The Binding of Isaac: Repentance! (Episode 3: This Is What It Takes)

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hey everybody welcome back it's repentance uh we're gonna we're gonna try to do the lazarus character unlock okay i think we we played pretty well on this last episode um here's your seed by the way oh zd04 um i'm not gonna get hit by the green flies the broccoli flies no thank you by the way for those of you who watched um you know the the last few after birth uh plus episodes you may be wondering how the saga went of um my wife asking me to buy green beans for us to turn into baby food and then i bought green beans and she was like nah i meant edamame last night we finally processed the green beans into baby safe mush and then she opened up her cookbook which is 100 in korean so i like don't really know most of the time what's going on but um she said like look why are the beans so small when in the photo they're so big and i was like my dear those are peas [Laughter] so the the saga it it took another twist it turns out i was told to get green beans and then she thought i was supposed to get edamame but actually the book wanted us to buy peas would you what it what a story you know it's got twists and turns it's like a jj abrams film or tv show uh anyway here we are um in order to unlock the new character we have to uh beat a run i think as lazarus without actually dying very interesting i don't know what the new character is like i have no i i didn't read like basically any marketing material at all about repentance before i even though i did an interview you know i i didn't like exhaustively read this stuff you know it wasn't like i was worried about spoilers or anything like that like i'm just chilling i just uh i'm excited to see it you know as we play more and more of it but um yeah geez i can't believe these shots are landed man um you know i'm just uh we're gonna we're gonna see it when we see it if it takes a while it takes a while but it already like satanic bible is one of the best defensive items in the game without a a single doubt um we will be able to go to the special floor if we want to because we uh we have a golden key i think that if i remember correctly from anti-birth even if you have a golden key it'll still take a real key to open the door i think also now that i think about it i don't know we we might not have to do it on this floor we could maybe do it on the next floor but i'm not trying to upset the apple cart right now you know i'm just trying let's do it what i'm gonna so you're oh no it totally worked by the way i took it that's very interesting how about that a deal with the devil from uh from a boss does decorum mean nothing to you we might as well see what's going on inside of our shop it was open by the way that's that's new fair to say i should probably pay a little bit closer attention how am i doing though i'm doing well thank you for asking you know of course i'm excited new isaac dlc this is still launch morning i haven't done my first stream yet um i'm excited for it for sure it's gonna be a good time also like i owe kate a great debt of uh gratitude i'm gonna get trapped in here man i'm i'm gonna get trapped in here uh i hope kate a great dead of gratitude uh she woke up uh normally like i'm on baby duty in the morning but she was like hey this morning you know you got some you got a big launch event coming up like uh would you be cool or is it something you would be interested in if i uh stayed up well like woke up early and and looked after the baby during your shift and i was like you don't have to do that but of course in my head i was like oh it'd be really sweet for sure so you know all these isaac episodes especially or you know these early ones get get dedicated to to my wife for for getting me out of baby duty today or at least in the afternoon you know be on baby duty but getting me out of baby duty in the morning really appreciate it out of these items dude come on it's an easy choice okay we go question mark tough love is pretty good now i would say believe it or not if you're not familiar with isaac what i would say here is that this floor has a staggering chance of of determining whether or not we succeed on this run why is that because if we don't take damage we guarantee ourselves access to a deal with the devil if we get a deal with the devil we have a great opportunity to access uh very good items that would otherwise be inaccessible for us i will definitely take that um so it makes a big difference this floor although although it's early this floor makes a huge difference like long term uh when it comes to our chances for success don't shoot me okay i didn't know you were still alive there that was very dangerous all right let's see what we can get done here i remember you somewhat yeah yeah okay i remember that then you spin and you shoot out shots we just keep going around in a circle okay i think we go around in a circle and we try to time our shots so they land every tooth shot means the world to me at this point you know it's common there you go this one i don't recall okay it's just like a little fountain no big deal these ones you you move around in a bit of a circle he's doing it he's got the muscle memory i mean i was born at night but it wasn't last night you know what i mean okay don't stan i don't know this