks through fifth grade with creative lessons designed just for them we even have a kids life guest services area with friendly volunteers who would be glad to help with checking your kids into class access is our ministry for students ages 6 through 12th grade that meets on wednesday nights each service features fun friends and great teaching from god's word we're all about helping people get connected and move forward in life and one of the best ways to get started is by taking your next step stay connected and build life-giving relationships by joining the life group we have lots of different options to fit a variety of interests and schedules just visit thelifechurch.com to find a group that's right for you if you would like to know more about the life church or get involved our discovery experience is the place for you you will meet your campus leaders learn how you can make a difference and get planted in church discovery happens the first sunday of the month so register today at thelifechurch.com god has an incredible plan for your life and we love for you to be a part of all that's taking place here at the life church [Music] have you completed discovery and are actively serving on a team then leadership foundations may be your next step leadership foundations is for anyone who aspires to leadership at the life church or is simply looking to develop their leadership skills this leadership experience is designed for those who are looking to grow in their capacity to lead sharpen their people skills and cultivate a spirit of excellence classes are held on monday nights and include teaching and training from the life church leadership team to get more information and to sign up for this leadership experience check out thelifechurch.com [Music] people might look at you and see a mess but god does not god doesn't see you at the place you are now he sees you at the place he's destined you to be [Music] hello we are one just about maybe one month in a day or something like that from a zoey night october 1st october 1st right here at our houston levy location so all the life church girls and all the life church women's friends and mothers and sisters and aunts and whoever zoey knight it's going to be amazing our theme this go-around is together and it's just about unity and friendship and i just was feeling in my heart that right now more than ever i think we can all use a little dose of that right there's so much division there's so much angst the power of together is really an amazing thing and so i think godly friendships i know in my own life have carried me through the good times and the bad times what's the saying that says that friendship doubles our joy and halfs our sorrows so we all need good girlfriends to come alongside us and do life together and so we're going to be talking about that we're going to have a lot of fun we have a after-party plan there's a gift there's going to be funny moments there's going to be spiritual moments but most of all i feel like when we gather as the women of the life church there's always an impartation so i want to make sure you're there you can go online and register there's a small fee please please do your part be here there's nothing like being in the room we're going to hear from holly wagner she's awesome she's amazing she's a great friend i when i called her and asked her to come speak i said i can't think of anybody better because you've been a great friend to me and she's a great friend to a lot of people so let's gather let's have an amazing time october 1st i want to see you there awesome fantastic thelifechurch.com everybody all right let's stand back to our feet one more song we got one more worship song and then we're gonna go right into the message and uh how many of you believe it's gonna be a powerful word tonight come on can we believe god for that father god we love you we thank you for moving in our midst your word says that you inhabit the praises of your people move in our midst tonight as we sing this song in jesus name [Music] oh we worship amen jesus [Music] had she called a stone no other foundation can we build upon no philosophy nor the wisdom of man all over the ground is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we proclaim [Music] in yourself name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh we gave us the king [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] we will not be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were never [Music] [Applause] build your church come up build your church build your church feel it from the ground up it's your church build your church build your church build it from the ground up with your church build your church it's your church build your church [Music] build your touch is [Music] [Music] and in jesus [Music] is [Music] all right grab your seats everybody let's stay in this attitude of worship and the keys aren't going too far right you're going to stay around because i won't be that long but i want you to get your bibles out and let's get ready to study god's word together and i really feel like i have something on my heart that i want to make sure that i share i do want to mention that we're praying for our friends in louisiana right now and we're believing god for safety and protection hurricane ida obviously has made landfall and um we're getting photos and videos of homes damaged homes and churches and and so we're in communication with dozens of louisiana churches and uh disaster response organizations i'm sure you saw if you're here at houston level you probably saw that the 18-wheeler that's on its way down to new orleans and they're just here until they get the green light to be able to go in so we're going to send teams down to louisiana the next few days and i think there's a qr code going up somewhere if you wanna um if you want to scan that qr code on the screen uh you can and then you can maybe um uh be on a list and someone will send you a note and they'll be in touch with you about details and plans we