Local Produce Part 3 | Pastor Dino Rizzo

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hey everybody and welcome to the life church online we're so glad to have you with us we're going to jump into service in just a moment but right now we're gonna hang out have some fun in fact we're gonna have some some fun with dads today come on it's father's day shout out to all the dads happy father's day john you too happy father's day my name is johnny this is john and we're so glad to have you with us today hey listen we would love to know that you're in with us today so that's right you'll find the the chat feature down below whether you're on facebook or youtube it's kind of a way for us to interact with you so give us a shout out let us know where you're watching from you know we're one church in many locations and especially online that means many many more locations so it's always cool to see how uh how our church has expanded and grown and where all the people are watching from so we'd love to know that you're in with us today drop us drop a note in the chat and hey make sure you share this service you know every single week people watch our service because somebody shared it it's really a simple way to invite people to church you can take that link you can share it to your facebook you can text that youtube link to a friend or family member you never know somebody could just be scrolling through facebook they see the service and they click on it and their lives could be forever changed you know it's a great way to let people know that church is happening and hey while you're at it go ahead right now smash that like button that thumbs up that you see right under the video go ahead and like the service as well come on we got to get the word out let people know church is happening right happening today and today is a great day yes they share the message i got to sit in last night listen the worship team has got an amazing set planned powerful worship last night what are some of the songs we're seeing we're singing that maverick city song i thank god we've got this new song it's called uh no one but you it's one of my favorites powerful songs then there's the song goodness of god i think that's my new favorite song right now that's such a good song come on it's like all my life you have been thankful so good come on i love that so good i love it i love it so worship's gonna be powerful we've got our good friend pastor dino rizzo who's with us in the house bringing a message and if you've never heard pastor dino you're going to have a good time today right you know i guarantee you by the end of the day's service you're going to say i'm glad that i spent about an hour and 15 minutes that's right at the life church your life is going to be blessed you're going to leave encouraged absolutely you're leaving absolutely hey why don't we take a moment let's do some shout outs we got facebook and youtube pulled up right now so come on make sure you let us know that you're watching in chats let's see who's watching on facebook we got deborah and ronald jackson they're saying good morning we got krista smith saying good morning we got allison chen good morning y'all barbara wright she says good morning live streams come on lots of shout outs uh cassie chambers says happy father's day come on let us know where you are shout out to all the dads that's right sean just watching over there casey chambers and jerrica nunley we've got veronica thompson all joining in with us this morning so come on it's great it's great great day in church come on keep giving us some some uh love chats and hey you never know you might get a shout out get a shout out today come on hey i want to tell you about some things coming up at the life church we not only have amazing weekend services but we like to make an impact in our community in fact one of the things that we talk about here at the life church as part of our next steps is to impact the world and on july 10th coming up in just a few weeks we have what we call big serve day and we're partnering with hundreds of churches around the city other art churches and even around the country to go out and to serve our community and we don't want to just be known about a church that's just for us but we're a church that we can show some love to god in an outward way and so if you're a part of the online campus you can still serve and be a part you don't have to be a part of a local campus and our team has put together a lot of great opportunities for you to serve and there's gonna be a little video walk through about how you can find those if you go to the lifechurch.com click on the online campus option and you just scroll down and you'll see all of the different opportunities that you have as an online campus member to serve and be a part some of them are virtual some of our in are in person but we would love to have you join with us july 10th on big serve day to make a difference in our communities all across the world that's right and hey we've got a big week coming up here at the life church it is access conference weeks come on it's upon us yeah it's happening and hey if you're in the mid-south area and you don't have your young person signed up for the access conference if you're a teenager and you're not signed up for the access conference what are you doing what's happening what are you doing are we missing out it starts this monday night the 21st and goes through thursday night the 21st we got four powerful nights of worship come on three powerful days of powerful messages worship fun with tribal wars you know the word axis means really it's the central point on which things revolve around and our hope is that young people that their lives would revolve around jesus and his house come on jesus said he's building this church and we want young people to walk away full of god's love and full of passion about god's house we hear we hear stories all the time of how young people are impacted they get their calling into ministry they get clarity about what what god's creating them to do they give their hearts to jesus all in the environment that we create our team we pull out all the stops so that young people could have a real encounter with god yes they're going to have fun yes they're going to be blown away by some of the cool elements but more than anything that they would have a true encounter with jesus that's what we're believing for access conference so hey if your student's not registered get them registered if you're an adult and you would say well i'm not a student yeah well you can sign up to serve you can give scholarships to make sure no student has to miss out on the conference and more than anything you can pray wherever you are right our prayers are not geographical so come on access conference week this week that'll preach right there that's what well it's father's day today hey happy father's day to all the dads we're calling it dad day here at the life church and we like to have a little fun part of the day so our team put together what they're calling dad fails as a dad you know i think dads get a bad rap sometimes so uh but sometimes we do you know some have some challenges interesting things that's some interesting things so we're gonna take a minute and just kind of scroll through uh some of the dad fails let's see what we've got some comments they got some images i don't know if you can see this at home but this is this is a hair style this is a ponytail that has been put together by a zip tie a zip tie if you don't have the patent for that i'm getting the pad that's that's ingenuity right there that's not a fail what you've got that's right and look he used the white zip tie on blonde hair he could have used it's not a black ribbon it's like a plastic ribbon there you go it's just accessory what's the next one let's see the next one look at that okay look at that all right hey he's eating this burger get a little ketchup on the baby hey you don't have a napkin handy get it that's right he's he's making sure the baby's clean he's taking care of eat he's not gonna have his child out here in these streets looking crazy walking around so he's getting a ketchup off you know hey life is hard enough you don't have to have ketchup on your face there you go come on let's see what this next is oh look at this he's got the new orleans saints shirt on this child he is training up a child in the way he should go through that so that when he is old he won't depart from me look at that that's that's a dab right there i think this is the best day of this kid's life so far look at that rib eye in fact look at the lines look at the grill marks on this ribeye this dad he didn't fail he won right here it's a competition every dad wants lines like that on their grill and on their yard how about that that's right shut up man great job rob well hey we want to take a moment to honor some dance we call this segment father figures you know we're thankful for the father figures in our life i'd like to give a special shout out to danny parker who's been a real father figure in my life happy father's day i love you but we want to recognize some dads right here on our own church and some things