The Craziest Run I've Ever Had | Repentance on Stream (Episode 215)

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we're not doing team out that would have been a great well let's see what the item is i just get its name w8 percent always always fun team up but it's the time is not right yet put me on red redemption what is red redemption you get red key the only way you can move is via red key okay i uh i don't know i don't know what happens on this run but it's interesting for sure uh and i'm sure we'll we'll figure it out we're also uh are we jacob hold the esau 20 uses per floor triggers esau oh my god are you kidding me yes no oh son of a that you know what though i i really do have i think decent muscle memory for uh tainted esau no anima soul is a slap in the face though also like how are we supposed to know what direction we go to in order to get to the end of the floor i mean if it has like a wooden floor does that mean we're actually back in the basement instead of stuck in the walls i have no idea that's the cool part you don't so you said cool um but i uh seems like this is uh you know i i'm not gonna complain i i think i have a decent mental map uh of of how this you know room floor generation sometimes works in this game i hear normal music and i'm feeling i'm feeling confident i will become back my money oh no no no we don't want to be here take me out we don't want to be here either but that's you know you're stuck hey so is there a is there a map uh on this like internally that you just can't see okay so it's not like it it's rolling like a random chance for it okay okay all right you can also buy mapping yo that would be pretty sick i'm i'm if i'm being completely sincere i'm actually like zero percent worried about uh tainted esau he might kill us but like as long as i don't lose myself in the process that's all that matters man that's uh maybe a regular secret room he doesn't know he doesn't know oh murderer yo literally like no use for it but sure i feel like dad's key we gotta kind of stick with here i'm lost i'm i'm scared what i'm worried about now is the insinuation that seems to be happening in chat which is that perhaps every time you use red key after uh it's empty you get an extra esau oh and they might stick with you that's frightening okay we're in normal rooms now this is nice you just stay in your normal rooms this is my happy place i want to get this hard when i did this challenge i got sacred heart immediately and didn't realize it wasn't part of the challenge i love it when that happens when you like you know the challenge is like you can never shoot tears and then you just pick up an item that's like you know suck your bus plus 40 damage or something like that and you're like fantastic i mean i'm this is not the way you explore if i could give you some advice um usually i think the way that you would probably explore to try to find a boss is not to clear out like a large rectangular area it's the exact opposite of how money real room fake room fake room real room real room but dead end real room but dead end they're all fake they're all they're all fake what the heck are you talking about what is what is your methodology i don't know okay maybe i should have gone up to start with i hate you um you're on dross my guy i'm gonna stop you right there i don't know what the hell that means oh i should be looking for wet rooms not wooden rooms ah okay well it's about to get very real we're in we slipped into the reality man no that's not it it literally doesn't matter whatever look at this saved saved bet you feel real silly wait now it says i'm on burning bass what a world man saved saved floor theming does not matter there's also an item room yeah i think i'm gonna like let that go uh maybe i think i might just let that one like chill you know get a planetarium on the next floor maybe that we'll never find just look at the map stinky i don't know if that advice is like as specific and good as you seem to think it is i'm not trying to get tilted or anything like that i'm just you know i'm dodging and shooting that's my role here you ever hear the story that i stole from reddit about how like the the thread was like name the worst lesson you ever got as a student and the uh the one guy brought up his teacher just drew a right angle triangle on the board and then like showed the sides or the lengths of the sides except for the hypotenuse and was like get it get it you get it what is the length of the hypotenuse it's just a bunch of sixth graders like not knowing what the hell is going on and they're like do you get it see like that's kind of how i feel right now do you notice anything about the relationship between these things right now [Music] [Laughter] like so the guy said something like uh sorry i'm not uh you know inventing the pythagoras theorem for myself as a 12 year old middle school student the rooms on the map aka reality okay hold on the gray rooms on the map aka reality are the ones you're looking for is they require no red key the red rooms are all fake and non-supplementary okay now that that i can work with so immediately we went in the wrong direction this is also the wrong direction i'll fight it out for some consumables but okay now now i'm getting this like it's kind of like a maze it's open world isaac look at that an item we can't get there are no right directions and there are no wrong directions you are the center of a protractor not all gray rooms are islands you have to find oh okay all right now okay i'm starting to piece together some potentiality here starting to piece together a strategy let's look out on some like diagonals now by looking out at these diagonals hey there's some rooms baby okay now i'm getting it instead of being a contra laser gun we want to be a contra spread gun it's like we're trying to find diamonds in minecraft of course yeah yeah and i'm very good at that as we've as we've covered many a time eden's blessing i receive eden's blessing thank you so are all the are there islands of gray rooms or is it like you start in the ocean once you find the islands you're good like is this a one can is this there's several islands okay all right all right there's several islands i see multiple islands so it's not a pangaea situation i always most of what i'm concerned with is figuring out whether or not it's a pangaea situation you can also find random angel or devil deals in the red ocean actual unbelievable intel so if we have space remaining on our key then we should search for them perhaps okay now i got it man now i got it what this supposed to be hard if it's supposed to be harder then explain to me how i figured it out all by myself [Laughter] oh man we have a lot of fun here gotta you have a lot of fun on this website go ahead hit me coward you're in hawaii and you're trying to find honolulu yeah i'm gonna stop you right there i don't know what the hell that means everything i know about hawaii i learned from elvis presley and the george clooney movie the descendants and uh i think that's it i know i know they make a damn fine punch that's one of the and and hey spam musubi i've never had it but i think i would like it no i didn't i didn't see lilo and stitch because i it was at the age where i was like i'm too cool for uh disney ironic how how things have changed since then but oh yeah i have seen 50 first dates i also know the guy with the ukulele somewhere over the lame why then oh i can't i i know that one for sure anyway that's like that's all i got basically i'm actually upset this guy's seen 50 first dates but not lilo and stitch look i was like lilo and stitch came out when i was like a 14 year old only child like it was not high on my list of things to watch but i'm sure i will make up like marcel prus i'm sure i will make up for lost time uh later when when my own child reaches disney age that's when the disney plus