always send teams we had a team in middle tennessee there was some um storms there and some damage there they they're i think they're back now and so there's preparation now for another team or two going down to louisiana come on how many of you are thankful we get to be the church we get to we get to go down and help people and okay i want to talk um uh about spiritual warfare for a few moments and i'm just going to call this spiritual warfare 101 spiritual warfare 101. and by the way i really feel like uh for 2022 this is going to be more of our theme for the year really have this sense about fighting the good fight of fate faith and training uh really training us as the church to to know how to fight spiritual battles and so um so here's what i'm gonna do it's gonna feel a little different if you're uh if you're used to our kind of flow i'm gonna i'm gonna go through five passages of scripture and i'm just gonna kind of read them and kind of talk through them and then i'm gonna give you give you some elements to to think about all right so it'll feel a little quick but you know you gotta you just have to listen quick is that cool is that all right all right okay because because uh um because i don't want to take too much time then we're gonna pray at the end we're gonna do a little spiritual warfare prayer all right so um so here we go all right five different passages the first two are in matthew 16 matthew 18. then we're going to go to ephesians here's the first one um here's jesus i will build my church and the gates of haiti some translation the gates of hell will not prevail or will not overcome it that's the church i will build my church jesus said this and the gates of hell will not prevail or overcome the church right everybody see it and i will give you this is the church i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven notice it doesn't say the keys to the kingdom it's the keys of the kingdom of the kingdom um second passage you ready matthew chapter 18. here's jesus again and he's talking about discipline church discipline he says if they still refuse to listen tell it to the church and if they refuse to listen even to the church treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector that's really for another message but i want you to notice that matthew 16 it says church matthew 18 verse 17 it says there are three church three times the word church is mentioned these are the only three times the word church is mentioned prior to the book of acts and jesus used the word all three times so and he says truly i tell you whatever you bind on earth and this is the second time he's talking about binding and losing by the way how many of you ever heard of that before buying binding and lucy look show me your hand buy all right let's do it another way put your hands up how many have never heard of this like binding and loosing wow this sounds crazy okay right here thank you for your honesty and a couple people over here awesome all right um so so truly i tell you this is jesus all right so whatever everybody say whatever whatever you bind on earth think about that whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven again i tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for it will be done by my done for them by my father in heaven for where two or three gather in my name there am i with them all right so now let's go to ephesians okay ephesians is we're going to do a series in 2022 on the book of ephesians it's the spiritual warfare book it's the theological book uh it's paul's um one of paul's most powerful works on the church and so i'm going to read several passages from ephesians and i want you to think about these he raised all right this is god now he raised christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms watch this this is important far above notice what he's going to list out he's going to list all these negative things far above all rule and authority power and dominion and every name that can be named not only in the present age but also in the one to come and god placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything here's the word again for the for the church which is his body the fullness of him who fills everything in every way so god raised jesus from the dead seated him at the right hand of god the father where he makes intercession on our behalf the bible says and he is above all of the negative evil forces in the heavenly realms in fact we've got a picture i hadn't put together a picture if we can put that up on the screen a picture of jesus being raised right from the dead from earth he was raised up to heaven what an amazing throne that is up there isn't that amazing lizzie miller did this is lizzy in this service or is she lizzy's in or there's lizzy right there stand up lizzy come on lizzy wave at everybody lizzy she's such an amazing to know lizzy is to love lizzy so she put this together for me okay so this is the picture of what we just read ephesians 1 jesus raised up he is above it all wouldn't you agree he's above every rule he's above every authority every power every dominion any name by the way any name that can be named these are labels that people try to apply to other people and jesus is above it all it's all under his feet now look look at how you can take the you can take the picture down although it's amazing look at how the message says it the message says uh right here at the end of ephesians one the church you see everybody say the church uh how the church you see is not peripheral to the world the world is peripheral to the church the church is christ's body in which he speaks and acts by which he fills everything with his presence so right at the center of god's plan is the church in the center of it all okay let's go to the fourth passage are you ready i'm moving through them take good notes everybody ephesians 2 is that is is the fourth passage and it says god who is rich in mercy made us alive with christ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved