The Binding of Isaac: Repentance! (Episode 1: Launch)

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I have this wonderful mental image of someone who is unfamiliar with Northernlion clicking on this video. They're expecting a big Isaac fan to go deep into the games new mechanics and items, finally here for Repentance after years of hype, and 5 minutes in NL is just doing a Bane impression.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 672 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FollowingLeader πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

My god, he updated the description.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 153 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spazerbeam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I dont think ive ever looked at something in my youtube page and physically had a reaction LMFAO. Hope NL knows how much this series has meant to a lot of people.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 116 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zaryamain πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is it just me or did he say afterbirth plus at the end lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlokFluff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Totally understandable, but I hope he can kick some of his reactionary responses/muscle memories towards pick-ups/items/rooms etc. Just in the few runs I've played, Ive noticed a bunch of fun tweaks and changes to so many things I typically don't pay much attention to.

In short: Eat your fuckin' pill!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChickenWhiskers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm at work now and I'm SO excited to get home and watch this. Unbelievably pogged.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trumangroves86 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

New egglit’s first new issac here

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/falconlick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its here. Stay fucking calm!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mekfal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

holy shit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Beastly_Mc_Daddy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
everybody welcome back northern lion plays the binding of isaac not after birth plus that muscle memory after almost 2 000 episodes kind of hard to break this is repentance it came out uh at midnight i was asleep in my bed having wonderful dreams i woke up early it's a it's only about 7 30 over here uh and and let's get down to business i you know it's like i opened up steam the first thing when i woke up i looked at repentance i saw overwhelmingly positive reviews uh and and i'm excited to give it a try so we're gonna stick with the same save file just because like you know i've been i've been down that road bethany unlocked by beating hard mode with lazarus without losing a life jacob unlocked by beating i mean i'll be honest i was gonna do an isaac run first but if we could unlock a new character um by beating lazarus without losing a life i mean i'm assuming that hard mode ed said in our interview hard mode is going to be genuinely hard now so we'll see all right new stat screen t7mbjaqf there have been some shall we say conspiracy theories by the way people have said i'm sure he's had repentance for uh for a year already he probably already knows exactly what's what's going on in the game i do not i did play anti-birth uh a decent amount you know six years ago or whenever it came out um so some of the stuff might be vaguely familiar but no i i even busted out my uh my credit card including the three funky digits on the back in order to purchase the the game this morning you know i i i can't be purchased for the price of a mere promo code let's see what we got going on here i'm what do i want to see anytime you're playing uh isaac you know there's new content what do you want to see number one thing new items obviously new enemies i'm for it uh wha what the heck is that is that it is that just a red heart with a demon heart on top of it or is this gonna explode i think it was just a red i think it was just the demon heart [Laughter] maybe with like a cool new visual effect i'm already telling you like we've never seen the peanut butter champion before what's up with this oh he's a money champion well like cindy lauper said money changes everything it is like dude you know and anytime like something you're you've unlocked the secret exit your fate diverges you've unlocked challenge number 41 um i don't know what i've done but i'm maybe that was supposed to be a crawl space or something uh and it just feels like you know when a website you use a lot changes it's layout it's like things are slightly unusual and i i i don't know where i stand yet oh i mean i stand on the side of like enjoying myself but like there's so much to to grasp here early yeah okay so hearts now they just they beat i guess makes sense is this uh oh the fire look at that aren't you special somebody's got a high opinion of themselves this is not an x it is an excel floor okay so we won't open that yet here we go the dopamine receptors switched on neurons are preparing they haven't used any sodium or potassium for months in preparation of the first two item rooms i'm always a lefty when i used to read like choose your own adventure books i would always you know if they give you a choice like do you go left at the fork in the road or do you go right i would always go left and then sometimes you know if we were reading them in daycare or something everybody would overrule me and be like right right right and then when it was left well you can okay well we've seen this before um i i never let them hear the end of it now when i said left but it was right we don't talk about those moments as much alright tractor beam very solid item also makes you look like bane for it i physically speaking looking like bane let's call it a little bit ambitious for me right now but i could at least don the mask and then shave my shoulders and and you know put on like a cool little tack vest or something heard a great deal you thought the expansion was your ally this not what he sounds like you merely adopted the expo i was born in it molded by it i did not see new items until i was already a dad okay now this is new that is um i don't know why my head i was like it's butt glue i don't even know what that is you know isn't this like is white out or like resin paint or something yeah tropicamide isn't that an orange juice and now that's tropicana yeah i know i was j look sometimes i deliberately make myself seem uh dumber for comedic effect sometimes i unintentionally make myself seem dumber and then