subscription is gonna pay for itself not literally although that would be pretty pog don't give me nine lives it's i i don't want to have to make the decision whether or not it's the right pick up here just give me something good be ready to view frozen 60 times i'm not sure how popular this opinion is gonna be in my demo but i have to be honest like i i saw frozen uh for the first time maybe like two years ago it's kind of a slapper almost every so like let it go is is substantially overplayed but almost every song in that is like an actual bop you can minus to me if you want i know you you know just keep in mind like when everyone was circle jerking how much they hate frozen everyone was like pickle rick so funny haha well do evil morty's totally responsible for this one you know i'd rather be on the side of the the genuinity so pretty frozen too a little bit of a more of a sleeper frozen one though is like uh i mean it's it's a great musical and not even for me to poop on [Music] i would like to not hear let it go ever again in my entire life though i would definitely be okay with that because some of the other stuff in that movie is i mean they're bombs man love is an open door for the first time in forever the weird trolls song yeah what what is the troll song um a fixer-upper right yeah see i know all this stuff man i know at all ask me anything about frozen uh olaf next question ice cotton song a little bit of a snooze everything else i'm i'm into who directed it walter disney next question what's the duke's name nukem duke nukem from trollheim next question what's the name of the guy who says you who big summer blowout olaf storsen the fourth's daughter you son of a wrong [Laughter] no no i don't think so okay check this out still got one charge i'm not owned i'm not owned what weapon does elsa use in kingdom hearts three she uses the icicle uh keyblade [Music] it is uh plus seven frost damage and if she hits you with its six consecutive times you turn into olaf the snowman my god the man's just uh he's a genius okay this floor we're gonna do even better okay we're gonna we're gonna strip mine this floor we're gonna do even better who was the leader of the frozen kingdom in civilization vi trick question uh it's former canadian prime minister sir wilfred laurier strip mining [Music] i would like um some damage be nice to get some damage [Music] this seems like a long challenge i'm not mad like it's a cool challenge so far i'll reserve my anger for when i've died on it like 20 times for now i'm having a wonderful time check this out damn they don't make them like this anymore um let's do let's spread out a touch hey half a spirit heart that's no joke there's only one floor left really oh because they're excel floors oh whoa dude so you're saying there's a chance i wish i was high on pod news i love this story man can you i imagine like the teacher being so excited that he's about to he came up with like an awesome uh lesson plan it's like my kids are totally gonna understand how to use the pythagoras theorem after this and then they're like he's like get it get it this is um we're gonna need to restart this run [ __ ] you [Laughter] yeah i think we're gonna need to restart this room i or this run i actually think i'm just gonna do it believe it or not now that i understand what's going on i'm just gonna run it back i didn't hold our i just died really fast copium copium you know we're coming up to the end isaac let's let's hold our a couple times let's get the r holders back on our side the time is right the madman actually did it it's science we're all about coulda not shoulda look we hit a dead end that's good that's good quarter please well i i saw people in chad be like you know at the end of this you have to fight uh uber mom and i was like if we only have one floor there is absolutely no chance with the one hp eight lives and no damage that we're gonna fight mom so like that's a gimme i think we saved ourselves a little bit of heartache but hey by stopping early you just have to beat a womb boss it doesn't have to be mom i still think that runs sucked like i i feel no uh loss as a result of holding r now that i understand we can we have a framework for enjoyment wrong it has to be uber mom so like if you don't know what you're talking about just shut up like it's not i just don't understand the compulsion to be so eager to be openly wrong it's okay to just not know things i'm not gonna ban them i'm sure they thought they were doing something right that's why it's like so in cities [Music] just you know if you don't have the answers then don't give the answers it's all good there's no there's no tilt here i'm having a great time and l do you know the length of your windspan uh i do not know the length of my wingspan i'm going to assume as null n forward slash a because i don't have wings i have arms um but a little little thing i learned and learned in second grade apparently your wingspan equals your height [Music] i don't know if it's always one to one but i'm sure that i learned it in school so it must be right right it seems like a good rough estimate but i don't know if there's ever been a situation where there's been like oh dude i need i urgently need to know my height right now but i can't measure it but what i do know is the width of my body when i stretch my arms out as far as i possibly can like i don't know if there's a i don't know if there's a a situation where that's ever happened plus measuring your height is so easy right you just have them lay down and then you get the king uh or or perhaps maybe like the duke of your uh of your area and then you see how big his foot is and then you see how many of the duke's feet it takes to equal the height of the person that's laying down you could easily get it figured out you know in just a matter of months even in the olden days they showed a picture of someone's height and then the same person with their arms stretched out and said get it get it do you get it [Applause] i just like imagined doing that for others like imagine putting like you know two cubed on the board equal sign eight and then just being like do you get it do you get it look just look at it okay now we strip mine for item rooms this is this is where it comes to pass two cubed on the board right now i did not see the dune trailer yet i i was gonna watch it then i saw that it was three minutes and 20 seconds long and i said i'll save that for like when i got some free time dude zendaya is johnny yeah i and well it's funny because like in uh the croods i believe zendaya was michi and common was guangi but now zendaya is uh johnny and i'm so confused it's like is michi even in this one dude oh sorry communist lebron james is guangi my mistake common is common stone keeper it's a very pivotal line i can't believe i forgot it what the hell are you talking you don't know the the seminal song zendaya is it's a really good i don't know i guess it was originally a tweet you know how could you not know it [Music] lebron james is guangi danny davido is torgo common is stone keeper this is attempt to well i'll call it one because i didn't die on the last one sorry he's lost it i have not lost it honestly you've kind of lost it for not knowing zendaya's michi what have you lost my respect points to to common and stonekeeper get it do you get it i know there's rainbow poop you don't want i don't want to hit it yet i've lost the plot bro i was much like cosmic sin i'm not sure i ever had it man i'm not sure i ever had it the plot that is i'm not picking up the heart yet okay because like or the spirit heart because it we can do better by taking it later one more play gives you a chance at an angel item thank you thank you i got your cosmic sin tweet under uh recommendation on twitter for television media that's pretty funny i have noticed i think twitter has worked on its trending topics a