The Kicevo Monster - Vlado Taneski Crime Journalist turned bad? Mystery & Makeup| Bailey Sarian

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- New Year's resolution 2020 is for me to get a new desk chair, I hate that this one squeaks throughout, drives me bananas, cool, glad we had this talk. Hi my beautiful friends, how are you today? I hope you are having a wonderful day so far. My name is Bailey Sarian, and today is Monday if you didn't know, or maybe it's Tuesday where you're at which means it's murder mystery and makeup Monday! (vocalizes theme song) (laughs) If you've been here watching my murder mystery and makeup Monday since the beginning of time, my theme song has has ever evolved, it never even like meant to be a theme song I was just trying to fill this like awkward intro I had it's still awkward it really hasn't gotten much better but I guess like you guys really have nominated the theme song to stay. I know that there are a lot of new people coming, and I see the comments all the time, they're like, what is this theme song, it's cringey, and I'm like, well you know, go back to the beginning it was actually a lot worse. Not the point, the point is hi how are you, if you are new here, hi. Every Monday I sit down, I talk about a True Crime story that's been heavy on my noggin, and I do my makeup, get ready for my day at the same time. If you're interested in True Crime and you like makeup, I would highly suggest you hit that subscribe button. I'm here for you every Monday and I also upload on Saturdays as well, also if you can hit that like button too I think that does something, worth a try. So last week we talked about the most awful human being on the planet, Gertrude, what was her last name, I already forgot her last name, it was something I really couldn't pronounce that well so I just kept calling her Gertrude. Awful, awful person and that one was really heavy, normally I'm really good at True Crime stories not getting, letting it like get to me, you know, I just can kind of like shut it down before it starts to mess with my feelings and what not, but that one was just so heavy, and it was hard not to let it affect you and I feel like I personally need to be more careful because that one just, I mean, it's an awful story, and yes I feel like should we talk about it, I don't know I just felt like I need to be more careful and like lookout for myself too. I know that one was highly requested and I'm still kind of learning what, how I'm doing this, in the future I'm definitely gonna have to just be more careful because this last week I've just been in this deep funk, my rough life, I'm sorry. Any who, so today we're gonna talk about Vlado Taneski, I'm sure there's a more complicated way to pronounce that, Tanes, Taneski, Vlado Taneski, and he was born in Kicevo, Macedonia, how did I do? Well this guy, well, let me tell you. He was born in 1952. He was the second of three children, and his parents were pretty, pretty strict, sometimes really harsh with their punishment or just how they raise their children in general, it's said that his relationship with his mother was not a good one, like it was really just rough and she was pretty, pretty abusive, but there isn't much information as to like what their relationship was like, and then once shit went down, I mean it was too late, she had passed, I mean, based off of what Vlado had like lightly mentioned was that she was rough, okay, and they didn't get along they just bumped heads a lot. So growing up Vlado's mom worked as a janitor and she worked at a local hospital, his father was a World War II veteran, he was a pretty strict man, he was there but he wasn't like involved in anyone's lives, does that make sense? So in Vlado's early life, he took an interest in writing, he loved journalism, he loved writing he was really good at it and he decided to study journalism in Croatia, and then soon after he would meet his wife, Vesna, I think is how you pronounced it, and that was in 1973, and she was studying to be a lawyer. So once Vlado was done with school he got a job working at a local radio station, and his wife became Kicevo's first female lawyer, a huge accomplishment, right? Vlado worked successfully as a journalist from from like 1908's all the way up to 1990's, he wrote for several different newspapers, and he would mainly write on like local, just politics, and it kind of really wasn't thrilling him much, you know, he was starting to get a little bored, he wanted more, he wanted more like exciting stories, just things that would get him noticed, but he was well respected for what he did, right? And then in 2002 life just started going downhill for him. He lost his father to suicide and then his mother died shortly after from an accidental overdose, even though he didn't really get along with his family all too much, it's like it's still your mom and your dad, you know, it's still really hard. And then in 2003 Vlado got laid off, it's unclear why he was laid off, I don't think it was anything major, it was just like it just happened, okay? Now when he was laid off his wife decided to take a job in another city in 2004, she decided just to leave Vlado, he just wasn't like doing his part, he was kind of going through a rough patch so she was like I'm just gonna go take another job in another city, and so she did. She ended up taking their children and moving to another city and then she filed for separation. So you know what they say, when the time's get rough, ditch 'em, bye. On November 16th 2004, Mitra, she was a 64 year old woman, and she worked as a janitor, she disappeared, no trace of her. So Mitra had gone to the grocery store, but sadly Mitra never returned, so her daughter got worried. Now, mind you, Mitra lived by herself, but her daughter, you know, would check in on her. When her daughter couldn't get ahold of her, she called the police once like Mitra just didn't come home. So police are called, no big deal, no one's panicking, she probably just went out to do some errands, but police do go to like Mitra's house and then go to look to see if there was any sign of forced entry, maybe she's still