that their families have said about this this first one it says not only does jeremy dixon nail all the traditional superlatives of fatherhood but he also loves the fatherless like they are his very own using his god-given resources and abilities to reach countless children and young adults in his own unique way thank you for all you do for us our children our children from foster care and those the lord brings into our lives we love you at the dixon tribe come on shout out to jeremy dixon how about this one this one says i love many things about adonis he's over at our austin p location leads all the worship it says like how much of a team player and a kind human he is and but most of all i love how he loves his family he stops the world to make sure his girls know that we are loved and as mother to a daughter knowing she'll never question her father's love makes me love him even more come on meredith and harris finch come on shout out to those to pastor adonis over there at austin p how about this one this one from our wives they say you bring home the bacon here's what they say you shop for bacon you cook the bacon and you both are such incredible providers thanks for all the bacon ashley and aaron so come on shout outs from our live happy father's day and hey we've got one more special shout out pastor caitlin says my dad is the best one there is he is always so kind and thoughtful he puts our family first in every situation he's always been my biggest cheerleader and i'm thankful for him his love so much come on that's paddler pastor caitlin's dad happy father's day to pastor katelyn happy father's day everybody hey we're getting ready to jump into worship get ready set aside everything get eliminate the distractions get your notebooks out and get ready and let's give god our very best praise today come on let's go [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come on like church come on let's get ready to worship come on put your hands together like this come on don't we serve an amazing [Music] god revive your church and make us hope ignite transform take us to a place we've never seen [Music] before [Music] [Music] with expectations [Music] [Music] come on [Music] peace take us to a place [Music] we declared [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] are shaken and every curse is breaking strongholds are falling and greater things [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] we're standing on your [Music] oh [Music] come on put those hands together now we're gonna continue to worship you and thank you for all that you've done [Music] i tried with all my [Music] i rode i met a man [Music] forever i thank god cannot deny what i see got no choice but to believe my doubts are burning yes they are like that she's in the wind [Music] you can just keep on moving [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] one i am free that i am free i am come on are you free today i lost another one i am free i am i am free i am [Music] he changed my [Music] for making me home i think i will be so good one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] for your mercy never fails me in all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head i was thinking of the goodness of god [Music] [Music] you have been so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] i love your voice you have led me through the fire in darkest nights you are close like no other i've known you as a father i've known you as a friend and i have a list in the goodness of god [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] i will sing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything [Music] every day [Music] um [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that every prayer with every prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] come on church come on let's give it up for the faithfulness of god today come on come on keep going he's good he's been so good to us he's been so faithful [Music] yeah i'll tell you what it's just it's just a little gesture but when you put your hands together and you applaud the lord it means so much it's just a little gesture it's just a little bit it's not much it's just a little bit but we're saying thanks to him for being so good to us and if in fact the bible calls it a sacrifice of praise why because sometimes you have to sacrifice what's comfortable to you to appreciate the goodness of god and the faithfulness of god and i know i know so many people you're here today it's your first time you're not quite used to this kind of worship and uh some people say well it's you know it's modern worship but actually it's ancient worship uh the bible talks about it in the book of psalms that we clap our hands and we lift our voices and singing and we lift our hands and and uh we shout even the bible says and it's all over the word of god and i tell you what the lord deserves it all he deserves it all [Music] yeah happy father's day to all the dads that are here come on can we give it up for all our dads [Music] so glad you're in church with us today in just a few minutes a little later in the service we're going to honor our dads and pray for them but i just wanted to give a little shout out this is the part of our service that we call our ministry time and we're going to have one more worship song or team is going to lead us and by the way can we thank god for our worship team this morning worship teams i say worship teams because at every one of our locations we're all connected together at all our locations our worship teams leading us this morning so thankful for uh that faithful a group of people mostly volunteers who show up very early on sundays and prepare for a great worship service so thank you guys all of you they're going to lead us in one more song and while they do we're going to have what we call our ministry time it's like an opportunity for us to respond and we open the front of the stage at every one of our locations we call it the altar it's just a it's just a stage right but it's a place for you to come and kneel and and bring anything you know to god that maybe you're concerned about or any any anything that you're believing for uh it's a powerful moment for you to be able to do that we're going to have communion available on either side of the stage at most locations here at houston levee also in the back for those of you that are in the stadium seating write down come right down the steps and there's the communion elements we're not going to do it all together as a church family but it's an opportunity for you to do it i i assure you our pastors have laid out the elements and they're blessed and just an opportunity for you to take a moment and remember the price that jesus has paid for you and then finally there's prayer partners that are ready to pray and they're ready to agree with you about anything going on in your life and i know um with all of our locations and so many different people there's so many different situations maybe you came in and you're you know you're believing for for that new job and you've done a couple of interviews maybe you're here this morning and you're heartbroken over something that's happening in your life i know uh last night leslie and i got word uh my sister's niece their three-year-old daughter was struck by a car and killed last night and that father can you imagine how that father is grieving this morning and just tragedy and pain but i'm going to tell you what what god's grace is big enough for every situation and every circumstance listen to me i don't make light of it but even that one listen god is he specializes in comfort he specializes in in in helping people through the worst uh most difficult seasons and i just want to encourage you his arm is not too short to reach right down into that situation and he can turn it around just like that just like that he can turn it around so many different needs i was thinking about this and i want to just share this one one thought from john chapter six i encourage you to go back and read it and i'm sure you've read it many times it's when jesus fed the five thousand and he looked at the disciples because he was concerned uh everybody was getting hungry he could tell uh you could tell like when you're speaking and everybody starts moving around you know they're they're hungry right and jesus said what are we gonna do how are we gonna feed all these people he asked them to test them the bible says he wanted to see if they had faith to believe and philip said well we don't have enough money to cover you know these all defeat all these people five thousand men plus women and children but peter said well here's a young boy that has a few fish and a few loaves of bread and so jesus said bring them to me bring them to me and here's the lesson in that story what he did was he took right those just a few pieces of fish and just a little bit of bread what did he do in his hands in jesus hands they became enough to feed all of those people so the the point is this i really want you to get this the point is in the kingdom of god surrender is always the catalyst that gets god involved in your situation so they surrendered what was insufficient