one it's the same okay see we're doing great nothing to worry about didn't even have to use our only bomb which i think is very smart in case we come across a tinted rock maybe dude we're almost done we're almost done okay very good momentum why are you all deals with the devil see that that is scary for me now this is a deal with the devil that provides us with essentially no value whatsoever we're gonna we we gotta get risky like it's a bit dangerous for sure but i i definitely feel like you take cambian conception in the hopes of this compounding into something more valuable later um the it came being conception obviously as you get hit um you will eventually unlock demon familiars couple demon familiars are are basically game winners so there's some there's some real value to be had there but we're still i mean it's kind of been a recurring problem for sure but we're lacking uh we're lacking base damage unfortunately but i hope that we can make it work uh let's go down here because we already have one guppy item so we kind of gotta lean on maybe finding some more i'm gonna take this pill you always take it out of the room just in case that's out of a room with enemies just in case that could happen this is gonna be our secret room but in the future we do need to save uh some bombs i'm gonna open it man like i regret it for sure but we gotta we gotta see what's new to be seen you know what i mean it would be a dream uh something something that looked like mr clean in my dreams i should be more confident okay because this is like uh we got the best item in the game like what are you man what are you satanic bible is is a beautiful item uh invisible enemies okay i remember uh satanic bible is is unbelievably good help oh you just step on the button just step on the button you're fine it gives us a ton of uh survivability obviously like you probably don't need me to say that but um we we still like with default relatively default stats apart from that i would say still we got a long way to go before i really feel like comfortable in this run but it certainly has the ability like it might strike you as being a little bit like false for me to complain about not having good stats when we have the best defensive item in the game probably um but it's it's just the you know the nature of the beast we're going up against tougher enemies the enemies are stronger and they have different patterns like i would i would be very very appreciative if we really just and and i know how this is going to sound it's not becoming of a uh a man in his early 30s you know starting the whine about like oh if they could just give me a free win come on man but i mean if they could be persuaded to just give me a free win it would go a long way right now towards towards the learning process but if you if you must make it uh difficult then then so be it you know that's my cross i bear that you give to me you yield you i don't know great song by the way alanis okay piercing shots they just took that one right on the chin um piercing shots absolutely beautiful item one of the best tier effects in the game speed upgrade nothing to sneeze at either this is uh pretty much the exact thing i was asking for can i bring up something that that is gonna seem a little uh sus if you will in honor of uh the new among us map release date the the real meat and potatoes of video game news today among us has a new map i'm not trying to rag on among us it's just you know it's just humorous um hold on what was that talking about i can't remember oh well again this is gonna sound like flabbergasting if if a gas can be flabbered uh i think that nearsighted friend has been made better that's just my hunch uh from from watching the uh the item here this feels to me and i i know how it sounds but like i i feel like i've played so much of the game that my like subconscious instinct about what how things have changed is is somewhat reliable to be honest i have seen nearsighted friend do more damage to enemies than i i ever would expect on a normal afterbirth plus run i think they've made nearsighted friend a little better don't stand here what are you doing what are you doing deal with the devil maybe 16.9 percent chance i mean i don't know what's happening here with respect to getting all these items that are deals with the devil but we gotta try i mean we're one away from becoming guppy now um i have no idea what this does pascal's candle keep the flame burning i have no clue i i don't understand but i'm i'm excited hey here's the thing if we die as lazarus and don't get to become the secret character it's unfortunate but you know at the end of the day we're mostly just trying to create a win and this run has some wind potential the flame has become extinguished already i don't know what that means it's back i mean when it when it's on we did get a tears upgrade there beast me man freaking beats me i got no clue what's going on there i of course by the way i would prefer not to die but let's see what's going on here dude pacifier's so good okay we we've faced you recently very recently indeed the tears upgrade is is a given if this were after birth plus we would i would feel confident of of a win like i would i would feel confident calling it quite frankly just because we have so much like future potential we're one away from becoming guppy one item