CUT-SHELLS- Slow Motion Study - How do they work?

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this might come back oh great yeah wow [Laughter] go everywhere welcome back to off later folks Jeff and officer Greg out here with a fan favorite The Humble cut shell basically just a bird shot shell that's been cut in half so that the front half of it flies down range like a uh I don't know kind of like a slug but it hits evidently with quite a bit more damage so we're going to take a look and see uh we have this old-timey box I'm pretty sure this came over on the wagon train this is donated by uh Kirk in Pleasanton Kansas sent me home with a big box of shells last summer and uh so we're going to cut some of these up see what they do downrange see what kind of devastating yeah those might be from the 60s or early 70s they're still no 1970s oh okay but um just go as king Calvin cool someone will be able to recognize that but um I recognize it they use a plastic hole but uh fiber or felt wide still yes yeah so let's slice them up and see what they do downrange awesome okay I'm ready wow 10 59 . okay I'm ready [Music] these old shells that we were using still function very well today even though they're around 50 years old the accuracy was surprisingly good the velocities were around a thousand to eleven hundred feet per second which is about what you'd see using a modern shell a lot of energy is used up just squeezing that oversized projectile down the barrel now this is what a modern field wad looks like the shot cup cushion and gas seal Are All One Piece very simple our old Winchester shell is a little more complex and a little less plasticky the first component that sits on top of the powder and seals the gases is our cardboard gas seal it kind of resembles a bottle cap next we have a couple of very thick fiber wads these act as a cushion and reduce some of the snap normally felt by the shooter during recoil but they also support the lead shot and then we got the one ounce of number six lead shot and then we have a thin strip of plastic sort of functioning as a shot cup and at most it's going to to reduce Barrel friction and Lead following in the barrel and the choke now in case you didn't notice in this shot the only thing holding that lead shot in the nose of that shell is inertia 1105 sure it sounded like it hit like a that's pretty good in the chest I guess that's kind of where I centered the camera all right okay I'm ready here we go 1091 here we go for a 12 gauge slug a cut shell is a pretty low velocity projectile and because the plastic hole more or less disintegrates on impact we don't have very much penetration but it does dump a lot of energy into the target it's rare we see this 12 pound ballistic gel gummy bear reacts so violently [Music] okay so this is one of the most impressive things you're going to see all year long said your girlfriend um this slug hit or this cut shell hit like a big slug but look at that spread it is like a Christmas tree of death and it looks like a phosphorus explosion went up in there that's what I was gonna say too whatever that is I don't know if this is even in Focus now turn it around check this out we I'll show you the back but you also might want to come around see it through the light or the sunlight I can't even tell if it camera is focusing or not do you have the super Focus 5000 on no oh okay that's why look at all those little can you see those little pellets yeah yeah that's crazy wow look at that they seem to be pretty accurate yeah when it shot a little low but I think I was aiming a little low though but yeah I just didn't we were we didn't coordinate between the camera and the shooter very well I don't know if you can maybe get this with a light back here oh yeah you see all the little uh wound tracks lit up like fiber optic yeah look at that not very deep no but that's a gruesome wound that would shot someone in the belly with that oh my gosh yeah you just just go ahead and draw your own gun shoot yourself in the head yeah very expired uh we found this can in a 1950s nuclear bunker in Nevada look at that thing look how old that is it's actually not from the 50s but it's been sitting out in the weather also I wouldn't eat it when you're ready shoot away Chef boyoji yeah laughs this might come back oh great yeah wow [Laughter] wow go everywhere everywhere [Laughter] yep I don't know if there's any practical use for a cut shell these days but they are fun to shoot and they are accurate enough to hit targets at relatively close ranges now shooting at a steel can full of spaghetti isn't a big Hazard but imagine shooting at a Jar full of a liquid how much glass you would get back at that range so be careful when you select your targets to shoot at shut in the back with a in the rabbit's ass okay I'm ready well we did a lot of damage with that one [Music] now this high speed camera shot really exemplifies what a cut shell does again shallow penetration but a tremendous amount of energy dump that ended up throwing that rabbit a great distance almost everything stayed inside the rabbit you see a couple little pellets that fell out the bottom that's about it and we've gotten a lot of comments from folks asking us to re-shoot the cut shells and it's your ideas and suggestions that kind of fuels this channel so everything I think it captured almost everything maybe some of them escaped out that's the second coolest thing you're gonna see this year we have an extraordinary entry wound right in the river ours and then we have if you can see the colors down in there we have the plastic hole we have a little bit of the cork wad oh look at that still wanting to come out of his little little rabbit incision and then if you can kind of just Jam down in there and see the temporary wound cavity and then all of the pellets just suspended right there that is amazing yeah that's [Music] and there's a big ball of ball of the shot right down it's stuck together for some reason yeah 10 or 12 of them actually stuck together look at from this side over here oh that's crazy explosion in there yeah that'll be a good hunting round they would for giant clear rabbits yeah blow the rabbit in half but the slow-mo on that is just yeah that's because he swells up to about this big yeah I hope you weren't planning on eating any of that rabbit that you just hunted right what are we doing we're not going to show you how to create a cut shell because YouTube would front upon that but all the ingredients are right here um we have yeah what could go wrong look at these little limp things laying over here big little sausages uh just this afternoon I got a uh email or a text message from a from a viewer who wanted to see us shoot some cut shells lo and behold we're here shooting cut shells so um what is a cut shell Jeff it's an improvised slug made out of bird shot so really the entire front of the hull travels downrange with the little shot group the little that's the that's the plan but it doesn't always work out that way well thank goodness we're going to be using little Tony you all remember that fan favorite to break action uh donated by artist and Tony yep so little Tony um it seems like just a gun for this yeah because it doesn't belong to me it's easier to load and it'll break action yes again we want to thank you for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it and maybe learn something new or were surprised about something because we were [Music] and for those folks that keep telling me I need to post on Rumble well I've been posting over there for four years I find it has very little traffic you know I get what 32 views in two weeks on that video that got like two million views on YouTube and the way I see it I can either spend time uploading crap over there that nobody's gonna watch or I can spend my time reading and replying your comments here
Views: 278,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barry cut shells, iv8888, demoranch, slomoguys, chronos 1.4, taufladermous, taofledermaus, slow motion, civilian tactical
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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