and jesus made it sufficient and i know there's things in your life that i know there's things in your life like me you're trying to control them you're trying to take care of them and jesus is saying put them in my hand give them to me surrender them to me and watch i'll make it bigger i'll make it better i'll heal i'll make whole i'll do all the things you can't do in your own strength i can do it jesus says i can do it so if you're hurting today if you need healing in your body now come for prayer come to the altar if you just want to remember the faithfulness of god take a moment and and have communion all in this next moment there's going to be a lot of people moving around but people are moving down front they're moving toward the communion tables they're moving for prayer if you're not moving around why don't you do this why don't you give god your best worship your best worship in this moment can we lift our hands everybody as an attitude of surrender come on at every one of our locations as we get ready to respond come on god's going to move in this moment people are going to be healed people that are discouraged and hurting are going to be touched we're praying right now for that young family that family friend of ours that's suffering so greatly today the loss of that young girl and so many others today those watching online at other locations who are struggling hurting we're praying father in jesus name for healing for ministry and we all surrender today because we can give you more and lord we know that when we entrust you with those special places in our life lord you take them you multiply them and you meet every need in our life lord we love you today we thank you in jesus name come on let's respond [Music] church [Music] who can melt his heart let's be life into my soul and who can spend the world around [Music] and who can search the depths of me who controls the world i see and walks me through it all [Music] now [Music] no one but you who has paid my way with grace you love me through my darkness a thousand different ways no one and i'll single your love [Music] the lord [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] the king of my heart [Music] jesus is the earth we need you right now we gotta have your [Music] presence [Music] see the skies come on that's right sing it out hear the rocks [Music] every heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes we worship jesus [Applause] there's nobody like [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] now [Music] still better like our god come on let's worship him let's worship him come on he's god he's good he's good he's good come on he's good [Music] i can't get it [Music] the king of my jesus is you only you can do with god [Music] the king of my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome we'll grab your seats everybody welcome to church so glad you are with us this weekend and a big welcome to all of the locations that are joining us together come on austin p and jackson and germantown parkway and highland and uh am i missing something everybody who is joining in with us right now including those online soon to be our downtown we're launching a downtown location in just a couple of months right at the end of summer back to school season brand new location of the life church we're excited about anyway we're glad you're here if you're a guest with us we are really glad you're here and we appreciate you being a part of the service today and i hope somebody welcomed you and made you feel at home if you if you'd like you can take your phone and uh just you know touch on that qr code right there and it'll bring you to a page that gives you more information about who we are as a church or if uh you want to stop by on your way out and meet somebody in our lobby and our lobbies and say and say hi to somebody i'm sure there'll be friendly people there ready to say hello and ready to answer any questions church can we put our hands together and thank god for all of our first time guests and appreciate them for being a part i want to take a moment right now and lead us in our generosity moment bringing our our finances to the lord bringing our tithe bringing our offering and we always talk about the tithe don't we is that first part the very the very first part of your income which as a believer belongs to the lord and we bring it into our local church and it enables our church to do everything that it's called to do we like to say this way the tithe helps the church uh stay strong and so just to encourage you keep tithing and keep honoring god with your finances i'm praying for you that it'll be a fantastic summer for you a summer of blessing uh that if you're looking for a job you'll find the right one if you're believing for a promotion you'll you'll experience that i was talking to someone last night at the end of the saturday night service that said man i just got a huge promotion at work and less stress and i said man that's a perfect combination right there it doesn't happen too often right but that's a perfect combination and this um this gentleman that i was talking to so faithful such a uh pillar in our church and um you know god is faithful to us right he's faithful he's good to us can i get an amen from everybody he's he's a good good uh dad who blesses us and and takes care of us and so if you want to give online you can do that that's how most people do uh do their giving there's also boxes at every one of our locations on the way out if you want to stop by one of those boxes and give that way uh with a check or with cash uh obviously you can do that as well i'm gonna pray for us father i thank you lord for your faithfulness for being so good to us and lord we do surrender that first part the tithe that belongs to you lord as we release it we thank you that you breathe on and bless the rest and father god i thank you for that report last night from lord that that gentleman in our church promotion and and i pray for that for our whole church promotions and raises and bonuses and open doors lord doors that only you can open i thank you for businesses growing and and prospering uh right now in the name of jesus that our church the people the families that are a part of our church are blessed and and financially moving forward with momentum in their lives i pray for it all we pray for it all in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen well we're glad you're in church this weekend uh we've got a little video with some um details about who we are as a church and then a great father's day video just to honor all of our dads so let's check it out to the life church each weekend we have online services available where you can be a part of worship hear an encouraging message and connect with an online community that is welcoming and friendly we have fun and creative services specifically designed for kids on our kids life youtube channel kids ages 5 years through 5th grade can also participate in online small groups via zoom every weekend these age-appropriate small groups help kids engage their faith while building life-giving relationships with other kids and leaders you can register your child for a small group online at thelifechurch.com we're all about helping people get connected and move forward in life and one of the best ways to get started is by taking your next step stay connected and build life-giving relationships by joining an online life group we have lots of different options to fit a variety of interests just visit thelivechurch.com life groups to find a group that's right for you if you would like to know more about the life church or get involved our discovery experience is the place for you through discovery you will hear from campus leaders learn how you can make a difference and get planted in church you can register for discovery at thelivechurch.com god has an incredible plan for your life and we'd love for you to be a part of all that's taking place here at the life church [Music] hello hi [Music] so professional [Laughter] so i'm gonna ask you some questions and i want your real honest answers okay what is your dad's job my dad's job is to work here to be a pastor and to be my dad fedex so i guess you could say he's um he's a media guru and a carpenter i don't know what his job is but he mostly does tick tocks what is your dad not good at picking out my outfits i'm wrestling fixing the toilet he's not good at dancing my dad too that's true dancing here's one example of my dad dance oh let's see it dad please do not take offense in this you know what i'm talking about uh but you i'm sorry but he's not a dancer he's not he's not exactly michael jackson when he's dancing no my dad's not good at really don't think he's better there's nothing he's bad at so tell me something your dad is really good at my dad's good at snoring my dad is good at barbecuing he's good at understanding me kisses and hugs being my dad and encouraging people my dad's really good at helping friends helping friends like everyone in memphis and the whole youtuber is your dad funny yeah yeah what absolutely yes my dad's my dad is he's funny he's not kevin hart funny but he's funny if your dad were to become