little bit i only get recommended stuff from dream smp like i would say four to five times a day instead of like 20 or 30. so we've come a long way that's a nice shot i like you angel statue that's why i'm gonna kill you last i know these guys like have names um but like let's just call this one benedict and then the other one uh can be chuck so this is this is benedict this one is uriel no this is i mean are you even listening this is benedict you got to be careful because you don't want to make chuck angry he's a little spicier this one is urinal all right well the okay you know what just for that the other one becomes galadriel i need this red heart i'm trying to think of what the heck i'm doing man guess maybe can i go back and play you for rotten baby like it's so long oh you should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light we got a couple more rooms in us in your december 2019 roguelite tier video you described spelunky as a tier and isa or spelunky has asked here and isaac is eightier is that still the case um so i think that people have gotten the wrong idea of my opinion on repentance based on the fact that there's been you know like hundreds of uh seemingly impossible and annoying challenges back loaded at the end of it i genuinely think that uh after birth plus i was just jaded because it kind of got a little stinky and old um and repentance is like a genuine it it takes the whole package up to an st roguelite for sure all right we out here spelunky yeah spelunky's still up there i think spelunky's still like a awesome game i know i say it all the time we got to fill like hours and hours of like live commentary every single day good shot good shot honestly um but i think people are unfairly judging repentance based on the worst elements of it mostly i think people that play it are like it's great but i think a lot of people hit like one wall that just looked difficult and then created like their own head cannon where they're like the developers hate us or something like that and uh you know in particular the narrative i think is it must be annoying that like whenever anything gets like nerfed in the game it always is like you know oh it's because the developers don't want you to have any fun and i'm like well there's some like the the chest looping was one that i never understood and there's some truth to that um hold on but uh you know some stuff being nerfed like take it from somebody that played probably 1700 hours of that's that's painful uh 1700 hours of after birth plus like some things needed to be nerfed [Laughter] there were at least i think it ben needed is not the word i'm looking for but the game's overall enjoyment is benefited by some things being debuffed a little erase esau i'm just gonna be honest with you uh the idea of erasing esau and then having infinite red key so that this run takes 40 years sounds extremely not fun [Laughter] just personally um maybe that good but we'll see how the rest of the floor shakes out but uh for the time being it sounds like misery but i might you know we'll we'll see how things develop never say never for now man i need some bombs dude our our island is done here i'm happy we got some items though anyway yeah i think repentance is is extremely good i don't know you know my my opinion on like the way streamers criticize games to begin with right like i'm not saying everything should be positive like 100 of the time but it's the number of times i'll be like you know when i hear a streamer talk about the game they're like i played 500 hours of this but then like one time uh somebody was wearing boots on metal and my contacts didn't amplify it and it sounded like it was coming from the right when it was coming from the left this is [ __ ] and the game sucks forever and i hate it and i'm just like oh come on man there's a you know you not nothing's perfect but at the same time it strikes me as a little bit a little bit hyper specific that's you know i i take because we're friends honestly but i i take shots at dan all the time in what i consider to be a lighthearted way but you also got to give him a lot of credit like sometimes to a frustrating uh degree he will never really say anything bad about a game he will dance around criticism to maintain as much positivity as possible uh which i think is uh the dream would be to just be you know honest and balanced and fair i think but there's it you know it stands out based on its rarity for sure i think i think most streamers myself included don't uh don't exercise that so it it helps have some distinction as a result i'm scared okay hold on that i'll take it remember the dnd sponsored stream of course i do why would you bring that up what do you have to say about it you got something to say please oh this floor has the worst shops i've ever seen in my life yep cheers [Laughter] i remember because it's still in your channel description that's just how uh being a streamer works you keep your panel art the same until you get sponsored to play something else well it's another one where i'm kind of like you know we got a uh i don't know like i i don't want to restart it we've had some pretty terrible luck i'm hoping maybe with our keys we'll get some you know deals with the angel or deals with the devil can i tell you i'm almost to the point where i'm like what if we just on on the final boss what if we create hold on i'm thinking oh my god what if we create tainted esau and just use him as our damage dealer i the only thing i'm going to say so i think i am going to try to do the eraser plate but i do want people to acknowledge that like it's i know you could consider it automatic because i've been so good at using the eraser in the past but it's really damn hard like you gotta just eyeball the hp mentally speaking to erase them it's not like you just press the button and go like like you gotta actually in your head be like this is where his hp i think is and then this is what eraser does and then you go boop so i'm i'm kind of like hold on i gotta check something for a sec but i think i'm i'm suffering from success as a result of my uh my previous performances with the eraser i uh i have probably made people believe is a little easier than it looks like plus like i'm on my a game as you can tell uh i am gonna try not to go to the curse room here i'm not gonna do the mental math because i'm like you know let me just put it this way i think it'd be more fun if we just eyeballed it again it probably won't work but again the the science of clip farming is uh bet on something unlikely and then when it happens send people into the freaking the dopamine moon that's the dream dunk halloween okay more uh cool rooms please it's gonna take a bit we got like three rooms before he's even gonna spawn i doubt it's gonna work and then we're gonna go back to the the normal way we were trying to do this run which is probably a death sentence but we're gonna try we're gonna try anyway what was i talking about oh yeah games man by the way pokemon unite kind of a low-key slapper huh predatory monetization model yeah but like i don't know like uh you're not wrong but on the other hand is it getting so much criticism because of the predatory monetization model or is it getting criticism because of the predatory monetization model and the gotcha pulls don't give you like cute anime ladies who like twirl a wand around and then uh give you a five star kill on like a fire dog just throwing that out there a little bit of column a little bit of column b maybe he's got us i've been seeing like this is a classic example of like don't bite the hand that feeds [Laughter] but i've seen a lot of like gentian impact ads on the channel and i'm like i on on twitch in general i should say oh frick and i'm like i just don't uh it's not not meant to be negative but i really don't get the ad like it's entirely in japanese i think which i