their, we don't, we don't know, let's go look. They find nothing, so like okay we'll just file a missing-person situation and I'm sure she'll turn up. Police instantly thought for some reason, it was Mitra's daughter, I mean, in any case you always have to look at the people closest to the one who's missing or sadly passed on because usually they're up to no good. So they look at Mitra's daughter and they are thinking like, she's kind of suspish, so let's check her out. Now looking further into her, they're not really finding anything so I mean no charges or arrests came from that, fuck. Okay, side note, this eye look to a left turn, this is not the direction I was trying to go in, I'm actually disappointed, do I start over, do I make this work. Mayday, people are dying Bailey. Sorry, sorry. Police, they were just not having any leads to what happened to Mitra, so police told Mitra's daughter, hey you need to pay money for the investigation in order to like help find your mother, and she's thinking, like why the hell are they asking me to pay, like this is their job. So she's just getting really frustrated because they want her to pay money and they are not going to move forward with the investigation until she does pay, which is so weird but I think it's because they truly thought she had something to do with it so they're like, you pay us. The whole thing is sketchy, but that's what happened. So then Mitra's daughters' just feeling frustrated and annoyed because she knows that she's innocent, they're just gonna try and frame her, so she walks down to Vlado's house, and she knows like that he is a journalist, so maybe he can do some of his own investigation and shed some light as to what happened to her mom, light bulb, that's a great idea! She knew like, if this journalist did it, she wouldn't have to pay investigators, and maybe he could actually help solve it. So the daughter walked down to Vlado's house, she goes and talks to him about what happened to her mom, how she disappeared, and most of all she's really hoping that Vlado will want to take on this story, cover it, and that way, in the disappearance would be made public because he would put it everywhere, you know? Now, this kind of excited Vlado. It was like a different kind of story, he was kind of excited about it, well, based off of what I read, I can't speak for him, I should be mentioning that more. So Vlado ended up writing a small piece, and the story gathered some public appeal, but most thought that Mitra had run away or left the city just to find better work, like start a new life. Her daughter wasn't sure that this wasn't the case necessarily, she's like, you know, that is a possibility, she really hated it here, she wasn't making good money, she probably could make better money if she left town, so I mean, you could be right. Vlado just continued to research the case anyways, it sparked a new interest, oh my gosh, okay here's what I'm gonna to do, just really quickly, I know, I'm sorry, this has never happened, this is my first time, if you're new here, this never happens. I'm just gonna like fix my eyes really quick off camera, 'cuz I'm wasting time and I'm be done with the story before I'm even done with my eyeballs, and it's not even about the makeup, hold please. Back to the story, January 12th 2005, Mitra's body was found at the site of an abandoned sports stadium, the autopsy performed on her body revealed that she had been beaten, stabbed, raped and strangled to death. Her legs were bound with a telephone cord and just all bound, like around her legs so she couldn't move. The autopsy also found that she had been dead for about 10 days, so this would mean that she had been alive and in captivity for like 2 months after she had been taken, which is like, what the heck? Now because this became like a really big public story, police needed to make an arrest ASAP just to kind of get the people calm, you know, they had to be on it quick. Now a few weeks before they found Mitra's body, an elderly man had been attacked in his home. Sadly, he was beaten and he was raped to death, I'm sorry he was raped and then he was beaten to death, sorry. When investigators came down to see the scene and whatnot, they noticed that the only thing taken from him was like pocket change from his house, there was nothing else. Now this led to investigators arresting two men, Ante and Igor. They were both in there early 20s and both had been drunk and high during the murder. Now, they ended up confessing to killing the elderly man and to Mitra as well. Now when the court date came, both men explained that they had confessed because of the harsh interrogation tactics from police, and they felt like they had no choice but to confess, because police wouldn't take no for an answer. So they're saying we're innocent, we confessed only because of the police. As further proof that they were innocent, both of these men were able to supply police with tons of information about the murder of the elderly man, but they were not able to give any correct information for Mitra's murder, plus one of them had a pretty strong alibi, he was out of town working during the time of Mitra's disappearance. Regardless, the judge convicted both of double murder and they were sentenced to life in prison. Three years after The disappearance of Mitra, another girl named Ljubica Licoska, she disappeared in November of 2007, on a trip to buy groceries. Something up with this grocery store. After two days, her son filed a missing persons report, because one morning, she just went to go to the grocery store, no big deal, and she just didn't return. Now it said that Ljubica, I'm so sorry, she had been kind, she had been a hard-working woman, they couldn't think of a single person who would want or have anything against her, who would want to hurt her, none of it was making sense, it was just like, why, why, why. Right off the bat, locals would remember the disappearance of Mitra, and they could not help but make these connections, they're like she went missing, she was alone, she was at a grocery store, I mean it is pretty coincidental. Police at this moment were