away specifically okay if you're gonna be anal about it we're one guppy item away from becoming guppy um we have a satanic bible we have a an angelic item we don't know what it does but that's fine maybe it's just a tears upgrade while it's protected i'm not sure okay that hurt i really thought he was gonna yeah i thought he was like the duke of flies i thought for sure he was headed over in this direction um like and even more so oh you've unlocked dross whatever the heck that means um on top of all that we have uh can be in conception which means the more we take damage the closer we are to eventually hopefully getting a uh an item that uh will really help us out but we're not there yet so let's you know the the the current situation we're in is quite dangerous we're not gonna lose the run but we could lose our ability to unlock the secret character i genuinely thought we just stepped on the spikes that would have been disappointing um and we can't do anything with that right now and we don't have any extra bombs it is what it is you know it is what it is we're moving forward i feel i feel different on this floor [Laughter] maybe it's a maybe the the i can't believe we didn't get killed there maybe it's a progressive bonus like floor after floor i have no idea maybe ev maybe it's room after room it seems like every room on which we keep the candle alive we're getting a tears upgrade and by the way again near-sighted friend like it i think it's doing some work for us let's watch that fire rate stat it's second from the top it did improve you think it's gonna improve and then at the start of the next floor it'll go down again otherwise it's like quite simply the greatest item in the game if it just progressively makes unless your tears have a much they they're maybe a tears upgrade is worthless now i don't know but for now i think i've sussed out this item and i'm very proud of myself for my uh investigative capabilities or maybe as soon as it gets extinguished you lose all the bonuses you had of it uh on that floor that's you know it would that's the beauty of an isaac dlc right like we don't know what's going on right now it's and it's very uh it's fun to try to figure it out so this run again i know i said this before this runs got some real hurting power we're not quite like at an incredible level yet although our rate of fire is admittedly awesome um but we're getting there and again with cambian conception at any given point you know we're not that far away from either getting uh jesus man come on we're not that far away from either getting you know succubus in cuba's something along these lines this is just peep pipa is an enemy i'm very familiar with that oh dude those shots are a lot faster those aren't but the ones where he jumps were a lot faster that's a little maybe not maybe i'm actually stupid it's been suggested maybe i saw what i wanted to see there i'm confident here though i'm not sweating at one hp one hp is like a it's a bounty when you're going up against the boss you've seen before deal with the devil 16.9 percent um certainly a a deal we cannot afford maybe maybe if i had placed if i had taken the deal and then mashed the space bar before i died i think there's a chance it might have worked speaking of of everything else going on on this one though if we could get to the point where we could get rod and baby that would be amazing for us i don't know what we did by the way maybe you just get like weird seeds sometimes that um only give you deals with the devil but it it's certainly we're locked into this deal with the devil meta i wonder if maybe if we didn't take the first uh deal that was offered to us if maybe we wouldn't have gotten more in the future but i can't really complain the items that you get out of the deals with the devil are you know they they tend to be much better than the items you get from the item pool the downside of course is obvious you know you don't have an hp to finesse it but we're working on it to the best of our ability okay two keys to get in here we we really want to see like battery charges and demon hearts because i do want to go to our curse room as well because we're so close to becoming guppy this oh well it's not going to border a secret room on this side we're like right on the borderline man of course like a bomb to get that that at this current juncture seems more sensible to me than uh walking between the spikes even though i've got a certain degree of confidence we can make it if i could just get two demon hearts or like one red heart upgrade we get rod and baby which is like one of the best familiars in the game for sure just work with me man just work with me maybe this could be a large floor it's very rare for me to ask for a large floor but in fact can i tell you we don't even need a full heart i'll i'll settle for a half heart and then just playing out of my mind to stay alive of course we could take it sorry second puberty we could take it die and then respawn but i don't want to necessarily give up our chance of of getting that secret character unlocked now you know the particularly astute amongst us might say well you're going to give up your chance to win for the first time on this dlc just because you also want to get the secondary character unlocked you you may be right you may be right on the other hand maybe i'm just built