famous what would it be for comedian a comedian easy no-brainer comedian a good cook so he makes good eggs he'll he'll be famous playing basketball being a tick-tock star kick sock star nothing tell me something your dad always says to you um make sure you brush your teeth he always says that i had to change my shoes do you wear the wrong shoes well i'm picking the best that i to be good to be good i love you oh i love you my dad would always say turn off the lights oh that's amazing right i know oh my god how do you know that your dad loves you billy takes care of me because i live with him because he loves us and jesus loves us it's the fact that he accepts me you know what makes you proud of your dad he can fix almost anything and yesterday he fixed the toilet fixing the toilet [Laughter] is bringing pop tarts home from kroger when i don't ask him to oh yes that's nice he encourages people and stuff like that so i'm proud that he does that i just want to say if if we didn't have a dad in our house every day would be chores and if we didn't have a mom in our house something weird would happen like every day i think we need dads because well if we didn't have dads think about it the world would come to an a demise you know well dads i'm not sure if you feel better or worse after that video but but we do honor you can we have all the dads stand up we want to take a moment to appreciate you and honor you come on all the dads stay standing okay stay standing come on let's really honor them oh yeah let's go some amazing dads here stay standing guys we're gonna pray for you just pray a blessing of you first i want to tell you uh you're doing a good job you're doing better than you think you are keep up the good work you know it's not about perfection it's about being present right it's just about being there so thank you for your faithfulness thank you for being in church uh this this morning if you're st if you're around one of the dads would you just kind of reach over and you know uh uh you know lay your hands on them and we're gonna pray together father i thank you for every one of our dads including those that are watching online those at other locations here at houston levee i thank you for all these dads lord what a pillar they are to our church and to um to our community father god i pray for your grace today i pray for your strength today i pray they feel celebrated i pray it's the best father's day they've ever had in jesus name come on and everybody said amen and amen one more time can we thank god for all of our dads it's a pretty good day today listen you got i think the u.s open is finishing up today it's a good day to have father's day a couple playoff games this evening i think and uh so you know kick kick your feet up and enjoy the day if you can all right let's get our bibles out everybody let's get ready for the message today great great friend in church with us he is one of our uh one of our three presbiters who helped oversee the church he has been a friend of mine for 30 years and our church is 25 years old in november and he and his wife delene have helped us from day one they've been our cheerleaders they've invested financially and just some of our very very closest friends uh pastor dino rizzo is the leader of what we call the ark you've heard me talk about uh arc which is uh the association of related churches planting churches all over the country and really all over the world now and he leads that as well as uh he's a pastor at church of the highlands and in birmingham alabama and uh he is just a great friend great communicator you're gonna fall in love with him if you never if you've never heard him before and he's dressed up real nice where's he at come on where's he at he's got white pants on today come on father's day stand up everybody give it up for my good friend pastor dino rizzo look how nice he look look how nice he looks today you look he's looking good come on let's clap your hands through jesus man it's great to be at life church you can be seated what an honor it is to be here and want to take a moment to welcome all those who've joined us online of course at one of our other campuses i love this church i'm not sure uh there's a church i love more than this so there's so many things that happen here that's what pastor john looks good i like the little facial area i'll tell you right now i don't think i've ever seen him looking better you know what i'm talking about he's a fine young man can we clap our hands for our pastor how dapper he looks we're always messing with each other there's so many awesome things about this church if you just started joining us so you watch it online for the first time just so many things i love that it's a fresh start and environment i know i need that in my life and i love the idea that they give you a pathway so you can kind of figure out how to be a part and how to join a team and how to experience all the family that this church offers and it's nothing like being also in a small group a life group i know i don't think i'd be here today if it wasn't when i came to christ at 18 years old to be able to be involved with a life group and i love that you love the next generation i wish every church that i went to celebrated the next generation like you do and so access nation is right around the corner i'm always here for this i'm kind of all in they let me sneak in and so it's just a lot of fun man them kids getting here go crazy come on it's it it smells like like a like a dog grooming place you know what i'm talking about it smells like a bunch of puppies in here so we have a great time and we have to disinfect about every hour it's just awesome and so we're gonna have a great time at axis and that doesn't happen without your generosity and there's so many things i could talk about as it relates to the generosity of life church all that you do locally all the outreach i'm so proud of you and proud of your pastor and leadership team during covet how you just stepped up and responded of course served day right around the corner that doesn't happen without people that are just faithful to the tithing offering walk in on this campuses the other campuses and every time you go online to give or you text to give or you put god first in your finances it's making a difference locally it's helping those with reduced opportunities it's making addition a difference nationally as we're planting churches though pastor john is on our lead team of planting churches and just during coven you planted 59 churches can i have a good amen across the country so every time you give the leadership here says let's go start other churches other places and this fall we'll plant our thousands church and i was able to be in life church in new york last weekend fantastic again that doesn't happen without people who say let's put god first in our resources and be faithful so we can expand it was fantastic to see the new space there i'm just excited to see what god is doing across the globe and probably one of my highest honors is to watch you make a difference and to be able to serve here as a presbyter i get to see the integrity i get to see the wisdom of the leadership team and i can tell you this god is honored in all those facets just what you see in public is what you see in private just god is being honored in those decisions and i'm i'm grateful for it this is a house of integrity and i'm just grateful you know you got a great team here just the team is incredible and then don't you love your pastors can you clap your hands one more time for pastor john and leslie sibling just pure hearts wanting to do it right uh they're they're caring they love god they love you let me tell you this i don't there's there's very few pastors who are who are a wise builder like pastor john is he just i can tell you this he seeks god he's a man of the word he's a man of prayer we spend a lot of time together there's probably not a day that goes by that we don't talk and just the right things that matter to him you matter lost people matter hurting people matter the gospel matters and i'm grateful for his role in ark as he provides leadership for thousands of churches i'm grateful for you'll be doing in a few days called make room where there's hundreds of churches that will come here trying to figure out how to do this learn and i'm just thankful for his role in delinda and his life he's been a dear friend to me so often he gives me the wisdom that we need as our family so greetings from our family the residents love this church my wife is with me she'll be here a little bit my son i believe he's going to come up and see me so happy father's day to everybody i know i know my wife has already gotten grapes and has bought a fan she plans on feeding me grapes fanning me this afternoon i don't know what your girl's doing i know what my girl is gonna be doing so you better check yourself and uh and so she already cooked me a meal we were gonna be here so she cooked for me friday and got me a great gift and matter of fact she dressed me today i said i wear a suit but i'm picking out the shoes come on somebody i don't mind dressing it up but i'm wearing my jays up in church just straight