here's the most important part and god raised us up with christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in christ jesus that's an amazing passage all right we put a picture together lizzy did for this one let's put that one up let's put that picture up all right so there's you and me us the church and ephesians 2 says we have been raised up with christ and we now are seated with him so that means before you clap that means if it's under his feet it's under our feet because we are seated with him challenge is we still live here on earth we'll talk about that in just a moment but you got to get this picture put that picture up one more time it's so amazing great job lizzy there it is that's you and me seated with christ if you're a believer if you're connected planted in the house of god the church we're seated with christ all right final passage number five are you ready men are going to move fast ephesians 6 finally finally be strong in the lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of god again we're going to do a series in 2022 on the armor of god i'm going to be talking a lot about you know strength and and and taking our stand he says put put your armor on so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes do you know that the enemy has some plans and he has some schemes and he's yep so you can take your stand against those schemes watch this now this is important for our struggle is not against flesh and blood what does that mean everybody look up at me we don't we're not fighting against people it's not about people we don't struggle against flesh and blood we struggle against all the things we just read about that are under our feet the rulers and the authorities and the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms therefore put on the full armor of god so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after everything you have done everything to to stand all right four key elements i want you to write these down i don't i only have just a couple of minutes but i think i want you to see that spiritual warfare 101. there are more verses we could go into the book of revelation there's a lot of verses in ezekiel there's so many different powerful passages but but i just kind of want to unpack it now i want you to think about these four elements and this kind of formula for spiritual warfare first is the church the church greek word ecclesia jesus used the word church three times before the book of acts then from the book of acts it's all over the word of god because the the church was birthed in the book of acts ecclesia means called out ones church is important the church is god's tool in the hand of god for the redemption of mankind paul says in in ephesians we are we are christ's body in which he speaks and acts so it's important that we come to church good job coming tonight by the way thank you for coming to encounter tonight give yourself a hand give yourself a hand we come to church why because we need to worship the king of kings in the lord of lords and we need to be taught the word of god and we need to serve together and live in communion together right so so we got to come to church but but but we also need to be the church like what we're doing we're going down to louisiana and we're serving but but here's what i want you to know most importantly spiritually we operate in history from eternity so there is this span of time right now where you and me are alive and we're the church and we are expected now to push god's kingdom projects forward and to push the forces of the enemy backward it's our time so previous generations have had to fight against other things and have had to build other things and have had to take dominion in other ways now it's our turn now we step into this time and for for for this moment in history we have to call heaven down to earth and we have to live our lives in a way where we are impacting the world that we're living in remember we're seated in heavenly places we're above principalities we're above powers the gates of hell won't prevail against the church notice it doesn't say the gates of hell won't prevail against you and me the gates of hell won't prevail against the church so we're a part of the church where we're connected into the church why why the gates of hell because um gates in the bible are always places of entrance and obviously entrance to the city and it's where legal business took place all right so uh legally from a spiritual perspective we have authority in christ come on everybody say the church all right here's the second thing the keys of the kingdom jesus said the keys of the kingdom have been given to us they've been given to the church all right multiple keys not just one key he didn't say the key of the kingdom he said the keys of the kingdom why are there keys because there are gates multiple gates multiple keys the keys are our authority as a church so if you're disconnected from the church you're disconnected from that authority let me say it again if you're disconnected from the church you're disconnected from that authority you need to stay in stay in the house of god you stay in church the gates of hell won't prevail against the church i'm staying in i'm staying can i get a better amen than that let's go i'm staying in i'm staying plugged in let's go so worship is a key worship the bible says pushes back the forces of darkness a prayer is the key and then one of those keys that we have as we pray is the third thing which is binding and loosing the church the keys now let's talk about binding and loosing and if you've never heard this talked about um then um you're like me you know i heard i've heard people mention it reference it and i've heard a lot of binding and loosing but i haven't really ever heard it and it's very simple really it's an it's an act it's an act of prayer it's it's it's it's authority that we have because we are the church to resist the forces of darkness so so remember again our our fight is not against people we're