different okay you ever consider that maybe maybe i can do it all secret room probably here is i gotta keep the bomb though like it it hurts i got to go to the curse room then you know because there is a chance that this could be guppy i would even say at this point we should take the pills just to see if if possibly uh maybe get the i was just gonna say if you can get one of the skulls or more than one preferably paralysis and a tears upgrade is beautiful um i think we pretty much exhausted everything on this floor though we'll head down to the mines i'm not feeling too confident about our level of hp but i think i think we did everything within reason that we could do there when it comes to uh being able to buy rotten baby last chance second secret room oh my god [Laughter] it worked thank you edmund thank you again this could lead to actual problems for us because now we're very low on hp well i mean we're actually like the same hp that we were before the angel room but it's still you got it's a little spicy it's a little spicy but having rotten baby is gonna help us out to a great extent in the future once we get some extra hp we would love to go to this course room if we get guppy i think we're probably fine we probably don't need all of that on the average run but you know while we're getting started here it would be a big help so yeah i think i've sussed out that that pascal's candle is some kind of uh progressive tears upgrade i bet when it gets extinguished you lose the value of the tiers upgrades and then you know it builds back up slowly again that's an interesting idea for an item there really aren't that many like items that have progressive benefits in isaac they even when they don't turn out that amazing like death's list for example they're always fun to work with like if you've got a run that's already crushing it it's always fun to to add an item like that to your list and be like okay let's let's see where this could go okay so we're gonna go to this curse room right away because guppy is like the optimism would be through the roof hey man you know technically it only cost us five sixths of the spirit heart to get in there so i'm not sweating it this is a run where it's very difficult to complain about our lot in life pretty much everything is going according to plan um i forgot uh yeah you know i remember now the ones oh that's so bad dude the ones with uh in a golden bomb is amazing the ones with eyeballs shoots oh that hurts the ones with eyeballs when they die they should fire in the cardinal directions the ones with their eyes closed shoot in the diagonals [Laughter] delightful um but i really don't want to reroll this run like i know it's anti-zane to say that we don't want to reroll this run but it's a huge negative to reroll this like we have such good prospects we have almost every item you know you could ever ask for we're about to get a cambian conception play like we got a lot of great stuff going for us i just it's not the right run for it i hate to say it because it would be fun for sure but it's just it's just not the right run for it um you know we we got to commit to a win first now there is one like you know if you want to put it in the most annoying way possible there is one uh bull case for uh re-rolling which is there's a pretty good chance you know we could get a guppy item and just transform into guppy assuming that everything works the same way that it used to work um remember by the way we have to spend hp to go into uh the the special door here which is why i'm doing a little bit more in investigation and the reason that i am not yet picking up the question mark item is because of the fact that i'm like maybe we do want the d4 i'm just leaving my options open for the time being i would really love to see uh came being conception pay up but it's not gonna i'm realizing now okay fine we're not gonna do it we're gonna spoonbender is incredible like that we we got super lucky that there were two great items there now let's be smart here because this is still very very like important we could easily die to the boss in fact it would not be surprising in the slightest given that we're on a level we're not that familiar with experimental pills speed up tears down uh it's not great but uh it's nice to know that it's a mechanic in the game again admittedly not particularly good for us right now but i think our tears are not our problem can't be super upset i think we're gonna have to accept this is not the right floor to get to the mausoleum we're just kind of we're a little stuck all right all right all right all right all right this we're gonna focus up good moves good moves the damage is being done here they've rotated i think that's brimstone rotation i don't know what i'm talking about this is a very strong run from an offensive standpoint man like we okay that's brimstone it must be the gaping ma of brimstone and if they're if they're doing quad laser you just stand in the middle my god done it um so we can't do that yeah don't don't do that and we couldn't have done any of this to begin with so i'm not sweating it this was the right way to play this of course we're not taking ghost baby um okay we're just no we're not done because check this out hold on we can we can you know the game wants to be rude to us we can be rude to the game just as easily we're really