up that's how we roll it's dad's day i wear what i want to wear and so anyway it's an honor to be here and want to encourage every day through the message of course encourage all of us that are joining us i love the series that you're in local produce i love it i love it i love it i think it's a great series to lead right into serve day because it's about the fruit of the spirit you've been learning about the gifts and the power and there's there's purpose with the power there's a generosity with the gifts of the spirit there's a way that we we walk it out we practice the holy spirit living in our life and so i love the idea of local produces so we're going to stay along those lines and i want to talk about one of those fruits of the spirit called love and i i want to talk about around the idea of of of the greatest the greatest is love so let's all pray father we love you thank you for what you're doing at life church thank you for our pastors and lord thank you for the generosity of this house all that we're talking about just takes place because our hearts are open towards you and we we believe that surrender is the currency of the kingdom as pastor said so father uh thank you for the worship thank you for what's happening with kids today and the lord all across the life of the church speak to us we need more of you we want to learn about the greatest thing which is love in jesus name everybody said a good amen turn the person next to you and say i'm glad you made it to church come on look at the other person that was your second option tell them you look like you could use some church my friend my buddy the theme verse or the theme text for local produce is galatians chapter 5 which i find is so interesting that paul is talking to the church in galatia the church is and they're walking through some things they're struggling with some things paul has been there earlier on a missionary trip so these are some of the first churches that he planted and he was a part of so they hold a special uh deer place at his heart and and a couple years later after he plants that he hears from someone he gets the news that the church is going through some things and there's some attacks from the outside and so people are bringing in some things from the outside saying that hey there's a new way to really identify as a christian there's there's a new way to understand to be real and you need to be circumcised you need to follow this law and you need to do this and you need to do that and they're coming against the grace and the message of love and faith uh through jesus christ so paul writes them back and says hey it's still there's there's one way to know that you're a real christian and it all revolves around jesus and at the end of it he says and there's some fruits that that'll happen in your life and so we pick up this scriptures he's encouraging them so i say walk by the spirit you do not gratify the desires of the flesh for the flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit and the spirit that is contrary to the flesh they are in conflict with each other so that you will not do whatever you want and then verse 18 he says this but if you are led by the spirit you are not under the law it says don't get back up under that law don't get back up under those rules and regulations stay in the spirit of god and he tells about some of those things the acts of the flesh and things you want to stay away from but then in verse 22 he picks up this local produce this fruit of the spirit says but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace forbearance kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such there is no law can i have a good amen for god's word what i find so interesting is paul is trying to get the church back on track from the outside attacks he uses the first fruit and the first one that he puts out there and the first one that's in the list top of the list a number one the first one that comes right out of it right out of the gate is love it says if you're going to live this life and if you're going to experience grace and if you're going to try to live the life that god intended for you to live then you got to make sure if there's one fruit that you need to make sure you hang on the hook of your life that is the fruit that is the practice of love if you go walk in the spirit and be led by the spirit as a dad or as a mom or as a single mom or as a blended family you're going to make sure that you understand the practice of love just not any old love but the love that comes from god come on somebody that flows through jesus christ it's agape love and he starts with that and it's not as if he he just thinks let's start with that he knows those words of jesus he knows that in the last supper the last moments that jesus has with the disciples he gathers them around judas will betray him he washes their feet he looks at them and says in a few moments i'm going to be betrayed i'm going to go to the cross but there's one thing that's gonna set you apart from everyone else and that's the way that you love one another this is how they will know that you are my follower because you love one another so paul knows that he knows that we've got to get that right he knows with all the attacks and all the things that are saying he says remember remember the way we love remember the practice of love the greatest way that we demonstrate who we are is love not those other ways thank god for how you worship thank god for how you how you uh uh send out a instagram about your walk with god but at the end of the day the real way we demonstrate it is love matter of fact in the early church the people on the outside would look at the family of god and yeah they would talk about that and they may talk about their singing they talk about their praying but what they really talked about and what really impressed them was look how they love each other that's so different than everything else paul tells them that that's the the produce we need in our life then we see paul again eight years later he's not dealing with the churches in galatians now he's dealing with the church in corinth corinth is different corinth is a supreme bunch they're they're an advanced group they're very smart they're advanced and they've got their own set of challenges it's not the challenges from the outside but it's the attack of on the inside they begin to rely on themselves they begin to trust themselves they begin to rely on how good they are and how smart they are and how amazing they are and how much they've achieved and how much they've advanced and how innovative they are but he goes back to first to the corinth church he gets them back to the local produce and he says this as he wraps up the letter in first corinthians 13. and when you hear first corinthians 13 so often you're like oh i know i know first corinthians 13 i've been to a wedding they they read that at a wedding oh that's a good that's a good chapter for valentine's day let me tell you something men it's a good one when your girl is mad at you you throw a little first corinthians 13 at them oh girl i know i didn't pick up the milk i know i didn't take out the trash and i know i you know i left the door open and the dog went out in the yard and the trash is all over the place but let me just send you this scripture we call it the love chapter but paul believed it was the life chapter he describes this agape love this fruit of the spirit this unconditional unstoppable love that god has through jesus christ that he wants to put into us here's some of the description love is patient love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it's not proud watch this it does not dishonor others was that not a message we need today check this out i love this it is not self-seeking it's not easily angered this agape love this fruit of the spirit it keeps no record of wrongs man i'm about to go home and repent just on that right there because i'm going to tell you right now i got some records i've screenshotted some texts i can remember that later on i'm gonna bring the burn back i got some archives of some people that threw shade at me and did me wrong let me tell you something in heaven they're all deleted god's love will delete all those things it says love does not delight evil but rejoice isn't true watch this it always protects it always trusts it always hopes it always perseveres sounds like a good dad then he says these words to the church of corinth love never fails never no matter what it no matter what it faces no matter what it has to deal with no matter the ups and downs the storm the struggle the suffering love never fail that's why paul put it first he says because it never fails then he drops down and says these words that you can build your life on and build your family on you work through any struggle that you have in your season or your stage of the phase of life that you're in at this current time he says this in first corinthians 13 verse 13 and now these three remain there's a lot of things you have in your life but he boils it down to these three remain it's faith oh you need faith without faith it's impossible to please god you need a little trust a little