am just like i don't think they uh they got their geo targeting right there and then it'll be like a a lady and then she comes out and she like spins a wand around and then it says like her name and then an adjective completely out of context that's like you know flourishing and then it's like buy a gun should impact and i'm like i don't know what the what does that mean that's an adverb i told you i missed the the grammar class when i was sick in third grade and i'm embarrassed to ask now two more hits one two now i erase you i must erase you like i should i must erase you don't care at motherland we come a long long way together through the hard times and the good i have to celebrate you baby i must race like a shoe i can't believe it just keeps working man anyway now there must be there's two bosses i think someone said there were two bosses and two item rooms per floor so we'll just uh engage in that hey we got some we got a blood bank we can maybe play to get something out of it [Music] i'm assuming there's a finite number of rooms to begin with it'll just take us a long time by the way i and i apologize because the name escapes me right now but somebody in chat with a verified partner check said the way that i did this challenge was infinite red key and i've said this before one verified partner check mark message in chat is worth like a thousand uh sub messages which is worth about a hundred thousand unsubbed messages [Laughter] it was an incredibly valuable piece of intel and i appreciate it greatly ace of hearts yo that ace of hearts ace of clubs both kind of useful another ace of clubs oh we used it hey thanks for the bombs well there's always more where that came from i must erase you like i should oh no no no no no come on now soul of apollyon just don't die like that would be disastrous bro how many um shops are there because it seems like there's a lot soul of napoleon i didn't even mean to pop it dude stop giving me things that occupy my red key headspace please i know we could be skipping rooms as well but i i a i kind of want the consumables at least for now like i mean if we're going in on like infinite red key we might as well go in is my philosophy like i don't i don't necessarily want to milk it for everything it's got but i do sort of feel like we might as well try to get like a force multiplier by getting as many bombs as we can as much money leveraging that on the 17 shops and stuff just make sure we only have to do it one time i might not do all 13 by 13 rooms over oh my god but we we definitely need a lot more to be able to kill uber mom this this could be a long one hey this is why i wanted to make this all like be on the same day because i'm like let's not put ourselves on a time crunch and then we can knock out this stuff that's gonna take 20 years right like might as well that seems pretty sick [Music] that's good stuff thank you for the planetarium eddie thanks for the stimmy ed venus is pretty good too like if you can charm a boss that has like multiple uh parts like i think uh big horn is a weird example and this fresh in my mind because i had it on a run earlier today i think if you have a venus and then you fight big horn that's good uh you can charm the portal that big horn creates and then the portal will actually like just crush him it's weird but like powerful for sure why not um what was this oh somebody asked nl how do you feel about the expansion draft i felt like um from the canucks at least the the kraken took one of the better players they could have taken rather than take like a a fourth line uh like a career fourth liner or a fringe a hour like they they went with a prospect that might have some upside uh which i think makes sense but overall i mean i defaulted the opinion of the internet which is that they didn't do very well however i will also say most people thought if you look at uh the feedback to vegas's expansion draft most people thought vegas was gonna be historically bad and it's only really with the value of uh hindsight the people are like actually the rules were so unfairly positive that they like were gifted a great team i thought the nights were going to be horrible like i'm not engaging in any revisionist history there i was just wrong so i'm not saying that necessarily means that the kraken are gonna be better than expected but i do think it means uh you know you gotta take armchair hockey analysis with a grain of salt [Music] you can't just oh you know you can just leave once every other room with dad's key okay i'm stoked though like uh i uh you know it's it's gonna be nice for the canucks to have like an actual rival and it took forever uh to happen after the kraken got announced or at least felt like it but now it's like you know it seems like it's right around the corner what the heck is the soul of kane isn't it a ted leo song my planet needs me soul of kane opens all red rooms are you kidding me oh [Music] man that's pretty good save it for a big room i mean like does it even matter at all hey we found an island let's go okay please we need we need so much more like we're so weak man let me in okay slipped rib uh you know it's something oh we did we passed the grey room earlier you're absolutely right look at the size of this piece of crap dude oh my god take me out take give me oh i gotta actually fight this one [ __ ] this map dude it's so big okay so there's two item rooms we found them both i'm on the right edge of the map there should is there a guaranteed angel or devil deal on every floor yes no yes no yes no no [Music] [Laughter] no here we do you got to just establish the edges first i found a few is all i know i mean at this point we gotta basically we have to win this run because i am unwilling to go through this and lose so prepare yourself like we're 27 minutes in i i would not be surprised if this is like a a hour and a half to two hour long run if we get a good item we could start to speed up a little bit but [Music] 27 minutes first floor uh excuse me this is the second floor so uh it's not the first floor 27 minutes second floor still mighty slow well we got a penny out of that so that's pretty slick we got our fifth shop yeah i don't know if i uh and again i mean no disrespected dan but i did compliment him earlier so i can insult him now uh i don't know if i could watch dan do this i think i would uh never recover this is the shop of dreams chocolate milk very good uh pandora's box on the caves totally fine probably not gonna worry too much about the pills we will buy mr mega and uh we can use the gift in the planetarium that's the the first good infusion of items we've had in quite some time if dan does this it'll be the first three month long isaac run well you know what though first if he's gonna try to uh replicate this not the best aussie player in the world according to his uh uh interjection at least but maybe like one of the top 50 isaac players in the world first he's got to be able to use the eraser without spider mod mercurius oh dude all the doors are open wait a minute this the world's slowest speed run the world's fastest marathon i don't even know if it'll work but [Music] i don't even know why i'm fighting this statue man now that i think about it but this of course is uh what did i say this guy's name is craig i believe this is craig chuck that's right i now pronounce you benedict and chuck um i think we should oh galadriel right i forgot i got mad and changed it again um i feel like uh i should take the jar i don't think is dad's key is not critical path right like we don't 100 needed to get into like a room to finish the challenge so having some extra damage beats dad's key for me i think here [Music] one of these days that's going to get me killed man thank god for this now i'm i'm in the bowels of the oh dude mercurius unfortunately kind of sucks i wish it weren't the case this this is great news though