riding the line here no question about that but keeping it going okay we check for magic mush good idea check for magic mush it's been a while since we had the resort to this level of uh of gaming there you go we got something out of it we got a nice little tears upgrade i i don't mind fighting you we have to decide if we want to fight these enemies because we could just teleport out i guess we have golden bombs but i don't know dude it's just fun just fun to throw the bombs sometimes are we going to take damage man this is a hard one to just be like yeah i don't trust myself let's get out of there if you dare accuse me of not trying it's this is we're really pushing it to the best of my abilities here we can't we can't go in we'll die it would open up the alt path and then on our our second life we could come back and go through but i i'm not willing to not right now anyway okay we're gonna be uh the ultimate lazy coward here just blow all these up just gotta do one room and it's the dank depths man just one room on the dank depths how hard could it be ten dollars okay we don't even need need to do one room i mean maybe unlock it and then i will get hit walking on the spikes i'm sure so i guess it wouldn't be worth it that's interesting i i thought it would not lead to spikes i thought maybe the spikes would be blown off of it we still don't have wait did we get candy and conception how long has demon uh baby been a part of the equation here that must be new right maybe we did have a cambian conception payout okay keep the flame going please i wonder if we could actually light up the flame on fires or something it's ambitious but i mean it feels like they really pulled out all the stops in in uh repentance right i don't know either way we got a tears upgrade still so i've been optimistic about a few of our runs so far or a couple of our runs this one i would say i'm i'm the most optimistic about at any given point we're just we're simply one deal with the devil away from guppy and and thus like relative safety or we could fight greed forever so this should be a normal mom fight and by normal i mean like it's it's new because of repentance but it's not as difficult as the one on the mausoleum i guess i don't know though could we go to the mausoleum after this i'm so confused not not due to any like fault of the game i'm just you know there's a lot of new stuff on on display here my my proximate goals for the time being have enough uh hp to be able to take the deal with the devil we're gonna get after the boss fight we gonna i didn't think he'd still be shooting i'm a fool if we can do that i think our chances of winning go into the stratosphere now i don't know what a win looks like but i'm you know hoping i'll know it when i see it i guess come on man there we go scapular is fine that's a tinted rock very valuable i've now reached the point like i thought i would be in love with the new content and i am but i'm also very grateful when i see a room i've seen 20 times before because now i'm like i i feel like i could live through this room uh it's a tears up dude that's sick the lazy play is to just go fight the boss the sensible play is to be smart who would have thought right okay i can do this it ended up not being that valuable but the pattern was easy enough dude it's so like we got to go into the curse room dude we're one item away from becoming guppy if you don't go into the curse room when you're one item away from becoming guppy like when do you go never because you're a coward officially is achieved nothing there's oh it tears up i think actually so let's not be too upset maybe not tears okay we got paralysis speed up is fine speed down really we don't care bad gas paralysis okay not quite as good as a tears upgrade i see no tinted rocks but i could be wrong battery charge or money mini battery i'll take it i'll take that that's probably enough that i think that's enough for us to get another charge after the mom fight now the thing is we may well take damage on the mom fight and i don't know about you but i kind of hope that at some point on this run i would have reached the point ah whatever um where uh we would stop leveraging our uh existing hp in order to maybe get some security for the future but we're not there you know we're still throwing pretty much everything we got it and trying to get stronger instead of just trying to survive is that bad i don't know i don't know it's going to take us a while to find our our equilibrium in this game but we're doing our darndest that's for sure uh you know what might seem bizarre but that's that's a win for us because of uh cambian conception not a huge one i don't think it's gonna have a material effect just by itself but certainly something to be said okay blue mom tankiest mom also a little slower though so remember we just we're trying to really oh yeah you don't walk into the foot anymore we're trying to control the center of the of the board here because the hands can definitely come down and get you you got me i wasn't even paying attention to you at all honest okay you got me good but we lived okay i will still take the polaroid for now these are mighty tempting what would we i mean obviously we can't take them or we'll die but would i have taken one of those in in another situation like if i had had half a heart left if i took one i