reliance but then he says it's not only faith it's hope oh isn't hope a good thing hope says today was terrible but tomorrow will be better i know today my kids didn't act right but tomorrow tomorrow things are going to turn around i know that today my body doesn't feel right my finances are not doing good my anxiety my depression is eating me up but i'm believing god that tomorrow next week next month things are going to turn around in my life faith hope and then he says and then there's love but the greatest the one that's more preeminent is love that unconditional that unstoppable love paul says three things will remain the last they'll stay with you because at the end not everything will stay with you you know there's some things in your life that do not stay with you there's some money in your life that will not stay with you oh my my my there's a few friends that may not stay with you there's a job that may not stay with you there's a car that may not stay with you there's a mortgage that may not stay with you but when everything else walks out on you there is one thing that will remain and stay with you and that is the love of god will stay with you it's the unconditional love of god you say dean i i can't live that out there's no way i could do that really there's there's i can't but guess what he can through you he can so we finished our produce kind of shopping with what one of the scholars calls the identical twin of first corinthians 13 which is first john 4. and it is an incredible passage because it describes where this fountain of love comes from that's where we get this fruit first john 4 verse 7 says dear friends let us love one another for love comes from god everyone who loves has been born of god and knows god whoever does not love does not know god because god is love this is how god showed his love among us he sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him this is love not that we love god but he loved us and said his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins dear friends since god so loved us we ought to also love one another because god loves us and god fills us and god forgives us and god owns us and and god redeems us then we can operate and we can share that love that that out of the love of god we can live out the love of god and we can practice the love of god and we could be that that produce stand for a hurting world all around us i remember when this was revealed to me in a life-changing way a pastor to louisiana for for 20 years and one of the things i so enjoyed was partying with our department of corrections and so often two or three times a year i would go into some of the the prisons and some of the correctional facilities and i would preach and go do some spiritual development and do some discipleship and work with some of those chaplains and some of my funnest times and greatest times of ministry was was inside the prison and one of those prisons in louisiana is called angola it's it's one of the largest prisons in america it's one prison with six different camps it's about six thousand precious inmates and and and it's an amazing place of and i would go out there and spend some time doing crusades and and preaching and developing and one time the warden said i want you to come out here and i just want you to feel and be a part of this family and so i went out there one evening i got there early we had dinner with with some of the trustees and they made us dinner we set we talked about their life and we talked about their pain and we talked about their bad days but then we talked about how jesus had redeemed them how the love of god had found him inside those walls and how they had felt the forgiveness of god and and we understood the pain that had happened and they they talked about the hurt and the consequences of bad decisions and we sat there that night we we cried and we laughed and went to bed that night stayed on on the campus and early that morning as i began to leave the the the the warden came by burl cain he said i'd like to take you somewhere before you leave i want you to run over here with me so i followed him over and we we walked down death row i'll never forget walking the halls of death row and stopping at every cell and talking to those those precious men and talking about life and many of them had turned their life over to christ and it's something about talking to a man who has a death sentence something about that it's very sobering it was very serious it was it it shook me and as we we got done and got to pray with several men as we were leaving he said i'd like you to follow me somewhere that many people don't ever get to see or ever to go go into i want you to follow me he said i want to take you to the death chamber i said no i'm good i'm going to go into the truck he said i want you to walk with me down this this hallway as we lead men into this place where they meet eternity and i walked into this room that was all white and there was a table and a smaller room and a window where families or or others would watch this this serious this this eternal a transformation place this this place where people took their last breath and last breath and they they went to the other side can i tell you something it was real it got real real in there and he began to describe to me what it's like to be with the person in their last moment and what it was like to to to pray with them or to talk with them he said i want you to lay down on that table oh no that's the i rebuked thee and then no no no no no no no he said lay down on that table son i laid down on that table where where so many men have have taken their last breath have have went from one place to another and i looked up in the ceiling and on the ceiling i saw a into a tile he had put this this saying on that tile john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life let me tell you something life church he made a decision that in their last breath as their heartbeat began to decrease he wanted them to know that god loves them regardless of what they have done regardless of the crime regardless of the sin regardless of the hurt that god almighty loves them can somebody clap your hands today i left there that day and i got by the truck and he grabbed me by the arm he said son let me ask you something if you had one message in one minute what would it be i searched my heart i said i don't know if it would be that but i made a decision that day for the rest of my life if i had one message and one minute it would be simply that god is love and he loves you now you may not be on a table and you may not be faced with a sentence but somebody here needs to hear that no matter what you've done no matter what's happened in your life no matter what you've experienced god loves you and it's never too late i wrote down some things about just facts about god's love that i want you to hear for a few minutes here's the first one that god's love is a perfect love it's a perfect love as hard as you try as hard as i try to love my kids and love my wife and love my friends i will come up short and guess what so will you can i encourage you hey so will they so will her so will him no one can be your perfect love you can't put that on people you will be let down at their best effort they no one has perfect love i'm not perfect i never forget a while back i flew into the denver airport which is you know it's just a crazy airport and took forever to get my bags and you know i'm trying to get my i get a little impatient got to go somewhere gotta get my bags get a rental car go preach that that evening my wife's with me where i'm a little impatient we take a shuttle about 100 miles to the rental car place and finally we arrived there and and i get there and i woke up real quick i'm in a hurry big man in a hurry and i was like hey good to see hey dino rizzo my name's not on the board dino rizzo uh need a suburban he said we don't have any oh no you do you do i called three months ago verified three weeks ago called three days ago dino check again he said no we're out of some a lot of people in there are trying to get cars real hectic you could tell he said well not everybody's turn their cars just sir just wait just wait well i said no i got to go and delene sits down and she's looking at me like calm down it's okay love you man brother getting tired you know how you know and i'm like you know it's 15 minutes other people are coming in and finally there's not a line he's like i'm kind of confused on who was first hey he looked at me said can you get a paper and and write down everybody's name and see who's in line i said sir sir i don't work for the rental company that's not my job that's what you do he says and deline's like calm down calm down calm down and i'm trying to be cool but my body language is so loud you know how you trying to be quiet but you got loud body languages finally he and i said sir i need a car sir he says excuse sir you need to calm down say oh don't serve me you don't know me you don't know my mama you don't know my people you don't know where i came from don't serve me don't put your hand at me dylan's like stop stop like emoji stop i'm hot i'm standing up front i look