not we don't bind people right so but to bind if you want to take notes and write this down to bind means to restrict it means to restrain it means to hold something down so so jesus said that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven in other words we have so much power and authority as the church here on earth that we can actually restrict or we can tie up or we can restrain a force of darkness that's trying to come against the church and trying to okay that's remember jesus said this that it's not something that i created or some uh concept that some preacher created it was jesus who said this we're tying we're tying it up to loose basically means this you know it's to untie to unlock and to release and to permit and to free free something that has been held back so we're losing something that has been held back because of because of a negative force of darkness so so for example and i'm going to talk about this more in a moment there's right now there is a spirit of division very strong on this earth so we in a moment we're going to bind a spirit of division we're going to do it together as a church and and so we're going to lose unity because there's been there's unity has been impacted because of this spirit of division that is wedging itself and it says it's an old spirit right the devil tried to split heaven tried to divide heaven it was kicked out of heaven and then he came to earth and he tried to divide mankind adam and eve you can go through all scripture and you can see it says it's always his tool to try to keep um keep us off balance and keep us from connected together um so so so this last week i'm on the board of of this organization called the ark we plant churches and we started 20 years ago uh just a little over 20 years ago and we've planted almost a thousand churches in the united states in 20 years uh some amazing churches that are doing amazing things and so we were together this last week and and a few of us and we were doing some strategic planning and um there's a there's a man that we know that really moves in the prophetic and he's got a real powerful gift as a matter of fact about eight months ago he sent me a text and said i want to talk to you i want to pray with you and so i got on the phone with him and i recorded it a 17-minute you know basically prophetic word that he spoke over me and leslie and my family and this church and just unbelievable now i've heard i hardly know him i know him because of my friendships with other people and i know his character and i know i know his his gift is strong but but i don't know him in a way that he would he would be able to say things prophetically having no idea who i am does that make sense everybody and so he he he um called one of the guys and said i know you're all getting together um can i come i want to be together with you guys and i want to pray with you i want to share some things that i feel like the lord has shown me and so we man it was such an incredibly power i wish i had time to talk about the whole experience and and maybe over time i'll be able to kind of share some different insights but he talked about these different a couple of moments that he's had in prayer where the lord really revealed some things to him and had shown him several things and and and one of the couple of things that were real powerful but one of the things that he said he saw very clearly were a set of keys coming down from heaven and the lord's saying you know i've given you the keys of the kingdom and so you you need to use the church needs to use the keys of the kingdom and to begin to bind some specific spirits and he talked about three spirits i want you to write this down we're gonna we're gonna bind these demonic spirits in just a moment and i know some of you are like whoa this is this is wild okay that's why i read these five passages this is not too far from the new testament and i think the times that we're living in call for a little bit of discernment from you and me i'm going to tell you right now right i'm going to tell you right now we are resisting some very interesting things and talked about three spirits the spirit of you can find these in the bible actually the spirit of death and destruction spirit of death and destruction the spirit of death and destruction trying to destroy trying to dismantle you can see it you can see the enemy trying basically to dismantle our society and break it i mean i could go on and on and on but my times my time is almost up the spirit of death and destruction the spirit of division which i mentioned and then of course the spirit of fear so just a moment we're just gonna we're we're just going to take our spiritual right we have the authority we've been given the keys of the kingdom and jesus said whatever you bind on earth will be bound in the heavenlies we'll be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth so we're going to do that in just a moment he also said by the way revival is coming to the church revival is coveted and i believe it and i need it because here's what's happening in many ways many of the things that we depend on are being stripped from us we're coming back to our simple faith by the way can i give you a little good report we had 196 fresh starts this weekend in church 196 salvation decisions this this this is just the mid-south by the way this month 852 the month of august 852 salvation decisions that's a little glimpse it's a little glimpse of hunger and revival okay here's the last thing no number four we're done right here we're done the fourth element when you talk about spiritual warfare 101 the first one's the church the second was the keys of the kingdom the third is a little binding and loosing but the fourth one's so important agreement because jesus said where two or three are gathered why is this so important again it has to do with authority and has to do with the leak listen two to three witnesses is not a new concept it's all throughout the word of god it's all over the bible by the mouth