honestly probably wouldn't have now that i think about it the damage would be very very welcomed um but we also already have piercing shots which is really the best benefit of of death's touch don't get me wrong the damage is nice too but i think that we that might have been an opportunity where we said to ourselves hey you know maybe we're glad to have not been tempted so we have a demon judgment and a regular judgment with 60 cents we would be a fool not to play the regular judgment and we would be a fool in in almost all circumstances would be we would be a fool to play the demon judgment permanent polaroid invincibility ain't what it used to be i will i'll take what i can get here even if you give me hp presumably well yeah we're gonna take it i'm not too worried about ruining permanent polaroid invincibility and then secondarily um this if we get another deal with the devil which happens apparently all the time uh we can use that as fuel instead of using a bunch of spirit hearts i have to admit i was a little skeptical when when ed said like hey we're gonna make hard mode actually hard i was a little skeptical how they were gonna do that of course you know you have a tendency maybe to inflate your own value of your own skill uh now that i'm playing it i'm like i i think i get where he was coming from i mean obviously we have we have not even i don't know i don't know if i'd say we haven't come close but it's been it's been touchy for sure i'm hopeful this will buck the trend but i'm also like you know how many times am i going to let myself get burned on the curse rooms you know we're just throwing hp away all right truth be told i don't really love on on the womb i don't really love going to a bunch of bonus rooms to see how things shake out i don't really love doing this either but you know i thought maybe maybe they've reworked the buttons slightly this is horrible i regret this to the highest degree possible yeah i mean like did you really spawn three dingles like there's a modest degree of rudeness there you know it's true okay and our flame has been completely extinguished all right um i wouldn't be surprised if we die and come back pardon me uh that's an eternal heart baby we'll definitely take um you think we got so many bombs we gotta check second secret room let's go that's pretty good actually that's pretty good that's pretty good we can live with that we can live with this okay golden bombs dub loki's kick them in there kick them in there they're taking so much damage this is easier than the triple dip room that that triple dip room by the way guarantees i will never in my life touch another uh button i have no idea like i i don't know what you want from me it has two spirit hearts and a red heart am i going to take mom's knife if given the chance yeah i'm thinking i'm back john wick you ever see it it's good if you haven't seen it i recommend it's a pretty good movie how do you know someone didn't like john wick 3 they'll tell you don't worry they'll tell you yes sir i like john wick three i think it's a good movie wait and also like one of my favorite movie theater experiences of all time just the theater full of people going like oh and like groaning together which is what it's all about okay this i i'm thinking this is how we get the the pivot going here right first i'll blow this fool up i think i think we got this in the bag i know there's not a lot of hp to be saying that but but check this out okay we have two demon hearts also known as spirit hearts we we buy mom's knife oh it it took both okay so we've ruined our chance to get the second character i thought it was a visual bug but we could still get the win and and like i don't this is a good get for us although admittedly homing knife is kind of uh bad uh so now i've i've completely lost confidence in myself i've realized i don't know what i'm doing um but you know this is you got to give yourself the freedom to make mistakes like it would be pretty boring if we just walked in and like easily won you know every run that we we tried to i i feel actually like kind of stoked that the game is is throw uh well is throwing uh a very experienced player kind of like off-kilter okay actually our knife is horrible i i deeply regret having taken it um it seems like maybe they nerfed the range my original thought was maybe the range is low but no i i think my my guess is they nerfed the range although can i tell you something there's another thing i'm noticing here i feel like the power of the homing ability is much stronger so for anybody unfamiliar with where we're at right now because i mean we've been through some twists and some turns we are potentially one hit away from death i believe we have respawned as lazarus that's so helpful thank you i believe we've respawned as lazarus and our existing one question mark life is guppy's uh collar which is uh 50 chance to respawn which means there's a fairly realistic chance you know that we we come back and an equally realistic chance that it would be the end but my my original perception of this mom's knife as as being terrible uh is was grossly mistaken in the first place it's actually doing a great job and these are rooms that for the most part that hurts [Laughter] for the most part i'm pretty familiar with battery charge alges per throw per throw is pretty good all we got to do just