stumped. The people who were responsible, for Mitra's death was locked up serving a life sentence, so how could this be connected, was it just a copycat, did they have the wrong people, of course investigators and police never want to admit that they have the wrong person. Now also at this time, Vlado was like reporting on this disappearance as well, and people were really looking to him to get the facts and the information of these disappearances and all that. So on February 3rd 2008, a truck driver had stopped for some snacks at like a roadside stand, which we learned from a previous story, probably isn't the best thing to do, nothing is safe. So, this guy stops, and he's like walking to this stand, sorry, nobody walks like that. He walks to this stand, he looks over and he sees what appears to be like a human hand, okay, and it was in a ravine behind the stand. So he calls police, now a lot of the times, this is a side note, a lot of the times people, they never wanna believe it's a, it's a body right, so they always go closer, they think it's a mannequin or something, they go closer, and they see like, oh my God, it's a body. This guy was like, he sees the hand, and he's like, body, and he calls police, which is rare. Now when police come, they discover that this is the missing woman. She had been beaten, she been raped, she was strangled to death, her hands and her feet were tied with a telephone cord, her body has been covered with garbage bags, and they realize after the autopsy that she had only been dead for a few days, meaning that she had also been captive for months following her disappearance, and if you notice, the other coincidence in the story was that she was bound with a telephone cord, now this was something that was not mentioned to the public, so it couldn't have been a copycat, because nobody technically knew the first victim was bound with a telephone cord. The call is coming from in the house, you with me? So, during the time of the murders, Vlado was like the number one reporter on the case. He wrote many articles comparing the two cases and in these articles he would make assumptions of how the abductions of these women had occurred, where they were, how they were quieted, things like of that nature, making assumptions, guesses. So just right outside of their town, Kicevo, in a garbage heap, a body was found. Now, once the body was identified, they realized it was a young woman, her name was Zivana, and she had been beaten, bound, and raped, her body had been bound with telephone cords, and she had only been missing for nine days before she was found dead. It doesn't seem like she was held hostage anywhere, maybe the killer thought police were on to them or something. Strangely though, Zivana had been found wearing clothing that did not belong to her, she had been found in like a green polka-dot nightgown, and it was something that she did not own, so you're probably thinking, well, did they test it, did they figure out who's it was? No, 'course they didn't, silly you, what do you think this was going to go according to plan, no. They get the information, or Vlado gets the information from Zivana's family, and he finds out, or he gets like the backstory, and it turns out that Zivana had gone missing, when a friend had called to tell her that her son had been in a horrible car accident. Her friend had heard it on the radio, so Zivana like rushed out of the house and she went straight to the hospital, well she was going straight to the hospital, but unfortunately she was never seen again. Now here's the messed up part, her son was the one who called the police, and he tells police that the whole thing had been a hoax to get her out of the home, of course at the time no one knew this. Her son wasn't in a car accident, it was like a made up story because Zivana wasn't getting out of the house at all, and for some reason they wanted her out of the house, so they decided, I'm saying they, because I'm assuming it wasn't just her son who came up with the story, but I don't really know, but I do know her son wasn't in a car accident or anything, or in the hospital, he just wanted her to get out of the house, which if you ask me, that's just suspish all in itself, why would you make up that story and obviously you probably did something. That's what I would think, that's why I'm not an investigator, because I jump to conclusions. So again, Zivana's body had been abused more than the others and she suffered five broken ribs, and multiple knife wounds to her skull, she had also been raped with various objects, and her body had showed like heavy trauma. They did find semen on her nightgown, and it was taken to the lab to see if they, had like a match with somebody, or, and then they also wanted to compare the semen to see if it was the same semen that was found on the other two victims. Vlado would continue to write about the unknown serial killer and in all of his writings he would call this, the Kicevo monster, which would be used by the police and other reporters as well. That's what they were naming the serial killer, you know how they name cereal killers, they always give him some weird ass names. So Vlado also decided that he wanted to speak to the families of the murdered women, which would be easy because, like Vlado was a well-known and respected man, and all the family's lived fairly close to him, so he would constantly call up the police to get some insight on the investigation. He was asking them, do you guys have any new suspects, do you have any one that you think is responsible for this, I'm doing this for my story. Vlado was calling up all the time asking about this, right, so naturally it wasn't long, police were like, you know what, what's up with this Vlado guy, like, we get he's a reporter, but he's asking some really weird questions that's really none of his business. Now, while he had spoken to the police often, there were details in his stories that had not been released to the public. Vlado seemed to know details about the crime scene, the state of the bodies, and other really small details that no one but the police should have known, so how