of two or three witnesses two to three witnesses in the old testament new testament were necessary to confirm something legally it's a sign of agreement it's a sign that we're coming together and this is the church jesus said where two or three are gathered in my name so come on you're ready to do a little prayer a little praying come on can we stand to our feet everybody worship team is going to join me back up here just going to take a moment just to pray we're going to let the holy spirit move through us and we're going to do a little binding and loosing in jesus name i was in a service one time and the person was doing some binding and loosing they got so excited they said lord we bind you i mean lord they got a little too excited they had zeal without knowledge come on how many of you know we need to have zeal with knowledge and we got to know what the word of god says we got to know our right our rightful place in the church and the authority that we have and thank god for it plant it in the house of god our lives will flourish can you just lift your hands with me everybody father god we come before you tonight lord we're thankful that we can come into church in the house of god we can seek you and we can pray come on we're going to pray a little bit right now everybody and we get our hearts attuned to you and set aside every distraction lord let nothing distract us in this moment as we bring our hearts together because your word promises where two or three are gathered in the name of jesus that whatever we ask will be done and if we bind it will be bound if we loose it will be loosed lord we thank you for the church come on let's thank you for the church right now we thank you for the church thank you that we are thank you that we're part of the house of god we're part of the church we thank you father god that we're connected to the church your word says in the book of colossians jesus is the head of the church and we're connected to the head we're connected to the head thank you for the church thank you that we're in church and thank you that we are the church thank you that we're connected into the church and your word promises that the gates of hell will not prevail against us the church the gates of hell will not overcome the gates of hell will not prevail against we thank you for the strong place that we're in because of jesus because of the church thank you jesus for the church come on let's thank you for the church come on thank you for the church lord thank you for the church thank you thank you jesus for the authority that we have and the keys of the kingdom lord our worship is powerful our worship pushes back the darkness we honor you tonight jesus the king of all kings and the lord of all lords and what we bind and what we loose is done by you we have authority here on earth we are we are tasked with bringing heaven down to earth and we are in history bringing eternity into the moments that we're living we thank you for the keys of the kingdom thank you for worship thank you for worship we won't take worship for granted we won't take it for granted the style may be different than what we want it may be too loud it may be too soft it doesn't matter we're lifting our voice to you jesus we're honoring you jesus it's worship come on everybody say worship thank you for worship we thank you for prayer thank you for prayer we thank you for the key of prayer thank you for the key of humility and supplication and petition crying out to you we thank you lord that your word says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves thank you for the power of prayer thank you that we are a praying church thank you that we're a praying church lord we believe even right now your presence is coming and it's beginning to impact our lives personally in this service right now we're feeling the effects of your presence as we pray we're sensing your presence moving through this room right now in the name of jesus and as you move through this room people are going to be healed people are going to be delivered and set free unclean spirits are going to come out of people in the name of jesus [Music] lord you're going to bring soundness of mind even in this moment because your presence is here we thank you for authority we thank you for binding and loosing and we thank you for agreement we come into agreement we don't have to hold hands to be in agreement our hearts are in agreement our faith is in agreement tonight right now in the name of jesus come on somebody come on let's thank him our faith is in agreement we're coming we're coming to you lord in the name of jesus on behalf of the church on behalf of our church on behalf of the church we're coming to you in faith [Music] in agreement for our city for this city for this region this mid-south region and we're we're even coming into agreement we're we're in agreement for our church family in new york and our church family in massachusetts and our church family down in santiago and in other parts of the we're praying we're coming into agreement on behalf of the earth and this city and this region and in the name of jesus in the name of jesus come on in the name of jesus we bind a spirit of death and destruction in jesus name everybody say in jesus name come on in jesus name we bind a spirit of death and destruction come on if you if you pray in tongues go ahead and pray in tongues right now and pray in agreement with me right where you're standing if you don't know what else to do pray in the holy spirit come on we're building up our faith we're doing a little spiritual warfare 101 right now we bind the spirit of death and destruction in jesus name and we command you to flee in jesus name and we release or lose a spirit of life a spirit of life and freedom in the name of jesus we bind right now come on everybody with me we bind right now a spirit of division everybody say in jesus name come on we bind the spirit of division we come against that spirit in the name of jesus and we command you to go in jesus name that