give me one of these only on this challenge yeah i'm not trying to insult me curious in general but otherwise i love it i'll never let it go i would like to go to the curse room even if we lose the bone heart i want to go to the curse room i'm coming to terms with that now if we could do it without losing it then even better yeah we erased esau wait what's what does the feather do nobody knows but like if you do know please tell me it's pog i'm that's i'm glad to hear it angels statues drop items it is pog unbelievable pog okay this let's read this advice i've seen it go by a couple times you can red key all the doors adjacent to a room just to check if they're an angel devil item room okay this i this is not you this is me i need to use my i need to go into my mind palace you can red key all the doors adjacent to a room without going in them to see if it's a special room you know what you gave me the advice and it worked immediately [Laughter] i'm gonna i'm gonna say that that's the best advice i've ever gotten in my life our other boss dude the the starkest difference in power level between fighting two bosses on the same floor gotta be honest jar is not really selling me too much but it is uh also pretty good defensively might help us out on uber mom you literally just got lucky oh thank you wait who told you hey yo have you been talking to your mother lately [Laughter] your mom says hi jinx yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay the golden rule i would like to go back to this cursed room now that we won't lose our bone heart it is so tedious and annoying and yet hilarious and totally worthwhile [ __ ] um okay yeah you don't have to walk into the room to know what it is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my bone no not today we're getting that back keep in mind i'm not ready to uh leave this floor yet we still got to play that blood bank i don't want to i don't want to rush you i don't want to rush you i'm going to rush it [Music] so i'm there you go i'm opening all the adjacent rooms then you're not supposed to go in but then what would i do from here nobody knows right like we're still the jury's out none of them are special so go into them okay this is a situation where i don't just believe that that advice is good to great but i also am like i think i just need to play it out you know you ever see someone doing something like very inefficiently but you know they're gonna get there eventually i think that's me right now i'm like a little kid vacuuming badly if you if you leave me to my own devices it might take a little bit longer than it would have to but i feel like we got the right idea here and then okay but now that we got these open we can kind of choose our pathing a little bit more effectively i think that's true go into the eddy room with the feather i think i already is this the same floor where i played the eddy room 70 times oh but we can fight the angel statue yes yes oops but then just don't oh but if you play it one more time people said you don't teleport anyway so not that we would play it one more time i suppose there's also an uncleared eddie room to the top right holy frick holy [ __ ] shirt balls we're going infinite oh i can't i can't take it it's gonna it's gonna screw the whole thing up i wish i wish i could but i i can't i won't this is like i've learned my lesson with genesis we're coming close to the point where it's gonna be like one of the best items we could ever use like once we finish all these challenges but like for now it's not the right play it's they made it a bad as a joke now i get it there's a oh no no no that means this is an angel room we got an arcade here do it do it no i'm not i'm like you i'm not gonna do it uh and you if you were a true nl egghead you would know why we've we've been screwed by genesis so many times that just temporarily it's an item non grata it's not the right time what happened to esau i erased that dumbass his ashes will scatter to the earth he will be no more he's in the the minus realm with all the other esaus right now [Music] okay we we we squared up eddie rooms are unique according to one guy in chat okay does that mean that on one floor if you have two eddie rooms they share a damage pool or does that mean we could play this one as well and enter pog city i don't know i don't know oh i didn't mean to blow that guy up but i do appreciate the hp i kind of want to i kind of want to get the kind of want to get it but we'll see we this floor by the way has just gotten started i see i'm not worried about the boneheart at this point i am worried about our hp [Laughter] a devil deal the devil thank you very important oh you shouldn't have you don't run out of the killing the angel juice or nothing dude there's a lot of meat on every single floor huh oh yes yes yes yes yes this fly scares me though just to be safe oh my god and we still got one more angel statue to fight oh that's okay because we got half damage now we got one more angel statue to fight in that other eddie room we got two blood banks which we may or may not take advantage of we'll see guardian angel don't play it again even though you don't teleport you don't want to play it again feels like you're starting to like this challenge i would say that's fair i would say that's very fair indeed oh baby i think the thing that makes this fun for me as well is that i'm literally going as fast as i can while also emphasizing or exercising the the maximum level of safety so i'm going i'm sprinting but for a very long time okay that hurts it hurts when you do that but genesis stop wasting my time i gotta tell you it's a long trip to get back but we this is probably the strongest i've ever gotten over the course of one floor i think genesis might break my computer i think you might be right open the middle rooms i mean i suppose we oh because they could be special i mean it's like we'll hit him up okay i'll do my best i guess we would have seen that what that one was similarly wait did we fight that mini boss we didn't fight this mini boss can't get your stuff anyway but you know it's the thought that counts didn't need to do this jenna says no it's just too much like i'm genuinely worried that it would make it so we can't defeat the challenge which i think is not an unfounded concern when you consider our track record anyway sometimes you gotta sacrifice like some fun to maximize the fun that you already have earned where the heck is this other eddie room i'm like i i can't even was there not another eddie room did it disappear that was oh it was the last floor oh why didn't you say so i was so excited well let's let's go a little deeper here i did not mean to go in but you know what here we are excuse me what the hell is happening yeah i've like lost uh like my i've experienced ego death a couple times on this run i think already uh wait a minute i'm i'm just like i i don't even know where i'm on the map anymore this is a special room golden bombs oh we have false phd not that that helps us there but getting pills would be nice wasn't okay this is like i'm relying on my co-drivers on this one didn't we have a uh a situation where we had the opportunity to pick up mom's coin purse [Laughter] it's my thoughts exactly i i don't really remember uh now i understand so we're like we're uncovering essentially the entire map uh at least on the without going to every room necessarily we're uncovering the rooms so that we can see on the map if they're any good if they're special there is a pill down there you're not wrong bottom right shop there was mom's coin purse okay okay i mean i hope that our future floors will not be quite as long but i don't know if that's the case just just know [Music] a little spicy but just know i'm not milking this just to milk this okay like i'm i'm milking it because i only want to do it i only want to do it the one time this