over lady looking at me she says hey pastor dino i watch you online i love your preaching my my name's don dino my name is geno i got a twin brother named dino he preaches i'm a wrestler i'm not saved i'm a heathen of the family i am the prodigal of the family her hey all her family walks in dino hey pastor dino we love you to everybody he's a preacher he's a preacher lens over there just like jesus i get in the car we're pulling off she looks at me she says i told you i told you i put the card park i go back in i i just i said hey i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to act that way i'm so sorry sir i know you're trying your best i'm so sorry people i'm sorry please y'all don't call chris hodges or john c blink please don't email john sibling hey we're not perfect god's love is perfect let me give you two more here's the other thing hey it's an all-powerful love it's perfect love it's an all-powerful love it just i mean there's just no limit to god's love there's no cap there's no cutoff there's no shortage there's no lap there's no ceiling and guess what he doesn't have to try hard to love you he loves you completely perfectly powerfully it's so powerful that the bible says that love covers a multitude of sins one drop of the blood of jesus will cover a lifetime of it's a perfect love it's a permanent love and then guess what it is it's powerful and it's permanent it will not be changing it's not changing during my wife and i love basketball her dad played at lsu and so we're basketball we're march madness we're college basketball fans and over the years we've become even more devoted march madness we shut everything down i'm a duke fan so she's now a duke fan and so we sit on the couch for four or five days when it opens up we got our brackets out i got her filling out brackets and we cut the tv all day long sometimes we just sit there we're talking basketball and coaching and schemes and there's been times in the middle of a bracket i've looked at her said girl you ain't never been finer than you right now i don't need victoria's secret i got a bracket come on somebody you ain't never been more prettier than you are right now with that bracket in your hand look at me girl i'm right here and and we look at our wins and losses and our standing and our records and i started thinking about that so often we think because of our wins and losses it will affect how god loves us and you may be a dad here today to feel like you don't have a good record and you may be someone here today that said that your standing's not real good you've had a lot of elves but god loves you permanently oh you know the saying there's nothing you can do that will stop the love of god say well dina how do i live that out that local the practice of it there's a lot of different ways but there's four of them i want to give you four startups to love i've been sharing these for about 25 years and probably had the opportunity to share this with hundreds of thousands of people it's amazing throughout this year i believe they haven't changed i think it's just a i want to help you i want to give you some how-to's it's a place it's a place to start living and guess what you can do it all today matter of fact i hope some of you during this service or by the time you get to the car there's four of them here's the first thing as it relates to the love of god is this say it the three most powerful words on the planet is i love you divine thing ha divine things happen when they are present when they're heard but guess what dysfunctional things happen when they're not heard i love you say it a lot say it a thousand times say it hundreds of times uh i'm an old school guy and so back in the day there used to be there was that group called a tlc come on somebody oh don't go chasing in waterfalls i love me some tlc and one of those singers her name was chilly and one time in the interview they said chili what you gonna do with all your money what you can do all your awards she said i would sell it all trade it all in to go find my dad who abandoned me to hear three words i'd give it all to hear three words from my dad i love you i thought how interesting don't let those who are closest to you search for those words nor let them perform for those words ah who who this week who today needs to hear your voice say i love you they may not say it back to me jesus said it to us way before we ever said it to him remember you can't do it but he can't through you who do you need to call this afternoon and say i just want you to know i love you here's the second thing is write it power there's powerful in a note who do you need to write a note to who do you need to text who do you need to send an emoji to today you'll keep it forever i've got notes from friends i've got notes from my mother who passed away 20 years ago i've got notes from dylan and i we were dating i've got notes with friends blow somebody up today they may not text me back you still text them i mean i'd be great with someone getting out their phone right now and texting someone they need to text and say hey if i've not told you lately i love you you you are loved by me i love you blow that emoji up on it throw them hearts in there what could it do to someone right now who feels like they're not loved and they don't matter i love you here's the third thing give it oh just say it write it and give it big ways in small ways the bible says in john 3 for god so loved the world that he gave mother teresa said we're never more like god than when we give it's just small acts of kindness go a long way i mean just think about in the when you stop and you do something small maybe tomorrow or maybe monday or maybe on their way home from church somebody didn't get to come to church today somebody's not feeling well be on the way home i know you're busy and i know we've got appointments and i know we've got busy schedules we've got a lot of people pulling on us but when you stop and you get just sometimes when you buy something smaller you just stop your day in the middle of my day on the middle of traffic i pulled across traffic and i bought you something i know how much you love those swedish fish and i i know how much you love that makeup brush and i know how you needed a new hairdryer and i wanted to get you this spa car and i wanted to get you this turkey jerky and i wanted to hook you up with some of these crocs right here because you were so important to me that i stopped my day and i got you this but you know let's listen so hershey kiss it was three dollars but it says a lot of things that i had to give you something because you mean so much to me come on we say it we write it we give it and the last thing mean it i'm gonna mean it in my life when i say it i mean that means i'm not walking out i'm not going anywhere i love you i love you the story of a dad who he and his wife took a child in for daughter into foster care and later on they adopted her and she came out of trauma and struggled in pain and years later as they were raising her she went through struggle and trauma and that began to surface again and one weekend they went away and they they came back and and the house was just tore up and she was gone and friends came over the police came over said it's probably that girl you you brought into your house two days later the police stopped by and their hearts were broken the police stopped by and just said you know we found your stuff but it's all been sold and your this girl this foster care girl is is this person you adopted she's she's with some people and do you want us to take her on to jail the friends were standing there with him and said man let her go to jail just let her go she's not yours anyway she she really doesn't even have your last name she really doesn't even belong to y'all and i know the pain and the hurt that she's called you just let her go and and that dad and that mom with tears in their eyes and struggling they said i know that she did that and i know that she's wrong and i know that there's consequences but we gave her our last name and we told her that she belonged to us so bring her home sometimes we feel like we don't deserve his name sometimes we feel like we don't belong to him but god says you are mine and i love you there's nothing you do that can stop me from loving you can have a good amen aspire heads us pray together father i thank you for every single person here i pray right now in the name of jesus that you would fill up this room with your love maybe you're here today in just one moment one of our team is going to come and help you take a next step help you have a fresh start all across this room right before we leave if you say do you know i feel far from god i need a fresh start in my life i need a new beginning in my life i want to pray with you i'm not going to have you stand or come forward but i would like to connect with all across this room if you say do you know pray for me could you just slip up your hand all across this room i need to do begin i need the love of god you put the hand down can we all pray this together say dear jesus i give you my heart i give you my life thank you for your love that was shed through jesus christ i