spirit that is trying to divide the church right now we come against that spirit in jesus name and we command you to go in the name of jesus come on pray in the holy spirit come on pray we command you to go in the name of jesus [Music] that spirit that would try to divide godly people because of politics that spirit that would try to divide godly people because of race because of socioeconomic status we bind that spirit of division and we lose a spirit of unity and peace and reconciliation that the church would be together and would be unified because a house divided against itself cannot stand we pray for a spirit of unity for our church right now in the name of jesus that there would be a greater sense of unity than we've ever experienced come on church come on there be a greater sense of unity than we've ever experienced as a church and that people when they walk through the doors of the houses of worship that belong to the life church they would sense peace and unity and order in the name of jesus and we bind right now we bind right now come on this is important guys we bind a spirit of fear right now in the name of jesus everybody say in the name of jesus we bind his spirit of fear we command that spirit to go in jesus name for god has not given us a spirit of fear but power and love and a sound mind in the name of jesus we bind that spirit we pray father in jesus name that we would not walk in fear but we would walk in freedom that we would not walk in fear but we would walk in peace that we would not be anxious and nervous but that we would be confident and full of faith in the name of jesus we loose peace and freedom and unity in the name of jesus we thank you lord for free we thank you lord that the air is pure that the air is clear in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] i pray father god right now for any person that's troubled in their spirit right now in the name of jesus free them right now anyone that's here that's troubled in their spirit set them free by the power of the holy spirit set them free by the power of the holy spirit anybody that's troubled in their mind [Music] set them free we pray in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus come on let's just worship just a little bit before we go up on this rock yeah you'll build hell will not breathe [Music] we proclaim your truth and in jesus name we will not sing about this rock upon this rock you build your own church and [Music] we proclaim your truth and in jesus name we will not fail sing upon this rock upon this rock we build [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we buy [Applause] we proclaim your truth and in jesus name we will not fail and build your church build your church come on sing it build your church build it from the ground up it's your church build your church build your church [Music] build your church build your church build it from the ground up it's your church build your church [Music] it's your church [Music] [Music] okay let's do this let's pray for the church um let's pray for our church let's pray for the church let's pray that it'll be the church's greatest hour we've been praying that for a couple of years now since covet 19 came and began to impact you know what a sign of revival in the church rising is salvations church growth passionate worship sacrificial financial giving these are all signs that the church is entering into revival it's entering into an awakening it's rising and we and it's listen it's not just hype revival is a strong word you know awakening is a strong word but it's not just hype even a moment ago like i was trying to i wanted to keep the drums down because sometimes like we you know the band is so good we don't have to sing we don't even have to sing but we got to sing because we're the ones that make the joyful noise right and so so listen it's not just hype the church is gonna the church is gonna rise and we're gonna pray for it right now we're gonna be on our way it's almost time for us to go and thank you for for uh pressing in and having a spiritual an encounter like encounter night but let's pray for the church right now everybody thank you father god for your church we pray right now father god like in the book of acts when it said that and the church grew when it said when it said like and the church was strengthened we look back at the book of acts we read the history of the church and we see the seasons that the church went through the persecutions and the the government opposing the church the challenges that the church faced yet through every season it grew and it it prevailed it got stronger even in the midst of the challenges we pray right now in the name of jesus for this next season in the life of our church lord let it be a great season for us father god as we move forward into all that you have for us opening a new york building and the massachusetts launch and all that you're doing here locally in the mid-south and got just some amazing things are ahead we pray father god let it be as we close out this 21 days of prayer father god we just we pray for the church to move forward in this season our church and the church we pray for the other churches in memphis and the other churches in this region lord let there be a revival among the church and let churches rise not just our church but let the church rise let it rise [Applause] we pray father god for salvation thank you for all the fresh starts today thank you that there's a party in heaven because of today because of this weekend in church and all the people that turn to you thank you father god for passionate worship thank you for these marks of revival thank you for church growth and people hungry to be in church thank you for sacrificial and generous financial giving as people give sacrificially all signs of revival all signs of of an awakening and we thank you for it we pray for it we believe you for it thank you that we get to be a part of it thank you that we get to witness it and see it with our own eyes and live it in