i say it's for comedic effect interesting um but actually i'm i'm extremely upset okay don't screw up your deal with the devil chance that that would be of the utmost embarrassment that was a little scary like why don't deviate from the norm dude you know what works here might be saying nl are you nervous not in the slightest actually i don't mean that as like a flex but i'm just happy to have some new content man it's it really has been like i think four years somebody in my discord was saying yesterday that repentance um it was announced i remember these it was announced on uh like september 30th 2018. it's a little while ago so i'm just excited it's finally here and and ready without a doubt to uh to experience a little bit more game play so remember we don't want to die because we have to live uh we have to win without dying um to unlock the new character as lazarus so dark bomb is a great get for us no question about it i do remember you use whoa that scared me i do remember you use keys to get to these anti-birth special floors i don't remember much else about anti-birth which is not a knock it was just a long time ago um we can't get in there oh did they did they fix the well i don't mean fix did they change a boss trap room dynamics so if you have the spirit hearts you actually can't get in look it i i don't know how i feel about that right off the bat it's gonna take a couple thousand episodes in order to crystallize however what i will say is i think that there is a case to be made what the heck is this maybe a bomb on the mirror yep uh what have i done seven years bad luck um what i will say is that you know i think that there is a case to be made dark bum just paid out with a pill will you get this red heart no okay we have a curse maybe um that the game could use some extra difficulty if the difficulty is added in the right way you know the wrong way would be to dilute the item pool for sure i think that at this point you know that's we've been down that road before the right way might be to change little stuff like that that i hadn't you know ever considered before uh so here's the thing okay chocolate milk is probably the the right choice here i don't think that that is a curse of the blind i think that this is a new item that looks like curse of the blind i don't know what i'm talking about i just i thought maybe there would be an item that shared a sprite that would do something cool any anytime you see something new you got to try it it's not like we whiffed too bad the d6 is uh is great um so we'll be rolling with the d6 here shop looks a little different i think we should check it out if we got to push the button but then we should check it out see oh you gotta hit all the buttons all the buttons not not merely the one button that was convenient for you to to touch let's see what's going on in the shop here uh weird but luckily we did come into this with our donation machine maxed out that's that's good thinking voodoo head extra curse rooms doesn't immediately strike my fancy as being a huge positive and we should stop skipping the boss intro screens i apologize all right i i remember this i i'm gonna tell you right out of the gates i do not think looking at my hp and where we stand right now it's a really good run we got a lot to learn though you know it's all about like pattern recognition and stuff like that and we we have created a situation that's a little untenable um there we go get him get him we might live what i was gonna say earlier is i don't think we're gonna live or at least i think we're gonna die once and respawn but actually i'm i'm feeling not so bad that was a little better than i than i anticipated speed upgrade is worth something thank you doc bomb uh we really can't i i wish that it were not the case but it is all enemies huh little little tricky to see him here it's like fighting you know priscilla in dark souls you just gotta oh and then i use my bombs so i can't get [Laughter] oh no he's actually dumb okay well you know that's a mistake that you can understand making it whoops you know it we there's a lot to unlock in this game okay we take it one step at a time probably shouldn't have used my rocks to blow up the demon judgments considering we just got spiders out of it but you know what old habits die hard man i'm not used to trying to farm for new content i'm used to racking my brain trying to figure out the best way to tell the same anecdote from the grocery store for the three billionth time uh so this is a it's a bit of a new world for me interesting well it's been a while i don't know if i'd say new world you know a whole new place to something something i shouldn't you you don't do the bit if you don't know the song but there's something and then i i can i tell you something about the movie aladdin i think it's a pretty okay disney movie the the original cartoon version i do not like when he says don't you dare close your eyes there's something about like the the energy that aladdin has in a whole new world when he says that that that makes me fairly uncomfortable i just think he's he's a little forceful you know like he he's been prince ali for like two days and he's like don't you dare close your eyes i'm like bro it's my body i'm gonna do what i want just because you took me on a magic carpet ride you know doesn't mean you have autonomy over my ocular abilities i'm hoping this run is pretty good i'm hoping it takes that next step in order to do so we we really just need a damage modifier am i crazy by the way i don't see our i guess our tiers are 10.5 is that correct because i'm trying to decipher the new stat screen which by the way um looks better but it's taking me a little longer to find the things i want to find maybe not necessarily because of its design but just because of the fact that i'm so used to the old one you know you gotta anytime there's a change you gotta give uh maybe we can head back down there okay anytime there's a change you gotta give uh a little time you can't just immediately be like i don't like it because then you never like anything if you if you go by those standards you know people are still uh you know well let me i shouldn't say still because i don't think it's true but people were so upset like years ago when youtube made the change to on myspace the website that's unfortunate uh when they uh it used to be on youtube that you could control the custom layout of your channel right check this out you won't see this one on other channels oh okay maybe you will because that was not that good uh or good at all for that matter i'm gonna get like very spicy here i'm just gonna go in man like let's see if we can get something what a ripoff we need some bombs though we got some extra money at least yeah we can we can take flat penny and as you might expect you know this was like