is not stalling it's quite the opposite oh my god it's another shop oh yes yes yes yes yes it's a good shop too two lock up grades golden bombs we can blow these guys up almond milk yeah my favorite and you definitely take this take that you gotta check this room it's a what upside down cross is that's what a devil deal looks like in your world we should try to become guppy we got a lot of advantages right here let's do it we got a lot of keys is another secret room my god spin down dice sure sure why not man like why why not let's just get stupid no that's all right you're looking for little abaddon now yeah yeah little abaddon oh you know what you're right we should spin down genesis maybe every time i try not to stall the game's like here's some stall tactics for you so genesis where the hell are you man it's in the top right okay okay first you gotta look it's a mini boss we love that for us more money would actually i mean we're going infinite on this floor he only dropped five cents is this a joke don't though you can't take the curse room path so i'll fight you oh never mind okay just a little further health is a concern okay i but we've leveraged some health on this floor well worth it so that next floor we can really get it coming together i don't know what the hell is it's another planetarium i can't even see myself man like is that the joke i really thought we were done with the floor i'm not mad i'm just stunned spin down bop fly can i can i get some confirmation on what a spun down bot fly looks like it turns into brimstone it's tempting if true it turns into death certificate then you would use hold on though this is an important question can we even get the value of getting c-section on a challenge run because we have no trophies no achievements seems like a lot of no's so i i think we don't we don't need to get death certificate for that reason but it being a good item you know what why don't we just spin something down in the in the bag of holding and then turn this run into a tainted cane run create uh rock bottom and soy milk and monstrous lung and red stew and then go go for broke tinted rock thank you thank you actually incredibly important intel 47 minutes well i hope you're enjoying the run um you really couldn't ask for like uh and and i think we will win but you really couldn't ask for like a more fitting way to end uh like the actual achievement stuff in repentance like this is is kind of comical you know is ending on a very very ridiculous note hopefully we don't lose but i think we will probably win so we're gonna spin down there's so much more to possibly milk out of this floor as well okay hold on hold on uh well you know we're gonna grab these we're gonna get this and then because we have red stew i'm honestly like why don't we take this time to just actually kill these enemies uh because we can do so easily maybe we can get some blood bags death certificate rock bottom spin down bot fly okay hold on if you spin down bot fly you get rock bottom no if you spin down butterfly you get death certificate then you can use death certificate to make rock bottom but we gotta go fast man we gotta go fast faster than this fast start blood bag also spins in the brimstone death certificate okay what what do you do with this [Music] [Laughter] you just use it and then you pick any item you want what the [ __ ] is happening okay i gotta remember what rock bottom looks like it looks like a weird um piggy bank it looks like gudetama we're losing red stew over time if you see it say something man oh we could get guppy too use the wreck although guppy is good oh it's down it's down i saw it okay okay okay i'm i feel like i'm in another world right now it'll be with it'll be with the other repentance items i don't know what that means man it's down okay down down down it's one person right side down okay oh but this is like the hardest challenge of all it'll be with the other repentance items bro what the hell i've been lied to let's all right get get some red stew back get some red stew back we're in the where the damn walls man we're in the death certificate walls don't you know how to drive no and i'm scared these are repentance items i thought i saw i thought i saw it in my brain these are repentance items i see it owens man okay all right now back to your normally scheduled uh programming hey let's go thank you squeezy now we get blood bag we can spin it down into brimstone that's something that is high on my list overall i will say i think we only got like five damage out of it surely we could have gotten a better item but for a proof of concept that's pretty spectacular though that was that was a lot of fun regardless all right let's spin down some garbage we have none savvy we can pretty much create charges it will uh let's wait for it let's wait for it health down yeah why not wait no okay just chill wait no hold on i'm like we our health doesn't get lower now definitely still got lower okay so it turns out i don't fully understand rock bottom the truth the truth is out health is the one thing it doesn't affect okay oh health up uh don't mind if i do i'm not gonna spend two hours on this floor for once we're actually like pretty close to the end the world okay we'll probably save that for next floor whoa hold on does this mean i can you can't fly but you can diagonal dash over the over the gaps that's actual new technology oh come on okay take me back to our our wow wow take me back to our well-played uh temperance card please oh it's cause of pluto because of pluto okay please please no i'm not willing to i would do anything for brimstone but i won't do that you know what this means actually with pluto we can probably get that bone heart back there too man dang hold dang ol bone heart back there man yeah i do want to spin down eraser i just want to make sure i mean i'm doing it backwards this is not good isaac play i'm just making sure i'm holding a charge for when we get blood bag careful with pluto sometimes you can just fall out of a crawl space it's actual 10 out of 10 uh intel i had no idea but something i probably you're you're a normal chest okay something i would not have uh i would not have thought of what a weird room hello thank you i have zero clue what's going on just i mean i i couldn't agree more um especially if you're joining a little late here's at about an hour in here's my uh you know on the last time on dragon ball z right uh we're doing a challenge called red redemption in red redemption you have the red key and you got to find your way to the item rooms and the x's and stuff like that on this unbelievable floor that you can see like the largest map that's ever existed um if you use the red key 20 times then you create esau tainted esau the ghost that chases you around so we created him and i do owe chat a great debt of gratitude about half an hour ago i said uh honestly having infinite red key sounds annoying as hell and i don't even want to do it and then i said you know what let's do it and uh we managed to get the eraser and erase tainted esau after we created him which then gives us an infinite ability to search you wouldn't know it but at the start of this floor like or by the time we finished a boss on this floor uh that's guppy's tail hold on uh we we actually sucked at the start of this floor we we sucked and were horrible that's incredible intel oh my god if you look at the item tracker i think we had caffeine pill by the at the time we finished this floor since then we've gotten booster pack three planetarium items you know chocolate milk red stew followed by rock bottom false phd all three guppy items like oh sorry four planetarium items my mistake i got i got quadruples quadruples is best eraser turns into punch shots okay that is is on the list potentially but i still want to give this other uh blood bank a try it really should pay out with brimstone and