this season and we thank you for it in jesus name come on in the faith-filled church said amen and amen come on one more time build your build your church come on one time build it from the ground up with your church build [Music] build your church build your churches [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh yeah come on [Music] hey how many of you know we could have gone on for another hour but you know school week we got work to do but hey this is really laying the foundation for this next season i mean we're going to another level spiritually because that's what we need and so i hope you're ready to lean in and keep praying and keep worshiping and keep seeking god because like pastor john said this is going to be a theme for us over this next season next year even and we're believing god's going to going to use it and we're going to see some some revival start happening not just in our church here in the mid-south but in new york and massachusetts and santiago and all over the place because how many of you know there's more locations coming by the way there's more places coming so we're excited and hey maybe you're here and you're new or you've been coming for a little bit and you've never made a fresh start you've never given your life to jesus and become a christian be really become a part of the church become a part of the family of god and that's something that's stirring in you tonight on your way out if you go out into the lobby you should see some signs that say next steps there's great team there they'd love to talk to you about praying a prayer to become a christian and and what that means and what that looks like and they'd love to pray with you and answer any questions you have about faith and about the church and uh they even want to get a gift in your hands so book pastor john wrote call fresh start with god it's all about making that decision and like pastor john said we had a bunch of people make that decision today a bunch this month and so maybe like man i think i need to make that decision well we celebrate with you in advance because we know uh there's a party in heaven like pastor john said every time one person prays that prayer and i want to mention a couple more things before we go we're gonna we got food trucks out there by the way so if you're hungry you can stick around eat a little bit uh pick up your kids but then stick around and eat a little bit um leadership foundations is coming up really soon uh yeah we can make some noise for that leadership foundations starts on september september 13th it's a great environment to take another step maybe you've been serving been a part of church and you're like i want to grow in my leadership this is the next step for you not only will help you grow as a leader here in church but one of the things that's amazing about it is it transcends church the principles of leadership that we find in god's word work in every sphere of life and so you can take this to your school you can take this to your business you can take it to wherever you go we've seen it we've seen people take these principles and then apply it to their life so sign up for that uh starts in just a couple weeks and then don't forget zoey night registrations open now so ladies get yourself signed up asap how many of you glad you came to encounter tonight anybody glad you came to encounter night well i'm gonna pray for us one more time as we go and then we'll hang out eat some food and uh be on our way god we thank you for a great night in your house we thank you for a great time of worship and prayer a great message lord we we're going to another level spiritually we want more of you we want more of your presence and lord we we believe lord that as we bind things and loose things lord that we'd see results here on earth because of your what your word promises we thank you for a great night help us to uh live out your word this week and get us back here safely next weekend in jesus name amen and amen god bless you we'll see you this weekend man what a powerful message encounter night great worship and so much more man we're so happy that you guys were here with us look if you made a fresh start if you during that service felt god tugging on your heart there's a link that's going on right now in the chat click that link it's the greatest decision that you can make is making a fresh start with god we want to give you guys some things yeah here we're so excited that you guys are here yeah we are excited that you were here for encounter night like trey said if you want to make a fresh start click on that link we've got an amazing team that would love to connect with you and celebrate you as you make that decision and just a resource we actually want to give you as you make that decision our senior pastor pastor john sibling actually wrote a book with you in mind called fresh start with god so again if you want to make a fresh start we'd love to connect with you our team would love to reach out and connect with you about that decision so go ahead click on that link that's coming up in the chat right now that's right and before we go hey if this was your first time watching with us first of all thank you for joining in with us we love our first time guest right now there's a link that's going up in the chat hey just click that link and let us know that hey this was my first time i loved it and i'm probably going to come back again there's also a qr code and hey you can click that as well what we love to do with our first time guest is hey we want to come alongside and give you guys a gift just saying thank you on behalf of the life church and our senior pastors hey we just want to come alongside and just give you a great gift so guys once again if you're a first time guest thank you for coming into encounter night coming that's right i know you probably moved your car outside and everything else and moved everything around in your your living room hey i hope the experience was great yeah that's right if you don't even know