the the early 2010s um the internet was kind of a garish place back then you know not not everything was streamlined and had the edges sanded off and you know so on and so forth there's some character to that don't get me wrong but they definitely you know i think now if you look back on some of those youtube like custom channel layouts you would be like actually it's garbage and i'm glad that they standardized it but at the time oh my god it was the the sky was falling uh why is dark bomb just paying out with pills man you you used to be my friend and now you uh you've broken my heart okay one bomb then i i had to try that hurts a great deal oh our rate of fire is 3.16 actually i we're gonna have to completely learn how to like recontextualize that they're putting me in a tough spot here new sprite for these guys as well um they're putting me in a tough spot here because if i go to the alt floor i'll probably die but if i don't go to the old floor i will be cyber bullied that's a tough decision that's that's a tough spot to find yourself in um i choose to go out uh without being a coward so let's buy a bomb there's no bomb for sale i will buy this half price item dream catcher no idea that's a lock down um there's a way out of this for us still you're not gonna like it does this hurt it should i want it to hurt okay because first off we got some money which is not really what we're looking for but that's fine but by doing this we can start to unravel if you if you haven't been watching isaac for a while you know this is a new paradigm for myself um also first off no offense or none taken i should say you know i'm sure you were busy right you know just leaving poor old nl out here to fend for himself for for a few years playing isaac with no anecdotes in the middle of a global pandemic you know it could it could have used you could have used an extra set of hands around here but that's fine um but we there's an isaac flow chart that exists in my mind now by the way this guy is a little faster than usual i can tell he's his patterns are a little bit more frenetic spawning more enemies carrying queen is a bit spicy as well to be honest with you um we have the isaac flow chart now which is a way that you know it it's the churn what do i mean by this well you know you can leverage your hp to get some resources use those resources to play into other resources so we're trying to basically create a situation here where we can get the maximum chance to get a bomb because i think it probably cost us two bombs to get through that door because it i mean that's just laden's like anti-birth memory but we'll see i do there's there's some hilarious irony i might add in the fact that you know the thing we complained about in in after birth plus was uh a lack of uh damage upgrades and in our first uh repentance run we find ourselves a little like we've had some decent well we've had really tractor beam um and and demon baby's not so bad uh but oh come on man a bomb somehow out of dark bum no uh we do find ourselves uh kind of beset by the same problems that have uh have been plaguing us throughout the last couple of years of isaac but i i don't you know i'm not holding that against the game just yet it's it's way too early um i'm gonna try to find a secret room and might have two bombs in it maybe or an item infamy's really good i do think we will die uh and yeah unless maybe this is curse of the tower emperor card is actually quite nice i do think we'll die and come back to life though i i wouldn't hang your hat on us getting through this uh unlocking this character right off the bat but you know what that's fine we're just learning something um i wonder if it was dream catcher that gave us half that spirit heart there i'm gonna emperor up uh oh no all right so this is not a mistake you would expect from somebody who's played this game for so long um i really thought and i still kind of think that when you use the emperor card in afterbirth plus oh that's such a great excuse i can just be like oh and afterward plus it worked like this anytime i make a mistake i can just default to the idea that it's changed for the dlc i am officially immune to criticism yo those guys have such a high shot speed now that that enemy up at the top um i thought that the emperor would not take us to the mom fight i thought that it would only take us to the to the first of the two boss fights on this floor whereas mom is obviously the second of the two well i'll tell you i'm glad i streamed some isaac yesterday um i feel like this is the kind of run where having a warm up was was worth something although we did that emperor play cost us two item rooms in a shop uh i i dispute that i was hit quite frankly this this could be the end of the the run right here i know we're coming back but still okay so you cannot stand anywhere on this fight anymore that's good to know well there's certain i'm not going to deny the difficulty appears to have been raised for sure did i you know what i wonder if you can't walk in the mom's foot anymore some of the muscle memory for me is is so like deeply baked in i bet there's gonna be times where i'm like oh i didn't take damage but actually it's just due to changes like doing afterbirth plus it didn't work like that didn't work like that they changed it i'm not owned i'm not owned at least i'm dead all right um well there's episode one of uh after birth plus it ended a little bit in uh let's not call it uh as uh fantastic of fashion as i would have liked i do blame i blame a couple of things there never myself is the streamers uh the streamer's way to to look for blame anywhere else um never got a damage upgrade oh i didn't even get mom's knife for brimstone they changed the way the emperor card works specifically to screw me oh there's nothing i could do dude no i'm just joking [Laughter] a little anticlimactic today but uh hey if you're watching this episode i'm gonna be live on on twitch in a couple hours just freaking mainlining uh repentance i i hope you'll be there northern lion and if you're if you're back watching isaac thanks for being here uh right now the plan is daily episodes and if it seems like that's not that much uh i i understand but there's gonna be hours on twitch and i'll say hey by the way i had a kid [Laughter] in case you uh were not aware so you know we're we're finding time where the time exists so for now thanks for watching click the like button if you enjoyed the episode it is episode one of a new series and of course subscribe if you want to see more in the future for now thanks for watching and i'll see you next time thank you
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 428,628
Rating: 4.96033 out of 5
Id: qUx1bqSZ6wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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