believe it and i confess you as my lord and savior say this thank you for a new beginning and a fresh start in jesus name amen put our hands together and celebrate with everybody that made that decision we say a big congratulations to you the bible says that the old is gone and the new has come we call it making a fresh start because you literally are starting fresh and we want to not only celebrate you but come alongside you and help you keep taking steps help you walk out this new life that god has for you and so anywhere you see this sign that's going up on the screen it looks like there's fresh start with god uh we'd love to get a resource in your hand this book pastor john wrote with you in mind it's free today if you prayed that prayer whether it's for the first time or is an act of rededication and stop by anywhere you see our next steps team they'd love to get you this book to pray with you if you want that talk to you about your decision or if you just want to grab the book and go or you want to scan the qr code and get it digital you can do that but come on can we celebrate one more time with everybody that made that decision church oh come on we could do a little bit better than that let's go well before we go today hey welcome back if you're joining us yes what a great message it was from pastor dino today and congratulations to everybody who just made that friend man it's the best decision you could have made absolutely the best decision you can made and just like pastor parker said we'd love to get that resource into your hands you can just click the link that's online let us know that you made that decision today and somebody from our team would love to reach out to you they'd love to get that book into your hands to help you let us help you let us come alongside and help you continue to move forward into all that god has for you come on today is only the first day of all that god has worked and hey if you're here with us for the very first time maybe this is the first time you've seen a message or been with us at the life church we would love to know that you joined us today and uh there's a link that's going up in the chat if you'll do us a favor and click that link it'll take us to to take you to a little forum just give us a little bit of info about you so pastor caitlin our online campus pastor and team can send you a note later this week saying thanks for coming we're also going to send you a gift yes uh just for joining in with us so it doesn't have to be your first time maybe it's your second or third time and you want to let us know that you were a part we would love the opportunity to connect with you and hey maybe you've been watching for a while but you've never quite taken that step to get involved discovery is for you and you can do it online you can do it all virtual just click the link that's going up in the chat and you can sign up for that really discovery we call it the entry point to getting involved here at the life church you know so many people there they might be watching and saying hey how do i get involved how can i get connected well discovery is that step because you get to hear about our vision hear about our values you get to hear about uh life groups they're small groups that you can be a part of you can start building a community uh you can here get a chance to meet some of our online team and really it's a great environment to also help you walk in the purpose that god has for you because there's two two sides to discover you discover about the church but also you get a chance to discover the unique way that god has designed you and so we want to help you get plugged in go ahead click that link get signed up today take that step get involved and discover awesome hang around with us for just a few more minutes because we're going to get into some message discussion just to dive a little bit deeper and if you want to put something in the chat yeah what was that what stood out to you i wanted to hear from you so we're going to we're gonna do that in just a minute but i also want to talk to you real quickly uh about this week what's coming up here in the mid-south our access conference biggest week of the year for us all of our young people middle schoolers i'm so excited i'm dancing a little bit come on it's like one of my favorite weeks this is my favorite week of the year and uh so it's an opportunity for all of our middle schoolers and high schoolers to come together that's right uh to worship together we're gonna have a powerful lineup of speakers and communicators that's true but we're believing that this week is going to be a life-changing week for our young people i remember what it was like for me coming in these types of environments and what an impact it made in my life and so i want to encourage you if you have a young person and you do not have them signed up don't wait any longer get them signed up today calm it will be the best decision of the summer that's right for your young young person and maybe you you don't have a young person but you want to participate well you can do that you can help us by serving if you want to come and be a part and serve or if you want to give and help scholarship some young people to come beyond we got no student left behind policy absolutely here at the live church we've never had a student miss the conference because they didn't have the finances all because somebody was generous just like you absolutely and then we encourage you to pray with us pray all week for us about what god is going to do in the lives of these young people it really will make a difference well come on let's let's talk about the message just a little bit let's get into some message discussion i've got youtube pulled up over here facebook pulled up and we'd love to hear what you have to say from the message you know when when i think about pastor dino's message i i love when he talked about how god's love is perfect even if we're not perfect right you know he told that story was hilarious at the car rental place you know sometimes we find ourselves in those situations where we're not our business you know it's just like we find ourselves in those situations but thankfully god's love is perfect anyway he loves us he doesn't love us any less and you know i feel like the same way that i can receive god's love i got to be willing to extend that to other people even when they're not perfect to be willing to extend god's perfect love because just like he said love covers a multitude a multitude of sins so good man well listen my what stood out to me i think was when he talked about god's love is permanent yeah that's good and even though we do make mistakes because none of us are perfect right we don't have to be perfect to earn god's love right right it's permanent that he doesn't he doesn't just give it and then pull it right back it doesn't it don't stop and it's not based on anything we do nothing we can do can take god's love away and nothing we can do can make god love us more and i just think that's such a powerful thought that we can rest and trust and have faith that no matter what's going on around us god is always there his love is permanent come on nothing can separate us nothing has separated from his life let's see what people are saying uh in the chats lakeisha she just said this service was and she had lots of flame emojis [Laughter] yeah uh t baker says it's an all-powerful love no lack no shortage come on that's great that's great to remember casey chambers says love never fails bobby johnson says let someone know that you love them today come on i think that's a great thing we ought to do like pastor dino says send a note write it send that text message make that phone call right whatever you got to do let people know that you love them today maybe somebody you haven't talked to in years let today be the day that you break the house yeah send that note don't susan johnson says here on facebook she said say it tell other people that's it and don't make them search for those words right right people don't make them earn it don't make it work for it yeah it's something easy and free that you can give away that you can give away i love that susan awesome come on so much great stuff in in the message hey we're gonna take a moment and pray for our access conference before we go we've been doing this every single week you know these last couple weeks leading up to the conference so let's pray for the conference lord we thank you for a great service we thank you for a great day but lord we look ahead to that access conference we pray that young people would have a real encounter with you god i think that you're starting to touch their hearts right now starting to break up the hard ground in their hearts so that they can hear from you let young people walk in their calling and walk in all your goodness this week in jesus mighty name everybody amen amen god bless you we'll see you father's day yes happy father's day we'll see you next week
Channel: The Life Church
Views: 2,008
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 11sec (6071 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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