you might be like i tuned in i don't know what he's talking about moving things around we told you to clear your living room because worship was going to be amazing we told you to move the couches get your car out of the garage whatever you got to do so that's what trey's talking about but really we're glad that you're here if you are new with us today and listen ladies if you missed it listen zoey night is coming up soon we've got an exciting zoey night that we are pumped about october 1st it's a friday night 7 p.m central standard time it's going to be an amazing night for the ladies as always so go ahead and mark your calendars to be a part with us we're going to have an online experience as well as in person at our houston levee location there's a link that's coming up in the chat that you can click on to learn all about zoey night what it looks like and maybe you don't live around one of our physical locations and maybe you say hey you know what i want to invite some ladies over for zoe knight well you could host a zoe social okay we would love for you to host a zoe social invite some ladies over have some food have fun it's super simple to do click the link in the chat if you want to sign up to host a zoe social we've got some fun resources that we want to give you as a zoe social leader and so we want to help equip you and make it a great night for you and your friends as you are with them but either way whether you're jumping online with us for zoey night or you're going to be in person we would love for you to be a part mark your calendars you don't want to miss it october 1st 7 pm central standard time you know trey somebody always asks me like every weekend i feel like we have people asking the chat like how do i get connected to the online campus well i'm about to tell you about it okay if you're with us for encounter night and you're not connected to our online campus discovery is for you okay we want to help you take another step and get planted in god's house and really discovery is the avenue for that okay so discovery is completely virtual it's really your best next step of getting plugged into the local church learning about the life church learning about how god has really gifted you and and designed you to impact your world so discovery it's all virtual you can click on the link that's coming up in the chat and you'll learn about our church really about our vision and our values and just some ways that god has gifted you to like i said impact your world you'll learn about life groups how you could even serve on a team right here with our online campus how we have kids life opportunities and so much more so we would love for you to take that step be a part of discovery jump in be a part of our online family don't miss out don't wait take that step today and jump into discovery take that first step such a great first step and if discovery is the first step then an awesome second step is leadership foundations come on leadership foundations is coming up it starts september 13th it is an opportunity we have a great leadership environment here at the light church and in leadership foundation in leadership foundations you're going to learn so much about leadership skills not only applying to church life but really surrounding your whole life in general it's such a great thing when i went through leadership foundations it was something i could apply at work at home with friends and then here at church as well it's just so much that just enriches your life so if that's you and you're looking for a great next step you've already gone through discovery hey leadership foundations is just for you it's an eight-week experience right and it's self-paced you know you can do it at your own leisure so during the week if you're working monday through friday hey on the weekend guess what i'm going to be doing yep leadership foundation that's right working on the weekends during the day at night time you can still be a part of leadership foundations hey leadership foundation's great next step guys and if that's you there's a link going up right now sign up for that right now yeah greatness me getting started here in just a couple weeks so don't miss out on that don't wait too long okay go ahead and take that step today leadership foundations it's a great opportunity really so many people always say like man i learned so much through leadership foundations like like they don't realize when you get into it how much you really learn and grow individually as a leader but then even in god's house so it's pretty cool so definitely take that step well it's been an incredible encounter night we're so glad that you were on for us and i just want to encourage you maybe you don't have a church home we would love to have you join us each weekend we are live online for all of our services saturday night at 5 p.m central standard time also on sunday at 9 30 and 11 15 central standard time we would love to have you join us each weekend we've got amazing services and we would love for you to be a part of our online family so we would love to see you again next weekend but first i'm going to pray before we go today lord i just thank you god for every person that is watching online with us tonight got from all around the world thank you for all of our locations that are tuning in new york and massachusetts and santiago lord we just pray god right now or a blessing over them as they go into their week lord whatever you spoken to our hearts tonight god i pray that you had planted deep in our hearts or we're so thankful for what you've done in our lives tonight and encounter night we love you in jesus name we pray amen well we love you guys and we will see you next weekend bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Life Church
Views: 1,675
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZXv6y_l-Tqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 39sec (6759 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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