just play it steady don't get over confident you know you have lower range than you used to but higher range than the enemies this is worth something for us abuse the uh the advantages you got generate those demon hearts i mean if you lose we already lost the run with spirit of the night if we were to follow that up with with losing a run um with both satanic bible and mom's knife it might actually be time to retire i hate that dude my muscle memory is like i'm so used to them spawning right away do you see that homing knife what the heck oh it did the damage though dude the damage let's go that was very good we got a deal please be guppy i can't i can i can't i i have to do we need damage 420 damage sure okay now here's the thing we could also perthro hope for something better but this is actually really good it is really hard to per throw that item uh even though it also would have allowed us to hold on to answers i think we're better off having the permanent polaroid invincibility even if the invincibility isn't all that you know even if it isn't what it used to be i mean we're flying by the seat of our pants here like i'm i'm doing my best i'm scared for what happens with the the rest of the game you know like have we even uh have we crested have have we passed that moment that happens in every isaac run where we you've hit like peak difficulty and then it starts to you know get easier i don't know only time will tell and like kid rock says man only god knows why and like kid rock says does he say we were drinking 40 things we were something many things like he rhymes things with things in the same song and l why do you not like kid rock well okay hold on let me phrase the opposite question why do you like kid rock secondarily no never um secondarily you can't blame me at many formative periods of my life kid rock's music has inexplicably taken over the airwaves and corrupted the minds of otherwise sensible people into thinking they enjoyed it ba with the ba and cowboy in 1999 i got nothing against it you know at least he was kind of doing his own thing um then 2003-ish uh maybe 2004 he did a duet with sheryl crow called picture that song literally you could not go anywhere on planet earth without hearing it no matter where you were it was playing 24 7. the world lost its mind then uh summer of 2007 working a summer job where i had to listen to the radio all the time whatever that song is called sweet all summer long i think uh it played all summer long what what a self-fulfilling prophecy that was so yeah i've got some some negativity in inside for for kid rock i apologize in some ways and in other ways i'm just speaking my truth okay we'll speed up a little bad gas a little speed up a little bad gas by the way i have no idea what the trinket does i was just enjoying the fact that we were on banter for the first time in a little while oh new isaac just dropped interesting well wait dude we got some damage [Laughter] i think he's done it i think he's finally done it okay ooh some consumables how about that all right none of these items are new so let's per throw and see if we can learn something nope okay um well uh i will take one and then you know what here comes the sun is it basically an ansus rune in and of itself very exciting i feel for the first time i'm calling a win i'm not just saying we're likely to win i am actually calling that we will win there's one possible exception new adversary just dropped um the exception would be if they've really changed the blue baby fight or if something comes after it then we may find ourselves in i thought i could fly i actually flinched when i when i took that damage i'm gonna do it again okay that's my creep that's my creep um so i think that you know we got great odds that's a spicy room man um i think we got great odds however [Music] i do also think what a kick if they've thrown a little foo fighter style monkey wrench at the end of this who knows what could happen right one more indecent accident even but for now it's looking mighty good the only the downside here is like there's so many uh or we we have so much damage output that i'm not learning anything about the new enemies some of them i recognize from uh anti-birth but well we we now have figured out what it what do i require to win a run both satanic bible and mom's knife if we could just see you know through the power of practice and repetition if we could get that down to one or the other in the near future that would be worth a lot to me but for now i'll take it and it looks like we are done new cutscene new cutscene just dropped maybe probably not [Music] he's actually gotten the win in the win column feels goodman new cutscene new cutscene just dropped new cutscene i reserve hope the end or is it a uh nick fury get me captain marvel on the phone okay never mind anyway we got to go through the new paths i think for now thanks for watching slash northern line if you want some unfiltered raw isaac too hot for television follow me there i'm going to be playing a ton over the next forever and uh thanks for your support click the like button if you enjoyed the episode subscribe if you want to see more and i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 218,511
Rating: 4.9429836 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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