The Binding Tool Explained - Learn The Perfect Binding Technique

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Hi, this is Jenny, from the Missouri Star Quilt Company, and we wanted to do a little update on our binding tutorial. We’ve had some calls about it and some concerns from people, and we thought that if we went a little bit slower that it would work for everybody and you’d be able to see it. I’ve been using this for awhile and I love it. So, let me show you how I do it, and then we’ll go from there. So, the first thing you want to do is you want to put two pins on the edge of your quilt that are 12” apart, because this is where you’re going to start your binding, and end your binding when you attach your binding you will leave a tail of about 6” – 8”. So, we’re going to go to the sewing machine and sew this on and then I’ll come back with this binding sewn all the way on and we’ll work it out from there. OK, so here we are back. We’ve sewn our binding all the way around and stopped at the two pins that we have put right in here and left our 10” tails. So, now if you’ll watch carefully we’re going to take this binding tool and we’re going to lay it right in there. Snug in there to the stitch line, pull it out here. On this line where it says mark, we’re going to mark. Then we’re going to open this up, and we’re going to lay this binding tool with the mark line on the mark line. Which is pretty self-explanatory, and we’re going to trim that. Trim off that little point. The little point helps you line it up when you put it together to sew it. So, you want to trim that off. OK, so this side is done. Now on the tool it says this side is always up so we take the tool, we rotate it around this way, and we lay it snug under here and we mark on the mark line on this side. Now this is really the big difference that people aren’t getting. Usually they’re binding ends up being about 2 ½” too big and it’s because of this mistake right here. We don’t lay this on the mark line. On this side we put the tip on the mark line. Now on the newer rulers it shows this diagram on it, but for those of you, of us, who have an older one like this one. This is written in the instructions, but you need to remember. So, your mark doesn’t go in the mark line but the point goes on the mark line and then we go ahead and cut that, and then you will have a perfect little, whoops, that didn’t cut, hang on. There we go, and then these will lay together. You open them up and put them together like this, because your binding is pressed in half you’ll have that center line also. You can stick a little pin right in there and sew this down, and then this will be a perfect binding strip. So, let me go sew that and we’ll show you how we lay that down. OK, so here we are at the sewing machine, and we’re going to put these two edges together. So, you just bunch up this part where you’ve sewn, lay these two pieces on top of each other like this and you’re going to take at least a ¼” seam. This is not one of those times where you have to have a scant seam. You just take a good ¼”, sew it across there, and then when you open this up it’ll stretch out and be the perfect size to fit in your 12” space, so, now let’s go ahead and attach that down. OK, move that out of here so you can see. Alright, so now we just come along, make sure that’s lined up on the edge, and by doing this you won’t be able to tell where your binding started or where it ends. Alright, so, there we go, and then you just bind like regular. This edge will curve around, and you’ll stitch it down right there, and it’ll be a perfect fit. So, there you have it! A new and improved binding tool! We hope you enjoyed this tutorial from the Missouri Star Quilt Company! One more thing, if you like our videos and tutorials make sure that you rate them and subscribe to our channel on YouTube. Thanks!
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 1,065,752
Rating: 4.9116678 out of 5
Keywords: binding tool, Quilting tutorial, quilt binding, quilting, quilting tools
Id: ex2PajesRvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2010
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