then we're off to the damn races man and then we could then we can go fast copium he will go fast after this the punch shots turn into r key [Laughter] oh come on that's i'm not gonna turn it into r key because again i don't know how our keys work on challenges i feel like that's uh that's something i'd prefer to avoid possibly it's hilarious though dan would do it yeah i know that's one of the reasons i'm not gonna oh i can fly now you're absolutely right eight ball turns into meat in that by the way thank you vip daniels a great way to ensure your uh your continued vip status not that it was in jeopardy to begin with but i am going to get uh that to hopefully get more planetarium chances on the next floor meat's good but if we can get more planetariums that would be hilarious so i think that i i was able to make an informed decision there which i appreciate the the map has almost been cleared oh my god okay we'll probably just hold that um at this point i definitely also have to just acknowledge like we should actually play this like dan because um why not and you know well i don't know uh because it's great meat and potatoes uh there you go for uh for youtube for sure like this this run is is like youtube's bread and butter right here oh there it's all done there's pills around beautiful it none of our stats are changing have you noticed that which is actually totally fine rock bottom has to catch up what does that mean though [Laughter] rock bottom is still calculating your stats oh you need to get over red stew for it uh okay ice for it to count red stew is a damage buffer you gotta get past okay i kind of understand i have no idea rock bottom makes things more complicated that's that's for certain um okay let's let's get to this blood bank man like no joke we've actually spent i think 50 minutes on this floor which owns but also is hilarious was it worth it yeah i'm i'm having a really good time actually that's not what we want obviously but it is what it is smb superfan also exists somewhere on this map i'm like your cart becomes a racer again oh man it's it's zendaya is michi let's go okay we gotta we gotta get it spun down it all starts again okay [Laughter] again i gonna oh smb super fan was last run thank you thank you there is a battery over there we also have nuns have it we could literally just hurt ourselves if we got lazy about it but i don't think we need to oh there's also a charge beggar yeah there's like a billion ways i guess we could actually do this oh hello oh yeah what's up there's a eyelash in her eye and she's crying because she's really bothered by it but if i try to look at it she's like don't look at it but this eye okay let's uh let's do it out there then i'll run some ads real quick chad we're back there you go it's just a bad screenshot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely um but either way what the heck are we doing we were getting a charge for spin down so that we could use it on blood bag which will then become brimstone and then we can finally leave this floor we've uncovered every room we're not leaving any special rooms behind i romance the thought of leaving it all behind kanye step away from the lime light and then all right that's pretty good now get me out of here hold on let me put chat back here all right so leaving this floor we got rock bottom red stew false phd four planetarium items conjoined did i say guppy chocolate triple shot brimstone spin down dice and a pill look at that oops and then we go down all right we use the world now we can see the edges of the world and where the secret rooms are oh man but it begins again okay we gotta every room that we go in we gotta open everything here forget that that's that's easy spin down territory this way we can find all the secret rooms hey tomo you can't be there buddy can i can i get you to pop into the cat tree maybe you can sleep over on there on the floor there if you want don't forget about esau wait esau has been erased this becomes tech x oh my god dude spin down dice what a concept we could easily get a second brimstone as well i think a second brimstone it actually carries like a benefit right like doesn't it give you a wider beam or something this is impossible to understand um i think we will probably spin them down because they're not that spectacular i guess we could just reroll them we don't even have to spin them down that's a spin down just saw the twitter notification what the heck is happening yeah i don't um i don't precisely know uh we have uh many different noteworthy things happening simultaneously that's that's the easy way to say it this is the red room challenge i'm going to get the maps off the screen because this is just like disgusting but we're doing the red room challenge with which means you have to use this red key here to that's a great way to get a second brimstone um to find your way to like boss rooms and stuff like that but we're kind of like already set on that i just want to see if a second esau spawns i really don't think they will but i do want to see just to be sure i mean i feel like a rune bag complicates things but is hilarious it won't okay well then then we got nothing to worry about uh the fool card anyway long long story short we got uh it it's that it's already it came pretty difficult uh or at least difficult to explain uh and also to understand but then on top of that is even stranger because we got spin down dice uh which is just wild and then on top of that we got uh oh we should have opened like all these rooms on the way too but um we also uh earlier in the run we had death certificate which allowed us to uh pick from any item in the game that we so chose like there's just i don't know what to tell you man so i'm not gonna take those health downs i think we've we've learned yeah we skipped genesis we we rolled it into red stew and then got rock bottom out of it like it's it's been a it's been a bit of a gauntlet okay we're gonna do a little strip mine strategy because i mean we we haven't even found four planetariums yet and without four planetariums like what are we doing just wasting our time i will say i got nut throat after after we got the eyelash out of the baby's eye i eat some peanuts i got the the nut throat what is nut throat is when you eat peanuts and then they get stuck in your throat afterwards like you get a little little peanut matter in there uh excuse me my holy mantle rude not much dude what's what's not throw with you you can tell it's like i say something and then i'm like i immediately need a little bit of the apricot lacroix also known as water with a little bit of culture get this stuff out of here man the avionics is too much right now i predict i mean keep in mind we did get i'm getting back in the groove now i can feel it we did get eight ball on the last floor so i am predicting that we will receive many planetariums on this floor we're not we're not quite there yet but i can see it happening i just got here did we erase dark esau how did you know we did indeed erase dark esau oh you know what i just realized i probably went over the uh the number of charges and look at this word we're totally safe it did not spawn one so definitely car battery you don't take but you definitely do take hive minds and i don't know about uh like accretive tears i don't know car battery is of for sure no we also you know what we once we get like a scaffolding done on this run uh and we we understand like what we're looking at for the rest of the floor then we'll get that second brimstone and then we'll formulate a plan like it's over but it's just it's up to us to make it as over as we want it to be and it's a special occasion like this is the last thing you gotta the last challenge officially to knock off the list like you got to make it count copium is over i mean it's over-ish we're getting there accretive tears turn into hemolacria