did this Vlado guy know all that. Either somebody was telling him, or, hmm. So in one of Vlado's reports, he mentioned that Zivana had been strangled with the same cord that she had been later bound with, and of course, this set off a red flag for investigators, because this fact had not been released, not even to the entire police force, let alone the public, so it was like, this guy knows too much. With that being said, it did give them enough to make an arrest. So, Vlado was arrested in connection with the murders on June 20th 2008, and when they arrested him, they were able to get a DNA sample, that way they could see if it matched with any of the victims. Once they were able to get that DNA sample, boom baby, it was game over. It matched the semen that was found on the victim's bodies. So you're telling me that this Vlado guy, the one who was reporting on these murders, it was him all along, plot twist, what is what kind of sick. Vlado's boss at the newspaper, now he had only heard that there had been an arrest made in the case, and he was thrilled, he's like, this is gonna be huge for our newspaper, I mean, we're gonna sell out of copies, like this is gonna be major. At that time, the boss guy, he didn't know who had been arrested, he just knew that there was an arrest, so he's calling up Vlado like, back to back, like, pick up the phone, we've got a major story, he's calling, calling, calling, and he's not getting any type of answer. This guys like, you know what, I'm just gonna call the police station myself and kind of get this ball rolling, 'cause I don't know where the F Vlado is. So he calls up the police station and he thinks, well maybe Vlado is already there getting information, calls up the police station, hey is Vlado there, blah, blah, blah. This guy was told, quote, you don't have a reporter anymore, end quote. Naturally they have to interrogate Vlado, and he confessed to nothing, he was very quiet throughout the whole thing. Vlado was just transferred to a prison where he shared a small cell with two other inmates. I mean police were confident, all signs honestly were pointing to Vlado. They didn't have a motive though and when they interviewed Vlado's ex-wife, she's like, he's a quiet, gentle man, I have no idea why he would do this or if he even did. On June 23rd 2008, which was just a few days after his arrest, Vlado went into the prison bathroom and he drowned himself in a bucket of water, now a lot of people were like, 'scuse me, question, how do you drown yourself in a bucket of water, because a lot of people think somebody drowned him, maybe the real killer did, that's beyond the point, Vlado passed away. Doctors tried to resuscitate him but he was dead. This case was huge for Kicevo, Kicevo if you're watching, I'm so sorry for butchering all these names. So this case was huge, right, and a local man who many thought had just been trying to help, was convicted of murder and now he was dead. All of the woman that Vlado murdered had been maids and janitors, just like his mother. In fact, all of the victims knew his mother, it's getting thicker. The families of the victims were beyond pissed, they had invited the murderer into their homes, they had spoken to him, confessed everything to him, and he was the one responsible allegedly, for killing their moms, their family members. So, many rumors began speculating about whether Vlado had killed himself or if he was murdered, however, nobody's really ever gonna get answers and no one's really gonna even know if he did it or not, which he did, I mean, you have to be careful I know, allegedly he did it, because his semen was found on the victim's. What was the motive, why'd he do it, what was he trying to get at, I don't know, but after Vlado's death the murders had stopped, coincidence, I think not. This story is an interesting one and it just really got me thinking, Vlado was kind of like down on his luck, he wasn't really passionate about his work anymore, and then he finally gets like this hot story, right, the first one we had talked about, his work takes off again, he's passionate, he's really loving it, he's consistently putting out work, people are really looking to him to solve the crimes in a way. I'm sure he didn't want the murders to stop because he wouldn't have anything to report on. In my noggin, I'm thinking that the first murder wasn't him, but it gave him work, and it gave him passion, and when the two men were arrested, Vlado decided just to keep the killings going, that way he could have more work. This is just my own personal theory and we will honestly never know what really happened or why he was doing it, but that's my theory. I don't think he was responsible for the first one, I think he just kept them going because it was bringing him more work and more opportunities, or maybe he really didn't give to shits, and he just was a sicko who wanted to kill people and coincidentally he was a reporter. Unfortunately we don't know and I don't know if we ever will know because he died. Ugh, these stories drive me nuts because you just want answers, what was the motive, what was he doing, why was he doing this, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what. Anyways so that's the story about Vlado Taneski, how disgusting of a person this guy was. I would love to hear your thoughts down below, your theories, tell me, my noggin needs, needs some answers here, but most of all, rest in peace to the victims that were taken from this world due to a selfish, disgusting person. Sorry this one was a little short or maybe I took a long time doing my eyes, other than that I love and appreciate you so, so much, I hope you have a wonderful day, make good choices, and I'll be seeing you guys later, bye.
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 2,925,647
Rating: 4.964746 out of 5
Keywords: bailey sarian, makeup artist, mystery and makeup, tattoos, makeup look, true crime chat, true crime story, dateline, true crime grwm, get ready with me, grwm, unsolved, unsolved mysteries
Id: thOx0zncMcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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