okay not not something i'm sold on necessarily kind of an interesting item though i don't even know what that is or wait wait you got to say it differently nobody knows what that is this floor kind of sucks man we're mowing it down real quick but wait where's my special rooms i was i was promised infinite special rooms every hemolacria tier shoots eight brims okay well you know what maybe we'll that's fine maybe we'll go spin that down real quick then in that case maybe we'll go spin it down where the heck was it it's got to be that top shop no tears down because of rock bottom too that you know what you know i was already sold and then you sold me again let's take this first then spin it down then we'll get the money for hemolacria because we definitely do want the double damage flies i mean honestly like can i just be real with you i'm not a patient man let's just use one of our 17 nuns habits to pick this up that's not how that works [Laughter] scrambled it's great you need the money you need money not charges it's about my money for that reason i'm out hey on the bright side we got a charge we kind of had to do this section anyway yo yo pop up man i'm not made of time money slightly have you ever been scrambled um not officially it depends who's asking do you work for the government i think what i'm gonna say is that i got a little bit scrambled by helping the baby out but that's what dads do you know i was i was like obsessive like like amadeus mozart composing this run in my head and then i i got taken out of it a little bit it's going to take me a second to get back in all right rip game is definitely going to crash it's pretty sick though uh you know what let's spin this down while we while we're here it's not that good second brim is next on the list i know people are like get do it right now trust me you like we're gonna do it that might be like the last uh the last big thing we do because at this point i'm pretty sure we're like just tapping it into victory like this is the real tainted cane man making stuff uh in your bag gross making stuff out of nothing at all pulling value out of the walls now we're talking this is more my speed okay this is like it's really good uh okay yeah yeah we're set spin it incredible much much improved it's so hard to follow what the hell is happening and like do you know how many tinted skulls have been on this floor man this is crazy town sure sure why not like i'm just i got information overlord overlord i got information overload now like this is please sir my avionics okay yeah yeah there you're right we can take the avionics off i mean literally all we got to do is go like this we even have holy mantle so it's not like you know we're missing much here apparently that worked we do have pills i not that one yes that one's oh dude we we broke our uh we broke our uh red stew cap so now we're we're seeing the stats yo fish tails pretty sick too but i do like the idea of fighting angel statues just keep them moving man this is like early on in this run is uh vanilla minecraft now we're on like the modded minecraft pickaxe that sips had on dad craft where's the hp that's the only thing i'm really looking for but also i'm i remain fairly convinced like we don't really need hp on this run uh to succeed oh dude it's any room okay hey pop up it's the strongest enemy i've ever seen this is why we kept this trinket around is is a touch spooky i'm not willing to risk it all we can't see it oh it's like the angel feather or whatever the heck it's called you guys are like you're actually cowards everyone's going well you're gonna die you're gonna die come on are you crazy hey look at this we're we're chillin i didn't even i didn't even touch it man i would like my spirit hearts back please where the heck did you come from [Music] yeah it's pretty good too don't walk into it again just in case you killed chuck i did i did and you know what i'd do it again bob i'm sorry by the way that we have no banter but like i literally like can't talk and play this round at the same time it's is one of the most neurologically like overloading runs i've ever been a part of in my life once we kill all like 169 rooms uh then i think we can start to have a conversation we'll kill the oh my god let's go we'll kill the boss both bosses i guess then we will get their second brimstone and then we're off to the races then we'll really be running oh thank you let's get some hp first i don't need it but it's better to have it do we really need two brims no and i will say for the most part i'm i'm very much the kind of guy that's like once a run has enough we say we don't need any more a lot of people don't uh live by the same rule set but this time i'm like come on i mean look at it [Laughter] this it's making me go back on my principles oh that was a tough one um probably spin that down there's one more did i only fight one angel in that room are you trying to trick me because if we teleport and we don't get the challenge done as a result i'm gonna lose my mind i'm gonna lose it man you didn't kill chuck okay i'm gonna i'm gonna trust you on that one i don't go into the crawl space chad says as pluto you can you can slip through the cracks and ruin your game [Laughter] oh whoops oh no i already have brimstone [Laughter] let me out it only stacks twice right like you can't can't take it any further it's another angel it's another sacrifice room man this is too much every other brimstone is just plus one damage okay that's good to know thank you that's a spin down okay you can still play bottom one we could probably also play the top one but i'm i'm gonna keep it non-risky there just give me spirit hearts man i've been waiting for the spirit our payout all day there you go absolutely wonderful mind just seems like amazing let's uh i'm gonna i'm gonna make an executive call here i would like to spin some stuff down but i think i am now at the point where i'm like you know what i think i feel comfortable pursuing a victorious strategy we almost cleared the entire floor i i think this is the right time to okay i mean that was easy enough you're not dead i that's the first time i think i've ever been scared on this run of how much hp and enemy had that was a new one for me how did it survive and then i'm going to spin down the angel items santoya i mean uh spun i don't know what you do let's take you get me out of here i think we're ready to just uh win now i think we're ready to just win there's our boss i mean that's a permanent plus nine strength or plus nine damage out of the strength card thanks to red stew oh my god the damage multiplier is like disgusting dude what is happening well i gotta say this is one of the most fun challenges in the game for sure um if you imagine what this run would have looked like if we hadn't erased esau though like that's uh that's that's a sad story waiting to happen no i don't think i will this might ruin it let's do it baby can i kick it yes you can can i kick it yes you can what is exploding man it's like my vengeful spirit or whatever i can't take the stress of a possible crash i don't think we're crashing man i i think you are safe on this one i think you got nothing to worry about at all famous last words i think we're probably fine [Laughter] all right what if we spun down the trophy i just i don't have the stones to do it but man all right the hermit has appeared in the basement now for the moment of truth uh it did not change our file select screen but all challenges done all post-its oh let it ride all we gotta do next is it's the key and then find every item slash marker end of red redemption
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 174,384
Rating: 4.9089074 out of 5
Id: fahC_rzg1G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 19sec (6559 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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